Chronos A Timeline of Thamesmead. What then would bring back the memory of Thamesmead? Architecture as an interpretation of time. A structure that weaves together the politcal, environmental, and industrial threads of a community. Chronos is that expression.
19 60 The london city council published its first set of plans to build 25,000 homes on the erith and plumstead marshes.
19 65 The greater londonos Council team of planners, Surveyors and architects Began work on thamesmead.
19 70 Problems started early due To lack of amenities, lack Of transportation and People believing that the Greater london council Were dumping the problem Families here, away from Central london.
19 86 Thamesmead town limited Took over management. This Was the first residential Estate in the country to be Controlled by a private Company.
19 90 Boundaries commission attempted To fix the division of the Boundaries of greenwich and Bexley. Thamesmead is in both Boroughs. They suggested to move The greenwich boundary so Thamesmead was just in Greenwich.
2000 Housing, parks and open Spaces transferred to the Gallions housing association And commercial investment Property went to tilfen land Limited.
2014 Peabody arrived merging Gallions, trust thamesmead And tilfen. Peabody has Committed 225 million Pounds to the revival of Thamesmead.
2018 Cross rail will be an Option of transportation At the abbey wood station.
Thamesmead A Town of the 21st Century
Thamesmead was originally conceived in the 1960s to be a modern residential development to address the housing shortage in london. thamesmead was characterized by parks, open space, canals, and marshlands. the original plan to accomodate 60,000 people was gradually cut and reduced in scale and quality, the current state of thamesmead does not connect with the original character of the site and the town center is in need of vitalization.
London Urban Landscape london is one of the most dense urban developments in the world. a mixture of historical brick and stone row houses with modern glass and steel towers are entangled by a network of roads and rails. steel brick and concrete shape the landscape here. an ecosystem driven by the mechanisms of politics and economy. city planners dictate the order of the urban fabric as the city grows and rebuilds itself from the center out.