1 minute read
148th C. Wesley 49
Parents, native place, and time, All appointed were by him.
3 He that formed me in the womb, He shall guide me to the tomb: All my times shall ever be Ordered by his wise decree.
4 [Times of sickness; times of health; Times of penury and wealth; Times of trial and of grief; Times of triumph and relief;
5 Times the tempter’s power to prove; Times to taste the Saviour’s love; All must come, and last, and end, As shall please my heavenly Friend.]
6 Plagues and deaths around me fly; Till he bids, I cannot die; Not a single shaft can hit, Till the God of love sees fit.
65 L.M. W. Tucker
Election in Christ. Eph. 1. 5, 11; 2 Tim. 1. 9
Expand, my soul, arise and sing The matchless grace of Zion’s King; His love, as ancient as his name, Let all thy powers aloud proclaim.
2 Chosen of old, of old approved, In Christ eternally beloved; Adopted too, and children made, Ere sin its baleful poison spread. 3 Though sin and guilt infest them here, In Christ they all complete appear; The whole that justice e’er demands Received full payment from his hands.
4 In him the Father never saw The least transgression of his law; Perfection, then, in him we view; His saints in him are perfect too.
5 Then let our souls in him rejoice, As favoured objects of his choice; Redeemed, and saved by grace, we sing Eternal praise to Christ our King.
66 L.M. W. Tucker
Free Election. John 17. 23, 24; Rom. 8. 29
Deep in the everlasting mind The great mysterious purpose lay, Of choosing some from lost mankind, Whose sins the Lamb should bear away.
2 Them, loved with an eternal love, To grace and glory he ordained; Gave them a throne which cannot move, And chose them both to means and end.
3 In these he was resolved to make The riches of his goodness known; These he accepts for Jesus’ sake, And views them righteous in his Son.