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FRIDAY • APRIL 27, 2018



An Immediate Solution to Provide Housing For Sunland-Tujunga’s Homeless! David DeMullé, PhD

years when scavengers began to sneak in during THREE miles from the the night and strip out the city limits of Sunland-Tu- air conditioners and junga, there sits an abanmoveable items, ransackdoned LACo inmate fire ing the facility and taking camp that used to hold 90 all the small items like inmates with a maximum fire extinguishers, canned of 140, both male and fe- food supplies and teachmale. ing aids. The camp ran for about The county would send 12 years and was shut a security guard about down in 2009 with the of- once every 6 months to ficers and staff closing make sure that the main and locking their office gate was locked. doors and leaving the The camp had 5 main building. As Director buildings that were comRichard Simms stated at prised of officers’ quarters the time “we have done with kitchens and rec this drill many times beroom, inmate barracks, fore and this is just a tem- cafeteria(s) and training porary closure. We’ll be buildings. There were an back in a couple of additional 9 buildings that months when the budget were used as training gets fixed.” buildings, assembly build The budget never got ings, medical care and fixed and the camp was storage areas. There is an left abandoned for about 4 emergency generator and by

a self -contained water well making the facility self-reliant. There is a latrine that requires dumping monthly. I spoke with Supervisor Michael Antonovich and his aid Jarrod Degonia over the years requesting that the facility be turned into a re-training housing camp for homeless. So much so that I was asked not to come back to Antonovich’s office. The camp has been Welcoming sign for Fire Camp 15, Camp Louis Routh trashed but the buildings (for the most part) are still SURE YOU CAN. structurally sound. With a and mobile homes with I don’t know of a single minimum amount of reall the hook-ups. homeless person that habilitation, the camp In the past, people who hasn’t received a loitering, could be re-configured in- didn’t want to hear of to a working housing/rehomeless being housed in camping, unlawful assemhabilitation site that could Tujunga would repeat the bly or drunk in public citation. comfortably hold 120 mantra “You can’t make You only have to give homeless. There is an ad- them go into housing of the homeless notification ditional 2 acres that can rehabilitation!” be used for parking RVs see Solution, page 6

Military Maneuvers came to Sunland-Tujunga Last Week!

Sikorsky Blackhawk helicopter over Tujunga

Last Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday saw military helicopters equipped with radiation monitoring gear flying across the Big-Tujunga Canyon and Sunland-Tujunga in training exercise that brought in land and air forces practicing

the monitoring and evacuation of personnel, both civilian and military from a possible nuclear zone. The first incident was called in by reader Chris Paepack reporting that there were 4 military vehicles parked in the Auto

Zone parking lot and then by Ray Cooke who reported spotting Blackhawk & Chinook helicopters flying over Tujunga. This could give the conspiracy people some fodder for calling Camp Louis Routh a “Containment Camp.”

Independent Bookstore Day at Flintridge Bookstore Saturday, April 28 - Celebrate with us: 10 AM – 5 PM Guest Authors, Poetry Reading, Pets, Storytime & more

book drive for La Cañada Flintridge elementary school libraries, and lots of give-aways, and a drawing to win a tote bag full of books! Independent Bookstore On Saturday, April 28, Day is a nationwide from 10 AM – 5 PM, event created in 2015 to Flintridge Bookstore & show support for local Coffeehouse celebrates booksellers and a special Independent Bookstore time for them to reach Day with activities for all out to their communities. ages, including a reading Approximately 500 in conjunction with Nabookstores throughout tional Poetry Month and the country have excitauthor appearances in ing events planned for conjunction with Earth this celebration. Day, plus other author Flintridge Bookstore & signings and special story Coffee House, 1010 times with visits from Foothill Boulevard La therapy and rescue dogs. Cañada, CA 91011 (818) They are also having a 790-0717.



Community Help by Amelia

Mayor Garcetti’s Address is for Everyone!

Crescenta Valley Sierra Club Group Program

The Crescenta Valley and environmentally and the 210 freeway at Sierra Club presents, sensible landscaping, for Sunland. Roger has a by Amelia Anderson tions’ needs are placed Roger Klemm”s, Passion many years. He has wealth of real-life knowlabove those of individufor Native Plants, on renovated community and edge of native plants, both On Monday, April 16, als, where our coastline Tuesday, May 8, at 7:30 school gardens, planted where and how they grow 2018, Mr. Eric Garcetti, is offered up to oil’s pm at the Los Angeles trees in local parks and is in the wild and how they our gifted Mayor, delivhighest bidder, where County Public Library, La introducing native plants can grace our cultivated ered his fifth State of the immigrants are forced Crescenta, California. on the campus where he landscapes. City address at Los Aninto the shadows. You works. He is involved Our program begins folgeles City Hall. He laid see, something different Roger, returning once with the eradication of lowing news of Conservaout his vision for meeting is happening here in Los more, speaks about his great interest in invasive exotic plants in tion and Outings. This is the city’s greatest chalAngeles. We stand native plants. Roger is a the Angeles National For- a free event and everyone lenges, and shared how shoulder to shoulder software engineer at the est and at the Rosemont is welcome. Refreshments he has created prosperity with a homeless famiPreserve. He spearheaded will be served. Please for all. His power of truth ly…Community college Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and has involved the renovation of the contact Program Chair, gives beauty and pride to tuition is free…the minihimself with groups community entrance gar- Wayne Fisher at 818 353the people of our city. mum wage is raised. In den at Sunland Boulevard 4181. for further info. My excerpt follows. Washington, they define promoting conservation “Good morning every- themselves by how they one. Here in Council can divide and what they Chambers, Angelenos can take away…From participate in what Rob- health care to our voting May 12, 1929 – ert Kennedy once called rights. In Los Angeles, the hard, messy work of we define our success by April 9, 2018 democracy. Where lead- what we give to one an ers chart a course to im- other, how we empower prove Angelenos’ lives and bring the spirit of an today, and build the Los entire city together. Angeles of tomorrow. I We embody the politics am honored to stand of addition and multipliagain: before the four cation. Since I took ofmillion Angelenos’ who fice, employment has give this city life. The soared to new heights – calendar designates the adding 156,000 new jobs midpoint of time as your like expanded rail on the Mayor…a milestone that Expo Line…Raising up lends special symmetry buildings like the Rita Lariviere 88, was born on May to this moment – bringWilshire Grand…and 12, 1929 in Palmer, Massachusetts, but ing new opportunity to breaking ground on landmoved to California almost 50 years reflect on where we are marks like the Lucas Muago. She passed away peacefully, April now. And to look toward seum…And this year, I 9 in her home. the future we build toam proud to report that She worked as a machine operator gether. To dream about Los Angeles won the making envelopes and always talked all that we can do…And Gold: we are bringing the about how much hard work it was and how her crooked fingers were proof. to plan for all that we Olympic and Paralympic She was a loving wife of 24 years, will do…to reach for the Games back home to Los and a mother to 4 deceased children unreachable, in the Angeles in 2028. And named Connie Herring, Carol Collier, building of an even bet- like world athletes, we’re David Lariviere, and Danny Lariviere, ter Los Angeles. It regoing to keep breaking and one surviving, Linda Lariviere, minds us that power records, like paving the a grandmother of 13, a greatdoesn’t exist someplace 11,000 miles of streets so grandmother of 23, and a great-greatelse…It’s right here in we can host the millions grandmother of 5. She lived a long and our hands – alive and of visitors from around wonderful life that was full of vim & well in the neighborthe world coming to exvigor and was an incredibly strong and hoods where we live and plore those streets. caring woman to all, (but man, she told work and pray. Our economic plan you like it was.) We are an exceptional was to support key in She loved gambling, playing poker city that is thriving… dustries that will grow & bingo, and being home with her animals. She always thought of others strong…stable…and de- jobs…Build infrastrucbefore herself and had made everyone Celebration of His Life cent. We can’t say the ture so commerce can feel at home, even though she couldn’t same about Washington prosper and…Leave no Saturday, April 21, 2018 always get their names right. She D.C., where corporaone behind.

Rita D. Lariviere

In Loving Memory

Norman Paul Flemming

Born November 21, 1951 At Rest February 11, 2018

Amelia Anderson is a Homeless Advocate elected to both the SunlandTujunga Neighborhood Council and also to Mayor Garcetti’s Homeless Committee.

was always about family and family traditions. She was very spry and full of spunk, even until the end. She will be loved, always. Funeral Directors:

Community Christian Church of the Foothills Officiating: Pastor Bob Snyder



Well, boys and girls, this has been — to quote David Frost— “The Week That Was!” Even I couldn’t begin to figure out what was happening in our little vortex without a playsheet. Our esteemed councilwoman, M-Rod, made a presentation of three plaques at the intersection of Honolulu and La Tuna Canyon Road commemorating the Tuna Canyon Detention Camp that was set up to process Japanese, German and Italians during the Second World War. There were a lot of dignitaries there to talk about what it meant to them and their families. What no one spoke of was how the Snowball project screwed the community out of a “real” memorial to this infamous site. So what did we get? How about a metal plaque on a light standard 30 feet above the sidewalk. I guess if they can’t see it they can’t steal it — right? Oh, well, I guess that’s what it all boils down to. We no longer

live in our own little community. We live in a concentration camp of our own making surrounded by mental derelicts and druggers who will steal the fillings out of your teeth if you give them a chance. Solving the homeless problem isn’t rocket science. But it is POLITICS. Both involve our local neighborhood council members and our local service organizations. I cannot remember ever being in a place with so many self-righteous, pompous people who would sell their first-born for a certificate of appreciation. Not good. Amongst themselves, they have a self-perpetuating circle-jerk where they tell themselves how wonderful and tight-knit our community is. Yup, we have the lowest-class Rotary Club in existence. They can’t even afford their yearly dues. And when it comes to holding the annual 4th of July parade, they become a self-righteous chamber pot of

contention as to who will be allowed in their parade. Last year, they even went so far as to ban entries from The Foothills Paper and the Crow’s Nest. No big deal, but when Lions Club member Bren “Boo” Douglas claimed that she had been sexually assaulted and was not going to be in this year’s parade, you could hear the laughter all the way to Mt. Gleason. There used to be something called the 4-Way Test that the real Rotarians believed in. 1. IS IT THE TRUTH? Well they sure failed on that one. 2. IS IT FAIR TO ALL CONCERNED? Not since past president Mike Lucas drove all the real people out of the club. 3. WILL IT BUILD GOODWILL? Not one single equestrian or marching band group will set foot on the parade route for fear of being attacked with water balloons. 4. WILL IT BE BENEFICIAL TO ALL CONCERNED? If


ROC K you’re not a Scientologist or a woman member with an axe to grind, you fail at that one too. So what is left? How about the Chamber of Commerce that just rescued the 4th of July Fireworks event from the Machine-driven Sunland-Tujunga, Shadow Hills Community Fund? That same fund that Sonia Tatulian set up as her own money laundering fund? The one that the Cleghorn machine still runs? Yup, that’s the one. You have to ask yourself, “How can so few ruin so much for so many?” This is Sunland-Tujunga and it’s really easy when you can say: It’s The Water!

Saving for a down payment

by Ed Castellanos


is published bi-weekly. All content is copyrighted and may not be reproduced without written consent of the publisher. All submissions to this newspaper become property of THE FOOTHILLS PAPER and may not be republished in whole or in part. The opinions expressed by contributing writers do not necessarily express the views of the publisher nor staff of this newspaper. TFP is available free of charge. No person may, without prior written permission from TFP, take more than one copy of each edition (stated value: $1). Only authorized TFP distributors may distribute THE FOOTHILLS PAPER. THE FOOTHILLS PAPER is a nonprofit newspaper produced by the OSS-Spectrum group.

EXECUTIVE EDITOR/PUBLISHER Dr. David DeMullé STAFF ASSISTANT Dyan McManus WITH THANKS TO all our volunteers that make The Paper happen!

THE FOOTHILLS PAPER TheF o o t h illsPape r . C OM

P.O. Box 444 Tujunga CA 91043 818-951-0943

L.A. Press Club Press Photographers Association of Greater Los Angeles International Combat Camera Association

With rising rental costs and the amount of student debt at an all-time high, it’s no surprise that many potential buyers are unable to save up for a down payment. If you’ve found yourself in this boat, don’t lose hope. With the help of technology and a little foresight, you can save for that down pay-

ment -- and probably sooner than you think. Here’s how:

your deposits, set a reminder to transfer money every two weeks.

Set up automatic deposits. Enable automatic deposits into your savings account. Schedule them right after paydays, when you know you’ll have the cash available. If you can’t automate

Try a round-off app. What if you could round off every purchase you make to the nearest dollar and then put that extra cash to good use? Apps like Acorns and Clarity Money round off your trans-

actions and either invest your money or add it to a savings account. Cut down on spending. Find an area of spending that you can afford to cut back on -- maybe eating out or grabbing to-go coffees. Each month, talsee Saving, page ?

Edgar Castellanos BRE# 01855534


The Foothills Letters & Perspectives

?Is There ANY Intelligent Life in California?

psychologists to malpractice by forcing them to treat sexual or gender identity disorders in children as if they are not disorders. Truly bizarre. Dear Editor, In yet another insult to (It’s fairly obvious that female minds in the intelligence of peomale bodies and male ple, some California minds in female bodies legislators are actually and homosexual minds considering a bill (ABin heterosexual bod2943) that would make it illegal for a consenting ies are sure signs that something went wrong adult to receive therapy to try to resolve unwant- somewhere (in nature and/or nurture), are sure ed same-sex attractions signs of mind/body misor gender confusion. matches or disorders. So, Hello! to put transgenders and California is already forcing psychiatrists and heterophobic homosexuals on the same level as

normal heterosexuals is heterosexual females. absurd. No rational per- That’s obvious. On the son can deny that. This other hand, there are all was the commonsense kinds of sexual or gender position of the American identity disorders: e.g., Psychiatric Associahomosexuality, bisextion for years before it uality, transgenderness, became corrupted by ir- sadism, etc., etc. To barational, ever-so-trendy sically equate disorders “political correctness.”) with non-disorders is as Now some legislators absurd as equating mowant to double down on rality with immorality the state’s bizarre policy or health with illness. on disorders by banning Hopefully Californians consenting adults from will contact their legisreceiving therapy for lators and ask them to clearly objective disordrop this odd anti-choice ders! bill (AB-2943) like a There are only two lead balloon. human genders: heterosexual males and Wayne Lel






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Attention All Veterans, Sons, Daughters and Wives of Veterans

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For the absolute BEST prime rib for 2018 holidays, you can get it at

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Veggie Delite $4.99 Black Forest Ham $5.99 Spicy Hawaiian $5.99

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Watercolor Classes by Sharon Miller Fridays from 12:30 - 2:30 pm at the Center for Spiritual Living 4845 Dunsmore Ave. La Crescenta, Please call for information at 818-293-1009

$15.00 per class


Social Security Matters

Ask Rusty:

Crafters of Sunland/Tujunga

Why the big deal about

Spring Boutique

COLA increases? Dear Rusty: Seems like everyone makes a big deal out of the annual Social Security increase. The way I see it, why bother? For the 2017 benefit year my wife’s Social Security increased by .03% but her Medicare increased by 3% for a net gain of 0 dollars. My Social Security increased by the same .03% but my Medicare increased by 5% for a net gain of 0 dollars. For the 2018 benefit year my wife’s Social Security increased by 2% but her Medicare increased by 17% for a net gain of 0 dollars. My Social Security increased by the same 2% but my Medicare increased by 22% for a net gain of only $8.10 (.005%). Why does the government even bother with all these changes since the end result is that you net out no increase or just a small fraction of the actual increase? Makes no sense to me. Thanks for your column. I enjoy it. Signed, Disillusioned Dear Disillusioned: I must say I fully appreciate your point; I too received none of the 2017 Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) and only a small part of the 2018 increase. And although I know it’s very little consolation, millions of others like us are in the same boat. What it boils down to is that healthcare costs (thus Medicare Part B premiums) are rising more than, and faster than, the inflation index used to compute Social Security COLA increases. Social Security and Medicare are two entirely different programs and, even though Medicare premiums are usually automatically deducted from Social Security payments, this is done as a conve-

nience. The Medicare premium deducted from your Social Security benMay 5, 2018 efit goes directly to Medicare, not to Social Securi11:00 am to 5:00 pm ty. Think of it this way: If you paid for your MediAt Our New Venue: care Part B premium separately rather than by a Lutheran Church In The Foothills deduction from your So1700 Foothill Blvd. cial Security benefit, for La Canada, Ca. 91011 years you would have (Near the YMCA and the 2 Fwy.) been paying Medicare the full Part B premium amount, which was more If you have any questions, feel free to message Melody Kishimoto on our Facebook Group Page: than you have been payCrafters of Sunland/Tujunga ing via deduction from your Social Security benefit. This is because there’s a rule which states that your Social Security benefit can’t go down because of a Medicare preand shelves. Sell anyneed the mythical 20 permium increase, and many Saving, from pg. 3 thing you don’t want on cent down payment ready of us (including me) were FRIDAY • MARCH 16, 2018 TELLING THE TRUTH FOR 13 YEARS! VOLUME 14 • NUMBER 5 Facebook, Craigslist or and available to buy a paying an artificially low- ly up your saved funds a consignment app. It Crescenta Democratic home. fact,Sunland-Tujunga) thanks to and add them directThe Cañada Club In (also serving er than normal Medicare is proud to present the may only be $20 to $50 low down payment loan ly to your savings acpremium. at a time, but when addoptions and39 a thplethora of But the same law which count. You’ll be surCALIFORNIA ed to an interest-pay- Assembly down payment new Social take on the Thin prised at the impact. says that A your SeDistrict assistance Blue Line Flag. Combin- Clean house. ing savings account, it’llCandidate programs, you can actucurity benefit can’t go Forum ing the Stars & Stripes of make a big difference. ally buy a property Do a little springdown also saysflag that any the U.S. with the 2 PM, Sunday, March 25th, with Thin Blue Line concept much less than that — cleaning, and declutincrease in your Social Candidates participating will be: creates a new meaning of Remember, you don’t sometimes ter those closets, drawers Securityunity. benefit canreprebe Yolie Anguiano just 3 percent! The Blue sents theyour officer and the Ricardo Benitez used to bring Medicourage they find deep Lopez per year for care premium up to, or enough storage area that Patty $500,000 Solution, from pg. 1 inside when faced with Patrea Patrick closer to,insurmountable the standard odds. their personal possessions homeless services includLuz Rivas The Black background SFC Head Coach Hovic Tadevosyan and GPD Officer Edgar Part B premium amount ing Sanchez food and clothing. that the city will begin en- could be held safely for Antonio was designed as a conZabunyan with the new mural honoring Law Enforcement in ($134 per month inof2018), To me this is a win-win forcing their laws America. and that them while they were in stant reminder their brother and sister and thisfallen is why so many the re-training program. situation in removing the if the homeless were isThe Sunland Fight Club officers. The Line is what for decency and lawlessof us have seen all or I feel that a rotating staff homeless from our streets sued bench warrants they ness. Together they sym- is now offering training in police officers protect, Open to all interested voters concerned about responsible bolize the camaraderie between most of the ourbarrier COLA in- anar- would of 20 defense city/county personand being ablegovernment. to provide have the choice“Police-Specific” of At The Sunland-Tujunga Municipal Building-North Valley City Hall, law enforcement officers and non-violent intervenchy and a civilized socicreases going to Medinel would cost about medical/mental programs going into the Camp Lou7747 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga, next to the Sunland-Tujunga Library all share, a brotherhood tion. This is a first in the ety, between order and care. Note too that the per year to opfor them. is Routh or put in jail.fight club $500,000 like none other. industry. chaos, between respect COLA increases we are erate and an additional In the camp, there is Sunland-Tujunga Exposé Updates Speed seeing inLos recentAngeles years (or not seeing in the case of Increases COLA, from page left Surveys, Enforcement 2010, 2011 and 2016) BY PAUL KREKORIAN have been much lower of course, if there is a COLA increase Los Angeles took a than in years past because step toward greater traf- and also if there is no increase in the inflationfichas been safety withso thelow city’s Medicare Part B premium (and the latannouncement of least new for so many years (at ter is doubtful). In case you missed it, speed limits on 71 Los as measured by the Conhere’s a link to an article I recently Angeles streets, the result ofIndex). recently-updated sumer Price So wrote about this whole situation: http:// speed surveys conducted while I share your frustraby the Los Angeles De-, I hope thatofsince partment Transporta- medicare-premiums-and-the-holdtion. The new speed limwe’re both now paying harmless-provision. its will be coupled with the full Medicare Parten-B The information presented in this arincreased LAPD Just waiting for the scofflaws on Foothill Blvd. forcement efforts in the premium each month via ticle is intended for general informaEast Valley and across fornia requires cities to history, roadside condiSocial Security, that perpurposes only. The opinions and the city as part of the Vi- tion perform speed surveys tions, residential and sion Zerowe’ll initiative haps next year beto every 5-10 years as a business density, and peinterpretations expressed are not affilidecrease traffic deaths. condition of setting and destrian and bicyclist able to getDuring the full amount ated with or endorsed by the U.S. gov’t, the recession, enforcing speed limits on safety to best determine of any Cost Living Ad- the anysurstate government. speedof surveys for many localSSA, streets.orThese an appropriate speed for expired, veys measure the actual the street. contact justmentlocal thatstreets is made to To submit a request, please which prevented LAPD speeds driven by the vast Now that the speed Social Security. That is, the Foundation at thissurveys email: officers from enforcing majority of users when are complete, posted limits. That’s be- the street is uncrowded, the LAPD can enforce see COLA, at right


SFC Offers “PoliceSpecific” Training

photo: Dyan McManus

AMAC-Certified Social Security Advisor Russell Gloor by

cause the State of Cali-

along with road collision

our speed limit laws.



Lentil Stew with Sausage

Chef Randy

1½ cups lentils (black lentils are good but Lentils are low in calany lentils will do) ories, high in fiber, high 1 package Lightin protein and have zelife Smart Sausagro trans fats. This baes Italian Style (cut insic lentil recipe is simple to ½-inch pieces) and easy to prepare. Just 2 cups sweet put all the ingredients in- corn kernels to a slow cooker and the 3 stalks celery (thinchow down 4 hours latly sliced) er. The vegetarian sau3 carrots (cut insage adds depth and tex- to one-inch pieces) ture for a hearty stew. 1 medium onIt’s especially good on ion (chopped) a cold winter night. 15-ounce can diced tomatoes (including liquid) Ingredients: 2 cloves garlic (minced) by

1 tablespoon Better Than Bouillon (vegetable base) 4 cups vegetable broth Instructions: Plug in your slow cooker and set the heat to high. Rinse the lentils and cull out small stones and debris. Add the lentils and all other ingredients to the crockpot. Cook for 4 hours. This makes a meal all by itself but is even better and more nutritious when accompanied by rice.

For additional recipes, see Chef Randy’s website at


Verdugo Hills Liquor Store 7119 Foothill Boulevard

Home Town Country Fair —Biggest One Yet!

The Crescenta Valley annual Country Fair came in with a bang that could be heard across the valley. With over 75 community booths and rides galore, more than 1,000 people packed Hindenburg Park with their dogs dressed up for the parade,

a children’s petting zoo Calif. Highway Patrol, and arts and crafts exhib- LACo Sheriffs and disits galore. And for those plays of old police cars. who were hungry, there There was something for were seven food trucks to everyone there. There satisfy your desires. were so many people The Montrose Search from Sunland-Tujunga & Rescue were there there that I thought there with a static display as should be an exhibit well as exhibits from the there just for them.

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