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Who’d a thunk it? Fuentes came back! See story below


FRIDAY • APRIL 22, 2016




David DeMullé

Recology Los Angeles, a California-based resource recovery company, hosted a “Waste Zero” Volunteer Day at Howard Finn Park Community Garden in Tujunga last Saturday. The project, which had been proposed by Recology members to CD-7 Councilman Felipe Fuentes Local artists race rain to get art work done. last January, became a reality when community volunteers by Gail Carlson December 2014. We received 69 submissions. were joined by Councilmember Felipe Fuentes and The first ever STNC The community — mostly Recology President and CEO Beautification Committee local women — wanted there Michael J. Sangiacomo to had set a goal in September, to be community voting on rededicate the Tujunga com2014 to get the DOT boxes the art and not merely the art munity garden using recycled painted with amazing art. We chosen by the committee. materials. modestly started with a goal So we held two separate Working together, volof 10. We put out a call to voting locations (the YMCA artists from October until see Box Art, page 9 unteers pitched in to repair

INSIDE: Local writer gives back!


................ Patty Lopez moves into the big leagues


................ Hertzenberg’s bill for drivers ............


DEPARTMENTS News from Your Clinic........... 2 Spotlight on Business............ 2 View from the Rock.............. 3 Chef Randy........................... 5 Jim Laris............................... 8 S-T Crime Stats................... 10 Take My Card..................... 11

the garden boxes as well as plant drought-resistant plants, spread nutrient-rich compost and mulch, and to participate in the painting of a wall mural that promotes recycling and self-sustainability. This revitalization project reflects Recology’s commitment to promoting sustainability in Sunland–Tujunga and throughout the communities it serves. “Recology commits itself to the health of our communities, not only through sustainable practices in our day-to-day operations, but through the revitalization of our neighborhoods with innovative initiatives like today’s park beautification,” see Recology, page 7

photos Tyrone D. Washington and David DeMullé

The DOT Box Art Volunteers and Councilman Story — Revealed! Fuentes Revitalize Gardens

Fuentes gets down and dirty at the community gardens!

Residents File Election Challenges STNC-controlled Web site endorsements may have violated election laws Eve Sinclair, Sunland: On Tuesday, March 29, at 2:52 a.m., an endorsement for Krystee Clark as STNC president (currently, she is a group rep on the STNC board) was posted on the official Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council Facebook page, which links directly from the official STNC website (stnc. org). It was posted by Jon von Gunten, candidate for a group rep position (he is the current group rep for Neighborhood Watch on the board) and liked by Dana Stangel and five others. On March 30, at 12:52 a.m., an endorsement for Charlie Bradley as STNC’s First Vice President (he is the current First Vice President on the board) was posted on

said STNC Facebook page. On March 31, at 2:02 a.m., an endorsement for Dana Stangel as STNC’s Second Vice President was posted on the same STNC Facebook page. On April 1, at approximately 2 a.m., an endorsement for Nina Royal as Secretary of STNC (she is the current Treasurer of the STNC) was posted on the STNC Facebook page. The top of the final vote tally prior to the election challenges. I discovered these violaclaimed the posts had been along with supporting phototions on April 1 at 2:05 a.m., put onto their Facebook page graphic evidence. All of the just as the endorsement for Nina Royal happened to come board endorsement posts were by another party. This was an inaccurate response, as postacross my Facebook feed, and suddenly and summarily deing to the STNC Facebook leted from the official STNC as I am a follower of the page requires admin approval; STNC official Facebook page, page later that morning after the endorsements had been re- posts that aren’t approved by I reported these board entheir admin do not make it ondorsements to the appropriate ported. Terrence Gomes to their page. In addition, the election officials on the morn- replied to me on April 1 at 10:13 a.m. that the STNC ing of April 1 at 8:25 a.m., see Challenges, page 10

All these stories and more can be seen at:



News From Your Urgent Care Clinic

Bee-ing Safe by

Sam Samalin, PA-C

Brush control and tree maintenance is starting to bring in patients to our clinic with bee stings. Bees create hives in areas that allow them access to water and to be safe from the elements. That means that you can accidently knock a bee hive off a tree branch when you are trimming and cause the angry bees to swarm. If that happens, protect your eyes and keep your mouth closed so that the bees can’t get in. If you disturb a hive, there is a good chance that you will be stung. Treat all stings immediately by removing the stinger(s) as quickly as possible and cleaning the wound. Immediately or as soon as possible, apply ice or some kind of frozen package (like peas or corn) to the area. That will numb the pain and slow blood flow to the site which will reduce swelling. You can also apply a crushed garlic paste to the wound and cover with a moist rag for 20-30 minutes. A simple home remedy is a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. Put this on the wound for about 30 minutes. The baking soda mixture will neutralize the acid found in a common bee sting and it too will reduce the swelling. Another method is to put

Spotlight on Business

Tax Settlement Tujunga Native and former IRS officer can help with tax debt Dr. Sam. common toothpaste on the sting. This will also reduce the pain and the swelling of the area. Put it on for about 20 minutes or until the pain subsides. After or during the time you have applied any of these remedies, please come in to our clinic so that we can better evaluate your condition. We will give you an over-thecounter medication to stop any infection. If you know you are allergic to bee stings, use an epinephrine shot (Auvi-Q or Epi-Pen). Always carry one with you when doing brush or tree clearance. Better yet, always have two on hand. Use the epinephrine auto-injector if you have any symptoms of anaphylaxis. Even if it turns out to be something else, using the medicine as a precaution won’t harm you. Then call 911 or come to the clinic immediately. But the best advice is: next time call Aper’s Tree & Brush Clearance at (818) 232-1177!

Tax Settlement is a consulting and representation firm for tax liabilities and controversies with the IRS, FTB, EDD, BOE and other taxing authorities. It is owned and operated by David Snyder, a lifelong Tujunga resident, who was employed by the IRS for 30 years, the last 25 in the Glendale Appeals Office as a settlement officer. Areas of specialization include offers in compromise, trust fund recovery penalty, collection due process, employment taxes, collection appeals program, penalty appeals,

installment agreements and currently uncollectible status. These changes to the OIC program make it better than ever to consider resolving your tax liabilities. As someone who has worked and reviewed offers for 25 years, I can quickly determine whether you will qualify for an offer or be more suited to another repayment program. Let me work with you to find the most efficient and effective way to put your tax debts behind you! For a free consultation, please call (818) 970-3749.

Come check out one of the largest selections of wild game meat in the area!

Dr. Sam is a Physicians Assistant and is certified at the Urgent Care Clinic, 7204 Foothill Blvd.




On selected items.

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We had the “election to beat all elections!” here in Sunland-Tujunga. Everybody won for all the wrong reasons. The town became polarized and divided into camps of Armenians vs the Anglo RedNecks. And it was like a story right out of the comic books that made the people rally around their particular candidates. We had the highest voter turn-out ever: 1,223 signed up and voted, and 50 showed up and left for various reasons without voting. In any event it was wonderful to see people out doing something they believed in. The Cleghorn machine is damaged and may not recover. It will be up to the new officers to find out how city money was authorized to pay off the chamber of commerce’s debts and to pay their monthly rent even though they are not a city-authorized entity. Yes, boys and girls, there might

be a reckoning coming up in the near future. The stories keep coming in about people assaulting Ms. Cleghorn and demanding money from her. Damn, I better get in line, I’m sure she owes me money for something. But I’m not up to beating a dead cow; with the new officers coming in after the election challenges have been investigated, I expect that there will be some changes on how money gets given out. The chamber, under the direction of Mike Moncrieff, is touting that they will be bringing the Watermelon Festival back to S-T. Now that would be a wonderment. I don’t see it happening as things now stand, but I’ll support it in any way I can. As a community dominated by the Cleghorn machine, we’ve lost almost everything that defined us as a community. RIP: Old Timers Day. RIP: Easter Festival. RIP: The Pet Fair.


ROCK RIP: Watermelon Festival. Our service clubs are dying or bankrupt, but we’ve got to do something to keep them alive so that we can have something to be proud of. The last vestiges of our history, the 4th of July Parade and the 4th of July Fireworks, are in jeopardy of becoming extinct. Maybe it’s the modern technology that’s doing it, but our youth-

ful community members are shying away from the service clubs. And we need them. And that means that we need you — the reader — to help them out. Think about it in the coming weeks. Do you want to be a part of something really great that makes us a real community, or do you want to continue drinking the water?

The Foothills Letters & P erspectives

Is Park Full of Hot Air? THE FOOTHILLS PAPER

is published bi-weekly. All contents are copyrighted and may not be reproduced without written consent of the publisher. All submissions to this newspaper become property of THE FOOTHILLS PAPER and may not be republished in whole or in part. The opinions expressed by contributing writers do not necessarily express the views of the publisher nor staff of this newspaper. TFP is available free of charge. No person may, without prior written permission from TFP, take more than one copy of each edition (stated value: $1). Only authorized TFP distributors may distribute THE FOOTHILLS PAPER. THE FOOTHILLS PAPER is a non-profit newspaper produced by the OSS-Spectrum group.

EXECUTIVE EDITOR / PUBLISHER Dr. David DeMullé TECHNICAL EDITOR Randall Fleming WITH THANKS TO The ILS Foundation for Their Support

THE FOOTHILLS PAPER TheFoothillsPaper.COM P.O. Box 444, Tujunga CA 91043 818-951-0943

L.A. Press Club Press Photographers Association of Greater Los Angeles International Combat Camera Association

Dear Editor, Well yeah I guess you’re right. Wack-os. I take offense sir! First, I’m not bored. I’m actually kinda busy, fighting HSR among other things. So it only had a nazi youth camp for awhile? And only a FEW nazi rallies? And its main purpose is to honor a WWI German war hero? You do know Germany and the U.S. were at war with each other right? So you think its appropriate to honor our country’s enemies over, say, our veterans? And your comparison with Sunland Park is seriously flawed reasoning. The more accurate comparison would be if we were trying to rename it “David Duke Park.” So tell me how, if it was considered appropriate, at the outset of WWII, to remove the name of the man who appointed Hitler chancellor, now that we have the benefit of knowing how that came out, it would be appropriate to restore that honor? Maybe we could call it “WWII Veterans’ Park” in honor of those who fought to correct Hidenburg’s monumental political mistake that cost the world between 40 and 56 million lives? Yup, restoring it to Hidenburg Park is wack-o alright! Clark Schickler, PO2 USN, ret. LVT


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Local Writer Gives Back by

David DeMullé

On April 20 and again on May 18, local writer and STNC board member Pat Kramer will be sharing her 30-year career journey as a news journalist, corporate / business copywriter and publicist with high school students at two underserved Los Angeles high schools: Oscar de la Hoya High School in South L.A. and Animo Inglewood High School. In doing so, she hopes to impart to these idealistic young students that the next ten years (at least) of their lives are going to involve hard work and sacrifice. And while they will question the need for giving up their free time and putting in this level of effort, it will all pay off in the future because it will provide them with the dedication, determination and discipline they need to be successful at whatever they choose to do. Kramer’s two presentations are in partnership with the Youth Business Alliance (YBA), a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that focuses

The Verdugo Hills Women’s Chorus. Arlene Massimino

stars as they participate in will include a banquet and “Best of Broadway Movie several of the choruses will The California Women’s Night” with awards being perform specialty songs. Chorus Inc. (CWC) will kick given for audience favorites. VHWC will perform “It’s of the organization’s 47th an- The work begins Saturday Convention Time,” an invitanual convention and concert morning with an hours-long tion to the 2017 convention on April 29 at the Four rehearsal for the nearly 200 which they will host in Points by Sheraton Hotel singers in attendance. Glendale next year. in San Diego. Nearly 200 Each CWC chorus has CWC has two goals, one is women from the 10 member been rehearsing this music to promote singing choral choruses in California will with their own directors. music among women and the gather to present “Regards to Sharon Schlarb is the second is to provide scholarBroadway” on Sunday May 1 director for Verdugo Hills ships to talented vocalists. at 2 p.m. The three day event Women’s Chorus. Guest Three scholarships will be will be hosted by Sweet director Thomas Barich will awarded to local students of Harmony, CWC’s San Diego be wielding the baton for the vocal music. Each will sing based chorus. combined chorus. Barich, at the concert on Sunday Registration for the who has been involved in May 1 and receive their weekend will begin Friday church music from an early award at that time. They have afternoon April 29. There age and whose credits are too auditioned and been chosen will be time for a swim or a numerous to mention, is curby professional adjudicators. visit to the afternoon spa as rently the Director of Music “Regards to Broadway” It is a well as games in the Pavilion and University Christian program for the entire family and lounging on the patio Church in San Diego. Nancy and the public is invited to before the activities of Friday Flynn, pianist and composer attend. Concert tickets may night’s curtain call begins at who has written more than be purchased at the door of 7 p.m. Chorus members have 100 children’s songs, will Four Points Sheraton Hilton, been invited to dress up and accompany the group. 8110 Aero Dr. San Diego, CA sing along with their favorite Saturday night activities 92123. by

Movie Review: The Divergent Series — Allegiant Bob Garver

city of Chicago was created to find Divergents, or peoWriter For Hire - Pat Kramer Last year, the “Hunger ple who didn’t fit into any of on bringing critical 21st Games” series went out with the factions that made up the century business skills a relative whimper when city’s society. Tris (Shailene and perspectives into the “Mockingjay – Part 2” made Woodley), who was such a classroom. In an effort to $50 million less than any oth- Divergent, learned she was provide high school students er film in the franchise with the key to saving humaniwith a broader perspective of “only” $281 million. It apty, which had all but comwhat it takes to be successful, peared that the “movies based pletely destroyed itself outThe Youth Business Alliance on a series of young adult side the city. It seemed to be invites business leaders to novels about teenagers in a time to see what was outside share their experience and dystopian future” fad might the walls. But this film opens achievements. The YBA was be over. So what does this with police forces shooing formed in 2012 with one mean for a franchise like “Di- people back from the walls. disadvantaged school, and vergent,” considered by many It turns out new city leader has since grown to include to be “Hunger Games”-lite? If Evelyn (Naomi Watts) isn’t 14 high schools serving “Allegiant” is any indication, much better than the villainroughly 350 disadvantaged it means that the filmmakers ous leader she offed in the last students each year through are surprisingly at peace with film. Tris, however, knows its year-long after school the knowledge that people are she needs to go out and make course “Introduction to Busi- losing interest in these mova difference, so she rounds up ness & Careers.” ies. The film seems content to her friends and they escape Kramer, who is owner of make a minimal effort since it the city. Writer For Hire, has truly knows people aren’t going to Outside, it does look like found a way to give back and care much about it anyway. the rest of humanity has inhelp kids build their own When we last left this world, deed destroyed itself. Polfuture. we learned that the enclosed lution has turned the surby

face a murky red with some white cracks. I won’t lie, it made me hungry for bacon. The group is rescued by a team led by David (Jeff Daniels), who runs an oasis of sorts that functions as one of humanity’s last cities. David is very welcoming to Tris, and he does believe that she is the key to saving mankind, but her boyfriend Four see Allegiant, page 9



Hearty Kale and Sausage Turnovers by

Chef Randy

The term ‘turnover’ has different meanings depending on its use. It means one thing to accountants, another to human resource managers, and still another to financial advisors. To foodies, a turnover is a small pastry made by covering one half of a piece of dough with a filling, folding the other half over on top, and sealing the edges. They are a hearty and tasty wintertime favorite in our home. The vegetarian sausage provides the “hearty”. The combination of kale, onions, apples, and golden raisins provides the “tasty”. Although this recipe takes approximately 30 minutes of prep time I am confident that your time will be well spent. Serve warm turnovers for lunch or as a lite supper with a simple salad on the side.















Myth: Professional/Amateur

It would be arrogant and narcissistic to assert that any artist today is so because he/ she figured it out all on their own. Even an art form/style 1 medium onion (medium back to skillet along with ondice) ions and cook until onions are that may not be in vogue or 2 Granny Smith apples (core translucent: another 5 minutes. viewed as worthwhile is derived from what has come bebut do no peel; medium dice) Add apple, kale and raisins. fore. The added fact the tools 1 bunch kale (ribs removed; Cover and cook until kale is we use are the same is further chop remaining leaves) almost tender; about 5 min¼ cup golden raisins utes. Uncover and season with evidence, to me, that we learn from those who have come beSalt and fresh ground pepper salt and pepper to taste. Set fore. I can state with certainty to taste aside. I have picked up my share of Milk (for turnover crust) Roll out dough on a lightmethods and techniques from ly floured surface to 1/8-inch many other artists both living Directions: thickness. With a small bowl, and dead. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. cut out 6-inch rounds. This In a large mixing bowl, should make eight nice 3-inch If you live on this planet, you will be influenced by combine flour, butter and salt. turnovers when filled. Place Cut butter into flour/salt until ½ cup sausage mixture on one what has come before. Even if you are secluded away withthe mixture resembles course side of each round. Rub a litcorn meal. Add ice water, one tle water around the edge and out mass media or newspapers, I believe your art would tablespoon at a time, to mixDough ingredients: fold over to form half-moon ture stirring constantly until 2½ cups flour turnovers. Using a fork, press reflect the world you live in then resemble some form or 1 cup unsalted butter (cut into dough holds together. Form edges firmly to seal. Place dough into a disk and wrap small pieces) turnovers on baking sheet and configuration seen before. Consequently it would not be tightly. Place in refrigerator 1 ½ teaspoons salt brush tops with milk. while preparing the sausage ½ cup ice water Make a ½-inch cross cut on justly deemed original. One underlying fact is that filling. the top of each turnover and we all take information, sift it, In a large skillet, heat oil Filling ingredients: bake until golden brown and over medium-high. Add sau1 tablespoon extra virgin olcrisp; about 25 to 30 minutes. absorb what works then use what ability we were endowed sage, cover and cook for 5 ive oil Remove from oven and cool to try and use the information minutes. Remove from skil1 package Lightlife Smart on a wire rack for about five to say something worthwhile. let and chop coarsely. Add Sausages – Italian Style minutes before serving. Even art that is not intended to be informative or instructive For additional recipes, see Chef Randy’s website at but just playful says something. Art is a way to communicate. Its one fundamental way humans have tried to outlive their existence and become immortal as far back as the cavemen/women who left behind impressions of their world. We are doing nothing more than they. Communication is at the very heart of all art. When you factor into the equation commerce then


things change. Selling is important on many levels today but the underlying issue for many artists is profoundly to transmit an idea of what they see and/or believe. This is what we try and do every day of our life when creating “original” art. Even the child with his/her first paint set will put down what they believe to be an idea of the world. It may not be coherent or well-constructed due to the fact they haven’t developed the ability to fully express it. Yet it will be an impression or facsimile of what is already known. Which brings me to the word “Original” In a creative sense, what does original mean? Can we even identify anything as not being derivative, a variation or permutation of something that has come previously? Figuratively speaking, we are all cut ostensibly from the same genetic cloth. Regardless of origin, area of birth, physical makeup, we all have the same brain with relatively the sameness makeup and connections to our world. We are humans. A person or persons from an as yet unknown or discovered civilization will still be “human” to get to the root of it. Hence, they will possess the same characteristics as you or I and thus see the world; albeit with some differences; but will record what they see and think. I may seem to be going too far from my central point, but I don’t think so. Who among us can say they possess THE original idea?




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Patty Lopez: Neophyte No More First-time Assemblymember listens to her constituents

Recology, from pg. 1 said Sangiacomo. “We’re thankful to be joined by so many dedicated Recology employees and community members who were willing to come out on a beautiful Saturday morning and work with us to promote sustainability and reduce waste.” Councilman Fuentes, who represents the CD7 district and has been a long-time advocate of promoting sustainability, summed it up when he said, “Thank you, Recology Los Angeles, for choosing the Howard Finn Community Garden as

your inaugural community volunteer project. “Community gardens teach folks of all ages that living healthier, happier lives is not out of reach; they can grow their own food, harvest it and cook it for their families. This garden adds to our mission of engaging and revitalizing our communities. Because of the partnerships we have created and nurtured, we have been able to focus on solutions to enhance our neighborhoods and make Sunland-Tujunga a more resilient place to live.” Recology Los Angeles’ Web site is

the Palmdale to Burbank leg. López says, “First and foremost, my responsibility is to represent the needs of the people, and to do so in a manner which takes their best interests and California’s into account. I remain united with my constituents in their opposition to a project that even in its current form, it is simply not practical.” López said April 8 that re-assigning the High Speed Rail money to a resource which the state cannot live without like water would be dollars better spent.

photos Tyrone D. Washington and David DeMullé

Dianalee Bartola

office. The People’s Report Card of California awarded California’s 39th Assembly Assemblywoman López an District listened intently and A+ “Courage Score.” Courtook lots of notes. Nearly 40 scores legislaresidents of the 39th voiced tors on how well they stand their concerns and gratitude up for their constituents April 8 at the Scalabrini Reover special interest groups tirement Center in Sun Valley, seeking to exploit the poor, CA. Topics included: the disadvantaged and people environment; opportunities, of color especially when it services and education for comes to voting on critical under-employed, homeless issues. and children; social activities Standing up for her for seniors and youth. constituents, López questions López has proven herself to the viability of the estimated be a legislator “of the people” $60 billion High Speed in the short time she’s held Rail project and especially by

Community Gardens before revitalization.

Assemblywoman Patty Lopez

Volunteers in action making the gardens usable.


Kinky Winky

Simple, fun ways to spice up your sex life — literally by Jim


OK, admit it. Your marriage could use a little juice. A little tap on the accelerator of love. How do I know this? Because I have my ear to the ground and my nose to the wind and my mouth to the top of a Coors Light. Like the other night, a friend of mine told me that he had cuddled up to his wife, and said, “You wanna have some steamy sex tonight?” And she said, “Sure, who’s coming over?” Now if you are a guy, that is not something you want to hear from your Spousy Wousy. So I would like to offer a little bit of marital advice to all the men out there. (You women can read along, too, if you promise not to use this information in your divorce hearing.) OK, here we go. You’ve been married for a while. The last sexual conquest you had, other than your wife, was a female Sherpa on Mount Everest. Yes, it was exciting getting her out of that big, furry Eskimo outfit, and yes, you enjoyed her moaning

your name in Urdu. But that was a long time ago. You are now married. You are not bored. You love your wife. You still find her romantically pursuable to engage in naughty stuff. But you need a little kick. A while back I thought I’d jack things up a notch, so I suggested that my dearly beloved get flat­out jay-naked and wrap herself in Saran Wrap and meet me at the front door when I came home from work. I know this is kind of trite. It’s been done before. But it had never been done for me. So I was really jazzed. And I rushed home that evening and knocked on the front door, and my Wifey Poo answered the door, and she was stark naked! Of course, it might have been a little sexier if she hadn’t wrapped herself in aluminum foil. I remember it well. All she said was, “We were out of Saran Wrap.” Another approach you might want to try is using sex toys and marital aids. You might want to try that. Not me. I’m too afraid. I know if I showed up some night

in the bedroom with a whip and wearing German boots and running some batteryoperated object that whirred, I would not get the desired affect. I just know my beloved would be laughing so damn hard she would spit up on her flannel nightgown and keep slapping her knee. Who needs that? Here’s something that is not quite as extreme as whirring things. This is a killer. You should pay me for this one. Please don’t tell anybody you heard it here. (I could lose my poetic license.) When you get in bed with your Loin Mate, just nuzzle her a little, and be playful, and put your finger on her cheek and let it run down her neck and then let your finger drift to the top of her shoulder and then on to that upper chest region where it is OK to touch without permission and then stop, and arch your eyebrows, twice, and say, “Darling, I would like to spice up our sex life a little.” Hopefully, she is not laughing and says coyly or with slight alarm, “How?”

And then you reach down and grab the little red and white tin container you have put on the nightstand and you sprinkle some cinnamon right there on her upper chest freedom zone. And as she is looking puzzled, you say, “Cinnamon. Spice. Cinnamon is a spice. Spice up our love life. Get it? Get it?” And if she tries to dial 911, say, “Columbus sailed over here for spice. Just do it for Columbus. Please.” OK, OK, maybe you want something that is a tad more subtle than sprinkling cinnamon on your Matey Watey’s Chesty Westy. May I suggest a Mystery Evening of Love? Yes, I have done this many times. You just arrange the evening ahead of time but you don’t tell your wife where you are going. It’s that damn simple. Even you can do it. No, you can’t go to a sports event. Geez. And don’t go to your gentleman’s club and say, “Uh, Destiny, this is my wife.” Don’t do that. That’s not mystery, that’s masochism. Other than that, most things are open. It

Jim Laris is Jim Laris. doesn’t have to be expensive. A dinner at a restaurant in a different town and a movie. Maybe go see a play in some little playhouse where there are more actors than audience members. There are a lot of mysterious things you can plan. Just announce it as a Mystery Evening of Love and you are set, baby. Just don’t tell her ahead of time what it is. You don’t want her to know she’ll be eating at Denny’s in Temple City and then seeing an Adam Sandler movie. My best Mystery Evening of Love was a few years ago. I told Marge ahead of time to expect a mystery night and she was maybe not all a-twitter, but pretty much see Kinky, page 9

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Box Art, from pg. 1 and NVCH) on January 24, 2015. We had 129 people vote that day. All volunteers were present to tally the votes by non-committee members, to show objectivity. It took them six hours to tabulate the votes. We got a top 25 list of the highest vote’s submissions. Plan A began when I met in person with CM Felipe Fuentes on February 12th, 2015 in Pacoima with his Chief of Staff who was present taking notes. I present the top art voted on. Felipe reviewed all the art and said he loved the artwork and these kinds of community programs. At that meeting I graciously asked him for financial support (like CM Huizar did) for the artists. Felipe said he could help only with the art supplies, which came to an average of $100 per box, or $2,100. (I had changed the original plan of 10 boxes and said we are going to do all 21 boxes, so as not to go through an entire voting process again). The artists would not be

Allegiant, from pg. 4 (Theo James) thinks he’s up to something more nefarious. Four seems to be the only student of the YA game, because yes, the guy in the nice suit who oversees a heavily-armed complex with a ton of secrets is probably a bad guy. The plot is standard for this kind of story. Characters struggle with the usual decisions about who to trust and when it’s appropriate to risk their lives by going against

Kinky, from pg. 8 semi-a-twitter. When the big night finally arrived, we got in the car and headed out the Ventura Freeway. For an hour and 15 minutes! Marge kept asking me where I was taking her. I kept pretending I remembered where it was.

paid for their art but would volunteer their time. Fuentes made the motion in city hall the next month on March 24, 2015, for funds from the city for: paint supplies AND anti-graffiti top coat paint, a total of $3,460. The motion passed. Because Fuentes chose the local Rotary Club to funnel the city funds through a required 501(c)3 organization, that is what the motion read. He said it would be easy and his staff would handle all the processing of paper work with the various departments. The following month, Wesley Hernandez, Area Director of the Tujunga field office for Fuentes, gave notice and moved on. The gap of communication on this very important project began then with the council office. The project stalled but I continued to persist in other directions and kept communication with all the artists. Unfortunately neither Fuentes or his staff ever called or emailed the Rotary Club to ask if they could cover the

insurance or help. He never told the Rotary that they had been chosen to help funnel the city funds for this project to the artists for paint. He never contacted the Rotary Club so that when the Bureau of Street Services (BOSS) finally sent the 32 page letter of agreement (LOA) nine months later to the Rotary Club, it was impossible for them to commit and agree to sign it. They did not have enough funds and not enough of the type of insurance required in the LOA that was agreeable to the small club. Plan B was to go back and forth with numerous CD7 representatives trying to get a neighborhood grant, or another 501(c)3, but nothing was getting done to officially change the motion to a different nonprofit from the Rotary, to one the city of LA often uses. Then on in March, at the request of STNC President Mark Seigel, Board of Public Works Commissioner Monica Rodriguez attended the STNC board meeting. Plan C, a

miracle, was about to begin. Monica and I connected. She asked if she could help me. I nearly cried with relief! A year and one half of struggling with the city departments was weighing heavy on my heart as I felt abandoned by Felipe and meanwhile my own brother’s cancer began to spread. It is and was a difficult time for me. So Monica agreed to meet with me on that following Saturday (March 12), at the Back Door Bakery, where I gave her a flash drive of all my files over the year, all the art, all the artists, the locations for each piece of art, and the funds broken down per person, etc. Two weeks later Monica called me and said we got the green-light through Office of Community Beautification that had the motion transferred from BOSS, and our art was then approved by the office of Arts & Cultural Affairs. As of today, six of the 15 artists are starting their artwork nearly 18 months after it all began. I kept them

informed each month and every single step of the way. I kept the STNC board and stakeholders in the meetings up to date as well. The artists are now like my friends as we all went through this long process together! Many of the artists are very private and some do not want to be bothered or interviewed, as they are all unique. It has begun. A vision which I had in July, 2014 to beautify our town came from visiting Ocean Beach, CA and loving their DOT box art, all with an ocean theme along otherwise drab city streets. A passion and commitment to gather the artists, the committee and the STNC board to fully support this project into a reality drove it to fruition. I did it for nothing other than to make a difference, help promote the artists, and maybe get some publicity here in Sunland-Tujunga. Trees, clean-ups and getting the DOT boxes painted with cool art: these three initial goals of the first two years of the Beautification Committee all came to be.

the system (it’s almost always strong and smart (and equalthe right thing). The annoyly all those other faction-deing Peter (Miles Teller) fulfining traits), so having galfills his apparent obligation of vanized tough guy Four be switching sides at least once. smarter than her here throws Disappointingly, Tris falls inoff the character’s appeal and stantly in love with the idea loses this movie a lot of its of David’s team being the key charm. to saving humanity, which Not that this was going to causes her to turn a blind eye be a terribly charming movto evidence to the contrary, ie anyway. The people behind and Four has to be the one to “Allegiant” just aren’t trying talk sense into her. Up to this very hard. It’s bad enough that point, the best thing about this the characters and plot points series has been the characare practically interchangeter of Tris and how she’s both able with any number of YA

movies, but on top of that the special effects are horrendous. This movie has some of the worst green-screening I’ve ever seen, and scenes where characters are enveloped by amber goo are just laughable (which, by the way, are the only laughs in this self-important movie). I did like the deliberately-yucky surface right outside the wall, so about the only thing this movie can do right is be ugly. The popularity of the “Divergent” franchise was clearly in decline

before “Allegiant,” but this film sends its appeal into a nosedive.

We finally got to the venue and to reveal the mystery; we were there to see a Tom Jones concert in Thousand Oaks. And hey, Marge loved it. When old Tom was belting out “What’s New Pussycat?” Marge was answering him. And when he sang “She’s a Lady,” Marge whispered to

me, “Since we aren’t staying in a motel, would you mind if I gave Tom our house key?” I told her, “If you ever do that, I will never sprinkle cinnamon on your upper chest again.” Jim can be contacted at

Armenian Remembrance Day Local Armenian Remembrance Day marchers on their way to Bolton Hall for a reaffirmation of their demands that Turkey acknowledge the Armenian Genocide of 1915. More than 150 residents showed up for the ceremony.

One and a Half Stars out of Five “The Divergent Series: Allegiant” is rated PG-13 for intense violence and action, thematic elements, and some partial nudity. Its running time is 121 minutes. Contact Bob Garver at:


Two Wrecks on Wet Roads

SWEET CHERRIE’S DINER Two nearly fatal accidents happened April 8-9 when the rains wet La Tuna Canyon Road just south of the 210 off-ramp. Four people went to local hospitals in critical to serious condition. Speed and weather conditions contributed to these accidents.

Challenges, from pg. 1 exact same endorsements were posted to other SunlandTujunga community Facebook pages by Jon von Gunten at the same times, along with instructions to the candidates to “boost.” These endorsements were then liked, shared and commented on by board candidates, showing that this was part of an organized social media campaign by board members. These posts are still active on those pages. (I have photographs as well.) At 11:13 a.m. on April 1, I asked election officials for an official public acknowledgement, apology and retraction by the STNC board; none was ever provided. The five candidates (Clark, Bradley, Stangel, Royal and Gunten) who were directly involved in and who benefited from the endorsements by the STNC board during this election process violated Candidate Guideline #4: “You shall not receive endorsements from the governing Board of the NC.” I request the appropriate remedy for violating the board endorsement guideline. Sean Martin, Tujunga: I’ve found serious issues with my local election processes. I went there and tried to help the people through the process. I was quickly signed up and Glen was tentative but OK about signing me up, but everyone else quickly put the clipboard to sign in, in my hands. I helped everyone in line receive and correctly fill in the initial paper as well as answered questions and passed out clipboards. After that, I went back to the tables and asked to help the verification workers as there were five sitting and one standing, pacing frantically around, trying to cut certain people through the line. I asked one worker how to verify people, and the pacing woman showed me a verification paper (a typed letter the voter had brought) and his ID, which revealed a name and address that clearly matched.

So I said I approved, and advised him to get a ballot. But he was denied by the woman, and Glen backed me out of from the area and said I wasn’t welcome anymore. I witnessed more than 50 people being turned away in the short amount of time I observed and acted as a volunteer. A bunch of people got disenfranchised owing to short hours of operation, lack of personnel, inefficient promotion and education about the issues, voting process or candidates. It was a long and absurd line that sent more than 50 people away, but the director kicked me out for questioning and suggesting alternatives to dealing with the voting process and large crowd as a whole. I had heard through no media coverage that the election was settled by a difference of twenty. Their line was disenfranchising voters and deterring them from voting. Why is there no pre-registration? Why was the election held in a small, busy parking lot on a common grocery day for working families, which was not suited to appropriately accommodate normal traffic to the polls AND to the business? There was the double-speak of wanting volunteers while refusing help from a qualified and motivated individual. I also was witness to racially based disenfranchisement against the Armenian community based on lack of English proficiency. I feel that our voting process should always be at the convenience to the voter, and local government’s first priority to their constituents is to provide fair and simple elections: a removal of current election committee personal and a full reform of the election process, with a full re-vote for the community. Moving forward, we must adhere to the need to serve the constituents with fair, simple, and efficient election processes to ensure corruption-free elections.

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Bill Preventing Driver’s License Suspensions for Fines Clears Committee

Legislation by Sen. Bob Hertzberg, D-Van Nuys, that stops the automatic suspension of driver’s licenses for people who fail to appear in court on minor traffic offenses or fail to pay fines for those offenses today was passed by the Senate Transportation and Housing Committee. SB 881 ends an overly harsh punishment that does not fit the offense and sends many people of modest means into a downward spiral that can result in losing a job or even ending up in jail. Presently, 612,000 Californians have a suspended driver’s license due to failure to appear or failure to pay on traffic tickets, according to the Department of Motor Vehicles. “We must restore common sense to our justice system,” Hertzberg said. “This legislation stops a practice that we know is an excessively severe penalty for simply missing a court date or failing to pay a fine on time and gives offenders a chance to make amends without pulling the rug out from under them.” Across the country, rising court fines, fees and penal-

ties for minor offenses have proved especially burdensome to the poor and working poor, who can end up losing their driver’s licenses , jobs and freedom – sometimes going to jail – simply because they could not pay a fine or failed to appear. A New Jersey study found that 42 percent of people whose driver’s licenses were suspended lost their jobs as a result of the suspension. In California, driver’s license suspensions due to failure to appear or pay have hit minorities and the poor at a disproportionately higher rate, according to a report issued Monday by a coalition of civil rights groups. In Los Angeles County, for instance, African Americans account for 9 percent of the population but made up 32 percent of those arrested for driving with a suspended license over a two-year period ending September 2015. SB 881 follows Hertzberg’s landmark measure, SB 405, and Gov. Jerry Brown’s related budget proposal that together established a new traffic amnesty program on Oct. 1, 2015. The program allows people to talk to a judge if

they want to before paying fines, restores driver’s licenses to those with a payment plan and reduces exorbitant fee debts by taking a person’s income into account. In the first three months of that program, more than 58,000 Californians have received amnesty fine and fee reductions and more than 40,000 have requested reinstatement of their driver’s licenses, according to the California Judicial Council. “We are on the right track,” Hertzberg said. “We must ensure our justice system is fair and sensitive to people struggling to make ends meet.” The bill is co-sponsored by the Western Center on Law & Poverty and the American Civil Liberties Union of California. “Hundreds of thousands of Californians are trapped in court debt they can’t afford and can’t pay the debt off because they had their license suspended and can’t get a job,” said Michael Herald, a legislative advocate for the Western Center on Law & Poverty. “SB 881 will allow people to get their licenses back and get their lives back.”




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Statement of Patty López

Candidate for California State Assembly, 39th Assembly District Occupation: California State Assemblymember As your elected Assemblymember in Sacramento I have a proven track record of standing up for education, seniors, women’s issues, protecting children and the environment, fighting for immigrant communities, and working families. During my two years in office, I authored legislation to assist California’s most vulnerable communities, keeping families together, creating greater access for students towards colleges and universities, allowing an income tax exemption for our veterans, and limiting the influence of special interest groups over law makers in Sacramento. I passed a budget that increased the amount of available childcare and preschool slots, placed early childhood education for special needs as a priority, and enabled a desperately needed tax credit for families. I supported the expansion of our National Monument, creation of a National Recreation Area, and held a key role in the passage of historic legislation that closed the gender wage gap and ensured fair pay for women in our state. Since my first day in office, I made it my priority to bring resources to our communities. It is why during my first term I hosted multiple workshops and events about housing, financing college, immigration, water, youth, business, and preventing seniors from scams. As a mother and grandmother I understand the challenges you face while raising a family and it is my pledge to continue working hard to improve the quality of life of all residents in the 39th District. Today, I respectfully ask for your vote to continue working for you in Sacramento. Pagado por: Patty Lopez for Assembly 2016 ID #1375150


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