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California Watermelon Festival– The Biggest and Best Ever


ith the weather closing in on 100 degrees, the 56th annual California Watermelon Festival opened its gates to the hundreds of people waiting patiently in line to be the first ones in. This is the second two

day California Watermelon Festival held at the Hansen Dam Sports Complex and the event brought together a consortium of church groups and local businesses to create a “hometown” atmosphere for Sunland-Tujunga and the

surrounding communities. More than 60,000 pounds of watermelon had been ordered to provide free watermelon to the expected 30,000 festival visitors. People arrived in costumes and comfortable dress expecting high

temperatures. Fortunately, the temperatures stayed comfortable and dry except for those involved in the watermelon races who soaked up the water and watermelon juices as they slipped and slid across the watermelon

Mylar and Power Lines Don’t Mix


Mylar balloon struck a power pole on Haines Canyon last Friday and caused a possible arcing explosion that led to a power outage in Tujunga that affected over 150 residents The incident happened shortly after 9:45 p.m. in the Haines Canyon Tujunga Canyon area, DWP workers said. It was believed the balloon struck a power pole, and live wires began to arc, but no wires went down. The problem was located

and fixed within 30 minutes and neighbors who had heard the explosion returned to their homes. One man said he heard an explosion inside his bedroom so loud, it scared all of the people in his house. “Like a big light, fire, like a blow-up, boom!,” described Armen Kachaqurian. “Everybody came out because they didn’t know what it was. They thought it was a bomb.” No injuries were reported as crews worked to fully restore power.


raceway. Just like “in the old days,” the festival also featured watermelon carving, a watermelon relay, a watermelon eating contest, and a watermelon “wearable” contest. (Continued on Page 5)

The culprit - a mylar balloon that struck the high voltage wires.

Neighbors gather around to watch the DWP crews reset the high voltage breakers

The culprit - a mylar balloon that struck the high voltage wires.

Shipwrecked at Summit Christian By Amelia Anderson his large sign presided over the door of our Tujunga Canyon Church. It was the midst of July summer-time when all were sweltering from 100 degree heat, but the walls and halls were bursting with activity. Had a large Tsunami wave come ashore? It was a weekday early morn, but the parking lot was full and kids dressed in scant


desert gear with their dads and moms were entering and exiting in a hubbub of isle activity. I addressed a bearded Youth Pastor, Matt Mitchell, disguised as swashbuckler Captain Ahab, replete with patch on eye, bandana on head and a swinging sword festooning his baggy pants. “What’s going on,” I queried “Come on in,” he invited. (Continued on Page 2)

OVER 200 AREA Over 200DISTRIBUTION distributionSITES sitesINinTHE theFOOTHILLS foothills area Pastor Scott LeLaCheur tells a funny story to the assembled children.

2 – FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 2018 • THE FOOTHILLS PAPER • VOLUME 14 • NUMBER 15 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

4 Good Reasons for Hiring an Agent

by Ed Castellanos homes due to their emotionomes that are for sale al attachment to it. Having by owner -- when a an agent on your side gives seller decides not to hire you access to comparable a listing agent -- are more sales data to help you negocommon than you might tiate the right price. think. They account for 3. Get a home inspection. about 8 percent of all home The owner may not know listings currently on the that they are legally required market. If you’re on the to disclose known issues with house hunt, you’re likely the property, and that overto come across one in your sight could mean costly research. pairs down the road. A home What’s different about inspection can shed light on buying one of these homes? potential problems before you What can you do to leverage go through with the sale. the situation to get the most 4. Add contingencies to for your money? Here are your contract. Contingenfour things to keep in mind. cies give you an exit route 1. Hire an agent. Since the should something go wrong seller doesn’t have an agent, during the transaction. If it’s vital that you do -- if you can’t get a loan, you’re only to ensure the transacunhappy with the inspection is handled correctly and tion results or the appraisal legally. An agent will be doesn’t come in at the sale knowledgeable about marprice, you have a way to ket conditions and can help back out and save your you craft your offer, prepare money. the contracts and find the Want to be prepared for right lender to work with. your new home purchase? 2. Be ready to negotiate. Get in touch today for help These homes are rarely on making the best decision priced appropriately. Sellers for your budget and goals. typically overvalue their

H 661-510-5762

Edgar Castellanos BRE# 01855534

Summit Christian (Continued from Page 1) As I entered the darkened church, I was transported into a tropical island paradise depicting a ship wrecked backdrop stretching floor to ceiling set upon Pastor Scott LeLaCheur’s stage. Lit from the rear by a bank of blue and gold stage lights, it was overrun by 60 or 70 grammar school kids attired in ship-island costume singing and dancing and chanting a chorus line of praise for Jesus who comes to their aid and rescue in time of need. It’s VBS, yearly Vacation Bible School, when Summit Christian Church hosts a week of free halfday community outreach to kids to help parents provide a safe energy outlet and to help entertain them during the summer months. Sound like a handful? Not a problem for a veteran Children’s Pastors Mike and Margaret Woods who have been producing these Broadway style different themed skits yearly for the past 30 years. The children participate in games, lessons and creative activities. They are divided into teams and are able to participate in planned

activities with their friends using both the church and grounds. Each day begins with a planned skit as well as singing and dancing, the words and movement appear projected onto screen. The kids rotate between snacks and games all selected according to chosen theme. Daily events include a workshop titled Imagination Station, where kids mix art and science by creating experiments and take home projects. There is also an interactive Bible lesson. A slideshow is created at day’s end from photos selected throughout the day. Judging from the squeels of delight and joy of laughter, the VBS is number one on their Hit Parade. And they can’t wait to come back next year! So, if you want to join them, call Summit Church at: 818-353-1138. Other churches have programs, too, but sometimes they get so busy with the kids they forget to advertise or even send out a press release. So just give Doc a call at 818-482-9760. Five thousand papers are distributed twice a month. It’s a great way to reach more kids! Even the moms have fun.

The Sixties Beatles Rock the LA Arboretum

By Carla Breitner asadena Pops brought The Beatles to their summer concerts at the LA Arboretum last Saturday evening and set a record with over 5,400 attendees. “Classical Mystery Tour: A Tribute to the Beatles” features four excellent musician-singers performing Beatles songs with orchestration transcribed from the recordings and ably conducted by Pops conductor, Larry Blank. The Fab Four, in mop-top haircuts and matching black suits, began the concert with early hits. Tony Kishman as Paul McCartney sang “Yesterday” with backing by the string section as the other band members changed to Sgt. Pepper Band outfits. Paul made a quick change and the band played a few numbers from the Magical Mystery Tour album. Tom Teeley as George Harrison stepped forward on “Here Comes the Sun,” handling vocals and Eric Clapton’s guest guitar break. Abruptly the orchestra started warming up, performing the opening of “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.”


The “Mystery Tour” Beatles started singing “We’re Sgt. Pepper” and played four songs from side one straight through. Doug Cox as Ringo Starr took the vocals on “With a Little Help from My Friends.” “Mr. Kite,” “Sgt. Pepper’s (Reprise)” and “A Day in the Life” (with climbing, closing chord) ended the first half. After intermission, the band (appropriately attired) celebrated the 50th anniversary of “The White Album,” with five songs. Then Kishman as Paul sat down at the piano to sing “Long & Winding Road” and “Live & Let Die.” Jim Owen as John Lennon took over the keyboard to perform “Give Peace a Chance” and “Imagine.” The audience joined in waving iPhone candles. The “Classical Mystery Tour” Beatles closed out the evening with “Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight” and “The End” from Abbey Road. The audience got to join in on an encore “Hey Jude” and dance along with “Twist and Shout.” All the performers were spot on in their interpretations, the

orchestra joined in enthusiastically, and the audience went home singing, having experienced the live performance of music that originated in recordings only. It was a night to remember. The Mop-Top Beatles (left to right: Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, John Lennon) The Sgt. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band with Larry Blank conducting the Pasadena Pops. Beatles are Ringo Starr on drums, Paul McCartney bass guitar, George Harrison guitar, John Lennon piano. The Sgt. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band take a bow. Left to Right: Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, and John Lennon. “The White Album” Beatles: (left to right: Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, George Harrison, John Lennon) John Lennon at piano singing “Imagine” as video screen shows audience holding up cellphone “candles.” Paul McCartney calls for audience (and orchestra) help singing chorus for “Hey Jude.”

Give your fur-baby something to chew on while you’re at work! (Harmony Farms are the best No bones about it!)


FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 2018 • THE FOOTHILLS PAPER • VOLUME 14 • NUMBER 15 – 3 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

his is a vortex, I live here, been kicked out of the Water- just have to sit back and laugh little community. beI digress. al- We T I’m a reporter. Dum De contention melon Festival. as to whoatwill them. But Dum Dumm-Dumb! And of ex-patparade. TomihaveLast a really year, great bunch of ncentration camp Just lowed incourse their when you think that some lyn Bowling who runs a local people that have walked away of our elected leaders hateeven site from Washington, bogus service clubs king surrounded byhave they went sohadfarfromastheto ban straightened out and are flying to jump into it also, decrying and “Just made it happen!” s and druggers who froma boycott TheofFoothills Paper right, along comes another entries and demanding Can you believe that we had week. If asked “What do you the festival. Now let’s not FOUR National Night Out llings out of your thethatCrow’s Nest.parties. From Shadow Hills to stick around here for?” I’d and forget both Ms. Tatulian to answer “to see what and Douglas have medical S-T. People were frying, grille themhave a chance. No big deal, but when Lions they are going to do next.” problems that when they are ing and baking food goodies on their meds, are almost nor- “Boo” for our FirstDougResponders that meless LOL. problem Club member Bren This last week we had a mal. Wellllll, at least normal were eagerly shared by the ence. But it isseries POLclaimed she had wonderful of events lasfor here. It makesthat you wonder locals. been revolved around CD-7 Counhappening in our little town. how and why those people And to be honest with you, wonder what’s going to hapnot a Scientologist or a volve our local assaulted was not homeless you’re cilwoman Rodriguez’ aide We had the annual Sheriff’ssexually who don’t even live here want and I didn’t see a single pen next. Maybe the STNC Eve Sinclair.member That same aidewith sale, The New and to continue ha- year’s person standing in any of the woman working of a shipping an outaxe to council Rummage members going to harassing be in and this parade, that obstructs any chance of Improved California Waterranguing those of us that do. lines. Makes you wonder if container? someoneyou communicating withthatBut melon Festival, a new addi- you Anyway, of you the who laughter fail at one too.this is the this is part of the don’t worry, ervice organizacouldthosehear allgrand “Take grind, her boss Monica. I think we tion to Bandito Park and the know that motley crew of Our Parks Back” program. town of the BIG LIE. And wayknow to that Mt. National Night Out soiree’. thewomen, thereGleason. is no Ahhh,There and that brings up an- have another Felipe Fuentes the bigger the lie, the more Of course, nothing here ever way anyone can work with other point. We had new safe- moment coming again. She’s believable it becomes. And all So what is left? How about the ember ever being in used to be something called the already taken away the STNC goes easy. Shit for brains or put up with them, unless ty banners. We lost our nrw our elected officials are part keys, and now she take of it. Maybe Tatulian just had to jump on of courseTest you are one of thethe real safety banners. We got some Chamber ofdoesn’t Commerce thatit really justis the many self-righ4-Way that Rotariphone calls or visits from the Bren Boo Hoo Douglas’s 0.01% hatemongers here in safety banners back. Now water? (See Pg-8 for a visual local constituents. that the Lions Club had To keep yourin. sanity, you that was interesting. And it all rescued the Makes 4th you of July Fireworks depiction of which I speak) s peopleclaim who would anstown. believed born for a certificate 1. IS IT THE TRUTH? Well they event from the Machine-driven Hitfailed & Run Accident in Front of the Sunland-Tujunga, Shadow Hills . Not good. sure on that one. Community Fund? That same mselves, they have 2.Angeles IS IT FAIRNational TO ALL Golf Course! Got on the 210 at Wheatby Secret Squirrel ting circle-jerk CONCERNED? since with herpast tire gone and fund that Sonia Tatulian set up as oday I witnessed on Notland just drove a rim, hit 2 all cars before her own money laundering fund? Foothill byMike the golf Lucas themselves how president Maclay. Anyone in her path course a crash of a female THE FOOTHILLS PAPER is The one that the Cleghorn mawasthe luckyclub. today. It was a who was high as a kite, vultight-knit our the real people out of published bi-weekly. All content is copyrighted and may not miracle she didn’t kill somegar when asked if she was chine still runs? Yup, that’s the Yup, we havewithout thewritten 3.OK WILL GOODWILL? be reproduced one. These are the people and then IT took BUILD off in her consent of the publisher. All on the road with you, your one. You have to ask yourself, car that I couldn’t believe otary Club submissionsin to existhis newspa- Not one single equestrian or families and friends. was drivable. Played chicken per become property of THE FOOTHILLS PAPER and may marching n’t even afford Enoughset of thefoot Banners, “How can so few ruin so much group will with cars in allband 4 lanes while not be republished in whole or they’re up. I guarantee she chased down by fire for so many?” in part. The opinions es. And when itexpressed onbeing the parade route for fear of bedidn’t read it. and LAPD. by contributing writers do not This is Sunland-Tujunga and express the views ing attacked with water balloons. ng thenecessarily annual 4th of the publisher nor staff of Robin Brings Memories this newspaper. TFP it’s reallyBack easy when you can say: they become a is available 4.Christopher WILL IT BE BENEFICIAL free of charge. No person may, him with his adult problem, and decides to take an unup Christopher Robin (Ewan By David DeMulle’ withoutpot prior of written permis- TO ALL CONCERNED? If It’s The Water! chamber even if it means stepping precedented journey to LonMcGregor) is an unhappy innie The Poo sion from TFP, take more than




don to seek out help from pencil-pusher who doesn’t comes alive in Christopher Robin, who have time for something Christopher Robhimself is over his head dealin in a soft frightening way ing with a budget crisis. He’s that brought memories of my none too thrilled to see the childhood readings of the silly old bear, but resolves to Poo series. But this story is return him to the entrance to different in that Christopher EXECUTIVE the Hundred-Acre Wood in Robin, a human ambassador EDITOR/PUBLISHER Dr. David DeMullé the country. to the Hundred-Acre Wood, editor@ When he gets there, he’s eventually gets to an age greeted by other old friends where he has to go to boardSTAFF ASSISTANT like Tigger (Cummings ing school and leave all his Dyan McManus again), Piglet (Nick Mohamstuffed companions behind. med), Rabbit (Peter CapalHe promises he’ll never forWITH THANKS TO di), Owl (Toby Jones), and all our volunteers that get his friends, but life never make The Paper happen! my personal favorite, Eeyore lets you go back. In Chris(Brad Garrett, in what I topher’s world reality hits THE FOOTHILLS PAPER cannot believe is his first as important as family, let - hard, first with school, then TheFoothillsPaper.COM P.O. Box 444 turn at the famously morose alone his glorified imaginary with the death of his father, Tujunga CA 91043 character). After confirming friends from childhood. then with a wife and daugh818-951-0943 that adult Christopher is not, But one day Pooh (Jim ter, then with a war, and now in fact, a dreaded Heffalump, Cummings) finds himself in with a career at a struggling the critters resolve to help a situation he can’t handle luggage company. GrownAssociated

one copy of each edition (stated value: $1). Only authorized TFP distributors may distribute THE FOOTHILLS PAPER. THE FOOTHILLS PAPER is a non-profit newspaper produced by the OSS-Spectrum group.

Saving for a down payment

osts e



elp t-


by Ed Castellanos

ment -- and probably sooner than you think. Here’s how:

Set up automatic deposits. Enable automatic dePress posits into your savL.A. Press Club ings account. Schedule them right after paydays, Press Photographers Association when you of Greater know you’ll Los Angeles have the cash available. International If you Combat can’t automate Camera Association

your deposits, set a reminder to transfer money every two weeks.

Try a round-off app. What if you could round off every purchase you make to the nearest dollar and then put that extra cash to good use? Apps like Acorns and Clarity Money round off your trans-

outside their comfort zone. Downstairs at the El Capitan Theater where the premiere was showing, there were display cases of the actual animals that were used in creating the show. Nostalgia hit and I was wondering why Poo was so worn and forlorn. It took me a minute, but the the reality hit, here was a “grown old” Poo, worn out by being loved, and age. The El Capitan was the ideal site for this film, nostalgic, worn with dignity and a beacon on Hollywood Blvd. As part of the franchise, the Ghiradelli Chocolate Store had all sorts of Poo artifacts and of course chocolate of every flavor and form.

actions and either invest your money or add it to a savings account. Cut down on spending. Find an area of spending that you can afford to cut back on -- maybe eating out or grabbing to-go coffees. Each month, tal-

see Saving, page ?

FOOTHILLS PAPER FUNDRAISER! Pray for me - I drive in Tujunga! Bumper stickers only $5.00. Email: or go to: Edgar Castellanos BRE# 01855534

46 -–FRIDAY, FRIDAY, • THE FOOTHILLS PAPER • VOLUME 1413••NUMBER JUNEAUGUST 9, 2017 • 10, THE 2018 FOOTHILLS PAPER • VOLUME NUMBER 1215 • VOLUME 14 • NUMBER 8 4 — FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2018 FOOTHILLS PAPERPAPER 6 - FRIDAY, JUNE•9,THE 2017 • THE FOOTHILLS • VOLUME 13 • NUMBER 12 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 6 - FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 2017 • THE FOOTHILLS PAPER





On selected items. • VOLUME 13 • NUMBER 12 • VOLUME 13 • NUMBER 12


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7119 L a C rFoothill e s c e n t Boulevard a, CA • VOLUME 14 • NUMBER 8

FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 2018 • THE FOOTHILLS PAPER • VOLUME 14 • NUMBER 15 – 5 VOLUME 14 • NUMBER 8 • ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Watermelon Festival (Continued from Page 1) “This is so fantastic, a fantastic amount of fun,” said Festival Director Paul Butler, looking over the sea of smiling faces. “I want to create a legacy, a legacy that people remember what it was like to be with people from all over the country, having fun!” He said. It was Butler who, as a Sunland-Tujunga chamber member, helped revive what was once known as the Sunland-Tujunga Lion’s Club Watermelon Festival. This event brought together an eclectic group of people that all worked together to make sure that everyone had a great time. Pastor David Richardson of Firepoint Church who is best known for producing the WOWJAM, was part of the program bringing his expertise on setting up a large festival. For decades, the late-summer festival had been held at Sunland Park, where it outgrew its limited parking. Then it moved to the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, then to the Santa Anita Race Track in 2014. The festival was discontinued during 2015 as the Lion’s blub re-organized and new leadership brought in. Marynance Schellenbach, the “Grand Dame” of the Lion’s Club retired and a new president was elected. At this printing, it was unable to determine the actual costs of creating the festival, but with the use of computer generated tickets and an outside company doing the books, it looks like it is really going

to be a windfall for our local charities and service organizations. Last year was the first time at Hansen Dam Sport Complex and a lot of lessons were learned. For instance, this year, all departments were compartmentalized with managers overseeing each one. Event rides and concessions were provided as a package, security, trash pickup & visitor transportation were run by their respective managers reporting to Butler. “Just like a business” said one observer, and that made it a little less stressful, but very effective. With over 13,000 visitors on Saturday and 15,000 on Sunday, just the act of cleaning up the watermelon rinds and keeping the Andy Gump’s serviced could have been a problem, but wasn’t. Everywhere you looked, there were children and adults having a great time. There were over 40 individual vendors and display booths providing something for everyone. Small children received a free pony ride and everyone could visit the petting zoo and reptile center. People arrived in costume and spread cheer where ever they went. Sylmar and San Fernando High Schools provided over 150 student volunteers. Companies such as Hamer Toyota, Pepsi and Nestles all contributed to making this the largest community festival in the North East Valley. Look forward to it being even bigger and better next year.

Seven Dog Safety Tips W ith summer almost at an end and back-to-school on the horizon, I know what you’re thinking: “Gimme a hotdog – I’ll worry about getting into that swimsuit next year.” Or maybe that’s just me. The other thing I’m thinking is: “Road trip!” Let’s have one last hurrah before it’s back to business as usual. If you’re like me, you’ll want to bring your four-legged friends on the trip with you. After all, they’re part of the family, too. Taking pets along when you travel does involve making a few more plans. Here’s seven ways to make your trip safe and fun when you travel with your pets. Check with your vet before you travel. Dogs or cats who had health issues in the past may not be good candidates for travel. In these instances, boarding may be the best choice. Even healthy pets may require a variety of items before flying or road trips. Depending on your destination, your pet may need extra vaccines or health certificates to travel. Your vet can help you determine which, if any, additional steps to take. Pack ample food and water for your pet’s trip. Grocery and supply stores along your route may not stock the right food, so make sure to pack enough with you to last the length of your trip. Also, pack water as well as refillable containers for replenishing when needed. And don’t forget to pack water and food bowls for serving on the road. Traveling long distances with your pet? Many pets are com-




fortable riding around town in your car as these are often quick trips that can sometimes lead to fun. Long road trips, however, can be an entirely different matter. A good way to ensure your trip goes smoothly is to do some practice runs. Take your dog or cat on a longer ride than normal and have them sit where they would during the trip. It’s important to remember that some pets, like people, can get carsick. For your pet’s safety, and yours, use a restraint when traveling. For cats, this means they ride in a carrier that is secured to the seat or placed on the floor. For dogs, this means riding in a carrier or a safety restraint system made just for this purpose. When traveling with your pet, make time for play and potty. A lot of what makes road trips fun are the interesting stops along the way. Stop every 2-3 hours to give your pet the chance to stretch, walk and relieve themselves. Bring their favorite balls and toys and take a few minutes to incorporate training, play and running. Find out if there are dog parks or safe places to run along your route. This will make travel interesting and fun for pets. Traveling with your pet by air? Know the rules. There are regulations and fees associated with flying with a pet. Some airlines allow you to bring your pet into the cabin; some don’t. Make sure you research this carefully before you fly. Most airlines have information about traveling with pets

4 5



right on their websites, but it’s best to call and talk Often you will have to book pet travel directly with a representative of the airline anyway. Always, but especially when traveling, pets should wear ID.Safeguard your pet from the unthinkable. Invest the time to chip and register your pet or update your pets’


registration, and make sure your pet wears a collar and tag with your current phone number at all times. Since you’re traveling, it should be a number that travels with you, such as a cell phone.Last but not least, have fun! See new sights, sniff new things and enjoy all this great big world has to offer with your best friend at your side.


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6 – FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 2018 • THE FOOTHILLS PAPER • VOLUME 14 • NUMBER 15 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ASK RUSTY File Early and Invest vs Wait to File

by AMAC Certified Social Security Advisor Russell Gloor, Association of Mature American Citizens


ear Rusty: I read your article entitled “Doing a Breakdown Analysis” and noted that the article was in response to a reader question about when to take Social Security Benefits. The writer commented “I’m in pretty good health and don’t really need the money right now.” The breakeven analysis you suggested is a great help in determining whether to claim early or wait to take Social Security benefits; however, and in light of your reader’s comment that “he did not need the money right now,”

perhaps another element should be added to the breakeven analysis. That element is to roll the figures based on taking the money early and investing that money month after month for the 48 months in question. The end result should also help in determining an appropriate course of action. I was in the same position back in the mid 90’s and made out far better by taking the money early and investing it. In any event, it’s one more way to look at this issue. Signed: Faithful Reader Dear Faithful: Thanks for your feedback. I certainly agree that there’s more than one way to look at the ques-

tion of when to take Social Security. And, yes, I’m quite familiar with the strategy of taking benefits early and investing them. But since I’m not a Financial Advisor and not qualified to give investment advice, I’m required to restrict my remarks to only the Social Security aspects relating to questions I’m asked. You might be interested to know, however, that many financial advisors today do not recommend taking Social Security benefits early, investing the money, and trying to earn more than the Social Security benefit growth they’ll realize by waiting. Unlike the investment opportunities of the 90’s, it’s pretty hard

Beware the Attack of the Ticks: Some Can Give You Lyme Disease, Says AMAC WASHINGTON, DC, Aug 3 – It’s the height of summer, a time of year when we are most vulnerable to insect-borne diseases. It’s a threat that will still be with us well into the Fall. Dr. Robert R. Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control [CDC], warns that “a growing list of diseases caused by the bite of an infected mosquito, tick, or flea have confronted the U.S. in recent years, making a lot of people sick.” Tick attacks can be particularly nasty for seniors, says Dan Weber, president of the Association of Mature American Citizens. “They can cause several different illnesses, most notably Lyme disease. All of these sicknesses can have harsh symptoms but they rarely result in death, although the elderly have weaker immune systems and are therefore more susceptible.” According to the CDC the symptoms of Lyme disease include fever, rash, facial paralysis and arthritis and can last up to six months. The Interim Healthcare Web site notes that these ”symptoms can be harsh but slow to set in - a person could be infected with Lyme disease for a full month with nothing but a small rash at the bite location before more serious symptoms set in. Later stage Lyme can include increased rashes, partial facial paralysis, arthritis and joint pain, irregular heartbeat, brain and spinal cord swelling, nerve pain and

Tick on head of dog can be removed easily with a pair of tweezers short-term memory loss.” Not all ticks carry Lyme disease. Weber says, “it is the blacklegged tick and the western blacklegged tick that are the culprits. They are not common in all 50 states. In fact, up until about 20 years, they were common only in the Northeastern United States. But two decades later they can be found in 1,531 counties spread across 43 states. Rebecca Eisen, a research biologist at the CDC, tells us that blacklegged ticks inhabit the northeastern, mid-Atlantic, and north-central regions of the United States, and the western blacklegged tick are found along the Pacific Coast.” Weber says he did some research and found that you can tell the difference between the blacklegged and the common dog tick [which is not known to spread disease] by the physical differences between the two. The blacklegged tick is much smaller than the dog tick and the dog tick has white markings on its back. The AMAC chief also suggests that you do not panic if you find a tick

has attached itself to your body; you’ve got up to 24 hours before an infection can set in. So you have time to get help in removing it at an ER, for example. “Whatever you do, don’t try to squeeze it out or use a lit cigarette to coax it out. If you can’t get medical help, use tweezers to grip it as close as possible to its mouth to remove.” And, now it is reported that a new species of tick, the “Longhorned Tick” has recently been identified in New York, New Jersey, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina and Arkansas. According to one report, “while they have been known to transmit disease to humans in other parts of the world, health officials say more research is needed to determine whether that’s possible in the U.S.” To prevent tick bites, the CDC suggests that you: • Treat clothing and gear with products containing 0.5% permethrin. Permethrin can be used to treat boots, clothing and camping gear and remain protective through several washings. And that you, • Use Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered insect repellents containing DEET, picaridin, IR3535, Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus (OLE), para-menthane-diol (PMD), or 2-undecanone. EPA’s helpful search tool can help you find the product that best suits your needs. Always follow product instructions.

these days to beat the 6.7% annual growth in one’s Social Security benefit realized by waiting until full retirement age (FRA) to collect, as well as the 8% annual growth one realizes by waiting beyond full retirement age. And those higher benefits are paid for life, which is significant when considering that average life expectancy is now well into the 80’s and living into the 90’s is now relatively common. Another consideration when taking benefits earlier than one’s full retirement age is that there is an annual earnings limit which, if exceeded, will result in Social Security withholding benefits, so a person’s intentions for

continuing to work could have a financial impact and should be included as part of any financial analysis. And yet another is that Social Security benefits are taxable if certain income thresholds are exceeded, so taking benefits early when someone is still earning a large salary will increase their income tax liability. The point is, it’s never an easy or clear-cut decision as to when to start Social Security, and many factors such as those mentioned above need to be evaluated. And the breakeven analysis, which compares cumulative benefits at different claim-ages, should only be one piece of the puzzle.

Local Businessman Takes Action With Effective Criminal Rehabilitation Program

The Criminon program which is supervised by local resident, Ghislain Viau, is studied by the offender in jail with the program broken down into courses with practical drills and exercises which directly address various factors which lead to crime. to the bad things that are hat is it that causes a occurring in society and person to become a hope that someone else repeat offender and comwill do something about it. mit crimes despite having I found a way to be causserved time in prison? How might our system ative instead of just being fully rehabilitate a crimian effect, when I started nal, helping them to lead working with incarcerated an honest and productive folks.” life? With some states havViau is a supervisor with Criminon, a secular proing as high as 75 percent recidivism (to relapse into gram that approaches crimcriminal behavior and land inal rehabilitation using the back in prison), solutions theories of L. Ron Hubare needed and members of bard who said “There is no our community are taking person alive who cannot action. make a new beginning.” Local businessman, The Criminon program Ghislain Viau, longtime is studied by the offender resident of Sunland who in jail with the regimen of recently moved to La Cresthe program broken down into courses with practical centa, says “I wanted to drills. For more informamake a change around me instead of being individution you can contact info@ ated, just being a spectator



–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– VOLUME 14 • NUMBER 8 • THE FOOTHILLS PAPER • FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2018 — 7

Lentil Stew with Sausage Potato Scones by Chef Randy

or until you 2824 FOOTHILL BLVD. LAminutes CRESCENTA, CAcan 91214

easily poke them with a fork. Rinse under cold water to stop the cooking process. While still warm but not VOLUME 14 • NUMBER 8 • hot, peel the potatoes. “Rice” the potatoes into a large mixing bowl. Add butter and gently mix until it is completely incorporated. Gently fold in flour, baking powder, and salt to form a soft dough. The dough will be soft and sticky. Taste and add addiVOLUME 14 • NUMBER 8 • tional salt if necessary. VOLUME 14 • NUMBER 8 • Divide the dough into 4 equal portions and roll each into a ball. Taking leftover mashed potatoes. otato scones, called one ball, roll into a ¼-inchThat would be wrong. Cold tattie scones or totties, thick round and prick with On selected items. mashed potatoes have a are common fare in Scota fork. Repeat for the other completely different texture land. An article printed in three balls of dough. than hot potatoes, and the travel section of the NY Preheat a nonstick pan or would produce a completeTimes in 2005 says that: griddle on medium. When Ask where the name ly different texture/taste. the pan is hot, cook the scone came from, and you I use a ricer for the potascones until brown – about may be unwittingly caught toes but if you don’t have 5 minutes per side. Reup in a local controversy. a ricer, traditional mashing move the scone from the by Chef ranDy -- even 1½ lentils 1 pan tablespoon BetMany dictionaries willcups work, not to (black worry! I and cut into six equal lentils are good but ter ThanServe Bouillon the Scottish National Dicalso prefer the sweetness pieces. with a full For the absolute get Harmony Farms’ or eat of Kerrygold butter for thisbest steak, tionary -- are say the word any Lentils lowroot in callentils will do) (vegetable base) Scottish breakfast because I like the is schoonbrot, is with a bit of butter. ories, high in from fiber,a Midhigh 1recipe package Light4ascups vegetable broth taste of Kerrygold’s fresh dle Dutch word meaning Freeze leftover scones for in protein and have zelife Smart Sausagdairy products. Any butter fine bread, but a number another day. ro trans fats. This baes Italian Style (cut inInstructions: will do but try this at least of Scottish food historians Note:inTo freeze forcooklater, sic lentil recipe is simple to ½-inch pieces) Plug your slow once with Kerrygold. reject that theory, and opt theheat scones are and easy to prepare. Just 2 cups sweet ermake and sure set the to high. for the Gaelic word sgonn. completely cool. Then put all the ingredients in- corn kernels Rinse the lentils and Ingredients: Macalpine’s Gaelic-English put them in a container todictionary slow and the 341½ stalks celery (thincull out small bya C hef cooker rdefines anDy sgonn cups lentils (black 1 tablespoon Bet-paper large Russet potatoes with pieces of stones wax chow down hours latly(washed sliced)are and debris. Add theinlenlentils but terparchment Than Bouillon but good not peeled) as “gulp, glut,4eat in large or paper er. The vegetarian sau3 carrots (cut intils and all other tablespoons salted b utter Lentils are low in cal- 2any mouthfuls.” In “The Scots lentils will do) (vegetable between (so base) they inwon’t Attention All Veterans, sage adds depth and texto one-inch pieces) gredients to the crock(softened) Kitchen,” first published in ories, high in fiber, high 1 package Light4 cups vegetable broth stick together). To reheat, cupSmart + 1 tablespoon flour and 1929, ture forF.aMarian hearty stew.ze- 1½life medium onpot. Cook for 4 hours. Sons, Daughters Wives ofand Veterans defrost then pop them in protein and McNeill, have Sausag¼ baking powder doyenne Scottish and(cut Enjoyinyour local American Legion Postlikeall in a toaster. I also to It’s good on ion (chopped) This makes a meal ro especially transoffats. Thisfood baesteaspoon ItalianCome Style Instructions: ½ salt accepts sgonn as defrost and then to fry Help support andPlug Veterans’ Causes awriters, coldlentil winter night. 15-ounce can diced to-Veteransby itself butyour is even better sic recipe is simple toteaspoon ½-inch pieces) in slow cookthe root but defines it as “a them with a wee bit of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ matoes (including liquid) and more nutritious when and easy to prepare. Just 2 cups sweet er and set the heat to high. Directions: shapeless mass.” ghee on a medium-hot Ingredients: cloves garlic (minced) accompanied by rice.and put all the ingredients in- 2 corn kernels Rinse the lentils Cut the potatoes into quarShapeless mass or not, griddle for about 1 minute to not a hef slow cooker and the ters 3 stalks celery (thincull out smallBetby C r anDy 1½ cupsboil lentils (black 1per tablespoon do make them with and for about 25Randy’s side. For additional recipes, see Chef websitestones at

DON’T FORGET Lentil Stew with Sausage MOM’S DAY MAY 21


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Lentil Stew with off Sausage



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chow down 4 hours lat- 1½ ly sliced) and debris. Add lentils arelentils good(black but Than Bouillon Chef ranDy cups 1ter tablespoon Bet-the lenFor additional recipes, see Chef Randy’s website at er.Lentils The vegetarian 3 carrots tilsThan and all other inare low insaucalany lentils willin-do) (vegetable base) lentils are(cut good but ter Bouillon sage adds depth and texto one-inch pieces) gredients to the crockories, high fiber, package 4(vegetable cups vegetable broth Lentils areinlow in high cal- 1any lentilsLightwill do) base) ture for a hearty stew. 1 medium onpot. Cook for 4 hours. in protein have high zeSmart LightSausagories, highand in fiber, 1life package 4 cups vegetable broth It’s especially good on ion (chopped) This makes a meal all ro protein trans fats. es Italian (cut inInstructions: in andThis havebazelife SmartStyle Sausaga cold winter night. can diced byPlug itself is slow even cookbetter sic lentil recipe is basimple 15-ounce to pieces) in but your ro trans fats. This es ½-inch Italian Style (cut toinInstructions: matoes (including liquid) and more nutritious when and easy recipe to prepare. Just 2tocups sweet erPlug andPost set the heat high. sic lentil is simple ½-inch pieces) in your slowtocookAmerican Legion 377 Ingredients: 2 cloves garlic (minced) accompanied by rice. put thetoingredients in- 2corn thethe lentils and and all easy prepare. Just cupskernels sweet and set heat to high. 10039 PinewooderRinse Ave., Tujunga to slow and the 3corn stalks celery cull outwebsite small stones puta all thecooker ingredients in-recipes, kernels Rinse the lentils and For additional see (thinChef Randy’s at (818) 353-9856 chow down 4 hours sliced)celery (thinand debris. Add the lento a slow cooker andlatthe 3lystalks cull out small stones Events open to the public er. The vegetarian sau3 carrots (cut intils and all other in- lenchow down 4 hours latly sliced) and debris. Add the Canteen Hours 7 days a week, 210 p.m. sage adds depth and tex- 3tocarrots one-inch pieces) gredients the crocker. The vegetarian sau(cut intils and alltoother in~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ture a hearty stew.tex- 1tomedium pot. Cooktoforthe 4 hours. sagefor adds depth and one-inch pieces) crockForonHall Rental, call gredients Commander Dan at It’s good on (chopped) This makes a meal all tureespecially for a hearty stew. 1ion medium onpot. Cook for 4 hours. (818) 521-1137 aIt’s cold winter night. 15-ounce can diced toby itself but is even better especially good on ion (chopped) This makes a meal all matoes (including anditself morebut nutritious when a cold winter night. 15-ounce can dicedliquid) toby is even better Ingredients: 2matoes cloves(including garlic (minced) accompanied by rice.when liquid) and more nutritious Ingredients: 2 cloves garlic (minced) accompanied by rice. by

For additional recipes, see Chef Randy’s website at For additional recipes, see Chef Randy’s website at For the absolute BEST prime rib for 2018 holidays,



FRIDAY, 8AUGUST 10,AUGUST 2018 • 10, THE2018 FOOTHILLS PAPER PAPER • •VOLUME 15 – FRIDAY, • THE FOOTHILLS VOLUME14 14••NUMBER NUMBER 15 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

8 – FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 2018 • THE FOOTHILLS PAPER • VOLUME 14 • NUMBER 15 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

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