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H E I S R I S E N Happy Easter, everyone!

FRIDAY • MARCH 30, 2018


La Tuna Canyon Rd. Closed by Landslide!


Interactive telling of Resurrection Story

Last week during the heavy rainfall, residents of La Tuna Canyon found that mudslides had once again covered the only road to their homes and work. What they didn’t know was that during the early hours, a landslide occurred at Santa Monica Conservancy park filling the underground culvert that allowed water (and mud)

to flow into the waterway and down to the debris basin. As the water rose, it further caused erosion of the earth below La Tuna Canyon Rd. The road was immediately closed and remained that way for 4 days. Engineers have determined that they could close off one lane and allow traffic to flow at a reduced rate.

The Cross of San Ysidro Above our town stands the Cross of San Ysidro. Neither fire nor storms have diminished its message of peace. The annual Easter sunrise service atop Mt. McGroarty is relatively unknown among the dozens of other such SoCal springtime rituals. Yet the Mt. McGroarty service, is now in its 95th year. Its view of the sun rising over the San Gabriel Mountains ranks the program among the more stunning outdoor celebrations for California Christendom. The Mt. McGroarty service is strictly a local pride event featuring clergy and lay people

from Sunland-Tujunga churches that make it happen. Old newspaper clippings indicate that a cross was first erected on the peak in 1923 and was dedicated in a ceremony led by a Catholic priest. The sunrise service, which evidently began in 1926 is non-denominational. The hour-long service starts at 5:30 a.m., but volunteers begin arriving as early as 4 a.m. transporting worshipers up a narrow access road from the corner of Foothill Boulevard and Hillhaven Avenue in Tujunga. Parking atop Mt. McGroarty is limited.

Evie Calvin

Candace Laughlin, Member, Sunland-Tujunga American Legion Auxiliary by

A wildfire raged around it, yet it still stands proud and tall.

Evie left us on March 6th at three in the morning. She was born nearly 90 years ago in Missouri, in October of 1928, the third of four children. One year after that the stock market crashed, the Depression began, and baby Evie’s father fell ill and died, plunging the Evie Calvin talks to members family into poverty. of American Legion Post So at age one Evie Cal377 about what poppies for vin actually lost both parveterans represent! ents, as her mother had to go to work as a school flour sacks, making a cook. They were very great effort to hide the poor. Evie told of how her printing on the fabric so mother made underwear her kids wouldn’t feel for her children out of see Calvin Obit, page 6

Meet & Greet with Bonnie Corwin on March 29 at Cocos, 10521 Sunland Blvd.

Pie and Coffee! Corwin for Assembly, 2018, June 5 ballot. Please RSVP:


Community Help Easter Prayers in America — We Need It More Than Ever

by Amelia

The Fiesta, Rising in Hope by

Amelia Anderson

Through the ashes of despair, The Fiesta had a Grand Opening celebration Thursday, March 22, 2018 at 7860 Simpson Avenue in North Hollywood. Stephanie KlaskyGamer, President and CEO of LA Family Housing, long recognized as a fixture of change and a harbinger of hope for our Northeast Valley, stood smiling with arms out-stretched welcoming us into her latest efficiency-designed apartment complex providing 49 units of supportive housing for chronically homeless adults. It was a repeat last month when Stephanie welcomed her newest residents, seven of whom came from Sunland-Tujunga, gathered up by her outreach team vans from motels, streets and the Big Tujunga Canyon wash where, having been pre-approved, they temporarily waited at bay until the doors were opened. Van load after Van load unpacked amidst the squeal of excitement, bodies bursting through doors in a joyful bubble of tears, glad to have slept their last rainy night outside. The Fiesta is named for the old motel complete with pool that long occupied this location, it’s name now fittingly engraved on metal keys designating ‘home’ and distributed to each resident. This two story building with subterranean parking is part of the Lankershim blocklong construction now referred to as The Campus. It’s a comprehensive project that places together a health care center, a regional homeless

resources center, plus temporary bridge and permanent supportive housing. In addition to a full-time property manager, The John Stewart Company, and a resident advocate, services include mental health professionals, a recovery specialist, and a life skills coordinator on site as well as access to a network of offices through The Campus. Additional amenities include a furnished community room with large TV, a computer job and technology center, a fitness center, an on-site laundry room, and two roof-top terraces for outdoor leisure and social interaction. Testimonial included: Nury Martinez,City Councilmember District 6; Rushmore Cervantes, General Manager of Housing+Community Investment Department, City of LA; Molly Rysman, Housing and Homelessness Deputy for LA County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl; and Marc Trotz, Director of Housing for Health Program at LA County Department of Health Services. Recognition of Funders and Partners included Michele Breslauer, Chair of 21 on Board, and Stephanie Klasky-Gamer, President and CEO of LA Family Housing who served as both Developer and Service Provider for this Fiesta project. They selected Gonzalez Goodale Architects, Optimus Construction, Inc., and AMJ Construction Management. “Don’t think all this construction is the end of it — it’s just the beginning. With the passage of Proposition see Fiesta, page 4

Amelia Anderson is a Homeless Advocate elected to both the SunlandTujunga Neighborhood Council and also to Mayor Garcetti’s Homeless Committee.


Glenn Mollette

The gospels of Matthew and Mark identify the place where Jesus prayed shortly before his betrayal by Judas and then later his trial and crucifixion as Gethsemane. Jesus was accompanied by three of his followers, Peter, John and James, whom he asked to stay awake and pray. During his agony as he prayed, “his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down upon the ground” (Luke 22:44). As much of the world will celebrate or at least recognize Holy Week, Good Friday and Easter a common ritual will take place at all the events - prayer. Every Holy Week service will have at least one if not several prayers. The same will be true with all worship, Christian events on Good Friday and Easter. Prayer is always commonly associated with worship, church events, potluck dinners and almost any activity associated with Christianity. Prayer has been a point of focus for millions of Americans. We’ve even battled over whether we should pray at school, ballgames and political gatherings. Unfortunately many Americans may not be praying at home which is where everyone has the complete freedom to do so without harassment or consternation from anyone else. Jesus knew he was facing more pain than any human being could withstand. What he would experience during his trial and crucifixion was evil and barbaric. Emotionally, spiritually and physically he tried to prepare himself for something that he or no one could really prepare for yet he realized how vital it was to pray with intensity never quite like anyone before. The scriptures say he prayed, “His sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down upon the ground.” Many of us have prayed

fervently. Many years ago I held my dead stillborn son for over two hours and wept without ceasing. I prayed as I wept that I would wake from this nightmare. I prayed that our little boy would awaken and cry as other newborn babies do but while I prayed with everything in me that little baby would not come to life and would later be buried in a grave where I still visit today. There have been many other times I have prayed in agony. I prayed for the healing of my wife of 27 years who died from a long illness of multiple sclerosis. I have prayed for other people and in other scenarios. The prayers did not stop death from coming to my wife nor has prayer necessarily changed a lot of other stuff that I prayed for or about along the way. When Jesus prayed it did not alleviate the cruelty of the cross or make his treatment from evil people any easier or better. His treatment could not have been any worse. Why did Jesus even bother to pray? Why do you even bother to pray? Prayer is a spiritual event of the heart and mind. Prayer often prepares you mentally and enables you to deal with what is going on. Prayer is about something that is beyond us. Prayer is about the unseen. It’s about the spiritual and is all about bringing God

into the scenario. Jesus did not in any way fail in his prayer life. The intensity of his prayer was truly answered as Jesus accomplished what he set out to do and that was to take the sins of the world on him as he suffered, bled and died on a rugged cross. The ultimate victory is seen in that God empowered him to come back to life conquering the grave, death and sin for all of mankind. Nothing was more beautiful to the followers of Jesus than seeing a risen, living Jesus. Thomas, a follower, exclaimed in marvel upon seeing the risen Jesus and the nail prints in his hands, “My Lord and my God.” We need prayer in America. We need it bad. Our federal and state governments are in bad shape financially. Mismanagement, selfishness and chaos abound all around. Our schools need prayer. Our young adults in America are more lost than ever before. Families are suffering and torn apart. Homelessness continues to grow. We have become a nation that believes our only hope is to legalize more drugs, build more casinos, enact more taxes yet all the while we need more mental health workers than ever. We cannot hire enough security guards and arm them fast enough for our schools and other public places because our country is becoming see Prayer, page 4



What an incredible week we’ve had (so far). We just had our Meet The Candidates forum, and the six hopefuls had a chance to tell the audience about what they hope to accomplish if they are elected. I find it interesting that they are all Hispanic except for Patrea Patrick, and all have clawed their way to success in one form or another. The audience was a mixed group of disenchanted geriatrics that found this to be more amusing than watching television. Aren’t there any “youngsters” that are interested in our political happenings? I counted 130 people coming and going during the presentations. OH! I forgot the 3 “Activists” that were outside with their sign stating “Democrats for Ricardo Benitez.” I thought that was funny — but it obviously went

over the heads of the audience. Well, maybe not. Someone called the cops and cried, “There are activists outside disrupting our meeting.” Wow! We got SLO Caloca and two senior officers racing up to quell the possible riot. Now that was funny. I just wish that they were inside the building so that everyone could enjoy the well-dressed Republican couple and their pet rescue friend. I really wish I had more room in this issue to run their photos. There was only ONE member of the STNC in attendance, Pat Kramer. She came in, walked around and left. There were two members of the Chamber of Commerce there, and they seemed to be really interested in what the candidates had to say. Now that was a first for them. As far as I know, there

will be a something-fest of some sort. AND I do know that the STNC refused to help fund it. So what’s new? Our next major event may be the 4th of July parade. With the Rotary Club out of compliance and maybe without a charter, it might not happen. They need some more members to make them legal. Personally, I think it’s gone so far down the tubes as not to be redeemable. With Curtles Koesler running amok in their golf cart, giving the finger to bystanders, and Michelle Ramage telling organizations that they can’t be in the parade because she had a bug up her ass, it doesn’t seem fun anymore. Keep tuned to find out what is going on. The Chamber of Commerce Fireworks Show seems to be a reality. Did you know that every year for the past 8 years,


ROC K they have had to fight the STNC for funding? Now what’s wrong with that picture? This year the show will be free to the community. People are really going out of their way to make it happen and to be family friendly. OF COURSE, the STNC president Dana Stangel had to be a wet blanket and say “We don’t need fireworks here – they disturb the animals!” Wow! We could have a silent tribute to our nation’s birthday. Sort of like a cow patty with a candle instead of a birthday cake. Yes, boys and girls: it really is The Water!

Curb Appeal: 4 Fixes for a Lush Lawn

by Ed Castellanos


is published bi-weekly. All content is copyrighted and may not be reproduced without written consent of the publisher. All submissions to this newspaper become property of THE FOOTHILLS PAPER and may not be republished in whole or in part. The opinions expressed by contributing writers do not necessarily express the views of the publisher nor staff of this newspaper. TFP is available free of charge. No person may, without prior written permission from TFP, take more than one copy of each edition (stated value: $1). Only authorized TFP distributors may distribute THE FOOTHILLS PAPER. THE FOOTHILLS PAPER is a nonprofit newspaper produced by the OSS-Spectrum group.

EXECUTIVE EDITOR/PUBLISHER Dr. David DeMullé STAFF ASSISTANT Dyan McManus WITH THANKS TO all our volunteers that make The Paper happen!

THE FOOTHILLS PAPER TheF o o t h illsPape r . C OM

P.O. Box 444 Tujunga CA 91043 818-951-0943

L.A. Press Club Press Photographers Association of Greater Los Angeles International Combat Camera Association

The colder months are notoriously hard on foliage -- and subsequently, curb appeal. Fortunately, spring is just around the corner, and that means now is the perfect time to prep your lawn for its revival. Try these easy fixes,

and you’ll have lush landscaping in no time. • Reseed and fertilize. Have bare or thinning spots of grass? Take the time to reseed now, and use fertilizer to encourage new growth. Be sure to scrape any bare patches with a rake

before seeding, and keep the area moist until it begins to sprout. • Look for problematic slopes or shaded areas. Sometimes large, shady trees or steep inclines can hinder lawn growth. Step back and analyze your yard for

these potential problem areas. Consider planting fescues in shady zones, and look into hydroseeding in sloped regions. • Use sod to patch exsee Curb Appeal, page ?

Edgar Castellanos BRE# 01855534


The Foothills Letters & Perspectives

High Speed Train Wrecks?

DAVE DEPINTO’S RESPONSE TO COUNCILWOMAN MONICA RODRIQUEZ’S LETTER DATED 3-16-18 REGARDING 200+ LETTERS PERSONALLY DELIVERED TO HER OFFICE ON MARCH 6, 2018: Some people are receiving written responses from you to the letters they submitted to your office calling for greater action and responsiveness to constituents on the high-speed train issue. Many of these letters were submitted at

the large Unity Meeting which you failed to attend. We question why you continue your misinformation campaign and hope you realize you lack credibility at this time on this issue. A weak letter like yours, full of deflection, deceit, delay, and outdated claims, will not change what constituents think or demand. Thus, I’m sending you all a recap of last night’s Sylmar neighborhood council meeting. The building of this strong grassroots Coalition against the high-speed train project continues with no assistance from your office. At the end of the recap is our very clear

assessment of CD7 on this issue. We are seeing that you are completely out of step with the clearly expressed will of your District. But that’s what happens when you work in isolation and don’t trust and take advantage of the wealth of knowledge and expertise possessed by Community leaders. While you have been in office for about nine months, your district has lived with this threat for over three years. What your District wants is for you to demand the removal of the present routes. Stand up and be tough for your constituents!

Seeking new alternatives is akin to trying to save the world and to save the high-speed train project. That is not the concern of your constituents. Especially when the alternative you are touting is so far-fetched, long-term and a long shot. You are putting this District in the position of another unwanted 3-5 year delay as any new alternative will need to undergo full environmental review and obtain the necessary funding. If you would meet with us, if you would talk with us, and if you would work with us you might be more in sync see Letters, page 5


They both concur that we got behind about 10 years here in HHH, voters have joined forces LA. Now we’re playing ‘catch up! Don’t be discouraged by stawith our vision for the future tistics. County homelessness and blown financial wind into rose 23% last year, but of that, our sales. We have four new only 4% was in the Valley. Our projects on the drawing boards people, especially LA Family that will be completed within Housing, provide leadership to the next two months. That’s others throughout the North Valhow great the need is,” says ley. Here’s just a sampling of fuStephanie. “We’ve talked and ture projects: Ormond Beach planned for ten years. But we couldn’t envision it - unless we Apartments will open 2019 in stood on the shoulders of those Oxnard for homeless Veteran families. 40 units.; The Angel, who came before us.” Chair Michele claims it’s Stephanie’s 37 units will open 2020 for vision, “We just supported her!” homeless Veterans, a two story building at 8545 Sepulveda; Their philosophy is that housing is a right, to which all are en- Residences on Main will open 2020 in South LA for transition titled. It starts with engagement of the community and collabora- age youth and homeless families. 50 units in partnership with tion. “Years ago, if you had the Coalition for Community Rebest social worker, you got the best housing. But now with com- sponsible Development; Summit View Apartments will open 2020 puters for navigation, we can in Lakeview (Terrace?)for support housing prioritized by homeless Veterans, 49 units in need to better allocate our repartnership with Many Mansources,” says John Horn. Outreach worker Eric Montoya says, sions. They’re hiring, 100 jobs at “Now a person in the wash can be interviewed, processed, and if LAHSA, or at LAFH,org., disaccepted for subsidized housing, patching outreach teams to identify and protect the homewe can drop off a key, bundle less, so experience is a plus in them up and move them in. So, we’re changing life for the invisi- lieu of a degree. They’re not discriminatory. Even neo-Nazi bles. Homelessness is a family wanna-be’s who want to paybreakdown, a loss of job. It can check flip may apply. happen to anyone, anytime.”

Fiesta, from pg. 2



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Attention All Veterans, Sons, Daughters and Wives of Veterans

Come and Enjoy your local American Legion Post Help support Veterans and Veterans’ Causes


American Legion Post 377 10039 Pinewood Ave., Tujunga

( 818) 353-9856 Events open to the public

Canteen Hours - 7 days a week, 2- 10 p.m.


For Hall Rental, call Commander Dan at (818) 521-1137

Prayer, from pg. 2 scarier than what our soldiers are facing in Iraq and Afghanistan. All the while little unborn babies are not safe in America and the aged in America continue to increasingly work out the rest of their lives in order to survive. Are we a happy people in America? Happiness comes and goes based on the events of the day it seems but overall there is a sense of emptiness and struggle

in many Americans. While you are buying Easter candy this week take time to pray. Prayer doesn’t always bring about what you specifically pray for. Sometimes it does and many times it does not. Just remember in his hour of greatest struggle that’s what Jesus did - he prayed. More than ever we need to pray for others, our country and ourselves. You can contact him at:

American Legion Post 377 Knows How to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day!

For the absolute BEST prime rib for 2018 holidays, you can get it at

Harmony Farms 2824 Foothill Blvd. La Crescenta, CA

S-T Honorary Mayor John Clausen gets a plate full of corned beef, cabbage and fixins from Legionnaire Robert Young at the American Legion Post 377 annual St. Patties Day dinner and dance.



Letters, from pg. 3

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your constituents. For the time it took for you to prepare your meaningless response letter, you could have written or called the Authority and demanded a meeting in the northeast San Fernando Valley. You could have expressed to the Authority your demand for removal of the existing routes. Or you could have sat down and met with us. Again, we call on cd7 for greater focus, collaboration, responsiveness and transparency.

with the interests of your constituents. The fact that you met with the Coalition during the campaign more than a year ago is irrelevant at this point. You should know better than anyone that this is a day-to-day campaign against the now $78 billion highspeed train project with serious political, technical and environmental issues happening regularly. It requires daily focus, strategy, work and TEAMWORK. That you have not commuDave DePinto nicated or worked with Member, SAFE Coalition the SAFE Coalition for President, Shadow Hills nearly a year is grossProperty Owners Assn. ly negligent and a breach ••• of the Pledge you signed as a candidate. As your Advisory I Remember Council on this issue, we Rose Too! call for complete transparency from you and I was just at the car we call for you to reprewash in Sunland and sent the interests of all

picked up a copy of the Foothills Paper and read the story of the closed shop. I too like the writer love Rose. I am so saddened to hear of her illness and that the shop is closing. I too took my son to Roses shop since he was a little boy and he sat in the pink Jeep too. He is 19 now and still goes ONLY to Rose. She still offers him a lollipop after every visit like when he was a little boy. I would like to send a gift or flowers and a card to let her know how much she has meant to our family over the last 19 years. Is there any way I can reach her through The p Paper or send a note or leave something for her ? Thanks for taking the time to read my email. Grateful local business Patron, Sophia Zagon And son Riley Zagon


including many non-vetwas snapped up instantly the rare quality that drew erans, and she bought a by the wife of Kurt everybody to her. How juke box for the Post on Young, a friend of John many people do you ashamed. We know little Pinewood. And then there Clausen’s. Kurt told his know who really love else about her years in were her poppies. wife Lyn, who owned a life? Missouri, except that business in La Canada, Though Evie always resomehow she was able to The veterans and the American Legion were “If you could see how mained slightly annoyed avoid becoming the kind the most important things good she is at keeping at her three brothers for of sad and bitter person in Evie’s life. She never that place going, you’d pushing her around when that such harsh beginshe was little, she was nings often produc1e. In- missed the Veterans’ Day know what an asset she Memorials at Sunland will be for you”. So Lyn immensely proud of them stead, in spite of losing Park, where she would Young hired Evie to run A for their wartime service. her daddy, losing her Propos, a high-end To Evie, nothing was mother’s care, and suffer- recite stirring patriotic Evie with her beloved Yorkies. 21-chair hair salon and more important than being the cruelty of grinding poems like In Flanders Field from memory. She she was perfect, handling ing a patriotic American. believed in God and in a poverty, Evie found a way Her favorite cause was to become a positive and wore red, white, and blue scheduling, the books, Paradise that was created and the money. Ten days Intrepid Heroes, a charity for us. If she was right in energetic person, becom- whenever she sold poppies, and she sold them in, Lyn had an out of that supports veterans ing vice president of her her beliefs, then it’s a to everyone she met, town emergency and who have lost their limbs. class, thriving at basketsure thing that certain whether they were ready asked Evie if she could Most people aren’t capa- events have already ocball, volleyball, cheer run the place on her own ble of going near such leading, swimming in the or not. She always wore curred: on March 6th Bud Fales’ Purple Heart for days or maybe even tragedy, but Evie was en- shortly after three in the Mississippi River-and for luck when she sold weeks. She said she could tirely comfortable spend- morning, she began to thriving at making friends. and she sold countless handle it and for Lyn not ing time with those sweet feel strange, she felt like After World War Two thousands. to worry. Evie handled it young men and women ended, she and her first she was drifting, and In 2009 she was an hon- and stayed there for four whose bodies had been husband settled here and then the most beautiful ored guest aboard the years until she was 75. all but ruined. Didn’t had two daughters, Leslie voice she ever heard was USS Constitution - Old She loved parties, and bother her a bit. Ann and Kim. The marall around her and it said, Ironsides- for the Navy she loved to travel. Dur- She loved animals and “Well done, thou good riage failed so Evie gritspoiled her pets. Her latted her teeth and went out Reunion, where they had ing one of her junkets to and faithful servant”. her recite patriotic poems. Hawaii, she told people est, Baby and Princess, and found a job at Bank And she looked up and She was rumored to have her name was Brandy. live like royalty. of America where she found herself being cramemorized over a hunThis, of course, led to When asked to sum up worked for 32 years. dled in her Father’s arms, scandalous speculation their impressions of Evie, where she stayed until After her girls grew up, dred. In 2010, Evie helped Bud Fales retire back here at home, which people say things like: she stayed busy, working she adjusted to her new FRIDAY • MARCH 16, 2018 TELLING THE TRUTH FOR 13 YEARS! VOLUME 14 • NUMBER 5 of course is what Evie She lived BIG. full time and living life to 3,000 flags from around existence, and now she’s Cañada Crescenta Democratic Club (also serving Sunland-Tujunga) had hoped for in the first Her style was: The Live, the fullest. Including get- the country. They started fine. She’s with Leslie is proud to present the at ten in the morning and place, because she loved Love, Life. She was the ting married two more Ann now. She’s with her Fresh Ojai Burritos th finished at dawn the next a good laugh. She also kindest woman you could times. She was proud of CALIFORNIA 39her parents, and brothers, C r A new take on the Thin had criminal tendencies. day. When Bud cooked imagine. She worked as her daughters and loved and all the friends and Assembly District I think we can all agree Blue Line Flag. Combinthat a good burrito is for events hard as she could for as Candidate telling people that Kim family Forum and great loves ing at thethe StarsPost, & Stripes of On at least one occasion, made with fresh ingredients. The right comU.S. flagthere with the to she and John Clausen hi- long as she could so 2she was a FedEx pilot. Leslie Evie wasthealways that sheMarch had lost PM, Sunday, 25thto , death. bination of ingredients, Thin Blue Line concept however, is what disCandidates participating will be: wash all the dishes by jacked a plane from could give more help to Ann died at age 29 but Meanwhile, there’s a tinguishes a good burricreates a new meaning of to from a great one. Here hand, which led Bud to fiWhitman airport and flew the veterans. Evie came through the Yolie Anguiano long line that started unity. The Blue repreare my recommendations sents the officer and the for what a great burriBenitez around for hours, never So now Evie has gone Ricardo tragedy, probably because nally buy a dishwasher forming in Paradise on to must include at a minicourage they find deep Patty Lopez mum:she’d had so much pracbecauseinside that was revealing A) where they on ahead and we feel ter- March 6 just after three in when the facedonly with • Fresh flour tortillas. Patrea Patrick Handmade tortillas are insurmountable odds. way to make her stop it. went and B) what they rible because we know tice at surviving tragedies the morning, a line of vetpreferable to store-bought potatoes, or worse yet, Luz Rivas and chopped fine) The Black background SFC Head Coachup Hovic Tadevosyan and GPD Officer Edgar know anyone ones. as a child. French fries. Too trendy 1 medium clove garlic After she retired from were doing there. She we’ll never erans who were once Antonio Sanchez was designed as a conZabunyan with the new mural honoring Law Enforcement in • A variety of colors, texfor me. I like my burri(peeled and minced) tures and freshwas flavors. tos to be uncomplicatbanking,stant got a fresh job at loved the gossip and the 2 she tablespoons lime like her again. It is very America. She the most generhelped — and in many reminder of their Mono-filling burritos are ed yet tasty; familiar yet juice fallen brother and sister boring. as unique. San laughter that were gener- tough, especially for Kim cases saved — by Evie’s SaltAviation and fresh ground ous person people hereTake thatSouthland The Sunland Fight Club • Beans. I love rice but officers. The Line is what for decency and lawlessDiego! black pepper to taste manager and dispatcher. ated by thatthey crazy and for theinold friends she kindness. They are all not in ever my burrito. Rice What makes them 4 ripe avocados (peeled knew. She lavished ness. Together sym-little is now offering training police officers protect, tends to make a burrito unique to Ojai is my use and pits removed) concerned about responsible government. bolize theShe camaraderie “Police-Specific” defense the barrier between anar- junket. When owner started loved making has left behind. Open to all interested voters mushy and doesn’t add of on local, farm-fresh to- the time and presents the 3 tablespoons red onion waiting their turn to dance all that much flavor. matoes, onions, cilantro, (chopped At The Sunland-Tujunga Municipal Building-North Valley City Hall, law enforcement officers and non-violent intervenchy and a fine) civilized sociruining the business, she people laugh and be hap But maybe we can • Picoveterans de Gallo made at Wardchilies, 99 ongarlic, avocados, with And they’re ¼ cup fresh cilantro 7747 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga, nexther. to the Sunland-Tujunga Library all all share, a brotherhood tion. This is a first in the ety, between order and with farm-fresh ingredikale and limes. Fresh (chopped) put the word out she py. Evie’s amazing love like none other. fight clubwarm industry.ourselves a little Sepulveda, she helped chaos, respect ents. This provides texcactus leaves with which wearing red poppies in 1 large between clovethat garlic ture and flavor. to make nopalitos are (peeled and minced) was available for hire and of life, her trust in it, was with these thoughts. Evie countless other people, their lapels. • Creamy guacamole. available at local farm1 teaspoon fresh lime

Calvin Obit, from pg. 1


SFC Offers “PoliceSpecific” Training




This is an additional flavor layer. • Tangy Monterey Jack cheese. Nuff’ said. • Grilling. This provides a crispy outside texture – but not too crispy. The burrito must still be chewy.

juice Los Angeles Updates Speed 2 tablespoons Mexican Crema Whether you’re Surveys, ½ teaspoon saltplan- Increases Enforcement ★★★ STARS ★★★ 2 serrano chilies (retain

ers’ markets or you can find them already processed and pickled at one of your local markets.

Curb Appeal, from pg. 3

ning to BY sell your propPAUL KREKORIAN seeds and chop fine) ½ cup pickled nopalitos erty or you just want tensive dead areas. If the (drained - Doña María is Angeles a Los good brand) took a a great-looking cold weather has killed ½ teaspoon extra virgin step towardhome, greater trafI don’t agree that burolive oil fic safety with the city’s your lawn and its health large swaths of the lawn, ritos should include a 1 teaspoon lime juice of new mound of fancy fried is goingannouncement to play a big resodding may be your speed website limits on 71 For additional recipes, see Chef Randy’s atLos role. Take carestreets, of it the now best bet. You can install Angeles sult of recently-updated and by spring, you’ll sod anytime of year; speed surveys conducted have anbyoutdoor oa- Dejust make sure to wathe Los Angeles partment of Transportasis you’ll be proud ter it often until it sets. tion. The new speed limto call your own. • Consider xeriscapits will be coupled with increased LAPD ening. Xeriscaping is the forcement efforts in the easiest way to weatherEast Valley and across proof your lawn no matthe city as part of the Vision Zero initiative to ter where you live. It’s decrease traffic deaths. also super-low mainDuring the recession, speed surveys for many tenance and low cost, local streets expired, and it can be a big sellwhich prevented LAPD ing point if your home’s officers from enforcing posted limits. That’s bein a hot or arid climate. Ingredients: 5 medium and firm tomatoes (¼-inch dice) 1 medium white onion (peeled and diced) ¼ cup fresh cilantro (chopped fine) 2 jalapeño chilies (seeded

The paperback version is now available on Amazon NOW. Just think: seven years of crime and corruption by people we know and love(?) in our little town. People that have torn our community apart for their own personal gain.

see Burritos, page 9

cause the State of Cali-

Check out where the bodies were found, where the bodies were moved to, where the bodies that weren’t even reported ended up. Police coverups (awaiting confirmation by our legal advisers on how much we can show and say.) Did you know that there were TVR gangland hit squads attacking the homeless here? you know how many homeless were killed Just Do waiting for the scofflaws on Foothill Blvd. and then are set afire to cover it up? Corruption is Sunland-Tujunga’s middle name. Read about how our council-members raped the system for their own personal gain and destroyed peoples lives for fun and cheap paper certificates of appreciation.

fornia requires cities to history, roadside condiperform speed surveys tions, residential and Yes, boys and girls “You can’t tell the players without the S.TA.R.S.” every 5-10 as version a business andarepe**Note, this isyears the larger than the Kindle.density, Rave reviews flowing in from the local hate sites as the Facebook Nazis follow the condition of setting and destrian and bicyclist big lie and demand that the video treatment be stopped. Not since the Pentagon papers has there beenon a book like this. Koesler enforcing speed limits safety toFollow best Kurt determine and Sonia Tatulian as they steal the local newspapers and get certificates ofstreets. appreciation from surthe neighborhood council. It’s corruption at local These an appropriate speed for its best. Available at Amazon Books. veys measure actualor “Sunland the street. Search for “Davidthe DeMulle” Tujunga” on the Amazon Books site. speeds driven by the vast Now that the speed majority of users when surveys are complete, the street is uncrowded, the LAPD can enforce along with road collision our speed limit laws.

★★★ STARS ★★★


Sunland-Tujunga Exposé photo: Dyan McManus




Laugh at The Chef, Not at The Gnocchi Chef Randy

been working at an upscale restaurant in northern California, stopped laughing long enough to teach me to accurately pronounce Gnocchi. I now say “Noh-Kee”. Robert has my passion for cooking. One day, at our home in Ojai, he and I experimented with various Gnocchi sauces until we got one just right. Here’s what we created:

tra for kneading 1 tablespoon butter ¾ teaspoon salt 1 egg

tatoes but do not cut or peel them. Boiling them I like to think I am unpeeled lessens the waa good cook. I know ter that penetrates the my limitations, howpotatoes while they’re ever, when it comes to Garnish: cooking. Add potatoes speaking foreign lanFresh grated Parmigiato boiling pot of waguages. More than once no-Reggiano cheese ter and boil for 30 minI’ve made a fool of myutes. Remove from waself by mispronouncSauce Directions: ter, drain and cool until ing the dishes I bring Sauté mushrooms and you can easily handle to our dining room tabutter in medium saucethem. Peel potatoes and ble. Take the word Gnpan for approximately 3 mash them well. You occhi, for instance. Gnminutes. Add white wine don’t want any lumps. A occhi is a small potato and continue to cook un- ricer or a fork work well dumpling originating in Sauce Ingredients: til liquid is reduced. Set here. While mashed poItaly. I know that. I al1 ounce dried porcini aside while preparing tatoes are still warm, stir so know how to prepare mushrooms (re-hydrated) Gnocchi (see below). in flour, butter, salt and it. But when I first served 1 ounce dried oyster While Gnocchi boils, re- egg forming soft dough. it to my wife and son mushrooms (re-hydrated) heat mushroom mixture Transfer dough to a they laughed out load 4 tablespoons on medium to high heat. lightly floured board and for more than a minute. sweet butter Add heavy whipping knead dough for about a I proudly brought plates 1 cup white wine cream, cream cheese minute or until smooth. of Gnocchi to the table 3 cups heavy cream and mix well. ContinDo not over-knead. Roll announcing, “Your Yon6 ounces cream cheese ue to heat until sauce aldough into ¾ inch thick Kee is served”. Hear½ teaspoon salt (or most - but does not - boil. tubes and cut into 1-inch ing them laugh I tried more to taste) Remove from heat. pillows. If you don’t have again and pronounced a macchinetta per gnocit “Ga-Noh-Kee”. There Gnocchi Ingredients: Gnocchi Directions: chi with which to form was more laughter. Our 2 large russet potatoes Start a large pot of wathe gnocchi pillows, use son, Robert, who had 1¼ cups flour, plus exter to boil. Wash the poa fork to gently roll them by

For additional recipes, see Chef Randy’s website at

into shape. Drop gnocchi into boiling water and cook until they float to the top – about 3 minutes. Drain water from Gnocchi as soon as they are done. Serving Instructions: Place Gnocchi on four shallow soup bowls. Ladle sauce on Gnocchi. The mushrooms in the sauce provide the flavor to this dish. Be sure to parcel the mushrooms out so each bowl has its fair share. Sprinkle a tablespoon of freshly grated cheese over the top. Serve with fresh French bread and your favorite salad.


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