And still thy anger
And still thy anger Swift as a breath Our lives pass through. I will turn all their sorrows Into joy, comfort And cheer their sad heart. I am the poet who in My sad moods will I Thank of you. O, readers, my whole soul Longs for thee And I will have my mercies To do your bidding, For to me you are holy. May the almighty and merciful Lord Give both of us pardon, absolution And remission of our sins. Praise with me, let us extol Whatever name you call him by, Together singing his name.
Arise, O Christ, and help us Arise, O Christ, and help us. Deliver us for thy name sake. Cleanse thou our souls from every sin. We sing praise to your name,
Pay homage to you. You are the light that shall give us revelation. Thine arm to be our strength and stay. Relent, Lord; must it be forever? Be gracious to thy servants. Lord, thou hast been our refuge. Still thy anger and grant us deliverance From the tyrant’s power. Our souls make an offering To you O Lord of honor and glory. Thank be to God, That of thy mercy, thou wilt lord. Christ, the son of the living God, Have mercy on us, who hast brought us To the beginning of this day, For us thy timely mercies, For us abiding happiness and contentment.
O, Lord hear my prayer O, Lord hear my prayer And let my cries come unto thee O Christ, arise into my life That I may keep to your path And turn not the way of the wicket That do wrong doing upon the earth. I will wash my hands clean, And take my place among the righteous
At thy altar, amen.
We rise to praise thy holy name We rise to praise thy holy name For to us thy timely mercies, For us abiding happiness and contentment. We worship the Lord, in holy vesture habited. Spread thy grace to each and everyone. Lord, Jesus Christ, thy son Who is God, living and reigning with thee Look kindly on your servant Who call to thee in time of need Grant we pray that we shall be taken Through this day and know no ills Of our spirit, mind and body. We give thee all our praises For your timely mercies is all that we ask. Lord God, we have none before thee. May forever on our lips May forever on our lips A song of praise to our God be, For we have cried out to him And our voices did reach his Mountain sanctuary and found hearing. Glory be to the Father, and the Son, And the Holy Ghost, For into his hands do we command Our spirit and he did deliver us For his name sake, Alleluia.
God is a lover of faithfulness God is a lover of faithfulness He will not withhold his mercy from you But he will befriend the innocent. Grant us, O Christ, thy grace to win And make our minds thy dwelling-place For our hearts thrills with joy in you the Lord For ageless as sun or moon you shall endure. Lord, king of everlasting glory Bring deliverance. Thank be to God.
May our desires be directed to the observance of thy holy law
May our desires be directed to The observance of thy holy law, For your praise shall be on our lips continually. Lord, have mercy on us is our prayers, Keep us free from all afflictions And curb thou our foe that we may sleep in peace. Into thy hands, Lord, we commend our spirits. Here, O, God, is our sacrifice, a broken spirit. With tears and prayers we cry to thee. God, strengthen us in generous resolve, For deep in our hearts, thy wisdom has instructed us.
The Lord’s voice in its majesty
The Lord’s voice in its majesty, Is the very coming of the sun It reaches into the fury, the waves At the sea’s heart, the depths congealed. As soon as the breath leaves man’s body Man goes back to the dust he belongs to; With that, all his designs will is only for the living.
Let there be joy on every tongue Let there be joy on every tongue For it is God who delver us for his name sake And let our feet be ever on the path He hast chosen, let us be righteous For there is no stronghold that can Compare with God And we will sing a new hymn to the Lord our God Who makes our minds thy dwelling place. We will gather and join in blessing the Lord’s name.
The lord does not reject our prayers The lord does not reject our prayers
And we should sing them in a strange land. Deliver us, O Lord, in thy mercy Short is man’s careless enjoyment of earthly goods And now that night in her obscurity Has veiled the colors of day There shall come the dawn of hope for the innocent For fatherhood itself is the Lord’s gift. The fruitful womb is a reward that comes. Our God, bring a clean heart to birth within us.
Give me still thy aid Give me still thy aid; Do not forsake me Do not neglect me O, Lord, Richly thou dost anoint my Head with oil, well filled is my cup. Into thy hands Lord, I command My spirit, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
Into thy hands Lord, Into thy hands Lord, I commend my spirit. Incline unto my aid, O God I pray to blessed Mary, Ever a Virgin, to blessed Michael The Archangel, have pity on me. O God, deliver me from my enemies, Rescue me from their assaults, I make this offering to the Lord of The glory that befits his name.
What’s the fear of the Lord is? What’s the fear of the Lord is? Come and listen to me teaching. True wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord. The Lord will claim his servant as his own; They go unreproved that put their fate in other. The Lord hatest the wrong-doers And will bring the liar down. Lord, thou givest thy benediction To the just that we may worthily Obtain help and salvation. Ruler of all, now dost thou Let thy servant go in peace, According to thy word. Thou, God, ever faithful, hast redeemed us for thyself. Christ, the Son of the living God, Have mercy on us, have compassion on our souls. To thee, O Lord, we look for refuge. Glory be to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
Lord, have pity on us and hear our prayers Lord, have pity on us and hear our prayers This guilt which we freely acknowledge, The sin which is never lost to our sight, Blot out the record of our guiltfull deeds In thy great love send prosperity to us, That we do right to receive our just award. Right reason forever is on man’s lips. Joy, joy it is to praise your holy name. Teach us, Lord, thy own path and Turn thy back on the record of our sins. May the almighty and merciful Lord give us pardon And keep us ever thy own servant far from pride. Blessed be the Lord, who schools us in his righteous ways. The Lord, who made heaven and earth
The Lord, who made heaven and earth, Who redresses wrong and give food to the soul that hunger Is a gracious Lord. If we are to be healed, it is thou Lord, must heal us. Let the very heaven proclaim his faithfulness; No nation but has sight of his glory. We lift our hearts to God and plead For grace this day to act right in his sight. Christ, the son of the living God, have mercy on us For the Lord is concerned for us Into thy hands we commend our spirits. Thank be to God. Make an offering to the Lord of the glory that befits his name Make an offering to the Lord of the glory that befits his name. O Lord, thou wilt open our lips, and our mouth shall tell of thy praise. For thou givest thy benediction to the just, Lord. Christ, the Son of the living God, have mercy on us. May the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the saints pray for us. You who brought us to the beginning of this day, keep us throughout its course, that we may not turn aside. We proclaim that mercy of thine. Shall disappointment and shame be their, who lay a plots against our life. Shall we forever commit our life to the Lord, and trust in him; he will prosper us. So will we teach the wicked to follow thy paths. Jealously the Lord watches over the life of the guiltless. O Lord, hear our prayer and let our cry come unto thee. God, have mercy on us forever are the souls that puts our trust in thee. -
Politicians, they are but men, they have no power to save Politicians, they are but men, they have no power to save. It is by the Lord’s grace alone, so into his hands commend your spirit and he shall hide you under the shelter of his wings and shewn you his favors. He shall comfort you in all your trials, for the Lord is ever just. How gracious the Lord is! Let your prayers raise up to him
For the Lord deal kindly with the kindly. It is for you, his chosen servants, to fear the Lord; Those who fear him never go wanting. Thank be to God.
Lord, may your fire of love burn ever bright Lord, may your fire of love burn ever bright, Enkindling other with its flames. Visit, we beseech thee, O Lord, this house And let our cry come unto thee. Let us bless the Lord. We shall make an offering of triumphant music For our faith will live to see your mercies. The Lord will protest our journeying and our homes, For we who fear the Lord, have his angels encamped at our side And into your hands, Lord, we commend our spirits. For ever let your name be used in blessing. Deliver us, O Lord, in thy mercy, Blot out the record of our misdeeds. We will bless the Lord at all times. Be with us in every word on our lips, Every thought in our heart. Thank be to God. For in deed I was born in sin For in deed I was born in sin But the Lord has strengthen me in generous resolve . The Lord is my shepherd; how can I lack anything? O loving Father, hear my cry. I will bless the Lord at all times, It is he who care for a simple heart, They are dear in his sight. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord. Take heart; keep high your courage, all you That waits patiently for the Lord. How sacred a thing is the fear of the Lord, Which is binding for ever.
Have mercy on us, Son of the living God, have mercy on us. -
Patiently we waited for the Lord’s help Patiently we waited for the Lord’s help And at last he turned his look to us. He comes to rule the earth; brings the world justice. Gentiles, let all the nations of the world do him honor. Lord, pour into each created mind the Holy Spirit’s rays of love. God, wide as the earth; make known among all nation thy saving power. Great creator of the sky, make it that we shall dwell in the Lord’s house our whole life long. Bring healing to a soul that has sinned against thee. Lord, shew us the way. If we have sinned unwittingly, do thou absolve us, Lord? Arise, O Christ, and help us, alleluia.
O God, do not keep thy distance from me O God, do not keep thy distance from me. Bring me up again from the very depths of earth. What hand but thine drew me out from my mother's womb? May the almighty and merciful Lore give me pardon, absolution and remission of my sin. Let me find in thee a rock-fastness. My Lord Almighty grants me a quiet night and a perfect end. Amen.
Though a hundred trials beset the innocent Though a hundred trials beset the innocent. The Lord will bring him safely through them all. For thou, God ever faithful, hast redeemed us for thy self, And guard us God, while we sleep, that we may watch with Christ, and rest in peace. Bring healing to a soul that has sinned against thee.
To thee all that is in heaven, all that is on earth belong to thee the kingdom. Keep our tongue clear of harm, and our lips free from every treacherous word. Have mercy on us, Christ, the Son of the living God, Have mercy on us.
Deliver us, Lord, from our bondage Deliver us, Lord, from our bondage. This one request we have ever made of the Lord, That we be saved for your name sake Keep us safe while we sleep, that we may Watch with Christ and rest in peace. Into thy hands, Lord, we commend our spirit. Keep our bodies free from every stain. We fear none while you are with us. Let us escape from the snare that lies hidden in our path. O loving Father, hear our cry For us thy timely mercies are upon us. Do not take thy holy spirit away from us. With tears and prayers we cry to thee. Christ, the Son of the living God, have mercy on us. Glory be to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy ghost.
Delver us for thy name’s sake Delver us for thy name’s sake And let our cries come unto thee. Lead us with faithful care, Cast out wickedness from our lives. All things Lord, obey thy will. Keep us virtuous and innocent of sin. Listens to our entreaty, Lord, Who grant us audience.
As in honor pledged by sure paths you leads us. Lord, look graciously upon our lowliness And bless us for we give you all the praise in our hearts. Keep us ever thy own servants, Far from pride that will cling to us like a necklace. Teach us to love our neighbors. In thy faithful care deliver us. God, unchanging, by thy power We have no refuge but the Lord. Glory be to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen Let us serve the Lord Let us serve the Lord. For we have a true heart, my God, We have a true heart toward you. Under the Lord’s keeping, Every bones of our are safe; Not one of us shall suffer harm. We will bless the Lord at all time for, The Lord is our light and our deliverance. Christ, the Son of the living God, We pray, have mercy on us, Do not forsake us, O Lord. All glory to the Father be, And to his sole-begotten Son. -
Lord, remove from us all guilt and pain Lord, remove from us all guilt and pain. Let the whole world keep your holiday. Let lips, tongues, minds and all our might Combine thy praise to sing. You who love true dealing and peaceful ways. Arise, O Christ, and help us. Allalula.
To thee, we pay homage this day To thee, we pay Homage this day to thy grace Let us pass our time honorable As by the light of day No evil thing claims thy Divine assent, with Thee baseness cannot dwell. Every lasting triumph; welcome Protection then have from thee. Into thy hands, Lord, I commend My wounded spirit, alleluia.
In his royal house he hides me In his royal house he hides me, In the most recess of his royal house, Safe from peril. He guide me alone the sure path. Glory be to the Father, and the Son, And the Holy Ghost. I am leading the way to God’s house, Amid cries of joy and thanksgiving, My easy, too, are fixed on the Lord Our God, waiting for him to shew mercy on me. If I am to be delivered, it is he who must deliver me; thou are all my boast.
Lord, I lie open to thy scrutiny
Lord, I lie open to thy scrutiny, thou knows me. Still would I find thee beckoning to me. A riddle, O my God thy dealings with me, so vast their scope! Thy right hand upholds me. Do not neglect me, O God, my defender. Do not let anybody have claim upon me. Look upon me in all my naked glory. I keep myself clean before thee. Mary, ever a virgin, the Archangel, the blessed John the Baptist praise forever is thine The holy Apostles Peter and Paul, I pray to thee To beseech on my behest. Let my prayer rise up before thee, Lord.
Do thou, O Lord have mercy on us Do thou, O Lord have mercy on us? Thank be to God. A song is near to me. Bless us, and preserve us from evils, And bring us to life everlasting. Arise, O Christ, and help us. For the love of Sion I will no more be silent But sing toward the eternal, equal, Three in One. Amen -
Where thy people gather
Where thy people gather I will join in singing thy praise. Lord, set a guard on my mouth, Post a sentry before my lips
That I shall say and do what is right In thy glorious sight. I shall acknowledge thee as The most high God, Over-Lord of earth. Your words go out to the four corners As I sing your praise for all to hear. Christ, the Son of the living God Have mercy on us. Your soul you shall command Your soul you shall command Into the master’s hands.
King of all ages King of all ages, the immortal, The invisible, who alone is God Keep us in peace, and may thy blessing Be always upon us. Into thy hand, Lord, we commend Our spirit, into thy hand, Lord. May the holy angels dwell Herein, who keep us in peace, And may thy blessing be Always upon us. The most pleasing of all prayers The most pleasing of all prayers Is that in which you ask for nothing. Save to magnify thy holy name Toward all your tender mercies. Let my soul take hold and With confident be bold, For prayers is the holy special And praise will show the way Toward the divine Holy Ghost.
All our desires may be directed All our desires may be directed To the observance of thy holy will. God, who is our Savior Because he looks Graciously upon the lowliness Of us all . Lord, Jesus Christ, thy Son Who is God, living and reigning With thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost. Visit, we beseech thee, And may the souls of the Faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. -
A high God is the Lord A high God is the Lord. Come, let us adore him. Come, friends, rejoice At the sounding of his name. Be it that death shall come to be our shepherd In him shall we find life everlasting. O God, unchanging by thy light Do we see our way in darkness For you have mercy on the righteous.
We shall tell the story We shall tell the story Of all thy wonderful deeds Of you, King of all the ages; The immortal, the invisible,
Who alone is God. Deliver us for thy name’s sake. Our tongues shall boast, Lips shall tell for At all times we will bless The Lord; his praise Shall be on our lips continually. May the Almighty God have mercy on us, Forgive us our sins And bring life everlasting. Hail to thee, far above Hail to thee, far above In joy of voice I sing My preaching spirit Will let my words ring. The hills melt like wax The hills melt like wax At the presence of the Lord. Send forth, O Lord, the lamb To be the ruler of the land. Out of Zion in perfect beauty, God comes revealed, and with splendor. Brothers, this is how we ought to be regarded As Christ’s servants, and steward of God’s mysteries. Lord, bestir thy power, we pray thee For all alike shall see the glory of the Lord, The majesty of God. God, who sees that we are sorely troubled By our own evil dispositions, have pity And grant that we may find comfort In thy holy name. Amen.
Our spirits magnifies the Lord
Our spirits magnifies the Lord For his timely mercies. Our spirits has found joy everlasting Come, Let us bless the Lord. Thank be to God our father For he have mercy upon those Who fear him from generation to generation. O, Lord hear us our prayers Let our cries come unto thee We beg thee of this hour impart Your grace upon everyone O Lord, hear this our prayer, Let us be one with the father and the son. Openly my foes deride me Openly my foes deride me; Even to my neighbors I am Looked upon as one cast out My God, bring a clean heart To birth within me Wash me clean, cleaner yet, From my guilt, purge me of my sins. Amen.
Wait particularity patiently for the Lord Wait particularity patiently for the Lord To help us; with bravo be brave in your wait For he shall come with hands full of deliverance to deliver us. Have merciful mercy on us Have merciful mercy on us, O God, as thou Art ever rich in mercies. Tiding send us good news And rejoicing when the body That lies in the dust Shall thrill with pride.
God grant us ever your blessings God grant us ever your blessings Into thy hands, Lord, we Commend our spirit. Direct my way, Lord, as thy will Direct my way, Lord, as thy will For you are ever faithful. You will claim me for thy self. All my longing is fixed on the Lord; He will give me what my heart desires. No stranger the Lord is, No secret his covenant is to his true worshippers. The way I travel, Lord is in fulfilling thy will And may thy holy angels dwell herein, who may keep us in peace. All my life thy loving favors pursued me; All the long years your house shall be my dwelling place.
Lord, do not banish me from thy presence Lord, do not banish me from thy presence I am yours, smile on thy servant once more For you are omnipresence; you sees all, And all praises I give are yours. If I should loose my way because of All the appetites which besiege the soul of man by your grace will I be brought home; to do all that is righteous in your eyes is all my concern in life. Dear Lord, you are the holy upon which I call Hear my prayers and let me find favor in your eyes.
May he, the Savior May he, the Savior Spring from the womb of earth. Receive, O Virgin Mary, the word which Is the Lord thy Father, And he will take pity on the needs of his people. We serve thee with minds that have Been cleansed; for he is God, living and Reigning with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit.
Christ, our king, is at hand Christ, our king, is at hand, He whom John herald As the Lamb who was to come. Stir up our hearts, Lord, To make ready the paths We are to fatefully travel. We beg of thee, Lord, A hearing for our prayers. Do thou, O Lord, have mercy on us. The Lord of the world will take From us the yoke of repression, He who possess the throne of glory Is a high Lord above all others. Come, let us adore him.
Love comes forth from the Father
Love comes forth from the Father As a bridegroom comes from his bed. Thou didst become, at the love’s strong call. As was spoken by the angel To the Virgin Mary. The love of the Father Never shall these eyes Have sleep, these eye-lids close. It is a wide awake love that Seeks to know your every need. Good men have seen A light dawn in darkness; The light of the Lord’s love Is ever before you. I who am not worthy to Untie the straps of his shoes, Knows that henceforth His love shall be promulgated, His decrees be ratified, For a whole world’s enlightening, Henceforth shall he never forsake you; But grant you life in his love, As in love the time came for Mary’s delivery, And she brought forth a Son, her first born. To thee, O, Christ, all glory meet Whom Virgin Mary for us bore In the birth of your love upon earth. O, God, for love of whom his blood He spent to wash us clean Keep us wrapped within the sanctity of your love. -
Come, friends, rejoice
Come, friends, rejoice And enthrone a king of your own choice. Happy are they who find their refuge in him And falls asleep in the Lord. Thank be to God. Blesses are those who fight
On earth for thee. To he who shoulder bear The scepter of princely power, He, the hope of the nations. Sound the trumpets in zion, Summon the gentiles The fellowship of the Father With his son Jesus Christ Is the main stay in our lives. Blessed be God the Father.
Bestir thy power, Lord Bestir thy power, Lord, We pray thee, and come to our aid. You who sent your son in the fashion Of our guilty nature. Glory be to the Father, and the son Whom Virgin Mother for us bore; Jesus now standing at your right hand Leads us to see the whole heaven opening. The day the creator of the world Was born of a Virgin’s womb Was the day you gave us your son The soul of all men shall come to follow him. Lord Jesus Christ, receive our spirits. You see that an abundance of grace fills the world. Mother Mary’s name is eternal, The joy of motherhood is hers As she bear witness to the glory of God. Bestir thy power, Lord. The word was made flesh, alleluia The word was made flesh, alleluia. The great Apostles’ glory sings. We saw a new-born child and a Choir of angels giving praise. Thank be to God. He will award to every man What his acts deserve. Let us pray.
I bring news of great rejoicing; This day the Savior of the world Have his arms open to embrace you. No corner of the world but has his witness. Blessed is he for whom the heaven were opened Dose thou not know that that God’s kindness Is inviting thee to repent? For our sake was a little child born. Let us listen now to the voice of the Lord God. Glory be to the Father, and the Son, And the Holy Ghost. The Lord will come The Lord will come And tomorrow you shall Witness his glory. God, bestowed upon mankind, Through blessed Mary’s virgin Motherhood, the prize of eternal salvation On all men alike who follow him; Schooling us to forgo irreverent thoughts And bodily appetites and we shall live In the glorious light of his love. The king of peace is exalted above All the kings of the earth. Now heaven itself is all his joys. God in high heaven, bring forth peace On earth to men that are your servants. Grant, we pray thee, almighty God Grant, we pray thee, almighty God That no corner of the world But has witnessed to your glory. You who sustain all birds that fly, You who remember us, Lord With loving thoughts toward your mercy. In the name of thy beloved Son Let us be counted worthy to abound in good works.
Thanks be to God. To thee, O, Christ, all glory be. Here, for ever, is my prayer, To day let true peace come down upon us from heaven. Grant that we who joyfully welcome Thy only-begotten Son as our redeemer Whom Virgin Mother for us bore, That we shall find ever lasting peace. Grace and glory in your name we say amen. -
The kindness of God The kindness of God, Our Savior, dawned on us, In his great love. Thou who art God, Living and reigning with God The Father, in the unity of the Holy Ghost Look down upon us your servants Who call upon your name With awe in out hearts at your majesty For the day of the Lord is coming soon. O, the Lord is coming; go out to meet him. Sound the trumpets in all the lands. Make ready your houses for the judgment, Repent, says the Lord, the kingdom of heaven is at hand. How long will thou turn away in thy grief? The Lord, the Savior, shall be born of thee a new offering. Do thou. O Lord, have mercy on us. Thank be to God.
Behold, God, our Savior, will come Behold, God, our Savior, will come. Yet, Lord, thou art our Father;
We are but clay, and thou the craftsman. When thou show thy power, princely state Shall be thine, amid the splendor. Good men have seen a light dawn In darkness; the light of the Lord. Do thou. O Lord, have mercy on us? When the Virgin Mother who had no Knowledge of man bore Christ as her son Light dawned in the world. Almighty, ever-living God, direct our action Toward your grace and the fulfilling of thy will. Help us to live a righteous life in you name. Amen. He, the hope of the nations He, the hope of the nations Let all announce: Behold, God Our Savior, will come. He whose name is eternal; Brings great rejoicing for his name sake. I in flesh our flesh from thrall to wrest Deliver us from beneath the yoke of sin And we shall shake the dusk from our shoes And begin a life in righteousness. A message of peace he sends to his people. We will with one voice proclaim his holy name. Lord, from whom along gives salvation Rules supremely over all creation. The Lord is King of martyrs who gave their lives For his name sake, they are reborn in heaven, Zion is their resting place And they shall rule in the midst of thy enemies. Lord, from bonds of sin, pray, set us free. Thanks be to God, for ever more. Amen. Now we shall rejoice Now we shall rejoice In the presence of the Lord And rid our necks Of the chains that bound us. No-one is cut off from sharing In the gladness of his grace. As the angel said “I bring you news of great rejoicing;
this day the Savior of the world has been born for you� No longer are you a slave; To-day true peace has Come down upon us from heaven. Thank be to God our Savior and Father. Amen. Rejoice when the harvest is in Rejoice when the harvest is in, As men triumph when victory is won. You, Lord, are the fight to die for For you call to life the righteous. Help us, so that, with the help Of thy grace; the salvation that you give We shall triumph in your name. Men shall walk and find deliverance in you. In you all the tribes of the earth shall be enriched, All nations shall serve you. Glory be to the Father, and the Son, and to the Holy Ghost For ever and ever, amen.
We are thy people, all of us We are thy people, all of us. Do thou, O Lord have mercy on us? Let the wealth of your grace Pour upon us as like a torrent of flood, This shall be the milk of your kindness And we shall keep thy name Ever ready on our tongue. You have brought us to this state of gladness, As a child to the breast of his mother Such is the church to us, which feeds us. You, O Lord, have given us the church For our salvation and we shall follow its teaching For it is God’s own gracious gift that provide The light to the way of his heart.
God, who loves us God, who loves us Sent his only Son in the Fashion of our guilty nature That we may find in him salvation. He has been born for you and me. Sing alleluia. Let us be counted worthy to Abound in good works: for he Is God, living and reigning In the glory of the Holy Goat. Lord, send your beam of light upon Thy church, so that, it may forever shine. Almighty, ever-living God, direct our Actions according to thy will and we Shall be fulfilled with the Holy Ghost. Amen. -
Heavens are the work of his hands Heavens are the work of his hands. Thank be to God. All the prophets did for tell. Do thy, O Lord have mercy on us. Behold the king of kings The Lord is coming; go out to meet him. Thanks be to God. Great is his beginning, and of his reign There will be no end. O sluggard soul, why cling to earth? High time it is that you arose. O Lord our God, come and deliver us. Thou, Lord, hast set a jeweled crown Thou, Lord, hast set a jeweled crown Of great miracles and signs among the people Your bible is such a sign, our guide in the trouble world.
Great is the renown thy protection has won for us. We are saved by your grace and glory, From bonds of sin, pray, set us free that we may do what is righteous. You, Lord are king, be equal praise for evermore. In you is where mercy and faithfulness meet in one. Thank that for our sake a child was born To bring salvation to all in the world.
Graciousness reaches its full stature in him
Graciousness reaches its full stature in him Who is my God, and your God. Come, let us adore him. For our sake Christ is born And tomorrow the earth’s wickedness Shall be blotted out. So up, up, array thy self For the coming of the Lord Who shall show us his mercy For we have been righteous In all our dealing upon the earth. God, the Mighty, the Ruler, The Prince of peace, He, the hope of the nations Will give us redress of our sins And we shall live in his light for ever more. Amen. And so the child grew And so the child grew And came to his strength, Full of wisdom Who did his parents ever obey. Christ, the Son of God, was Subject to Mary and Joseph. So sharp was he as an arrow, That he is still subduing nations to his will today. While time last, Lord, your name shall
Be kept in remembrance. From your royal throne, Lord, Came your Word omnipotent, alleluia. To Christ the King resound our praises Who from a Virgin took his birth to bring us salvation. All glories be to you . -
Hastened by the merciful forgiveness Hastened by the merciful forgiveness Thou who are God, living and reigning With God the Father set us free of sin Just it was through you that You created this world of time Create in us the love of the Lord divine.
It is as eye-witness It is as eye-witness that we Give you news of that life, That eternal life which gave us salvation The grace of his love all over the world. Today has dawned for us the day Of new redemption. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son And to the Holy Ghost.
O Emmanuel, our King and lawgiver O Emmanuel, our King and lawgiver, The hope of the nations and their salvation
Hear know the prayers of those who wait To be released from guilt. God, who have bestowed upon mankind Through blessed Mary a Son Grant, we pray thee, almighty God That we may see the wisdom of your grace And call on your name that we may be saved According to your heavenly laws. Extend thy grace throughout the world. Do thou, O Lord, have mercy on us and Grant us thy deliverance. -
We pray to you, Lord We pray to you, Lord Bury away out sins For deliverance follow where Your feet tread. The test you give is whether We will keep your commandments And we shall without fell. You we have chosen and we Have laid our spirit at you feet. Lord, give us grace to Make it through the day For we see that you are crowned with Glory and honors, Lord, and each day we witness The glory and grace that is yours alone. May all of earth desire to see your face. Come among us with your saving power, Bestir your power, Lord, we pray.
The word was made flesh, alleluia
The word was made flesh, alleluia. Thou are my Father, alleluia Every winding shall be made straight, alleluia. The Lord shall bring to light what is hidden in darkness And reveal the secrets of man’s heart. Bestir thy power, Lord. The mountains and hills shall ring with your glory. Smile upon us and we shall find deliverance. Lord, cast thy gracious beam of light upon us your children. Release us from our guilt of sins For your message reach to the ends of the world. How blessed, Lord, are those who dwell in thy house With glory and honor, Lord. O Lord, have mercy on us. Thank be to God, amen. And now, God of our Fathers And now, God of our Fathers We thank you for your Son We saw a new-born child And choirs of angels, Giving praise to you. Thou Son is our Father Living and reigning with thee, In the unity on the Holy Ghost. In you there is mercy and abundant power. God, living and reigning with thee, In the unity of the Holy Spirit, For ever and ever. Amen. -
Everything in time must bend the knee Everything in time must bend the knee before The name of Jesus For our help is in the name of the Lord, His name, which is greater then any other name Cause us to proclaim the glory of his majesty. To him may worship evermore be done, For he shall blot our all wickedness. Joyfully to thy only begotten Son, who is our Redeemer.
Glory be to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost For ever more. Amen.
The Savior of the world shell reign over us The Savior of the world shell reign over us So make an offering to the Lord of honor and glory. Come, let us adore him. To thee, O Christ, all glory meet When Virgin Mother for us bore The unfailing hope of all our race. I love thee, and now in mercy cry out you name. I have drawn thee to myself. Great reverence has I for thy friendship, O God. Today we shell know that the Lord will come, And joyfully we welcome thy only Begotten Son as our redeemer.
She who is blessed for ever She who is blessed for ever brought forth for God and For our sakes Christ was born: come, let us adore him. How our God can save, alleluia. Help us, so that, with the help of thy grace We shall come to know salvation. Smile upon us and we shall find deliverance. Take us from beneath the yoke of sin Through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, who is God Living and reigning with the Holy Ghost. If a man fears the Lord, he will live an upright life And the Lord will be at his side, alleluia. The love of God has been poured out in our hearts O, how the majesty of thy name fills all the earth With it saving grace that is offered freely to all for the taking.
Let us sing alleluia to the God of Moses and Aaron for this is the self same God of the righteous, the God of our fathers. Lord gives us grace and protection Lord gives us grace and protection That we may do what is right in your eyes. Our help is in the name of the Lord. O God most high We grateful praise thee And proclaims the glory of your majesty. Let us break away from all bondage, Riding ourselves of the toils of life, And we will declare it to the high heaven; Raising our voices and crying aloud. Let the hills run with honey, Let all creation now rejoice. Do thou, O Lord, have mercy on us.
The wonderful name of Jesus is greater then any other The wonderful name of Jesus is greater then any other Our hearts be filled with love of thee Heed now the prayers of those who wait We pray thee, come in thy great might to help us For if a man keep true to your words then he shell know your grace To the master I serve the Lord’s promise For us shell comes the day of new redemption and restoration of the most high Lord, smile upon us and we shall find deliverance O Lord, have mercy on us, in you is justice and peace they are united in one embrace The Lord has brought our race deliverance; to all eternity stands his covenant, he have loose thy people from their sins Come on thy great might to help us, O God, hast made ready for all that wait thy aid For our sake a child was born, and his name is God the Mighty Thank be to God. I have cried to you O Lord I have cried to you O Lord
And you have heard my cries I honor you with songs For you have enriched the earth. Let our voices rise to the high heaven For he shall look graciously upon us. The sense of sin will try to catch us up But the righteous way is the way of the Lord. In the name of thy beloved Son let us be counted Worthy to abound in you good grace, alleluia, alleluia. -
Thou were born of the Virgin Thou were born of the Virgin The Scriptures were fulfilled You were wrapped in swaddling-clothes Your name shall endure while the sun gives light Before all the world I witness thou; a prince and a ruler The new born Jesus was manifested to believers And hidden from his persecutors Raise up, Jerusalem, and shine forth; thy dawn have come Christ has been manifested to us: Come, let us adore him To thee O Christ, all glory meet When you does make our heart a home And we walk within the light of your faithfulness Leave us the way that you hold right And we shall follow through the darkness that is life You who sustain all birds that flies You who sustain all fishes of the sea You who sustain man and all the beasts You are the self same Jesus who we call upon in time of needs And you hear our prayer and look kindly upon us Who ever taste of the Lord Who ever taste of the Lord Shall know no other hunger. The grace of God, our Savior, has dawned. The Lord have given proof, alleluia, alleluia Christ, by baptism are we taken up into your arms. Lord of all the nations we call upon you to give us relief from the temptation that life put before us
Enemies of God we were till thy saving grace Came upon us, now we walk in your light and fear none Grant us this grace, which we may enjoy in heaven and on earth the vision of him whose holy name we adore. To the Father, glory be, like glory to the spirit
Lord, thy sweetness does all words transcend Lord, thy sweetness does all words transcend Joyful is the thoughts of you that I speak Who have not felt that love sweet spell Your name is greater then any other name Come, let all adore you All shall come to bend their knees before your name Bless be the Lord’s name at all time, Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia O Lord, our Master, how the majesty of thy name Is everlasting as kindly rain that drops On the meadow grass, kindly as the falling of snow Let the whole world worship thee, sing to thee The deliverance you send is like a garment that wraps me about Lord have mercy on us Thank be to God. Christ was crucified, so that you now belong to him Christ was crucified, so that you now belong to him So greet this day with rejoicing, Greet this day with triumph The Lord is the beginning of all wisdom Dear in the Lord’s sight is the death of those who believe in him May all of our glory be in thee, in heaven throughout eternity As we live in this present world a life of order, of justice, and holiness shall we always remain faithful O Lord, have mercy on us The Lord is king, O how our God can save The seas and rivers bless the Lord: flowing fountains sing a hymn to the Lord Our Lord who is God, living and reigning with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, forever and ever
See how yonder earth gives promises See how yonder earth gives promises of spring Do but listen, here you shall find content; here are dainties The heavens opening their store of treasures To the wise men following their quest Seeking the dawning of consciousness In the work of the Lord Son to the nations, grant us this grace, That we who know thee now by faith may always keep you in our hearts Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost -
The dawn has come, Jerusalem The dawn has come, Jerusalem, And the glory of your name realm divine By he who was the word made flesh In an age when a great light came upon the earth You lovers of the Lord The earth trembles before his name Let all praise that great name of his Name terrible and holy For God has looked graciously upon The lowliness of his hand maids For God is he who never changes His years will never come to an end He is a great and wonderful mystery And we shall sing his praises for evermore Amen -
Throughout the world, extend thy grace
Throughout the world, extend thy grace From whence arise the morning sun Let everything bend the knees before the name of Jesus for he is our holy savior born and bred by the grace of God, to thee we pray to live a righteous life We will rejoice in nature Lord, we will rejoice in God our Jesus, our light in the darkness of the world Are we not, Lord, your servant born of thy hand maid woman? Thou hast broken the chains that bound us O Lord have mercy on us, save us from the darkness Thank be to God Thy throne, O God endures forever and ever The scepter of thy royal words rules the human soul. Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost, alleluia, alleluia to thy saving power, to thy grace that dawn on all men alike, to our summons give heed and hearing from sea to sea, from great rivers to the end, from high up the hillside from the promise of the seed is your will The word was make flesh to save our souls it was proof of your love Glory be to the Savior of the world, the very King of angel glory be to our Lord that rose from the dead, born through the blessed mother Mary’s virgin motherhood, was the prize of eternal Salvation grant we pray that we may live a righteous life within your light and grace for you take away the sins of the world, alleluia. The grace of God, our Savor be with us The grace of God, our Savor be with us Be thou our joy, O Jesus You unfailing hope of our entire race Blessed be the Lord’s name at all times Desire for thee doth know no end It’s sweeter than honey Our love for God wells up from our heart Be thou our joy, O Jesus The word made flesh, alleluia With thy pure beams out soul rejoice Come dwell among us Let the light of your grace Lead us along the righteous way As sure as the stars shine bright like flames of fire Glory be like glory to the Spirit blest
To thee, O Christ, made manifest We try to live our lives in the present world a life Of order, of justice, and faith We are the children of a just and faithful God That abides from age to age eternally Where once we were lost now we are found By the grace of the almighty Lord Where once we were sick of spirit now are we healed All grace and glory be to the one true God our Father, Amen Holy and terrible is his name Holy and terrible is his name Let the fear of the Lord live within you For he have given you a vow of peace Look, he is the shepherd and we the lambs Faithful does he look after his flock Let all nations adore the Lord He with his saving power Living and reigning forever and ever Blesses is the wonderful name of Jesus On and under the earth He who died on the cross for our sins This day is a holiday of the Lord’s own choosing Greet this day with rejoicing Go you forth and boast of God’s protection Look, this is the Lamb of God, Look this is he who takes away the sins of man Throughout the world, he extend his grace Say: Glory to thee, O Lord Call upon the name of the Lord and be saved Take the cup that is a pledge of his deliverance Praise him who was born of a virgin. And became a man Without man’s seed, bestowing on us his Godhead She who is blessed forever brought forth for us the son of God and man Pay the Lord your vows, the Lord who is God, Living and reign with thee in all of his beauty and majesty God, who by the humiliation of thy Son hast lifted up a fallen world on thee we call, to thee we stretch out our hands God, living and reigning with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever, amen
Give light to us, Lord, by the example of thy family Give light to us, Lord, by the example of thy family, and guide our feet in the way of peace and faith. Have we trials to endure? Yes, it is your way. You it is who comforts us in all our trials; and it is this encouragement we ourselves received from the most high Lord of the everlasting mercies that offered up his body as a living sacrifice consecrated by the blood persevering in prayers; providing generously for all our needs and we thank thee Lord of the everlasting mercies. Do thy O Lord, have mercy on us, we who stride to live with a stainless heart for the one that would save by the blood, guide our steps ever more perfectly along the righteous way of your wisdom and grace. Almighty, everlasting God, who dost govern all things we prey to thee all hours of the live long day. Thy beauty, now, is all for your delight, look upon us with your divinity, that we may forever do what is in your sight right. Listen to our plea, that we should live a righteous life steep within your grace and wonder. Let our lives be an inducement to practice all the virtues that the soul of man can contain. Listen my daughters and sons, consider these words When our strength ebbs, he will not forsake us Be you single-mindedly in the fear of the Lord He is the way, the light, the wisdom of the ages His majesty shall protect us, he is our defender and protector, the almighty, everlasting Lord of the world. He it is who have the key to all knowledge above and under the earth The Lord will teach us, show us the way of the righteous. Let your tongue pay homage to God, to the wisdom of his words. Thank be to God.
The Lord is at my right hand The Lord is at my right hand, To make me stand persuasively toward
The right way of the Lord. God has prepared for those who love him, I am telling you the truth in Christ’s name, For the glory of the Lord has broken upon me. Give him cries of praise. Thank be to God. The wise men followed in their quest To the birth of the Lord with their gift of gold and incense. Going into the dwelling they found the child Jesus there with his mother the holy Virgin Mary. Bless she be through that self same Jesus Christ, Thy son our Lord, who is God living and reigning with thee in the unity of the trinity. Pease be yours from God, our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ who teaches us that thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself. Thy shall feed thy enemy if he is hungry, shall give him drink if he is thirsty, by doing this thou does the work of the Lord. Cast not the first stone, for none that live is without the guilt that the flesh is inherent to. All glory, Jesus, be to thee, you who impoverished yourself for our sake. Put your faith in him for the Lord will teach us the right way. Say, Lord have mercy on me, Say, thou shall not bear false witness, for vengeance is for me. I will repay, say the Lord. Be you firm; glad and merry of heart and lips. Thank be to God Glory be, to the Father, and the Son and to the Holy Ghost for ever and ever amen.
In rescuing us from the sins of the world In rescuing us from the sins of the world For us thy peace O Lord of mercy and of justice For thou, God, dost offer salvation to all Let us eat of the Lords honor for it was why Christ died and lived again You who is Lord of the dead and of the living, born of the blesses Mother Mary O Mary, Mother rich in grace, unique indeed thy function blest To nourish, fondle and embrace us even after we take our rest O almighty, everliving God of our human wisdom We fix all our desires upon what is good We pledge to be affectionate toward each other for the greatness of the mercy thou hast showed We will not be disappointed, O Lord
A true heart is yours, you our God A heart true to thy service; its song, its music are all for thee Clothe us in thy grace for all our mortal nature Your praise shall be on our lips continually as we come to worship thee Lord, may we live a righteous life by your grace Through our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son Who is God living and reigning with thee Amen
Do not let anybody have claim upon you Do not let anybody have claim upon you Except the claim which binds us to the Lord Let Christ be alive in you for in the Lord Shall you find your strength and stronghold Be able to say ‘The glory of the Lord has broken upon me’ Pray to she who is blessed for evermore she who brought forth for us the Son of God Blesses be God who dose not scorn the appeal of the friendless God who govern all things both in heaven and on earth God that mercifully heed the prays of all that call upon his name God who strengthen us, God, who watches over us O God of life, God of love live within us O crown king of the cross we pay homage to your name Lord of heaven, Lord of earth, Lord of righteousness. Lord of eternity everlasting be one with us O creator of heaven, adoration and homage to thee We call upon your everlasting name to forgive us of our sins, our transgressions against thee Praise be to the Lord of heaven in his beautiful ruling Thy enemies can not conquer thee They have no power over us who believe in thee O Lord, hear the sounds of our rejoicing May your peace be with us May we forever see thy beauties and taste the graciousness of thy blessing With the death of our bodies may our spirits be received into thy glorious presence
We sing this psalm to the glory of God
We sing this psalm to the glory of God. Has not Christ been sacrificed for us, He who showed us the way of life, Who made us full of gladness in his presence. May he give us splendor of strength and power to triumph over our enemies, As sure as the weight of heaven is upon our shoulders. We ascribe praise to God the Lord of heaven. We adore him in our presence, he the most beautiful. We worship him who enables us to comfort other. He show us the way of life. We are full of gladness in the thought of him. We are content to live within his grace. Our cries reach his hearing. Our tears win answer and he gives us reprieve. O God do not forsake us, do not neglect us. O almighty, everlasting, pity us for our sins O almighty, everlasting, pity us for our sins. We beseech thy hearing, make haste to help us. What are we in thy sight but passer-by, wonderers on the road of life? All our children shall be disciples unto thy. O blesses light of spirit free and hopes supreme of mortal man; we take our stand of obedience to your loving-kindness, that by faith, after this life we may attain to the glorious vision of thy Godhead. Give us still thy aid, O God; do not forsake us. Your praise shall be on our lips continually. Lord, may thou be at rest with me Your divine mysteries is everywhere to be seen Lord, let thy people know you that they may see their duty and find strength in you to accomplish it through the grace of Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus, you have formed a new music on our lips and we know that the wrong-doers will not inherit the God’s kingdom. God, who dose govern all things both in heaven and in earth, we shall rejoice in the wonder of your majesty. O God of life, Lord of love crowned as the king of man, homage to thee. Let the angels sing the praise of us who follow thee. We bow down upon the earth to meet thee. Lord of heaven, Lord of earth, King of righteousness forever shall we praise thee.
Lord of eternity, prince of the everlasting
Lord of eternity, prince of the everlasting, we remember how Abraham put his faith in thee and we know that it is faith that brings life to the just man. All our hopes of justification lie in the spirit that rest on our faith. Lord, when thou dose reproach me let it not be in anger. When thou dose chastise me for the transgression of my soul let it not be in displeasure. God, we call upon you through your beloved Son O Lord, hear my prayers, let my cries come unto thee, You who rescued me from the lowest depths of hell. O Lord, hear my prayers when my strength ebb, do not forsake me. O Lord, my God, with all my heart I will praise thee. O God thou heart is dilated with joy. O God of the earth, the creator of thy self that offer me thy protection. O God, everlasting traveling through the million of years in the duration of your holy unending life, hear my plea, keep me within the expansion of thy heart. Amen.
God, to whom all glory belong God, to whom all glory belong Lives within my body and soul, It is from him that my strength comes, And I am glad of heart to hear his words. I bear their weight upon my soul. Jesus, his royal son is my savor, He makes me diligent to understand his words. Do thou, O Lord, have mercy on me? Thank be to God. I give praise, I sing all day long of the glory and the splendor that is yours. Do not cast me down when I falter. I am just a man, precious in your eyes. Let me forever in life live a righteous life, for only if I do wrong need I be afraid. O Lord, give me a foothold on the slippery rocks. Built for me a dwelling not made with hands, a dwelling that will last eternally in heaven. Lord, protest me from my enemies that come from far away or rising up close at hand. God, that comes from heaven’s height, the wise men’s gifts your Godhead did attest that Jesus was born your only begotten son. God the righteous judge of the cycle of man’s soul, I stand as your witness, in me there is no wickedness. I have done no harm in deeds. I have uttered no evil thing upon the earth.
Only your praise comes forth from my heart and mouth. Truth and righteousness are your judgment that I shall live by your words. Man is forever in need of your salvation, grant him peace of soul and mind. Well do we know that the flash is weak, so hear our plea for a righteous life. God have mercy on us. Aman.
God, our mouth have not let go any evil thing God, our mouth have not let go any evil thing, No decreed have come forth from us. God, the true and righteous one Let us come forth into your light. We the followers of your beloved Son Jesus Christ call upon your name. We come to thee, save us from triumphant malice. We pray to thee to keep us from wrong doing. God, hand over the person named Satan for the overthrow of his corrupt nature. Let the very truth of the weight of the goodness in our hearts stand as a witness. Wake, out souls, wake echoes of our righteousness. Our God and all our hopes of mercy lives within us. We know well enough that it is the Saints who will pass judgment on the world. Your sentence is right upon the great scale. Behold, we come unto your presence pure of heart. Grant that we may find your favors. Your beloved Son, the avenger of his Father lead us to the Jesus Christ, the beautiful beloved of the Lord of the world, we love him with all our praising and glorifications coming forth and going into the beautiful nature of his soul. Let there be no fault in our body. Let us not speak lies with knowledge. Let us not act with double intent. Grant that we may be like the favor ones of the beautiful beloved Lord of the world, the royal Son triumphantly. Thou art our God, to acknowledge thee. Thou are our God to extol thee. Christ thy Son, who is God living and reigning with thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit whose right hand of delight will endure forever and ever, Amen.
God come froth from my mouth day by day
God come froth from my mouth day by day I walk in peace of the Lord’s commands I perform his will like one possessed with the Holy Ghost This is the beginning of my praising and the glorifications of the Lord’s name He comes by day and by night His enemies find destruction before them When He is uniteethed with Himself the three fold trinity millions of years is the name of the great one He makes me to stand strong; firm, glad and merry am I, the heart of me Glory be to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost It is the Lord I claim, he who walked with his blessed mother Mary to a wedding He whose message is writ not in ink, but in the spirit of the living God Christ, thy Son, who is God, living and reigning with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit , forever and ever, amen.
With knowledge of the Lord, we shall recognized God With knowledge of the Lord, we shall recognized God as He recognize us With faith, hope and charity that persist, all three in the unity of the Holy Spirit reigning with the three for ever and ever Begetter of millions of years your name is the One Let us take our rest at the northern gate of heaven When the eye is sick, when it is weeping the living, healthy sounds let us rest at the gate of your glory Jesus taught me how to grow old Jesus defects all that belong to me He prefers all the beautiful things You who are among the followers of the Lord Come there fore come unto the light of His grace Cry out to him in time of sore distress Lord, let thy ear be attentive to the prayers of thy servant We acknowledge thee, thou art our God, one to extol thee Will thou grant us thy presence In life and in death, we belong to the lord Do thou O Lord, have mercy on us
Thou will make us full of gladness in thy presence
Thou will make us full of gladness in thy presence for great is the mercy thou have showed us, Lord. Teach us the right way and we will walk in your light through a world thick in sin that can not touch us. With a new music of praise on our tongues shall we know thee. Lord, have mercy on a soul that that have sinned against thee, forgive the sins of our ignorant. Your mercies like a cloak enfold us. Lord, all the nation thou have made must need bear witness to the wonders that are yours. You bring forth blessings, not curses. You rejoice with us who rejoice in your name. Grant us thy grace that we who know the glory and the mercy of thy name accept you as our father. By faith have we made an inner change; a remaking of our souls that once sinned against thee, but now the strength of Christ have enshrined itself in us and we have found salvation. All our ambitions are to find favor in the name of the lord. O Lord, have mercy on us. Praise be to God. Amen Great is the divine name of Jesus Great is the divine name of Jesus For thou, God, dose not scorn the appeal of the friendless In rescuing them from the lowest depths of hell Thou dose fill their cups with the prize of gladness Almighty, everlasting God teach us to disarm malice with kindness Thou store up for the men who fear thee Praise be to the blessed Mary who bore for us a Savior; on seeing him John cried out saying: Look, this is the Lamb of God, Look, this is he who takes away the sins of the world Lord, teach us the right way to live our lives that we may walk in the light of your grace and gladly shall our lips sing of thee Lord, have mercy on us Thank be to God
God, who does govern all things both in heaven and on earth God, who does govern all things both in heaven and on earth, mercifully heed the supplications of thy people,
Throughout the world, extend thy grace. We keep thy name in remembrance; till the day of judgment of the souls. Age after age, nations will do thee honor. God who comes forth by day and night, your will shall be fulfilled upon the earth among the living. Behold, you are the shining one. You hold open for us the pleasures of heaven. You give us what is necessary to be glorious in the grace of your light and we ask for no more. To you who are in full command of the precious life that we were given, we say hail God of Gods, the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost, who returns to man his dignity and make us triumphant over the evils of our enemies. We are taken possession by your Holy Spirit that is ever lasting. May all adoration be yours. Homage to thee, thou go forth in the peace of our hearts and we sing hymns of praise to thee. O beautiful One, the living God of our fathers homage to the grace of thy face. God, who know our inner most hearts; our human weakness can not stand fast. Grant, we pray thee, almighty God that the dignity of humankind may be restored by your grace. When trouble is closed at hand we have you to protest us. God, may we proclaim thy renown to our brethren. God, living and reigning with thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, forever and ever, amen.
God give us increase to our posterity God give us increase to our posterity, till they are countless as the stars of heaven God all grace to you for no fire burns so high but water may quench it You grace is sure as the dawn that breaks its welcoming light and your divine favors leads us on our way We the believers are the shining beings that lives in your light We are made in your form; your appearance We are the very truth, the shining beings and dweller in light For you came into our existence and we became the lambs of God Behold the only one, do homage to him, cry out to him Give to him yourself all the way to heaven Come forth from the house of God where nothing is hidden but all the holy things are laid out for you God in his splendors have gained possession of our souls that in time will travel over the uttermost of heaven We are equipped by the lord; we are risen up upon both side of him, consumed by his grace,
We are protested by our covenant with God, a covenant that no man can deny O grant that we may sing your praises Almighty God and Lord who have brought us to the beginning of the saving of our souls We gain power and we repulse the evil that is against us
We gain power and we repulse the evil that is against us Keep open for us the holy way, keep our feet on the righteous path throughout the coming days God of the fearful power we proclaim that you are our God as we seeks your deliverance to count ourselves saved God, creator of thyself, homage to thee who dwell in the eternity of your holy abode Grant for us that you will come for us in the cycle of our lives You are the pure, you are the divine, the mighty and the powerful that guard our souls, and gloriously we stand before thee We bring what is true, what is righteous and pure Loosen the bounds of our sins, we pray thee May our grace be defended evermore by the protection the God affords Through our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son who calls thy servants to account We was born in sin but have come to the Lord, sure of his mercy He is ever gracious and merciful We make ourselves acceptable by our great patience Let our children come to hold the faith for with it there in nothing to fear from nightly terrors O Lord, hear our prayers and let our cries come unto thee Let the strength of thy son enshrine us and purify our flesh and blood, our souls and minds as we lean on our faith in you Look after your children and keep us from harm all the live long day of our worshipping You are the one and only God and we praise your holy name Amen.
Since no man’s heart lies hid from thee Since no man’s heart lies hid from thee Clear me of my manifold guilt, O Lord
I am no slanderer I am not incontinent, I am no stranger to pity and kindness I am not treacherous, reckless or, full of vain conceit O Lord, thou will open my lips. To us who keep watch has the Lord promise a crown. Lord God, the soil produced all such trees as charm the eye and satisfy the taste, all the furniture of the earth was completed by the seventh day. Gladly these lips will sing of thee, this heart which owes thee its deliverance O Lord, will rejoice in your grace. Let my prayers rise up before thee, Lord, I will sing a joyful psalm to thee. The Lord my God be with me on this journey through life, guide and protect me your servant. Do thou, O Lord, have mercy on me. Thank be to Gods.
God has given charge to his angels concerning us God has given charge to his angels concerning us to watch over us in all our doing We must do everything to make ourselves acceptable, by our great patience, by fasting in the name of the Lord. We have but one teacher, Christ the Lord Let us be armed with innocence and the power of God O God of truth, who in thy might does choose the course all things shall run let all the saints pray for us to our Lord, that we may worthily obtain help and salvation Hail God of earth and heaven whose two eyes of fire coming forth by, the two great lights one of day and one of night not have we spoken lies against thee Homage to thee O God for we know thee, do not cast us down for we declare that thou are right and true. Homage to thee O God who live in heaven of right and truth without evil in the body, let be done to us as thou wishes to be satisfied to do for we place ourselves in your gracious hands, we appease thee by doing your will You who give bread to the hungry, water to the thirsty, clothes to the naked and salvation to those who hunger and thirst to be clothed in you grace and find the salvation of the saves We are pure of mouth, pure of hands We have borne testimony before thee We offer up this praise in your presence O Lord of right and truth, we are pure in our hearts It is washed clean in the pool of righteousness and truth With all out being do we seek to gratify the heart of out God and savior who makes us to labor in right and truth for his name sake We gladly do thou bidding in the name of the Lord
God of our mothers, God of our fathers hear our plea that we may be a washed in your glorious grace for great is the mercy thou have showed and in your help we trust by faith be known when all out good actions are recognized in Jesus Christ O God, unchanging by thy ever lasting light let your faithfulness throw a shield around us Loving Father hear our cries, with praise do we count on thy presence and sing a joyful psalm.
Lord you have framed a new music on our lips
Lord you have framed a new music on our lips Our song, our music is for thee, Lord Thee is one who gives substance to our songs of hopes which convince us of thy holiness Come, friends rejoice, we in the Lord’s honor We cry out merrily of the majesty of thy glory The glorious choir of the apostles, The admirable company of the angels Govern us and lift us up forever Day by day we bless thee We praise thy name with every breath To thee O Christ, all glory meets You for mankind did suffer the divine death of the holy one We pray thee destroy all our evil belonging upon the earth, blot out our offences against thee Judge our weaknesses and our strengths Grant that we may pass through the hall of the tomb To arrive in the light of heaven Thy enemies have fallen under thy feet Thou have been made to triumph in the heart of man Lord of life, hail to thee, fair one, O Lord the prince of eternity may we come to be under your protection
This heart which owes thee its deliverance This heart which owes thee its deliverance, O Lord, is a spiritual home that seeks to accomplish thy pleasure
Here in the house of my body I live with a stainless heart O Lord hear my prayer and let my cry come unto thee I have leave behind the stubborn rebel with his ill-doings and the sinner with his guilty nature for only thee can save him May your fire of love burns ever bright Enkindling other with the free flowing contour of your flame O God, who see that we are all wholly for thee O God, I put my thrust in thee; may I never be disappointed, Lord Rescue and deliver me for your sake along I keep my household with constant loving-kindness So that they who rely solely upon the hopes of thy heavenly grace shall find sanctuary within Gladly these lips praise thee Only the majesty of your prophecy and the compassion that you show Is my guide through a world full of woes Thank be to God my leader, my Savoir and my Father for ever and ever, amen. God is not an unjust God God is not an unjust God that he should forget all that I have done He gives rich fruit to the faithful ones Hail Jesus, coming forth from the grave I have slain the sin within me in your name I have not lied or carry away food from the poor and hungry. Hail God of heaven the splendor that renew thy self day by day we the followers praise thee by name Thou is the king of glory O Christ In thee have I hope O Lord, let me not be confounded forever Grant me strength that I may be strengthened against all evil O Lord I know well that my body is the house of the Lord Let your commandments be in my hands and heart May for the honor of thy name, I be mercifully delivered through my Lord Jesus Christ O Lord, my God ever gracious and merciful, rich fruits thy faithful may obtain O Lord, set me free from my sins; make hast to help me Let thy ears be attentive to the prayers of thy servant At all time I will praise the Lord; your praise shall be on my lips continually Be all my boasting for the Lord; listen to, humble soul, and rejoice in the Lord Grant, I pray thee, almighty God that with my thoughts ever fixed on spiritual things, I may accomplish thy pleasures both in words and deeds Thou, Lord have shown me the way of life Thou make me full of the Holy Ghost Loving Father hear my cry for salvation in your name Give audience, Lord top my whole heart’s claims for the wonder of your grace O Lord, fill these lips with praise, to sing all day long of the glory and the splendor that is your Glory be to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost forever and ever, amen.
Take care, brethren, that there is but one God Take care, brethren, that there is but one God Reigning in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever Say to him, thou art my God, mine to acknowledge thee evermore for by thy protection am I save O Lord, make haste to help us, thou living and reigning forever bless us I pray to God my strength and deliverer, with praise I court thy presence, and I sing a joyful psalm Glory be to the Father and the Son, and the Holy Ghost I pray, Lord, a blessing O Godhead One, thou who watches over me, have mercy on me is my prayer, thou who is ever unchanged Be thou the first I greet in songs before thee for thy love to burn All glory to the Father be and to his sole-begotten Son, like glory Holy Ghost to thee O Lord, have mercy on me Thank be to God
As Jacob went out of his own land he saw the Glory As Jacob went out of his own land he saw the Glory So too is the Lord my stronghold Behold thy soul is a living star that shows me the way to righteousness O God, maker, creator of heaven and earth, in the beginning was the word and the word was manifested was God who can not be sculptured in stones; in the image on which man place a crown Thou is the One God that have no second, none before thee Thou are the personifications of light and darkness Bless be Mary the lady of the house of heaven For you this hymn of praise O blesses Mary mother of the Son, adoration to thee Hail mother Mary; pray for me, you shall lead me on my journey Lord, thy strength protect us inward and outwardly, so that our bodies may be safeguarded from all misfortune Brethren, this is what we ask, this is our calling
That we must learn with God’s help to control our own bodies, as something holy and held in honor thanks be to God, deliver us for thy name’s sake And preserve us from evil, and bring us to life everlasting God the Father may the souls of the faithful dearly departed through thy mercy, rest in peace
From one that would guide our steps ever more perfectly From one that would guide our steps ever more perfectly welcome as incense-smoke in the church of the Lord our God You God, gave us back our strength to carry out your will, you taught us to be ourselves Grant we pray thee, thy servant, who affliction of our bodies shall be saved by the Holy Spirit For Christ our Lord death was a setting out for the place where he had come he died for the remission of our sins, we give praise to thee Thou know the weakness of our will It is you that rescues us from every treacherous snare And we are saved by your teaching and the working of miracles Come, learn to believe that he, Christ, was sent to save us to lead us in the way of righteousness Deign O Lord, this day to keep us without sin The Holy Church throughout the world do acknowledge thee that thee is the one true God To God the Father and the Son who rose from the dead, all glory be with the Spirit three To the Father and the Paraclete be equal praise evermore We have none for vain phantoms; let us find life in following thy way Lord, the words thou hast spoken stand ever unchanged in a changing world Our whole hearts claims a heart true to thy trust All glory be to Christ, the Son Thou are the everlasting Son of the Father Who does take upon thee to deliver man from the temptations of his sins. Grant us this Grant us this, that we may be strengthened against all adversity by the protection of our Lord His faithfulness will throw a shield about us Honor for the greatness of the mercy thou have showed us in rescuing us from the lowest depths of hell God of mercy and of justice our song shall be a psalm in honor of thee In our God we trust for thou God, dose not scorn the appeal of the friendless Give us still thy aid, O God; do not forsake us
Thou will make us full of gladness in thy presence; at the right hand are delights that will endure for ever May our prayers rise up to thee, O Lord: and do thou drive all wickedness away from the Church Lord, have mercy on us Thank be to God, amen
Let brotherly love be firmly established in the land Let brotherly love be firmly established in the land Lord, the word thou have spoken stand ever unchanged Bless those who hold by the word of God with a noble heart strengthened against all adversity by the protection of him who taught the nations through our Lord Jesus Christ and let not thy anger against our evil deeds last forever O almighty God, that with our thoughts ever fixed on spiritual things that we may accomplish thy pleasure both day and night O merciful God of the heaven bring healing to a soul that has sinned against thee Show us mercy, Lord, in rescuing us from the lowest depths of hell We cry out to thee in a time of sore distress, counting on thy audience, for in you Lord we find our stronghold, in our God’s help we trust to find the salvation that you willingly give When we are wholly destitute of strength, protect us inwardly and outwardly, so that our bodies may be safeguarded from all misfortunes. Our creator, kind incline thy ear as unto thee ourselves we raise. Answer our prayers in a time of pardon, bring us help and salvation, watch over us wherever we go. In pity heed thy people’s prayers we beg thee. Let us not die with our sins upon us, Let our bodies be made a safeguard from all misfortune and our minds cleansed from all evil thoughts. Lord, the words that thou have spoken stands ever unchanged. Thou art loyal to thy promises throughout the ages Come, let us prove ourselves by our great patience Come, you who have received a blessing from our Father, let him take possession of your spirit and soul For thou, O Lord, have mercy on us Thank be to God.
Thy promise, therefore still holds good
Thy promise, therefore still holds good, That we are to attain God’s rest. Be you not afraid to truth in God The truth is, it is a good thing to seek after Christ’s soul, let it be your stronghold, for he is the Father of our faith. His faithfulness will throw a shield about us, he will cleanse our minds from evil thoughts and keep us from every treacherous snare. God himself has told us, I will never forsake thee, Never abandon thee; I may speak with every tongue that man and the angel use. O God, who see that we are wholly destitute of strength, protect us inwardly and outwardly, give charge to your angels concerning us, spare thy people, Lord, spare us with your grace and mercies. Loving Father hear our cries You sure of your mercy, our God, so rich in pardon You, every gracious and merciful, full of the grace of holiness, shine thou within our inmost mind that our body will follow toward your grace. Give us this day to act aright and keep from every harmful deed. Bless be Jesus Christ, thy Son, who is God, living and reigning with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen All the race of the world shall find a blessing All the race of the world shall find a blessing through thy posterity O dear Lord May the king of angels bring us to join the company of the citizens of heaven Wake, our soul, wake echoes of harp and angels singing; they shall find us watching and listening It is our heart, not the garments that we wear that the Lord seeks and to those who keep watch has the Lord promised a crown Lord, the word thou hast spoken stands ever unchanged, thou are loyal to thy promise Watch over us where so ever we goes Let our lips, tongues, mind and all our might praise thee Brethren, we entreat you not to offer God’s grace an ineffectual welcome for God has given charge to his angels concerning thee O Lord, hear our prayers and let our cries come unto thee Ever let our choice, O God, be set on thy will for eyes have we none for vain phantoms It is God that rescues us from every treacherous snare, from every whisper of harm God have answered our prayers in a time of pardon God listen to us when we call on him, when we cry out he hears our cries We shall give thank to God at all times for he save us with his saving power which gives us new birth, and restores our nature through the Holy Spirit He save us from triumphant malice, the Lord stands by us in our times of needs, and we know gladness in thy presence; at the right hand are delights that will endure forever Let us praise the Lord Thank be to God May the souls of the dearly departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Thy throne, O God, stands firm forever and ever Thy throne, O God, stands firm forever and ever, the scepter of thy kingship for ever rule, to you the Son, who is the radiance of his Father’s splendor, and the full expression of his being. We give praise to thee eternal Light divine. O flood our hearts with thy pure rays May we profit by our hearts fast: through our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son, who is God living and reigning with thee We say with confidence. The Lord is my champion; I will not be afraid of what man can do to me, man run a race, the race is for all, but the prize is for one, and then run for victory Defend us evermore by thy protection Lord, hold us with constant loving-kindness, so that we who rely solely upon the hope of your grace, may find rest and mercy of justice Our songs shall be a psalm in honor, Lord O Lord our God, with all our hearts we will praise thee, eternally hold thy name in honor, for the greatness of the mercy thou have shown We cry out to thee in a time of sore distress, counting on thy audience Our God, our to extol thee for the greatness of the mercy thou hast shown us and our mouths shall tell of thy praises God, have mercy on us, Christ, the Son of the living God, have mercy on us, a true heart true to thy service: its song, its music are all for thee.
O Holy God, pray that we may not turn aside this day O Holy God, pray that we may not turn aside this day to any sin but that all our focus be on the working of the Lord O Holy Spirit, thou who are one with the Father and the Son their faithfulness will throw a shield about us Nothing shall we have to fear from nightly terrors, rescues us from every treacherous snares Let us pray, Lord, keep our household under Thy protection and let our prayers rise up before thee
Clear us of our manifold guilt, O Lord, bring healing to a soul that have sinned against thee Do thou, O Lord, have mercy on us. Thank be to God for from the clay of the earth the Lord formed man, breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and made him whole O Lord, fill these lips with praise, to sing the day long of the glory and the splendor that is thy O Lord, releases us from the bonds of sin, and guard us against all adversity through your mercy Supreme Creator of light, to thee we are the light of the day, you have framed all things by thy might, in pity heed thy people’s prayers, we beg thee let your heart go with us You are our Savior, almighty God; in your name we give bread to the hungry, give the poor and the vagrant a welcome to our house When our strength ebbs, for the flesh is weak do not forsake us but set us again upon the path that will win thy favor A true heart is that of our God and with a heart true to thy service; its song, its music are all for thee, Lord To thee we will sing to you who have strengthened us. The God who watches over us, our God and all our hopes of mercy Who but the Lord is our God? And who are we, but folks of his making A high God is the Lord, a king above all gods Bless art thou in the vault of heaven, we praise thee from the depth of earth with every breath that we breathe O God of my father’s father blessed is thou holy name, intercede in our lives according to thou will, we place our being in your hands and pray for forgiveness in Jesus’ name, amen
O Lord, hear my prayer O Lord, hear my prayer. And let my cry come unto thee. Spare thy people, Lord, spare them. It was you Lord that breathed in Adam’s nostrils the breath of life and made man a living person. It was you who said, I will give him a mate of his own kind And from his rib was Eve born. Keep me ever thy own servant, far from pride Do thou absolve me, Lord? In Jesus did you give us a pattern of how we ought to live All that you ask of me is that I should sanctify myself and keep from all fornications that I should do penance, to make amends for my sins and save my soul. Thank be to God who have brought me to this honor of praising his name. O God, one in Three, have mercy on me. You have rescued me from the lowest depth of hell Glory be to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost
O Lord, give me the strength and humility of Stephen, who prayed for his enemies as they stoned him. Thank be to God. O Lord, give me thy everlasting blessing. O gracious and merciful God keep me from every whisper of harm ever let my choice O God be set on thy will. Lord have mercy on me I beg of thee at this hour impart thy grace to each and every one in Jesus’ name Amen.
It is not possible It is not possible, without keeping the commandment of the Lord to attain eternal life So let us amend those things in which we have sinned with prayers and supplication that we may rejoice with the Lord on the day of resurrection The Lord hunger for us to do right in the eyes of the Father and Marry the great Mother shall pray for us in Jesus’ name Unto thee our voices we raise in this hymen to the faithfulness of God our Father In fervent plea and grief sincere that we may come to set at the right hand of the Lord , not the left May we be mercifully delivered through our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son, who is God living and reigning with thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit Ever let our choice, O God, be set on thy will and our faithfulness stands ever unchanged Let no man lightly esteem thee, for Lord thou hast been out refuge from generation to generation In our faith in the Lord will we find our stronghold O grant that we may sing thy praise for the Lord is at our right hand to make us stand firm; glad and merry are we, heart and lips of us Thou and no other will assure our inheritance of heaven O Lord our God, with all our heart we praise thee Glory be to the Father, and the Son, and to the Holy Ghost amen.
My God and all of our hope of mercy My God and all of our hope of mercy In thee, O God, we put our trust; May we never be disappointed, Lord Gladly these lips will sing of thee You have framed a new music on our lips Your promise of salvation have been proclaim to us The Lord is our shepherd; how can we lack anything
He gives us a resting place within his grace God has given charge to his angels concerning us To watch over us in the grace of his pardon In firm resolve, in faith, in patience, in love, in endurance; all our doing are for thee Lord We may speak with every tongue that man and angels use; let if we lack charity we are no better then echoing Do thou absolve us, Lord. With tongues we give praise to the Father of an infinite majesty The Lord’s adorable truth rule our lives from age to age eternally Let a hymn of glory give for a light shall break on us and divine favor shall lead us on our journey To the soul that have wonder come back to the Lord your God He is forgiving and ever gracious and merciful Let our deeds, and all our desires be directed to the observance of his mercy Let the prayers of thy servants be heard by ready ears Have mercy on us Lord and protect us with your merciful might, amen All the earth dose worship thee All the earth dose worship thee the Father everlasting And we believe that thou shall come to be our judge Therefore, help thy servants, whom thou have redeemed with thy precious blood Give us salvation from our enemies and from the hand of those who hate us To thee all the angels cry aloud, the heaven and all the powers therein It is the blood of Jesus Christ that enables us to enter into the heaven of our Father, the God of Isaac and Abraham O Holy Spirit, as a victim unblemished in God’s sight Pacify our consciences and set them free Thou God ever faithful, have redeemed us for thyself We command out spirit to bow down before thee Let us beseech thee that our confession of guilt may be forgiven for ever more Let the voice of God be heard clearly in the ear of our soul for ever more Thou who sit at the right hand of the Father Have mercy on us, Christ the Son of the living God By your death from death redeem Hail holy cross at passion-tide, in thee alone our hopes we find Look graciously upon a heart that once was harden against thee now it is open as the ocean for you who created it We shall sing a psalm for the Lord, so great is he and so glorious that we command our spirit into his hand For what are we but folk of his pasturing, sheep that follow his beckoning hand. In his gospel we shall find there the solution to all our problems We pray to thee, O Lord everlasting, we call upon your name and praise thee for the blessing that we have received.
Grant we pray thee Grant we pray thee That we truth in thy protection Lord heal the sickness of our souls So that we may receive thy forgiveness Give us the many sided blessing as stars in the heaven or sand of the sea that is beyond all counting Who but the Lord have brought us deliverance? Do thou O Lord have mercy on us? Thank be to God.
Listen to God’s word Listen to God’s word; it is because we do not belong to God That we do not listen. O here the word of the Lord. Bestir thyself, Lord: our God, save us What is the doctrine of the Father if not the word of the Father? Would we but listen to the Lord’s voice to-day. Look graciously upon thy household almighty God, we pray. Blot out the sins of the guilty soul. Into thy hand we command our spirit O Lord, open the kingdom of heaven to all believers According to thy promise of salvation. Blesses be our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son who is God, living and reigning with thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit.
How can we avoid sinning against Christ? How can we avoid sinning against Christ? Look to the wisdom of the Holy Book To know the wishes of your Lord who enable Us to win forgiveness of our sins: through our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son, who is God living and reigning with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit A high God is this Lord, do not harden your heart, Do not take an oath in anger. Glory ever more is given to the blessed Trinity: To the Father, the Son, the Spirit. Father, let us stand before the gate of Heaven You are our stronghold We come offering offers to thee The offering of our body and soul Do not turn a deaf ear to the words we utter Praise be the word and the word was God May any request that we make on earth It will be granted by our Father The Lord sayth it Thou shall have my blessing We beseech thee, King of heaven To grant that we may have your blessing evermore. Amen.
Christ, the Son of the living God, have mercy on us Christ, the Son of the living God, have mercy on us In fervent plea and praises sincere be by our side wherever we go, leave us not un-befriended. Into thy hand Lord we commend our spirit. Hide us under the wings of your angels. Grant thy protection, help to us who are moved by thee to pray for your protection. God, who reward the merits of the just, O Lord have mercy on us. Thank be to God. I will be with thee as with Moses I will be with thee as with Moses, says the Lord.
Sun and moon, praise God for his name is exalted as no other. Christ showed to us, when he gave himself up on our behalf a sacrifice breathing out fragrance as he offered it to God. God will not be angry if you delay in offering your gift: it is you God seeks rather then your gifts O God, the restorer and lover of innocence, draw the heart of thy servants toward thyself and kindle our faithfulness and give us blessing of dew from heaven We beseech the King of heaven to grant that we may have sight of him again. A high God is the Lord, a king above all the others Would you but listen to the Lord’s voice today! Do not harden your heart nor with harden words preach wickedness to the sinner. May God almighty bless thee and give thee increase of posterity, increase as the sand by the sea.
Grant us deliverance, Lord as we order our lives in charity Grant us deliverance, Lord as we order our lives in charity And keep us from every whisper of harm Creator kind, incline thine ear As unto thee our voices we raise Grant we pray thee almighty God, that we who are deservedly punished for our evil doing may find redemption by both the words and works of our Lord. Graciously heed our entreaties, Lord we beg thee with the purity of our heart, let nations and peoples serve thee the world over for no stone is turned over without your knowing you are the creator, the King of kings, our protector and loving Father concern with our souls and bodies. May we earn deliverance and safety from perils that threaten us by reason of our sins: through our Lord Jesus Christ who guide us like a shepherd that guide us through safety to the heaven of our Father. Hear the desires of the humble and stretch forth thy right hand of your majesty for our defense: through our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son, who is God, living and reigning with thee. May we be cleansed with tears and the heart that we place before thee for thy love. We who are made in the image, the likeness of God seek not to deface that image by behaviors unworthy of a rational creature that serve thee with untroubled minds.
Brethren, as Christ’s children seek you to follow him Brethren, as Christ’s children seek you to follow him, Order your lives in charity upon the earth of God’s giving.
His faithfulness will throw a shield about thee. Believe me when I tell you this if a man is true to the words of the Lord, to all eternity his soul shall never taste death. Lord, guide and guard us, body and soul, by the bountiful grace and protection through our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son. Do thou, O Lord have mercy on us? Thank be to God. Amen.
Money, lust, luxury, ambition, and anger Money, lust, luxury, ambition, and anger, all these can become our fevers when we fill the hopes of our bodies and let these desires guide us in our daily lives as we desire them more them our love of God. Rescue us Lord, from the very mouth of our anger. We call on the Lord when trouble beset us. Grant, we beseech thee almighty God that we who seek the favor of thy protection and may we be delivered by your most high honor. Bestir thineself, Lord; our God, save us. Come friends, rejoice we in the Lord’s honor; cry we out merrily to God, our strength. God, put us to the test, challenged us to do right by your guiding light. Let thy gracious favor accompany our daily lives. Conferred upon us every lasting glory, and heap upon us the resource of your assistance through our Lord Jesus Christ.
When we say this, some there are who grasp their teeth at us When we say this, some there are who grasp their teeth at us, but we find consolation in the words of this psalm. Never let our knees be bowed to an alien god. Brethren, Christ has taken his place as our high priest, to win us a blessing from our Father. With praise we court his presence, singing a joyful psalm, would you but listen. Do not harden your heart as Pharos, for who but the Lord brings us deliverance. Who but the Lord have given us sanctuary, who but he offer ransom won that last forever We shall fast from spiritual wickedness We shall rise from the grave if we but give ear to the words of the Lord Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
When Jacob rose in the morning
When Jacob rose in the morning he took the stone which had been his pillow and sit it up there as a monument, may our hearts be a monument to the Lord, may his love be the pillow where we rest our head. Have pity, Lord, and come to our rescue so that with thee for our protector we may attain enlightenment. Brethren, as God’s favor children, you must be like him Order your lives in charity upon the model of Jesus Christ for if the priest cast out devils he does it through God’s power and with that power before us we shall live forever and ever.
The Saints are our fellow-citizen The Saints are our fellow-citizen for we the believers of the one true God belong to God’s house whole. Do thou, O Lord, have mercy on us? Thank be to God. Do not forsake us in the day of thy prosperity but deliver us by driving out the devil that we may behold the light of your faithfulness. We beseech thee the King of heaven to wrap us in the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. O Godhead One, thou who dost reign in person three, pray grant at last that within the Lord to aid us, we have no fear of the worst man can do. Grant, we pray thee Lord, a wholesomeness that we are treated as one of thy hired servant paid with salvation. Lord, take thy crown in the name of faithfulness, and mercy, and justice. Let us restrain our senses from the poison excess through our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son. Let us know that when we sin against our brethren by injuring their doubtful consciences we sin against Christ. Grant thee Lord, the help of thy grace so that we who are intent of fasting and prayer, may we be delivered from the enemies of our bodies and souls. Amen.
Let thy spirit in us as we may be found firm in faith Let thy spirit in us as we may be found firm in faith, and fruitful in deeds of praising thee. Lord we pray thee pour thy grace into our hearts when two or three are gathered together in the unity of thy name. Let us be nestle there under your care, throw a shield about us that nothing shall we have to fear of, rescue us from every treacherous snare for to those who keep watch has the Lord promise a crown, he shall stretch forth the right hand of his majesty for our defense. Lord let not our lives be forfeit by sin.
We will proclaim thy renown to our brethren Look graciously upon us, we pray for deliverance in you holy name. Let thy protection, Lord, be our defense Let thy protection, Lord, be our defense, thou know the weakness of our will, since no man’s heart lies hid from thee. O Godhead One, thou who dose reign in heaven, who but the Lord is our protector, who but the Lord has brought us deliverance? O God, ruler of thy people drive away the sins by which we are assailed, so that we may find everlasting love under your hands. Let us sacrifice as Christ showed to us, when he gave himself up on our behalf, a sacrifice breathing out fragrance as he offered it to us. O almighty God, that with this holy fast to cleanse us, we may greet the coming festival with unsullied hearts. We commend our spirits into thy hands. Lord, we pray thee, may we ever observe thy commandments: through our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son, who is God living and reigning with thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit.
Come friends, rejoice we in the Lord’s honor Come friends, rejoice we in the Lord’s honor; cry we out merrily to God, our strength and stronghold. Grant, we pray thee, by devoutly keeping from year to year these holy fasts, we may please thee both body and spirit. Have mercy on thy people, Lord, and graciously allow us who are thy servants to attain by your mercy and grace the promise of ever lasting life in heaven. Let thy merciful ears be open, Lord, to the prayers of those who entreat thee, and may we proclaim thy renown to our brethrens. We pray thee guide and guard us, body and soul, by the bountiful grace and protection; through our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son who is living and reigning with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Do thou, O Lord, have mercy on us. Thank be to God our Father. Amen.
Preserve me Lord, from the power of sinful deeds Preserve me Lord, from the power of sinful deeds. I awake the fulfillment of the Lord’s promise of salvation in this time of trouble, give a speedy answer to my prayer, O Lord my God, draw near in my distress, and grant
deliverance brought upon the Son of God that suffering which was turned to the healing of all the sons of men. I in the Lord’s honor: cry I out merrily to God, my strength and deliver: with praise I court thee. Honest men will yet live to praise thy name; upright hearts enjoy the smile of thy favor. May the almighty and merciful Lord give me pardon, absolution and remission of my sins. Lord God, day and night I cry bitterly to thee and you are here to help me, you have my safety in your keeping, you unlock for me the gate of everlasting life, you rescue me, my God, from the power of the wicked.
So will I teach the wicked to follow thy paths So will I teach the wicked to follow thy paths. Lord, never count this soul for lost with the wicked, this life among the bloodthirsty. Deliver me, Lord. Rescue me, Lord, from human malice, preserve me from the ambush they have laid for me, from the snares of the wrongdoers as they close in around me; let their conspiracy prove its own undoing. Lord, set a guard on my mouth, post a sentry before my lips. God is through me spreading abroad everywhere, like a perfume, the knowledge of himself. O Lord, thou will open my lips, and me month shall tell of thy praise. O Lord, have mercy on me. Thank to God. Amen
Bestir thyself, Lord; our God Bestir thyself, Lord; our God, save us. O God, in thy mercy enlightens the hearts of the faithful. Sweet are thy lips as honey dripping from the comb. Grant, we pray thee, almighty God that we who have carried out the festal rites of Easter may, by the good gift hold to them. In thy resurrection, O Christ, alleluia, let heaven and earth rejoice, alleluia. The Lord has indeed risen, alleluia, alleluia. Politicians take warring; and learn your lesson, you that ruler the world tremble and serve the Lord, come rejoicing in his wonder for dying and by the trophy of the cross did he triumph over the devil, the prince of death. Amen.
Do thou have mercy on us? Thank be to God Do thou have mercy on us? Thank be to God. Lord almighty wash us clean, cleaner yet from our guilt, Purge us of our sins and blot out the record of our guilt. Visit, we beseech thee, O Lord, this house and family, and drive from it the working of the devil that seek to catch us up in his snarl Our body shall rest in confidence that thou will not allow the faithful to fall pray to his doings. Come quickly, Lord, at our cry for succor; do not let our appeal to thee go unheard. Give speedy answer to our prayers Lord. Expound, Lord, thy whole bidding to us; faithfully we will keep it, freely shall our feet tread, if thy will is our entire quest. Fearlessly shall we talk of thy wondrous mercy for all to hear. Thou have encouraged us by thy power and thy whole banquet, Lord. Surely Lord, thou will put an end to the wrong-doing of the wicked, and prosper the innocent. Never let us take part with the wrong-doers, and share the banquet of salvation with them when they bring themselves to the Lord, let none be turn away from your table O Lord. Bethink thee of thy covenant Bethink thee of thy covenant; everywhere oppression lurks and walks openly through the cities, they must be abashed, and we vindicated, O Lord our God. Relieve us, so hard pressed by our enemies. Give a speedy answer to our prayers. Let lips, tongue, mind and all our might combine thy praise to proclaim your wondrous work in the world. We freely testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, alleluia, alleluia. Lord, the word that thou have spoken shall stand ever and forevermore true to thy charge, thou shall find us. Out of the path of the lovers of wrong we shall keep our God’s commandments. The whole Christ is in the head, the whole Christ is in the body. May we come in joyful mood to celebrate the merciful restoration thou have granted us: through our Lord Jesus Christ that lives in all the innocence of out hearts. Lean us thy aid, for thine we are and thy bidding our entire quest, for our eyes have seen thy saving grace. Forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.
Christ, now that he has risen from the dead Christ, now that he has risen from the dead, cannot die any more; death has no more power over him. The disciples saw the Lord after he had risen, and was glad at the sight of their Lord, alleluia, alleluia. Blessed Lord God, be merciful to thy people, we pray thee, for at thy command hour follow hour and time’s full cycle is ordained. May the fire of thy love burn ever bright enkindling other with its flame for ever and evermore true to thy charge thou shall find me, my God, my divine Deliverer, save me from the guilt of bloodshed! This tongue shall sing your praises throughout my life to any that have ears to hear the words of the Lord. Amen. Lord, turn thy back on the record of my sins for I repent of the wrong-doing of my youth and may the blessed John the Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and the Saints, pray to the Lord our God, for the salvation of our souls. O Lord enlightens me to scan thy laws closely and keep true to them with all my heart. Would everyone but listen to the Lord’s voice today, to be save, do not harden your heart against the working of the Lord our Father. Not for the dead thy wonderful power is shewn, not for pale shadows to return and give thee thanks. What great thing was it for the King of ages to become the King of men? Amen.
Grant us, we beg thee Lord, a steadfast obedience to thy will Grant us, we beg thee Lord, a steadfast obedience to thy will. We must quit of our old self, and the habit that went with it, we must be clothed in the new self that the salvation of the Lord makes of us. The death he died was a death once for all our sins; the life he now lives is a life that looks toward God. Thine is the day, thine the night; moon and sun are thy appointment of what is holy and right To the Lord we look when distress comes upon us, we lift up our hands and praise his holy name, we call upon him and his answer is swift to our aid. Blesses be the name of the Lord on earth and in heaven. Amen.
Thou art my God, listen, Lord, to the voice that pleads with thee Thou art my God, listen, Lord, to the voice that pleads with thee and heap thy blessings upon the faithful who have order their lives toward your teaching Preserve us from the ambush our enemies have laid for us, keep us from the snares of the wrong-doers that work their evils both day and night. As heaven’s song of praise intones, glad earth sends up a joyful cry to thy holy name. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, blessed is the King of kings who soul cares for the eternal interests that leads to the kingdom of heaven Blessed is the gracious award bestowed upon the faithful. Blessed are you when Christ is your life, and when he is made manifest, you will be made manifest in glory with him. Listen, my people, to this testament of mine, do not turn a deaf ear, and let the Lord share the secret of your heart. Amen.
Jesus, our risen Lord, stool in the midst of his disciples Jesus, our risen Lord, stool in the midst of his disciples, now is life and death in the hands of God as sure as I shall live out my years faithful to the Lord. Life is their, who win the Lord’s protection, and I among these, shall have my fill of life. O Lord, thou art a lover of faithfulness and now, deep in my heart, thy wisdom has taken control of me. Many are the adversaries who surround me, taunting me for my beliefs in the holy words of the Lord. Praise him for his surpassing greatness, praise him with the bray of the trumpet, praise him that break the chains that blinds me, my Lord, my God, my light in the darkness of the whole world willingness of life. To the Lord I make my pledge to be faithful to our God, living and reining with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.
God has borne witness to his only Son God has borne witness to his only Son. Out of my path lovers of wrong! I will keep my God’s commandments.
May all our words, all our deeds, all our desires be directed to the observance of thy holy laws. Lord, make me worthy of thy grace, and bring me never-failing health, through our Lord, Jesus Christ, thy Son. Grant, I beseech thee, almighty God that by thy grace I may find in salvation never ending life. Come lovers of God and rejoice in the sounding of his name. I praise thee O holy Son of God; I praise thee, shepherd of the flock and my Father. Stir my being to its depths, as my heart goes out in boundless compassion! Such unction never will this head refuse, their injuries I will still greet with a prayer. Sing O tongue, that boast of thy wondrous mercies for ever and ever more. Amen
Into thy hands Lord, I command my spirit Into thy hands Lord, I command my spirit. Never count this soul for lost, O God, with the wicked. Look upon me, O Lord my God, and listen to me. I delight the more wholeheartedly in thy company. My faith is the triumphant principle which triumphs over the world, it is achieved as he the Lord cover me with his wings. Do not take thy holy spirit away from me. Give me back the comfort of thy saving power for from the hour of my birth, thou was and is my guardian, since I left my mother’s womb did I proclaim thy renown to my brother. I come then to praise the Lord with this prayer on my lips. How shall I thank thee? Life promised me, and the promise made good! For indeed, I was born in sin; guilt was with me already when my mother bore me. Peace be upon you, alleluia; thus the disciples saw the Lord and was glad, alleluia. To thou, O Lord have mercy on me?
To thou, O Lord have mercy on me? O God, do not keep thy distance from me; be on the watch, my God, to aid me, thou art my confidence. The Lord died once for our sins and was raised to life for our justification. Glory be to the Father, and the son and the Holy Ghost. It is living man, as I a living man today, that give thee thanks. All creatures that breathe praise the Lord, for my own eyes have seen the saving power of thine, which thou have prepared in the sight of all nations.
My enemies make a laughing-stock of me; they toss their heads in derision as they pass by: help me, O Lord, help me to live within the light of thy grace and fear not the wackiness of the world. Fearlessly I talk of thy decrees in the presence of presidents and kings, never am I abashed to preach the words of my Lord. Fain would I have all my comfort in thy promise, I am ever yours as a child to his father, may the blessed Mary pray for me to her most holy Son. Give heed to my entreaties, almighty God, and graciously bestow the fruits of thy wanted mercy upon me, for thou art my confidence. Amen.
O Lord thou will open my lips and my mouth shall tell of thy praises O Lord thou will open my lips and my mouth shall tell of thy praises. We who are continually afflicted by our own transgressions may be delivered by the suffering of thy only-begotten Son: who is God. This day is a day of the Lord’s own choosing; greet this day with rejoicing, greet this day with triumph. God almighty, let thy servants, who afflict their bodies by fasting, may also abstain from sin and follow after justice: through our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son. Amen. Bring me to the Lord’s passion as to be counted worthy of thy pardon Bring me to the Lord’s passion as to be counted worthy of thy pardon Bring me to the Lord’s passion as to be counted worthy of thy pardon: through the same Jesus Christ thy Son, our Lord who is God everlasting. Let me take my place beneath thy wings as one of the saved, for you my God is all my hopes and passion, I have none before thy, none after thee, none but the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac is the one true God of mankind. Bless me Lord of my father and keep me in you camp that I may be save by your grace. Amen.
Do not turn thy face away from thy servants Do not turn thy face away from thy servants, Lord, in this time of trouble. The truth will be made manifest, and the unbelief of the sinners will be confounded. Rich fruit thy faithful may obtain from keeping well the hollowed fast.
Bestir thyself, O God, to vindicate thy own cause; do not forget the taunts which reckless men hurl at thee both day and night for the eleven disciples saw the Lord in Galilee and fell down to worship. I have flung wide my arms to greet thy laws; ever in my thought do I do thy bidding. I go mourning all day long, Lord, for my soul is full of trouble: I am assailed by enemies that grudge me life itself. My Lord, remember me when thou come into thy kingdom. Amen.
You know what conspiracy there was of malicious sinners You know what conspiracy there was of malicious sinners, but my eyes have seen the power of thy saving grace. Sweet are thy lips as honey dripping from the combs and my heart is on fire, I am longing to see my Lord; I am searching and can not but be filled with the Holy Ghost that brings me to preach the words of God with confidence. Ah, God is here to help me: the Lord has my safety in his keeping. Ah, how my steps shall be surely guided to keep faith with thy covenant. Each command of thine I embrace lovingly; do thou in thy faithfulness grant me everlasting life in heaven. Ah, I shall find refuge in thee, while they the wicked must be abash, and I vindicated by my faith in the Lord my God. Amen.
Come in, fall we down in worship Come in, fall we down in worship, bowing the knees before God who made us. Who but the Lord is our God, and what are we but folk of his pasturing sheep? I do not doubt that the Lord will avenge the helpless, will grant the poor redress and preserve me from the ambush that the wicked have laid for me, from the snares of the wrong-doers who pretend not to know of the Lord. I beg thee at this hour impart thy grace to each and everyone in Jesus’ name, keep us from the power of the wicked, from the grasp of lawlessness and oppressors who carry their heads high as they close in around me; let their conspiracy prove its own undoing. Amen.
Those who look for the Lord will cry out in praise of him Those who look for the Lord will cry out in praise of him, refreshed be our hearts eternally! Lord, set a guard on my mouth; post a sentry before my lips, let me not utter the words of the wicked who are lost in their wickedness, who seem not to know that whatever takes its origin from God must needs triumph over evil. Ease me of the reproach my heart dreads, those whose award are gracious know that each command of thine shall be embraced lovingly. Eagerly I long to be guided in the way of thy obedience for eyes I have none for vain phantoms; I find my life in following thy way. Establish with us, thy servants, the promise made to all that if we but call upon thy name we shall be heard. Amen.
Ah, blessed they who cherish thy decrees Ah, blessed they who cherish thy decrees that make them the whole of our quest of our hearts. He it is will rescue thee from every treacherous lure if you but be attentive to all the commandments of the Lord. May the almighty and merciful Lord give us pardon, absolution and remission of our sins.
Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet have learned to believe Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet have learned to believe, that testified to the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, who died once for all our sins; the life he now lives is a life that looks toward God. It is said that, if a man live on in me, and I in him, then he will yield abundant fruit, alleluia. Beloved, is whatever takes its origin from God, needs triumph for the Lord is our savior still, while life lasts, the Lord house shall ring with the voices of the angels. Come quickly, Lord, at our cry for succor; do not let our appeals to thee go unheard. Amen.
Welcome as incense-smoke let our prayers rise up before thee Welcome as incense-smoke let our prayers rise up before thee, We confess to Almighty God, to blessed Mary, ever a Virgin, to blessed Michael the Archangel, to blessed John the Baptist, to the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and all the hosts of heaven that we have follower the laws of the most high God of heaven and we did do right by the words of the Lord as it is written in the holy book; our guide for living a righteous life in the sight of the Lord our God. We cry to thee, and rescue came by thou holy name. We will pay our vows to the Lord in sight of his worshippers We will teach the wicked to follow thy paths; sinners shall come back to thy obedience. Thou have healed us, saved us from death of the soul! All the bitterness turned to confidence; thou have rescued us from the snares of the wicked. Amen.
You who died once for our sins You who died once for our sins and was raised to life for our justification, Glory be to you, and may by the good gifts that you bestow, we shall hold to them in the conduct of our lives: Through our Lord Jesus Christ who has taught us to live by faith that in death we may be saved.
All our bitterness is turned to confidence for you. Glory be to you and may by thy good gift, we shall hold them in the conduct of our lives: through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Lord, do not turn our hearts toward thoughts of evil Lord, do not turn our hearts toward thoughts of evil, and deeds of treachery, never count our souls for lost, O God, with the wicked. Honest men will yet live to praise thy name, content if thou be to live with the most High for thy defense, under your Almighty shadow abiding still bring aid to us for thy covenant stands unchanging. We pray to God, in hope of finding pardon for the thoughts which our hearts have conceived in the abundance of thy compassion, blot out the record of our misdeed and keep before us the promise of heaven. Amen.
We shall proclaim thy renown to our brethren We shall proclaim thy renown to our brethren; where thy people gather, we will join in singing thy praise. The Lord God is our helper and that help which he gives is toward the eternal promise of salvation, to his passion then surrendered, O Lord, have mercy on us. Amen.
Do not let our persecutors triumph over our fall
Do not let our persecutors triumph over our fall when we fell to cast ourselves on thy glorious mercy. Great was the power with which the apostles testified to the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. From the wise men’s mouth does honey flows, alleluia; honey-sweet to God the Father, and the Son, who rose from the death, all glory be. Lift up your hands toward the sanctuary and bless the Lord. May the Lord who dwells in Sion bless thee, the Lord who made heaven and earth bless thee, the Lord who looks after his sheep bless thee, the almighty Lord our God. Content if thou be to live with the most High for thy defense against the crudity of a world full of sin, there is not harm that will befall thee, no plague that shall come near thy dwelling, for the Lord has given charge to his angels concerning thee. Amen.
We have slept and have taken our rest We have slept we have taken our rest, and we have risen up, because the Lord has protected us. God is here to help us, the Lord has our safety in his keeping, he hides us under the shelter of his wings, he the ocean, for who but he created it? What other power fashioned the dry land? As we songs of praise intone; glad earth send up a joyous cry, Lord, take what we owe thee, our songs of praise, for who else was our refuge when we hung at the breast, who but thee has guided us for his Father’s sake, who but thee keep our thoughts far from treachery and lying? The Lord is our witness and the care taker of our souls, the Lord draw near to every man that calls upon him, will we but call upon him with a true heart for how gracious the Lord is, how merciful, how patient, how rich in pity and piety.
O God of truth, who in thy might laid a charge
O God of truth, who in thy might laid a charge by the power of the Holy Spirit, on the apostles who the Lord had chosen we praise your holy name. O Lord, who art both way and guide and holy light, lighting the way in the darkness of man’s heart, now fill us with the understanding grace of the Holy Spirit. With a sudden sound the Holy Spirit will come upon us and then shall we count ourselves saved. Once the apostles spoke in strange languages, telling of God’s wonder as the spirit gave utterance to each. The fire of God comes not to burn but to enlighten not to consume but to give light, it will cast out the devil in God’s name, it will speak in tongues that are strange to our ears but not our souls. May the comforter who proceeds from thee bring light into our minds, we pray thee, Lord, to guide us, to give us faith in thy bounty, give us also peace: through our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son, who is God. Amen. The first step toward good works The first step toward good works is the confession of one’s evil deeds, for he who follows after his unlawful desires, clearly does not love God, for his will is opposed to the divine will of the Lord. God, who on this day did teach the faithful by sending the light of the Holy Spirit into our hearts come, take possession of our souls and make them all thy own through thee the eternal Son and thee the Spirit of them both thrice-blessed Three in One; the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Come Holy Ghost, Creator come from thy bright heavenly home, come truth-giving Spirit, the clouds are thy chariot and car, come, let the Spirit of the Lord fills the whole of the world, come let us adore him, who will not leave us friendless for thy reigns in might that right loves. Amen.
A good life is a profit to a man A good life is a profit to a man if it leads to eternal life in the heaven of our Father.
Blessed is it to be an evangelist, a pastor or teacher, they are to order the lives of the faithful, minister to the needs of the people, build up the frame of Christ’s body. O King of glory, Lord of host, who did ascend above all the heavens, do not leave us friendless, but send to us the truth-giving Holy Spirit to befreind; the strength which never decays. Confirm our mortal frame through thee may we the Father know, take cognizance of every sound we utter in prayers for we are filled with the Holy Spirit alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
Holy Spirit be with us, we pray thee, Lord Holy Spirit be with us, we pray thee, Lord, may it cleanse our hearts, a heart which finds the bread of heaven sweet to the taste. Do thou O Lord, have mercy on us? A man can not trace his origin from God if he does not live right, if he does not love his brethrens, let our brethrens lives be acceptable to God, remember that it is God who supplies him the opportunity to do right for he who believe and is baptized will be saved. Above all things preserve constant charity among yourselves The flowing fountains and all life that is bred in water and is bred on land sings a hymn of praise to the life giving God, alleluia. May the Holy Spirit from above descend with your bounteous gifts of salvation. O my God, salvation’s seed was sown by thee. Your love has been poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit that teaches us that generous hospitality is the living water that is the delight of our souls. O Lord, your beauty is high among the clouds and you name shall endure for ever, alleluia. Amen.
Let the Spirit of the Lord fill the whole world Let the Spirit of the Lord fill the whole world. Almighty, everlasting God, so deal with us that we may always, heart and soul be dedicated to the humble, always gentle mercy that you bring Let us all love one another where love means keeping thy commandments; love is itself the commandment that thou has given so that we may reach perfect manhood, that maturity which is proportioned to the completed growth of Christ. Grant, we beseech thee, almighty God, that we who believe thy only-begotten Son, who now in triumph scales the sky, who did spring from Mary’s womb, thou bid us raise again with thee to resist those natural appetites which besiege the soul. Thank be to God the Lord who hung for us upon the tree. They took him down from the cross and laid him in a tomb. And on the third day, God raised him from the dead and death can have no power over Him. The whole world bear
witness of his enduring name. Christ the Lord, Christ the savior, Christ the redeemer that will win the ransom of your soul looks down on the righteous and sinners and call us to atone in His name Amen.
The good Shepherd laid down his life for his sheep The good Shepherd laid down his life for his sheep and turned his own body and blood into a sacrament, he nourishes with his flesh the sheep he had died for. Come friends rejoice, gather together in unity of purpose, let the Lord take possession of our souls and make them his own. See how God has shewn his love toward us; that we should be counted among the saved, may forever the power of the Holy Spirit be with us, we pray thee, Lord. Jesus Christ, thy Son, who is God living and reigning with thee in the unity of the Holy Sprit.
Grant we beseech thee, almighty God Grant we beseech thee, almighty God That we who believe that thy only begotten Son died for the sins of the world that in triumph he scales the sky. Health grants thy servants in this life that to our passions’ heat bring cooling balm and shed thy grace to each and everyone. Let our lips, tongues, minds and all our being proclaim the gospel of that self same Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.
In thee is the source of all life In thee is the source of all life: thy brightness will break on our eyes like the dawn. Peace be our bequest to thee, and peace which we give, is our to give in the Lord’s name. Peace has no room for war; indeed peace drives out war when it is perfect Father, send your perfect grace, mercy and peace in a spirit of truth and love.
Watch over us as we go about our daily lives finding joy in thy comfort: through our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son who to the Apostles lifted up his hands and blessed them, and was carried up into heaven, alleluia. We who befriend truth call upon thy name We who befriend truth call upon thy name. We who delight in happiness and holiness who delight in eternal life, in short in all that is Christ may be save by our belief. Once we were men filled with desire, wandering in the wilderness, hungry, thirsting and longing to be filled with the Holy Spirit, now we are found with all the passion of our desires fit on Christ our Lord and Savoir. God, our Father, let thy people’s devout prayers take effect. Thou have given us faith; in bounty, give us also peace in a world where many preferred their sins We confess our sins never lost to our Father’s sight. He who have seen his brother and has no love for him; what love can he have for the God he have never seen? No one can dwell in him and be a sinner. The sinner must be one who has failed to see him, fell to recognize him even though the spirit of the Lord fills the whole world, it confirm our mortal frame through thee may we the Father know. Amen.
The Lord is great, great honor is his due The Lord is great, great honor is his due, here in the city where he our God dwells. Sheltered in thy church we give thank for our deliverance. We truly love God and keep his commandments if we hold our passion in check but are passionate toward the Lord. We have an advocate to plead our cause before the Father in the Just One, Jesus Christ; we find joy in his comfort May all our longing be fixed in the Lord, so that he will give us our heart’s desires. Father, who is my God and your God, enkindling other with your flames, so deal with us that we may always, with heart and soul, be dedicated to the service of thy majesty, Our Father gave his Son’s glory when he did not spare him, but gave him up for all of us, We beseech thee grant that by thy inspiration we may think right thoughts and under thy guidance put them into practice. Do thou O Lord, have mercy on us? Thank be to God. Amen. We have proved the tale long since told us We have proved the tale long since told us, that God is for all eternity and you too must believe that this is so with all the effort of your heart. We pray to the Father for you, that he will watch over you, alleluia, alleluia.
God goes up, loud are the cries of victory, the Lord goes up, loudly the trumpets peal, because his will is that all of you should attain repentance, not that some should be lost. Alleluia, Christ the Lord has ascended into heaven: come, let us adore him, for our sweet reward when life is done, alleluia. The Spirit of the Lord fills the whole world; let it come to take possession of our souls. O Lord, who art both way and guiding light, be thou the goal to which we run full of the breath of the body. Father, we have made thy name known to the people whom thou has entrusted your divine knowledge, it is for thee now we pray, not to the world. God is King of all the earth; sound the hymn of praise! Amen.
God reigns, enthroned in holiness God reigns, enthroned in holiness, he reigns in might, that right loves. Salvation’s seed was sown by thee, O Jesus, joy of human hearts. God, so deal with us that we may always with hearts and souls be dedicated to the service of thy majesty. May we who are faithful be rescued from the peril of eternal death, may we come to enjoy everlasting bliss through the same Jesus Christ. May the rulers of the nation throw in their lot with us, that worship Abraham’s God who is God of light and no darkness can find any place in him. Amen.
Beloved Christ suffered for our sake Beloved Christ suffered for our sake and left us his own example; we are to follow in his footsteps save suffer not because of his grace. ‘I am the shepherd of the sheep; I am the way; I am the truth and life; I am the good shepherd” so was it said of the Lord., on the behalf of God the Father. Everyone who believes that Jesus Christ is a child of God knows that to love the parent is to love the child. The person who I shall not be afraid to love is Jesus Christ and there in do we reached the full measure of our love. “ I have bestowed my love upon you, just as my Father have bestowed his love upon me.” So says the Lord, so love your brother in the name of the Holy Spirit and know that you are your brother’s keeper. Know that man is a study of a variation on a common theme.; life, Give to the body what is rightly its. Give to God your soul. Know that the
soul holds the body and spirit in equal toll, that to lose one is to lose the other. Be you one of balance in mathers of the soul Amen.
As a true Christian let not hate take control of your heart As a true Christian let not hate take control of your heart. To Christ the Lord does glory meet, who now in triumph scales the sky with Father and the paraclete. Thou bust through the gates of hell to set the fettered captives free; then to the Father does ascend, triumphant from thy victory. O God and Lord take us under the protection of thy wings and quench thou the flames of evil strife that plague the souls of men. Amen.
God, who by the humiliation of thy Son has lifted up the fallen world God, who by the humiliation of thy Son has lifted up the fallen world, grant abiding gladness to thy faithful, so that we who believe in thee will find in thee the gladness of a soul saved by our belief. We acclaim the King of kings, and sing a hymn to God, alleluia, alleluia. Amen. Jesus set out to do and teach Jesus set out to do and teach, until the day came when he was taken up into heaven. He who has been taken from you into heaven, this same Jesus, will come back in the same fashion. The Lord has indeed raised, alleluia. Christ has mounted up on high, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. I am going up to him who is my Father and your Father, alleluia, alleluia. Amen.
Do not leave us friendless O Lord Do not leave us friendless O Lord, but send to us the truth-giving Spirit that the Father promised. Listen, you that have ears, to the message the Spirit have for the churches. Our Lord did die but the second death shall have no power over him.
As they strained their eyes toward heaven, to watch his journey, they said alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, he raised his hands and blessed them and was carried up into heaven, say alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Through our God and Savior Christ, grace and peace be yours abundantly, as you gain fuller knowledge of God. Beloved: live wisely and keep your senses awake to greet the hours of prayers. Dawn’s flaming rays spread over the sky as heaven’s songs of praise intone, God, who by the light of thy truth guide wanderers back into the path of righteousness let us be counted among the saved. As we seeks to be prominent with God shall our souls befriend the angels and Saints of our fathers Amen.
Thy greatness is high above heaven itself Thy greatness is high above heaven itself, O God, alleluia, praise to thee, Lord, the Lord our God is holy. Glory be to the Father and his most precious Son. You will be distressed, but your distress shall be turned into joy. Glad earth sends up a joyful cry, and hell in horror groans. Grant that all who are accounted Christians may embrace those things which befit their faith and reject what is hostile. May our hearts be set upon the one true home of joy! Through out Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son, who is God, living and reigning with thee shall we find deliberant in the open arms of the Lord. Amen.
O rid yourselves of all defilement O rid yourselves of all defilement, of all the ill will that remains in you, be patient, and cherish that word implanted in you by the Holy Spirit. Know that the testing of our faith breeds endurance; endurance must do its work thoroughly if we are to be righteous men, full grown in every parts, let nothing shake away our faith, tho we are tested by unbelievers who seek to bring us down, fall not to
their device, be we ever willing to do the work of the Lord, to praise the Lord our God daily with the self same breath that sustains us. Amen.
Alleluia, the Lord our God, the Almighty Alleluia, the Lord our God, the Almighty, has claimed his kingdom; let us rejoice in triumph and give him praise. Be you a strong support of the weak, look you lovingly on the poor, feed you the man that hunger for the light in the darkness of his ways, shelter the homeless whom have not a roof over his head and a warm bed. You yourselves can testify by the baptizing water, that the Lord is your one true and only God, as great was the power with which the apostles testified to the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, alleluia, alleluia. Amen.
Let wisdom find a resting place in your heart Let wisdom find a resting place in your heart for through his Son, God has rescued us from the perils of eternal death that we may come to enjoy eternal life. O Lord our God does listen to us and we find in thee a God of pardon, a fellowship with the heart of our Father. I am the true vine, you are the branches if a man live on in me, and I in him, and then he will yield abundant fruit, alleluia, alleluia. Do thou, O Lord, have mercy on us? Thank be to God through the self same Jesus Christ, thy Son, our Lord, who is God, living and reigning with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever more, amen.
Praise the Lord our God Praise the Lord our God and do worship on the holy mountain where he dwells, stay with us Lord, alleluia. Make an offering to the Lord of glory and praise, an offering of glory to the Lord’s name. O God, by whose action the faithful are united in goodwill, man’s anger bear the fruit that is acceptable to you. Stay with us Lord as we keep our faith toward the way that you have shown us by the sacrifice of your only begotten Son. Fear the Lord and give him glory; fall down before him who made heaven and earth, and the sea and springs of water, alleluia and alleluia Be you sweet on the tongue of your praising the Lord, be you in full bloom of your adoration for God. The offering that God offer you is your salvation Amen.
Beloved, what ever gifts are worth having Beloved, what ever gifts are worth having, whatever endowments are perfect of their kind, these come to us from above, and they are sent down by the Father of all that gives light. Let our tongues stick fast to the root of our mouths if we cease to remember to give thee praise. Alleluia, alleluia. Salvation’s seed was sown by thee, O Jesus; joy of human heart, grant we beseech thee, Almighty God, that we who believe thy only-begotten Son; our Redeemer to have ascended into heaven, that we may likewise ourselves dwell there in spirit. All the majesty of the Lord has been exalted above the stars. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty, who ever was and is still to come. Amen.
O Lord, who art both way and guide O Lord, who art both way and guide, be thou the goal to which we run. Beloved, he calls upon you to be like strangers to sin and exiles, to resist those natural appetites which besiege the soul. The Lord has set up his throne, alleluia, Do thou O Lord, have mercy on us, thank be to God. We beg thee know, O God of love that as in prayers we lowly bent, send your holy grace down upon the world that waits to be saved by your salvation. We who are filled with the Holy Spirit shall speak alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. May we be saved, may we no longer be like children, no longer to be like storm-tossed sailors driven before the winds of sins. Preserve in us a unity that the spirit gives us, let us be bond to peace. Amen.
Jesus has proven his love to us by laying down his life Jesus has proven his love to us by laying down his life for our sake; we too must be ready to lay down our lives for the Lord who is atonement for our sins. The man who loves God must be one who loves his brother as well. Beloved: live wisely and keep your senses ever fix on the Holy Spirit protecting strength, alleluia. The good shepherd who laid down his life for his sheep and vouchsafed to die for his flock has risen, say, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, my repentance is before God and so is our faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Do thou, O Lord, have mercy on us? Thanks be to God. Amen.
Sweet it is to praise the Lord Sweet it is to praise the Lord, to sing in thy honor. God the Father, his rein lies in the exaltation of our Lord Jesus Christ; it began with his rising from the dead. O God from whom all good things come, we beseech thee, grant by thy inspiration that we may think right thoughts and under thy guidance that we may put it into practice.
Let heaven and earth rejoice, alleluia. The Lord, he gave himself up into the hand of injustice, so on the cross, his body took the weight of our sins; we were to become dead to our sins and live for holiness. Has not Christ been sacrificed for us, our paschal victim? Amen.
Acclaim your God with cries of rejoicing Acclaim your God with cries of rejoicing. Acclaim the King of kings and sing a hymn to God, alleluia. Bestir yourselves then brethren, ever more eagerly; to ratify God’s calling and choice of you by a life well lived. Keep your faith with virtue, and virtue with enlightenment and enlightenment with continence and continence with endurance, and endurance with holiness. Our hearts burns within us for love of Jesus. Alleluia, the Spirit of the Lord fills the whole world: come, let us adore him, alleluia. Amen.
Jesus Christ the Lord Jesus Christ the Lord sees how all gifts that make for life and holiness in us belong to your divine power, come to us through fuller knowledge of the words reviled to the apostles. To God the Father and the Son who rose from death, all glory be, with God the Spirit, three in one for all entirety, amen.
What ever gifts are worthy of having What ever gifts are worthy of having, whatever endowments are perfect of their kind, these come to us from the Lord.
One who listen to the word without living by it is like a man who sees, in the mirror the face he was born with; but he think it some other that he wish it to be. Clap your hands, all you nations, in applause; acclaim your God the rulers of the nations throw in their lot with us that worship Abraham’s God; a God so high, he has all earth politicians and princes for his vassals. Amen.
Come all that receive God as a guest into your hearts Come all that receive God as a guest into your hearts, let the Holy Spirit come upon you, that you may receive its strength, that the souls of men is from sin set free and on truth itself might be fed. We hunger for the grace and wisdom that is served by the Lord to feed the needs of our body and spirit. O our God we will sing thee a new song, alleluia, on the ten stringed harps, we will sound thy praise, alleluia, alleluia, and thou art our God, who from the Father came to set the world free from sin, alleuia. It is an honor to sing thou praise, thy gladness no one can take away from us. Amen God, who by the light of thy truth guide wanderers back God, who by the light of thy truth guide wanderers back onto the path of righteousness, grant that we shall be saved in Jesus’ name. Let our bodies catch the fever of thy grace, of the Father of all that gives light, with whom there can be no change, no swerving from his course, thank be to God. Let us rid ourselves then of all defilement, of all ill will that remains with us; let us be patient and cherish the word implanted in us. O the faithful are united in goodwill, incline thy people everywhere to love what thou command and desire what thou dose promise. Let us be of one mind when it comes to the Lord for a man who is of two minds will find no rest wherever he goes, let heaven and earth rejoice, alleluia. Amen.
O Lord, thou were slain in sacrifice O Lord, thou were slain in sacrifice; thou has ransomed us with thy blood and given us to God, alleluia, alleluia. Fear the Lord and give him glory; fall down before him who made heaven and earth. Salvation and glory and power belong to God; his sentence is true and just, and now he has given sentence against the great sinner who believes not, do thou, O Lord, have mercy on us, thank be to God.
Until we all realize our common unity through faith in the Son of God we will make war upon our brothers in Christ, we will be lost to the sins of the flesh. O Jesus, joy of human hearts, Creator of a world redeemed, the love of whom chaste light impart, thou break through the gates of hell and set the captured free, glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen.
A voice came from the throne A voice came from the throne, which said, Praise our God all you that are servants of the Lord. O Jesus, joy of human hearts, Creator of the world, give us pause we beseech thee, conferred on us by your gift divine to govern all in sovereign wise, you Lord are high above us and worthy of dread, you are the sovereign Ruler of all earth. Praise to thee Lord, thou have taken us under thy protection, alleluia. Thy beauty is high among the clouds and thy name shall endure for ever and ever, thy set the fettered captives free from the chains that bind them, then to the Father does ascend triumphant from thy victory. Amen.
We who believe, perpetual time shall leave our faith changeless We who believe, perpetual time shall leave our faith changeless; right and truth are our foundation, for the Lord has brought us deliverance toward all eternity. It was Jesus who stood and cried aloud: If a man is thirsty let him come to me and drink. Be you sober and watch well the devil for he will chip away at the foundation of our deliverance. God of the gentle and humble of heart; Creator of the world and time the world stands in awe of thee. This sacrament this substance of bread and wine is changed into the body and blood of Christ. The Lord’s mercies have never failed us, what return shall we make to him? Amen.
Lord, forgive us our sins, grant, we pray thee Lord, forgive us our sins, grant, we pray thee, that we may offer thee devout homage, and living loving service. We take thee as our ruler and guide, may we so pass through the good things of good times if we but just call upon thee with a true heart. How gracious the Lord in his new light. How merciful is his grace, how he bless us for we do believe in the holiness of his Son. He have heard the prayers of his servant who are attentive both day and night to the promise of thine sanctuary.
03-29-2010 Amazing grace How sweet the sound. To worship Him divine. He is my Father supreme From shore to shore. He dispel my ignorance And bright my mind. I am found by salvation. I call Him God. I am heaven bound. 09-12-2010 Let the righteous be bold in their Righteousness and they shall be made Great in the eyes of the Lord. Let the rewards of righteousness be Reaped from what was sowed in the Soil of the soul. Put the immortality of the righteous soul Into the hands of our Lord. Do not depart from what is right and just. Be honest to yourself and you will be blessed. -
If you wish to be proved and found Worthy of the Lord be like a sparkle in The dry field of wicket men with your Knowledge of the Lord teach them the Spoken tongue of God that they may catch Fire with the flame of righteousness. Be you ever a burnt offering that shines in Your corner of the world. Be you humble among the children of God Who are like stars in the heaven. Be you a light of righteousness among The wickedness of men for the Lord profit And holds you dear in his sight. Be you not one who hammer the word of The Lord nor use the whip to teach the Peace of God’s mercy but gentle and understanding Shall be the stores in your bag. No man can do all things But each of us can teach When we follow the teachings Of the Lord. No man can save But each of us can preach Of the salvation of the Lord Each can come to know the saving Grace of the one true God. What profit can be gained by pride? None that is heavenly What profit can be gained by riches? None that is heavenly What profit can be gained by selfishness? None that can save your soul What profit can be gained by wickedness? None that is heavenly What profit can be gained by zealousness? None that is heavenly What profit can be gained by abortion? None that is heavenly to the Lord. -
The Lord seeks to protect you He seeks to cover you not With riches but salvation. All you need do is to be Open to his teachings. Let his words purify Your heart, let his wisdom Guide you along the path Of righteousness. Place not your faith All in the government For it can not save your soul. God has given you nature Not to control but live Within her harmony. God has given you grace Not to bestow but Share with the world. God has given you a soul Not to sell to the highest bidder But to honor all things Close to God. Do not fear the sore displeasure of God For as a father to his son you will Be reproached for doing wrong Even the saintly man has his moments Of weakness for the flesh is of the world And the soul is of heaven and the two From time to time war against each other Do not despise men for their weakness For with the Lord as your guide shall you Triumph in all things of the earth and heaven. When you are vexed with grief And uncontrolled sorrows turn you To the Lord as your Savor When you are weak with misery
Turn you to the Lord your Savor When the iniquity of others Cover you like a second skin Do not fear but turn you To the Lord your Savor. Ware not your righteousness As a badge of’ See I am better then you� Be not bold to beat Your fellow man over the head With the Bible for only if a man Ask you then give him the word Of the Lord as his reward. There is no shame in glory But much in vanity There is no shame in being righteous But much in gluttony. -