The Common Sense of Wisdom By David E. Patton
1,069-2231 You can not hold back water without constant attention to the blockage 1070 If anybody knows you better then you knows yourself then you are out of touch with yourself 1071 Because of the nature of friendship a facebook friend can hurt you just as well as any personal friendship 1072 Friendship requires that you make yourself vulnerable and vulnerability is the hall mark of friendship 1073 Never put a shield up between you and your friend 1074 The difference between a friend and an enemy is that a friend can wound you with your own weapon 1075 It is not necessary to sleep beside a friend with one eye open-minded 1076 Your friends are closer to stabbing you in the back then your enemies 1077 Never let your Mondays become your Wednesdays keep track of time and it will keep track of you 1078 There is no difference between a Settian and a str8 dick 1079 it is never the dick that is Settian 1080 If the church tries to control your sexuality then it is best to find yourself another God 1081 Loners makes the best poets 1982 Death is the only way of life's door
1083 If you will wild away your life 1085 Society’s job is to tame us the poet's job is to set us free from this 1084 Never give an answer when a question is call forgetfulness 1085 Don't live your life like it is a dream within a dream-time 1086 Even a drop of black blood will darken a man's dick 1089 Each of us is a variation on the therm of being human 1090 for something to happen live in the present and not in the past 1091 Reconcile who you are not who you was 1092 Each new day is a new change to get it right 1093 A people without a curiosity about themselves will never realize who they are 1094 A man who can not learn from others can not from himself 1095 Don't wait for other people to teach you about youngsters 1096 poets who write for themselves alone misunderstand the true calling of the poet 1097 A stiff back can be a help or a hindrance
1098 If you must betray with a kiss put everything in it
1099 The kiss that betrays is the bitterest kiss of allegorical 2000 Some men feel that gay males are a threat to all manhood 2001 One man's sexuality is another man's sin but both are only men 2002 Poets are the guardian of who we are priests are guardian of who we wish to be give only a small portion to each 2003 Put as much faith in your poets as you put in your priest 2004 It is said speak softly and carry a big stick but for true security on the mean streets of Americas carry the whole damn tree 2005 You can beat a man into submission but you become a slave to maintaining it 2006 The harm you do to other is done to you as well 2007 The priest is concern with your spirit the poet is concern with your body and soul one of then is concern will lying as to where you go 2008 Sometimes instead of kicking a friend out of your camp just show him the door to leave on his own 2009 Do not let your dream be the only thing that sustain you 2010 Some men dreams that man will find his way while other are hard at work paving the road 2011 Some of the good intentions that the road to hell is paved with was done in the name of religion 2012 Never kick a friend out of your camp with a kiss 2013 The last thing you have to spend are always pennies don't forget that they always add up
2014 Pennies are easier to save then dollars but dollars are made up of pennies 2015 To take a life is to kill something of yourself 2016 We come into the world prepared to live go from it prepared to die 2017 The shadow of a man do not hide but revile that something is there 2018 No man's faith is stronger then his body 2019 Bitterness will linger but don't let it hides the sweetness of things 2020 Trust yourself before you rush to trust others 2021 Dignity is not divinity 2022 One man's reality is another man's fancy fantasy 2023 Out grow the shoes that you was given at birth 2024 The shoes you was given at birth are sometimes to small to grow into 2025 No man can come to know the total truth of God 2026 Life has its ups and downs otherwise you will continual down to hell or continual to rise to heaven before your time 2027 Some people gossip because their lives are so dull 2028 Man's warring nature is less of an asses to him then his loving nature
2029 Sometimes attend the meeting of your many selves 2030 The trouble that I have with Christianity is that it threw the first stone I am only returning fire 2031 My poetry will tell you where I have been not where I am going 2032 Some people take great pains to know the road before them while artists relies on a certain amount of blind faith 2033 Befriend death before death befriend you 2034 The people who knows us best can never know the whole story of who you are 2035 Poets must witness all of the ways to watch 2036 You last words are more important then your first 2037 Follow your words with action and follow your actions with words 2038 Killing will be the death of us all 2039 To be great you must be humble to be humble leads to greatness 2040 There are two ways through a door 2041 To know your God is to know yourself 2042 Eat not just to fill your belly but to fill your soul because knowledge is also food 2043 When you kill the gatekeepers you loose the keys
2044 One man’s wisdom is another man's ignorance 2045 Lock doors are an invitation to explore 2046 Love is not for the weak of heart 2047 Man's need to control the sexuality of other men is saying that only I should know this pleasure 2048 The beef between straight and gay men is not about sexuality but what is masculinity 2049 To lock the door to a house of worship is to say the Deity do not trust you to enter alone without a key 2050 If you feel a need to teach make sure that you have been taught 2051 To teach a baby how to cry is a waste of the baby's time 2052 Wisdom is a funny thing once you have it is hard to realize when you have lost it 2053 Wisdom is harder to retain then it is to get 2054 Do not over do your wisdom less you be done over by it 2055 Sometime you must lie to yourself to more forward 2056 When you discover a lie that yo told to your self apologize and find out why 2057 The best wisdom is the kind that is constantly reenforced 2058 When you set your wisdom in stone it is no longer wisdom 2050 To be wise is to sometimes for the greater good to lie
2060 Your mind if given the chance will lie to you 2061 The mind lies more then the body 2062 T V have reduced lying to mire entertainment 2061 In children lying and fantasies are often one 2062 People who lie to you to gain your confidence lies to themselves to gain their own 2063 As harmless lairs goes the best of them are artiests and children 2063 Remember in whose head you bury your lies otherwise you will need to lie to everyone 2065 If lack of money is the root of all evil then why have money not been abolished or given to everyone 2066 You don't have to be smart to be wise nor wise to be smart 2067 Some crying is physical lying 2068 It is easier to live to write then to write to live 2068 Tears can lie as well as the tongue 2069 To come to know yourself is to run the rick that you will not like the fellow 2070 World knowledge is not as powerful then self knowledge 2071 There is no all knowing knowledge to know other then to have the God as your cosmos 2071 God says to the faithful have no God before me he does not say to others have no God but me
2072 All that we can come to know will still not be enough 2073 All that nature knows will remain her secrets unknowable to all living creatures 2073 Life gives you yourself which you give to the world
2074 The greatest truth is that more is hidden from us then what is revealed or ever will be 2075 Nature will always put man in his place 2076 Explain yourself to yourself first 2077 The only absolute is that nature is God that the cosmos cares less about us then we care about it 2078 You can not escape the cosmos even in you death 2079 Heaven is not a place in the cosmos other then it's in your heart 2080 Poetic license is a license to lie for the greater good 2081 Artiest muse learn to school the populist 2082 Even the silver spoon will tarnish 2083 Everything is act upon 2084 In heaven can I smoke a joint with God 2083 If I could go back into history I would smoke a joint with Christopher Columbus and turn his boat around
2084 As an American poet Americans try my nerves 2085 Give as mush attention to mental violent as to physical violent 2086 There are as many truths as there are individual creatures 2087 Each are the guardian of their own truth 2088 If it is to be then it will be by me 2089 Some people have given up their blackness to be an American 2090 Sometimes you must lie to people to bring them to your truth 2091 What I know is that what I know is subject to change 2092 For some the last place that they want to be is alone within their own skin 2093 What I love about black people is the strength of their struggle and the struggle to maintain their strength 2094 Allow yourself room to grow is a good thing to know 2095 Criticism is for us to both to give and receive 2096 No one completely shape themselves 2097 To keep things in balance when it comes to T V I will use it as long as it use me 2098 There is always someone smarter or dumber the youngsters 2099 Sometimes we just must accept like why a black man would want a black male doctor
2200 If a teacher can not reach he can not teach 2201 Life is harder to live then death to die 2202 Death reveal nothing to you because of the infinity of its nature 2203 If you want to enjoy yourself in heaven you will have to miss out on all the pleasures of earth 2204 Heaven and hell are the same place it just matters on the view of your prospected 2205 You can not get to heaven without going through earth 2206 The fact that heaven have gates is the fact that some are not welcome 2207 The gates of heaven keeps in as well as keeps out 2208 The flesh is not welcome in the Christian's heaven 2209 A heaven without flesh is the true hell 2230 The belief in the spiritual world is a repudiation of the flesh 2231 To some earth is the training ground for heaven
1,001-1,068 1,001 Don’t wait on machines make them wait on you. 1,002 The power of one man’s spirit is greater then all his machines. 1,003 Societies can suffer as well as any man.
1,004 Rather then being served be of service. 1,005 Art history is our history. 1,006 There is a reason why some kids are afraid of Santa Clause and clowns the painted faces hides. 1,007 it is harder to do the right thing then the wrong. 1,008 It is easy to commit a crime but emotionally harder to be a criminal. 1,009 Don’t teach your baby to be a baby. 1,010 The word big is little. 1,011 Imagination is nutritional. 1,012 Teach your children that there is nothing wrong with wanting to make a mark on the world. 1,013 Don’t drown yourself in your own sorry or the sorrow of others. 1,014 Never throw a drowning man a rock. 1,015 Throwing a drowning man a rock is still emotional. 1,016 Be true to yourself because water is easily displaced. 1,017 if you flow like a river you will reach the freedom of the sea that is your me. 1,018 Forgiving starts the healing process. 1,019 Promises are a dollar a dozen.
1,020 Now is the right time to fight. 1,021 Win the battle you can and loose the one you can’t with grace. 1,022 Grace isn’t for everyone and everyone isn’t for grace. 1,023 A wise man knows what he does not know. 1,024 Criminals are full of life. 1,025 Beauty is subjected and subjectivity is beauty. 1,026 Defend your country as you would your home. 1,027 Go beyond the cause for the cause. 1,028 Answer the call to duty only if the cause is right. 1,029 Never protest against violence with violence. 1,030 No matter how wise you are you need the help of others. 1,031 Even dishonest men had honorable births. 1,032 Time changes us but we can not change time. 1,033 Time is always out of reach reach for the moment and it is spent by the reaching.
1,034 Don’t seize the moment before it seizes you. 1,035
The truth about truth is that to another man it is all a lie. 1,036 Wisdom knows less about itself then we do. 1,037 A wise man was born ignorant. 1,038 Don’t mistake the shadow for the thing. 1,039 Discover what your shadow is hiding. 1.040 Be as strong of faith as you are of body. 1,041 Lies hide a multitude of sins. 1,042 When the going get rough don’t get out of the way. 1,043 Only stand your ground on stable ground. 1,044 it is a fool who stands his ground on shaky ground. 1,045 If at first you don’t success ask for help 1,046 Only a fool tries to walk on water and when he fell blames the water. 1,047 Beating your head against a brick wall will not hurt the wall. 1,048 A brick wall can take all of your insults. 1,049 There is no illegitimate birth 1,050 Father your children don’t let them father you. 1,051
Wisdom is only one question away from ignorant. 1,052 Man can not complain but he will. 1,053 Only man complains to God. 1,054 Accept what you can not change and change what you can not accept. 1,055 Bitterness will linger but don’t let hide the sweetness of things. 1,056 Youth will out grow your age by growing into its. 1,057 Never be fluent when solidarity is needed. 1,058 Do not try to understand everyone because everyone can not understand you. 1,059 Prejudice cheats us. 1,060 We are all an island in the sea of humanity. 1,061 Societies make some of us criminals. 1,062 No one owns beauty. 1,063 Wise men are made not born 1,064 Only your breath is your birth right. 1,065 Faith is never stronger then the body. 1,066 You need a body to have faith.
1,067 Break through the wall with kindness. 1,068 If my gun is bigger then yours then don’t fuck with me.
Friday, August 6, 2010 893-1,000 893 A dog knows you by scent and sight we know it by sight which is the higher creature more in tune with Nature 894 A man’s ass has an individual scent to him 895 All shit don’t smell the same. what you put in will come out 896 Eating is more important then love. 896 When you think something only you are accountable to it when you apply an action to it say speak it or write it down then it is fair game. 897 American fashion industry do not reveal the avenge full figure woman because it caters to a selected male’s fantasy. to control his ideal of beauty 898 T. V. was not conceived as a teaching tool 899 When the going get rough bite down and fight you may loose some teeth but what you gain in going for broke will make you rich of spirit. 900 Man’s greatest shame is not his useless warring but the poverty of his children. 901 The animalistic nature of man is something he is ashamed of.
902 Like possums some men sticks to the shadows. 903 What we can learn from the Gods is how to be Godlike what the Gods can learn from us is how to be human an equal trade.
904 Enjoy your time of death it is the change to put aside the burden you bear in life and it is the last new thing that you will experience. 905 People dressed in paper maps shouldn’t go swimming less they loose their direction. 906 Life is as crowed as a Mayan stela. 907 Call your artists to be your kuche. 908 See with the exaggerated eyes of your idols. 909 The evidence of the sanctity of life can be felt in a baby’s breath. 910 Consult both your devils and your Gods because one can not exist without the other. 911 Take the middle ground between your devil and your God. 912 Writing is nothing more then visual words of past events for the phonetic enjoyment. 913 Nothing should be set in concrete but concrete 914 Abstraction only exist in the mind. 915 Read more out then you read in. 916 Civilizations are only secondary to the aloneness of the individual.
917 Let music employ you to dance. 918 Call me what you will I remain the same, the me that you can not define to know. 919 A man with a load on his back will easily bend. 920 Self renew your mind as skin renews the body. 921 In the scope of things what is important can be seen as divine and what is divine can be seen as important. 922 Be enigmatic be bold you was born to it. 922 let the Gods accept your supplications if they want then maybe it is time to look elsewhere . 9923 Petition the Gods to show you your way not the way of others. 924 In spirit bow before no man. 925 Demons fill the initiative hold made by Gods. 926 Personal Gods rules alone side personal demons. 927 Always follow your greetings. 928 A minor God is never more then a minor man. 929 Angels are hybrid-animal beings. 930 Gods have only hallucinated voices. 931 You can always rely on the words if, and, and then.
932 Mankind deprived of his God looses his way and the animal in him comes out because human need to be checked. 933 If you think that you have not felt intensity in a while stick your hand into fire. 934 The beginning of all chaos is the ending of all order. But in time chaos becomes the norm until some other chaos over rules it 935 The future only becomes aware of itself at the moment that the presence meets the past. 936 Anger can make you loose your consciousness. 937 Your psyche, your soul, your spirit, your mind none is tangible or proven but still divine. 938 Do not objectify women less you be objectified in return. 939 Discuss the moment when you first came into the world to know the moment when you will leave it. 940 Problems are fascinating to solve. 941 The surface of the thing is an invitation to learn what is beneath. 942 Prize common sense over reason and reason that the senses will lie to you 943 It is better to ask first then to first impose. 944 If you can’t catch a disease then you are not alive. 945 Illness is a double battle the cause against the host. 946 Laughter touches the throat before you know it will happen. 947
Sins of the body are sins of the spirit. 948 Never mind over matter. 949 Hallucinations are work of the Gods. 950 Do not tell a man what to do but tell him what have been. 951 The katokoche of poets preforms the arguments of the primitive soul. 952 Poems are the recollection of the muses recalled by poets. 953 Poetry is a six sense. 954 Enchanting poetry can make us hang our heads and moan with tears. 955 Poetic ecstasy is stately. 956 Stick to your schedules if you want things done in time for the run. 957 Don’t take all your money with you if you do not tend to spend it all. 957 Know what kind of shit you are putting into the world. 958 Meanings always points to more meanings or questions. 959 Never be too eager to give or to rake, 960 The Divine Mother is self-administered. 961 To hide in a crowd never answer to your name. 962 The ultimate you is nameless.
963 A flower interacts with you in its own way. 964 The simplicity of your face is the simplicity of God’s face. 965 The essential point of history is that some things are indeed possible. 966 Give compassion before you receive it. 967 Make government out of Gods instead of men. 968 The more Gods you have the more help you get. 969 Zero is as important as one. 970 Reason clarifies and also hides. 970 Even a new born knows how to act as an animal 971 There is no such thing as true truth 972 Know the light that lights your way. 973 No thought should be wasted. 974 Never live minute to minute even though it’s the only thing that you can do. 975 Discover yourself within yourself not in others. 976 For all the hard work that you have done in living your life life will pay you with your death. 977 Take life slowly instead of rushing through it.
978 Mountains are composed of pebbles. 979 Reward your emotional state with a physical action. 980 The worst man ever has never been born and never will. 981 Give pleasure with a pleasurable purpose. 982 Civilizations are complex because there are made up of individuals. 983 Man is an expert at being an animal. 984 In crisis we show out metal. 985 What are important are all the little things that make up the whole. 986 Never be bogged down by triviality. 987 Good sex is always composed of a duo-consciousness the give and the take. 988 When it is not working for you change your focus view it from another section. 989 The hour is always perceived by the minute perceived by the second perceived by the tic of a tock you can always see it coming. 990 The mystery of the unconsciousness is only the affirmation of the consciousness 991 Cutting your throat is not the way to stop talking. 992 Never look for death rest assure that it will always find you. 993 Every human is an everyday human.
994 Prove to yourself before you prove to others. 995 Don’t forget to experience the intensity of your life. 996 To some violence is sexual and romantic. 997 The poet lets his consciousness transcend his limitations and experiences. 998 Man always carries meaning where ever he goes. 999 You never win unless you try. 1,000 No man knows everything and no man knows nothing.
Thursday, August 5, 2010 755-892 08-05-2010 755 When things are popping pop along with them 756 The crowd can led you a stray. 757 There are two sides to the chase. 758 Don’t waste your time counting your breaths just breathe. 759 Don’t cut off your own head with an ax given as a gift.
760 Be not in a hurry to get anywhere enjoy the act of getting there. 761 When things get to expenses fired Caesar and hire Paul at a less rate. 762 When the bright shining vision of Arjuna recognizes the crash of the storm then you can bet that all visions have their limitations. 763 Dostoevsky glimpsed the Idiot within himself. 764 Christian self-contempt will be its down fall. 765 Unconsciousness is its own affirmations. 766 When the spot light is on you out shine it. 767 There are more to things then meets the eye; more unseen then seen. what is hidden is still in full view of itself 768 Walk the earth in bear feet to feel where you came from. 769 In the White Way of Knowledge and the Tarzan movies Cheetah is smarter then the blacks 770 Even straights will gay fuck for money. 771 White people believe that only the White Way of Knowledge will save us. 772 Preaching falls on deaf ears when we are not sitting in the pew. 773 Never preach when need to be preached to. 774 When a man asks you a question never answer him with a sermon. 775 Blacks never expected Tarzan to come and save them.
776 In fashion a size 0 is only for the few. 777 Is God a right-ringer or a right-winger 778 Gods doesn’t play politic with man. 779 Never abruptly stop your inner motor take time to ease off the gas. 780 Unintelligent men still have something to teach us.
781 never check the flow of other men only your own. 782 Each of us is self-evident to ourselves. 783 Infinity is insight. 784 Never witness to all that you know but to yourself. 785 A new born is possessed by an enthusiastic innocence. 786 No one is fully unintelligent. 787 Crime requires a certain amount of self-devaluation 788 Never leave your soul vacant and desolated. 789 Intellectual beauty is just as pleasing as physical beauty. 790 Fastidious souls will always loose out.
791 Vanity is a drug. 792 Some tendencies must be warred against to fit in where you belong. 793 New dreams never forget old breams. 794 Exaltation of delight is a good thing. 795 Pull back when the fire is to hot. 796 The limitation of the worm’s eye view is that we loose the whole view of the thing. 797 Travel into the deepest level of your being and you will find parts of yourself that you have forgotten. 798 If you fall on you face takes the time to look around that point of view. 799 Be not in a hurry to get anywhere enjoy the act of getting there. 800 You may out think the cheetah but you can not out run it this is Nature’s way making sure that we do not think to highly of ourselves. 801 Some problems that want turn around still can be over come with sure steadfastness. 802 New skills learned are always a pleasure. 803 Point out your own falsies before pointing out that of others. 804 To be struck by the notion that Nature is our true God is to realize that she is made up of many Gods. 805 The tenderness of priests can deceive you always look behind the robe. 806 Stavrogin’s The Possessed fascinates me because I see a part of myself in it.
807 You are more then the sum of your anatomy.
808 Expecting tragedy is not a failure because we all expect the worse. 809 No one understands us all the time not even ourselves. 910 Intentions are a dollar a dozen and the cost never goes up 811 There are nearly an infinite of opinions and most of them are wrong. 812 Things that hit the floor lands against quite so if you find yourself falling try to land on your feet. 813 American poets collectedly map the American’s grain. 814 Dirty hands are proof of hard work. 815 When people get on you one nerve answers them with silence until they get the hint. 816 Commit to your faith if you want it to be committed to you. 817 When all the rotting clocks tolls the last toll then time will be no more emotional. 818 All the measure of time is filled with our animal’s emotions. 819 All people are youngsters if younger then you. 820 A congealed emotion brings delight as Proust’s dumped marmalade 821 Fitzgerald did not believe in wastes as it concerns writers likewise Nature wastes nothing .
822 I roll my joints like it’s 1973 old habits die hard even if you are striving toward efficacy. 823 Complication can be solved by employment. 824 Let Nature manage you out of your miseries. 825 Complication also has a solution simplicity of form makes a well born poem. 826 Unsettled reasons are an expression waiting for us to find their solutions 827 You always arrive on time to the place where you are. 828 Being late to meet yourself is playing a bad tempo. 829 You never can meet the horizon. 830 The certain exercises of dreams are like drawing in the dark. 831 Something causes something mothering causes everything. 832 No one can vibrate the truth all the time because there are as many truth as there are objects in life 833 Nature and my ancestors have taught me some of what is false.
834 You can not increase your consciousness. 835 Thinking to hard causes metal cramps. 836 Traditional thoughts can be mistaken for facts
837 Discussing solves problems. 838 Old misconception dies hard. 839 You can not hold a moment move toward it and it is gone. 840 Driving and drinking is a cocktail for disaster. 841 To know everything is to know nothing about the limitations of knowledge. 842 Never vibrate with your misstates. 843 A greedy Mmn’s theory of pleasure is that it is not for everyone. 844 Satisfaction is never continual. 845 To be a slave to machines is never spontaneity. 846 Re-reading reinforces knowledge be it right or wrong. 847 Zen teaches us how to wait. 848 To apologize is not to forget nor forgive. 849 Apologize to yourself and take it gracefully. 850 Your name is only a small part of your identity. 851 Drawing your gun is the first step through the doorway of hell. 852 Not all action requires consciousness. 853 Man will pursue life evens its destructiveness as if the solutions are just around the corner.
854 At lease once in your life you will need to say I am sorry. 855 Some people say I am sorry as if there is no tomorrow. 856 Quality cost more but is quantity cheat. 857 When you cut off an old low handing branch from a tree then you will view that tree with new mind. 858 Money makes whores of us all. 859 We are all working whores to something. 860 Don’t let your wife or husband become your personal whore. 861 teach not pimp your children to take care of you when you are old. 862 All our human symbols are of concern to poets. 863 Lobbers are all whores to their cause for good or bad. 864 Widens your narrowness with the material at hand 865 The wide crocked path offers you more to deal with then the straight and narrow. 866 Never paint your windows like sticking your head in the sand. 867 Never make the world beyond you be nothing more then an ideal. 868 Often rearrange the furniture in the rooms of your mind.
869 Sit still and stillness will sit beside you. 870 Man has the ability not to hear what he wishes not to hear. 871 Gods can and will deceive us only because we are too weak of mind to understand the working of the cosmos. 872 God’s graces are freely given. 873 You clean my butt and I will clean your. 874 Age slows us down to reflect on where we have been and where we are going, 875 Tress never goes to war grow like a tree.
876 Man camouflages his scent as not to smell like an animal. 877 Never put down a man who has dirty hands. 878 We truly only own our bodies. 879 We don’t know everything that our bodies are doing within. 880 because of their personal bases no opinion is wrong. 891 Nature knows every individual be it a man or a tree. 892 Never let s man suffer even if you must suffer a bit to prevent it.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010 601-754 601 Consciously I tell myself to relax and bud my vitality. 602 Take life as an everyday breath. 603 Experiences are always personally taken personal and through this personal self we filter all life we are fortune enough to come across. 604 Sometimes to forget is to give ourselves pardon. 605 Sometimes giving yourself forgiveness is giving a pardon. 606 The commonness of T V shows us some of our priorities 607 The deeper you go within yourself you find your concerned self. 608 The best truth is the splendid truth of Nature. 609 Nature has a most splendid existence. 610 Fact relaxes into confidence. 611 The plain truth of God needn't be cheat if your God requires nothing of you but to live as if you are always alive. 612 Everydayness slows us down. 613 Enthusiasm gives us second sight to put our backs into it. 614 With immediate aspirants the large stone Buddha sits crossed leg among fall’s clothing of leaves and a Great Knot and Japanese Waxwing sits in his lap and shits.
615 Don’t evolve others into your delusions. 616 Share your delusions with friends but not your enemies. 617 Share your wisdom as if it just came to you 618 Happiness will exhaust you. 619 Your personal self is not common. 620 Identical vision is the hallmark of mankind. 621 Microbe vision do not reject the whole of you. 622 The best writing is the one that reveals us to ourselves. 623 The best art is that which reveals Nature for the God that she is even without our validation. 624 Is the unconscious conscious of itself? 625 Never be afraid to ask the most absurd questions 626 The diffidence between the spirit and the soul is that the spirit is given by the cosmos of the Gods and the body is given by earth their first union gives birth to the soul. 627 Don’t fear your skull. 628 It’s bad enough that we have zoos but animals caught and imprisoned in the cruelty of the circus is an act of a paper God soaked in blood. 629 Wearing animal skin is a form of covering yourself with the dead. 630
Teaching a boy to prefer blue over pink is a form of sexual prejudice against the young. 631 Do not fear to be know.n 632 Those who tell all their secrets clean the slat. 633 Gather in your quite peaceful place together. 634 I once was heading toward Heaven then the road turned toward Nirvana and yet again toward Brahman each of these journeys was taken because I wanted to glimpse the notion of Ultimate Reality and what I found was myself enclosed in Nature. 635 Nothing is irrelevant nothing is pure as the I of the I is never more that our wes, Nature’s aim is to create paradoxical realities. 636 The only Ultimate reality that you can ever know for sure is the one that you live.
637 638 People are a collection of diffidence Ultimate Realities sometime in conflict with each other one wanting to impose his as the dominate of our cultural values. 638 To write ahead of the game you need to be open to the birth of a thought or ideal infused by your presence state of mind. 639 As long as there are voices words will never die. 640 is a narrow vision better then no vision at all? 641 Hopes are akin to visions. 642 never spend to much time in piety. 643 Self-assurances justifies your state of mind.
644 Precisions got us where we are. 645 The cosmos is boundless contained in the void. 646 The purity of Nature is the most dirtiest thing on earth 647 life is never abstract except in an animal’s mind. 648 To say that the sky is blue is to only hint at the thing blue shine a light like listening to colors. 649 If you want to see an angle look at the kids sometimes angels do not listen. 650 Every ending has a beginning and every beginning will find its end. 651 When you have gone from beginning to end then you can believe 652 Crown your thoughts with splendor. 653 Always seeks to glimpse totality. 654 Such is life that words never tell never fill up. 655 Ask Blake to join with your ancestors. 656 To recognize the truth is to grasp the though of the play. 657 Walk a hundred miles in another man shoe if you wish to get to know him the other one is always in use. 658 The shoes that we was given as birthright is the only ones that will fit. 659 Laziness is nothing more then a moment’s rest.
660 Seeks to expand beyond your body which is an impossibility. 661 No one have a bird’s eye views of God not even the birds. 662 The Godhead characteristic of artiest are their ability to suddenly leap into the universal perspective that informs us. 663 Truth your sleep. 664 Surge yourself out of trouble rely on your unconsciousness to do the hard work behind your back. 665 Our insecurities of our security are a major part of our make up. 666 Don’t meet yourself in a public bar closing it down. 667 Rid all of your battles, out tame them. Less they tame you 667 What is highest isn’t always the lightest. 668 Connect yourself to all your self-affirmations. 669 Self-pity is always generous in giving itself to you. 670 Sexual hang-ups dull orgasm. 671 What occurs when we tired is the same as when the sun storms of auroras over New York take a rest. 672 Man’s convictions will tell you much about a man. 673 The will to war is not the bases of all human psychology. 674 Dostoevsky was lost in the forest there is much to see and experience but the curse is that it is dimly lit
with just enough light to entice you. 675 Coming from the forest into the light is the only way to be reborn. 676 No one is reborn you get just one change don’t be greedy. 677 Don’t over pack for your journeys. 678 Luxuries of art should be had by everyone. 679 Tame your fears don’t let them tame you. 680 A whippoorwill’s song is imperious to being noise so it is a part of silence. 681 Things that are of Nature can not be called noise. 682 Christian demands of demons are most important as characters of the final end. 683 Suicide is not illogical but a contract with yourself. 684 Potentiality is what you get when you are true to the animal that you are. 685 Certainties are logic but will be proven illogical by time. 686 Don’t loose the keys to your mental traps. 687 Time and optimism are linked. 688 Expressions of crimes are the highest of heights of futility. 689 Everyone Experience the world as infinity made final by our death. 690 Easy is never perfect.
Black people will act white on t v. 691 Don’t apologize for your confusions or confessions.
693 No one wants to be known unless it’s by love, sex and Nature. 694 White people who want to be Black ,Blacks who want to be Native tribe men don’t like some part of themselves. 695 Changing your race is only skin deep. 696 Humor can emotionally literally lift us up while putting us down. 697 We will find some men’s faith funny. And some funny things as a measure of faith 698 Young writers remember the performers in your life. 699 Have the energy to get an ideal. 700 Record the selling of yourself. 701 Good ideals are scraps of papers of observations. 702 Be honored to be able to imagine the greatness of yourself. 703 Dylan said that you gonna service someone I say all things are self-servicing. 704 Heaven have no neighbor. 705 Let the suffering of your fortune cause you no self-contempt.
706 Be Christian in your saintly virtues suffer no man miserable as clashed on the rocks. 707 Try enjoying a moment of idiotic poverty gambling on yourself. 708 Humanity is the greatest novel forever unwritten but lived. 709 Do not think that the rotting of the body but not the soul both which are highly personal is given proof that of inner-corruption rather think of it as feeding Nature after feasting off of her generous living flash.
710 Writing gives us the changes to know what we think as a thing in the world. 711 Wisdom is finding a new room in the mind. 713 Sometimes giving forgiveness is giving a pardon. 714 Poets still push paper. 715 One man’s tree is another man’s paper. 716 Even bookworms feed on knowledge. 717 In the door way he stood debating if it was worth a look behind the door. 718 It’s wise man who blindly rushes in where the baby dares to explore. 719 Don’t forget sometimes to follow in the foot steps of children. 720 if I film my life some of it will be in black and white. 721 When it comes to blacks, whites try to do their best but bless their little hearts they just forgets you see they are not as old as we.
722 Audibility is the ability to listen to more then one thing and not white out a thing listen to Stravinsky and Keith Jarrett at the same time. 723 If you free fall prepare yourself for the landing. 724 Nature eats everything. 725 Nature will never starve. 726 Touching an object is a way to get to know something of the thing. 727 Nature will eat her own children. 728 Turn off your own machine. 729 To writers and poets getting a story is getting laid. 730 Inspiration always minds. 731 To be trite is to have but half of the truth. 732 An arctic fox always knows where it stashed its stash. 733 Bashing your head against a brick wall is one way of learning but it will give you head ache. 734 nature stores itself in the tight fit of an acorn woodpecker’s hole. 735 get your kicks at home with your self in your dream. 736 Only others can witness our death. 737 Art is the stop light of the passing from or into something.
738 An automatic machine can turn off the light but it knows nothing of darkness 739 Poets leaves an easy trail. 640 Raising hell canl being you down. 741 There is sense to trying. 743 Silence speaks in a marking bird’s songs. 744 The weigh of knowledge is lighter then the weight of emotions. 745 No one will ever die like you again. 746 The black man can no more know the totality of the White Way of Knowledge then the white man can fully understand the totally live through the Black Way of Knowledge. 747 When poets tend to die younger then other writers we know that we are in the shit house. 748 I write plays to extend my life. 749 Poets ruminate their lives away. 750 The nature of poetic endeavor is not for the weak. 751 Mental illness such as depression drains the emotive forces from us. 752 To be created is to live with a kind of mental illness that has the power to heal others. 753 20% of eminent poets to say nothing of the unknown committed suicide. 754 Take the time to listen to your foot steps.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010 549-600 548 Live life like it’s full of life. 549 The will of the river is to flow. 550 Be not just an actor but also a reactor. 551 A horse of a difference color is still a horse. 552 Take heart I offer mine. 552 Son of a gun are only shooting blanks. 553 The world can not pass through you like you pass through it. 554 He without hope may as well give up the ghost. 555 If you believe that it is imposable you and already failed. 557 Give dreams of presidents. Prime Mistier and Kings no more weight then you give your own. 558 Clocks can not tell the future nor the past. 559 Sometimes to say I love you don’t use words. 560 Life is always telling jokes and pulling pranks the trick is to laugh along with it.
561 View Natures as a joker with the whole as her audience. 562 We should all be companions to all animals. 563 If we were not beasts we would not need to kill to eat. 564 Our death is the friend we don’t want to know. 565 Our death is the friend we don’t know well it calls but once and that is enough. 566 We all have our certain blinders, our own clarity of mind the trick is to know which to use at which time. 567 What is pushed to the back of the mind need not be forgotten. 568 Instinct is one of the few things you don’t have to pay for. 569 Everything will pass into the past. 570 Do not put your instincts into a small dark corner. 571 The lost of a man’s vitality and free will makes him closer to a machine then other human. 572 Never loose the vitality of your first time. 573 The reason why children grow up to have the shapes and look of their parents is not because Nature has run out of new designs but because it is more efficient to do a variation a theme. 574 The sharpest knife in the draw will cut you the deepest. 575 Sexual mechanism will not erode the I that I did not authorize to takes over, we feel the same joy enjoy the same climatic goal which is our to share 576
The I that I am, the instincts born into never to move out of the me, this instinct to sex males, this sexual impulse immense as to make me the blessed one 577 Nature is the Divine Mother generous in her affirmations she always seizure burns bite bully and bless us with bliss. 578 The man that names says my I is God naming ventures and visions, for all that he can do it is Nature that seizes him every tic of a tock of an old kitchen clock. 579 Perhaps what is typical is its own truth. 580 I suffer from epileptic infatuation to love Nature. 581 Misery is immediately fought against by the healthy mind. 582 Intensity is just one of the joys that Nature have to give. 583 Some will hold money till that eagle starves. 584 Feed your eagles till they grow into Benjamin. 585 Don’t grow comfortable to borrowing money. 586 Borrow emotions from friends. 587 People who love Jerry Springer kind of t v love sniffing around other people’s business. 588 One way of looking at the dichotomy between the Black Way of Knowledge and the White Way of Knowledge is the way each look at Bojangles the whites see an old black man with gray hair dancing down the stairs with little Shirley Temple in tow and Jerry Jeff Walker drunken old black in and out of jail with his memories of his dead dog. The Black Way of Knowledge sees Bill Robinson tap dancer and actor, Bill The Hot Mikado dying penniless in 1949 when there was a changing in the air. 589 The answers given by your ancestors are equal to the numbers of times that you ask. 589 Mental shock of mystical relief shocks us to the core of our personality.
590 When we absorb Nature she then considers us. 591 Poetry relaxes us into a large room full of ideals. 592 Measured clothing fit best. 593 Giving out will give back in the end. 594 What man does best is take in. 595 Laughter is a judgment. 596 Being mechanical should interest you only briefly. 597 People who dangle money are insecure. 598 You must train yourself to live in a community but always leaves something of yourself wild. 599 Give thanks for the free things breathing requires no training. 600 Artiest music your paintings with poems.
548 548 Live life like it’s full of life.
545-547 545 If you can’t live your life like others don’t worry you’re not them. 546 Live the life you get and get the life you live.
547 Live life like you’re living it.
542-544 542 Be not an actor but a reactor. 543 See things as they are and it will cause you to rejoice. 544 Say what you will gossip is not protected under the low.
540 Some people conveniently forget how much they owe you when they have money.
532-539 534 Work with people who know more then you then you will know more then the other person. 535 It was a male who came up with frigidity to cover up his impotency. 536 You can will yourself to sleep but not to dream. 537 Beauty knows no sex as sure as sexuality do not discrimination between the sexes. 538 The desire to have can over rule your ability to afford. 539 Shakespeare said ‘neither a leader nor borrower be” I say lead but never against your means. 540 The determinant nature of life can be proven by observing a weed growing in the crack of concrete.
Monday, August 2, 2010 508-531 509 The infinite behind the self, behind the symbol that is me can not be fully known because Nature wants to keep us forever fresh in guessing.
510 True art can never be written or painted because it is the domain of Nature all that we can do in art is a copy of her expressing herself through us. 511 As it regards Nature to say that I am an artiest is to say that I am a forgoer. 512 No matter how many friends you have never forget to befriend yourself. 513 because of the nature of being human we can not all befriend our parents. 514 Loving with the body and not also with the mind is hollow love is devoid of the spiritual component necessary to true love. 515 Put your life on the line for your children. 516 The floral world is Nature’s virtue. 517 The attributes of God will always be hard to understand. 518 To human meaning is aphrodisiac. 519 Contemplation reveals many meanings. 520 The depth of Gods will always be shrouded in mystery. 521Nature is my talisman.
522 Each elemental being have an elemental breath. 523 Nature’s spirit is composed of all living spirits. 524 Learn to be silence when talk is not needed. 525 What is true to me may well be false to you that is the nature of free will. 526 Your spirit will lie to you to preserve what it believes to be true. 527 It is not necessary for life to know the truth. 528 Even to the poet writing is a discovery of what we think that we know. 529 Take your dreams as instructions needing to be decoded. 530 Each night when we dream we have our revelations. 531 The laws of dreams are hidden in the mind. 532 The jewels of the Saints are not only in their writings. 533 A diamond can not love you back.
401-508 08-02-2010 401 T. V. is dispassionate it can in the blink of an eye go from a program on Wounded Knee to a commercial selling you tooth paste to clean your teeth and cold cream to give you the illusion of youth. 402 One bird in the pot is as good as two in the bush because you will never go hungry. 403
My first experience will killing was my Bigmama teaching me how to kill a chicken such an experience is lost on most Americans I wouldn’t be surprise if today’s youth think that food comes from the zoo. 404 The development of the spiritual vision has at its base the development of the imagination. 405 What is new under the sun is only a variation of an old machine. 406 Evolution is most times slower the molasses. 407 Mankind is born anew with each child. 408 Life is born anew with each birth. 409 The remarkable man is sometimes divided. 410 Few men take time to physically embrace themselves. 411 To nature each individual is an exercise in humanity. 412 The fundamental principle that all men should be free can not be proven by science and this points to the weakness of science. 413 Even science has its limitations because it is a faculty of men 414 The truth of science is that sometimes it is a shot in the dark waiting to be disproved. 415 Order is never pure, when we think that the universe is ordered as comet flies by. 416 All of a man’s popularity will fad. 417 Those who are interested in only what is written can know less then the knowledge of what can be known. 418
Successful men take nothing for granted even their wealth. 419 Even the hour glass of success will run out the thing to do is to die before it does. 420 Clocks can not out live time so too the spirit of the mind. 421 You can not succeed without applying mental and physical forces to the thing. 422 A habit of efficiencies is a dull life worthy of machines. 423 Nature is always more efficient then man. 424 Be careful your habits can cheat you. 425 Be only your own master. 426 Elemental spirits have no power over physical matter. 427 Never fully neglect the body in favor of the spirit 428 Feed the mind and you grow mentally strong feed the body and you last long. 429 What you know will cast a shadow on the unknown. 430 Self-knowledge wakes the spirit. 431 Know your limitation confident can not stop a bullet. 432 The consequence of life is death. 433 Divine self-knowledge is true understanding.
434 Practical experience is a gift from God. 435 Dreams are unique to the dreamer. 436 All living things hold the promises of death. 437 Sometimes what the will is trying to get a hold of is illusive. 438 Hallucinations have their one reality and realities have their on hallucinations. 439 All our speculations are personal. 440 That which is visible is tangible that which is elemental is only true to a point. 441 Inner-intelligence will grow on you. 442 The employment of the unconsciousness infuses the consciousness. 443 The essence of life is within the vehicle of the body. 444 Sorcery only works on the believer.
445 What is truly unnatural is the belief that anything of Nature is unnatural. 446 In Nature all things are similar to some other. 447 Morbid imaginations will never die out because we tend to think the worst. 448 Our solar system has no compassion only preference for what makes it up.
449 Wisdom is greater then science. 450 The dead tell no tales because no one is listening to them. 451 The allegorical representation of things is a physiological condition of dreams. 452 Man’s consciousness has its counterpoint in the unconsciousness. 453 The spirit of Nature is greater then the spirit of man. 454 Spiritual perceptions require blinders 455 Man is always excessive in all that he do even religions. 456 If you are there no-where is not in the middle of no-where. 457 We are where we are and physically no man can stand in your place. 458 You can not out stair your refection. 459 Sometimes to get something done you need to neglect your pain. 460 To kill yourself is not an affront to God or Nature because they could not care less. 461 Concentration of thought leaves little room for anything else. 462 Truth is subjected subjectivity leaves room to think. 463 A friend of many moods is to be learned from. 464 Do not attempt to sell against you honor.
465 Dreams and visions can seduce you. 466 Be the divination of your self. 467 Confidence is not belief but necessary to it. 468 If God gives us anything it is the confidence to die well. 469 Make sure that your soul is attractive to you first then other will follow. 470 The construction of the virgin birth myth is a repudiation of the sexual nature of God. 471 Befriend your enemies and foes as if they are future friends. 472 Virtues are inherit but not invincible to time. 473 The trick to life is to see rocks as if they are free found precious stones. The diamond, ruby, emerald, amethyst, garnet, sapphire and topaz are nothing more then glorified rocks. 474 When you look at something closely it will reveal itself as a collection of parts. 475 There is always something that will fool the eye. 476 Ware your soul as if it is your only clothes. 477 Even Jesus’s shit stunk because Gods always knows best. 478 The strength of ancient times will never be weaker then modern times because they had fewer creature comforts.
479 The ancient artiest knew just as much about human nature as we do. 480 If you dream of virgins beware of deceptions 481 To attain inner-sight close your eyes. 482 The act of hearing inner-voices is talking to yourself. 483 Keep the mind centered and the body will follow. 484 The truth of things is that Nature is always useful if not to you then to some other. 485 The earth breath, the water breath, the air breath will not but enter you mostly against your will. 486 Teach your desires and student your actions. 487 Mental culture is just as strong as muscle culture. 488 Nature is the master of our breath and heart beat. 489 Man is too weak to master his Gods. 490 The triplicates of earth, water, air and fire should never be over used. 491 In the first vital breath of Aries say “This breath is benefiting me� repeat until your head is clear and every cell will trill with health. 492 Give attention to your breath it works so hard to keep you alive. 493 Face the truth in the mirror but never forget that it is only a refection. 494 Most times when you think with your heart people will try to take advantage of you expertly if it
involves money. 495 Concentration is a learned thing free thinking is not but as we grow older we come to call free thinking the work of poets and fools. 496 The raw mind will be seasoned the seasoned mind is susceptible to stagnation the stagnation of the mind aids prejudices prejudice mind is a deterrent to change. 497 Unwillingness to grow makes us perfect fools. 498 1,001-1,068 1,001 Don’t wait on machines make them wait on you. 1,002 The power of one man’s spirit is greater then all his machines. 1,003 Societies can suffer as well as any man. 1,004 Rather then being served be of service. 1,005 Art history is our history. 1,006 There is a reason why some kids are afraid of Santa Clause and clowns the painted faces hides. 1,007 it is harder to do the right thing then the wrong. 1,008 It is easy to commit a crime but emotionally harder to be a criminal. 1,009 Don’t teach your baby to be a baby. 1,010 The word big is little. 1,011 Imagination is nutritional.
1,012 Teach your children that there is nothing wrong with wanting to make a mark on the world. 1,013 Don’t drown yourself in your own sorry or the sorrow of others. 1,014 Never throw a drowning man a rock. 1,015 Throwing a drowning man a rock is emotional. 1,016 Be true to yourself because water is easly displaced. 1,017 if you flow like a river you will reach the freedom of the sea that is your me. 1,018 Forgiving starts the healing process. 1,019 Promises are a dollar a dozen. 1,020 Now is the right time to fight. 1,021 Win the battle you can and loose the one you can’t with grace. 1,022 Grace isn’t for everyone and everyone isn’t for grace. 1,023 A wise man knows what he does not know. 1,024 Criminals are full of life. 1,025 Beauty is subjected and subjectivity is beauty. 1,026 Defend your country as you would your home. 1,027 Go beyond the cause for the cause.
1,028 Answer the call to duty only if the cause is right. 1,029 Never protest against violence with violence. 1,030 No matter how wise you are you need the help of others. 1,031 Even dishonest men had honorable births. 1,032 Time changes us but we can not change time. 1,033 Time is always out of reach reach for the moment and it is spent by the reaching.
1,034 Don’t seize the moment before it seizes you. 1,035 The truth about truth is that to another man it is all a lie. 1,036 Wisdom knows less about itself then we do. 1,037 A wise man was born ignorant. 1,038 Don’t mistake the shadow for the thing. 1,039 Discover what your shadow is hiding. 1.040 Be as strong of faith as you are of body. 1,041 Lies hide a multitude of sins. 1,042 When the going get rough don’t get out of the way. 1,043
Only stand your ground on stable ground. 1,044 it is a fool who stands his ground on shaky ground. 1,045 If at first you don’t success ask for help 1,046 Only a fool tries to walk on water. 1,047 Beating your head against a wall will not hurt the wall. 1,048 A brick wall can take all of your insults. 1,049 There is no illegitimated birth 1,050 Father your children don’t let them father you. 1,051 Wisdom is only one question away from ignorant. 1,052 Man can not complain but he will. 1,053 Only man complains. 1,054 Accept what you can not change and change what you can not accept. 1,055 Bitterness will linger but don’t let hide the sweetness of things. 1,056 Youth will out grow your age by growing into its. 1,057 Never be fluent when solidarity is needed. 1,058 Do not try to understand everyone because everyone can not understand you.
1,059 Prejudice cheats us. 1,060 We are all an island in the sea of humanity. 1,061 Societies make some of us criminals. 1,062 No one owns beauty. 1,063 Wise men are made not born 1,064 Only your breath is your birth right. 1,065 Faith is never stronger then the body. 1,066 You need a body to have faith. 1,067 Break through the wall with kindness. 1,068 If my gun is bigger then yours then don’t fuck with me.
Friday, August 6, 2010 893-1,000 08-06-2010 893 A dog knows you by scent and sight we know it by sight which is the higher creature more in tune with Nature 894 A man’s ass has an individual scent to him 895 All shit don’t smell the same.
896 Eating is more important then love. 896 When you think something only you are accountable to it when you apply an action to it say speak it or write it down then it is fair game. 897 American fashion industry do not revere the avenge full figure woman because it caters to a selected male’s fantasy. 898 T. V. was not conceived as a teaching tool 899 When the going get rough bite down and fight you may loose some teeth but what you gain in going for broke will make you rich of spirit. 900 Man’s greatest shame is not his useless warring but the poverty of his children. 901 The animalistic nature of man is something he is ashamed of. 902 Like possums some men sticks to the shadows. 903 What we can learn from the Gods is how to be Godlike what the Gods can learn from us is how to be human an equal trade.
904 Enjoy your time of death it is the change to put aside the burden you bear in life and it is the last new thing that you will experience. 905 People dressed in paper maps shouldn’t go swimming less they loose their direction. 906 Life is as crowed as a Mayan stela. 907 Call your artists to be your kuche. 908 See with the exaggerated eyes of your idols.
909 The evidence of the sanctity of life can be felt in a baby’s breath. 910 Consult both your devils and your Gods because one can not exist without the other. 911 Take the middle ground between your devil and your God. 912 Writing is nothing more then visual words of past events for the phonetic enjoyment. 913 Nothing should be set in concrete. 914 Abstraction only exist in the mind. 915 Read more out then you read in. 916 Civilizations are only secondary to the aloneness of the individual. 917 Let music employ you to dance. 918 Call me what you will I remain the same, the me that you can not define to know. 919 A man with a load on his back will easily bend. 920 Self renew your mind as skin renews the body. 921 In the scope of things what is important can be seen as divine and what is divine can be seen as important. 922 Be enigmatic be bold you was born to it. 922 let the Gods accept your supplications. 9923 Petition the Gods to show you your way not the way of others.
924 In spirit bow before no man. 925 Demons fill the initiative hold made by Gods. 926 Personal Gods rules alone side personal demons. 927 Always follow your greetings. 928 A minor God is never more then a minor man. 929 Angels are hybrid-animal beings. 930 Gods have only hallucinated voices. 931 You can always rely on the words if, and, and then. 932 Mankind deprived of his God looses his way and the animal in him comes out because human need to be checked. 933 If you think that you have not felt intensity in a while stick your hand into fire. 934 The beginning of all chaos is the ending of all order. 935 The future only becomes aware of itself at the moment that the presence meets the past. 936 Anger can make you loose your consciousness. 937 Your psyche, your soul, your spirit, your mind none is tangible or proven but still divine. 938 Do not objectify women less you be objectified in return. 939 Discuss the moment when you first came into the world to know the moment when you will leave it.
940 Problems are fascinating to solve. 941 The surface of the thing is an invitation to learn what is beneath. 942 Prize common sense over reason. 943 It is better to ask first then to first impose. 944 If you can’t catch a disease then you are not alive. 945 Illness is a double battle the cause against the host. 946 Laugher touches the throat before you know it will happen. 947 Sins of the body are sins of the spirit. 948 Never mind over matter. 949 Hallucinations are work of the Gods. 950 Do not tell a man what to do but tell him what have been. 951 The katokoche of poets preforms the arguments of the primitive soul. 952 Poems are the recollection of the muses recalled by poets. 953 Poetry is a six sense. 954 Enchanting poetry can make us hang our heads and moan with tears. 955 Poetic ecstasy is stately.
956 Stick to your schedules if you want things done in time for the run. 957 Don’t take all your money with you if you do not tend to spend it all. 957 Know what kind of shit you are putting into the world. 958 Meanings always points to more meanings or questions. 959 Never be too eager to give or to rake, 960 The Divine Mother is self-administered. 961 To hide in a cowd never awnser to your name. 962 The ultimate you is nameless. 963 A flower interacts with you in its own way. 964 The simplicity of your face is the simplicity of God’s face. 965 The essential point of history is that some things are indeed possible. 966 Give compassion before you receive it. 967 Make government out of Gods instead of men. 968 The more Gods you have the more help you get. 969 Zero is as important as one. 970 Reason clarifies and also hides.
970 Even a new born knows how to act as an animal 971 There is no such thing as true truth 972 Know the light that lights your way. 973 No thought should be wasted. 974 Never live minute to minute even though it’s the only thing that you can do. 975 Discover yourself within yourself not in others. 976 For all the hard work that you have done in living your life life will pay you with your death. 977 Take life slowly instead of rushing through it. 978 Mountains are composed of pebbles. 979 Reward your emotional state with a physical action. 980 The worst man ever has never been born and never will. 981 Give pleasure with a pleasurable purpose. 982 Civilizations are complex because there are made up of individuals. 983 Man is an expert at being an animal. 984 In crisis we show out metal. 985 What are important are all the little things that make up the whole.
986 Never be bogged down by triviality. 987 Good sex is always composed of a duo-consciousness the give and the take. 988 When it is not working for you change your focus view it from another section. 989 The hour is always perceived by the minute perceived by the second perceived by the tic of a tock you can always see it coming. 990 The mystery of the unconsciousness is only the affirmation of the consciousness 991 Cutting your throat is not the way to stop talking. 992 Never look for death rest assure that it will always find you. 993 Every human is an everyday human. 994 Prove to yourself before you prove to others. 995 Don’t forget to experience the intensity of your life. 996 To some violence is sexual and romantic. 997 The poet lets his consciousness transcend his limitations and experiences. 998 Man always carries meaning where ever he goes. 999 You never win unless you try. 1,000 No man knows everything and no man knows nothing.
Thursday, August 5, 2010 755-892 08-05-2010 755 When things are popping pop along with them 756 The crowd can led you a stray. 757 There are two sides to the chase. 758 Don’t waste your time counting your breaths just breathe. 759 Don’t cut off your own head with an axe given as a gift. 760 Be not in a hurry to get anywhere enjoy the act of getting there. 761 When things get to expenses fired Caesar and hire Paul at a less rate. 762 When the bright shining vision of Arjuna recognizes the crash of the storm then you can bet that all visions have their limitations. 763 Dostoevsky glimpsed the Idiot within himself. 764 Christian self-contempt will be its down fall. 765 Unconsciousness is its own affirmations. 766 When the spot light is on you out shine it. 767 There is more to things then meets the eye; more unseen then seen.
768 Walk the earth in bear feet to feel where you came from. 769 In the White Way of Knowledge and the Tarzan movies Cheetah is smarter then the blacks 770 Even straights will gay fuck for money. 771 White people believe that only the White Way of Knowledge will save us. 772 Preaching falls on deaf ears when we are not sitting in the pew. 773 Never preach when need to be preached to. 774 When a man asks you a question never answer him with a sermon. 775 Blacks never expected Tarzan to come and save them. 776 In fashion a size 0 is only for the few. 777 Is God a right-winger or a right-winger’s ringer. 778 Gods doesn’t play politic with man. 779 Never abruptly stop your inner motor take time to ease off the gas. 780 Unintelligence men still have something to teach us.
781 never check the flow of other men only your own. 782 Each of us is self-evident to ourselves. 783
Infinity is insight. 784 Never witness to all that you know but to yourself. 785 A new born is possessed by an enthusiastic innocence. 786 No one is fully unintelligence. 787 Crime requires a certain amount of self-devaluation 788 Never leave your soul vacant and desolated. 789 Intellectual beauty is just as pleasing as physical beauty. 790 Fastidious souls will always loose out. 791 Vanity is a drug. 792 Some tendencies must be warred against to fit in where you belong. 793 New dreams never forget old breams. 794 Exaltation of delight is a good thing. 795 Pull back when the fire is to hot. 796 The limitation of the worm’s eye view is that we loose the whole view of the thing. 797 Travel into the deepest level of your being and you will find parts of yourself that you have forgotten. 798 If you fall on you face takes the time to look around that point of view. 799 Be not in a hurry to get anywhere enjoy the act of getting there.
800 You may out think the cheetah but you can not out run it this is Nature’s way making sure that we do not think to highly of ourselves. 801 Some problems that want turn around still can be over come with sure steadfastness. 802 New skills learned are always a pleasure. 803 Point out your own falsies before pointing out that of others. 804 To be struck by the notion that Nature is our true God is to realize that she is made up of many Gods. 805 The tenderness of priests can deceive you always look behind the robe. 806 Stavrogin’s The Possessed fascinates me because I see a part of myself in it. 807 You are more then the sum of your anatomy.
808 Expecting tragedy is not a failure because we all expect the worse. 809 No one understands us all the time not even ourselves. 910 Intentions are a dollar a dozen. 811 There are nearly an infinite of opinions and most of them are wrong. 812 Things that hit the floor lands against quite so if you find yourself falling try to land on your feet. 813 American poets collectedly map the American’s grain. 814 Dirty hands are proof of hard work.
815 When people get on you one nerve answers them with silence until they get the hint. 816 Commit to your faith if you want it to be committed to you. 817 When all the rotting clocks tolls the last toll then time will be no more emotional. 818 All the measure if time is filled with our animal’s emotions. 819 All people are youngsters if younger then you. 820 A congealed emotion brings delight as Proust’s dumped madeleine. 821 Fitzgerald did not believe in wastes as it concerns writers likewise Nature wastes nothing. 822 I roll my joints like it’s 1973 old habits die hard even if you are striving toward efficacies. 823 Complication can be solved by employment. 824 Let Nature manage you out of your miseries. 825 Complication also has a solution simplicity of form makes a well born poem. 826 Unsettled reasons are an expression waiting for us to find their solutions 827 You always arrive on time to the place where you are. 828 Being late to meet yourself is playing a bad tempo. 829 You never can meet the horizon. 830 The certain exercises of dreams are like drawing in the dark.
831 Something causes something mothering causes everything. 832 No one can vibrate the truth all the time because there are as many truth as there are objects in life 833 Nature and my ancestors have taught me some of what is false.
834 You can not increase your consciousness. 835 Thinking to hard causes metal cramps. 836 Traditional thoughts can be mistaken for facts 837 Discussing solves problems. 838 Old misconception dies hard. 839 You can not hold a moment move toward it and it is gone. 840 Driving and drinking is a cocktail for disaster. 841 To know everything is to know nothing about the limitations of knowledge. 842 Never vibrate with your misstates. 843 Man’s theory of pleasure is that it is not for everyone. 844 Satisfaction is never continual. 845 To be a slave to machines is never spontaneity.
846 Re-reading reinforces knowledge be it right or wrong. 847 Zen teaches us how to wait. 848 To apologize is not to forget nor give. 849 Apologize to yourself and take it gracefully. 850 Your name is only a small part of your identity. 851 Drawing your gun is the first step through the doorway of hell. 852 Not all action requires consciousness. 853 Pursuit life evens its destructiveness as if the solutions are just around the corner. 854 At lease once in your life you will need to say I am sorry. 855 Some people say I am sorry as if there is no tomorrow. 856 Quality cost more but is quantity cheat. 857 When you cut off an old low handing branch from a tree then you will view that tree with new mind. 858 Money makes wholes of us all. 859 We are all working wholes to something. 860 Don’t let your wife or husband become your personal whole. 861 teach not pimp your children to take care of you when you are old. 862 All our human symbols are of concern to poets.
863 Lobbyers are all whole to their cause for good or bad. 864 Widens your narrowness. 865 The wide crocked path offers you more to dead with then the straight and narrow. 866 Never paint your windows like sticking your head in the sand. 867 Never make the world beyond you be nothing more then an ideal. 868 Often rearrange the furniture in the rooms of your mind. 869 Sit still and stillness will sit beside you. 870 Man has the ability not to hear what he wishes not to hear. 871 Gods can and will deceive us only because we are too weak of mind to understand the working of the cosmos. 872 God’s graces are freely given. 873 You clean my butt and I will clean your. 874 Age slows us down to reflect on where we have been and where we are going, 875 Tress never goes to war grow like a tree.
876 Man camouflages his scent as not to smell like an animal.
877 Never put down a man who has dirty hands. 878 We truly only own our bodies. 879 We don’t know everything that our bodies are doing within. 880because of their personal bases no opinion is wrong. 891 Nature knows every individual be it a man or a tree. 892 Never let s man suffer even if you must suffer a bit to prevent it.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010 601-754 601 Consciously I tell myself to relax and bud my vitality. 602 Take life as an everyday breath. 603 Experiences are always personally taken personal and through this personal self we filter all life we are fortune enough to come across. 604 Sometimes to forget is to give ourselves pardon. 605 Sometimes giving yourself forgiveness is giving a pardon. 606 You can just about to experience cruelty through T. V. 607 The deeper you go within yourself you fine your concerned self. 608 The best truth is the splendid truth of Nature. 609
Nature has a most splendid existence. 610 Fact relaxes into confidence. 611 The plain truth of God needed be cheat if your God requires nothing of you but to live as if you are always alive. 612 Everydayness slows us down. 613 Enthusiasm gives us second sight to put our backs into it. 614 With immediate aspirants the large stone Buddha sits crossed leg among fall’s clothing of leaves and a Great Knot and Japanese Waxwing sits in his lap and shits. 615 Don’t evolve others into your delusions. 616 Share your delusions with friends but not your emeries. 617 Share your wisdom and messies the later not two offen. 618 Happiness will exhust you. 619 Your personal self is not common. 620 Identical vision is the hallmark of mankind. 621 Microbe vision do not reject the whole of you. 622 The best writing is the one that reveals us to ourselves. 623 The best art is that which reveals Nature for the God that she is even without our validation. 624 Is the unconscious conscious of itself?
625 Never be afraid to ask the most absurd questions 626 The diffidence between the spirit and the soul is that the spirit is given by the cosmos of the Gods and the body is given by earth their first union gives birth to the soul. 627 Don’t fear your skull. 628 It’s bad enough that we have zoos but animals caught and imprisoned cruelty of the circus is an act of a paper God soaked in blood. 629 Wearing animal skin is a form of covering yourself with the dead. 630 Teaching a boy to prefer blue over pink is a form of sexual prejudice against the young. 631 Do not fear to be know. 632 Those who tell all their secrets clean the slath. 633 Gather in your quite peaceful place together. 634 I once was heading toward Heaven then the road turned toward Nirvana and yet again toward Brahman each of these journeys was taken because I wanted to glimpse the notion of Ultimate Reality. 635 Nothing is irrelevant nothing is pure as the I of the I is never more that our wes, Nature’s aim is to create paradoxical realities. 636 The only Ultimate reality that you can ever know for sure is the one that you live.
637 638 People are a collection of diffidence Ultimate Realities sometime in conflict with each other one wanting to impose his as the dominate of our cultural values.
638 To write ahead of the game you need to be open to the birth of a thought or ideal infused by your presence state of mind. 639 As long as there are books words will never die. 640 is a narrow vision better then no vision at all? 641 Hopes are akin to visions. 642 never spend to much time being pitty. 643 Self-assuredness justifies your state of mind. 644 Precisions got us where we are. 645 The cosmos is boundless contained in the void. 646 You can over euphonize the nature of purity. 647 life is never abstract except in an animal’s mind. 648 To say that the sky is blue is to only hint at the thing blue shine a light like listening to colors. 649 If you want to see an angle look at the kids sometimes angels do not listen. 650 Every ending has a beginning. 651 When you have gone from beginning to end then you can belief. 652 Crown your thoughts with splendor. 653 Always seeks to glimpse totality.
654 Such is life that words never tell never fill up. 655 Ask Blake to join with your ancestors. 656 To recognize the truth is to grasp the though of the play. 657 Walk a hundred miles in another’s man shoe if you wish to get to know him the other one is always in use. 658 The shoes that we was given as birthright is the only ones that will fit. 659 Laziness is nothing more then a moment’s rest. 660 Seeks to expand beyond your body which is an impossibility. 661 No one have a bird’s eye views of God not even the birds. 662 The Godhead characteristic of artiest are their ability to suddenly leap into the universal perspective that informs us. 663 Truth your sleep. 664 Surge yourself out of trouble rely on your unconsciousness to do the hard work behind your back. 665 Our insecurities of our security are a major part of our make up. 666 Don’t meet youself in a public bar closing it down. 667 Rid all of your battles out tame them. 667 What is highest isn’t always the lightest. 668 Connect yourself to all your self-affirmations.
669 Self-pity is always generous in giving itself to you. 670 Sexual hang-ups dull orgasm. 671 What occurs when we tired is the same as when the sun storms of auroras over New York take a rest. 672 Man’s convictions will tell you much about a man. 673 The will to war is the bases of human phycology. 674 Dostoevsky was lost in the forest there is much to see and experience but the curse is that it is dimly lit with just enough light to entice you. 675 Coming from the forest into the light is the only way to be reborn. 676 No one is reborn you get just one change don’t be greedy. 677 Don’t over pack for your journeys. 678 Luxuries of art should be had by everyone. 679 Tame your fears don’t let them tame you. 680 A whippoorwill’s song is imperious to being noise so it is a part of silence. 681 Things that are of Nature can not be called noise. 682 Christian demands of demons are most important as characters of the final end. 683 Suicide is not illogical but a contract with yourself. 684 Potentiality is what you get when you are true to the animal that you are.
685 Certainties are logic but will be proven illogical by time. 686 Don’t loose the keys to your mental traps. 687 Time and optimism are linked. 688 Expressions of crimes are the highest of heights of futility. 689 Everyone Experience the world as infinity made final by our death. 690 Easy is never perfect. Black people will act white on t v. 691 Don’t apologize for your confusions or confessions. 692 To work the system join the Army break your leg and when you get old and your legs gives out on you and they may just will then you can collect vet disability from the Army wound then you can collect it from them along with your social security. 693 No one wants to be known unless it’s by love, sex and Nature. 694 White people who want to be Black Blacks who want to be Nativ Tribe men don’t like some part of themselves. 695 Changing your race is only skin deep. 696 Humor can emotionally literally lift us up while putting us down. 697 We will find some men’s faith funny. 698 Young writers remember the performers in your life. 699
Have the energy to get an ideal. 700 Record the selling of yourself. 701 Good ideals are scraps of papers of observations. 702 Be honored to be able to imagine the greatness of yourself. 703 Dylan said that you gonna service someone I say all things are self-servicing. 704 God in heaven have no neighbors. 705 Let the suffering of your fortune cause you no self-contempt. 706 Be Christian in your saintly virtues suffer no man miserable as clashed on the rocks. 707 Try enjoying a moment of idiotic poverty gambling on yourself. 708 Humanity is the greatest novel forever unwritten but lived. 709 Do not think that the rotting of the body but not the soul both which are highly personal is given proof that of inner-corruption rather think of it as feeding Nature after feasting off of her generous living flash.
710 Writing gives us the changes to know what we think as a thing in the world. 711 Wisdom is finding a new room in the mind. 713 Sometimes giving forgiveness is giving a pardon. 714 Poets still push paper.
715 One man’s tree is another man’s paper. 716 Even bookworms feed on knowledge. 717 In the door way he stood debating if it was worth a look behind the door. 718 It’s wise man who blindly rushes in where the baby dares to explore. 719 Don’t forget to sometimes to follow in the foot steps of children. 720 if I film my life some of it will be in black and white. 721 When it comes to blacks whites try to do their best but bless their little hearts they just forgets you see they are not as old as we. 722 Audacious is the ability to listen to more then one thing and not white out a thing listen to Stravinsky and Keith Jarrett at the same time. 723 If you free fall prepare yourself for the landing. 724 Nature eats everything. 725 Nature will never starve. 726 Touching an object is a way to get to know something of the thing. 727 Nature will eat her own children. 728 Turn off your own machine. 729 To writers and poets getting a story is getting laid. 730 Inspiration always minds.
731 To be true is to have but a partf of the truth. 732 An attic fox always knows where it stashed its stash. 733 Blashing your head against a brick wall is one way of learning but it will give you head ache. 734 Nature stores itself in the tight fit of an acron woodpecker’s hole. 735 get your kicks at home with your self in your dream. 736 Only others can witness our death. 737 Art is the stop light of the passing from or into something. 739 Poets leaves an easy trail. 640 Raising hell will being you down. 741 There is sense to trying. 743 Silence speaks in a marking bird’s songs. 744 The weigh of knowledge is lighter then the weight of emations. 745 No one will ever die like you again. 746 The black man can no more know the totality of the White Way of Knowledge then the white man can fully understand totally live the Black Way of Knowledge. 747 When poets tend to die younger then other writers we know that we are in the shit house.
748 I write plays to extend my life. 749 Poets ruminate their lives away. 750 The nature of poetic endeavor is not for the weak. 751 Mental illness such as depression drains the emotive forces from us. 752 To be created is to with mental illness. 753 20% of eminent poets to say nothing of the unknown committed suicide. 754 Take the time to listen to your foot steps.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010 549-600 548 Live life like it’s full of life. 549 The will of the river is to flow. 550 Be not just an actor but also a reactor. 551 A horse of a difference color is still a horse. 552 Take heart I offer mine. 552 Son of a gun are only shooting blanks. 553 The world can not pass through you like you pass through it.
554 He without hope may as well give up the ghost. 555 If you believe that is imposable you and already failed. 557 Give dreams of presidents. Prime Mistier and Kings no more weight then you give your own. 558 Clocks can not tell the future nor the past. 559 Sometimes to say I love you don’t use words. 560 Life is always telling jocks and pulling pranks the trick is to laugh along with it. 561 View Natures as a joker with the whole as her audience. 562 We should all be companions to all animals. 563 If we were not beasts we would not need to kill to eat. 564 Our death is the friend we don’t want to know. 565 Our death is the friend we don’t know well it calls but once and that is enough. 566 We all have our certain blinders, our own clarity of mind the trick is to know which to use at which time. 567 What is pushed to the back of the mind need not be forgotten. 568 Instinct is one of the few things you don’t have to pay for. 569 Everything will pass into the past.
570 Do not put your instincts into a small dark corner. 571 The lost of a man’s vitality and free will makes him closer to a machine then other human. 572 Never loose the vitality of your first time. 573 The reason why children grow up to have the shapes and look of their parents is not because Nature has run out of new designs but because it is more efficient to do a variation a theme. 574 The sharpest knife in the draw will cut you the deepest. 575 Sexual mechanism can arose the I that I did not authorize to takes over, we feel the same joy enjoy the same climatic goal but why do I have to share. 576 The I that I am, the instincts born into never to move out of the me, this instinct to sex males, this sexual impulse immense as to make me the blessed to be able to give life to a son this my lament. 577 Nature is the Divine Mother generous in her affirmations she always seizure burns bite bully and bless us with bliss. 578 The man that names says my I is God naming ventures and visions, for all that he can do it is Nature that seizes him every tic of a tock of an old kitchen clock. 579 Perhaps what is typical is its own truth. 580 I suffer from epileptic infatuation to love Nature. 581 Misery is immediately fought against by the healthy mind. 582 Intensity is just one of the joys that Nature have to give. 583 Some will hold money till that eagle starves. 584 Feed your eagles till they grow into Benjamin.
585 Don’t grow comfortable to barrowing money. 586 Borrow emotions from friends. 587 People who love Jerry Springer’s kind of t v love sniffing around other people’s business. 588 One way of looking at the dichotomy between the Black Way of Knowledge and the White Way of Knowledge is the way each look at Bojangles is that whites see an old black man with gray hair dancing down the stairs with little Shirley Temple in tow and Jerry Jeff Walker drunken old black in and out of jail with his memories of his dead dog. The Black Way of Knowledge sees Bill Robinson tap dancer and actor, Bill The Hot Mikado dying penniless in 1949 when there was a changing in the air. 589 The answers given by your ancestors are equal to the numbers of times that you ask. 589 Mental shock of mystical relief shocks us to the core of our personality. 590 When we absorb Nature she then considers us. 591 Poetry relaxes us into a large room full of ideals. 592 Messaged clothing fit best. 593 Giving out will give back in the end. 594 What man does best if take in. 595 Laughter is a judgment. 596 Being mechanical should interest you only briefly. 597 People who dangle money are insecure. 598 You must train yourself to live in a community but always leaves something of yourself wild.
599 Give thanks for the free things breathing requires no training. 600 Artiest music your paintings with poems.
548 548 Live life like it’s full of life.
545-547 545 If you can’t live your life like others don’t worry you’re not them . 546 Live the life you get and get the life you live. 547 Live life like you’re living it.
542-544 542 Be not an actor but a reactor. 543 See things as they are and it will cause you to rejoice. 544 Say what you will gossip is not protected under the low.
540 Some people conveniently forget how much they owe you when they have money.
532-539 534 Work with people who know more then you then you will know more then the other person. 535 It was a male who came up with frigidity to cover up his impotenceices. 536 You can will yourself to sleep but not to dream. 537 Beauty knows no sex as sure as sexuality do not discrimination between the sexes. 538 The desire to have can over rule your ability to afford. 539 Shakespeare said ‘neither a leader nor borrower be� I say lead but never against your means. 540 The determinant nature of life can be proven by observing a weed growing in the crack of concrete.
Monday, August 2, 2010 508-531 509 The infinite behind the self, behind the symbol that is me can not be fully known because Nature wants to keep us forever fresh in guessing.
510 True art can never be written or painted because it is the domain of Nature all that we can do in art is a copy of her expressing herself through us. 511 As it regards Nature to say that I am an artiest is to say that I am a forgoer. 512 No matter how many friends you have never forget to befriend yourself. 513 because of the nature of being human we can not all befriend our parents.
514 Loving with the body and not also with the mind is hollow love is devoid of the spiritual component necessary to true love. 515 Put your life on the line for your children. 516 The floral world is Nature’s virtue. 517 The attributes of God will always be hard to understand. 518 To human meaning is aphrodisiac. 519 Contemplation reveals many meanings. 520 The depth of Gods will always be shrouded in mystery. 521Nature is my talisman. 522 Each elemental being have an elemental breath. 523 Nature’s spirit is composed of all living spirits. 524 Learn to be silence when talk is not needed. 525 What is true to me may well be false to you that is the nature of free will. 526 Your spirit will lie to you to preserve what it believes to be true. 527 It is not necessary for life to know the truth. 528 Even to the poet writing is a discovery of what we think that we know. 529 Take your dreams as instructions needing to be decoded.
530 Each night when we dream we have our revelations. 531 The laws of dreams are hidden in the mind. 532 The jewels of the Saints are not only in their writings. 533 A diamond can love you back.
401-508 08-02-2010 401 T. V. is dispassionate it can in the blink of an eye go from a program on Wounded Knee to a commercial selling you tooth paste to clean your teeth and cold cream to give you the illusion of youth. 402 One bird in the pot is as good as two in the bush because you will never go hungry. 403 My first experience will killing was my Bigmama teaching me how to kill a chicken such an experience is lost on most Americans I wouldn’t be surprise if today’s youth think that food comes from the zoo. 404 The development of the spiritual vision has at its base the development of the imagination. 405 What is new under the sun is only a variation of an old machine. 406 Evolution is most times slower the molasses. 407 Mankind is born anew with each child. 408 Life is born anew with each birth. 409 The remarkable man is sometimes divided. 410 Few men take time to physically embrace themselves.
411 To nature each individual is an exercise in humanity. 412 The fundamental principle that all men should be free can not be proven by science and this points to the weakness of science. 413 Even science has its limitations because it is a faculty of men 414 The truth of science is that sometimes it is a shot in the dark waiting to be disproved. 415 Order is never pure, when we think that the universe is ordered as comet flies by. 416 All of man’s popularities will fad. 417 Those who are interested in only what is written can know less then the knowledge of what can be known. 418 Successful men take nothing for granted even their wealth. 419 Even the hour glass of success will run out the thing to do is to die before it does. 420 Clocks can not out live time so too the spirit of the mind. 421 You can not succeed without applying mental and physical forces to the thing. 422 A habit of efficiencies is a dull life worthy of machines. 423 Nature is always more efficient then man. 424 Be careful your habits can cheat you. 425 Be only your own master.
426 Elemental spirits have no power over physical matter. 427 Never fully neglect the body in favor of the spirit 428 Feed the mind and you grow mentally strong feed the body and you last long. 429 What you know will cast a shadow on the unknown. 430 Self-knowledge wakes the spirit. 431 Know your limitation confident can not stop a bullet. 432 The consequence of life is death. 433 Divine self-knowledge is true understanding. 434 Practical experience is a gift from God. 435 Dreams are unique to the dreamer. 436 All living things hold the promises of death. 437 Sometimes what the will is trying to get a hold of is illusive. 438 Hallucinations have their one reality and realities have their on hallucinations. 439 All our speculations are personal. 440 That which is visible is tangible that which is elemental is only true to a point. 441 Inner-intelligence will grow on you.
442 The employment of the unconsciousness infuses the consciousness. 443 The essence of life is within the vehicle of the body. 444 Sorcery only works on the believer.
445 What is truly unnatural is the belief that anything of Nature is unnatural. 446 In Nature all things are similar to some other. 447 Morbid imaginations will never die out because we tend to think the worst. 448 Our solar system has no compassion only preference for what makes it up. 449 Wisdom is greater then science. 450 The dead tell no tales. 451 The allegorical representation of things is a physiological condition of dreams. 452 Man’s consciousness has its counterpoint in the unconsciousness. 453 The spirit of Nature is greater then the spirit of man. 454 Spiritual perceptions require blinders 455 Man is always excessive in all that he do even religions. 456 If you are there no-where is not in the middle of no-where.
457 We are not where we are. 458 You can not out stair your refection. 459 Sometimes to get something done you need to neglect your pain. 460 To kill yourself is not an affront to God are Nature because they could not care less. 461 Concentration of thought leaves little room for anything else. 462 Truth is subjected subjectability leaves room to think. 463 A friend of many moods is to be learned from. 464 Do not attempt to sell against you honor. 465 Dreams and visions can seduce you. 466 Be the divination of your self. 467 Confidence is not belief but necessary to it. 468 If God gives us anything it is the confidence to die well. 469 Make sure that your soul is attractive to you first then other will follow. 470 The construction of the virgin birth myth is a repudiation of the sexual nature of God. 471 Befriend your enemies and foes as if they are future friends. 472 Virtues are inherit but not invincible to time. 473
The trick to life is to see rocks as if they are free found precious stones. The diamond, ruby, emerald, amethyst, garnet, sapphire and topaz are nothing more then glorified rocks. 474 When you look at something closely it will reveal itself as a collection of parts. 475 There is always something that will fool the eye. 476 Ware your soul as if it is your only clothes. 477 Even Jesus’s shit stunk because Gods always knows best. 478 The strength of ancient times will never be weaker then modern times because they had fewer creature comforts. 479 The ancient artiest knew just as much about human nature as we do. 480 If you dream of virgins beware of deceptions 481 To attain inner-sight close your eyes. 482 The act of hearing inner-voices is talking to yourself. 483 Keep the mind centered and the body will follow. 484 The truth of things is that Nature is always useful if not to you then to some other. 485 The earth breathe, the water breathe, the air breathe will not but enter you mostly against your will. 486 Teach your desires and student your actions. 487 Mental culture is just as strong as muscle culture.
488 Nature is the master of our breath and heart beat. 489 Man is too weak to master his Gods. 490 The triplication of earth, water, air and fire should never be over used. 491 In the first vital breath of Aries say “This breath is benefiting me� repeat until your head is clear and every cell will trill with health. 492 Give attention to your breath it works so hard to keep you alive. 493 Face the truth in the mirror but never forget that it is only a refection. 494 Most times when you think with your heart people will try to take advantage of you especially if it involves money. 495 Concentration is a learned thing free thinking is not but as we grow older we come to call free thinking the work of poets and fools. 496 The raw mind will be seasoned the seasoned mind is susceptible to stagnation the stagnation of the mind aids prejudices a prejudice mind is a deterrent to change. 497 Unwillingness to grow makes us perfect fools. 498 It is simply mechanical to sex the physique without sexing the mind first. 499 If you are what you eat you are also what you think. 500 The I is the potter of what we think. 501 There is no correct thinking all thoughts are free game. 502 Physical effort is worth all the sweat.
503 Imagination is free and better then T. V. 504 The poor man’s wisdom is that a man who makes his money guards it closer then a man who inherent it. 505 Studying other and our self lays the grown for self-wisdom. 506 No man is before his time but shaped by it. 507 Man is too weak to master Gods. 508 I started off writing poetry to please myself a selfish act but necessary to the young poet.
Sunday, August 1, 2010 1-6 1 Taking on nature is comparable to taking on God in the end you will loose 2 When it comes to poets it is all about the work not the man. 3 The politics of religions is more concern with controlling your soul then saving it. 4 The wise man is the one who recognize that spiritually only he can save himself. 5 In so much as poetry and worship slows us down both makes us thinks that we do not know it all the poet who thinks that he has the key to all ways of knowledge will find out that the lock has been changed at the precise moment that he turns the key nature will always and forever keep some of her
secrets. 6 Inner energy is more sublime then outer
374-400 08-01-2010 375 Sometime it’s best to cheat someone to teach them a lesson. 376 sex wills to power. 377 Identify yourself with the human machine. 379 Hatred is useless to the well being of the body and mind. 380 Vain and weak men are bleeding themselves dry. 381 Let not will to power convince you of your self importance. 382 Sexual energy brings you closer to God. 383 Take time to write from the sexual emotional center. 384 Cheating is teaching someone a lesion who never comes to realize that he has been taught this cheat them out of the experiences. 384 Intellectual and emotional energies are what created all of the human Gods. 385 Wanton promiscuity is only a phase because it is in the end it is futile. 386 Don’t forget to from time to time cleanse yourself emotionally.
387 The touch of nakedness is always a charge even when so slightly a naked passing of the hand. 388 Take control of your sexual orgasm. 389 The sexual act is full of anticipation toward the orgasm like French kissing God or sucking God’s dick. 390 The embodiment of sexual principles as the so called one of sexual normality is meant to say that sexually I am closer to God then you are.
391 Tension is the action that is the cause of all our actions we then release it to affirm life only to tense up again in a never ending play of who we are as the main character. Of our lives 392 Emotion is the heightening of consciousness. 393 The heightened awareness of the self can not last forever we must from time to time forget ourselves. 394 Some men work to eat and eat to work. 395 Take time to appreciate the shadow and shade of a particular tree. 396 Advise to artiest seldom drink to work less the two become co-dependence.
357 Consciousness need be taken for granted if you are not to go insane because it will turn on you if given too much attention. 358 Life requires effort. 359 Completely inscrutable forces rise from man desires and greed to be in control of others. 360 Grown-up should also play dress-up.
361 Life’s vicissitudes can be indifferent to us even when a sensation is fulfilled. 362 One or two glasses of wine heightens the mind ten glasses dulls it.
363 The trouble I have with D. H. Lawrence is that he is not explicit enough for my taste with his “root of her darkness” and all that jazz but I must caution myself to remember the time in which he lived. 364 My anal eroticism such as sodomy is just as satisfying as oral stimulation. 365 Sexual mystic is never at fault of sexual abnormality. 366 Sex ought to inform not be reduced to just the reproductive act. 367 Always make your sexual acts implicit and explicit in their attitudes. 368 I can not help but wonder what informed Tolstoy’s hang ups with human sexuality.
369 The human machine in the human factory never reaches the full production of its potentialities. 370 We are in possession of a higher center brought on by eating; relieving ourselves or sexual orgasm that informs our desires to satisfied our bases human engines. 371 My sexual fantasies do not inform my sexual actions if you do not see fantasies as such but informs my poetry. 370 be as truthful as Casanova or Frank Harris but be more fateful then them both. 371 If Casanova is to sex as Don Quixote is to windmills then where do that leave the Count Marquis DE Sade and D. H. Lawrence? 372 Nature does not ceases to exist just because man is no longer aware of her this kind of foolishness that
states that the world is just a projection of the human mind denies the proposition that Nature as God is all knowing of herself 373 Many meanings color our world but much much more color nature’s world. 374 Nature is totally independent of man but some of her meanings are not as we are registered as part of her. 375 Not all actions are intentional such as when I stub my toe or bite my tongue while chewing therefore it can be seen that action is cause and effect even if not intentional but what of hidden intentionality those actions that we carry out without premeditation if I stuff my right foot by the action of an accident I arithmetically stuff the left and have been doing this since I was a child. 376 While watching a sparrow jump up to bring down grass seeds in a clump of grass I then reject the notion that other animals do not posses the sense of anticipatory power and the sense of imagination. 377 Can it be that the libido first existed as an aesthetic and sexual religion inclination in the belief of Gods? 378 We are just like the butterfly who does not know that the flower and food of knowledge is growing in the yard next door. 379 Settians are mentally diphullis so to speak that is why we can help to birth children and still sex the man. 380 Be open-minded and receptive to absorb and recognize that what was forbidden in the last age is permissible in the next. 381 Never reconcile yourself to what you do not fully understand the only contrary to the rule is the knowledge of the cosmos. 382 Some of what is forbidden is sometimes crucial to remain so. 383 You can hide the I behind lies.
384 Not to be cruel but some poetry is just the mind of the poet doing nothing but pissing a necessary act but unworthy of farther study. 385 Nature influence man’s astral body in sleep more so then when he is awake. 386 I will not argue against the proposition that faith is necessary to success but bear in mind that success of the body is not the same as success of the spirit or the soul. 387 Poets strong of faith in something like the power of their imagination to support the growth of their art. 388 Do not be a minimizer but explore the full range of your voice. 389 All good art is produced by someone’s vision. 390 The only things that man can create that is of use to Nature are his children. 3391 Everything natural is a mirror image of Nature. 392 The artiest dreams are more times then not full of solutions to some artistic problem. 393 On wakening our consciousness hasten to make us forget our dreams. 394 Not all that Nature has created can be known by the limited senses of man or even hinted at because we are not her sole purpose. 395 Seldom is a man who isn’t getting any celebrant to himself. 396 Colors are to sunlight as artiest are to the imagining. 397 Need Gods be nomadic to get around to knowing us all. 398 There are many ways of seeing the world one way is that yellow smells like piss.
399 If you are a true poet worth your salt then prepare yourself for an attack from the religious right. 400 The spiritual power in babies sees the mother/father as Gods but rests assure that they will come to grow out of this by knowing some of our weaknesses.
Saturday, July 31, 2010 243-374 1. 07-31-2010 243 You can know a great deal about yourself by just being silence. 244 To truly know what you thinks write it down. 245 Wars kills more then just the body. 246 Overheard conversations make the best poetry 247 An instance yourself is an instance in nature. 248 The myth of the white woman’s purity is that they did not commit any horrendous acts during the age of black slavery. 249 A stitch in time no longer saves nine with the advent of mass weaving machines. 250 Dreams are the continuing storyline of our inner self. 251 I am couscous of myself therefore I dream. 252 A woman’s place is in our hearts.
253 If you beat a coward long enough don’t be surprise when he fights back. 254 it is the wise man who can give as good as he get and nothing more. 255 Bullies are in training to be tyrants. 256 A man who beats women need learn to beat up himself. 257 Courage is not for the weak. 258 Desire success in all that you under take. 259 Creativity cans over come your fears when it is pushed to action. 260 Lack of creativity nurture all of our fellers. 261 Being afraid sometimes is an aid to security and survivor. 262 To overcome your fears wrestle with them. 263 Lack of courage is nothing to be ashamed of but at some point you must have to face the nature of your cowardice. 264 There is no pill to make us invincible and rightly so because invincibility takes away all surprises and challenges. 265 Some of Nature’s secrets will always be hidden from the solution to the human problem. 267 Don’t be ashamed to beg when in need. 268 Bragging can turn other off and to see who you really are. 269 Bragging can be fueled by self doubt.
270 Beautiful men will always attract the sexual fancies of both willing men and women. 271 Imagination can cure frustration. 272 Seek serenity when you a caught up in anger. 273 In old age enjoy your well fought for and won serenity 274 Courage makes us bold but don’t over do it. 275 Do not be fearless all the time while living in the wilderness. 276 Action and rest are the only solution to enjoying time. 277 You must experience being scared to experience being brave. 278 Do not fear death it does not fear you. 279 Roses are beautiful even in death. 280 The man who fear change fear life. 281 There is a joy to the rain that cleanses everything. 282 To those who say rain is sorrow they deny the romanticism of rain lovers walk slowly in a light drizzle and huddle together under a tree or roof in a down pour. 283 Sometime the truth of the thing is only a perception of who perceives it. 284 Sadness should be beautiful when you nearly over douse on gladness.
285 Re-interpretation of the truth is not a lie. 286 Sometimes the solution is the problem other times the problem is the solution. 287 The mind-stuff is fascinating to witness. 289 Modes of creativity teach up to take on a spiritual journey into our consciousness it is the real fun of the self to discover. 290 Mischief is the bases of good humor. 291 Compassion for the experiences of others is a good way to get to know them. 291 To succeed at life enjoy most of the experiences that you have. 292 Negative illusory emotions are all to real but never let them get you down for long instead face them with a sense of wonder as if they are only par-for-the-course. 293 The nature of reality can be found in our recognition and acceptance of the sum of our experiences but this is true only to a point because there is always something greater then us outside of our reality. 294 The purpose of life is found in the living of it no where else. 295 White folks ought to ashamed of themselves they finally got O. J. When it comes to the purity of white women they refuse to realize the illusions that they have fabricated for themselves. I suppose that black men are no difference thinking of the notion that to us whites women out us in mind of white men some blacks still thinks that white men invented the homosexuality of Settian or Atumian but the truth is that God gave us our natural way of loving born from the Africa soil to deny us and our like sisters is to deny your own blood. 296 The reason I listen to Keith Jarrett and Igor Stravinsky at the same time is because Jarrett fills in the holes inherent in Stravinsky’s music. 297 The music you listen to while painting or writing can but have an effect on your poetry and art. 298
Artiest listen to music while painting because they are when engrossed in creating of two minds the consciousness that listen and moves the pen or brush and the unconsciousness that create the art. 299 Do to your century what the Swiss Johann Jakob Bchofen did to his. 300 The poet is no Don Quixote stabbing at skyscrapers. 301 There is a reason why we died Nature don’t want one person living long enough to learn her secrets. 302 The totality of the flux that is life assures us that from time to time we are caught off balance. 303 Material convectional form are transitory between life and death nothing is still for as long a tic of a second when we rest our chest raises and falls there is no true stillness in the cosmos the plane that sits empty on the runway ever so slightly moves under it own weight and the weather is slowly wearing it away. 304 Impermanence clocks us everywhere even on a “still” day or night there is some motion on earth and beyond. 305 Never wait on death it will come in its own good time. 306 Religion principles changes according to our concept of ourselves. 307 The circumstances of time are counted by each of us man or beast or tree or weed the mind-time like dream-time comes from the same source. 308 The purpose of evolution is not only to correct her past misstates but to fine tune the machines called existence. 309 Even the rocks of ages will ware away. 310 We are all carried along by the currents of time. 311 it seem to me as it regards sexual matters the age old inhibitions don’t die out fully and religions are the cork in the dam but there is a constancy of push forward.
312 Settian are not a threat to perpetuation we are set on self-preservation of all life yes I killed the mosquito on my arm who and what we kill is always depended on the circumstances there will never be as sure as there has never been a world where there is no killing it is apaty of our base nature 313 universal love of the manifested nature of sexual love drives us all even the rock are forged from lava increasing their number. 314 the tendencies of passion for good or ill even exist in the new born this is why in my days of being born in St. Louis in the early 50s when they slapped my bottom I cried not because of the new sensation of pain but because of the new sensation itself. 315 Reproductive passion will always be tribal as a biological necessity. 316 My morbidity is not in question. 317 Sex is an instinctive action be it to male to male or any other but instincts can be corrupted by the mind sex with children is such. 318 It is man not nature that is the corrupter but man is within Nature therefore some part of Nature corrupts. 319 Some believe that homosexuality is a perverse of the sexual good they wish to keep it all for themselves. 320 Religion looks to our down fall science looks to our rise also religion wishes to deprived. 321 We are so wide that we need to regulate the sexual impulse and act but it is not a will of God that we can not fully trust ourselves. 322 It will always be that the child is the true savior of the world. 323 Our greatest asset are our children and our aged ones. 324 Some of our conducts are a reaction of our sexual impulses.
325 The common origin of all moral creed began with the black man and woman. 356 We love because of our Gods given obligation to the same and it can be said this is true of our sexual impulses. 357 Our highest defense should not be toward the survivable of the state or church but toward the survivable of a healthy childhood. 358 Belief in some God is moving toward individual efficiency and collected wisdom. 359 I learned my lesson when I became the arbiter of my own fate and faith in Nature 360 We are all imitator of Nature. 361 I am not afraid to say it I have ethical creeds that are not subject to change as I age and grow. 362 If you have an illness first heals the soul then the body. 363 Do not ignore your practical difficulties of your life by seeking quality of the expression of the masses of which I am one. 364 The politico-economic of Americas is a danger to free will because it ties us up to many things to many machines to satisfy our greed. 365 Race problems are dangerous and explosive when they go unheeded. 366 Sexual cruelty is a desire for the thing, the object and not the personality of the person. 367 We are both controller and controlled. 368 In life there is no easy way. 369 Procreation and sexual orgasm are linked because Nature wants us to do it and what better way then to have it linked to joy therefore homosexuality is a necessary luxury shared by the few.
370 If you learn anything keep within the bounds of what Nature requires. 371 It is no small matter to judge what is natural to man other then the bases or what is sexual normality but common sense of essence should tell you something of the sexual impulses of pleasure in all its forms the natural course will not always reveal itself to you but rest for sure that sexual energy will have its expression. 372 If it runs counter to your desires have a look at it twice. 373 My Settian sexual inclinations are God given where as Nature is my God there am I not exclusively in mind but in body, 374 The past is always a crime against the future.
148-242 148-242 07-29-2010 148 The arts are always in need for a few good people. 149 If cocaine and meth users and makers were prosecuted as crack users we will end up with more whites in our prisons. 150 The way my young brothers are wearing their pants now I am at a complete lose as to why they are wearing them at all. 151 Poor youth makes their own expression of fashion. 152 What is natural to you as a human is natural to me the same. 153 The humanity of crime is my history also. 154 the crime of humanity is a shared thing. 156
As it relates to crime every human have the capacity to be extreme but it is debatable if the extremity of 9/11 lives in us all certainly the seeds are there just waiting for discontent to make them grow. 157 Anything that one man does with training we are all capable of. 158 The elements of alienation is fostered by western cultures as a way of life. 159 If you must make war make it against American industry and politics. 160 In America April has become the month of mass killings. 161 After committing crimes it is the coward who then commits suicide. 162 Columbine was a cry for help unheeded then turned violence as a show of machismo and the feller of their parents couldn’t save the two young men. 163 Boredom can be filled by the devil’s work. 154 The attributes of western capitalism can lead to the fulfillment of the criminal appetite.
155 Anyone who was surprised by Columbine, Oklahoma City bombing and 9/11 should take stock in the attributes of human creativity. 156 Even the monkey will not war in the tree without knowing the strength of the branch. 157 Respect for authority must be learned and earned. 158 Suicide must be earned. 159 There is a sensibility to committing crimes that goes unheeded. 160 Violence is also a culture of logic.
161 Destruction has its meaning agree with it or not. 162 Life in heaven is nothing more then being in the dream of the Christian God. 163 If you do not wish to die then you wish not to live. 164 To deny your death is to deny your birth both are a denial of logic. 165 The cusp of the 21th century is no difference then the 1st. 166 The rubbish of modern life is the trash heap of the past we will never let it die. 167 Alienation is the mother of revolution. 168 The faithlessness of the modern world is not necessary a bad thing. 169 Like many if not all things music will also die. 170 Creating art is a birth right of everyone. 171 It is a necessity to participate in your given society. 172 If you must rebel know what you are rebelling for and against. 173 Art will not save the western elite who treat artiest as pets. 174 To be a true artiest be more of a cat then a dog. 175 Alienation is the mother of society invention. 176 Lottery is the state sanction crack of the poor.
178 The contradictions between individuals and societies are the defiance sense of order. 179 The denial of the self as the I is just as ludicrous as the denial of the we. 180 The internal conflict of some artists will be resolved by the production of art itself. 181 All primitive societies was closer to their God them most of us are to Christianity today. 182 I am I is the highest form of self recognition still I am I sets up a division from the we. 183 Art will always reveal our limitations against the creative nature of Nature. 184 Everyday consciousness is mechanical and we can see only the shadow of the unconscious not the thing in and of itself this is our scape goat for what ills our souls 185 Do not spend you time regretting what you have not done just do it. 186 Sometime it is wholly necessary to hurt the feelings of the state. 187 Van Gogh and Antonin Artaud proved that insanity can be of value to creativity. 188 As an artiest free yourself to notice the microscopic nature of Nature. 189 Philosophical myopia is more concern with microscopic details then the wholeness of the thing. 190 If you can not dissect your God you can not know it. 191 Men who spend their time dissecting their God are looking for trouble. 192 The first thing that I noticed while deconstructing my God was my breath. 193 All politicians ware a mask of abstraction about the nature of the masses.
194 Intuitions and intellect are both given by God to pit one against the other. 195 Artiest seeks to free us from the triviality of life by showing us their insight into their souls some fear this because they knowingly know that it is an attack against the triviality of the every day. 196 Poetic inclinations are mystical and therefore feared by religions and the state. 197 Affirmation of inspiration have nothing to do with Gods save the fact that we all are part of the Godhead. 198 We are for most of the time in two places at once in our consciousness and in our unconsciousness. 199 There is always a certain snobbery to order and to the ruling class that supports it. 200 Creative mysticism is the mind-stuff of the well informed it is sometimes born from boredom which at some time grips us all. 201 Because action is always present with us say as the beating of your heart you can only be bored as a willing act choosing to do nothing when there is always something to be done. 202 To break my boredom I talk to myself and then I am no longer bored. 203 The greatest conversationalist you will ever meet is yourself when talking to yourself. 204 if you want to talk to some aspect of God then talk to yourself or a lowly weed. 205 Mankind’s falsity is that he thinks himself of a higher order then the weed whose pollen is for the bees whose seeds are for the birds whose shadows shades the ant from the noonday sun what is the use of mankind then to breath and go about as some tin God always in need of some creature comfort. 206 On earth humankind is a luxury of nature. 207 The strange is always interesting to the artiest. 208
Negative thoughts are par for the course. 209 For your consciousness to be cosmic you must know your place in the world and know that it is the cosmos that birthed you as one of its own. 210 Nature’s destructive forces are only so because man have built his homes in their way. 211 To put a trailer park in tornado alley you leave your worldly possessions in the hand of nature. 221 Destruction is necessary to rebuilding. 222 Nothing about nature is as simple as that. 223 Polices and armies are the custodians of the order of the state. 224 Hell is meant to instill fear while we live because we can not call religion a lier when we are dead. 225 Religion makes strange bedfellows and politic is incestuous in its nature 226 What we don’t want to hear is that Gods don’t give a damn if we live or die because there is always some body born to take our place. 227 if someone kills a part of you take a clue from grass and continual to grow and let that dead part of you fertilize the ground that is your spirit. 228 The myth of ourselves is our memories never completely remembered never completely forgotten. 229 The poetic delight of poetry is that it relaxes our mind it forces it in the space-time of the poem. 230 Someone said write what you know I add know what you write. 231 Imagination is at the heart of the spirit and not the heart.
232 In humans the circulatory system works before the heart began beating so you do not need to act before the heart tells you to. 233 Forgetfulness is never deliberate because if you think to forget it will never happen. 234 Visualization is an aid to out imagination. 235 No one can visualize the Christian God for it has no discernible form. 236 Blake knew that imagination can change realities. 237 Each individual is dynamic in their own way therefore each should be chariest even the criminal who is loved by someone. 238 It is up to you alone to overcome your limitations. 239 Even the murderous mob has a collective consciousness. 240 I can not understand for the life of me why man seeks to alienate himself from nature the only God that he can know for sure for without nature there is no man without man there is still nature. 241 The true surrealists today are T V commercials. 242 A bloody nose is nothing to sneeze at.
Thursday, July 29, 2010 105-147 105 Stroke two birds with one stone don’t kill them. 106 Be only an automatic servant to yourself. 107 Our culture thrives to be young forever and we are old in that way
108 Poets are radical not because they hate order but because order hates them. 109 The conservertism of the Victorian etiquette still exist in American politic but it is only a known lie 110 The good old days never existed even to those who remember it. 110 Unquestioned assumptions will never die out when the question is never addressed. 112 Philosophical pessimism aids the devaluation of the human soul. 113 Values are needed but caution yourself against their limitations. 114 Be not bitter and disgusted because you can not afford the new and improved this kind of pessimistic boredom leads to its byproduct violence. 105 America is still a child who turns to violence when he can not get his way. 106 Wallowing in pessimism is a tradition enforced by the government that seeks to control its citizens by force and fear. 107 The constitution calls for revolution when the government and church calls for compliance. 108 A man without meaning is a robot without direction. 109 Gravity is weak that is the justification behind the milkweed’s seed’s design. 110 Masturbation is self-actualization in sex self-fulfillment of our natural appetite to please ourselves when other wont. 112 Everyday routine dulls the mind when you are unwilling to break it. 113 There is nothing routine about good art.
114 The art of one man is the profane trash to another. 115 To understand violence is to commit it to memory. 116 The only difference between a man and a dog marking his terror is that a man do not raise it leg. 117 Existentialism has dug itself into a hole and it is about time that we cover it up instead of just politely walking around it. 118 Deconstruction reveals only the parts and not the sum cubism shows us a 306 degree of the thing. 119 To be a good poet it is necessary to live in more times then one the combination of it all is the strength of all good poets. 120 You can not build upon the past until you have learned why its fall. 121 The last sense of self-alienation I have had to deal with was the depression of my younger self. 122 The voyeuristic morbidity of our age is the so death of the artist that fascinated us as if the artist has finally got his come upend which delight others unwilling to discover the artist in us all. 123 To believe that the advent of photography was the death of art is to deny the textual expression of the human soul. 124 It is no accident that some criminals are geniuses for crime requires a wiliness to be created. 125 No one in their right mine teaches the child to be cruel still without knowing it they are masters of it. 126 The crudity of a society is the refection of it’s citizens 127 Even Americas with its so called freedom for all will some day disintegrate when the people learn that it is a system for the rich as guardian of the new world order that is built on the old order of control. 128
The poets do good to concern themselves with the moral bankrupt of the state then to continual to overdraft the American’s soul which is usury of a kind here-to-forth hidden from many but to the rich known and indorsed 129 Starvation of the body leads to crime starvation of the spirit leads to revolution starvation of art leads to invention starvation of spirituality leads to chaos and from chaos is order born. 130 If you can be sure of anything believe that the pendulum will always swing. 131 Crime will never die as long as we have a system based on money and personal possession of the have and the have not. 132 Even the president from time to time must accept some form of boredom. 133 Lack of self-esteem is a crime against the self fostered by low self worth lack of concern for the poor is a crime against human kind. 134 While the Blacks tens to kill one on one the Whites always want to take someone with them. 135 Lack of inner direction is always a waste of time unless it leads you toward something to find. 136 We do well to understand why it is as a profession artiest seldom commit murder. 137 Leaders by the extension of their power have the power to commit mass murder called wars. 138 If a bird sits on the branch of a tree it does not break take the time to know your weight. 139 To teach a child about money never gives it more then it can count. 140 A baby cares less about money then it does about milk what do you care about. 141 Poets usually only commit the crimes of words. 142 Crime has its own self-fulfillment.
143 Art can lead to violent when it is misunderstood. 144 Man has grown accustom to the artificiality of modern life. 145 Art shatter conventions. 146 If you must show off how smart you are then do it in writings. 147 It is not necessary to be a good speller to be a good poet that is what editors are for 51-104 07-29-2010 51 The existence of the possessing of the mind and will can be proven by willful action the motivation of all our doings informed by the body and mind. 52 You can lump Heidegger, Sartre, Camus and Derrida together as it regards phenomenology and their misunderstanding of philosophical discipline they write to a select group who write to themselves it is not that they was wrong but their wrings is not a song. 53 No living thing is insignificance in the eye of nature everything have its place in the great scheme of what is called life. 54 The lowest things in our life are only machines not necessary to sustain us. 55 There is no positive without a negative no right without a wrong no life without death contradiction is the highest understanding of the nature of life and the primary rule that sustains the Godhead. 56 If you seek proofs that God exist look no farther then your refection in the mirror before you. 57 As long as man looks toward a heavenly God he will never discover what purpose he serves within Nature. 58 It is only the unbending static attitude that keeps us ignorance of growth. 59
The dynamic man is closer to God then the one static in his beliefs as it relates to God 60 A static God is a hindrance to the well being of man gives your God room to grow. 61 Freedom to cat is the free will to get it wrong or right in the catch 62 The writing and/or studying of poetry is a mystical discipline free to everyone. 63 Alter your consciousness with a creative act. 64 Not all consciousness is active or intentional. 65 Marijuana and music are closer together then booze and music. 66 Racial prejudices can never stand up against intellect 67 Emotions have no master other then Nature. 68 Intellect can rule emotion but emotion can not rule intellect. 69 Emotion can led intellect astray. 70 Follow your heart as it follows you. 71 Intellect is a false God. 72 Consciousness is our oldest habit but younger then our unconsciousness. 73 The I of our consciousness filter our prejudices. 74 A man without responsibility is truly alone. 75 There will always be followers of charlatan messiah because it is born into man to follow with his
intellect cloaked in his heart to belong. 76 Some men nod in agreement when they want to get out of a heated conversation I have done this with my mother while discussing the existence of God. 77 The man who sanction slavery suffer from subjective prejudices it has happen before and will again as long as men think themselves closer to God by the color of their sex or skin. 78 We are born with a kind of human wisdom which we loose only to find it again in our last days. 79 All our experiences of the living world are proof that God exist inside and outside of us. 80 It is best to keep your God to yourself then to ware it on your sleeve. 81 If you let your God leave the way you will always go down the wrong path. 82 The poet is best to speak in plain language then high tones because he is in the service of the common man. 83 Never substitute your experiences for your fantasies when you need to make a discussion for others. 84 Fantasies have done more good and harm then intellect. 85 learn as much about the far as you know about the near. 86 The far away is always a promise of discovery. 87 if you are going to get to know just one person in your life make sure that they are of a difference race and sex. 88 Never fully trust a God that is not bisexual. 89 See yourself standing at the right hand of God not in Its place. 90 Imagination aids human evolution.
91 Be faster then your insecurities. 92 When the materialist joins with the puritan be prepared to go to war. 93 Life is not for the weak. 94 A God with clean hands is not a gardener. 95 Art empowers the imagination still nothing will endure but time and time in its base form is imperceptible to the mind until it has passed. 96 Artists are possessed by a hypersensitive awareness and insight into the physic of life. 97 The problem with mankind is that some imprison themselves with religion and have forgotten where they hid the key. 98 Some are lost within the human machinery and forget how to use or never learned that the imagination is the necessary oil. 99 When your God is your technologies then your devil is the robot of your ways. 100 Never take the beauty and reality of the world for granted if you wish to live a full life. 101 Do not be mired in stagnation just because it is conformable. 102 Never let your love for your love ones be as weak as is gravity on earth. 103 Crimes are as natural to human appetites as are rules. 104 if you are not faster then your insecurities you will be slower then your strengths. Some believe in Plato’s way of born knowledge other believe on Locke’s blank sheet of paper: the tabual rasa I believe from all my experiences that we are both.
11 Earth can easily survive without man but man spends his time trying to survive without earth. 12 You have only to watch a tree grow to know that the mind is only the creator of human reality. When a bird flees you you exist in the mind of the bird likewise when a lion eats you you exist in the mind of the lion only as just another kind of meat be you scholar or fool 13 Nature will not tell us the difference between the scholar and the fool 14 Most knowledge are useless in the wilderness a doctoral degree is useless there save to wipe your ass 15 I believe in spirituality not religion because only one of them is corruptible. 16 It is action that reveals the full mind. 17 If man is but a fleshy machine of clockwork then the soul does not exist if we are more then this then the soul is the key that whines us up when we whines down action causes us to face the world on its terms and rest in dreams rejuvenates the mind as food rejuvenates the body. 18 Religion is nothing more then superstition dressed in clerical clothing. 19 Why I do not trust the Christian religion is because the cross and holy water have no odor. 20 Truth is an illusion of the human mind when it insists that Jesus was resurrected to prove that man can be divine only the divinity of all life is real and the flesh of my God is covered with bark and leaves the misquote is the representation of my God that feds on my warm blood. 21
Pure will releases us to carry out pure action pure action is the only God that I can subscribe to. 22 Ecstasy is blissful and one of the highest blessed moments that human can feel sexual ecstasy bring us closer to the Godhead that is nature. 23 One man’s God is another man’s Devil one man’s Devil is another man’s man. 24 No matter how beautiful the sunset is you can never hold it in your hands never posse it nor steal it way for your own it will always remain a shared thing. 25 The poet need not be overflowing with energy and optimism to be a pure poet. 26 There is a kind of weariness and miseries that processes romanticism a longing for the well being of man that the romantic can only dream of because of his insanity at seeing the state of the world as it relates to the condition of man’s suffering. 27 When mankind first swung down from the tree in Africa and later crawled from the caves of Europe then he went mad with a self inflated ideal of himself and while the industrious age have made us comfortable with all our toys of creature comfort it has also made us weak and poor of spirit to get up and go out to and live as one with nature. 28 Men who fail to confront their indemnity fail to ask who am I will never know themselves until the question is breached. 29 The question of the inner-self can be answered by paying attention to the processes of out inner thoughts feelings and thoughts are never outward but are translated by some action of the body when I dislike or love some man my body must translate that feeling into an action such as saying I hate you or I love you. 30 Some men insist that cause and effect is the only way to know reality such as I think but this is a human fallacy Blake’s tiger dose not such a thing and still it is a reality even if unseen by man this is where
faith comes to bear. 31 man is both spectator and actor the problem is deciding when to be which at the right time we must learn when to be a teacher when called upon to be a student when necessary. 32 A baby teaches by example. 33 Too many men in this modern world are armchair spectators which is the way the state like us to be. 34 Know the thing with your whole body and soul your whole being then you can count yourself wise. 35 Sometimes we are active with consciousness sometime passive to be active all the time other then for rest will drive you mad this is why we sleep there is no such thing a totally passivity for the heart always beat as an active action we only loose them both when we die. 36 The question as to whether a little bit of neurosis is good or a hindrance to poets I am to neurotic to tell so let the totality of my poetry speak to the question. 37 Creative vision is translated from the artist’s mind to his hand to the tip of the loaded brush to the canvas and the end result is a work of art but the real thing in the artist’s mind is not the same as what is seen on the canvas because painting is a shared art between the artist’s mind and what the material can be made to do. 38 Excitement can make you sick with its feeling of wonderment 39 Masturbation is one form of the highest act of self satisfying the impulses of the created act. 40 The creative personality should have many spectacles.
41 Intentionality in action is necessary to all artists if they are to produce ground breaking work 42 The visionary consciousness of Blake has the power to transform your perception of the world but you must be open to being taught. 43 The artist can if he knows how to be possessed by a determine concentration while painting or writing and the whole history of his art will be open to him to go beyond that history into a new form of expression. 44 Human are nothing more then a collection of prejudice and assumption some of them false this can be proven by looking down a straight line of parallel rail road tracks that seems to converge at the vanishing point of the horizon. 45 Is it ok to be prejudice as long as you keep it to yourself. 46 The state wishes us to embrace personal insignificance as a way of keeping us complacence each person must discover the revolutionary self within himself. 47 It is an absurdity of Hume and the likes in their negative attitude that human do not matter if this is so that why did they feel the need to write. 48 Consciousness is the freedom to act. 49 Art have the power to alter consciousness in a way that is reserve for art. 50 What I have learned from writing poetry is that creating art is a journey of discovery. 9 Christians believes in the next world of heaven only because they find this world forever against them
without taking into account what they take for granted the gifts of earth they deny the whole system that is earth and their unnecessary part in it. 8 Mankind have a kind of animal freedom that is the bases of all animal wisdom which we strive to out do in our futile attempt to be more then an animal. 7 Religion is a ball and chain fashioned by our self doubt spirituality is the only key
500 The I is the potter of what we think. 501 There is no correct thinking all thoughts are free game. 502 Physical effort is worth all the sweat. 503 Imagination is free and better then T. V. 504 The poor man’s wisdom is that a man who makes his money guards it closer then a man who inherent it. 505 Studying others and ourselves lays the grown for self-wisdom. 506 No man is before his time but shaped by it. 507 Man is too weak to master Gods. 508 I started off writing poetry to please myself a selfish act but necessary to the young poet.
Sunday, August 1, 2010 1-6 1 Taking on nature is comparable to taking on God in the end you will loose 2 When it comes to poets it is all about the work not the man. 3 The politics of religions is more concern with controlling your soul then saving it. 4 The wise man is the one who recognize that spiritually only he can save himself.
6 Inner energy is more sublime then outers Posted by David E. Patton at 6:59 PM 0 comments Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz
374-400 379 Hatred is useless to the well being of the body and mind. 380 Vain and weak men are bleeding themselves dry. 381 Let not will to power convince you of your self importance. 382 Sexual energy brings you closer to God.
384 Intellectual and emotional energies are what created all of the human Gods.
391 Tension is the action that is the cause of all our actions we then release it to affirm life only to tense up again in a never ending play of who we are as the main character. 392 Emotion is the heightening of consciousness.
357 361 Life’s vicissitudes can be indifferent to us even when a sensation is fulfilled.
365 Sexual mystic is never at fault of sexual abnormality. 366 Sex ought to inform not be reduced to just the reproductive act. 367 Always make your sexual acts implicit and explicit in their attitudes.
369 The human machine in the human factory never reaches the full production of its potentialities. 370 We are in possession of a higher center brought on by eating; relieving ourselves or sexual orgasm that informs our desires to satisfied our bases human engines. 371 My sexual fantasies do not inform my sexual actions if you do not see fantasies as such but informs my poetry. 370 be as truthful as Casanova or Frank Harris but be more fateful then them both.
371 If Casanova is to sex as Don Quixote is to windmills then where do that leave the Count Marquis de Sainte and D. H. Lawrence? 372 Nature does not ceases to exist just because man is no longer aware of her this kind of foolishness that states that the world is just a projection of the human mind denies the proposition that Nature as God is all knowing of herself 373 Many meanings color our world but much much more color nature’s world. 374 Nature is totally independent of man but some of her meanings are not as we are registered as part of her. 375 Not all actions are intentional such as when I stub my toe or bite my tongue while chewing therefore it can be seen that action is cause and effect even if not intentional but what of hidden intentionality those actions that we carry out without premeditation if I stuff my right foot by the action of an accident I arithmetically stuff the left and have been doing this since I was a child. 376 While watching a sparrow jump up to bring down grass seeds in a clump of grass I then reject the notion that other animals do not posses the sense of anticipatory power and the sense of imagination. 377 Can it be that the libido first existed as an aesthetic and sexual religion inclination in the belief of Gods? 378 We are just like the butterfly who does not know that the flower and food of knowledge is growing in the yard next door. 379 Settians are mentally diphullis so to speak that is why we can help to birth children and still sex the man. 380 Be open-minded and receptive to absorb and recognize that what was forbidden in the last age is permissible in the next. 381 Never reconcile yourself to what you do not fully understand the only contrary to the rule is the knowledge of the cosmos. 382
Some of what is forbidden is sometimes crucial to remain so. 383 You can hide the I behind lies.’ 384 Not to be cruel but some poetry is just the mind of the poet doing nothing but pissing a necessary act but unworthy of farther study. 385 Nature influence man’s astral body in sleep more so then when he is awake. 386 I will not argue against the proposition that faith is necessary to success but bear in mind that success of the body is not the same as success of the spirit or the soul. 387 Poets strong of faith in something like the power of their imagination to support the growth of their art. 388 Do not be a minimizer but explore the full range of your voice. 389 All good art is produced by someone’s vision. 390 The few things that man can create that is of use to Nature as are his children. 3391 Everything natural is a mirror image of Nature. 392 The artiest dreams are more times then not full of solutions to some artistic problem. 393 On wakening our consciousness hasten to make us forget our dreams. 394 Not all that Nature has created can be known by the limited senses of man or even hinted at because we are not her sole purpose. 395 Seldom is a man who isn’t getting any celebrant to himself. 396 Colors are to sunlight as artiest are to the imagining.
397 Need Gods be nomadic to get around to knowing us all. 398 There are many ways of seeing the world one way is that yellow smells like piss. 399 If you are a true poet worth your salt then prepare yourself for an attack from the religious right. 400 The spiritual power in babies sees the mother/father as Gods but rests assure that they will come to grow out of this by knowing some of our weaknesses. Posted by David E. Patton at 6:15 PM 0 comments Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz
Saturday, July 31, 2010 243-374 07-31-2010 243 You can know a great deal about yourself by just being silence. 244 To truly know what you thinks write it down. 245 Wars kills more then just the body. 246 Overheard conversations make the best poetry 247 An instance yourself is an instance in nature. 248 The myth of the white woman’s purity is that they did not commit any horrendous acts during the age of black slavery. 249 A stich in time no longer saves nine with the advent of mass weaving machines. 250 Dreams are the continuing storyline of our inner self.
251 I am couscous of myself therefore I dream. 252 A woman’s place is in our hearts. 253 If you beat a coward long enough don’t be surprise when he fights back. 254 it is the wise man who can give as good as he get and nothing more. 255 Bullies are in training to be tyrants. 256 A man who beats women need learn to beat up himself. 257 Courage is not for the weak. 258 Desire success in all that you under take. 259 Creativity cans over come your fears when it is pushed to action. 260 Lack of creativity nurture of all our fellers. 261 Being afraid sometimes is an aid to security and survivor. 262 To overcome your fears wrestle with them. 263 Lack of courage is nothing to be ashamed of but at some point you must have to face the nature of your cowardice. 264 There is no pill to make us invincible and rightly so because invincibility takes away all surprises and challenges. 265 Some of Nature’s secrets will always be hidden from the solution to the human problem. 267
Don’t be ashamed to beg when in need. 268 Bragging can turn other off and to see who you really are. 269 Bragging can be fueled by self doubt. 270 Beautiful men will always attract the sexual fancies of both willing men and women. 271 Imagination can cure frustration. 272 Seek serenity when you a caught up in anger. 273 In old age enjoy your well fought for and won serenity 274 Courage makes us bold bit don’t over do it. 275 Do not be fearless al the time while living in the wilderness. 276 Action and rest are the only solution to enjoying time. 277 You must experience being scared to experience being brave. 278 Do not fear death it does not fear you. 279 Roses are beautiful even in death. 280 The man who fear change fear life. 281 There is a joy to the rain that cleanses everything. 282 To those who say rain is sorrow they deny the romanticism of rain lovers walk slowly in a light drizzle and huddle together under a tree or roof in a down pour.
283 Sometime the truth of the thing is only a perception of who perceives it. 284 Sadness should be beautiful when you nearly over douse on gladness. 285 Re-interpretation of the truth is not a lie. 286 Sometimes the solution is the problem other times the problem is the solution. 287 The mind-stuff is fascinating to witness. 289 Modes of creativity teach up to take on a spiritual journey into our consciousness it is the real fun of the self to discover. 290 Mischief is the bases of good humor. 291 Compassion for the experiences of others is a good way to get to know them. 291 To succeed at life enjoy most of the experiences that you have. 292 Negative illusory emotions are all to real but never let them get you down for long instead face them with a sense of wonder as if they are only par-for-the-course. 293 The nature of reality can be found in our recognition and acceptance of the sum of our experiences but this is true only to a point because there is always something greater then us outside of our reality. 294 The purpose of life is found in the living of it no where else. 295 White folks ought to ashamed of themselves they finally got O. J. When it comes to the purity of white women they refuse to realize the illusions that they have fabricated for themselves. I suppose that black men are no difference thinking of the notion that to us whites women out us in mind of white men some blacks still thinks that white men invented the homosexuality of Settian or Atumian if you will but the truth is that God gave us our natural way of loving born from the Africa soil to deny us and our like sisters is to deny your own blood. 296
The reason I listen to Keith Jarrett and Igor Stravinsky at the same time is because Jarrett fills in the holes inherent in Stravinsky’s music. 297 The music you listen to while painting or writing can bud have an effect on your poetry and art. 298 Artiest listen to music while painting because they are when engrossed in creating of two minds the consciousness that listen and moves the pen or brush and the unconsciousness that create the art. 299 Do to your century what the Swiss Johann Jakob Bchofen did to his. 300 The poet is no Don Quixote stabbing at skyscrapers. 301 There is a reason why we died Nature don’t want one person living long enough to learn her secrets. 302 The totality of the flux that is life assures us that from time to time we are caught off balance. 303 Material convectional form are transitory between life and death nothing is still for as long a tic of a second when we rest our chest raises and falls there is no true stillness in the cosmos the plane that sits empty on the runway ever so slightly moves under it own weight and the weather is slowly wearing it away. 304 Impermanentices clocks us everywhere even on a “still” day or night there is some motion on earth and beyond. 305 Never wait on death it will come in its own good time. 306 Religion principles changes according to our concept of ourselves. 307 The circumstances of time are counted by each of us man or beast or tree or weed the mind-time like dream-time comes from the same source. 308 The purpose of evolution is not only to correct her past misstates but to fine tune the machines called existence. 309 Even the rocks of ages will ware away. 310 We are all carried along by the currents of time.
311 it seem to me it regards sexual matters the age old inhibitions don’t die out fully and religions are the cork in the dam but there is a constancy of push forward. 312 Settian are mot a threat to perpetuation we are set on self-preservation of all life yes I killed the mosquito on my are who and what we kill is always depended on the circumstances there will never be as sure as there has never been a world where there is no killing in its base form. 313 universal love of the manifested nature of sexual love drives us all even the rock are forged from lava increasing their number. 314 the tendencies of passion for good or ill even exist in the new born this is why in my days of being born in St. Louis in the early 50s when they slapped my bottom I cried not because of the new sensation of pain but because of the new sensation itself. 315 Reproductive passion will always be tribal as a biological necessity. 316 My morbidity is not in question. 317 Sex is an instinctive action be it to male to male or any other but instincts can be corrupted by the mind sex with children is such. 318 It is man not nature that is the corrupter but man is within Nature therefore some part of Nature corrupts. 319 Some believe that homosexuality is a perverse of the sexual good they wish to keep it all for themselves. 320 Religion looks to our down fall science looks to our rise also religion wishes to deprived. 321 We are so wide that we need to regulate the sexual impulse and act but it is not a will of God but we can not fully truth ourselves. 322 It will always be that the child is the true savior of the world. 323 Our greatest asset are our children and our aged ones.
324 Some of our conducts are a reaction of our sexual impulses. 325 The common origin of all moral creed beggined with the black man and woman. 356 We love because of our Gods given obligation to the same and it can be said this is true of our sexual impulses. 357 Our highest defense should not be toward the survivable of the state or church but toward the survivable of a healthy childhood. 358 Belief in some God is moving toward individual efficiency and collected wisdom. 359 I learned my lesson when I became the arbiter of my own fate and faith in Nature 360 We are all imitator of Nature. 361 I am not afraid to say it I have ethical creeds that are not subject to change as I age and grow. 362 If you have an illness first heals the soul then the body. 363 Do not ignore your practical difficulties of your life by seeking quality of the expression of the masses of which I am one. 364 The politico-economic of Americus is a danger to free will because it ties us up to many things to many machines to satisfice our greed. 365 Race problems are dangerous and explosive when they go unheeded. 366 Sexual cruelty is a desire for the thing, the object and not the personality of the person. 367 We are both controller and controlled. 368 In life there is no easy way. 369
Procreation and sexual orgasm are linked because Nature wants us to do it and what better way then to have it linked to joy therefore homosexuality is a necessary luxury shared by the few. 370 If you learn anything keep within the bounds of what Nature requires. 371 It is no small matter to judge what is natural to man other then the bases or what is sexual normality but common sense of essence should tell you something of the sexual impulses of pleasure in all its forms the natural course will not always reveal itself to you but rest for sure that sexual energy will have its expression. 372 If it runs counter to your desires have a look at it twice. 373 My Settian sexual inclinations are God given where as Nature is my God there am I nit exclusively in mind but in body, 374 The past is always a crime against the future. Posted by David E. Patton at 8:20 PM 0 comments Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz
148-242 148-242 07-29-2010 148 The arts are always in need for a few good people. 149 If cocaine and meth users and makers were prosecuted as crack users we will end up with more whites in our prisons. 150 The way my young brothers are wearing their pants now I am at a complete lose as to why they are wearing them at all. 151 Poor youth makes their own expression of fashion. 152 What is natural to you as a human is natural to me the same. 153 The humanity of crime is my history also.
154 the crime of humanity is a shared thing. 156 As it relates to crime every human have the capacity to be extreme but it is debatable if the extremity of 9/11 lives in us all certainly the seeds are there just waiting for discontent to make them grow. 157 Anything that one man does with training we are all capable of. 158 The elements of alienation is fostered by western cultures as a way of life. 159 If you must make war make it against American industry and politics. 160 In Americus April has become the month of mass killings. 161 After committing crimes it is the coward who then commits suicide. 162 Columbine was a cry for help unheeded then turned violence as a show of machismo and the faller of their parents couldn’t save the two young men. 163 Boredomism can be filled by the devil’s work. 154 The attributes of western capitalism is the fulfillment of the criminal appetite.
155 Anyone who was surprised by Columbine, Oklahoma City bombing and 9/11 should take stock in the attributes of human creativity. 156 Even the monkey will not war in the tree without knowing the strength of the branch. 157 Respect for authority must be learned and earned. 158 Suicide must be earned. 159 There is a sensibility to committing crimes that goes unheeded.
160 Violence is also a culture of logic. 161 Destruction has its meaning agree with it or not. 162 Life in heaven is nothing more then being in the dream of the Christian God. 163 If you do not wish to die then you wish not to live. 164 To deny your death is to deny your birth both are a denial of logic. 165 The cusp of the 21th century is no difference then the 1st. 166 The rubbish of modern life is the trash heap of the past we will never let it die. 167 Alienation is the mother of revolution. 168 The faithlessness of the modern world is not necessary a bad thing. 169 Like many if not all things music will also die. 170 Creating art is a birth right. 171 It is a necessity to participate in your given society. 172 If you must rebel know what you are rebelling for and against. 173 Art will not save the western elite who treat artiest as pets. 174 To be a true artiest be more of a cat then a dog. 175 Alienation is the mother of society invention.
176 Lottery is the state sanction crack of the poor. 178 The contradictions between individuals and societies are the defiance sense of order. 179 The denial of the self as the I is just as ludicrous as the denial of the we. 180 The internal conflict of some artists will be resolved by the production of art itself. 181 All primitive societies was closer to their God them most of us are to Christianity today. 182 I am I is the highest form of self recognition still I am I sets up a division from the we. 183 Art will always reveal our limitations against the creative nature of Nature. 184 Everyday consciousness is mechanical and we can see only the shadow of the unconscious not the thing in and of itself this is our scape goat for what ills our souls 185 Do not spend you time regretting what you have not done just do it. 186 Sometime it is wholly necessary to hurt the feelings of the state. 187 Van Gogh and Antonin Artaud proved that insanity can be of value to creativity. 188 As an artiest free yourself to notice the microscopic nature of Nature. 189 Philosophical myopias is more concern with microscopic details then the wholeness of the thing. 190 If you can not dissect your God you can not know it. 191 Men who spend their time dissecting their God are looking for trouble. 192 The first thing that I noticed while deconstructing my God was my breath.
193 All politicians ware a mask of abstraction about the nature of the masses. 194 Intuition and intellect are both given by God never pit one against the other. 195 Artiest seeks to free us from the triviality of life by showing us their insight into their souls some fear this because they knowingly know that it is an attack against the triviality of the everydayness. 196 Poetic inclinations are mystical and therefore feared by religions and the state. 197 Affirmation of inspiration have nothing to do with Gods save the fact that we all are part of the Godhead. 198 We are for most of the time in two places at once in our consciousness and in our unconsciousness. 199 There is always a certain snobbery to order and to the ruling class that supports it. 200 Creative mysticism is the mind-stuff of the well informed it is sometimes born from boredom which at some time grips us all. 201 Because action is always present with us say as the beating of your heart you can only be bored as a willing act choosing to do nothing when there is always something to be done. 202 To break my boredom I talk to myself and then I am no longer bored. 203 The greatest conversationalist you will ever meet is yourself when talking to yourself. 204 if you want to talk to some aspect of God then talk to yourself or a lowly weed. 205 Mankind’s falsity is that he thinks himself of a higher order then the weed whose pollen is for the bees whose seeds are for the birds whose shadows shades the ant from the noonday sun what is the use of mankind then to breath and go about as some tin God always in need of some creature comfort. 206 On earth humankind is a luxury of nature.
207 The strange is always interesting to the artiest. 208 Negative thoughts are par for the course. 209 For your consciousness to be cosmic you must know your place in the world and know that it is the cosmos that birthed you as one of its own. 210 Nature’s destructive forces are only so because man have built his homes in their way. 211 To put a trailer park in tornado alley you leave your worldly possessions in the hand of nature. 221 Destruction is necessary to rebuilding. 222 Nothing about nature is as simple as that. 223 Polices and armies are the custodians of the order of the state. 224 Hell is meant to instill fear while we live because we can not call religion a lier when we are dead. 225 Religion makes strange bedfellows. 226 What we don’t want to hear is that Gods don’t give a damn if we live or die because there is always some body born to take our place. 227 if someone kills a part of you take a clue from grass and continual to grow and let that dead part of you fertilize the ground that is your spirit. 228 The myth of ourselves is our memories never completely remembered never completely forgotten. 229 The poetic delight of poetry is that it relaxes our mind it forces it in the space-time of the poem. 230 Someone said write what you know I add know what you write.
231 Imagination is at the heart of the spirit and not the heart. 232 In humans the circulatory system works before the heart begans beating. 233 Forgetfulness is never deliberate because if you think to forget it will never happen. 234 Visualization is an aid to out imagination. 235 No one can visualize the Christian God for it has no discernable form. 236 Blake knew that imagination can change realities. 237 Each individual is dynamic in their own way therefore each should be chariest even the criminal who is loved by someone. 238 It is up to you alone to overcome your limitations. 239 Even the murderous mob has a collective consciousness. 240 I can not understand for the life of me why man seeks to alienate himself from nature the only God that he can know for sure for without nature there is no man without man there is still nature. 241 The true surrealists today are T V commercials. 242 A bloody nose is nothing to sneeze at. Posted by David E. Patton at 8:27 PM 0 comments Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz Thursday, July 29, 2010 105-147 105 Stroke two birds with one stone don’t kill them. 106 Be only an automatic servant to yourself.
107 Our culture thrives to be young forever and we are old in that way 108 Poets are radical not because they hate order but because order hates them. 109 The conservativesism of the Victorian etiquette still exist in American politic but it is only a known lie 110 The good old days never existed even to those who remember it. 110 Unquestioned assumptions will never die out when the question is never addressed. 112 Philosophical pessimism aids the devaluation of the human soul. 113 Values are needed but caution yourself against their limitations. 114 Be not bitter and disgusted because you can not afford the new and improved this kind of pessimistic boredom leads to its byproduct violence. 105 Americus is still a child who turns to violence when he can not get his way. 106 Wallowing in pessimism is a tradition enforced by the government that seeks to control its citizens by force and fear. 107 The constitution calls for revolution when the government and church calls for compliance. 108 A man without meaning is a robot without direction. 109 Gravity is weak that is the justification behind the milkweed’s seed’s design. 110 Masturbation is self-actualization in sex self-fulfillment of our natural appetite to please ourselves when other wont. 112 Everyday routine dulls the mind when you are unwilling to break it. 113 There is nothing routine about good art.
114 The art of one man is the profane trash to another. 115 To understand violence is to commit it to memory. 116 The only difference between a man and a dog marking his terror is that a man do not raise it leg. 117 Existentialism has dug itself into a hole and it is about time that we cover it up with it still in it instead of just politely walking around it. 118 Deconstruction reveals only the parts and not the sum cubism shows us a 306 degree of the thing. 119 To be a good poet it is necessary to live in more times then one the combination of it all is the strength of all good poets. 120 You can not build upon the past until you have learned its fallers. 121 The last sense of self-alienation I have had to deal with was the depression of my younger self. 122 The voyeuristic morbidity of our age is the so death of the artist that festinated us as if the artist has finally got his come upend which delight others unwilling to discover the artist in us all. 123 To believe that the advent of photography was the death of art is to deny the textual expression of the human soul. 124 It is no accident that some criminals are geniuses for crime requires a wiliness to be created. 125 No one in their right mine teaches the child to be cruel still without knowing it they are masters of it. 126 The crudity of a society is the refection of it’s citizens 127 Even Americus with its so called freedom for all will some day disintegrate when the people learn that it is a system fir for the rich as guardian of the new world order that is built on the old order of control.
128 The poets do good to concern themselves with the moral bankrupt of the state then to continual to overdraft the American’s soul which is usury of a kind here-to-forth hidden from many but to the rich known and indorsed 129 Starvation of the body leads to crime starvation of the spirit leads to revolution starvation of art leads to invention starvation of spirituality leads to chaos and from chaos is order born. 130 If you can be sure of anything believe that the pendulum will always swing. 131 Crime will never die as long as we have a system based on money and personal possession of the have and the have not. 132 Even the president from time to time must accept some form of boredom. 133 Lack of self-esteem is a crime against the self fostered by low self worth lack of concern for the poor is a crime against human kind. 134 While the Blacks tens to kill one on one the Whites always want to take someone with them. 135 Lack of inner direction is always a waste of time unless it leads you toward something to find. 136 We do well to understand why it is as a profession artiest seldom commit murder. 137 Leaders by the extension of their power have the power to commit mass murder called wars. 138 If a bird sits on the branch of a tree it does not break take the time to know your weight. 139 To teach a child about money never gives it more then it can count. 140 A baby cares less about money then it dies about milk what do you care about. 141 Poets usually only commit the crimes of words. 142
Crime has its own self-fulfillment. 143 Art can lead to valance when it is misunderstood. 144 Man has grown accusation to the artificiality of modern life. 145 Art shatter conventions. 146 If you must show off how smart you are then do it in writings. 147 It is necessary to be a good speller to be a good poet that is what editors are for Posted by David E. Patton at 6:48 PM 0 comments Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz 51-104 07-29-2010 51 The existence of the possessing of the mind and will can be proven by willful action the motivation of all our doings informed by the body and mind. 52 You can lump Heidegger, Sartre, Camus and Derrida together as it regards phenomenology and their misunderstanding of philosophical discipline. 53 No living thing is insignificance in the eye of nature everything have its place in the great scheme of what is called life. 54 The lowest things in life are only machines not necessary to sustain us. 55 There is no positive without a negative no right without a wrong no life without death contradiction is the highest understanding of the nature of life and the primary rule that sustains the Godhead. 56 If you seek proofs that God exist look no farther then your refection in the mirror before you. 57 As long as man looks toward a heavenly God he will never discover what purpose he serves within Nature. 58 It is only the unbending static attitude that keeps us ignorance of growth.
59 The dynamic man is closer to God then the one static in his beliefs as it relates to God 60 A static God is a hindrance to the well being of man gives you God room to live. 61 Freedom to cat is the free will to get it wrong or right. 62 The writing and/or studying of poetry is a mystical discipline free to everyone. 63 Alter your consciousness with a creative act. 64 Not all consciousness is active or intentional. 65 Marijuana and music are closer together then booze and music. 66 Racial prejudices can never stand up against intellect 67 Emptions have no master other then Nature. 68 Intellect can rule emotion but emotion can not rule intellect. 69 Emotion can led intellect astray. 70 Follow your heart as it follows you. 71 Intellect is a fault God. 72 Consciousness is our oldest habit but younger then our unconsciousness. 73 The I of our consciousness filter our prejudices. 74 A man without responsibility is truly alone.
75 There will always be followers of charlatan messiah because it is born into man to follow with his intellect cloaked in his heart to belong. 76 Some men nod in agreement when they want to get out of a heated conversation I have done this with my mother while discussing the existence of God. 77 The man who sanction slavery suffer from subjective prejudices it has happen before and will again as long as men think themselves closer to God by the color of their sex or skin. 78 We are born with a kind of human wisdom which we loose only to find it again in our last days. 79 All our experiences of the living world are proof that God exist inside and outside of us. 80 It is best to keep your God to yourself then to ware it on your sleeve. 81 If you let your God leave the way you will always go down the wrong path. 82 The poet is best to speak in plain language then high tones because he is in the service of the common man. 83 Never substitute your experiences for your fantasies when you need to make a discussion for others. 84 Fantasies have done more good and harm then intellect. 85 learn as much about the far as you know about the near. 86 The far away is always a promise of discovery. 87 if you are going to get to know just one person in your life make sure that they are of a difference race and sex. 88 Never fully trust a God that is not bisexual. 89 See yourself standing at the right hand of God not in Its place.
90 Imagination aids human evolution. 91 Be faster then your insecurities. 92 When the materialist joins with the puritan be prepared to go to war. 93 Life is not for the weak. 94 A God with clean hands is not a gardener. 95 Art empowers the imagination still nothing will endure but time and time in its base form is imperceptible to the mind until it has passed. 96 Artists are possessed by a hypersensitive awareness and insight into the physic of life. 97 The problem with mankind is that some imprison themselves with religion and have forgotten where they hid the key. 98 Some are lost within the human mechanicalness and forget how to use or never learned that the imagination is the necessary oil. 99 When your God is your technologies then your devil is the robot of your ways. 100 Never take the beauty and reality of the world for granted if you wish to live a full life. 101 Do not be mired in stagnation just because it is conformable. 102 Never let your love for your love ones be as weak as is gravity on earth. 103 Crimes are as natural to human appetites as are rules. 104 Be faster then your insecurities but slower then your strengths. Posted by David E. Patton at 2:24 PM 0 comments Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz
Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10 to 50 10 Some believe in Plato’s way of born knowledge other believe on Locke’s blank sheet of paper: the tabual rasa I believe from all my experiences that we are both. 11 Earth can easily survive without man but man spends his time trying to survive without earth. 12 You have only to watch a tree grow to know that the mind is only the creator of human reality. When a bird flees you you exist in the mind of the bird likewise when a lion eats you you exist in the mind of the lion only as just another kind of meat be you scholar or fool 13 Nature will not tell the difference between the scholar or the fool 14 Book knowledge is usless in the wilderness or a doroetic degree is usless in the wilderness save to wipe your ass 15 I believe in spirituality not religion because only one of them is corruptible. 16 It is action that reveals the full mind. 17 If man is but a fleshy machine of clockwork then the soul does not exist if we are more then this then the soul is the key that whines uo up when we whines down action causes us to face the world on its terms and rest in dreams rejuvenates the mind as food rejuvenates the body. 18 Religion is nothing more then then superstition dressed in clerical clothing. 19 Why I do not trust the Christian religion is because the cross and holy water have no odor. 20
Truth is an illusion of the human mind when it insists that Jesus was resurrected to prove that man can be divine only the divinity of all life is real and the flesh of my God is covered with bark and leaves the misquote is the representation of my God that feds on my warm blood. 21 Pure will releases us to carry out pure action pure action is the only God that I can subscribe to. 22 Ecstasy is blissful and one of the highest blessed moments that human can feel sexual ecstasy bring us closer to the Godhead that is nature. 23 One man’s God is another man’s Devil one man’s Devil is another man’s man. 24 No matter how beautiful the sunset is you can never hold it in your hands never pocess it nor steal it way for your own it will always remain a shared thing. 25 The poet must be overflowing with energy and optimism to be a pure poet. 26 There is a kind of weariness and miseries that processes romanticism a longing for the well being of man that the romantic can only dream of because of his insanity at seeing the state of the world as it relates to the condition of man’s suffering. 27 When mankind first swung down from the tree in Africa and later crawled from the caves of Europe then he went mad with a self inflated ideal of himself and while the industrious age have made us comfortable with all our toys of creature comfort it has also made us weak and poor of spirit to get up and go out to and live as one with nature. 28 Men who fail to confront their indemnity fail to ask who am I will never know themselves until the question is breached. 29 The question of the inner-self can be answered by paying attention to the processes of out inner thoughts feelings and thoughts are never outward but are translated by some action of the body when I
dislike or love some man my body must translate that feeling into an action such as saying I hate you or I love you. 30 Some men insist that cause and effect is the only way to know reality such as I think therefore I am but this is a human fallacy Blake’s tiger dose not such a thing and still it is a reality even if unseen by man this is where faith comes to bear. 31 man is both spectator and actor the problem is deciding when to be which at the right time we must learn when to be a teacher when called upon to be a student when necessary. 32 A baby teaches by example. 33 Too many men in this modern world are armchair spectators which is the way the state like us to be. 34 Know the thing with your whole body and soul your whole being then you can count yourself wise. 35 Sometimes we are active with consciousness sometime passive to be active all the time other then for rest will drive you mad this is why we sleep there is no such thing a totally passivety for the heart always beat as an active action we only loose them both when we die. 36 The question as to whether a little bit of neurosis is good or a hindrance to poets I am to neurotic to tell so let the totality of my poetry speak to the question. 37 Creative vision is translated from the artist’s mind to his hand to the tip of the loaded brush to the canvas and the end result is a work of art but the real thing in the artist’s mind is not the same as what is seen on the canvas because painting is a shared art between the artist’s mind and what the material can be made to do. 38 Excitement can make you sick with its feeling of wonderment 39
Masturbation is one form of the highest act of self satisficing the impulses of the created act. 40 The creative personality should have many spectacles. 41 Intentionality in action is necessary to all artists if they are to produce ground breaking work 42 The visionary consciousness of Blake has the power to transform your perception of the world but you must be open to being taught. 43 The artist can if he knows how to be possessed by a determine concentration while painting or writing and the whole history of his art will be open to him to go beyond that history into a new form of expression. 44 Human are nothing more then a collection of prejudice and assumption some of them false this can be proven by looking down a straight line of parallel rail road tracks that seems to converge at the vanishing point of the horizon. 45 Is it ok to be prejudice as long as you keep it to yourself. 46 The state wishes us to embrace personal insignificance as a way of keeping us complacence each person must discover the revolutionary self within himself. 47 It is an absurdity of Hume and the likes in their negative attitude that human do not matter. 48 Consciousness is the freedom to act. 49 Art have the power to alter consciousness in a way that is reserve for art.
50 What I have learned from writing poetry is that creation art is a journey of discovery. Posted by David E. Patton at 7:01 PM 0 comments Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz 9 Christians believes ib the next world of heaven only because they find this world forever against them without taking into account what they take for granted the gifts of earth they deny the whole system that is earth and their unnecessary part in it. Posted by David E. Patton at 7:00 PM 0 comments Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz 8 8 Mankind have a kind of animal freedom that is the bases of all animal wisdom which we strive to out do in our futile attempt to be more then an animal. Posted by David E. Patton at 6:59 PM 0 comments Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz 7 Religion is a ball and chain fashioned by our self doubt spirituality is the only key 01-17-11