Prayer Needs
Here’s the latest news from David and Sandy Echols April-June 2012
Greetings from the USA! As of May 9th we are Stateside for a three month furlough! More info about the time we have here on the back. We recently realized that our last newsletter (Jan-March) was sent out to those on our email list, but that we never sent out the hard copies. We apologize for the oversight; here is what you missed and what we’ve been up to since…
Announcing Three Measures! "The Kingdom of Heaven is like the yeast a woman used in making bread. Even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough" Matthew 13:33
The Kingdom of God is revolutionary and its reach is unlimited. When present in a community, it should not simply transform a part, but should permeate every aspect of that society. This is the basis of our new ministry. Every community is made up of three measures: (1) the physical, (2) the social and (3) the spiritual. Our goal is to reach out in each of these areas. We will be partnering with Youth With a Mission (YWAM), developing the ministry under their covering. Our target will be Katutura, in the same community where we have been serving with CHS. We plan to start a Community Health Evangelism program as well as begin house churches as we go. Furthermore, we plan to take about three trips per year to the north of the country to hold “Restoration Seminars” to train village pastors. We are very excited about what is coming & we hope you are too. Please join with us in prayer and celebration as we end our time with CHS and begin with the next step. For more info about Three Measures visit
Pray for wisdom & guidance as we begin a new ministry Growth for new Christians and others who are still making the decision Successful fundraising for the new ministry during furlough
Special Dates
May 1— - Two years in Namibia & end of work at CHS
May, July— - In Colorado
June— - In Missouri -SRCC (Higbee) on th June 10 -Rocky Fork (Hallsville) on th June 17 -High Hills Camp June 17-22 -Community Christian Church (Linn) on June 24
To keep up with us between these newsletters, check out our website and blog:
three measures
David & Sandy Echols – 3940 Oberding Dr. Colorado Springs, CO 80911 –
When we left in 2010, 2012 seemed like it was so far off; but here we are back for our first furlough! We are spending May 9th through August 8th in the USA to raise support, sharing about our work in Namibia and show off our new baby to family and friends. We will be in Colorado for the month of May, Missouri for the month of June and back in Colorado for July through August 8th. If you are around we would love to see you, email us or give us a call. Our cell number is 719-502-1071. God is great and we look forward to sharing what He is doing in Namibia with you when we are there! And Here’s the News So it was a busy few months for us. Here are the highlights: - At the end of March we moved into our new house on the YWAM farm just outside of Windhoek. The house needs a lot of work, but we managed to get the bat guano out of the ceiling & are officially moved in. - About the same time as the move we had a team of seven come out from Central Christian College of the Bible. They all did a great job and were such an encouragement to the two of us. They helped us get Reese’s new room ready and helped out a lot with all our kids. Thanks Central, we’re already looking forward to Spring 2013!
- Our truck was impounded by the government on Easter weekend. Long story, but it comes down to import taxes that needed to be paid (The truck is from South Africa). We had to pay customs $1,700 to get the vehicle released.
First of all, we have some good news. We recently needed some help putting new shocks on our truck and we quickly had someone come through there. Thank you! Next, we are currently operating at $590 below our minimum budget & we are looking for monthly donors to partner with Three Measures in reaching Katutura. We also have some current one time start up needs for the new ministry. We are going to need a new laptop because David’s broke two years ago ($400-$1,000) and to furnish the new Three Measures office ($1,000). Please consider joining the work here in Namibia. If you would like to help us get back up to budget or help with our onetime needs, return the included response card or contact us at: Budget Personal (including food, housing, etc)……….$1,570 Ministry………………$980 Benefits (Health Insurance, Savings)………………….$300 Administration……….$150 Total Monthly Need $3,000
- Finally, we have completed out term with Community Hope School. We absolutely love all our kids there & enjoyed our time with the school. It was a bittersweet time, sad to end a good run there, but exciting to see that we are still moving forward into what God has called us to. We are just glad that we will still be working in the same community.
Check out our website:
-Current Monthly Raised $2,410
Total Remaining Need $590