Prayer Needs
Here’s the latest news from David and Sandy Echols January-March 2012
Announcing What’s Next! When we came to Namibia two years ago, we set out with a general vision for church planting and community development. For our first term we committed our time to serve Community Hope School (CHS) while seeking God’s direction for our future in Namibia. That first term is nearing its end and God has been faithful in providing the opportunity to put our vision into action. Now, we are ready to share that plan with all of you. After a three month furlough, we will officially begin our new ministry, Three Measures, in August.
Three Measures "The Kingdom of Heaven is like the yeast a woman used in making bread. Even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough" Matthew 13:33
The Kingdom of God is revolutionary and its reach is unlimited. When present in a community, it should not simply transform a part, but should permeate every aspect of that society. This is the basis of our new ministry. Every community is made up of three measures: (1) the physical, (2) the social and (3) the spiritual. Our goal is to reach out in each of these areas. We will be partnering with Youth With a Mission, developing the ministry under their covering. Our target will be Katutura, in the same community where we have been serving with CHS. We plan to start a Community Health Evangelism program as well as begin house churches as we go. Furthermore, we plan to take about three trips per year to the north of the country to hold “Restoration Seminars” to train village pastors. We are very excited about what is coming & we hope you are too. Please join with us in prayer and celebration as we end our time with CHS and begin with the next step. For more info about Three Measures visit
Pray for wisdom & guidance as we begin a new ministry Health for our family Preparations for furlough (including visa process for Sandy) Growth for new Christians and others who are still making the decision
Special Dates
May 1— - Two years in Namibia & end of work at CHS
May-July— - Furlough in USA
August— - Official beginning of Three Measures
To keep up with us between these newsletters, check out our website and blog: David & Sandy Echols – 3940 Oberding Dr. Colorado Springs, CO 80911 –
Reese Update
Many people have told us that we should cherish our time with Reese as kids grow up so fast. I guess they were right, Reese is three months old! It is impossible for me to describe in simple words the love and joy that Reese has brought into our lives. He is doing really well, gaining weight and learning to giggle more and more every day. Reese is continuing to get over Jaundice and his liver is slightly enlarged, so we are asking for prayers. We give thanks to God daily for this amazing gift he has lavished on us. Furlough When we left in 2010, 2012 seemed like it was so far off; bit here we are ready to leave for furlough! We plan on spending May through July in the USA raising support, sharing about our work here in Namibia and showing off our new baby to family and friends. Right now we need two things: prayer for Sandy’s visa to get into the USA & your support. We need about $3600 for plane tickets for the whole family. If you would like to support us in this, email us at or return the enclosed card. God is great and we look forward to sharing what He is doing in Namibia with you when we are there!
With His Love,
David, Sandy & Reese Echols
We are currently operating at $590 below our minimum budget & we are always looking for monthly donors to help us get back to full budget. We also have some current one time needs. First of all, we need some help with our furlough expenses. The airfare is going to cost us about $3,600 for the family. Second, our truck was impounded by the government this past week. We had to pay customs $1,700 to get the vehicle released. We “borrowed” the money from our furlough fund, so we could still use help in paying that. Please consider joining the work here in Namibia. If you would like to help us get back up to budget or help with our onetime needs, return the included response card or contact us at: Budget Personal (including food, housing, etc)……….$1,570 Ministry………………$980 Benefits (Health Insurance, Savings)………………….$300 Administration……….$150 Total Monthly Need $3,000 -Current Monthly Raised $2,410
Total Remaining Need $590
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