May 2015
The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—765-330-4170 and email address — And in that sense, there is no home for me, not on this earth. There are approximations of it. There are places where I am better known, I can recall sevbetter accepted, better loved. There eral occasions where this question has been are places where I can more fully be asked: last year at the the creature that God created me to congregational retreat, be. But there is no place where all of Mission and Ministry those things fully come together. I meetings, and our last would guess that the same is true of you, too. council meeting come to mind. Each time, I hear similar answers: for the C.S. Lewis knew that there was people, for the fellowship, because no final home for him here, either. I grew up here, because it’s a habit, In the autobiographical Surprised by because it’s home. Joy, Lewis wrote frequently of joy as desire, as a yearning for something Let’s focus on the last one for a more. Since this yearning existed second. A number of people come to church here because Zion is home for within himself, Lewis thought it natural that there should be somethem. What makes a church commuthing more that would one day fulfill nity a home? it. However, this desire wasn’t like ordinary want. He wrote that joy was To me, “home” is not simply a domicile. It’s not equal to the physical “more desirable than any satisfaction”.1 Joy could be found here on structure in which I happen to live. Home is where I can truly, fully, be earth, but it always pointed beyond who God created me to be. Home is itself to more. where I can fully be myself in community with others. Home is where I Our church community, then, am accepted, loved, and known. is a home in the sense that it points Why do we come to church?
Evening Prayer Refresh your spirit with Scripture and reflection at this short prayer serviceWednesdays, May 6th, 13th, and 20th at 6:30 p.m.
C. S. Lewis Study Learn more about the life and works of the famous Christian author and apologist. Begins on Tuesday, May 12th, at 7 p.m.
beyond itself to our final home. We don’t go to church for its own sake. We go to church because there, we remember the One who fully knows us, who fully accepts us, and who fully loves us. Hopefully, as we grow and mature in faith, we too can love, know, and accept others more fully as Christ does. The church on earth points to the Kingdom of God, which we experience now only in flashes and glimpses, in sacraments and prayers. I pray that Zion is a place for you where you experience joy in Christ – a joy that will be fulfilled in the coming of God’s Kingdom. And if you do experience joy here, I pray that it will lead you to share the Source of that joy with others. With love, Pr. David
Surprised by Joy, pp. 17-18
Ascension of Our Lord
An Ascension service with Holy Communion will be held at Zion on Thursday, May 14th, at 6:00 p.m. in the main worship space.
May 2015
Boozer Baptism
May Lectionary Readings Easter 5 - May 3rd 1st Reading - Acts 8:26-40 Psalm 22:25-31 2nd Reading - 1 John 4:7-21 Gospel Reading - John 15:1-8 Easter 6 - May 10th 1st Reading - Acts 10:44-48 Psalm 98 2nd Reading - 1 John 5:1-6 Gospel - John 15:9-17
Ashley Boozer, Raymond Arlo Boozer, Raymond’s big sister Tacy VanDevender and Pastor David Fleener Holy Baptism was celebrated on April 5th for Raymond Arlo Boozer, infant son of Ashley Boozer. Raymond’s baptismal sponsors were his grandparents Chris and Michelle Monce, his great-aunt Jody Stanley, and his great-grandma Nyla
Gideon Sunday May 3, 2015
Hile. God’s blessings to Raymond and his family. “Cradling children in His arms, Jesus gave his blessing. Take them, Lord, give life anew and keep them always near to you.” (LBW)
Lunch with Pastor
A representative Lunch with Pastor of the Gideons InterDavid at the Pickle has natinal will be visiting moved to the third ThursZion on May 3rd durday of the month, on May ing the worship service. Donations for 21st, at 12:30 p.m. Bibles will be accepted at the back of the sanctuary at the close of the worship service to help further the work of the Gideons.
Ascension of Our Lord - May 14th 1st Reading - Acts 1:1-11 Psalm 47 2nd Reading - Ephesians 1:15-23 Gospel - Luke 24:44-53 Easter 7 - May 17th 1st Reading - Acts 1:15-17, 21-26 Psalm 1 2nd Reading - 1 John 5:9-13 Gospel - John 17:6-19 Day of Pentecost - May 24th 1st Reading - Acts 2:1-21 Psalm 104:24-34, 35b 2nd Reading - Romans 8:22-27 Gospel - John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 The Holy Trinity - May 31st 1st Reading - Isaiah 6:1-8 Psalm 29 2nd Reading - Romans 8:12-17 Gospel - John 3:1-17
May 2015
March Council Minutes Congregation Council met on March 12, 2015. Present: Pastor David Fleener, Tom Armstrong, Scott Clamme, Sandy Langdon, Madeline Lennon, Drew Walker
and Anita Reid Absent: Chris Coy, John Hendricks, Cindy Knote, Max Langdon, Jody Stanley and Chris Stroble The meeting was called to order by Pastor David. Sandy Langdon gave the devotions. Tom Armstrong made a motion to accept the minutes. Scott Clamme seconded. Motion passed. Pastor’s report: Visited 5 shutins, 4 sick or in the hospital and 6 home communions. Also attended funeral of Katelin Williamson on 2/12/15. The Soul Care team visited 2 shut-ins with 2 communions. Pastor is enjoying the CS Lewis course and may begin a course on his writing after Easter. Sunday School children are learning the Apostles’ Creed. Young adults are finishing Lutheran Refreshment with Holy Communion and the Marks of the Church. The ELCA National Youth Gathering will be in Detroit July 15-19. Five would like to go - the Monces
plus Pastor. Registration is $375 apiece and does not include hotel, meals or transportation. That cost would be around $300 per person. An Easter breakfast was discussed to help raise funds to offset costs. $150 per person registration needs to be sent in soon. Sandy Langdon made a motion to send after Easter breakfast. Scott Clamme seconded. Motion passed. Pastor talked about more outreach for the church, how can we minister to those outside of church and God’s mission for this church. A wedding is scheduled at Zion on July 11 with reception after in Fellowship Hall. Pastor will be there to assist. The mother has signed a legal document assuming all liability for damages and/or injuries. Other February activities for Pastor: Feb. 3, 10, 17 and 24 - volunteered at Food Pantry 8-10 am Feb. 3, 10 and 17 - CS Lewis class in Indianapolis Feb. 5 - met at Grace Village to plan spring fund raiser with campus pastor Robert Abner and ECIC dean Matt Manning, also on Feb. 5 - Parish Ed meeting Feb. 12 - BCMA meeting at John XXIII Center and board meeting at John XXIII Center Feb. 16 - Mission and Ministry meeting Feb. 19 - Soul Care Training
(visitation handbook completed) Feb. 26 - ECIC meeting with Bishop Committee reports—Worship/ Music/Memorial: Next meeting will be March 25th. Council reports—Deacon: 2/1 - 53 attended, 50 communed; 2/8 71 attended; 2/15 - 60 attended, 57 communed; 2/18 - 32 attended, 32 communed, 2/22 - 75 attended, 20 communed and 2/25 - 30 attended Assistance with gasoline for 2 persons totaling $49. Trustees: Trustee’s reported that finishing touches on kitchen door will be completed soon. Tom Armstrong made a motion to accept reports. Scott Clamme seconded. Moton passed. New Business: Pastor distributed Council handbooks and asked members to read before next meeting. Pastor announced that Drew and Michelle Walker will be our Synod representatives for 6/5-6/7. Pastor would like Sarah also to attend. Scott Clamme made a motion to take $75 from the General Fund to assist with her costs. Drew Walker seconded. Motion passed. All prayed the Lord’s Prayer in closing. Next meeting is April 9. Respectfully submitted, Anita Reid, Recording Secretary
May 2015 Lay Ministry Servers May 3 May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31
Greeters Don and June Ladd—Dorothy Hale Chris and Tiann Coy—Jim and Betty Rinker Bill and Joretta Hiday—Gene Banter Owen and Mary Ehlers—Dennis and Debbie Walker Lowell and Kathy Sharp—Anita Reid
May 3 May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31
Lectors Max Hile Chris Coy Bree Hendricks Bree Hendricks Kathy Sharp
Assisting Ministers May 3 Mark Prout May 10 Chris Coy May 17 Denise Hile May 24 Chris Coy May 31 Sarah Fleener
May Birthdays Carolyn Hughes Teresa Banter Larry Langdon Nolan Willman Dick Smith Ben Kizer Dorothy Hale Zackary Monce Carolyn Smith Joretta Hiday Esther Cortright Michael Habegger Chris Walker Bill Thomas Jim Rinker
5-1 5-1 5-2 5-4 5-5 5-7 5-14 5-14 5-18 5-19 5-20 5-20 5-22 5-23 5-29
The Zion Herald
“Happy are those whose strength is in God, In whose heart are the highways to Zion.” (Psalm 84:5)
Zion Lutheran Church 308 S. Monroe Street Hartford City, IN 47348
May 10, 2015 U Serving the Lord in Gladness U
David Fleener, Pastor Church Office: 348-3157
Sunday School at 9:15 AM followed by Worship at 10:30 AM