June 2017
The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—348-330-4170 and email address—fleeneda@gmail.com As you know, this is the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation, when Martin Luther circulated his 95 Theses for debate on the means of grace and the practice of indulgences. Though Luther tried to remain a loyal son of the Church, what he found in Scripture convinced him that many of the practices of the Church were contrary to the Gospel. Indulgences had become a means for fundraising. The relics trade, closely tied to indulgences, was often fraudulent. (Another Reformer, John Calvin, is said to have remarked that the number of splinters of the True Cross circulating in Europe were enough to build a ship.) The language of the Mass seemed to turn the Mass into a good work done by humans, rather than the supreme gift of God given to human beings. And most of all, Luther objected to the notion that human beings could cooperate with God’s grace in making
the sinner righteous before God. For these and many other reasons, the split between Lutheran reformers and the Roman Catholic Church became insurmountable. However, the Reformation was not one-sided. The Roman Catholic Church underwent its own slow process of reformation, beginning with the Council of Trent in 1555, which addressed and eliminated many of the abuses related to indulgences and the relics trade. It also provided for the formation of seminaries and a catechism for the education of both clergy and laity. Throughout the 20th century, Catholic scholars found a new appreciation for Luther’s catholicity in their study of his writings and the Lutheran confessions. After the Second Vatican Council concluded in 1965, the Roman Catholic Church acknowledged that many elements of sanctification and truth existed outside the visible structure of the Catholic Church, a radical step. These processes of reformation within the Catholic Church, as well as changing attitudes of Lu-
Zion’s 2017 Council Members Elder & President .......................................................................... Larry Hile Elder & Vice-President ............................................................. Fred Walker Secretary ............................................................................. Cathy Willmann Deacons .................................................................................... Drew Walker Allen Stallsmith Mike Clamme Trustees ................................................................................Tom Armstrong Mark Prout Neil Stroble Treasurer ............................................................................... Dennis Walker Financial Secretaries ............................................................ Sandy Langdon Anita Reid
theran theologians, made dialogue possible. The Lutheran World Federation, of which the ELCA is part, and the Roman Catholic Churches have spent 50 years in dialogue with one another. What is the purpose of these dialogues? Until the 1960s, Lutherans and Catholics tended to take opposite, one-sided perspectives of the Reformation. Polemics were often harsh and exaggerated on both sides. This sort of mischaracterization and exaggeration began with Luther and his opponents themselves, culminating in mutual accusations that each side was the spirit of the Antichrist. It wasn’t until the beginnings of international dialogue that both Lutheran and Catholic theologians could try to understand each others’ positions for what they really were. Dialogue doesn’t ignore genuine differences. In the recent document Declaration on the W ay, released last year by the ELCA and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, a number of remaining significant differences were highlighted, especially the nature of the church, the theology of the pastoral office, and Eucharistic language. However, while acknowledging these differences, both Lutherans and Catholics have sought to begin dialogue from the perspective of what we agree upon. The points of agreement are far greater than the points of disagreement. Catholics and Lutherans agree, in the words of Ephesians 4:5, that there is “one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all.” In thanks for the things that unite us in one Lord, and in repentance for mutually destructive actions over the past 500 years, Lutherans and Catholics around the globe are finding ways to commemorate the Reformation together. In October, (continued on page 2)
June 2017
The Pastor’s Ponderings continued Zion will be holding two events with St. John’s to commemorate the Reformation together and discover what it means to be Lutheran or Catholic today. These events do not mean that we will become “Catholic”. What they offer is a chance for a fuller understanding of each other and a greater appreciation for the things that unite us. I have been asked why the ELCA has been pursuing ecumenical dialogue with Catholic, Reformed, Methodist, and Anglican churches, to the seeming detriment of our relationships with other Lutheran churches such as the Missouri Synod. This article is not long enough to include that discussion. I will focus on that question next month. However, suffice it say for now that dialogue depends on the willingness of both sides to enter into a mutually respectful discussion. That willingness has become more and more lacking within inter-Lutheran relationships over the past 50 years. I pray that God will open our hearts and minds to perceive the Spirit’s movement in both Lutheran and Catholic churches. May we understand that in Christ alone, we truly are one. Love to you all, Pr. David
Vacation Bible School VBS will be held Thursday, June 29th Friday, June 30th from 6 - 8:30 p.m., location TBD. More information and sign-up forms coming soon.
Parish Register Evelyn Forsberg passed away on Tuesday, May 9, 2017. Evelyn was cremated and a Memorial Service will be held at a later date. Our sympathy goes out to Evelyn’s family. “If we have died with Christ, we shall also live with him; if we are faithful to the end, we shall reign with him.”
Donations to the Food Pantry June is one of Zion’s months to collect items for Community and Family Services of Blackford County. They are especially in need of canned goods, macaroni & cheese, cereal and paper products, or anything you would like to donate. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Please leave your donations on the table in our fellowship hall.
June Lectionary Readings Day of Pentecost - June 4th 1st Reading - Acts 2:1-21 Psalm 104:24-34, 35b 2nd Reading - 1 Corinthians 12:3b13 Gospel - John 7:37-39 The Holy Trinity - June 11th 1st Reading - Genesis 1:1—2:4a Psalm 8 2nd Reading - 2 Corinthians 13:11-13 Gospel - Matthew 28:16-20 Pentecost 2 - June 18th 1st Reading - Exodus 19:2-8a Psalm 100 2nd Reading - Romans 5:1-8 Gospel - Matthew 9:35—10:8-23 Pentecost 3 - June 25th 1st Reading - Jeremiah 20:7-13 Psalm 69:7-18 2nd Reading - Romans 6:1b-11 Gospel - Matthew 10:24-39
June Birthdays Ryne Clamme Chris Monce Russell Stanley Tamara Wise Sydney Stroble Peggy Holsten Buck Sharp Reece Walker Neil Stroble Jesse Digman Douglas Prout June Ladd Rita Ferguson Liz Young
6-5 6-8 6-11 6-14 6-16 6-17 6-18 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-22 6-24 6-25 6-28
June 2017
April Council Minutes Congregation Council met on April 6, 2017. Present: Larry Hile, Anita Reid, Fred Walker, Tom Armstrong, Dennis Walker, Mark Prout, Pastor Fleener, Drew Walker, Cathy Willmann Absent: Allen Stallsmith, Mike Clamme, Neil Stroble and Sandy Langdon Larry Hile, president called the Congregation Council meeting to order on April 6, 2017. Devotions were given by Mark Prout. The minutes of the March meeting were read and approved. Motion made by Tom Armstrong. Seconded by Mark Prout. The motion passed. Correspondence was received from Hartford City Fire Department requesting a monetary donation to help with materials for Fire Safety Week for local school children. Mark Prout moved we give $50. Seconded by Fred Walker. Motion passed. Pastor’s report: Pastoral Care— March visits: 4 shut-ins, 5 sick/ hospital visits, 1 funeral, 6 home/ hospital communions Deacons Fund—Check #1030 for $100 to Indiana Michigan Power Christian Education—We have had three confirmation classes so far. The youth are fun to have, with energy and enthusiasm. We have finished our introduction to confirmation and a brief overview of why we worship the way we worship, and are starting on the Old Testament. Confirmation class has an irregular schedule. Trying to meet when everyone is available. Compliments were given by the council to Zachary Monce for helping new acolytes.
Pastor reported Lenten Soup Suppers are going well. Reformation Roots has had low but faithful attendance. Usually 2-4 attend. Other events—Very little to report otherwise. After discussion with a couple Mission and Ministry committee members, I decided to let all of the sitting members (except for Cathy) leave, many of whom had served for four years. Larry and I are currently searching for new members to bring the committee to four. Two members would serve one year, two would serve two years, and then it would be rotating two year terms. Holy Week is coming up. Good Friday will be a Tenebrae service in collaboration with our friends at First Presbyterian. Committee reports—Worship/ Music/Memorial: Dennis Walker Met and chose songs through May. Discussed possibly purchasing new choir robes and a recording system to record sermons. Land use: Larry Hile and Dennis Walker Roof is now on bell tower. Thanks to Dennis and Chris Walker for making it and to all who helped put it on top of the tower. Plaque is still not taken care of. Constitution Committee: Mark Prout and Fred Walker Met on March 23rd and will meet again soon. Going through line by line. Very lengthy process. Goal is to have something by July. Mission and Ministry: Cathy Willmann No report. Pastor is still working on members. Jody Stanley has said yes. Council reports—Deacons:
Drew Walker No report. Pastor is teaching Deacons how to prepare the Communion table. Attendance and Holy Communion report—3/1(Ash Wed.) - 39 attended, 39 communed; 3/5 - 85 attended, 80 communed; 3/8 (Lent 1) 26 attended; 3/12 - 65 attended, 62 communed; 3/15 (Lent 2) - 27 attended; 3/19 - 74 attended, 69 communed; 3/22 (Lent 3) - 33 attended; 3/26 - 79 attended, 72 communed; 3/29 (Lent 4) 28 attended Trustees: Tom Armstrong and Mark Prout Bid by all 3 contractors was around $15,000 to fix the roof. Trustees recommend Greg Cameron because he has done work for us before and has always been available for repairs. Meeting of congregation on Sunday, March 26th. Treasurer: Dennis Walker—As printed. Mark Prout moved we accept all committee and council reports. Drew Walker seconded. Motion passed. New Business: Pastor purchased 3 albs and 4 cinctures totaling $495.90. Mark Prout moved they be paid for out of the Memorial Fund. Dennis Walker seconded the motion. Motion carried. A big thank you to Anita Reid and Edi Tarter for washing and altering. The meeting was closed by all praying the Lord’s Prayer. Next meeting will be May 11, 2017 with Dennis Walker giving the devotions. Respectfully submitted by, Cathy Willmann Recording Secretary
The Zion Herald June 2017
“Happy are those whose strength is in God, in whose heart are the highways to Zion.” (Psalm 84:5)
Zion Lutheran Church 308 S. Monroe Street Hartford City, IN 47348
Serving the Lord in Gladness David Fleener, Pastor Church Office: 348-3157 Zionluth.hc@gmail.com www.zionhc.org
Sunday School at 9:00 AM with Worship at 10:00 AM
June 2017 Lay Ministry Servers Greeters
June 4 June 11 June 18 June 25
Owen and Mary Ehlers—Tom and Peggy Willmann Dennis and Debbie Walker—Jim and Betty Rinker Anita Reid—Edi Tarter Neil and Libby Stroble—Buck & Kathy Sharp
Assisting Ministers
June 4 June 11 June 18 June 25
June 4 June 11 June 18 June 25
Drew Walker, Allen Stallsmith, Mike Clamme and Chris Walker Allen Stallsmith, Chris Walker, Larry Gibson and Owen Ehlers Mike Clamme, Chris Walker, Larry Gibson and Owen Ehlers Drew Walker, Chris Walker, Larry Gibson and Owen Ehlers Acolytes
June 4 June 11 June 18 June 25
Sydney Stroble Keaton Walker Ryne Clamme Kaylin Clamme
Jody Stanley Sarah Fleener Denise Hile Mark Prout
June 4 June 11 June 18 June 25
Kathy Sharp Carolyn Goetz Cindy Knote Neil Stroble