Zion Herald: March 2017

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March 2017

The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—348-330-4170 and email address—fleeneda@gmail.com In the movie W aking Ned Devine, there’s a scene between a fatherless boy and the town’s priest. While the priest is playing a few notes on the organ, the boy asks, “Can you play songs about Jesus?” “No, I wish I could,” the priest responds. “So, did he come to you, then?” “Who’s that?” “Jesus.” “Jesus. Well, he did in many ways, yes.” “But did you see him?” “Well, not exactly, no.” “But you’re working for him.” “I am. Doing the best I can.” “Do you get paid for it?” “Well, it’s more a payment of the spiritual kind, Morris.” “All right.” “Do you think you could be drawn to the church, Morris?” “I don’t think so…I don’t think

I could work for someone I’d never met, and not get paid for it.” Unlike the priest in that movie, I am supported financially by the congregation. I did not take a vow of poverty. But like the priest, I have never met my Employer. I’ve had senses of what God wanted me to do. I’ve felt called and sent to various places to do God’s work. But I’ve never met Jesus face-toface – at least, not in a direct, unambiguous way. From the beginning of the church, even when Jesus was still among his disciples, his disciples longed to see more. Philip summed up this desire for all Christians of every time and place when he begged Jesus, “Show us the Father, Lord, and we will be satisfied.” Though Jesus tells Philip and the rest of the disciples that they have seen the Father by seeing his face,

Zion’s 2017 Council Members Elder & President .......................................................................... Larry Hile Elder & Vice-President ............................................................. Fred Walker Secretary ............................................................................. Cathy Willmann Deacons .................................................................................... Drew Walker Allen Stallsmith Mike Clamme Trustees ................................................................................Tom Armstrong Mark Prout Neil Stroble Treasurer ............................................................................... Dennis Walker Financial Secretaries ............................................................ Sandy Langdon Anita Reid

we are denied this privilege. Instead, we are among those whom Jesus proclaims blessed, for “we believe without having seen”. There is a deep desire in each one of us – a longing for wholeness that only God can satisfy. In an age of distractions, we’re not always aware of this desire. So many things can narcotize us to our need for God for a while. (For me, it’s usually my cell phone.) But it never lasts. And the desire remains. C.S. Lewis considered this desire in and of itself a sign of the reality of God. As we enter Lent, as we pause to take stock of the bitter truths of our condition, may we also have a new appreciation for the gospel, that God will make us complete and full in Christ. Love to you all, Pr. David

Special Congregational Meeting Zion will hold a Special Congregational Meeting on Sunday, March 26th, for the purpose of discussing needed roof repairs over the south peak of the church.

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