Zion Herald: June 2015

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June 2015

The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—348-330-4170 and email address—fleeneda@gmail.com This is the first of three newsletter articles on three classic attributes of Lutheran Christianity. We are catholic. (June) We are evangelical. (July) We are reforming. (August) I hope you find them helpful. Have a question or comment? Contact Pr. David at fleeneda@gmail.com. Moreover, (the third article of the Apostle’s Creed) says “church catholic” so that we not understand the church to be an external government of certain nations. It consists rather of people scattered throughout the entire world who agree on the gospel and have the same Christ, the same Holy Spirit, and the same sacraments, whether or not they have the same human traditions. Philipp Melanchthon, The Apology to the Augsburg Confession, Once upon a time in a Lutheran congregation, a long-time member of the congregation invited a friend to come worship with him. The friend agreed, and came the next Sunday. Worship went well – the sermon connected with the congregation, the hymns were old favorites, and the communion setting was a familiar one to the members. Like in many Lutheran churches, the people as a whole sang and sang well. While having lunch at a local restaurant, the member asked his friend what he thought of worship. “Wow, I

don’t know,” he said. “You all seem to be really Catholic.” The member bristled. “What do you mean, Catholic?” “Well, the chanting, for one. And everything’s in order, just like the mass I went to a couple months ago.” “We’re not Catholic,” the member corrected. “We’re Lutheran. That’s the way we’ve always worshiped.” “It seemed pretty Catholic to me. Bible reading, a sermon, songs, bread and wine – that’s what they did at the Catholic church in town.” “Well, maybe they got it from us,” the member replied. “All I know is that we’ve always done it that way.” One of the tragedies of the Reformation is that we have tended to define ourselves by what we are not. We’re not catholic, we reason, so we avoid doing A things that Roman Catholics do. Catholics make the sign of the cross, so Lutherans don’t do that. Catholics have water at the entrance to their church buildings, so Lutherans don’t do that. Catholics celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday, so Lutherans don’t do that. The list goes on and on. The funny thing is that none of these worship practices are distinctly Roman Catholic. They are Christian practices, dating back to the first centuries of the church. Somewhere along the way, our churches

felt that we had to define ourselves against Roman Catholics by abandoning or lessening some of our shared worship practices. The result, I would argue, is a less full, less rich, less traditional faith. The word “catholic” simply means universal. It is not the same as the Roman Catholic church. The church catholic includes all churches that proclaim the same Christ, even if we disagree on a fe points. It includes all churches that trace their heritage back to Jesus, the apostles, and their teaching.

Since we do trace our faith back to that faith “which was given once for all the saints” (Jude 1:3), we are catholic Christians before we are Lutherans. Sounds like heresy, I know. But Luther said the same thing, and in stronger language. In his “Admonition against Insurrection”, he wrote: I ask that my name be left silent and people not call themselves Lutheran, but rather Christians. Who is Luther? The doctrine is not mine. I have been crucified for no one. St. Paul in 1 Cor. 3:4-5 would not suffer that the Christians should call themselves of Paul or of Peter, but Christian. How should I, a poor stinking bag of worms, become so that the children of Christ are named with (continued on page 2)

June 2015

The Pastor’s Ponderings continued my unholy name? It should not be dear friends. Let us extinguish all factious names and be called Christians whose doctrine we have. Our Lutheran faith is nothing more and nothing less than an expression of the catholic Christian faith. I understand that for many years, we defined ourselves as simply “Lutheran”. But we’re much more than that. We’re part of a universal, single church under the headship of Christ, even if we are not in physical communion with one another. It is Christ’s church – not Luther’s, nor the pope’s, nor anyone else’s. That’s powerfully traditional – a tradition which goes back to the earliest church in Acts. And it’s a tradition which the Holy Spirit keeps alive among us to this day. Love to you all, Pr. David

Food Pantry June is one of Zion’s months to collect items for Community and Family Services of Blackford County. They are especially in need of canned goods, macaroni & cheese, cereal and paper products, or anything you would like to donate. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Please leave your donations on the table in our fellowship hall. If you would like to take your donation directly to them they are also in need of meat which would need to be refrigerated. The address is: 1015 W. Washington St.

C. S. Lewis Study Pastor David will be continuing the C. S. Lewis Study on Tuesday evenings at 7 o’clock with the exception of June 23rd. Learn more about the life and works of the famous Christian author and apologist.

June Lectionary Readings Pentecost 2 - June 7th 1st Reading - Genesis 3:8-15 Psalm 130 2nd Reading - 2 Cor. 4:13—5:1 Gospel - Mark 3:20-35 Pentecost 3 - June 14th 1st Reading - Ezekiel 17:22-24 Psalm 92:1-4, 12-15 2nd Reading - 2 Cor. 5:6-17 Gospel - Mark 4:26-34 Pentecost 4 - June 21st 1st Reading - Job 38:1-11 Psalm 107:1-3, 23-32 2nd Reading - 2 Cor. 6:1-13 Gospel - Mark 4:35-41 Pentecost 5 - June 28th 1st Reading - Lamentations 3:22-33 Psalm 30 2nd Reading—2 Cor. 8:7-15 Gospel - Mark 5:21-43

June 2015

April Council Minutes Congregation Council met on April 9, 2015. Present: Pastor David Fleener, Tom Armstrong, Scott Clamme, John Hendricks, Max Langdon, Sandy Langdon, Madeline Lennon, Jody Stanley, Chris Stroble and Anita Reid Absent: Cindy Knote, Chris Coy and Drew Walker The meeting was called to order by Jody Stanley. Devotions were given by Max Langdon. Tom Armstrong made a motion to approve the minutes. Chris Stroble seconded. Motion passed. Pastor's report: Pastor visited 6 shut-ins, 1 sick visit and 6 home communions. Soul Care made 3 shut-in visits and 2 home communions. Christian Education: The kids continue to learn the Apostles' Creed and reviewing the Ten Commandments and Lord's Prayer. Pastor is looking for new songs for them to learn. Next month will start recruitment and training of VBS teachers. VBS will be first full week in July. Holy Week Report: Full attendance reports available next month. Some have mentioned Easter sunrise service. There is a possibility of combining Easter Vigil and sunrise service. Raymond Arlo Boozer, son of Ashley Boozer, was baptized on

Easter Sunday. Pastor wrapped up sermon series on God's promises on Easter Sunday. Pastor's activities during March: March 2, 9, 16, 23, 31 - Joe and Jesus at Common Grounds March 3, 10, 24, 31 - Volunteered at Food Pantry from 8-10 AM March 3, 10, 17, 24 - CS Lewis class in Indianapolis at CTS March 1 - Community Prayer service at Zion, walked to Hartford Square Apts. This kicked off a Week of Prayer in Blackford County. March 3, 10 - met with Karen Stewart of Southworth/Stewart wedding party and signed contract with her for use of the church and kitchen March 4, 11, 18, 25 - Lenten soup suppers and worship March 5 - Zion's Prayer Breakfast and Morning Prayer as part of the week of prayer. Sparsely atended, but over $500 was raised to assist with the funeral expenses of the father and daughter recently killed. March 5 - Altar Care training, 12 - BCMA meeting, 16 - Mission and Ministry meeting and 17 - Altar care - cleaning of working sacristy Worship/Music Memorial: met on 3/27. Selected music thru May. John Hendricks made a motion to accept the committee reports. Max Langdon seconded. Motion

carried. Deacons had 1 request for gasoline assistance. Trustees reported that some painting might need to be done. Financial Secretaries reported that $1564 was given for the National Youth Gathering at the Easter morning breakfast. Treasurer's report was given by Max Langdon. General fund is a little low. Max made a motion, that if necessary, to move up to $2000 from the Money Market to general fund checking to cover expenses. John Hendricks seconded. Motion passed. Sandy Langdon made a motion to accept Council reports. Madeline Lennon seconded. Motion passed. Old business: Discussion on inactive members. Sandy Langdon, Jody Stanley and Pastor will draft a letter to be sent to inactive members. There was a discussion on different service times. Some would like an early service due to other commitments. Possibility of having 2 services was talked about. Pastor would like feedback from Council on their handbooks. New business: There was a discussion of coordination of trustee and custodial duties. Also, the work on the kitchen door is now complete. All prayed the Lord's Prayer in closing. Next meeting is May 14, 2015 at 7 PM. Respectfully submitted, Anita Reid


7 Pentecost 2 9:00 AM Sunday School 10:00 AM Worship

14 Pentecost 3 9:00 AM Sunday School 10:00 AM Holy Communion

21 Pentecost 4 9:00 AM Sunday School 10:00 AM Worship

28 Pentecost 5 9:00 AM Sunday School 10:00 AM Holy Communion





June 2015 Tue

June 5-7 Synod Assembly



8:00 AM YAH Breakfast at Richard’s Restaurant

7:00 PM Council Meeting



6:30 PM Evening Prayer



10 6:30 PM Evening Prayer

18 12:30 PM Lunch with Pastor at the Pickle



7:00 PM C. S. Lewis Study

7:00 PM C. S. Lewis Study

17 6:30 PM Evening Prayer





16 7:00 PM C. S. Lewis Study



2 Pastor David on vacation.

9:00 AM Joe & Jesus at Common Grounds

9:00 AM Joe & Jesus at Common Grounds


30 7:00 PM C. S. Lewis Study





22 Pastor David will be on vacation June 22-28.

29 9:00 AM Joe & Jesus at Common Grounds

The Zion Herald June 2015

“Happy are those whose strength is in God, in whose heart are the highways to Zion.” (Psalm 84:5)

Zion Lutheran Church 308 S. Monroe Street Hartford City, IN 47348

Happy Father’s Day June 21, 2015

 Serving the Lord in Gladness  David Fleener, Pastor Church Office: 348-3157 Zionluth.hc@gmail.com www.zionhc.org

Sunday School at 9:00 AM followed by Worship at 10:00 AM

June 2015 Lay Ministry Servers Greeters June 7 June 14 June 21 June 28

Dick and Carolyn Smith—Chris and Michelle Monce Chris and Megan Stroble—Vicki Willman Ray and Linda Stanley—Don and Carolyn Goetz Carolyn Hughes and Joanne Stoll—Bill and Joretta Hiday

Lectors June 7 June 14 June 21 June 28

Carolyn Smith Megan Stroble Denise Hile Jody Stanley

June Birthdays Ryne Clamme Chris Monce Russell Stanley Brian Hile Tamara Wise Matthew West Sydney Stroble Peggy Holsten Lisa Langdon Buck Sharp Reece Walker Neil Stroble Jesse Digman Douglas Prout June Ladd

6-5 6-8 6-11 6-12 6-14 6-15 6-16 6-17 6-17 6-18 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-22 6-24

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