October 2016
The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—348-330-4170 and email address—fleeneda@gmail.com What does it mean to be an organized congregation for 150 years? Zion Lutheran Church has been in existence for over 7.5% of the worldwide church’s history. Zion Lutheran Church has also been in existence for 62.5% of the history of the United States. None of us were alive when the congregation was originally organized. Instead, Zion is something of an inheritance to each of us. And in knowing this, we realize that Zion is a tangible, physical reminder of the
nature of our faith. Christian faith is not something otherworldly or outside time, but is something lived out in time, in whatever circumstances we find ourselves in.
the boat and come to him on the water. He calls us away from the distractions of the world and to faith in him, the only constant thing we can hold to.
Living as a Christian is much more than intellectually accepting the tenets of the faith. It also means living out the gospel of Jesus Christ in the current time. And while the gospel does not change, the world certainly does. Like it or not, we live in a world that is constantly changing around us.
It is my prayer that we can remember Christ’s faithfulness in all times and places to us, that we can be emboldened to step out and live our faith more fully.
Amidst all this change, Christ is faithful to us. Like the story in the Gospel of Matthew, he calls out to us in our boat, stormy seas all around us. He calls us to get out of
Zion’s 2016 Council Members Elder & President ...................................................................... Jody Stanley Elder & Vice-President ................................................................. Larry Hile Secretary ............................................................................... Barb Hardwick Deacons ................................................................................... Scott Clamme Drew Walker Allen Stallsmith Trustees .................................................................................... Chris Stroble Tom Armstrong Mark Prout Treasurer ................................................................................. Max Langdon Financial Secretaries .................................................................... Tiann Coy Kathy Sharp
I hope you can come celebrate Christ’s faithfulness to us over 150 years with our celebration on October 23rd. Worship is at 10:30 a.m., followed by a dinner afterward. Love to you all, Pr. David
Young At Heart Hayride and Carry-in Max and Nyla Hile invite you to their annual Hayride and Carry-in Dinner on Sunday, October 2nd. The hayride will begin at 5:00 p.m. followed by the carry-in dinner at 6:00. Come and enjoy the food and fellowship!
October 2016
Donations for Wernle Youth and Family Treatment Center During the month of October we will be collecting personal care items and craft items needed at the Wernle Youth and Family Treatment Center in Richmond, Indiana. The following is a list of items that has been suggested: Full Size Body Wash (with flip top please) Hair Brushes and Combs Shampoo, Conditioner and Hair Gel Deodorant (for males & females) Shaving Cream/Gel Disposable Razors (4per pack please) Toothbrushes, Toothbrush Holders and Toothpaste AA Batteries and AAA Batteries (large packs please) Beading Cord Packs (assorted colors) Beads (all different sizes, colors, and shapes) Brain Teaser Puzzle Books Canvases for Painting (assorted sizes) Clay Blocks (air dry) Colored Pencil Sets Colored Paper for printer (8.5 x 11 in. assorted colors) Construction Paper Packs (assorted colors) “Crazy” Scissors (child scissors for safety) Hemp String (packs, spools, skeins) Hook & Loom Bracelet Kits Hot Glue Stick Packs Lined Filler Paper (both in “wide” and “college” rule) Markers (assorted colors and PLEASE NO PERMANENT MARKERS) Origami Paper Packs Paint by Number Books Packs of Pencils Packs of Plastic String (assorted colors) Plaster Figures to Paint (assorted shapes) Popsicle Sticks Poster Board (assorted colors, but mainly white) Water Color Paints with Brushes (assorted colors) Word Search Books Yarn Skeins (assorted colors)
October Lectionary Readings Pentecost 20 - October 2nd 1st Reading - Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 Psalm 37:1-9 2nd Reading - 2 Timothy 1:1-14 Gospel - Luke 17:5-10 Pentecost 21 - October 9th 1st Reading - 2 Kings 5:1-3, 7-15c Psalm 111 2nd Reading - 2 Timothy 2:8-15 Gospel - Luke 17:11-19 Pentecost 22 - October 16th 1st Reading - Genesis 32:22-31 Psalm 121 2nd Reading - 2 Timothy 3:14—4:5 Gospel - Luke 18:1-8 Pentecost 23 - October 23rd 1st Reading - Jeremiah 14:7-10, 19-22 Psalm 84:1-7 2nd Reading - 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18 Gospel - Luke 18:9-14 Reformation Sunday - October 30th 1st Reading - Jeremiah 31:31-34 Psalm 46 2nd Reading - Romans 3:19-28 Gospel - John 8:31-36
Please leave your donations on the table in the fellowship hall.
Zion’s 150th Anniversary Celebration Come celebrate our 150th anniversary on October 23rd! There will be a special worship service at 10:30 a. m. with Holy Communion. Our
bishop, Bill Gafkjen, will preach and preside. After worship, enjoy a meal prepared by Larry Hile, Steve Weschke, and the Zion Kitchen
Committee. Please let Larry know by October 16th if you, family members, or friends plan to partake in the meal. You can reach him at 765-348-6445.
October 2016
August Council Minutes Congregation Council met on August 11th. Present: Pastor David Fleener, Barb Hardwick, Mark Prout, Larry Hile, Tom Armstrong, Kathy Sharp, John and Bree Hendricks, Jody Stanley, Allen Stallsmith, Drew Walker and Scott Clamme Absent: Max Langdon, Tiann Coy and Chris Stroble The meeting was called to order by Jody Stanley. John and Bree Hendricks talked about Synod Assembly that they attended in South Bend. Devotions were given by Larry Hile. A motion was made by Tom Armstrong to accept the minutes of the last council meeting. Kathy Sharp seconded. Add items to agenda: Rails at front of church. Fans and extension cords Pastor’s report: Pastoral Care— July 2016, by Pastor David: 3 shut-in , 5 sick/hospital, 6 communions. Soul Care Team—7 shut-ins, 1 sick/hospital, 6 communions I once again want to express my gratitude to Kathy Sharp and Louise Clamme for their ministry to this congregation in my absence. Deacon’s Fund—The Deacons’ Fund had one request in July: a rent assistance request, which was granted, for $100. Attendance Report—6/5 – 71 attended, 67 communed; 6/12 – 79 attended; 6/19 – 78 attended, 75 communed; 6/26 – 72 attended VBS—VBS was held July 18-22 at Trinity Church, with them, First Presbyterian, and us participating. Zion provided most of the stations: teachers, crafts, storytelling, and science. Trinity provided snacks and the games. Around 27 children attended the first day - it ranged from 20 - 25 for days
after that. There were some difficulties in establishing communication among the leaders in my absence, which were discussed at our latest Parish Ed meeting. One of the highlights was that the children raised over $270 for the Food Pantry, and got to pie Pr. Dustin and me as a reward. Parish Ed is looking into other options for next year that could still offer the kids a good experience, but lessen the burden on our teachers. For example, we are looking into a one or two-day option for VBS. Other events in July: July 13 – John 23rd board meeting July 26 – W/M/M meeting July 27 – Attended CFS board meeting as a visitor to discuss possible service collaboration July 28 – Sang at Timeless Treasures and passed the hat for the Deacons’ Fund and Pastor’s Fund Motion to accept the Pastor’s Report by Drew Walker. Seconded by Scott Clamme. Committee reports—Parish Ed: Drew talked about having a 1 or 2 day VBS next year. The new Sunday school curriculum is entitled “Dig In”. Worship/Music/Memorial: Met on July 27th. Pastor David will pick hymns to go along with his study on Job. Melanie McCammon gave a donation to Zion in memory of Kathryn Rogers that is to be used for music ministry. 150th Anniversary Committee: by Jody Stanley and Larry Hile - met on August 1st. Larry is working on food, catered in. Crosses will be given out. So far there are 55 orders for history books. Pastor is writing the final chapter of the book. Constitution Committee: Mark
Prout stated that there was no meeting. Mission and Ministry: by Scott Clamme Christmas Baskets—Pr. David spoke with Paul Landon at Community & Family Services regarding a collaborative project. Paul suggested collaboration on Christmas baskets in which people of Zion can help: a) assembling the baskets, b) donating food, or c) donating money. Pr. David will talk with Mission and Ministry about a Thrivent grant. Council reports—Trustees: Have pump for boiler but not put on as of now. Have smoke detectors. Treasurer: Received a letter from IRS for a 2014 report. We needed to pay a little over $300 because the return was sent in late. The electric bill payment does not show up in July receipts. Motion to accept Council Reports by Larry Hile. Seconded by Scott Clamme. Old Business: Kathryn Rogers Estate - buy 2 new stoves and a refrigerator for the kitchen. The rest of the money is to be used for outreach ministry. Pastor David will meet with Mission and Ministry to discuss how the money will be used. New Business: Rails in front of church need painted. Gene and Isola will buy the paint and paint them. Jody recommended against attaching hand rails to the pulpit or lectern. Ushers will assist parishioners as needed for communion at the rail. Pastor David will purchase new fans and extension cords for worship space. The meeting closed with all praying the Lord’s Prayer. The next meeting will be on September 8, 2016. Drew Walker will have the devotions. Respectfully submitted, Barb Hardwick Recording Secretary
October 2016
Community Choir
John 23rd Center Dinner
The Blackford County Community Choir begins rehearsal on Tuesday, October 18th, 7:30-9 p.m. in Zion's sanctuary. They will sing at the ecumenical Thanksgiving service on Sunday, November 20th at 6:30 p.m. at the Nazarene church, and an Advent cantata on Sunday, December 11th at 3 and 6 p.m. at Zion. Pr. David conducts again this year, and has chosen fun (but less challenging!) pieces. Come join us!
Join friends of John the 23rd Retreat Center in celebrating 50 years of ministry on October 22nd, 2016, with a dinner at Muncie's Cornerstone Center for the Arts. The dinner begins at 6 p.m., and features entertainment by Christian comedian Ted Swartz. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased from Pastor David or online here: https:// www.eventbrite.com/e/catch-thespirit-50th-anniversary-celebrationtickets-27602921080?aff=eac2
October 2016
Rally Day Balloon Launch Rally Day was held at Zion on September 11, 2016. New Sunday school classes were started. Following the worship service there was a coffee hour hosted by Zion’s Kitchen Committee and the children released balloons on the church lawn.
Change of Address Russell and Joan Stanley have recently moved up one floor to Apt. #313. Russell said that they are doing well and they think of us at Zion often. Their current address is: 1925 Memorial Blvd., Apt. #313 Murfreesboro, TN 37129
October 2016
Zion’s First Church
The interior of Zion’s first church, taken at the Harvest Home Festival in 1893. The pastor was C. A. Schaeffer. The picture was taken by Adams. The original picture was sent to the church in 2004 by a grandson of Rev. Schaeffer.
Medicare Part D Open House at Zion Medicare Part D Open House with Thrivent Financial Representative Michelle Walker Thrivent Financial’s Michelle Walker will be hosting a Medicare Part D Open House Wednesday, October 26, 1-3pm, at Zion Lutheran Church. She will work with individ-
uals to research their Medicare Part D options on a first come, first serve basis. The congregation, along with family and friends are invited to participate. If you have
any questions, please contact Michelle Walker, 765-212-2307 or by email at Michelle.Walker@Thrivent.com.
The Zion Herald October 2016
“Happy are those whose strength is in God, in whose heart are the highways to Zion.” (Psalm 84:5)
Zion Lutheran Church 308 S. Monroe Street Hartford City, IN 47348
Zion’s 150th Anniversary Celebration will be held on October 23, 2016.
Serving the Lord in Gladness David Fleener, Pastor Church Office: 348-3157 Zionluth.hc@gmail.com www.zionhc.org
Sunday School at 9:15 AM with Worship at 10:30 AM
October 2016 Lay Ministry Servers Greeters
Oct. 2 Oct. 9 Oct. 16 Oct. 23 Oct. 30
Scott and Shay Clamme—Anita Reid Buck and Kathy Sharp—Scott and Shay Clamme Edi Tarter—Bill and Joretta Hiday Don and Carolyn Goetz—Barb Hardwick Ray and Linda Stanley—Gene and Aneta Gardner Ushers
Oct. 2 Oct. 9 Oct. 16 Oct. 23 Oct. 30
Scott Clamme, Drew Walker, Allen Stallsmith and Don Goetz Drew Walker, Don Goetz, Cindy Knote and Gene Gardner Scott Clamme, Don Goetz, Cindy Knote and Gene Gardner Scott Clamme, Drew Walker, Allen Stallsmith and Gene Gardner Allen Stallsmith, Don Goetz, Cindy Knote and Gene Gardner Lectors Assisting Ministers
Oct. 2 Oct. 9 Oct. 16 Oct. 23 Oct. 30
Sarah Fleener Kathy Sharp Chris Coy Carolyn Goetz Ray Stanley
Oct. 2 Oct. 9 Oct. 16 Oct. 23 Oct. 30
Mark Prout Sarah Fleener Denise Hile Jody Stanley Mark Prout
October Birthdays Sarah Fleener Ray Stanley Kathy Sharp Marie Uhrick Edi Tarter Wilma Martz Jody Stanley Max Hile Miriam Wise Shay Clamme Sue Rinker Ashley Digman Linda Stanley Nancy Bennett Jay Hendricks Aneta Gardner Joan Stanley Addison Clamme
10-3 10-6 10-7 10-7 10-9 10-12 10-12 10-13 10-15 10-16 10-18 10-22 10-22 10-23 10-26 10-28 10-28 10-29