Portfolio 2020 David Lacoque - ENGLISH

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Have fun reading !!







Architecture Portfolio

Curriculum Vitae Professional Experiences July 2018 - December 2019 - | A26 BLM | Paris, Fr | Junior architect   Worked on many residential projects | Competitions | All design phases | BIM Since February 2017 | BAM (Because Architecture Matters)   Web editor September 2017 - June2018 | AMM | Toulouse, Fr | Junior architect   Worked on technical buildings | Competitions | Offices buildings   Apartments renovations | Sites supervisions | Building permits March-August 2017 | REC Architecture | Toulouse, Fr | Junior architect   Worked on advanced technical design phases of large commercial   projects | Dialogue with the Engineering offices | BIM Aug 2016 - Dec 2016 | Urban Power | Copenhagen, DK | Intern   Participated and won various competitions | Participation to various   commissioned projects | Creation of the new website of the firm June - July 2015 | On Design | Yokohama, JPN | Intern   Creation of various models at large scales | Participation to the   competition of a new City Hall. March 2015 | Mikan Gumi | Yokohama, JPN | Intern   Participation to the interior design of Shibuya’s Loft Japan June - July 2014 | Laurent Dufoix | Montpellier, FR | Intern    Participation to various projects around Montpellier | Creation of   facades for the Temple of Montpellier Jan - Feb 2014 | Imagine Architecture | Montpellier, FR | Intern   Participation to a multi-modal hub’s competition

Education 2015-16 | National School of Architecture of Montpellier | FR |   Graduated Architect DE (Master Degree in Architecture) 2014-15 | Kanagawa University | Yokohama, JPN |   Master 1 in Architecture (International exchange) 2011-14 | National School of Architecture of Montpellier | FR |   Bachelor’s degree in Architecture

Competitions November 2016 | Archiscola Laur eate  Designed a school answering to the needs and   changes of our modern society April 2016 | Prix de l’ordre étudiant   Designed a pavilion in the park of the historical   Castle of Pennautier in the South of France June 2015 | KU+Lemon Home 2nd   Designed several detached houses in a suburban Price   area next to Tokyo, Japan May 2015 | Consolis Award   Designed a multi-purpose digital kiosk made of   concrete October 2014 | Design Forum III   Designed several detached family houses in a   suburban area next to Tokyo


August 2015 | Innovation District 1s Pricet   Imagined the future of a campus in 2020 for a   University in Suwon, South Korea February 2012 | Tropical Architecture   Designed an urban district in the Reunion Island

Research 2016 | Master thesis   Streets of Tokyo, reflect of Japan’ exoticism   Reflexion on japanese society, language and   manga art, throught the lens of the streets of Tokyo

Hello ! I am David Lacoque


Skills Revit


Rhino 3D







Office Suite


Hand drawing

davidlacoque.archi@gmail.com French nationality +33 6 78 79 39 42 06/06/92

Language English Bulats level C1 (Advanced)

French Native Language



Basic Knowledge

Basic Knowledge

Table of contents

Apartment Boucry Personal work p.01

Laur e


p.09 p.13


Laur e


Jomfrustien p.37


Final Master project p.27

2n Priced

Modernity and Heritage p.45

KU + Lemon Home p.53

Consolis Award p.59

Fir Pricset

Apartment Boucry y




A small space: 26 sqm². A long rectangle: 3x10m, embedded in a 28 stories tower in the 18th arrondissement of Paris. How to recreate a sense of calm and harmony, in a crazy and effer vescent city like Paris? Guided by influences gathered from my stays in Denmark and Japan, I designed this studio using contrasting and natural materials. The budget was low, the time was limited, the process was not easy, but at the end worth it. I learnt how to collaborate with craftsmen and respect their skills. It was an amazing feeling to see this project come to live, from the first sketches to the assembly the furniture. It is a place you can call home, a cozy shelter perched at the top of a concrete jungle called Paris. 01 | Personal works | Renovation - Apartment Boucr y - Paris 18e

S tat u s : B u i lt P r o g r a m : R e n o va t i o n


a n apa r t m e n t

L o c at i o n : P a r i s , F r a n c e

2019 | France | 02


Pare vue





1.46 7 51

1.38 m²




03 | Personal works | Renovation - Apartment Boucr y - Paris 18e


S. 15

3.01 18.35 m²



Pare vue




2.66 m²





Boitier fibre existant






Sdb 3.78 m²



Gaine technique


2.70 LL

Loggia 4.67 m²


Living space


Bathroom Living space

2019 | France | 04








S. 15

















63 2








05 | Personal works | Renovation - Apartment Boucr y - Paris 18e





Living space



Bathroom Living space

2019 | France | 06

Panneau de contreplaqué (ep : 22mm)

Crédence carrelage noir 10x10 (dito sol SdB)

Rangements hauts

Réservati on pour passage de câble

Niche pour microonde

Niche pour frigo

1.40 12


Crédence carrelage noir 10x10 (dito sol SdB)



Niche pour micro-onde



Réservation pour passage de câble 9






Rangement haut


Plinte Panneau de contreplaqué (ep : 22mm)


Faux- plafond


Panneau de contreplaqué (ep : 22mm)

Faux- plafond


Cloison placard


Cloison placard

Plan de travail de cuisine stratifié

Extension of the kitchenette - Axonometry 1



4 10


4 10


Contrasts are created between the bright walls and the dark materials of the kitchenette



Niche pour frigo


07 | Personal works | Renovation - Apartment Boucr y - Paris 18e








Extension of the kitchenette - Back and front elevation

Revêtement peinture verte

Entrée 2.66 m²


Sapin (revêtement peinture verte)




1.38 m²

Caissons rangements divers (Tshirt, pull, pantalons etc.)



Tableau électrique



2.00 2.70

Barre métalique pour support cintres

Entrance closet - Plan



Réservations porte de placard








69 47





Rangement produits ménagers ( table à repasser, aspirateur etc.)

Entrance closet - Axonometry




2 2



1.00 1.00










The green paint chosen is a reminder of the color of the bathroom, and creates a color niche that hightlights it from the rest of the corridor
















Caissons rangements chaussuures

Penderie chemises et grands manteaux

Entrance closet - Elevation 2019 | France | 08

ow to build in a neighborhood in transformation, between a new area of big scale buildings and an existing suburban area of detached small houses? To fit into the area, we chose to mix the two existing typologies, big apartment buildings and small detached houses into one proposal. Thus the project has a density answering to the program, while proposing at the same time house-like apartments on t he last floors, creating a transition between the two areas. Playing with these house-like volume s allowed us to break the scale of the buildings. Duplex apartments are located into these volumes, creating a similar feeling as living in a real ho use. A variety of different colors and façade’s materials also aimed to break the block. The final proposal fits into its context, answering the need of tomorrow while not turning its back from the past of the neighborhood. I worked on with BIM level

thi s project 2 on Revit.

09 | Professional works | Architecture firm : A26 BLM

Look how nice these apartments on the roof seem to be!

Type : Invited


P r o g r a m : 8 8 apa r t m e n t s 2 s e pa r a t e d b u i l d i n g s


L o c at i o n : F r a n c e T e a m : C. H e r r e r a , C. V e r t P r ĂŠ , A. L e G a r r e c

Longitudinal section

Perspective on the main street| Image copyright : A26 BLM 2019 | France | 10

1- Green space 2- Cut in the volumes to open views 3- Main facade towards the South-West light 4- Gable end on the West/Est

5- Balconies aiming for the sunlight 6- Green spaces in the back of the site

Relation between the project and the existing student housings building

Longitudinal section 11 | Professional works | Architecture firm : A26 BLM

1- Ground level pronounced with stone 2- Light color for the rest of the levels 3- Villas on the roof to remind the suburban house’s scales 4- Signal on the main street 5- Rythms on the facade

6- Shapes game between roof terraces and pitched roofs 7- Volumes in comb’s shape, interacting with the existing building... 8- ...Allowing big green spaces to be designed

Reminder of the typical «house» shape on the buildings

Main elevation on the street

2019 | France | 12

he site is between a suburban area in the North and multiple large apartment buildings in the South. A transition of scale and shape is operated on the site with the reuse of typical house typologies and the scale of a multiple stories volume. We paid particular attention to the landscaping. In respect of the existing housing operation on the West, we extended the existing rivulet and designed green spaces for the futur pedestrians and inhabitants. The common spaces needed for the project, built in light wood structures, are nested into this landscaping. Due to the high declivity in the site between the semi-detached houses and the apartment buildings, the parking lot makes up for the base of the building, its roof welcoming huge private terraces for the lower apartment. For the neighborhood, the project becomes an urban sewing. It creates openness and a new urban space that welcomes ever yone. I worked on with BIM level

thi s project 2 on Revit.

Type : Invited competition, 1st price P r o g r a m : 1 0 s e m i - d e ta c h e d h o u s e s a n d 3 0 apa r t m e n t s L o c at i o n : F r a n c e T e a m : E. L a f f i t t e , C.G e n d r e , F. R i z z a t o , J. S e n z e r

13 | Professional works | Architecture firm : A26 BLM

Perspective on the main street | Image copyright : A26 BLM 2019 | France | 14

2-Porosity and transversal circulations Creation of a rift for the internal circulations, to open views and create social mix

1- Landscape and urban continuity Build volumes in extension to the existing buildings Rivulet and landscaping extended

3- Adapt to the urban scales Urban integration Respect of the existing buildings

4- Urban sewing Mix of housing types Mold into the neighborhood identity 15 | Professional works | Architecture firm : A26 BLM

In this building I feel like I am living in a small village !

Image copyright : R. Ibarra for a26 BLM 2019 | France | 16

Ground and first floor of two detached houses

Facade of the semi-detached houses on the main street 17 | Professional works | Architecture firm : A26 BLM

To break the lenght of this facade, a ryhtm is created by playing with the different brick color and house wall’s positions.

Private balconies link the two apartment buildings, unifying them.

Ground plan 2019 | France | 18

t AMM (Toulouse, France), where I had the position of Junior Architect, I was involved in various projects: from advanced technical design phases of technical buildings, to apartment extensions, including offices and storage building competition. Alone or within a team I had the chance to deal with a lot of various responsibilities that income to architects in France: fro m designing buildings, to filling up administrative papers, to overseeing construction site of a project that I was in charge of. I had the chance to enhance my academic and theoretical skills with a lot of technical and construction knowledges and start personnally managing the entire french architectural process of a projects. Not forgetting to extend my skills in Autocad and the BIM with Revit. These experiences made me curious about the architectural process of other countries, with different cultures. I know I could also bring the rigor and precision I learned in France to other projects abroad. 19 | Professional works | Architecture firm : AMM

Type :

ad va n c e d d e s i g n p h a s e

Program : Offices

building, wa r e h o u s e a n d g a r a g e b u i l d i n g

L o c at i o n : F r a n c e T e a m : B.M a r t r e s

Due to strict drawing of the windows on the elevation we can easily distinguish the office building’s part of the project !

Perspective on the main office building elevation | Image copyright : AMM 2017 | France | 20

The outside storage area is surrounded by the building, hidding it from outside views

Alignment of the building’s foot print regarding the street

Zoning Storage / Offices

Storage building elevation | Image copyright AMM 21 | Professional works | Architecture firm : AMM

Elevations of the storage building are way more simple, highlithing the overall shape of and size of these nice cladded concrete walls

Second floor plan

First floor plan

Ground floor plan

2017 | France | 22

t REC Architecture (Toulouse, Fr), where I had the position of Junior Architect, I took part in various large scale commercial retail projects located on RĂŠunion Island and Corse. These projects aggregate under one roof a lot of activities from retail, dining to entertainment, without forgetting storage and workshop spaces. Indoor pedestrian streets cross the projects, creating real indoor villages. In addition we put a lot of attentions on the interior facades and decorations, including the furniture. Each space is easily identifiable thanks to its unique atmosphere. These projects offer an enhanced shopping environment and are aiming to become strong commercial hubs. I was included in the construction team of the practice, and was communicating daily with the Engineering offices, under the super vision of the senior architect. I learn how to use professionally the BIM and Revit with these projects, with the mission to design and coordinate decorations and construction details of these projects. 23 | Professional works | Architecture firm : REC Architecture

Type :

ad va n c e d d e s i g n p h a s e

P r o g r a m : R e ta i l


L o c at i o n : R e u n i o n France



T e a m : O. A s t r u c , T. L a m e g o A. C o n da t , S. D o m i n g u e z , F.M e r l a , L. F o u r n i e r , A. M a r g u e r y , T. B e r g e s , A. C a t t e t , V. L o m b a r d , M. P e t i t

Perspective of the entrance | Image copyright : REC Architecture 2017 | France | 24

Inspired by the unique culture of Reunion island the lambrequins pattern are inspired from squale’s teeths.

Axonometry general

Main facade in front of the outside parking 25 | Professional works | Architecture firm : REC Architecture

How to properly find your path in a big underground parking ? Follow the bright yellow path !

Axonometry of the underground parking decoration

Signs folded around walls, for better visibility and optical illusion games

Access from the underground parking toward the shopping mall

2017 | France | 26

Final master project

Laur e


he mu n ic i p ali t y o f M o n tpe l l ie r (Fr) had already p lanned a m a j o r d e velopmen t o n t h e ur ban sc a l e, c re a tin g thou san ds o f new h o us i ng s, re ta il s p a c es an d offic es. H o w ev er, t h e a re a s til l la c ke d a st ro ng c ent r ali t y. A s a re s po n s e, I d e sig n e d an es p lanade o v e r th e ra il wa ys, allow ing p eo p l e t o g a th e r in th is ver satile pu bli c sp ac e fo r v a rio u s s o c ia l activit ies. M o r eo v er t h e e s p l a n a d e of fe rs a n ew p er sp ec t i v e o n th e c ity. For the arch i t ec t ur al s c ale I a s ke d m yself: “How to r ei nv ent a c h i ld re n ’s s ch o o l, now that w e ar e i n a t i me p e rio d f u l l o f d iscon n ectio n, s ep ar at i o n a n d s u s p ic ion ? ” I n de ed, i n Fr anc e, d e cis io n - ma ker s have c h o s en t o t h i nk o f s ch o o l s a s bu n ke rs - a c h o i c e fue l e d b y th e ir f e a r of t erro r i s m - and t h e y p ictu re d sc ho ols as t emp les o f wis d o m, wh e re the edu cat io n i s s anc t i fi ed, in a l te ra b l e. For my fin al mast er t h esi s p ro j e ct, I ra th er made t h e c h o i c e t o im a g in e th e sc ho ol as a p l ac e t o g at h e r, a pl a ce to exchan g e bet w een p eo pl e a n d b e tween the ir env i r o nment s. I ima g in e d a f le x i ble scho o l, able t o ad j u s t its s pa ce to variou s t eac h i ng s i t u a tio n s th a t c ould occur. And I c h o s e wo o d, wa rm a nd w elcomi ng as t h e m a in ma te ria l.

27 | Final Master project | Teacher : P. de Tourdonnet

Type : School

p r o j e c t , L a u r e at e o f the competition Archiscola

Program : Urban

d e v e lo p m e n t i n c lu d i n g a s c h o l a r g r o u p , r e ta i l s , a p u b l i c l i b r a r y a n d a p u b l i c s pa c e

Mommy have you seen the nice view of Montpellier’s railways from here ?

Image copyrights : Prescilla Homand-Troudart Januar y-June 2016 | National School of Architecture of Montpellier | 28

Offices spaces The railways were acting as a divide between western and eastern parts of the city

Public library

Public esplanade

Objective: to link back the West and the East

29 | Final Master project | Teacher : P. de Tourdonnet

The whole program gravitates around the esplanade, physically and functionnaly linked

Leyris Castle architectural heritage Scholar group

Alignment with the geometry of the building

Trees of the park Natural heritage Leyris Castle Community center

Dialogue with the remarkable trees of the park

Januar y-June 2016 | National School of Architecture of Montpellier | 30

First floor plan 31 | Final Master project | Teacher : P. de Tourdonnet

Here I can meet with my friends from other classes and play with them!

I can see the castle from my classroom !

Today there is a local market on the esplanade !

Tonight there is a concert in the school’s playground !

Januar y-June 2016 | National School of Architecture of Montpellier | 32

Longitudinal section

West facade 33 | Final Master project | Teacher : P. de Tourdonnet

1 - Wooden structural frame

2 - Wood walls and windows

3 - Osb pannels for the cladding of the walls

4 - Anthracite grey zinc panel to highlight the lines of the building Technical details connection glass facade and floor Januar y-June 2016 | National School of Architecture of Montpellier | 34

From the school’s playground, I can touch the tree leaves!

During Antiquity, the Greek Masters were teaching their students under a tree

35 | Final Master project | Teacher : P. de Tourdonnet

Image credits: Prescilla Homand-Troudart

Januar y-June 2016 | National School of Architecture of Montpellier | 36


Fir Pricset

p a rticipat ed in t h is c o mp e ti tion du r i ng my i n te rn s h ip in BC VA in C o p enh ag en, De n ma rk. J omfru stien used t o be a n a ttra c tiv e p romen ade bo r der ed by a ca n a l, l e a d i ng the in habi t ant s fr o m t h e city c e n te r to t he river. Bu t t o day t h e c an a l is c o v e re d and w areho uses o c c up y th e o l d pa th, w i tho u t an y c o h er enc e. A s a co n s e que n ce a vo i d i s c r eat ed with in th e c ity. O ur respon se w as t o br in g th e o l d p romen ade bac k t o l i fe b y cre a tin g a gr e en be lt, i nc ludi ng a p a rk a n d mu l t i ple pon ds, i n o r der t o pre v e n t th e r i sk s of floo di ng t h i s ar ea is s u b j e c te d t o. The b elt o ffer s new p ub l ic a n d re cr e a tion al sp ac es, r ev i v i ng th e a re a. I n the same t i me w e w ant e d to pre v e n t t he city from sp r eadi ng t o o mu c h d u e to t he ne w g reen belt unabli n g it to b u il d n e w hou sin g and o ffi c e/r e ta il s pa ce s. T her efore w e p r o p o sed to b u il d b e t wee n the vo i ds o f t h e r ema in in g b u il d i ngs an d w ar eh o us es, t h u s re l o c a tin g t he retail sp ac es and b rin g in g b a c k s ome u rban c o nt i nui t y w h il e s tre n g th ening t he edg es o f t h e a re a. A t b o th end s of t he belt w er e pro po s e d two n e w lan dmar ks : a bus s t a tio n o f f e rin g a new poin t o f v i ew t o w a rd th e riv e r and a marit i m e h o us e and a c o n v e n tio n ce nter b oth li nki ng t h e c i t y with its riv e r.

37 | Jomfrustien | Architecture firm : BCVA (internship)

Type : Open


Program : Master




L o c at i o n : D e n m a r k T e a m : A. C e r m a k N i e l s e n , S. B u h l B j e l k e , R. V e i l e , E. P u r t a , A. T e i g a , E. N a n o

Aug-Sept 2016 | Denmark | Competition | 38

Leisure area

Historical city center

39 | Jomfrustien | Architecture firm : BCVA (internship)

Negative topography on both edge

Going up on the bus station and down in the canal

New point of view of the area at the top of the bus station New recreationql area

Layout for the 100year floodplain

For the yearly cloudburst

And for the daily rain

Aug-Sept 2016 | Denmark | Competition | 40

The green roof of the bus station can be use also as a meeting venue for city’s events Zoom on the bus station

Longitudinal section 41 | Jomfrustien | Architecture firm : BCVA (internship)

Zoom on the green belt The groundfloors are occupied by shops and offices to activate the spaces around the green belt

Transversal section

Aug-Sept 2016 | Denmark | Competition | 42

In the actual state, the edge of the site is a dead area

43 | Jomfrustien | Architecture firm : BCVA (internship)

The new bus station becomes an important feature of the site, attracting people to it

Aug-Sept 2016 | Denmark | Competition | 44

Modernity and heritage a kin g plac e i n t h e bea u tif u l Fre n c h g arde n s o f t h e C as t le o f Pe n n a u tie r the position and s h ap e o f t h e p a v il io n is not t rivial. Th e p ur p o s e i s t o o c cu py th e ed g e of the g ar den, w h i c h a t th e mo me n t see ms in comp let e and i nfo r m a l. S u rro u n d ing the main g ar den’s p at h, th e p a v il io n mi mi cs the s h ap e o f a w i n e d ro p, win e p r odu ced by t h e Pennau tie r d o m a in.

Type : Student


P r o g r a m : M u l t i p u r p o s e pav i l i o n with art exhibition, french cooking workshop place, artist residencies, l i b r a r y a n d a u d i to r i u m

T e a m : A-S. LOUSSOU ARN

The pavilio n i s a neg at i v e re s p o n s e to the clas s i c al c as t le. T h e l ig h tn e s s a nd organ ic s h ap e o f th e pa v il io n c ontrasts wi t h t h e c lassi fie d b u il d in g. M or eover w e w ant ed t h e d e s ig n to b e c omple t ely o p ened, w i t h o u t a n y f ixe d limi ts be t w een t h e o ut s i de a n d th e in sid e. I n st ead o f h av i ng a t y p ica l e xh ib iti on space in o ne c l o sed b o x, th e e xh ibi tion space i s t h e w h o l e b u il d in g. A n d the w hole p av i l i o n i s li nked a s o n e with a c o n tin u ou s r o o f and t er r a c e. T h e re f o re it re moves b r eaks fo r t h e v is ito r wh o ca n wa lk arou n d t h e g ar den a n d pa v il io n a s o n e an d uni que ent i t y. T h e v is ito rs enjoy the ar t s as w el l as th is b e a u tif u l site. The slidi ng p anels c an mo v e a t wil l, ma k in g t he p av i li o n adaptiv e th ro u g h the season s and i t s di ffe re n t e v e n ts. Ther efore, v i si t o r s bec o m e n o t o n l y vie w ers b u t ac t o r s o f t h i s a rc h ite c tu re.

45 | Modernity and Heritage | Team : A-S. LOUSSOUARN

The Castle of Pennautier and its garden -designed by the famous landscape designer Le NĂ´tre- are classified historical monument since 1972

April 2016 | Competition | 46

Artist’s residencies Offices



Coffee shop + Cooking workshop space

47 | Modernity and Heritage | Team : A-S. LOUSSOUARN

Exhibition area

Like a wine drop in the garden

Reuse the geometry of Le Notre’s garden

Duality of the dialogue with the Castle

? Perspective from the Castle centered on nothing

Occupy this perspective with the pavilion and a main piece of Art

April 2016 | Competition | 48

Transversal section

Longitudinal section

During summer the pavilion can be fully opened

49 | Modernity and Heritage | Team : A-S. LOUSSOUARN

And during winter fully closed

The skyopenings are designed inspired by the works of James Turrell, staging the sky

credits : Florian Holzherr April 2016 | Competition | 50

51 | Modernity and Heritage | Team : A-S. LOUSSOUARN

There is no break between exterior and interior. The curves of the pavilion are inviting the visitor to wander and discover the Arts while admiring at the same time the garden and the Castle.

April 2016 | Competition | 52

KU+Lemon home

2nd Price

or this competition we wanted to use the image of the wooden c a b i n i n t h e w o o d s we built when we were children. In addition, we wanted to play with private, collective and public spaces and wanted to create diversity by mixing the different profiles of inhabitants: students, single adults, young couples without child or a family. Thus we designed a shape which has a low footprint but goes high to have a strong relation with the sky, allowing people to climb on rooftops, reminiscent of childhood games of tree climbing. In addition we wanted for ever y single house to have a close rela tion with its surroundings, this is why ever y window overlooks either towards a distant landscape view, a tree on the site or simply the sky. Furthermore, houses are environmentally friendly, made entirely in wood and allow air to circulate internally from the bottom to the top, cooling in the summer and heating in the winter. To conclude, this project works in close relation with nature, it brings conviviality but also privacy in aim to reach comfort and well-being. 53 | KU+Lemon Home | Team : L.MADUENO

T y p e : KU + L e m o n competition, 2nd Program : 6

house student price

d e ta c h e d h o u s e s o n a d e d i c a t e d s i t e i n S h o n a n - J apa n

T e a m : L.M ad u e n o

Honey, have you see this rooftop terrace ? Lucky people, They have their heads in the trees !

June 2015 | Competition | 54


Surrounding Views

1 volume = 1 person

Avoid vis-a-vis From every rooftop you have an incredible 360 degrees view of all the surroundings

Sky openings + parkings

Cabins in the woods

55 | KU+Lemon Home | Team : L.MADUENO

The family houses are located right next to the road to park the car easily

Rofftop terrace


Each level has a separated function


June 2015 | Competition | 56

The houses are organized without partition to create fluidity and to play with the heights of the volumes

Longitudinal section

South elevation 57 | KU+Lemon Home | Team : L.MADUENO

Windows overlook the sky and the tree to create a special feeling inside the house

This huge window creates an opening on the whole facade to overlook the straight long road right in front of the house

These flower pots are used as filters for the views as well as to grow vegetable

3D axonometry of the family house June 2015 | Competition | 58

Consolis Award or this competition, we designed a digital kiosk which can be used in public areas such as touristic or commercial places to provide a lot of v arious informations. Our main aim while designing this digital kiosk was also to enhance the public space around it, we wanted to not only focus on the kiosk ’s look but really tr y to bring gains that were not only linked to the aesthetic aspect. Thus we wanted the research of informations to be as playful and pleasant as possible, so at the same time we proposed other services such as wifi, desk to put your bags, video games, clock, USB jacks to charge your electronic devices, advertising etc... All thes e are possible thanks to the shape of the kiosk itself which expresses its functions. The multiple screens allow different people to use the digital kiosk at the same time, which can create interactions between users turning this kiosk into a real social object. In conclusion, we tried to design a digital kiosk with an instinctive use while having an iconic aspect making this o bject to be noteworthy. 59 | Consolis Award | Team : L.MADUENO

Type : Open



awa r d

Program :

d i g i ta l k i o s k i n c o n c r e t

T e a m : L.M ad u e n o

The cube shape used for the kiosk can be also declined in benchs to create a public space with a strong unity

This digital kiosk would be perfect in touristic areas, for example here the father is searching for locations on a map while his child is playing games

May 2015 | Competition | 60

7 6




5 1 3


2 1





2 1

1/ Screen 2/ Movable slab to access inside of the cube 3/ Duct holding the cables of all the electronic devices of this digital kiosk 4/ Lighting system 5/ USB jacks 6/ Logo in chrome-plated metal 7/ Small deck to put your belongings while using the screens

61 | Consolis Award | Team : L.MADUENO









5 2


6 4


6 1/ Informations screen 2/ Hole for the cables 3/ Movable slab to access inside of the cube (that can hold a logo) 4/ Logo in chrome-plated metal 5/ Touch screen 6/ Concrete cube prefabricated in one piece 7/ Base cube





Exploded axonometry May 2015 | Competition | 62

The concrete type used has classic tint to highlight the geometry of the kiosk and be in harmony with all kinds of environnements


63 | Consolis Award | Team : L.MADUENO

The 4 cubes by their height and placing allow adults, children and people in wheel chair to be able use the touch screens

May 2015 | Competition | 64


y o u f o r y o u r at t e n t i o n

Let’s keep in touch ! (+33) 6 78 79 39 42 davidlacoque.archi@gmail.com https://jp.linkedin.com/in/davidlacoque

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