David Luria SAID Portfolio 2014

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David Luria Studio Portfolio 2013--2014

Line Block Pg. 4-5

Plane Block Pg. 6-7

Balance Block Pg. 8-9

Plaster Block Pg. 10-11

Armature Pg. 12-13

Matrix Pg. 14-15

Unit Wall Pg. 16-17

Emblematic Drawing Pg.18-19

Spacial Construction Pg. 20-21

Line Block--The first exploration of construction in a space. The line block is made up of lines within a 12� cube and explores creating space and form through the simple act of placing lines.

Plane Block--The plane block explores volume and form through flat planes. Through the use of apertures in the planes, space and volume is created and exploited.

Balance Block--A study of line, plane, and Volume that stands on one leg. Related vocabulary was studied in 6� cube models, then applied to a the final balance block in iterations. The final 12� cube touches 3 square inches of the ground.

Plaster Block--A 6” cube “snapshot” of the balance block was extracted. After small adjustments, a mold was made out of the snapshot and used to make the plaster block.

Armature--The plaster block is held by a 9”x9”x18” construction. The armature isn’t a continuation of the plaster block, it is a “celebration” of the plaster block. An emphasis is put on representation through collage.

Matrix--A series of drawings in a grid, mixing the four main projects from fall semester, each in one corner of the grid. The closer to a complete project, the more like that project the drawings around it are. One drawing from the middle nine is chosen for a larger rendering and a model. The model is iterated in preparation of the unit wall poject.

Unit Wall--Each studio section is split into two groups. Each group recieves a matrix construction to iterate into a unit. The unit is a single element that is repeated to make a wall, a spacial configuration, or a seating.

Emblematic Drawing--A stair on campus is chosen to be represented through an emblematic drawing. The space is analyzed through sketching and four diagrams are drawn-circulation, geometry, massing, and natural light. The diagrams are represented through models. A final emblematic drawing is made, which includes sketches, diagrams, and models. The space represented in this drawing is Henry N Cobb’s stairway by Corbett Theater

Spacial Construction--A habitable 8’x8’x8’ construction made with MDF and pine. Each of the seven studio section creates one construction, and they are lined up to create a promenade. To begin, each student creates figure-ground studies. These studies are used to build models out of foam. One foam model is chosen per section, and is iterated in basswood and chip board until a final design is reached. After construction, a representational drawing is derived from an orthographic drawing of the construction.

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