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Salima Padamsey 165A Manly Street Paraparaumu Beach Kapiti 5032 Kapiti Coast District Council Attention: Councillor Diane Ammunsden Chair Regulatory Management Committee November 7, 2012 Re: 1. Disclosure of Raw Data 2. Peer Review 3. Date on Which Information was directed to LIMs 4. District Draft Plan Submissions – Extension of Time Dear Mme. Ammunsden, I am writing to you in reference to the Regulatory Management Committee Meeting that was held on Thursday November 1, 2012 over which you presided at Meadows Church. 1. Disclosure of Raw Data Under the Official Information Act, I am requesting the following information: •

Presentation of Dr. Iain Dawe, Greater Wellington Regional Council on Wellington Region Storm Tide Modelling and Sea level Rise, as presented at the November 1, 2012 meeting

Presentation of Dr. Roger Shand on Kapiti Coast Erosion Hazard Assessment as presented at the November 1, 2012 meeting

All of Dr. Shand’s raw data collected for both the 2007/8 Report and the 2012 report. As per advice of legal counsel, it is my understanding as both these reports were financed by Kapiti Coast rate payers, that it in principal, all of Dr. Shand’s raw data is property of the aforementioned public and should be made available

2. Peer Review I draw your attention to the article in the Kapiti Observer, November 5, 2012, page 3.

“Councillor K. Gurunathan asked whether the report would have benefitted form an independent peer review, given some $200 million was wiped off property values – a question submitted by a community member. Dr. Shand said no.” Letter to Mme. Ammunsden, Chair Regulatory Management Committee

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Dr. Shand himself admitted it in the meeting on November 1st that he had not had his work peer reviewed. CRU, expresses its extreme concern that Council intends to use the inadequately peer reviewed Shand reports to inform the forthcoming District Plan Review. Given the very significant financial implications signalled by hazard lines that Council has placed on some 1800 LIMs, CRU hereby formally requests that Council urgently seeks proposals from experienced independent consulting engineers and coastal scientists to provide the independent peer review of the Coastal Systems Ltd reports. Will you please confirm that the Council is prepared to undertake an independent peer review? Without proper peer review the District Plan Review is likely to end up in the Environment Court. A copy of this letter is being sent, to the Minister for the Environment and to the Minister of Local Government. 3. Date on which information was directed to LIMs An initial request was made for supply of the date on which it was directed that the LIMs be notified with the Hazard lines. This has been followed up with subsequent requests, all of which remain unanswered. We expect a reply to this question by 4:00pm Thursday November 8, 2012. 4. District Draft Plan Submissions – Extension of Time All of the 400 plus members of CRU are demanding that the date for the submissions/objections to the district plan be extended to 1 April 2013. This matter was discussed by our Chair, Mr. Christopher Ruthe with the Mayor on 31 October 2012. At that juncture the Mayor indicated the matter would be considered. Could you please urgently advise? I look forward to your response,

Salima Padamsey Secretary Coastal Ratepayers United (CRU)

Letter to Mme. Ammunsden, Chair Regulatory Management Committee

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Letter to Mme. Ammunsden, Chair Regulatory Management Committee

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