Correspondence with KCDC relating to why the base case sea level rise of 0.5 m was omitted from the terms of reference for the Coastal Systems' 2012 update report. Contents: • • • • • • •
Summary of initial email correspondence with a senior KCDC employee 1 Oct 2012 KCDC letter turning this into an OIA request 26 October 2012 KCDC letter responding to the OIA request 29 October 2012 BW emailed response reiterating the question 31 October 2012, KCDC letter acknowledging OIA request 31 October 2012 further BW email on time of response and no response to 10 Sept letter 13 November 2012 KCDC letter responding to OIA request
The response to this email stated that the 0.9 m figure for the 100-year SLR used by Dr Shand was derived from case b, in page viiii of the MfE's July 2008 guidance manual. Bryce Wilkinson's 25 September response to this email was:
The response to this email was to the effect that this would have to be a question a planner to answer. Bryce Wilkinson's 28 September response to this email was:
11 Here is a copy of the attached emails (last para of above letter).