15 Hungerford Road Lyall Bay Wellington 6022 1 December 2012 Your Worship the Mayor Kapiti Coast District Council Private Bag 60601 Paraparaumu Dear Jenny Rate Reduction Pending Dr Shand Review of Waimeha Inlet Coastal Hazard Analysis 21 Field Way Instalment 2 of 4 Further to my letter of 26 November please find enclosed my cheque for $758.89 being 75% of the $1,011.85 invoiced by Council on 18 October 2012. The reason for this reduction is stated in my letter of 26 November to you: Finally, I come to the matter of the 5 December rate demand for $1,011.85. Given that the improvements on our property have a value of only $20,000, and our land value has been badly damaged without sound justification, this does seem rather a lot. I am struggling to see why we should pay our rates in full if KCDC is not prepared to follow Dr Shand's advice and arrange for CSL to revisit their work. When we meet to discuss this issue, as I hope you will agree to do, we can discuss this further. I have a simple question. Why doesn't Council act in good faith and follow the advice of its expert consultants? The identical 50 year managed and unmanaged lines across the Waimeha Reserve clearly make no sense, and your own consultants have acknowledged this fact.
Yours faithfully
John Harding