You have to use the KCDC Form (both pages) to fill in the relevant details.
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If you do not have a printer you can get a hard copy of the form from Kapiti Council at Kapiti Lights, or from CRU.
On page 2 of the submission form, where it says “Please state the specific provisions of the Proposed District Plan that your submission relates to...”, write “Please see the attached pages”.
Then attach the submissions set out below. You may add your own comments if you wish.
SUBMISSIONS Coastal hazard provisions I/we oppose the coastal hazard lines shown on the planning maps and the associated provisions and restrictions contained in the Proposed District Plan. My/our grounds for opposition is/are that I/we consider the provisions are contrary to the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement 2010, including specifically the precautionary approach and Policy 24, and to the Resource Management Act 1991 – in particular the sustainable management purpose. The report upon which the coastal hazard provisions are based is inappropriately conservative and precautionary. I/we also consider that the Council, by publicly stating that affected property owners must employ scientists to be able to have the lines removed or altered, has demonstrated extreme bias. It has put the burden on individual ratepayers who, the Council should know, do not have the financial or other resources to do this. It is the Council’s responsibility to ensure that it has an appropriate report to enable it to make the decisions that it needs to make. Further, the Council has given disproportionate and unfair weight to the views of one scientist who refuses to take into account any factors that go against his view that there will be erosion along the entire coast. The policy of managed retreat is inapplicable to an accreting coastline. Neither is it managed retreat in areas where the effects of erosion can be mitigated costeffectively. The provisions and restrictions that apply to properties affected by the lines are inappropriately restrictive.
With regard to my/our own property [suggestions in italics – replace with your own words] Describe the relevant aspects of your property, eg how far your boundary is from high tide. Provide a measurement from your boundary to high tide mark. You could indicate how long you have lived there and whether you have noticed any accretion. Note if you have seawalls. Say if you are willing to contribute or pay for installation or maintenance of seawalls etc. Explain your concerns about the coastal hazard line and Proposed Plan provisions – in relation to your property or more widely. I/we seek the removal of the coastal hazard lines shown on the planning maps and the associated provisions and restrictions contained in the Proposed District Plan. Section 32 The Council has failed to undertake an adequate assessment as required by section 32 of the Resource Management Act. Given the implications for property owners, a thorough assessment of alternatives, benefits and costs should have been undertaken and it has not been. include here any other comments you want to make I/we ask that a proper section 32 evaluation be done. Other matters If there are any other topics you want to cover, you can add headings and include the relevant information under each heading. Section 85 The lines and associated restrictions affecting my/our property would render my/our interest in land incapable of reasonable use and would place an unfair and unreasonable burden on me/us. Relief sought • • •
The relief I/we seek is that pursuant to section 85 of the Resource Management Act, that the lines and associated restrictions affecting my/our property be removed from the Proposed District Plan. I /we also seek any other decision that would appropriately address the concerns and reasons in this submission. I /we also seek the relief sought in the CRU submission, which we fully support.
Signed by (insert name and sign – if sent by email, just insert name)