David Atlanta Magazine | Atlanta 672

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Issue 672

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How Regis Sets the

Marriage Example


by Lucas Witherspoon

egis Philbin is without doubt one of the most prominent and wellrespected talk show hosts of the past 50 years. He’s handsome, charismatic, and has a distinctive personality that’s managed to set him apart from others during his decades in show business. He also just retired as the primary namesake of Live! With Regis & Kelly (formerly Live! With Regis & Kathie Lee). His career is one that has managed to survive decades without a hint of slowing down, but what is perhaps his greatest feat is his marriage to his wife, Joy, which has been going strong since 1970. We hear a lot of talk about the “sanctity of marriage,” particularly when it pertains to the issue of same-sex marriage, but few people in that arena practice what they preach. Regis has never publicly

proclaimed his support or disapproval of same-sex marriage, but regardless of his stance, his is a marriage that shows what marriage can be. Regis and Joy’s marriage seems to have that sort of happy medium that infuses driving each other crazy and being completely enamored with each other, which is exactly what every relationship needs: a sense of adventure combined with legitimate affection. It somewhat encompasses the familiar phrase “opposites attract.” Personally, I don’t believe in marriage. I’m too literal a person to believe in the fantasy version of love and whatnot, but if I were ever to be married (which would likely be solely for the legal equality marriage offers), I would want a marriage like that of Regis and Joy. The key is that they don’t spend too little or too much time together, and that’s imperative. If you speak to anyone who is or has been in a long-term relationship, the overwhelming consensus is that time apart really does make the heart grow fonder. Heterosexuals and the concept of divorce is what’s ruining marriage, not gays. If people as a whole, though, we truly invested in marriage, they would look to Regis & Joy’s marriage as a model example. For their extended and extraordinary marriage, I commend them.

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How Conservatives Are Fighting to Keep Kids Fat allowed ketchup to be considered a vegetable, as opposed to legitimate vegetables like broccoli, green beans, carrots, etc.


by Lucas Witherspoon

hen we envision pizza and french fries, the majority of us wouldn’t think of them as remotely healthy foods. In fact, they’re two of the most popular foods with the least amount of nutritional value that Americans consume. Congress, however, begs to differ. In the final version of a spending bill released Monday, November 14, proposals to incorporate healthier nutritional options into school lunches—discontinuing identifying tomato sauce on pizza as a vegetable, limiting the use of potatoes and sodium, and promoting whole grains—were shot down by Congress, specifically by conservatives. Under current USDA provisions, two tablespoons of tomato sauce qualify as one serving of vegetables. The primary argument among conservatives is that incorporating these healthier initiatives would be too costly, about $7 billion over five years, and that the government shouldn’t be telling school children what they can and cannot eat. It’s akin to the Reagan-era budget cuts that 16  |  davidatlanta

For me, the primary issue here isn’t that it has a $7 billion price tag (over five years), or that it’s a bit of an intrusion on parental rights; rather, I’m concerned that we’re teaching children of elementary school age that pizza and French fries are “vegetables,” a term that has nutritious connotations. When you consider that obesity-related ailments cost Americans $147 billion per year, $7 billion over five years seems rather paltry. Monetary statistics aside, obesity, especially among children, shows no signs of slowing down. Furthermore, the opinion that the government should have no say in a person’s life is idealist, not realistic. If politicians were truly of the opinion that the government should in no way be involved in our lives, all drugs would be legal, gays could get married, and we could drink booze whenever and wherever we pleased (P.S. Kudos to those who voted recently in favor of Sunday alcohol sales). Obviously, a lot of parents are not well-equipped to teach their children what is and is not healthy, which is why a government initiative to introduce kids to healthier options is an absolute necessity. The subject becomes even more suspect when you realize that manufacturers of frozen pizzas being distributed to school districts, as well as salt and potato producers, poured large sums of money in an effort to lobby politicians to vote against the well-intentioned initiatives. The bulk of us wouldn’t consider a peach cobbler or an apple pie nutritious because it contains fruit. It’s the same principle that applies to tomato sauce on pizza being considered a “vegetable” (tomatoes are a fruit, FYI). Just because a health food byproduct happens to be in a dish does not mean it’s at all healthy.

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The Bottom Line

The Gift to Avoid This Holiday Season:


by Joseph Brownell

hanksgiving, then Christmas and then New Year’s means a bounty of holiday parties to attend but it also means that more police will be patrolling Metro Atlanta’s streets and highways looking for people driving under the influence. Our community has never been one to shy away from having a drink but take it from me, the one set of lights you don’t want to see this holiday season is a set of

a DUI of a concierge, the guard at the front desk looked like Sinbad with bad 90’s humor and I could’ve sworn the female guard was Precious. Also, you can jokingly call someone a “crackhead” but until you have to sit next to one for hours you have no idea the true depth of that term. I’m not trying to scare you. In all actuality jail wasn’t the worst part of the experiencethe $5000+ I’ve spent dealing with this case has been. Luckily, someone close to me is an attorney or I could’ve spent twice that amount.

the one set of lights you don’t want to see this holiday season is a set of red and blue in your rearview mirror red and blue in your rearview mirror. Last Thanksgiving eve, I made the mistake of assuming I was okay to drive and spent most of Thanksgiving in the Atlanta City Detention Center and no, there wasn’t a turkey feast waiting there. Instead, I got a Little Debbie Fudge Round, some week-old lemonade (I’m assuming here), and a mysterious slice of meat served between what I assumed to be bread. I wasn’t expecting the W but definitely knew it wasn’t a place that I belonged. Instead

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I’m sure at one point or another most everybody has gotten behind the wheel when they shouldn’t have; it’s a numbers game and you’ve just never been caught. Just know this holiday season there are plenty of (inexpensive) options. Get a designated driver, put Checker Cab into your cell phone (404-351-1111) or if you must have your car at home the next morning utilize the SafeRide program (404-888-0887). I look back at all the money I spent this past year and imagine how much more money I could’ve taken to Europe. I may have been able to plead out reckless driving but it was still one expensive Christmas gift, one I wouldn’t wish to be under anyone’s tree this season.

J. Edgar:

k s a M e h T d in h e B n a The (Gay?) Mr Dustin Lance Black talks

Out screenwrite ke on J. Edgar ta ’ g n vi o ‘l ’s d o o w Clint East aprio’s turn and Leonardo DiC case t e s o l c l u rf e w o p a as ays spoke ks), Black’s alw


i By Chris Azzopard

– the n Lance Black o milk for Dusti he ys sa o maker wh 37-year-old film is th on – y da older to feels 10 years Hills rly ve Be a at in a suite recent morning nursing a e screenwriter is th , ad ste hotel. In est film, lat e premiere of his hangover after th that “it g in jok r, ttle of wate J. Edgar, with a bo filter’s e th s; er sw an honest just means more down.” Jack and e last drops of Even without th roof: lots (p m ste m his sy Cokes flushing fro

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photos courtesy of Warner Bros.

puts a lot of pressure on a lot of your work,” says Black, leaning forward on a sofa. “It’s a dangerous thing to have around the house, so I wrapped him up and flew him to Virginia with my mother. I love him, but he’s not allowed in the house while I’m working. I don’t want to think I’m writing toward that. I want to keep taking risks, and this is a risky film.” It’s risky not just because of the controversial career of its subject, J. Edgar Hoover, the notoriously snaky FBI director who dominated the bureau for nearly 50 years, carrying his tenure through eight presidencies and three wars. What’s attracting the most controversy is the attention the film gives the infamous G-Man’s mysterious private life: Was Hoover’s closest colleague, Clyde Tolson (Armie Hammer of The Social Network), more than just his right-hand man? “Women were very interested in him and he didn’t respond, but he did like to show up to work every morning with Clyde Tolson and drive home with him each night.” Black laughs. “And this is well before it was fashionable to carpool! So it became incredibly apparent that he wasn’t straight and I started to wonder, ‘Well, what did gay look like? Why was he behaving like that?’” By interviewing gay men of the time – before Stonewall and the sexual revolution, when homosexuality was so vague that gay people were called “daffodils” – Black was able to piece together Hoover, who was never married and lived with his mother (played by Judi Dench) until she died.

“This portrait of this man was a very complex one and a very interesting one,” says DiCaprio, in the titular role through a halfcentury stretch, seen in his later years with makeup that took up to seven hours to apply. “I just loved the research that (Black) did and the take that he had on J. Edgar Hoover’s life. No matter what his sexual orientation was, he was devoted to his job and power was paramount to him. Holding onto that power at all costs was the most important thing in his life.” Black’s screenplay, though, doesn’t slight the importance of Tolson in Hoover’s life. How gay does Black go with J. Edgar? “It’s not Milk,” Black explains. “Milk was gay from head to toe. This is not that.” The men were nothing alike: “Milk came out and gave people great hope,” he says, “but this man was incredibly closeted and spread fear. I thought, ‘If I’m able to sell this thing, I might be able to finally examine why.’” He looked into the hearsay regarding Hoover’s hankering for drag, but that turned out to be just what many thought – a rumor. But this is what Black knew: Hoover was an emotionally repressed mama’s boy who was smitten with Tolson; they had many meals together, up until their last moments alive, and they traveled to attend horse races, often sleeping in the same room to, you know, save pennies. J. Edgar, then, doesn’t ignore the love story. It’s there in the flustered face of Hoover the

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first time Tolson interviews for associate director of the FBI, their affectionate handholding and a tussle-turned-makeout scene. The poignant ending, as the two are seen growing old together, is convincing on its own that the men were more than just colleagues. Eastwood had lots of inquiries regarding the script and the research behind it, but he let Black run with all of it. “He never once asked about the love story or the gay relationship,” says Black. “I didn’t know what to think of that until it got to production and I saw how he was treating these scenes. He was doing it in not just an incredibly respectable but loving manner.” Eastwood’s one suggestion came last-minute after Tolson professes his love to Hoover, who then reciprocates the sentiment – but only after Tolson’s walked out. “That’s not in my script,” Black says, “That was Clint on take two or three shouting out to Leo, ‘Tell him you love him.’” “As this is happening,” he continues, “I was reading on the Internet that he was degaying the film. I don’t think so. People assume that because he’s Clint he might, but he treated it incredibly loving.” Eastwood, a defender of marriage equality, says: “I had my own impressions growing up with Hoover as a heroic figure in the ‘30s and beyond. We never knew too much about Tolson or any of his close confidantes, but through researching this movie… we’re putting our stamp on history. Sure, a lot of things probably didn’t happen the way they

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happened in this film, but they’re pretty close. Lance has done a great job researching.” The first time Hammer looked over the script, he wasn’t sure what to make of the men’s codependency. He couldn’t get how anybody would stay so dedicated to such a vile beast of a man like Hoover. “With Clyde, I thought that in order for it to make sense for him to be there and to stick around and to almost take that hot-and-cold abuse, it had to be a love story,” Hammer says. “I didn’t understand the love story; it didn’t make sense. After having conversations with Fiona Weir, who cast the project, and several friends of mine, the complexities of their relationship was made more and more clear to me and I became obsessed with it.” Black was also consumed by it, and his research caused him to get a “creepy feeling” for how much he started to empathize with the historical figure. “Hoover was this young man who was incredibly promising and brilliant,” he says. “Hoover is the ultimate cautionary tale of: Do not replace love and family and your fellow man with admiration and fame. Don’t let your kids grow up to be Hoovers, and the way you do that is to teach them the importance of love – and when they come to you and say that might be someone of the same sex, you have to encourage that and not discourage that.”

DiCaprio felt similarly. “Lance put it best when he said, ‘Look, if we can better understand these people and their motivations and how their ambition manifested itself into their politics, we can learn from them, we can learn from history.’” History tells us that Hoover was driven, ruthless and manipulative in how he created a system of federal laws that transformed our country into what it is today. He founded the FBI in 1935 and remained director until his death in 1972, originating forensic laboratories and fingerprinting. Hoover was as remarkably heroic as he was feared. “You look at the things he did in his teens and into his 20s and boy, what a mind

and what potential,” says Black. “Can you imagine if this young man was allowed to love and love openly and have a family and foster things like empathy and maintain a moral compass?” He may have turned out a lot like Black, the posterboy for LGBT activism. He speaks regularly on issues concerning the gay community and recently wrote 8, a play about the battle against Proposition 8. Up next? Under the Banner of Heaven, an adaptation of Jon Krakauer’s bestseller that riffs on Mormonism, and next year’s release of his directorial debut, What’s Wrong with Virginia, starring Jennifer Connelly.

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lks Ta sic an Mu or ic, y M ag on x, M J T Mi D By Maximillian Corwell


ony Moran is not just a superstar DJ, a Grammy award winner, or a gay icon; he is a very down to earth person with a real love for his work. We had a rare opportunity to sit down with the man behind the turn tables and get a one on one chance to talk about his new CD, Mix Magic Music, and what is next for him in his amazing career.

Your new CD, Mix Magic Music, has been almost two years in the making. Tell us a little bit about what inspired you with the direction of this CD and the creative planning that went into this project. Mix Magic Music was a collaborative effort. I called upon my pool of extraordinary diva talent who graciously poured their time and creativity into the creation of MIX MAGIC MUSIC.

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This project allowed you to work with some big names, ranging from Jennifer Holiday, Frenchie Davis, Ultra Naté, and more. Who was the best to work with?

(Laughter) Are you trying to get me in trouble with the ladies? I loved them all. I can tell you that locking in Jennifer Holiday for the album was one of my highlights – and not just because of the end product but because how it happened. I had a rented studio across from Lincoln Center, and I was banging my head over who would be able to carry the message of it. Then, as I walked outside the studio, I looked up at a billboard announcing Jennifer Holliday performing that night with the Lincoln Center Symphony. I waited until an hour after her performance and then I called and asked her if she might consider

coming to the studio to listen to the track. She came in, loved it, and stayed in the city an extra day to record. It truly was magic – and that happens to be the name of the song.

Dance music is constantly changing, so tell us, if you start working on material two years ago, how do you keep it relevant when you release your CD? Are you ever afraid of putting out music that your fans won’t like or that is part of a trend in the past? You never how a song is going to be received at release. You just have to offer your best and pray that it resonates. “Spend My Lifetime Loving You,” one of the tracks on your CD, features vocals from you! Is this your vocal debut? I actually sing with Trey Lorenz on the first single release from the album Can I Love You More. I also released a cover of “When In Rome’s The Promise” that I sang on.

This CD moves pretty flawlessly, unlike a lot of CD’s that incorporate many different styles or filler. Some standouts to me include “Magic,” “Spend My Lifetime Loving You,” “Tenderness, You Are,” and a few others. What are your favorites on the CD? If you cant choose a favorite, what are some of the most meaningful songs to you? “Can I Love You More” is an especially meaningful song for me. It’s my love note to fans, expressing my appreciation of those who keep dance music alive. You know, the album was originally going to be called Magic, but when it was completed, I knew it needed to say more. I wanted something that more specifically encapsulated my true feelings of dance music. The phrase ‘Mix that magic through music’ came to me and I knew I had it.

Most of the songs range right around 4 minutes in length, are you planning on releasing a special edition with extended mixes later on down the road? Never say never, but I think it’s more likely that the longer remixes will appear on upcoming DJ compilation CD’s. davidatlanta  |  29

about talent, drive, love, and a whole lotta luck.

What is in the future for you as you move forward with your career? You have had 6 studio albums, a #1 hit on the Billboard charts, a Grammy, and a slew of remixes that cover some of the biggest artists in the world. Where do you go from that? Are you going to try and break into the mainstream charts? Dance music is where my heart is. What people outside of dance don’t realize is that it does more than make people move. It inspires a level of passion, devotion, faith and satisfaction. That said, I’ll likely continue working with mainstream artists but in the realm of dance.

Many people (myself included) have tried or are training to be a DJ. What advice do you give to people wanting to pursue a career in the industry? Do it for the love of the craft – not for the money. It’s a tough industry. You have to have the will to survive.

Do you think anybody can be a DJ? It’s like singing -- anyone can sing, but not everyone is going to become a superstar. It’s

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You have performed in Atlanta many times throughout the years, and will be back on Saturday, December 3rd at Jungle Nightclub. How do you prepare for a show and keep it fresh for your fans, especially those who have seen you several times? That’s where being a producer comes into play. I’m always presenting brand new, original tracks that can’t be heard anywhere else.

Do you ever see yourself waking up one day and saying to yourself “I don’t love this anymore”? I can’t. I’ve had this love affair with dance music for over twenty years. It’s a love that will not die.

You will be performing on your birthday in Atlanta! I know this because we share the same birthday. What would be the ultimate birthday gift (besides seeing me again, of course)? Happy Birthday! My ultimate birthday gift? Hmm -- Is it cheesy to say that I wish more fans would support the independent artists who invest in our dance floor? I would wish that everyone go to the sites and purchase the music that lights up our floors. It is crucial to the survival of projects like mine and so many others.

On a parting note, what’s burning up your iPod right now? Rihanna’s “We Found Love.” Tony Moran can be seen Saturday, December 3rd at Jungle Nightclub, and his CD, Mix Music Magic, is on sale now! For more information please visit www. tonymoran.com and www.jungleclubatlanta.com.

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Under My Skin


he T.V. was already on and I could to be YOU…in fact, YOU are NOT a stereohear someone on The View singing type…well…as long as you’re YOU, the YOU one of Frank Sinatra’s famous songs, that was created. “I Got You Under My Skin”…while I was Just because you’re born gay doesn’t mean still under the covers half sleep. “Some you have to like Lady Gaga, or just because new ‘Michael Buble’ type I’m sure” I you’re black doesn’t mean you have to thought to myself until Sherri Shepherd love hip hop, or just because you’re Asian started interviewing the singer. “Wait, he doesn’t mean you have to be skinny and sounds black”, I said as I began to wake build computers all day…etc. Trust me up to watch this tall, slim, black guy with honey, I’m not Brent Star because I’m black long dreads who talks as if his speech is peppered All I know is I LOVE to see the defeat of with hip-hop flavor.

His name is Landau Eugene STEREOTYPES! Now don’t get me wrong, as a Murphy, Jr., winner of comedian I’m well aware that ‘stereotypes’ are season 6 of America’s Got Talent! He explains to golden, it helps get a point across with a joke or Sherri in his own way that a scene, but outside of comedy, I simply don’t he has always felt connected to Frank’s style of singing believe you have to be a certain way to please and his songs, even while folks expectations. he was on the basketball court in his rough neighborhood. Personally, I think Frank is under nor because I do drag, it’s simply because HIS skin because he sounds a lot like him. of who I am Under My Skin. Now, who are All I know is I LOVE to see the defeat of you again? STEREOTYPES! Now don’t get me wrong, as UNTIL next week, DON’T read the girls, a comedian I’m well aware that ‘stereotypes’ instead read The Brent Star Report! are golden, it helps get a point across with a joke or a scene, but outside of comedy, I (A shout out to Stacey over at Bulldogs! simply don’t believe you have to be a certain Thanks for always reading my columns!) way to please folks expectations. Where to catch Brent Star: Thursdays at Matador You are created to be YOU…NOT your skin Cantina (925 Garrett St), Saturdays at Tijuana Garage, color or your sexual preference. I’m not Sunday with the Armorettes at Burkharts. about to do my normal sermons, but I just www.facebook.com/Mr.BrentStar want to remind you how IMPORTANT it is davidatlanta  |  39

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Cocktail Chatter

Drinking Alone with Friends:

The Yankee Mint Julep


by Ed Sikov

h, Lord – give me the strength to change that which I cannot accept. Like closing my new beach house while my hottest housemates screw their brains out upstairs. Of course, that’s when the “Porn’s Greatest Hits” playlist started blasting on the audio system. Kyle and Robbie spent the weekend with me, in a manner of speaking. Until they showed up groping each other I had no idea that they’d changed the middle word in BFFs. It was excruciating. And hot, in a tragic, out-in-the-cold kind of way. They were trying out new material while I emptied out the refrigerator. Me (in the kitchen, thinking): “Nam pla sauce – out.” Robbie (in an upstairs bedroom, shouting): “Yeah, man, ­­there!” Me (heading for the liquor cabinet, thinking): “It’s 5 o’clock in Greenland.” Kyle (from his core): “Oh God give it to me baby unh unh unh unh yeah yeah unh unh unh….” Life Lesson #26: swigging straight from the bottle never affirms one’s self-image. I held a magnum of Jack Daniels high and started gulping. Robbie: “Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnn! Aaahhnnn! Ahn!” Kyle: “Here it comes! Unnnnnnnhhhhhhhh! Yeah!” This was more than a man should be asked to hear unless also he’s in the cast. I stomped out of the house and around the deck, but as I passed under the guest bathroom windows

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I heard running water, slapping noises and giggles. “So soon?” Kyle said with surprise. “Unh! Hey, you’re getting shampoo all over my… Oh? Yeah, sure, why not? Unh!” Was there no sanctuary? A straggly patch of mint inspired me to make myself a vast mint julep to get me through this ordeal. The traditional mint julep consists of a small handful of mint leaves and a little sugar or syrup, which somebody (see below) bruises with crushed ice and a fork to release the mint oil before adding bourbon. This is just plain dumb – another Southern discomfort masquerading as antebellum swank. Traditional mint juleps are easy to make if you have a paid staff. Bruising mint leaves with a fork to make six separate drinks? Hello, carpal tunnel syndrome. And it’s a dental comedy, since everybody ends up with bits of green leaves stuck to their teeth. My version is cleaner, easier and tastes just as good; you get the mint flavor without the interdental leaves or the arm brace.

The Yankee Mint Julep

Put fresh, washed mint leaves into a shaker with ice. Add a few drops of simple syrup, then dump in as much bourbon or Jack Daniels as possible. If anybody complains that Jack is sour mash, not bourbon, tell him to shove his snob traditions where the sun don’t shine, then shake, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve. Or throw it in his face.

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…He Said What?

It’s beginning to look a lot like…



by Jesse A. Hancock s it just me, or does the time of year between Halloween and New Year’s Day fly by? With all the cooking, shopping, decorating, and general stressing on top of our day-today

It used to be my favorite time of year. First comes the food, the shopping, Black Friday, the presents, the parties, and the laughter. Then comes the credit card statements, penny pinching, and oops-it’s-too-late worrying about how in the Hell I spent so much. Inevitably, as I get older, it becomes a time of year that I wouldn’t mind skipping. To make things worse this year, my son and I are moving. Although it’s exciting to be starting a new chapter in our lives, I keep asking myself what kinds of idiots move a week before Thanksgiving, so close to Christmas?! Will we have time to unpack everything and get everything in designated spaces before the fat man in the red suit comes galumphing down my chimney? No, I’m not talking about a visitor from The Eagle. My goal is just to get most of the stuff out of boxes and holiday decorations up by mid-December. That way we can enjoy a few weeks before having to pack much of it back up.

routines, there is hardly any time to breathe. At times it feels kind of like standing in the middle of Piedmont Road with oncoming traffic.

Maybe I’ll just pour some eggnog, pop in some holiday movies, avoid the extra bills and get ready for the New Year. Pass the remote and hang on, the holidays are here.

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