4 Reasons why grass fed beef is superior

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4 Reasons Why Grass Fed Beef is Superior There are numerous ways in which cattle and other livestock are raised for our food and this brings up many different debates on which are actually better for you. Each way livestock is raised has its own benefits but today we are going to talk about: Main Reasons 1. Cattle have been grazing the world’s lands for thousands of years grass beef Cattle have evolved to feed on grass and legumes, it’s what they do. All their natural life they spend roaming and feeding on grass. One of the major alternatives is grain fed beef which typically comes from cattle that is contained in feedlots. Not a real natural way for cattle to be raised. It has also been proven that grain fed beef contains more non beneficial fats than its grass fed counterpart.

2. Grass fed beef contains more health benefits Beef is well known for its levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which has been proven to have many health benefits. It can help fight off cancers, clogged arteries, reduce body fat and prevent/delay diabetes. So why grass is fed beef better than other types? Simple, grass fed beef shows an increase of CLA by 30-40% which is maximizing the health benefits in beef. 3. More antioxidants, vitamins and minerals Now we all know that beef contains great antioxidants, vitamins and minerals regardless of how it was raised. However, it has been proven that grass fed beef contains a considerable

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