Is Europe's best beer from Italy?

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Is Europe's best beer from Italy? What is the best craft beer in the world? There are countless "Best Beer this" and "Greatest Beer that" awards and lists, but the best always is subjective. What someone likes is the best, and that depends on their own experience, personal style and taste. Period. When Enzo Ferrari set out to make the Italian luxurious sport car he obviously wasn't trying to manufacture a normal car. He set out to make a superior car and did. Ferrari remains one of the world’s greatest sports cars. Is it the best? Lamborghini, Bugatti, Aston-Martin, Porsche, Bentley, Rolls Royce like to believe they are. All are superior automobiles. When asked what can one do to improve something, make it better and the answer is "I don't know" or "nothing" then it’s safe to label something superior. Tenute Collesi was established in 1870 but the Collesi family had been farming on the lands for three centuries. It was decades later when Giuseppe Collesi decided he would begin brewing beer on the family Estate. Like Enzo Ferrari, Collesi too was not out to produce yet another ordinary beer. He set out to create something superior. He did, and these are some of the reasons why we believe this. Location: Why is a scenic little mountain town of approximately 2000 inhabitants in the region of Marche labeled Italy's City of Beer? Nestled in the Apennine/Mount Nerone foothills is Apecchio a village that is leading the Italian craft beer scene and is called "La Citta della Birra" which is Italian for City of Beer. This is the location of Collesi's extremely traditional yet ultra modern brewery.

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