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Case 10 – 14th February 2023
Elephant Bullet wound Lake Jipe
While on patrol, the SWT pilot spotted a lame elephant cow early in the morning in the Lake Jipe area. The SWT-KWS Tsavo Mobile Veterinary Unit was informed while attending to Case 9 and responded later
Immobilisation, examination and treatment
The elephant was found recumbent in a thicket after more than 30 minutes of searching from the air. It immediately stood once the vet team approached. The elephant appeared alert and active, but it was clearly in a lot of pain. Anaesthesia was necessary for closer examination, the elephant was approached on foot and darted with 10 mg Etorphine. A deep wound (approx. 30cm deep) was observed around the shoulder joint. It was suspected that elephant had suffered a bullet wound, dark coloured blood was oozing from the wound. Palpation of the area indicated that it was likely that bone had also been damaged It appeared that the elephant was nursing given its engorged and active mammary glands. The wound was cleaned and flushed with Hydrogen peroxide and water then disinfected with Iodine. In addition, long-acting antibiotics and antiinflammatories were administered parenterally. Anaesthesia was reversed with 30 mg Diprenorphine hydrochloride. The elephant stood 3 minutes post-reversal and limped away.
The elephant’s prognosis is guarded to grave. Ground teams were advised to monitor the animal’s progress
Elephant Natural Causes Maungu Ranch
KWS rangers and Wildlife Works patrol teams reported finding a young elephant bull alone, leaning against a tree, and breathing strenuously.
Immobilisation, examination and treatment
The young bull could be heard from more than 15meters away struggling to breath. The elephant appeared weak, it had moved a few metres from where it was first seen and was resting under the shade. Given that anaesthesia could easily compromise its prognosis, caution was employed in sedating the animal. 10 mg Etorphine was administered in a 1.5 ml Dan-Inject dart. Darting was done on foot, and it took about 7 minutes for the bull to go down on right lateral recumbency. Upon closer examination, the animal was found to have some suppurative smelly discharge coming from the trunk. The bull had clear signs of respiratory distress. Doxycycline antibiotics and Dexamethasone sodium anti-inflammatories were administered intravenously then anaesthesia was reversed with 30 mg Naltrexone. The elephant struggled slightly, but it finally managed to stand and move deep into the wild.
The elephant has a guarded prognosis. Ground teams were advised to monitor the animal’s progress
Lion Natural Causes Aruba
Visitors in Tsavo East National Park spotted an injured pregnant lioness in the Aruba area.
Immobilisation, examination and treatment
The lion appeared weak; it had wounds on the abdominal region near the inguinal area. It also had mild lameness on the right hind limb and another wound on the right gluteus muscle. The lion was darted with 200 mg Ketamine and 4.8 mg Medetomidine, the animal was fully sedated after 9 minutes. Upon closer examination, a large wound was found between the abdominal and inguinal area. Two more wounds were also found on the lateral side of its left hind leg. It was suspected that the lion had been gored by a buffalo. The wounds were shaved and cleaned, the wound edges were also refreshed and disinfected with Iodine. Deeper tissues were sutured first using a simple interrupted suture pattern with absorbable Vicryl sutures The wounds were then disinfected with Iodine and Cloxacillin antibiotic ointment infused into the wound. Topical antibiotic spray was applied on all the wounds. Broad-spectrum Amoxicillin antibiotics and Dexamethasone were also given intramuscularly before anaesthesia was reversed with 15 mg Atipamezole hydrochloride 1 hour post-darting. The lioness stood and walked to a nearby bush 10 minutes post-reversal.
The lioness has a good prognosis