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Case 13 – 21st February 2023
Buffalo Human – Wildlife Conflict Manga
The SWT-KWS De-snaring Unit reported that a rogue sub-adult female buffalo had gone through the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) corridor fence and was posing a danger to SGR staff.
Immobilisation, examination, treatment and relocation
The fierce, enraged buffalo charged at the vehicles when the team drove closer to observe the animal. The animal had injuries on its head from previous fights with other buffalos. It seemed nervous and exhausted. The buffalo was darted from a vehicle with 7 mg Etorphine and 70 mg Azaperone and was immobilized 9 minutes post-darting. The animal was then loaded onto a SWT truck for translocation. Amoxicillin antibiotics were administered intramuscularly, then the buffalo was translocated to Tsavo East National Park. At the release site, anaesthesia was reversed with 24mg Diprenorphine administered via the jugular vein. The buffalo stood and ran into a thicket.
The buffalo has a good prognosis.
Elephant Spear & Arrow Kalovoto Area, Ithumba
While on patrol, the SWT pilot spotted an elephant bull with injuries on its trunk.
Immobilisation, examination and treatment
The elephant bull was found among many other bulls in a thicket. The injured bull was darted from a helicopter with 20 mgs Etorphine. It took ten minutes for the drugs to take effect. Upon close examination, a wound thought to have been inflicted by an arrow was observed at the medial area of the trunk. When the bull was turned to its left side another large, infected wound with suppurative discharge was seen on the right side of the proximal trunk at the base of the right tusk. The wound was deep and most likely inflicted by spearing. The team surgically excised damaged devitalized muscle tissues and cleaned the wounds with water, flushed them with Hydrogen peroxide and cleaned them again with water. Iodine was infused into the wounds and green clay packed into them. 30,000 mg long-acting Amoxicillin antibiotics and 5,000 mg Flunixin meglumine anti-inflammatories were administered intramuscularly then anaesthesia was reversed with 24 mg Diprenorphine and 150 mg Naltrexone injected intravenously through a prominent ear vein. The elephant stood 2 minutes later and joined the other bulls.
The elephant has a good prognosis