1 minute read

Case 15 – 23rd February 2023

Zebra Snared Maungu

A snared Grevy’s Zebra with a snare around his head was reported by the KWS and Wildlife Works patrol team.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The tight cable snare around the animal’s head had damaged both ears and was causing great discomfort. The zebra was shy, and it would not tolerate any approach. Tissue damage and wound infection was evident. The zebra was darted from a helicopter with 7 mg Etorphine and 60 mg Azaperone. Immobilization was achieved 7 minutes after darting. The animal was in good body condition, it had extreme head tissue damage and pain. The snare was constricting tissue at the middle of the head near the occipital bone. The snare was cut off with wire cutter then 6,000 mg long-acting Amoxicillin antibiotics and 2,500 mg Flunixin meglumine anti-inflammatories were administered intramuscularly. Reversal of anaesthesia was achieved with 24 mg Diprenorphine and 50 mg Naltrexone administered intravenously. The zebra stood 1-minute post-reversal and dashed away.


The zebra has a guarded prognosis

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