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Wednesday, March 23, 2011
British Columbia-Saskatchewan-Ontario
CULTURE... Page 10 Nouroz
Authentic East Indian cuisine 766 Fort Street Victoria (between Douglas and Blanshard)
Canada reaches out to Japan Japanese societies in Victoria band together for relief overseas
SPORTS... Page 15 Interview Khuram Chohan
COMMUNITY... Page 16 French Fest
Memories of Madras FOOD. Page. 12 Immigration Minister visits Victoria (Page. 9)
Mitoki, Etsuko and Rika showing support at a 24-hour “Pray for Japan” event organized by a group of women called “Sunshine Ladies” at the Oshio College of Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine on Yates Street in downtown Victoria. Photo by Mohsin Abbas/Editor Diversity Reporter
By Mohsin Abbas
黄色いタクシー Call: 381-2222 黄色出租车
Victorians banged the drums for emergency relief in Japan during introductory workshops on the weekend conducted by members of the Uminari Taiko. The workshops held March 19 at Euro Studios on Cook Street raised $1,335 for the Red Cross Japan Earthquake / Asia-Pacific Tsunami fund. The event was part of the Victoria Nikkei Cultural Society’s fundraising efforts for the people of Japan. “Some readers of the Diversity Reporter may already be aware that Victoria has the distinction of being the
long-time home of Manzo Nagano, who in 1877 became the first intentional Japanese immigrant to Canada,” said Jacob Derksen, a founding member of the Uminari Taiko ensemble. Victoria also has the distinction of being the the city where the great Japanese pacifist, Dr. Inazo Nitobe, passed away while enroute to Japan from a conference in Banff, said Derksen. He said even in death, Nitobe — who sought to be a Continued on page 2
ig IslandGirl
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March 23, 2011
Japanese societies in Victoria band together for relief overseas Diversity Reporter staff A group of four Japanese organizations in Victoria is banding together to raise funds for emergency relief. At a meeting last week, members of the organizations plotted a course of action to help the victims of the massive earthquake and tsunami in Japan that to date has left nearly 20,000 people confirmed dead or missing. The local groups realized they could achieve more working together than apart. They include the Japanese Friendship Society, Victoria Nikkei Cultural Society, Victoria Morioka Friendship Society and the Victoria Japanese Heritage Language School Society. Each group has a unique mandate - but have worked with one or more of the other groups in the past to achieve a common goal. Representing a broad range of skills and talents, they are confident it will help make this group work efficiently.
Many individuals in the community have been moved to do something for the victims of the disaster in Japan. One such example is Marc Bolli, a local Victorian who is married to Midori from Japan and owns Mega Screen Productions, a print shop in Victoria. They have two children, both who are bilingual and students in the VJHLSS. Even though Midori’s family in Toyama is safe because of the distance from the disaster, they wanted to do more to help. In addition to a personal donation, Marc and Midori’s close friend, Jackie Dogue and the VJHLSS designed a t-shirt and the following slogan that this new umbrella group has embraced as their name and identity.
The Japanese characters read “Gambare Nippon”, which loosely means “Never give up, Japan!”. The Support Japan 2011 group will organize various events, from craft and bake sales to silent auctions, dinner func-
tions and tea ceremonies to benefit the relief effort. The goal is to reach as many people as possible and to incorporate aspects of the Japanese culture. We hope that Victorians can use the group as a resource to learn more about the country that they are helping to rebuild. The group is setting up a trust account at Island Savings Credit Union and will work through the Consul General of Japan in Vancouver, and organizations on the ground in Japan to ensure the most effective use of funds. The group announced the dates and venues for their first three fund raising initiatives as well as acknowledging several other events from the groups’ individual members. Connie Dunwoody shows her support for Japan as she finishes the LifeMark Health Esquimalt 5K run this past Saturday. Photo by Peter Dunwoody
Victorians bang the drums for emergency relief in Japan Continued from page 1. bridge across the Pacific — laid the foundation for Victoria’s eventual sistercity relationship with his hometown of Morioka in Iwate Prefecture. “It may help your readers to visualize just how grave this disaster is if they bear in mind that among the hardest hit areas are Rikuzentakata and Miyako, both in Iwate prefecture.” He said Rikuzentakata, a town roughly the size of Langford, and Miyako, a city with a population base similar to that of Courtenay, have both been literally wiped off the map. These towns are closer to our sister city Morioka than Nanaimo is to Victoria. “What’s more, the Fukushima Daiichi (nuclear power station) so much in the news is roughly equi-distant between Tokyo and Morioka, about the distance from Victoria to Campbell River in either direction.” Derksen has been to Japan fives times in the past several years to study Japanese drumming, including several trips to Morioka. Other events on the weekend included a 24-hour “Pray for Japan” even organized by a group of women called “Sunshine Ladies” at the Oshio College of Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine on Yates Street in downtown Victoria.
Jacob Derksen practicing “oroshi”, has been to Japan fives times in the past several years to study Japanese drumming, including several trips to Morioka. Photo by Mohsin Abbas/Diversity Reporter Staff
British Columbia supporting Red Cross relief efforts in Japan Diversity Reporter staff British Columbia is giving $500,000 to the Canadian Red Cross in support of emergency relief in Japan. The Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General Shirley Bond announced the province’s response to the magnitude 9.0 earthquake and subsequent tsunami that struck near the East Coast of Honshu on Mar. 10, killing thousands and leav-
ing thousands more without basic necessities of food, shelter and clothing. “British Columbia has a history of supporting countries that face catastrophic events and these funds will help provide immediate medical and emergency support for the people of Japan during this terrible tragedy. We are also encouraging all British Columbians to consider reaching out through aid agencies like the Red Cross to provide further help,”
said Bond. Kimberly Nemrava, the Red Cross’s provincial director, said the agency was very grateful for the support from the B.C. government for Japan. The province also contributed to the Red Cross relief efforts after the Asian tsunami in 2004, the earthquake in Sichuan, China, in 2008 and last year’s earthquake in Haiti. To make a donation visit: or call 1 800 418-1111.
March 23, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011 11 am to 4 pm
Community Event at the Hillside Centre with on-going cultural entertainment and activities, personal stories and paper crane folding symbolizing hope. People are invited to come down to make a donation, fold a crane, write a message and buy a coveted Support Japan 2011 t-shirt.
2011 2011
T-shirts will be on sale at all of their upcoming fundraisers and at several locations around town including Fujiya Foods, Silk Road Aromatherapy and Tea Company and Rocky Mountain Soap Company.
Dinner Gala at Golden City Restaurant with special Japanese cultural entertainment and a few surprises on Saturday, April 9. Information for this event and for other upcoming events will be updated regularly on If you are interested in volunteering, donating merchandise and products for raffles and silent auctions, please contact us at Contact: Michael Abe, President, Victoria Nikkei Cultural Society Spokesperson, Support Japan 2011 Gambare Nippon Cell: (250) 704-6164, Email: or, Website: AD SPONSOR
Victoria Kenbunroku 全第298弾 March 17, 2011
March 23, 2011
母国、 母国、日本、 日本、そして地震 そして地震
Support for Japan Events in Victoria
★お知らせ★「Victoria 見聞録」のある、 留学情報サイトは
写がこの時節柄、上映にふさわしくないと 判断した」という。1976 年に中国・河北省 で起きた地震を描いた作品で、26 日から公 開予定だった。 ヤフ…→日本最大の検索サイト「ヤフー」 の関係者を勝手に名乗り、東日本大震災へ の義援金を振り込むよう勧誘する電話やメ ールがあることが分かった(3 月 14 日)。ヤ フー広報は「こちらから寄付を働きかける ことはしていない。気をつけてほしい」と 注意を呼びかけている。 地震…→気象庁発表の緊急地震速報を装 い、受信者を出会い系サイトに誘導する悪 質な迷惑メールが出回っている。NTT ドコ モは利用者に注意を呼びかけた。
☐ 死者・行方不明者 タンの 3 カ国と国連教育科学文化機関(ユ ☐ 被災者に公営住宅提供へ ネスコ)など 3 国際機関から救助隊員・救 ☐ ユニクロ、ヒートテック 30 万着 援物資などの支援申し入れがあったと発 ☐ ネスレ、ミネラルウォーター 表(3 月 14 日)。同日午後 5 時現在、94 カ Benefit Performance of The Mikado ☐ 支援申し入れ 94 カ国 国・地域と 9 国際機関になった。 The Gilbert & Sullivan Society will donate 10% of the ☐ ロシアなどの救助隊来日 ロシ…→東日本大震災を受け、ロシア非 proceeds from their April 2nd performance of The ☐ 阪神の教訓踏まえた支援始動 常事態省の救助隊員 50 人が 14 日午後、 Mikado to the relief effort in Japan. For more informa☐ 寄付の受付団体 成田空港着の特別機で来日した。極東の tion including ticket prices and availability see www. ☐ 新しい命、懐中電灯の下で ハバロフスクからヘリコプターで札幌へ ☐ 米映画「ヒアアフター」の上映中止 向かった要員 25 人と合流し、宮城県内を □ ヤフーかたり義援金振り込め詐欺 中心に被災者の捜索・救助活動に当たる。 Victoria Japanese Community First Major Fund□ 地震速報装い迷惑メール 台湾隊(28 人)、フランス隊(134 人)も同 raiser 解説: 解説: 日夜までに羽田空港に到着。また、各国 The four largest Japanese groups in Victoria have 死者…→警察庁によると、3 月 16 日午前 0 joined forces to help raise funds for their friends and 救助隊の活動を調整する国連人道問題調 時現在、東北など 12 都道県警が検視など family in Japan under the banner of Support Japan 整事務所(OCHA)の災害評価調整チーム(7 で確認した死者数は 3373 人に上った。家 2011 Gambare Nippon which means Never Give Up, 人)も来日した。 族や知人から届け出のあった行方不明者 電風便り り、おかんから 電風便 Japan. The group is inviting everyone to a free event 阪神…→東日本大震災の被災地を支援す は 7558 人で、死者と行方不明者は合わせ 「 恐 ろしや」 」 ろしや at the Hillside Shopping Centre at Centre Court for るため、阪神大震災を経験した兵庫県内 て 1 万人を超えた。重軽傷者は 16 都道県 by おかん live performances and Japanese craft activities. The の自治体やボランティアの活動が動き出 で計 1990 人になっている。また、警察が event is on Saturday, March 26 from 11 am to 4 pm. 3 月 11 日午後、東北地方 太平洋側海岸 した。食料や毛布など支援物資の輸送準 把握している 15 日午後 5 時現在の避難状 They will be selling their T-shirt for $10, with proceeds に地震が発生しました。私はちょうど ボ 備を進め、防災研究に取り組む同県など 況は、7 県で計約 43 万 9300 人に上ってい going to the Japanese Red Cross. The group will also be ランティアから帰って片づけをして、3 時 る。各県の内訳は、宮城約 20 万 4000 千人、 の「人と防災未来センター」や教育復興 accepting donations for the Canadian Red Cross for the 30 分ごろ、いつになくこんな時間に一度テ をサポートする同県教委の震災・学校支 福島約 13 万 1700 人、岩手約 4 万 6400 人、 1 Victoria Kenbunroku 全第298弾 March 17, 2011 people of Japan. レビを見ようと思ってテレビのスィッチを 援チーム「EARTH」も職員を被災地に派遣 群馬約 2 万 3000 人、茨城約 2 万 2600 人、 Entertainment includes Japanese children’s choir, つけました。その日に限って、です。テレ し、震災の教訓を踏まえた被災地支援が 栃木約 9500 人、青森約 2100 人。 traditional dance, and more. People are also invited ビなんか見たことないのに、久しぶりに見 本格化している。 被災…→東日本大震災と原発事故で避難 8 人が寄付を申し出てきたとのこと。 被災 to learn to fold a paper crane and help create bundles ようとスイッチ入れたら、震度 8.8 の津波 寄付…→日本赤十字社、 郵便振替 00140・ 所での生活を余儀なくされている被災者 of 1,000 cranes which symbolize hope. They can also が陸にもの凄い勢いで侵入、瞬く間に防波 地に寄付したいがどこでどうするやら、 8・507、 「日本赤十字社 東北関東大震災 に対し、各都道府県や政令市などが、計約 learn calligraphy and make a Japanese lantern. 堤を乗り越え、瓦礫にごみ、土砂、なんと 義 援 金 」。 中 央 共 同 募 金会、 郵 便振 替 と赤十字に連絡が入り、赤十字がその寄 1 万 3000 戸の公営住宅の提供を申し出た The four groups are comprised of the Victoria Nikkei 恐ろしい画面、その場を動くことができま 00170・6・518、「中央共同募金会 東北 ことが国土交通省への取材で分かった。 国 付センターとして設置された模様。物資 Cultural Society, Japanese Friendship Society, Victoria せんでした。ちょうど、お父さんも帰って 関東大震災義援金」 。 交省は原則無償での提供を求めており、多 Morioka Friendship Society and the Victoria Japanese きて よぉ、うっそだろ、といって動けな は輸送にお金がかかるため、寄付は物資 新し…→青森県八戸市の主婦(32)は 3 月 くの自治体は家賃を免除する方針。避難所 Heritage Language School Society and comprise about ★ コンテンツ★ ★ コンテンツ く立ち尽くし、余りの場面に息をするのも 12 日早朝、停電に見舞われた市内の病院 より金銭が適当とのこと。そのお金を日 に身を寄せた人の総数は 50 万人を超えて 3-400 families.. For more information see 忘れたかのよう。この世のものではない、 で男児を出産した。暖房の切れた院内は 見聞録のあるところ 【豆知識】Royal Canadian おり、総務省消防庁によると、全壊、半壊 or call Mike Abe at 250-704-6164. 本に送り日本国内で必要なものを調達で これまで無敵のお父さんでしたが、こんな 冷え込み、余震が続く環境の中での新し や一部破損した建物は 3 月 14 日までに判 Mounted Victoria 社会情報 Benefit for the Police(RCMP)=Mounties Red Cross in Japan きる。 オンラインでの寄付は お父さんを見たことがありません。もう一 い命の誕生だった。陣痛が始まったのは 明しただけで 7 万棟を超えている。 住宅の Merry Head and chair massages as well as Thai & Chinese 人呼んで、騎馬警官! Victoria 治安情報 度、大きなのがやってくるそうな。自然災 12 日未明。すぐに夫(35)の運転する車で にて。電話は 1-800-418-1111。 確保は長期的な被災者支援の観点から不 massage will be on offer at this event. Money collected Christmas! 害は本当に恐ろしい。街そのものが飲み込 暗闇の道を病院へと向かった。小雪が舞 今の日本、 見聞録のあるところ 見聞録 可欠な状況となっている。 for massage services will go towardsのあるところ helping the Red まれるとは街とは人間とはなんと脆いので う中、午前 4 時過ぎに病院に到着したが、 ユニ…→ユニクロファーストリテイリン どうなってんだか Cross effort in Japan. Thursday,(3624 March 24,Shelbourne View Royal Fujiya St.) で Tofino 非難命令 しょう。 発電機がないため院内は真っ暗。電動式 Preschool, 279 Island Highway. further information SakuraFor(1213 Quadra St.)グは 3 月 14 日、東北地方太平洋沖地震の 読者の声 この地は山奥ですが、地は固いそうです の分娩台も動かないため、背中部分に枕 地球は丸く、世界は広いようで狭い。3 被災地への義援金として、 同グループから please contact Heather Peeters at 250-383-1908 Japanese Church (877 North Park St.) よ。思わず、ご先祖さんにお礼を言いまし を置いて角度を作り、看護師が手にした 雑言 3 億円、全世界のグループ従業員から 1億 Or 250-727-8559. 月 11 日に発生した東北地方太平洋沖地震 た。それでも、自然災害は忘れたころにや Central Library (735 Broughton St.)* 懐中電灯を使っての出産が始まった。途 生活の知恵 円を、日本赤十字社などを通じて寄付す Third “Support Japan 2011 Gambare Nippon” Event は大きな津波を引き起こし数々沿岸街を ってきます。上のほうに池の堤防もあるの 中、隣の部屋から大きな音が鳴り、白煙 *正面玄関入り口より、その左側の奥の る。また、社長も個人的に 10 億円の義援 A bake and craft sale, garage sale, silent auction, Tズボラの食卓 で、これが崩れると私たちも同じような災 が漂った。病院と取引のある男性が用意 破壊した。津波は太平洋の日本側のみな shirts sale, with an on-going paper crane folding table 金を拠出する。さらに、被災地への支援物 コミュニティ冊子ラックにあります 害を被ることになります。日々、祈らねば、 and a fewStudy more surprises. There will(#602-1207 be a great theatre Douglas 資として防寒衣料 「ヒートテック」 30 万点、 した小さな発電機を起動させた。赤ちゃ 伺いました らず、アメリカ大陸側にも押し寄せ、こ Victoria St.) と思います。 んの様子を見るためのライトに明かりが venue for Japanese dance, music performances and 肌着、アウター、ジーンズ、タオルなど、 ちょっとひと言 (他 5 ヶ所、顧客限定部数配布) の Vancouver 島の沿岸町 Tofino では波が 夜中も地震情報ばかり。今日も地震情報 ともった。午前 5 時 38 分、3310g の元気 more. All proceeds go to supporting the relief effort in ユニクロ、ジーユー両ブランドの衣料品 7 Victoria イベント ばかり。不明者や死者の数が増えるばかり な男の子を出産した。 1 ㍍高くなり、 環境庁は津波被害を恐れて Japan. Saturday, April 16th, École Victor-Brodeur, 637 Victoria 億円相当を寄贈する。 見聞録へのご へのご連絡 連絡は で、とにかく多くの人が助かることを願っ 見聞録 へのご 連絡は、 ネス…→ネスレ日本は、東日本大震災の被 米映…→ワーナー・ブラザース映画は公 Classified Head Street. Japanese Journal 民間に非難令を発した。住民は食料を車 ています。また最近は寒いお天気つづき。 開中の米映画「ヒアアフター」の上映を メール: メール March 17, 2011 編集後のひとりごと 災地に 50 万人分のミネラルウォーターや Volunteers needed for : Support Japan 2011 に運んで非難待機した。また、逆にその 今日やっとお日様を見ましたがまだ寒いで 同日限りで打ち切ると発表(3 月 14 日)。 Support Japan 2011 group First event fund raiser. チョコレート、ペットフードを提供すると Vol. 10J, No.7 す。この関西でこれなので、東北の被害地 津波を描いた場面があることから「東日 Community event at Hillside Centre –centre court 津波を一目見ようとカメラに収めようと 発表(3 月 14 日)。同社のチョコレート工場 3 If月 日の宮城県三陸沖 宮城県三陸沖を を震源 域はもっと寒いことでしょう。停電もあり 本大震災を連想させる内容があり、震災 Saturday, 2011 March 26,年 2011. you11 or someone you know は茨城県稲敷市にあるが、 設備に大きな損 Victoria 見聞録は Victoria の日本語情報誌 遠くからやってくる人たちもいた。 暖房もなく、ここからなにかできることは 被害の状況から中止することにした」と is interested inた helping organize and participate and/ とした 「東北地方太平洋沖地震 東北地方太平洋沖地震」 」傷がなく、設備点検後、製造を再開する予 とし におきま 発行日は毎月、7,17 & 27 日. ないでしょうか。神戸の震災ではこちらの いう。また松竹は同日、中国映画「唐山 or have a Japanese cultural talent, please come to the 定。 見舞 して、 、 被害に に 遭 われた方 方 々 に 心 よりお見舞 して 被害 われた よりお 次回は 2011 年 3 月 27 日に発行予定. みんなでオニギリを作って送ったので、今 first orientation meeting on Sunday, March 20th at the 日本からの からの放射能 日本 からの放射能 大地震−想い続けた 32 年−」の公開を無 支援…→外務省は、東日本大震災を受け、 いを申 申 し 上 げます。 。 このたびの大惨事 大惨事の の 犠 いを げます このたびの 大惨事 回もそれを発足せねばなりません。 Hillside Centre at 11 am at centre court. 期限で延期にすると発表した。 「一部の描 きるというわけだ。 新たにネパール、アルメニア、ウズベキス
V i c to ria 見 聞 録
3 月 11 日に発生した東北地方太平洋沖 地震は日本時間 3 月 16 日現在 10,000 人 を超える犠牲者を出している。地震の影 響で原子力発電所の放射能が漏れるな ど、事態は近隣の住民を被爆させる可能 性がでるまでに悪化した。そして、太平 洋をまたにかけてつながるこの BC 州、と くに Vancouver 島では、その放射能がこ の地まで流れてこないかとの懸念が市民 The Saanich Police are accepting applications for the position of Reserve Constable. The position of の間であがってきた。 Reserve Constable is voluntary without remuneration. Applicants apply online at : 被災地への への寄付 被災地 への寄付 BC 州の医療トップの話によると、日本 3 月 11 日に発生した東北地方太平洋沖地 で漏れた放射能は北米大陸の沿岸にまで attach a covering letter, resume and recent color photograph 震 の 被 災Please 地への 義援 金が赤十 字 (Red は届かない、とのこと。よって、BC 州沿 Cross)Fairfield Rd.事務所で受け付けら 岸で放射能による汚染危機は予期されな Saanich Police are continually looking at ways to “Go Green” - therefore, we would appreciate all れている。土曜も事務所は 4 時間オープン い、ということで市民に心配しないよう correspondence, including your covering letter and resume to be sent electronically in PDF format. されており、オンラインを通じても受付さ にと呼びかけている。 れる。地震発生直後、その映像情報が世界 空気に混じった核粒子は、日本沿岸か Application Deadline: 4:00PM, Monday, May 16th, 2011 中に入るや否や、Victoria ではすでに 7、 ら北米沿岸に到達するまで 5-6 日かかり、 その間に核粒子は霧のごとく消散してし For further information please check out the Recruiting section on the Saanich Police website at: まうそうだ。よって、北米沿岸の市民に ビクトリア日系人教会 ビクトリア日系人教会 は健康にはなんら影響を及ぼさない。 どなたも歓迎 どなたも歓迎! 歓迎! ちまたでは、放射能汚染により発症す るかもしれない甲状腺ガンを恐れて、放 射線ヨウ素による被ばくを防ぐため、ヨ ✧日曜礼拝(英語通訳) :午後1時半 日曜礼拝 ウ素剤タブレットを薬局で買いあさる市 ✧サンデースクール 牲になられた になられた方 方々のご冥福 冥福をお をお祈 のご冥福 をお祈りし、 りし、遺 族の皆様に やみを申 申し上げ 皆様に対し、深くお悔 くお悔やみを ます。 余震がまだまだ続 がまだまだ続きますが、 きますが、一日 ます。 余震がまだまだ も 早 く 平穏な がくることをお祈 祈り申 平穏 な 日 々 がくることをお し上げます。 げます。 - Kay T. Victoria 見聞録 -
Reserve Constable Program
BC19医療トップは現在ヘルスカナダや US 3月 日(土)、11am-3pm:マーケットスクエアにて、 ベーキンググッツを販売して、その売り上げの全て の医療機関と連携し、沿岸での放射線レベ を赤十字を通して日本の地震のために送金します. ルを観測している。現在、北米西海岸で核 また、Cargo&James Victoria Baycenter では被災 粒子は報告されていない。 地への義援金箱を設置しています. 3 月 15 日現在、東京電力福島第1原発4 号機で放射能が漏れ出した。菅首相は原子 生け花の生徒展をして、お水を被災地に送る事にし 炉を冷却するため上空からの冷却水投下 ました.場所は心山寺、4 月 3 日(日)12-4 時、詳細 を検討するよう指示したが、防衛省内では 等は次号にて. 困難だとの見方が広がっている。 日系人の皆様へ 東北地方太平洋沖地震被災者の 東北地方太平洋沖地震被災者の方々 【原発情報】 のために共 のために 共に祈りましょう。 りましょう。 原発がどんなものか知ってほしい(1) 被災地支援の の募金も 被災地支援 募金も受付中 by 平井憲夫 日時: :3月19日土曜日 日土曜日、 、 日時 19日土曜日 午後7 7-8時 午後 (原発反対運動家ではない平井憲夫氏か 場所: : First Baptist Chur Church ch、 、 場所 ch らのお話です。 ) Quadra)、 、Victoria 877 North Park St.(at Quadra) 私は原発反対運動家ではありません。 また、3 月 25 日までの火曜日から金曜日 二十年間、原子力発電所の現場で働いて 午後7時から8時は First Baptist Church に いた者です。原発については賛成だとか、 てビクトリア日系人教会の牧師が待機して 危険だとか、安全だとかいろんな論争が います。 ありますが、私は「原発とはこういうも
のですよ」と、ほとんどの人が知らない 24 Hour Pray for Japan from Victoria 原発の中のお話をします。そして、最後 ~光の祈りの集 りの集い~ 日時:3 月 19 日(土) まで読んでいただくと、原発がみなさん
(→ い ま 当 し り
☆ VI
☛3 Til マニ の展 に持 ンが 細は ☛3 &2 Da Sho 石や ビー ショ ん. $12 www ☛3 にて
BRITISH COLUMBIA Premier issues statement on international day to eliminate racism Diversity Reporter staff Premier Christy Clark says March 21 is a day for all British Columbians to celebrate “the tremendous multinational diversity” we have in this province. Clark issued her statement on the weekend in recognition of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. “B.C. is a rich fabric woven of the threads of many different cultures from over 180 countries around the world, and includes over 200,000 Aboriginal peoples who have their own languages and cultures. “As a province, we celebrate cultural and ethnic traditions from around the world, including Chinese New Year, Diwali, Vaisakhi, Hanukah, Christmas, Robbie Burns Day, St. Patrick’s Day and many, many others. “British Columbia is an example to others of how we can learn from each other and strengthen our families, society and economy. No one should ever be penalized, bullied or ostracized for the
March 23, 2011
Only Restaurant on the island serving Authentic South Indian Cuisine!
- Serving Victoria for over 20 Years - Come try our Dosas, Idlis and Vadas! - A wide selection from the Tandoor and North and South Indian Thalis. - Lunch Buffet - Monday to Thursday
The Best Place on Earth
Full-day kindergarten will see education spending jump by $58milllion Diversity Reporter staff
colour of their skin, their nationality, or their beliefs. Rather, we must continue to welcome all those who want to call our province home, and celebrate our differences, as well as our similarities. “Multiculturalism is one of the cornerstones of British Columbia and we are all stronger because of it.”
VICTORIA — The province will spend $58 million more on education in the coming year to help complete the transition to full-day kindergarten. School districts in British Columbia are expected to receive a record high of $4.72 billion in operational funding, which means more than $24 million invested in K-12 education every school day, said Minister of Education Margaret MacDiarmid. “In the coming school year, we’re increasing the basic allocation amount provided for every student by $44. This gives districts more money up front, allowing them to plan budgets more effectively and address cost pressures they’ve identified,” MacDiarmid said.
She said per-pupil funding had grown continually since 2000-01. The latest increase, which brings it to $8,357, will finally make full-day kindergarten available for all students. Despite declining enrolment in many districts, funding protection ensures that no district will receive less funding for this September’s enrolment count that it did in the previous school year. There are approximately 557, 282 fulltime equivalent students attending public schools in the province this year, an increase of about 951 full-time students. The increase is primarily due to the implementation of full-day kindergarten, which be available to all five-year-olds this September.
Minimum wage is going up to $10.25 Diversity Reporter staff Premier Christy Clark is raising the minimum wage in British Columbia as one of her first acts to “put families first” since being sworn into office. Clark announced the minimum will increase in stages to $10.25 by May 1, 2012 and the training wage will be eliminated, providing more support for workers and families. “Raising the minimum wage and eliminating the training wage is a fair and reasonable step forward in putting families first and building our economy. “This increase could mean more than $4,000 additional dollars annually for a full-time employee,” said Clark. The premier said business owners have said they need time to adjust to increases in the minimum wage, which is why the province is introducing the increase in stages. The general minimum wage will increase on May 1 this year to $8.75 per hour and rise to $10.25 by May 2012. As of May 1, the training wage will be
repealed and all hourly paid employees will be entitled to the general minimum wage regardless of how long they have been in the paid labour force. A special minimum wage for liquor servers will also be phased in, beginning May 1, 2011. It will be modelled on what now exists in Ontario for employees who serve liquor directly to customers or guests in licensed premises as a regular part of their work. “We consulted with stakeholders and economic experts on their views about increasing the minimum wage. As a result of those discussions, it was determined that job impacts are minimized when minimum wage increases are done incrementally over time,” said Stephanie Cadieux, Minister of Labour, Citizens’ Services and Open Government. “Our approach to liquor servers will be in line with what already exists in Ontario. In that province, the alcohol server rate has allowed the general minimum wage to increase while maintaining and supporting jobs in the food and beverage service sector.”
Have something to say? Diversity Reporter is seeking committed bloggers looking to increase their readership. Open 11 AM to 2 PM and 5 PM to 9 PM 7 Days a week 102-506 Fort Street (Corner of Fort and Wharf) Tel: 250-361-9000
Send you blog link to
March 23, 2011
Events Calendar To book events or submit your event pictures email us at Mariachi Festival! Experience some of the best international performers, musicians and dancers including 5 Mariachi bands from Mexico, Canada & the U.S.A., as well as folkloric dance groups at the 4th Mariachi Festival! Sponsored by the Diversity Reporter, this event will be on Wednesday, May 4th at the Alix Goolden Hall, 907 Pandora Street, 8:00pm. For tickets phone 778-433-7381 or visit La Fogata Latina (749 View Street) or the Mexican House of Spice (2022 Douglas). VIRCS Open House The Vancouver Island Immigrant Resource Centre Society welcomes you to an open house at their location on the third floor of 637 Bay Street. They invite you to join them to see multiculturalism at its best. Wednesday, March 30, 3:30pm to 5:30pm. Glitter Accessories Jewellery Party A fun get-together showcasing South Asian-inspired fashion jewellery. Sunday, March 27, 12:00pm-4:00pm, 3956 Interurban Road. Youth Theatre - Where is Home? Where is Home is a theatrical project based on the real life experiences of immigrant and refugee youth living in Victoria, performed by the youth themselves. All performances will be followed up with an interactive discussion. For further information and tickets e-mail Performances are March 5th, 12th, Mar 18th & 25th at Intrepid Theatre Club, 1609 Blanshard Street, Victoria. Tickets $10 ($5 for students w/ valid ID). Club Salsa! The first and third Friday of every month is Club Salsa at the Victoria Event Centre, 1415 Broad Street. There is often a live band with DJ Ramesh playing in the breaks. The night starts at 8:30pm with a free dance workshop! For more information go to, e-mail or call Miguel at 250-213-9366. Shan-e Punjab 20th Youth Cultural Showcase On Saturday, April 30th the Shan-e Punjab Dance, Performing Arts & Heritage School presents their 20th annual Youth Cultural Showcase at UVic’s Farquar Auditorium. Tickets are $12 for adults, $7 for students and are available online at For more information on the showcase email shan-e-punjab@ or call 250-686-0325. The Other Emily: Redefining Emily Carr She is known as Canada’s greatest woman artist, but how well do we know the real Emily Carr? The Other Emily: Redefining Emily Carr draws on the Royal BC Museum’s vast Carr collection to mount the first-ever exhibition to explore the artist’s life before she became famous. From March 2 to October 20. For more information, including tickets, go to www.royalbcmuseum. Sidney - Lennie Gallant, Mary Winspear Centre JUNO-nominated singer/songwriter Lennie Gallant, an
artist Jimmy Buffett described as “one of my favourite Canadian songwriters” will be in Sidney on March 30 to promote his latest roots album If We Had a Fire. Tickets are $25, available at
Sidney - POP Into Painting!, Mary Winspear Centre Learn the basics of watercolor and acrylic painting that will enable you to express your artistic talents and perfect what you already know! Class runs on Tuesdays & Thursdays, 7:00pm-9:00pm, from April 5th-28th. The cost is $160 for 8 classes. Registration forms are available at
matinees on March 19, 20, 26 & 27 at 2:00pm. St. Luke’s Church Hall, 3821 Cedar Hill X Road. For ticket information see VIRCS Income Tax Program If you are a single person whose income was less than $25,000, a family with a combined income of less than $35,000, or your Disability/Social Assistance is your primary source of income, this program will provide free, volunteer-delivered income tax filing. This program runs every week through March and April, 2011 & may be extended, based on volunteer availability and demand. For information contact Paulina at VIRCS’ reception, (250) 361-9433.
Culture of Light Celebration A workshop series on traditions of light from around the world, co-presented by ICA and the Cook Street Village Activity Centre, and funded by Embrace BC. This is an opportunity to see some of the work being done to break down barriers between cultures and find common themes central to celebrations around the world. Cook Street Village Activity Centre, 380 Cook Street. Wednesday March 23, 4 – 6pm. Everyone is welcome, Indian food & chai will be served. Chemainus - The 39 Steps Mix a Hitchcock masterpiece with a juicy spy novel, add a dash of Monty Python and you have The 39 Steps. This award-winning comedy is packed with nonstop laughs, more than 150 zany characters, and some good old-fashioned romance! March 4-April 9, 7:30pm. For more information, including tickets, see www. Campbell River - The Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival 2011 The Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival is a festival of climbing and adventure programs that remain true to the heart of climbing. The tour features several of the best films selected from those presented at the Festival in Vancouver in February. March 25th, Tidemark Theatre, 1225 Shoppers Row, Campbell River. Showtimes and tickets available at St. Luke’s Players present “Sinners”, a comedy by Norm Foster A furniture store owner is having an affair with the local minister’s wife. An intricate web of deceit is hilariously exposed as the police, members of the parish and the women’s auxiliary all get involved. Performances run from March 16 - 19 & March 23 - 26 at 8:00pm, with
* Rental *Sale Items* Real Estate * Announcements* Business Services * Travel* Help Wanted send your ads to: Publisher: Frontline Media Editor-in-Chief: Barbara Brown Editor: Mohsin Abbas Advertising Consultant: Ailish Spencer Advertisements: Assistant Editor: Brennan Storr
Sidney - 6th Annual Lego Exhibit Lego, Lego, Lego The London Tower Bridge is our feature model this year along with the Star Wars and other favourite models. Also on show are collections of ExoForce, castles, pirates, space, airplanes, construction vehicles, racing cars and space Lego. The exhibit is on display from January - March 31st at the Sidney Museum, 2423 Beacon Avenue, Sidney B.C.
Diversity Reporter Connecting communities
Spring Gardening Workshops in Beacon Hill Park If you love to garden or want to learn where to start, the City of Victoria has a garden workshop for you. Join us this spring in Beacon Hill Park for the love of gardening. Wake Up Your Garden Saturday, March 26, 10 a.m. – noon Learn how to prepare your garden bed, manage pests, and prune roses at this two-hour workshop with Victoria’s own Beacon Hill Park gardeners. Participants are to meet at the Beacon Hill Park Service Building located on Bridge Way, next to the public washrooms. Free. Rain or shine. Registration is not required. Compost Open House for Earth Day Tuesday, April 19, 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. What’s cooking in the compost pile? Celebrate Earth Day and learn about organic recycling at the Beacon Hill Park Maintenance Yard (at the end of Nursery Road). Tour the City’s organic recycling depot and learn more at our educational composting and recycling displays. Bring a bag, bucket or wheelbarrow to take home some well-composted “earth.” Free. Rain or shine. Registration is not required.
Contributors: Brennan Storr, Raquel Gallego, Brendan Kergin, Jennifer Patel, Anthem Man, Prof. Darshan Singh, Waqar Yousaf Butt Photographer: Dan Eastabrook, Yukari Tanji Urdu Editor: Dr. Shamas Javid Graphics: Francisco Cumayas David Upper, Randy Hume Webmaster: David Upper Inquiries: Tel: 250-412-1724 Fax: 250-483-6383 General inquiries: Events: Letter to Editor:
Native Plants – Wildflower Walk in Beacon Hill Park Saturday, April 23, 10 a.m. – noon What’s all the buzz about native plants? Learn why these water-wise, low maintenance plants are gaining in popularity, how and where they grow best, and how to care for them. Meet at the Beacon Hill Park Maintenance Yard (at the end of Nursery Road) and then head out for a tour of some native plants in the park. Free. Rain or shine. Registration is not required.
Have Your Say:
Native Plant Garden Build Saturday, April 23, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. This two-hour, hands-on workshop will give you an overview on the importance of native plant gardens to our Garry oak ecosystem, what to consider when planning your own native plant garden, and how to find and choose the appropriate plants. All this while helping plant a new native plant garden in Beacon Hill Park. Free. Rain or shine. To register, call 250.361.0732.
Saskatchewan Frontline Media 62-1755 Hamilton Street, Regina, SK, S4P 2B5
Learn How to Make Your Own Victoria Hanging Basket Saturday, May 7, 10 a.m. – noon Create your own Victoria trademark hanging “sun” basket with the City of Victoria’s expert greenhouse staff at this hands-on, two-hour workshop in Beacon Hill Park. $90 fee includes all planting materials. To register, call 250.361.0732. Gardening With Annuals Saturday, May 28, 10 a.m. – noon Annuals can provide a summer burst of colour either as an addition to your perennial beds or as stand-alone plantings. Learn how to make the best use of annuals, plant and soil selection, and design considerations such as texture, height and form. Meet at the Beacon Hill Park Maintenance Yard (at the end of Nursery Road) for this classroom workshop. Fee: $25. To register, call 250.361.0732. For more information, visit: and click on What’s New?
Contact: British Columbia Diversity Reporter Media /Frontline Media, P.O. Box 49022 Victoria, BC V8P 5V8, Canada
Ontario 1015 Matheson Blvd, East Unit # 3, Mississauga, ON, L4W 3A4 Diversity Reporter is a leading multilingual newspaper with content published in more than 10 languages. It is published by Frontline Media every second Wednesday. We encourage newcomers and immigrants to write their stories and share it with the best community on earth. We welcome local event, news stories, features and pictures from community members. Opinions and views expressed are of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the views of Diversity Reporter.
Inquiries: Tel: 250-412-1724 Fax: 250-483-6383 Foreign Correspondents: Australia Fahad Cheema China James Foster India Ajmer Alam Wani Philippines Caroline Wong Bangladesh Saleem Samad Dubai Akbar J. Bajwa Pakistan Ahmad Humayun Khan U.K. Muhammad Zahid
March 23, 2011
March 23, 2011
That Don’t Make It Junk Brennan Storr The world has finite resources. I know this because for the last decade Al Gore & Michael Moore have been living in my television making frantic, bearded love while David Suzuki teaches them about “the nature of things”. I know because of the lingering sense of guilt I feel every time I drive the car to work. I know that every time I throw away a Cola can a village in the Congo is burned to the ground while white hunters chase aluminum wildebeests through the embers, taking their hide for foil wrap and their organs for pie plates. I know all this so I separate my plastic and my glass & only watch television programs with recycled jokes. And when
I have a household item that is of no particular use to me I have learned to “freecycle” rather than throw it away. What is freecycling? It is the practice of taking things you no longer need and leaving them at the curb because they will take up too much room in your trash. There is also a website, www.freecycling. org, where you can advertise your surplus of hemp sweaters to penniless Australian snowboarders. Back home when we no longer had any use for a household item it was donated to Uncle Troy’s raccoon habitat. Of course it was more a sprawling kingdom of rusted-out appliances kept on his property ’for parts’ than it was actual animal refuge. Still, we humoured Troy because being able to send our half-working toast-
ers and microwave ovens his way meant no one in our family had to buy extra garbage tags from city hall. The city bylaw inspector finally put an end to the practice when his Jude son was attacked by a raccoon in Troy’s yard. No charges were filed, mostly because Jude had been sent by the inspector himself to drop off an unused bread maker. Freecycling is a far more elegant solution but it is not without problems. For example, every box of free cookware I see out on the street corner has a mouldering sofa somewhere in the vicinity to keep it company. This says to me that some people do not understand the distinction between “freecycling” and “littering”. If you have purchased a new set of crockery and your old set is still use-
able, leaving it in a box marked “free” is “freecycling.” If your sofa is so decrepit that it has taken on the odour of dead men then leaving it at the curb because “it’s better than throwing it away” is “littering”. It is sometimes okay to throw things away. Recycling is wonderful and we should try to do so whenever possible but certain things are meant to be junked after a single owner. Small items should be thrown by hand into a “dumpster”. Larger items need to be brought to the town dump. If you don’t own a truck, that’s fine, make friends with someone who does. If you are unable to find someone with a truck then there are a number of services in every major city that employ thicknecked men named Otis who specialize in shifting heavy things. They will charge for the privilege but it’s a small price to pay for ensuring your neighbourhood doesn’t look like Uncle Troy’s yard. If you’ve ever been bitten by a raccoon you’ll know how valuable this really is.
as Clapton you can’t play them all. Heavily influenced by the blues, he has mastered many of the genre’s standards. At the show he covered songs by Muddy Waters, Bo Diddley and the man often credited with the early birth of the blues ferent worlds. - Robert Johnson. Clapton has never The guitar great was in Vancouver on forgotten his roots and has always been Friday the 26th of February and I was quick to give credit to the men who came not going to miss out. His set consisted before him. of new tracks from his recently released Last year when Buddy Guy came to album Clapton and classic anthems from Victoria, Buddy told the story of first the 60s and 70s. Cover versions of JJ hearing the Cream classic “Sunshine of 1084 Street Cale’s “Cocaine” and Bob Fort Marley’s “I your Love”. He told Clapton that he Shot the Sheriff” were greeted with reloved the song, particularly the riff and sounding applause as was hit maker Clapton responded “You should, it’s “Wonderful Tonight”. “Layla” was also yours.” The 65 year old legend has a played, unplugged style. few years left in him and will be back in A few surprising absentees were “SunVancouver soon enough. shine of your Love” and “Crossroads”, 250-952-4211 Do yourself a favour and see one of the but when you’ve got as rich a catalogue undisputed kings of the guitar.
Anthem Man on Eric Clapton
Carole James, MLA
Anthem Man When a conversation turns to history’s great guitar players Eric Clapton is mentioned very quickly. Since the early 60s, “Slowhand” has been entertaining, teaching, and exposing the general public to the guitar and its capabilities. He has been on the forefront of rock ‘n’ roll and the blues since he stepped into the spotlight all those years ago. Clapton played in many bands before becoming a solo artist. Groups like Cream, the Yardbirds, and Derek and the
Dominos were topping the charts and the concert circuit largely due to Clapton and became legendary themselves. He turned the world onto the “unplugged” spin 20 years ago when he took some classics and stripped them to the essentials. That album, 1992’s Unplugged, won multiple Grammy awards and created a monster. Soon everyone and their neighbour was recording an “unplugged” album of their biggest songs but few had the impact of Clapton’s. Listen to Derek and the Domino’s original 1970 version of “Layla” and then the 1992 unplugged version - you get the best of two very dif-
Here to serve you at my community office
Carole James, MLA The Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria (ICA) is offering free income tax preparation for low-income immigrant and refugee newcomers. To find out if you qualify, please contact (250) 388-4728 ext. 0 and speak with our receptionist. This program is offered through CRA’s Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP). To learn more, please visit:
Here to serve you at my community office 1084 Fort Street
ig IslandGirl
Carole James, MLA For inquiries contact Ailish Spencer at:
Here to serve you at my community office
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March 23, 2011
Premier Clark slims down cabinet VICTORIA - Premier Christy Clark is working with a new, smaller cabinet focused on putting families first, creating jobs and changing the way British Columbians engage with their government. “Our new cabinet will reflect the priorities of British Columbians and put families at the centre of all our decisionmaking,” said Clark. “Together, we will focus on creating jobs and building a strong economy because that is the single most important thing we can do to support families and ensure we can invest in critical services like health and education. This is a team that will work hard to ensure that prosperity and opportunity extend to every region of our province.” The new cabinet is made up of 17 ministers plus the premier, reduced from the previous total of 24. This includes the new Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation, which will bring together many of the functions in government focused on job creation under a single ministry. As well, three new cabinet committees reflect the priorities of government - the Committee on Families First; the Committee on Jobs and Economic Growth; and the Committee on Open Government and Engagement. Responsibility for colleges and universities has been recombined under the Ministry of Advanced Education; responsibility for mining has been returned to the Ministry of Energy and Mines; Labour and Citizen Services have been combined; and Forests and
Lands has been combined with Natural Resource Operations. The new cabinet appointed and sworn into office by the Lieutenant-Governor in a ceremony today is: * Premier - Hon. Christy Clark * Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance - Hon. Kevin Falcon
Interfaith Dialogue Project Multi-Faith Open House Celebrations Celebrate, Learn and Share with Other Faith Groups
The Victoria Interfaith Dialogue Project invites you to learn about different religions, promote understanding and build new relationships. All events are family-friendly and everyone is welcome!
Unitarian Open House Date: Sunday Feb 20, 2011 Time: 10:30am: worship 12-1:30pm: reception Place: 5575 West Saanich Rd. (near Red Barn)
Hindu Open House Date: Saturday March 5, 2011 Time: 7:30–10pm: tour and reception Place: 1934 Cultra Avenue (Saanichton)
Buddhist Open House Date: Saturday March 12, 2011 Time: 12-3pm: tour and reception Place:1050 Finlayson Street (Nepalese Monastery)
Sikh Open House Date: Sunday March 20, 2011 Time: 11:30am–2pm: tour, ceremony and reception Place:1210 Topaz Avenue (off of Quadra)
Jewish Open House Date: Friday March 25th 2011 Time: 7-9pm: ceremony and reception Place: 3636 Shelbourne St., Jewish Community Centre
Baha'i Open House Date: Thursday March 31, 2011 Time: 7-9pm: reception and discussion Place: 932 Balmoral Rd.– First Met United Church Room 132 (Chapel)
Christian Open House Date: Thursday April 7th 2011 Time: 7-8:30pm: tour, presentation and reception Place: 932 Balmoral Rd., First Met United Church Doreen McLeod Room
Muslim Open House Date: Sunday April 17th 2011 Time: 1–3pm: tour and reception Place:1250 Esquimalt Rd., Ismaili Jamatkhana
For more information contact: Steven Lorenzo Baileys 250-388-4728 ext. 116
This project is made possible through funding from the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia
Hosted by the Victoria Multifaith Society, South Island Dispute Resolution Centre & Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria
* Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation - Hon. Mary Polak * Minister of Advanced Education Hon. Naomi Yamamoto * Minister of Agriculture - Hon. Don McRae * Attorney General - Hon. Barry Penner * Minister of Children and Family Development - Hon. Mary McNeil * Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development - Hon. Ida Chong * Minister of Education - Hon. George Abbott * Minister of Energy and Mines (minister responsible for Housing) -Hon. Rich Coleman * Minister of Environment - Hon. Terry Lake * Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations - Hon.Steve Thomson * Minister of Health - Hon. Michael de Jong * Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation - Hon. Pat Bell * Minister of Labour, Citizens’ Services and Open Government - Hon.Stephanie Cadieux * Minister of Public Safety and Solici-
tor General - Hon. Shirley Bond * Minister of Social Development (minister responsible for multiculturalism) - Hon. Harry Bloy * Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure - Hon. Blair Lekstrom Additionally, 10 MLAs have been named as parliamentary secretaries, and will work with ministers to focus on key initiatives of government. Rich Coleman will serve as the Government House Leader and Terry Lake will be the deputy Government House Leader. Ben Stewart will be the Government whip. “We want British Columbians to have the opportunity to be more engaged with government decision-making,” said Premier Clark. “We will work with citizens to find solutions to problems, set priorities openly and explain why we make the decisions we do. British Columbia is starting from a position of strength. It is up to us to build on this strength for the betterment of families across our province.”
March 23, 2011
New regulatory body to crack down on crooked immigration consultants
Canada to refocus on resettlement of refugees Diversity Reporter Immigration minister Jason Kenney says Canada will put greater emphasis on resettling refugees from camps and urban slums around the world and will end its “ineffective” source-country refugee status. As part of changes being introduced under the Balanced Refugee Reform Act, immigration officials here plan to work closer with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, other resettlement countries and private sponsors in their efforts to identify refugees in greatest need, said Kenney, Minister for Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism. He said the government will expand its resettlement program by 20 per cent to help more refugees in camps and urban slums. “Since the source-country class is not working as it was intended, we plan to repeal it in order to refocus our settlement efforts on refugee situations where needs are the greatest, such as Iraqi refugees in Syria and Bhutanese refugees in Nepal,” said Kenney. Canada currently resettles one out of every 10 refugees resettled around the world, and that commitment is increasing with the new measures we have introduced,” added Kenney. The source-country class was intended to be a flexible tool for humanitarian intervention, capable of responding to a variety of situations. The objective of the class was to provide resettlement assistance to people who were in need of protection, but who were unable to leave their countries and were therefore not receiving international protection under the mandate of the UNHCR. Canada found the source-country class too restrictive because it applied only to people in countries listed in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations.
In order to change or add a country to that list, a regulatory change was required, which was a lengthy process. As a result, the source-country class was an inflexible tool that did not allow the government to respond to emerging situations. Overall approval rates in the program were low. In Colombia, for example, the approval rate was estimated at less than 10 per cent, demonstrating the program inefficiency, and raising the question of how resources could be better spent. CIC found it was processing nine cases before finding one that merited Canada’s protection. By working through the United Nations, however, over 85 per cent of all cases are approved. By repealing the source-country class, the resettlement program will be streamlined to focus on partnerships that can deliver protection to those who are most in need. “The UNHCR appreciates the measures Canada has taken to make more resettlement spaces available for UNHCR resettlement referrals, recognizing the large number of refugees around the world in need of protection through resettlement,” said Abraham Abraham, UNHCR representative in Canada. Kenney said Canada’s commitment to refugee protection remains strong. “We recently agreed, at the emergency request of the UNHCR, to resettle a group of 50 Vietnamese Montagnard refugees who had been under risk of return to Vietnam. We are working with the UNHCR to resettle up to 5,000 Bhutanese refugees from Nepal and we have extended our commitment to help Iraqi refugees for an additional two years.” The total number of Iraqi refugees resettled to Canada by 2013 is expected to exceed 20,000.
Canadian immigration minister Jason Kenney says a new regulatory body to oversee immigration consultants will help protect the integrity of the system. Kenney announced the appointment of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council as part of the federal government’s commitment to crack down on crooked consultants and protect prospective migrants and the public against immigration fraud. The Canada Gazette’s website published a notice on March 19 informing the public about the proposed changes to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations. The amendments will be open for public comment for 30 days before final regulations are published. The new regulatory body follows the minister’s announcement in June last year that the his department intended to launch a transparent public selection process to find a suitable body to regulate immigration consultants. Consultants are currently regulated by the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants. However, reports of the standing committee on citizenship and immigration in 2008 and 2009 identified governance issues and a lack of public confidence in the society. “I anticipate that the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council will
not only help ensure public confidence in the integrity of the immigration program, but also that immigration consultants provide their services in a professional and ethical manner,” said Kenney. A selection committee was established to examine all submission received following a public process requesting submissions from parties interested in being the regulator of immigration consultants. The committee reported its conclusions to the minister. Based on these conclusions, the ICCRC was proposed as the regulator best placed to govern immigration consultants. The new regulatory council committed to a number of initiatives to foster a culture of transparency and openness in order to protect the public and especially those using immigration consultant services. These include a hotline for members of Parliament for complaints and questions and a public awareness campaign. Kenney raised the issue of immigration consultant fraud in meetings with officials in China, India and the Philippines last fall and more recently in Pakistan. He has urged those governments to protect their citizens from exploitation and abuse by crooked immigration consultants.
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Diversity Report: Mar 16/11
Diversity Reporter staff
March 23, 2011
OUR CITY Everyone has a different view of the city - we want to see yours! Send your photos, with a title and your name attached, (maximum size 2MB) to submissions Submissions to “Our City� will also be displayed on our Flickr account and may be used in future editions of the Diversity
Victoria Celebrates Persian New Year Norouz
Immigration Minister Jason Kenney visits Bayanihan Center in Victoria
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March 23, 2011
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The Last 15 Seconds
March 23, 2011
Using powerful imagery and a visceral physicality, The Last 15 Seconds explores the topic of terrorism. It starts from the tragic death of Syrian-American filmmaker Mustapha Akkad and his daughter Rima in a series of co-ordinated attacks that hit three prominent hotels in the Jordanian capital Amman in 2005. The work constructs an imagined physical and verbal dialogue between Mustapha Akkad and Rawad Jassem Mohammad Abed, the suicide bomber who carried out the explosion. The work also looks at the imagined lives and memories of both the victim and his killer as they revisit each other’s lives after their fatal encounter. The Last 15 Seconds was presented by Intrepid Theatre as part of its Jan - Apr Season in association with MT Space and Puente Theatre. Akkad is the creator of The Message: the Story of Islam, and Lion of the Desert, two of the most prominent films that depict the greatness of both Islamic faith and Arab culture. Akkad saw these films as a way to bridge the gap between the Western and Islamic worlds, stating in a 1976 interview, “…being Muslim myself who lived in the west I felt that it was my obligation, my duty to tell the truth about Islam. It is a religion that has a 700 million following, yet there’s so little known about it which surprised me. I thought I should tell the story that will bring this bridge ... to the west.” Majdi Bou-Matar, the show’s director and co-creator talks to Intrepid Theatre’s Sammie Gough about using the lens of theatre to examine the human impact of terrorism. (Page 17)
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Photos by Tom Vogel (
Pam Patel plays Rawad’s bride as well as Rima (Akkad’s daughter). Pam Patel is a graduate of Wilfred Laurier University’s music program where she studied voice under Laura Pudwell and Marianne Bindig. In June 2007, Pam performed at the Distillery District in Toronto in the premiere of “Tonhenge”, an opera by Canadian composer, Renee Walrafen. Pam also participated in Nuit Blanche in downtown Toronto singing works by local composers. Pam performed at the Vancouver Creative Music Institute as part of the Vancouver International Jazz Festival. Her involvement with The MT Space includes The Last 15 Seconds, Across the Veil and the Other End of the Line.
Photography Capturing the Art of your special Moments
March 23, 2011
Memories of Madras Easwaran family introduces Victoria to South Indian cuisine BY BARBARA BROWN
aj Easwaran wants Victorians and tourists alike to savour the hot, aromatic curries of his native south Indian cuisine. You can discover the fragrant memories of Raj’s childhood in the former city of Madras when you visit the India Curry House at the foot of Fort Street. “One of the things we wanted to do was introduce the southern Indian cuisine to Victoria. There was an opportunity to do that because there was no other restaurant operating with this cuisine,” said Easwaran
The motivation to open a restaurant came after his parents, ‘Easy’ and Jaya Easwaran, retired a decade ago and decided to join their son in Victoria. “It was something that both my parents and I had been wanting to do. It was a bit of a passion in terms of cooking and our cuisine,” said Easwaran The menu at the India Curry House identifies hot and extra-hot dishes, but also has medium-heat for more timid taste buds. The ever-popular butter chicken and tandoori dishes are prepared, along with goat curry, which is a rare find on a menu in Victoria. In addition to the distinctive
India Curry House is located at 102-506 Fort Street. Call 250-361-9000
“Whenever we talked to our friends or had a dinner party, people would always say, ‘Oh, we wish we could get this locally. We would like to go and eat that.’” In the old city of Madras— now called Chennai — Easwaran grew up on such perennial favourites as dosa, a rice and lentil crepe, which can be served a number of ways but often with a tamarind-based stew called sambar and coconut chutney. South Indian cuisine comprises the traditional fare found in the southern-tip states Tamilnadu and Kerala, along with Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh just to the north. The southern region has rice as a staple in contrast to northern India, which favours flat breads. Another common feature, says Easwaran, is the use of lentils and spices, including dried chillies and fresh green chillies, coconut and native fruits, along with vegetables such as tamarind, plantain, gourds, garlic and ginger. Easwaran was raised in a typical South Indian home with a large extended family, including grandparents and lots of children running around at special family meals. As a young man, he was the first in his family to migrate and went to England to be educated, specializing in information technologies. He worked in the Middle East for a time before moving to Canada in 1996. Two years later, he married Subah, a woman from back home. They have two children.
South Indian fare that features dosas prepared in a variety of ways, the restaurant offers a selection of Indo-Chinese dishes. Easwaran points to a number of items on the menu that are gluten free and says there are plenty of vegan options too. His family acquired the restaurant a year ago in May from a family that had offered north-Indian dining for more than two decades at the same location. “The wonderful thing about this particular restaurant was that it already had a very strong clientele base, having been in existence for 20-odd years. “The family that we acquired it from, we had a very friendly relationship with, and we could see the pattern of the seasons. Of course, Victoria being a seasonal town, and us being located downtown, we are a seasonal business. But overall, I should say, we’ve have been pleasantly surprised. We’ve had a very positive response. Easwaran and his mother are the chief cooks and guide the menu. This summer, they plan to introduce some of the fastfood items (chaat) that so popular on the streets of big cities such as Mumbai and Delhi. These are tangy Indian snacks that might include a quickly grilled tidbit or small potato patties filled with spicy vegetables. “Of course, we will be serving it here in the restaurant but in India, it would be out on the street,” said Easwaran. “The presentation will be similar to tapas, with little finger foods that you can share.”
March 23, 2011
Davison reflects on his career after retirement
The World Cup was a mixed bag for Canada. A nice win over Kenya and a poor outing against Zimbabwe were draped around some good moments and some trying moments for the inexperienced associate nation against the best in the world. “Our bowlers did a fantastic job throughout the tournament,” captain Ashish Bagai said. “But our batting let us
down in the first half and it was very hard for us to recover in the second half.” After Canada was defeated Wednesday by defending champion Australia, the Canadian players all saved a congratulatory hug for John Davison, who made this his final match after announcing his retirement on Tuesday. The 40-year-old who was born in Campbell River, B.C., made 14 runs off 12 balls, took one wicket, and made the catch to send Ricky Ponting on his way. A life-long resident of Australia, he will continue his coaching duties there. But as the man who has been Canada’s most recognizable name in the cricket world exits, it’s up to some promising kids to carry the program forward. Hiral Patel, Zubin Surkari, Jimmy Hansra, and Nitish Kumar, who all had roles in Wednesday’s match, lead the transition of Canada’s national team from one depending exclusively on cricketers trained elsewhere, to one where players trained at home can compete at the highest level. “We have some young guys on the side,” Bagai said. “The guys got some self-belief out of this tournament. Patel and Hansra had some good spells out of this so hopefully they’ll be able to take something away from the experience.” Unfortunately, it isn’t known yet what direction the team will be going. It has a string of associate tournaments and there will be some additional twenty20 opportunities coming. But with the ICC planning a test nations-only World Cup in 2015, Canada’s next chance at the sport’s highest level may not be coming for a while.
March 23, 2011
Francophone family recognized for contribution to local culture Diversity Reporter staff VICTORIA —A local francophone family with roots in James Bay is being recognized for its contributions to the culture as part of this year’s provincial Francaphonie Day celebration. John Les, Parliamentary secretary to the Premier, presented Terese Cote and her extended family with a commemorative plaque and showed a short video depicting her family’s legacy in Victoria during a ceremony at the legislature. In 1945, Cote’s father, Joseph Henri Cote, and his wife, Ida Camille Demers, settled in the city and began promoting the francophone culture in the community. They were active in the French Catholic parish and helped build a community room next to the church. The family took an active part in protecting Victoria’s historical St. Ann’s Academy. The family eventually purchased four house on Douglas Street not far from the Parliament buildings. The homes were subsequently renovated and used as rental apartments and are still a vital part of the James Bay neighbhourhood. The commemorative plaque unveiled at the celebration will be installed in an
accessible location on the family’s property. “For six decades, Joseph Côté and his family have in their own small corner of the province contributed to a rich and vibrant francophone community legacy,” said Les. Today is our opportunity to tell their story, demonstrating the close French community linkages with the province’s economic, social and cultural life.” Dr. Real Roy, président, Fédération des francophones de la Colombie-Britannique, said: “As Francophones, we are particularly proud to honour the Côté family for their dedication to their community. Since the arrival of the first European settlers, Francophones have contributed to the rich fabric of BC’s society especially here in Victoria. We are happy to see this contribution officially recognized.” There are more than 290,000 French speakers in B.C. and currently more than 40 francophone associations and organizations in the province. British Columbia has joined Canada and 55 countries around the world to formally recognize March 20 as International Day of the Francophonie.
Lt. Cmdr. Nathalie Garcia poses with Navy mascot Sonar and a bomb disposal suit at the 14th annual French Fest in Centennial Square. Photo By Dan Eastabrook/Diversity Reporter Staff
Local band Blue Morocco performs at French Fest in Centennial Square. Photo By Dan Eastabrook/Diversity Reporter Staff
Accommodate Japan The nation of Japan faces an unprecedented crisis. Hundreds of thousands of Japanese citizens have been forced from their homes, first by earthquake, then tsunami and now nuclear disaster. On Wednesday, March 16, I posted a message on the social network Twitter offering my spare bedroom to house at least 2 survivors of the disaster. At the same time I suggested that others do the same, not only here in Victoria but around the
world. Since then, numerous Victorians have contacted me offering their homes as well. Financial aid alone will not be enough to help the people of Japan - accommodation will be an absolutely vital part of the aid package. I believe we need to a global list of open-hearted citizens willing to share their homes with those displaced by the crisis in Japan. To achieve that end we have created the
Facebook page Accommodate Japan as a virtual meeting place where those in need of shelter can find places to stay. If you or anyone you know can provide temporary shelter to Japanese citizens in need please post your contact details on the site. For those of you in touch with loved ones at home in Japan, please direct them and the people they know to the page so we can help find them a place to be comfortable and safe. In times of crisis we must pull together and extend any and all help we can. Open your hearts and your homes and help us accommodate Japan. Thank you, David Malysheff
Victoria Filipino Canadian Caregivers Association ( VFCCA ) Presents OFW & New Workers Workshop Wednesday April 2 , 2011 from 9 am to 8 pm
Bayanihan Center 1709 Blanshard Street Victoria B.C. V8W 2J8 Kung may katanungan po kayo, tumawag lang po kayo sa amin: Nora Kirby ------ -----Annette Beech ------Malu Lavina -----------Rhey Toledo ---------Jojo Partosa ----------
250-881-0018 250-514-9599 250-216-7027 250-884-5360 250-884-0542
“ Ang VFCCA ay inaanyayahan lahat ang mga Bagong Manggagawa at OFW dito sa Vancouver Island at Victoria. Sa tulong at pagpunta ng ating Kagalang-galang na Honorable Raly Tejada at ang mga butihing kasamahan niya. Kung sino man ang kukuha ng panibagong pasaporte at makatulong at makaawas sa inyong panggastos, panahon at pagaasikaso nito. Inanyayahan din po namin ang Kagalang- galang na Honorable Bernie Julve para sa pagpupulong tungkol sa reintegrasyon, para alamin ang benepisyo para sa kanila. Mayroon po tayong pagsasaluhan na pananghalian, miryenda at hapunan. Salamat po. Ang lugar ay sa Bayanihan Community Center
March 23, 2011
Terrorism Re-framed Through Theatre Critically acclaimed multi-cultural company MT Space are bringing their new play, The Last 15 Seconds to Victoria on March 1820 as part of Canada-wide tour. Majdi BouMatar, the show’s director and co-creator talks to Intrepid Theatre’s Sammie Gough about using the lens of theatre to examine the human impact of terrorism. Q: What was the original inspiration behind creating the Last 15 Seconds? The irony and absurdity of the event were my inspiration. I was fascinated by the fact that Mustapha Akkad was so concerned with correcting the image of Islam to the west and almost dedicated his life to promoting a good image, and yet he was killed by a Muslim extremist. The other layer into this is that Mustapha Akkad was the creator of Halloween horror franchise that became a brand of onscreen violence. Again what is Akkad’s responsibility in his own murder, and what is our responsibility when it comes to violence consumption. Q: How have audiences reacted to the play so far – both in the Middle East and here in Canada?
Audience have reacted on both emotional and intellectual levels. People found the play to be very moving, and at the same time it compelled they felt to learn more about the underlying politics of the Middle East. Q: Why did you choose the story of Syrian-American filmmaker Mustafa Akkad as the focal point for the play? Because he is very much like me: an immigrant, an artist and a dreamer. Q: The play is co-created by six artists. How did this collaborative process of writing the play work and what did each individual artist bring to the process? We always create collaboratively. I find theatre by its very essence an art of collective creation. Creation comes first and then the writing. The play goes from the stage to the page. The actors are the real creators. They create with their own bodies and voices. The Director is more of an editor and the playwright mostly documents, however with such editing and documenting come a lot of creative input.
Q What do you think is the importance of using theatre to examine taboo subjects such as suicide bombing? Theatre to me is a tool for community building and social justice. Its value is in its capacity to steer communities towards equality, diversity, and human
dignity. From here theatre becomes the medium where we have to tackle the taboos. Theatre permits us to collectively be vulnerable — cry, laugh, feel weak or angry! It is the place where we encourage each other artists and audiences to overcome social taboos!
Why Pay Full Price? Campbell River Mayor Charlie Cornfield (Middle) walking along local community members during “Walk Away from Racism” event. Supplied Photo by Ryan Dawson
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March 23, 2011
簡惠芝並不光彩的當官紀錄 校午餐經費,她就是參與決策者 之一。
新民主黨黨領白瞳恩 (Dawn Black) 卑詩自由黨選出新黨領簡蕙芝,她 將在本月稍後宣誓成為卑詩省長。 在祝賀簡蕙芝當選之際,我亦要表 達對她是否真有心改革的懷疑。 公眾需要注意的是,簡蕙芝是 2001年卑詩自由黨競選政綱的共 同起草人,自由黨的政綱造成往後 十年,大幅削減貧困家庭的服務, 醫療和教育水平下滑。 HST說一套做一套,人民還記憶猶 新,過去十年卑詩自由黨政策反覆 不定,我們都看在眼底,當然更不 會忘記,卑詩自由黨很多壞決策, 簡蕙芝都擔當著重要角色。 簡蕙芝與金寶爾的政綱,承諾不會 出售卑詩鐵路,保障弱勢兒童,改 善病人照料,支持課堂學習─結果 所有的競選支票都沒兌現。 本周最引人矚目的事件,就是新西 敏市的皇家哥倫比亞醫院,被迫在 咖啡店內治療病人,以及素里的學 生走上街頭,抗議教室過分擁擠。 醫院和學校人滿為患,只是簡蕙芝
和金寶爾未能兌現承諾的嚴重後果 之一。卑詩省的經濟同樣面臨嚴峻 考驗,我們的失業率是大西洋省份 以西最高,在全國面臨經濟不景氣 時,卑詩人民是最弱勢的一群。 我們的兒童貧窮率一直是全國最 高,人民無法再相信這個政府會說 實話。 面對各種挑戰,簡蕙芝的做法還是 跟金寶爾一樣。她拒絕為卑詩鐵路
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貪污案召開公聽會;她主張把醫療 經費與經濟成長綁在一起,就連她 自己的同僚都認為是不負責任; 除了大力支持合併銷售稅(HST)之 外,她提不出挽救經濟方案。 她誓言把家庭放在第一,但她效力 金寶爾政府的紀錄卻並非如此。簡 蕙芝擔任教育廳長期間,便關閉了 超過一百所學校;兒童及家庭發展 廳長任內,卑詩自由黨企圖刪除學
若簡蕙芝有心證明承諾改變,她 必須在重要議題上,改變態度立 刻行動。 首先,重新召開省議會,通過 立法把HST公投提前至六月。其 次,召開公聽會,調查卑詩自由 黨高層涉嫌貪污,卻用納稅人六 百萬元支付訴訟費。第三,誠實 公佈預算,解決民眾生活費日益 高漲的問題,如未來電費漲價五 成,杜絕浪費,支持重要的醫療 和教育服務。 這些行動只是起步,真正的改變 必須是,承諾徹底改變卑詩自由 黨過去的做事方式。 簡蕙芝曾經是金寶爾的親信閣 員,參與影響卑詩自由黨的政策 走向─一個與民意脫節、束手無 策的政府,一個失去卑詩人民信 任的政府。現在簡蕙芝要我們相 信,她能做到卑詩省民期待的改 變,從過去的紀錄來看,民眾有 權感到懷疑。
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