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Aleatory Dedicated to Food & Art







LiAng Xiao・FCP 3・N0351471・Stage Two Project・Word :5377・May 2013









Trends Review


Creative Case Studies

Experiential Dining 19-23 Casual Dining 24-25


58 74

Communication Strategy





Fashionista 28-29 Fine Dining Lover 30-31 Creatives 32-33

Alinea + Eleven Madison Park 35-39 40-43 Sketch Ginger Line 44-45



13 Research Aim 14-15 Primary Research 16-17 Secondary Research



The Big Idea

Aleatory 49 The Restaurant The Workshop

Launch Event 60-61 Online Presence 62-63 Massimo Bottura + Damien Hirst project

50-53 54-57


Creative Outcomes 70-73









78 82 85 92 5

1 Introduction

“The synergies between different creative disciplines are very positive, interesting and enriching. I have learned much from other fields. More and more professionals from other sectors have also become interested in the way we work, using it as inspiration for methodologies they can apply to different scopes.� (Adria, F., 2011: Online) 6


FIG.1 Ferran Adria

he quote from Ferran Adria indicates that culinary industry is now increasingly creative, it is not only something that we consume, but rather a source of inspiration to other industries and vise versa. Food as a stadium for communicating a lifestyle is becoming much more powerful compared to decades ago. The food itself, its presentation and social aspects of eating has always seen strongly interconnected (Eating, Design and Future Food, 2008: 5). As cutting-edge food designer Vogelzang (2011: Online) states “I think it is the beginning of a new era where everybody is relating to food. Even designers who never worked with food before have started thinking about and working with food because it connects to everything. It connects everybody and connects the whole system.�

FIG.2 Wheat


The stage one report investigated current environment and attitude around food from the public point of views and the professionals. At present time, food related industry is growing rapidly, and the publics shows a great interest in food. This can be seen by the eating out market in the UK has grown by nearly 7% during 2007-2012 period, to an estimated 31.5 billion (Mintel, 2012: Online). Food is always new and on trend. Food futurologist Morgan Gaye ( Food Fashion Future, 2011: Appendix) said “I think the thing that’s different now is that we are now having awareness ‘of meanings of food’. The consumer is much more educated, we are much more fashion-driven. Britain, more than any other country in the world, is fashion obsessed...It’s all about next big thing. Everything is being sold to us all the time to be the next big thing and food is absolutely no different.”


FIG.3 Filter Coffee

FIG.4 Sheep milk snow


The key finding from stage one reveals that food no long belongs to the table but everywhere in our daily life, it is significant and attracts more focus from individuals. Steward (2011: Online) claims “Food has become more than one of life’s greatest pleasure. it has become a signifier of style, too.” According to a food processing report published on Greater Yuma (2012: Online), the food industry is increasing all over the world and is looking at new ways to maintain economically viable and productive. These findings suggests there is an opportunity in the food market to implement state-of-theart technology, creative methodology, convey a concept of “food lifestyle”, combine food and art in more aspects and increase the focus on a niche market, in with the view to fulfilling this ‘gap’. Based on stage one research and subsequent findings, this report will focus on building a brand, with an aim to conveying a fine food and art lifestyle through different approaches, mainly focus on launch a new form of pop-up restaurant, identify the right consumers and provide creative communication strategies.



FIG.5 Raspberry sugar


2 Methodology Research Aim・Primary Research ・Secondary Research


Research Aim The research was conducted to find out initial set idea for stage two, “a creative combination of fine food and art�, this is also used as an implementation of stage one’s recommandation. Therefore, the first research objective is to discover the existing model of food and art project, to investigate how they relate closely and creatively to one another. Afterward, the right, potential target consumer group need to be identified. Finally, the new creative solutions will be recommended.

FIG.6 Egg shape lamp


Primary Research As a starting point of the report, a variety of primary research was conducted to find the informations that fulfil the subject needs. Initially, the research through the Internet found the Sketch restaurant in London to be unique for its creative combination of fine food and art, therefore an interview with Neal Dave who is general manager of the Sketch restaurant was carried out on 9th of April, to learn how fine food can relate to art in a more sophisticated way and how to keep a longevity and make difference of this combination. Alongside, a tour guided by Neal in the Sketch restaurant helped to produce the big idea of this report and provided visual inspiration to the final outcomes. An online questionnaire has also been sent out through the Internet to inquire public attitude on dining habits. Totally 70 effective responses was received, the result helped identify the consumers needs and preference. Moreover, recently participating “Identita” event in London provided alternative way to approach the research. The event gathered 7 Michelin starred chef (sharing a total of 13 Michelin stars) together to create a 7 courses lunch event. Chatting with Massimo Bottura who participated gave clues and evidence to potential relationship between food and art and inspired potential co-operations. Also, discuss with random customers on the Identita event helped with forming the consumer profile. Additionally, visit to various exhibitions, notably the Light Show in South Bank, and concept stores such as Dover Street Market and Opening Ceremony in London provided inspirations and suggested a variety possible combination between different art performance and food, and confirmed the potential artists collaborations for this project. Last but not the least, dining experience in three Michelin stared restaurant the Restaurant Gordon Ramsay inspired the creation of “seasonal” concept of this project as they offer a constantly changing “seasonal inspiration menu”.



FIG.10 Osteria Francescana by Chef Massimo Bottura

FIG.9 Dessert at the Restaurant Gordon Ramsay

FIG 7,8 Martin Creed x Pierre Gagnaire for Sketch Restaurant

Secondary Research The secondary was conducted to obtain a comprehensive contour of whole industry environment, trends in the market, graphical and communicational inspirations for the project. Basically, the Mintel online report was used to obtain an insight in the UK food market, Fine Dining Lovers was used to keep up-to-date with the latest trends in culinary industry, and Design Indaba took comprehensive points of views from industry leading names and inspired combination of food and art. Latest released cookbook “Cook it Raw” by Alessandro Porcelli was used as an important resource to form the idea “art and food”. The book cannot be classified as a cookbook in classical context, for it discovered stories behind food and natural environment which other cookbooks did not. Additionally, the book “Origin” by chef Ben Shewry and “Noma” by chef Rene Redzepi also supported the formation of the idea of nature and seasonal concepts for this project. The Harvard Open Course on Science and Cooking which inspired the new experiential dining experience could also be applied in this project. Besides, Pinterest, Art blogs and variety art books has provided pool of ideas and inspiration for the report.



FIG.11 Cook it Raw

FIG.12 Cereal Magazine


FIG.13 Cook it Raw

3 Trends Review Experiential DiningăƒťCasual Dining


Experiential Dining “As food culture evolved, consumers have begun to devote attention to more serious matters, namely, enjoying food on their terms, in a cultural fashion (via the food world and not the food industry's world) and for the food's sake.�

(Hartman, 2008: Online)

FIG.14 Nordic Food Lab


FIG.15 Scent dinner by Burr


ecent years the developing of dining trends has been influenced by a variety of matters on the market. According to Cottrell & Perrin (2011: Online), in next five to ten years, consumers will be communicating with food more diversely and differently: connect with all five sense: sound, sight, smell, touch and taste. Chefs are looking for different resources, outsourcing from other disciples to gather inspiration for their creation. Therefore trends in culinary world truly reflects elite essences of many other industries. One spectacular example the emergence of experiential dining. The experiential dining reflects the creative dinging experience which incorporated the concept of utilising all five senses as well as combining an interactive dining environment. For example, the Scent dinner by Burr, in which he created the concept as an interactive gastronomic experience comprised of two journeys — “one excites the olfactory senses, while the other stimulates the taste buds. He passes out blotters that were dipped in an essence of a gourmand perfumery raw material and guests sniff the mystery ingredient before taking a guess at what it is. The process is repeated until an entire fragrance is unveiled by Burr, who then educates his audience about the scent. Then diners are served a course comprised of the same components developed by the chef.� (Binlot, 2012: Online)


FIG.16 Scent dinner by Burr

FIG.17 Scent dinner by Burr


FIG.18 Burberry Interactive Fashion Show, Beijing


A key factor behind the growth of experiential dining restaurants may be the influential idea of ‘the experience economy’ (Spence and Fitzman 2012 p.3). It was indicated that a growing number of audiences are willing to pay for “experience”. Therefore, brands in other industries are increasingly focused on engaging multi-sensory experience. For instance, Burberry launched its flagship store in Regent Street last year, The store includes the world's tallest retail screens, which is able to turn into mirrors when needed and a hydraulic stage for performances. It also features RFID microchips in some items of clothing which when worn, transform mirrors into screens showing how the clothes look on a catwalk. Every staffs are on hand with iPads and credit card machines for transactions instead there is no till points in the store. (Guardian, 2012: Online) Stephan Paschalides, creative director at Now Plus One, a New York-based trends and consumer insights consulting agency was quoted as saying (2012: Online),

“Experiential marketing is really taking off, and consumers are expecting brands to offer them experiences outside of their usual scope.”


Casual Dining As far as culinary trends goes, restaurants are recognising that dining even fine dining - no longer needs to be formal. In agreement with Mintel report (2009: Online), currently a more casual setting (where diners do not need to follow a restricted dress code) and dining atmosphere “encourages gastronomy-lover to relax and relish their food, rather than be on their best behaviour”, among the most mainstream trends. Ferran Adria, dedicate his life to fine dining, recognised as the father of molecular gastronomy with opened legendary restaurant el Bulli, now predicts the future of food lies in informal dining.

“People are only willing to devote high levels fo concentration - like the five hour dinners at el Bulli - as an exception; if not, they prefer something informal and fun” said Adria (in Colon, FDL, 2012: Online). Conforming to a global survey evaluated food trends relying on 70 anonymous food writers and critics associated with Best 50 restaurant award, the result states that there is a strong trend toward “fun dining” over “fine dining” (New York, 2011: Online).


FIG.19-22 New Deli Yoga, Berlin



4 Consumer Fashionistas・Fine Dining Lovers・Creatives

“Launching a new product is much like buying a present for someone. The better you know the person, the better you know how they’ve reacted in the past, the more likely you are to buy something they really appreciate, but there is always possibility that you will miss the mark.” (Graves, P, 2010: 178) 26


ccording to the stage one research, the public in the UK are changing their attitude towards food, and there are growing number of people described themselves as “foodie”, which means people who love or have a deep affection towards food and eating food, who isn’t necessarily fat, but just enjoys eating. The new implementation stage aim to launch a restaurant business, providing fine food that will definitely target the most of foodie in the society. Through out the secondary research, and based on the objective of new restaurant, three types of potential consumers will be identified, which are ‘fashionistas’, ‘creatives’, and ‘fine dining lovers’.

FIG.23-25 Consumer image with hotdog


Fashionistas Carlo is 29 years old, currently work as the PR manager for a top London Public Relations Company. She has a keen interest in Fashion, and likes to do a 'season' shop, once every 3 months. She buy investment pieces, items that she feel with withstand new trends and offer a classic and simplistic feel. She likes to shop in Yves Saint Laurent and Masion Martin Margiela for the more timeless and conceptual items, but also shop at Acne Studio, especially in the spring and summer seasons, for the fresh and feminine style of the brand. She shops at Dover Street market regularly, looking for new and unique designers pieces. She currently lives in Chelsea, London in a penthouse apartment with her husband, an Investment Banker. They like to visit their country house in the Cotswolds and also enjoy regular visits to their holiday villa in St. Tropez, France. Her interests include gastronomy and fine wines, Fashion, as previously mentioned, travelling and experiencing new cultures as well as theater musicals. She likes to indulge herself with regular treats, and takes great pride in her appearance. In terms of her dislikes, she is not a 'bargain hunter', she have little interest in 'Fashionable but cheap' items also vintage stuffs, but to some extend she despised high street retailers who create replicas of the designer brands.


FIG.26 Consumer profile image

FIG.27 Interior of the Penthouse


FIG.28 Cooking Class

30 FIG.29 Cooking Class

FIG.30 The Art of French Baking

Fine Dining Lovers Joes is 23 years old, he is currently studying cuisine and patisserie diploma at Le Cordon Bleu London. He grows up in a restauranteur’s family, his father is the chef and owner of a small family restaurant. He was influenced by his father, and aim to work in the best kitchen in the world. He regularly eating at high-end restaurants, basically they are Michelin starred, every other week, sometimes might be more. He always take note of ingredients, flavours, textures of food he had while eating, and he is able to give a professional comment on the dishes. Besides, he also likes to seeking small unique independent restaurant, would like to try different food and get new inspirations. He checks Fine Dining Lovers website everyday to keep an up-to-date information of the culinary industry. He is obsessed with a variety cookbooks, he has a big collection of them at home. From quick family meal to complex high-end cooking. Most of them published by Phaidon, and he feels never enough. At the same time, he is also subscribed the gorgeous first-rate food journals, they are niche, independent, welldesigned and high-end, they only publish four issues per year, namely Cereal, Fool, Kinfolk and Fire and Knives.


Creatives Chris graduated from Centre Saint Martin College doing graphic design course and now in his mid-forties he is a free lance graphic designer and senior lecturer of Film Practice at Goldsmiths College London. After he graduated, he did a lot of different jobs in the creative industry, included trend predictor at a online fashion boutique, column writer for i-D magazine, and producer for some independent films, while in this period he is always working a free lance graphic designer job. During his various working experience, he met most of his friend, they mainly came from similar background or work in the creative industry, such as photographer, stylist, trend editor, film maker and designer etc. He is passionate about a variety kind of art performance, fashion, photography, film. He is member of V&A museum and Tate Modern, he usually schedule art event in his diary, visiting different exhibitions is his weekly routine. Apart from this, he is also has interests in theaters, musicals, he used to go to a fine dining restaurant L’atelier de Joel Robuchon with his wife for a pre-theater dinner and enjoys a lovely night with new musical played in West London afterwards. He regards these as a necessity in his life and inspiration to his work. He loves traveling, he thinks travelling provides him with new ideas, inspirations, at the same time broadening his sight and thoughts. He is a minimalist, who wears Uniform Wear watch, indulges himself with Nordic design as well as nordic food, which focuses on presenting the nature and original flavour of the ingredients itself.




FIG.31 Consumer profile moodboard

5 Creative Case Study Alinea + Eleven Madison Park・Sketch・Ginger Line


Alinea + Eleven Madison Park


ichelin triple star restaurants Chicago’s Alinea and New York’s Eleven Madison Park are ranked the 7th and 10th on the list of top 50 restaurants in the world. With no prior precedences, these two culinary giants launched an exciting collaboration last year. A promotional video was released prior to the commission of the collaboration. Scenes of staffs carefully packing in the two kitchens well organised, sorting everything into boxes, including variety ingredients, kitchen equipments, glasses, chairs and lamps. The team of Eleven Madison Park walk to Manhattan's Grand Central Station while the chefs at Alinea head to Chicago's Union Station. This video hinted a potential collaboration and possible takeover between these two Michelin starred restaurants. Moreover, Rose Colon at Fine Dining Lover (2012: Online) reported the video is tittled ‘21st Century Ltd’, which referenced ‘20th Century Limited’, a luxury passenger train that connected New York City and Chicago from 1902 to 1967. Chef Humm at Eleven Madison Park and his friend Grant Achatz, the cutting-edge chef at Alinea with their business partners have masterminded a plan to switch restaurants for five days in September. Dinner customers at Alinea will be treated to a meal that would normally be served at Eleven Madison Park. Daniel

Humm (The New York Times, 2012: Online) comment “It’s a crazy idea, but that’s what’s cool.” The two chefs are determined to get even closer as they prepare for the ultimate swapping. Chef Achatz said

“When we bring Alinea to New York, we’re looking at it as a Michelin three-star restaurant that’s popping up in New York, I mean, we’re not taking it lightly.” (The New York Times, 2012: Online) This project finally turned out to be successful. Its raised the awareness of both restaurants, and literally brought three starred food and utterly new dining experience to fine dining lovers. For stage two project, the kitchen takeover between two restaurants provide the inspirations for a pop-up form of collaboration: The takeover was proved to be fiscally feasible as they charged a tremendous price for dining but ticket were sold out within a day. The event has successfully targeted potential audiences by employing an interactive dining experience. However, as an pop-up event that lasts only five days it leves potential opportunities for extended the events while keeping the pop-up traits to formulate a new form of restaurant - a culinary boutique showroom, targeting a wider consumers group.


FIG.32 Dessert served on table at Alinea



FIG.34 Chef Patron Daniel Humm at Eleven Madison Park

38 FIG.33 Grant Achatz and Daniel Humm in EMP's kitchen

FIG.36 Hot potato soup form Alinea


FIG.35 Lobster dish at EMP

Sketch Dubbed “the most controversial restaurant to open in the capital this year” (Moir, 2002: Online), consisting of a two Michelin starred fine dining restaurant with sophisticated heritage, aulic-style deco Lecture and Library Room; a casual “gastro-brassiere” (Neal, 2013: Interview) called Gallery, plus three different bars. General manager Neal introduced Sketch: “a complete unique experience, rather than a destination we like to say it’s an experience, our otto is ‘eat music, drink art’ , something visually you can see anyway that different anything you probably ever go to.” (2013: Interview). Its fantastic, fashionable and always imaginative. When it launched, Sketch was proclaimed “one of country’s most decadent and beautiful designed dining spaces” (O’ Ceallaigh, 2012: Online), after ten years its still the case.

"I want the whole world to be in it" (Martin Creed, 2011: Online) To celebrate its 10th anniversary, Sketch launched its first long-term collaboration with Turner prize winer, one of British’s formest multimedia artist Martin Creed to create an new installation. “The project seeks to blur the boundaries between art, food, design and functionality” (Reeve, 2012: Online). The core idea of the Creed’s art work for Sketch is “unique”, which coincides with Sketch’s initial idea. Therefore, there aren’t two items of same furniture or pieces of tableware in the dining room. The installation included three main elements: “opulent marble tiling, large-scale murals, and an assemblage of mix-matched furnishings and tableware, each piece as functional as it is aesthetically compelling and intricate.” (Art Observed, 2012: Online). Through out all the objectives and interiors, Martin created “an environment that is at once as an exhibition, an artwork, a restaurant and an Events space.” (Sketch, 2012) Alongside the Martin Creed’s re-designed Gallery, Sketch’s collaborating three Michelin starred chef Pierre Gagnaire also designed a new menu in order to echo the artist’s concerns, allowing chefs to experiment and create dishes with freedom but under influences of Creed’s artwork. In the future, there will be various artists designed restaurants to be presented. “Sketch will look to establish a forum for artists’ imaginings and innovations in art, design and social space, creating playful propositions for interaction with art in the public realm.” (Reeve, 2012: Online) As one of the most attractive places in London, Sketch is promoting an experience rather than a restaurant. With its long-term collaboration with artists, ever-changing space, and fine dining gastro temple, inspired the concept of a new platform for different chef and artists to celebrate and showcase their amazing creations together, and making changes as a seasonal event, appealing to a wider consumer coverage.



FIG.39 Easter bar at Sketch

FIG.37 Gallery at Sketch

FIG.38 The Lecture Room at Sketch

42 FIG. 40 Martin Creed x Pierre Gagnaire for Sketch Restaurant


FIG. 41 Martin Creed work No. 1367

GingerLine Gingerline is a pop-up dining experience, launched and operated by a group of friends, combined with their love of different art performances. Initially, started in summer in 2010 as a dining experience along the East London overground, the event is prepared for a small group who booked ticks but not given any informations on location or food until the very last moment before the event, then they were given one hour to get to the station and start the exciting meal.

"A Gingerline evening feels like the most riotous, otherworldly experience you have ever had the good luck to attend." (Halliburton, 2011: Online)

“Encouraged by London’s thirst for the unexpected and revelling in the total creative and culinary freedom that a secret concept gives we began to develop narratives, slipped into costume and introduced live performance – what fun! We cooked delectable food with temperamental ovens in makeshift kitchens. We collaborated with talented artists, simulated fantastic scenarios using projection, sound, lighting and props in increasingly crazy locations – gradually honing our idea of the ultimate dining experience.” (Gingerline, 2013: Online)



GingerLine moodboard




The Big Idea The Aleatory・The Restaurant・The Workshop



ccording to the research’s findings from stage one and newly conducted research for implementation stage, as mentioned there’s the an opportunity in the market, to implement state-of-the-art technology, creative methodology, convey a concept of “food lifestyle”, combining food and art in more aspects and increase the focus on a niche market. As a result, a food-related brand will be created, aim to bring art and fine food to customers, provide foodies and art-enthusiasts a place to enjoy their love to the most extent, and convey a concept of “food lifestyle” to more target audience. The core element of the brand is a restaurant, but also includes workshops to include extra consumer group, provide a chance to really get into a fine dining world to the publics.

FIG. 43 Guerilla Dining

FIG. 42 A Lamb dish from Nordic food lab


Aleatory Dedicated to Food & Art

The Aleatory The brand will be named “Aleatory”, the word means “relying on chance or an uncontrolled element in the details of life or in the creation of art” (Other-wordly, 2012: Online). Aleatory is something still not sure yet, something unpredictable, that relies on chance or luck, and might result in a unexpected surprise, which echos the brand idea, bringing the elevation to customers and meet the surprise.



The Restaurant The Restaurant Aleatory will become the most significant platform to present brand identity. The Restaurant aim to create a new dining experience, combining different art performance with fine food through the collaborations between chefs and artists, presenting in a casual but interactive environment, providing customers a different dining experience which they might never encounter before. Promoting a fine food and art lifestyle, as well as a place for consumers to enjoy while sharing food and art at the same time. The Aleatory Restaurant will be a moving stage, a showroom, a platform for different chefs and artists together to show case their stunning, imaginative creativities. The key idea behind the Aleatory is “seasonal”. It’s a key and trendy concept in culinary world, obeying the natural rules, utilising distinctive qualities found in seasonal products, extracting inspiration within. The seasonal concept is inspired by the “Seasonal inspiration menu” from Restaurant Grodon Ramsay, a three Michelin starred gastronomic destination, in which the dishes constantly changes based on the quality and seasonality of ingredients. Starting in Spring, in each season, Aleatory will invite one well-known chef

from a Michelin starred restaurant to collaborate with an best-spoke artist to build the space. Through their efforts together, they are to influence and inspire each other towards the production of a profound experience. The Chef will create one seasonal menu, they will incorporate their signature dishes into the menu, and the rest will be completely re-designed. The dishes served in Aleatory will not be limited to European cuisine, depending on different chefs, Aleatory might even serve Chinese, Japanese cuisine as well. The artists will be in charge of the restaurant interiors, creating a vivid dining environment. there will be no boundary set to the artist to restrict their minds, people can never anticipate what could happen in Aleatory. To conclude, Aleatory is never a finite environment, chefs and artists will bring utterly different food, environment and experience to the audience, even location of the restaurant may alter in each season. Although the restaurant will be London based, location can be flexible, departement store, museum, hotel or existing restaurant. Over long term Aleatory may seek oversea opportunity in major cities around the globe. Aleatory is a new form of pop-up restaurant that constant exists on moving stages, as event of ultimate dining experience. Restaurant inspirational board




The Workshop Aiming to introduce diversity to the brand as well as constituting a new gastronomic destination, a workshop will be running together with the restaurant. The aim of the workshop is to provide opportunities to the publics to learn more about cooking, to learn more about how to make a better food in order to promote fine dining in a less formal and friendly way. The workshop will be equipped with the most advanced kitchen gadgets used in fine dining restaurants’ kitchen, for example the sous vide machine. Provide the cooking class by the chefs, and will running weekly. The class will be based on a small group of four people, which in order to care about every single students in every detail, to make sure everyone is satisfied with what they have learnt. The themes of the class will be different for every week, people can choose different classes, what they are interested to sign up to the class. The class content covered from the most basic knife skills, to pastry works, to the introduction on home approach to professional kitchen gadgets. What is more, the Kitchen Workshop will also be provided, which is designed for those who want to take a look behind the scenes in a professional kitchen. A chance to get involved and see the day-to-day running. People will be preparing, chopping and filleting under chefs supervision. Participants can take their own note book and make notes on every detail that interest them about a professional fine dining kitchen.



FIG. 44 Maaemo Restaurant


56 FIG. 45 Kitchen Workshop


FIG. 47 Kitchen Workshop

FIG. 46 Kitchen Workshop

7 Communication Strategy Launch Event・Online Presence・Massimo Bottura + Damien Hirst Project

“First experiences, first brand message, first impressions, first sensory experiences, and the first things people say about a product are hugely influential.” (Graves, P, 2010: 50)



t is important to catch the focus and communicate with the customers at the first time when they getting touch with the brand, from visual, physical, experiential aspects directly convey the brand identity and personality. In order to make Aleatory wellknown, immediately catch the focus from the publics and been unique, using different communication strategies is significant.


Launch Event The launch is designated as a special dinner event, held in ground lobby of the Tate Morden Museum. Prior to commissioning the launch, sponsorships for the launch event will be raised from fashion brands, food companies, and museums, in order to target the desired consumer group (which has been identified in chapter four). Invitations will be sent out to all sponsors’ members. They will be asked to submit an artwork that reveals creative relationships between food and art. The artwork can be of any format such as postcard, packaging, illustration, photography or film etc. The invitation will also be published on official Aleatory homepage, facebook, twitter page and instagram to raise the awareness of the brand and target wider potential consumers. 10 selected submissions will be displayed during the event, and their creators invited to an exclusive dining event as a part of the launch. The launch event aim to communicate the brand essence to all the public. Aleatory will invite Top ten chefs from the 2013 “World Best 50 Restaurant” list, where each chef contributes one dish to the menu. They will be required to make their dish to echo an artist or artwork, together to create a 10 course tasting menu named “art”. Chefs are asked to present the cooking process in front of guests, and live streamed on screens around the table, which is clearly visible to guests, and dished served upon completion. During the launch event, details of the first seasonal collaboration project will be announced, including location. The excessive exclusiveness of launching event is a measure to ensure highest quality of food, as the event will be private and invited only: guest list will limited to 100. Influential figures in the culinary industry enjoys admission privileges, chefs, food writers, food critics; upper class from sponsors; and cutting-edge artists. The Aleatory will open on the day following the launch event.



FIG. 50 Frozen Food

FIG. 49 Tate Modern Museum, London

FIG. 48 World Best Restaurant List 2013

The Aleatory website Mock-up


Online Presence Aleatory will commission its official website, introducing initial concept of the Aleatory, communicating inspirations and principles behind the Aleatory. For each collaboration project, Aleatory will invite a photographer to produce a series of delicate photograph of new creations and the narratives around it. Audiences will be able to download these large formate, high resolution images if they sign up to the Aleatory website. Aleatory will also encourage customers leave the feedback online, to find out potential collaborations in up coming seasons.


Massimo Bottura + Damien Hirst Massimo, undoubtedly, is the best choice to start the first project at the Aleatory. He is one of the world's best chefs, owns three Michelin starred restaurant, seen as the “ambassadors of Italian cuisine abroad” (Barba, 2013: Online). His kitchen is full of compelling contradictions: “it is both traditional and conceptual; it is deceivingly minimalist in its presentation and yet full of complex flavours, textures and cultural references to art, literature and history” (Terzi, 2012: Online). Massimo Bottura creates real works of art through his food. “The way the artist layers a painting is the same as the way I approach food” Massimo (2012, Online) refers to art as his culinary muse. Along with the artist Damien Hirst, who inspired Massimo’s work a lot. In the recent “Identita” event, hold in Harrods London, Massimo created a “Beautiful Psychedelic Veal” dish which inspired by Damien Hirst. He used 4 different colours sauces spontaneously splash onto the plate, which refers to Damien Hirst painting. “I’ve always been inspired by Damien Hirst...he is a ground breaking artist, he’s a dreamer, taking dreams and making them reality” (Bottura, 2013: Online). The concept that Massimo creating and presenting his dish is the perfect example of what the Aleatory wants to bring to the publics. The future recommendation for the summer seasons’s collaboration project at Aleatory, chef Rene Redzepi and artist David Hockney will be invited to create the restaurant. Rene’s Noma has been nominated the best restaurant in the world for 3 years in a row, he has heightened the culinary philosophy of seasonally and regionally sourced sustainable ingredients to an exquisite level. To some extent, the philosophy of Rene’s cooking is also adapted by David Hockney. His painting of Yorkshire reflect a beautiful and tranquil landscape of traditional British countryside. Ideally, the collaboration between Rene and David will present a twist of British summer scenery with Nordic summer food to the audiences, makes the dining experience like a cosy picnic with delicate bites in a blossomy park.

FIG. 51 Psychedelic Veal



FIG. 52 Massimo Bottura


FIG. 53 Eel dish by Massimo Bottura


68 FIG. 54 Damien Hirst With His artwork


The Creative Outcomes

Film In order to promote Aleatory name in viral, a short film will be produced to illustrate the spring seasons’ collaboration, which will featured chef Massimo Bottura and artist Damien Hirst. The film will showcasing the plating process of the Massimo’s dish “Beautiful Psychedelic Veal”, however in a reversal way. The detail of different ingredient and how they will be put onto to plate will be filmed. Moreover, the background music will feature classical Antonio Vivaldi’s Spring, echoing an artistic image and seasonal theme.

Film screen grab



Invitation + Menu The invitation and menu design will keep a clean and minimal style, using black and white colour to echo hiend brand identity. Wax seal will be used in both products, which gives a sense of exclusive and unique feeling to the audiences. The menu served at the launch event will be a 10-course tasting menu, created by world best 10 chefs, presenting their ultimate imaginations. Except the dish name, chef’s name will also be mentioned in the menu.



Menu and Invitation Inspiration


8 Conclusion



o conclude, having identified the gap in the market and potential consumers, the stage two report focus on implementing the idea and key findings from stage one, Food is the new fashion, this report is looking for a new way to combine food and art together, avoid cliche and generate the sparks between food and art. Implementation stage is aiming to create a brand, dedicating to food and art. In order to make the brand work properly, relate area and environment has been explored through the primary and secondary research and finally established the Aleatory. Aleatory will become the ultimate place for the new creations from chefs and artists, and the experience will be unrepeatable, which would makes Aleatory such unique and exciting. For the future, Aleatory might develop a wider market and consumers by publishing the Aleatory magazine, holding a food-related event and all these developments would be in keeping the aim of producing the creatives between food and art.





9 Illustrations


fig.1 Chef Ferran Adria., 2013. 5 Sentidos. Online: ferran-adria-en-colombia-la-historia-de-el-bulli/ fig. 2 Wheat., 2011. Online: 420851/2048x1363 fig.3 Tonnesen, C., 2012. Nordic food lab. Chris Tonnesen. Online: christmas-at-nordic-food-lab.html fig.4 Tonnesen, C., 2012. Nordic food lab. Chris Tonnesen. Online: christmas-at-nordic-food-lab.html fig.5 Tonnesen, C., 2013. Raspberry sugar. Chris Tonnesen. Online: 2013/04/grd-in-torvehallerne.html fig. 6 Tonnesen, C., 2013. Lamp in Gypsum. Chris Tonnesen. Online: 2013/04/lamp-in-gypsum.html fig.7 Martin Creed x Pierre Gagnaire for Sketch Restauran., 2013. Curated by Me. Online: http:// fig.8 Martin Creed x Pierre Gagnaire for Sketch Restauran., 2013. Curated by Me. Online: http:// fig.9 Dessert at Restaurant Gordon Ramsay., 2011. Hate Spuds. Online: 2011/02/restaurant-gordon-ramsay-24th-february.html fig.10 Terzi, P., 2012. Osteria Francescana. Online: fig. 11 Sucksdorff, A., 2012. Cook it Raw. Online: fig.12 Cereal Magazine., 2013. Just Little Joy. Online: fig. 13 Sucksdorff, A., 2012. Cook it Raw. Online: fig.14 Tonnesen, C., 2012. Nordic food lab. Chris Tonnesen. Online: 2012/12/christmas-at-nordic-food-lab.html fig. 15 Scent dinner by Burr., 2011. Nowness. Online: buzz/CDLSKdL4nku fig. 16 Scent dinner by Burr., 2011. Nowness. Online: buzz/CDLSKdL4nku fig. 17 Scent dinner by Burr., 2011. Nowness. Online: buzz/CDLSKdL4nku fig. 18 Burberry fashion show in Beijing., 2012. Maosuit. Online:


fig. 19 Tonnesen, C., 2012. New Deli Yoga, Berlin. Chris Tonnesen. Online: 2012/09/new-yoga-deli-berlin.html fig. 20 Tonnesen, C., 2012. New Deli Yoga, Berlin. Chris Tonnesen. Online: 2012/09/new-yoga-deli-berlin.html fig. 21 Tonnesen, C., 2012. New Deli Yoga, Berlin. Chris Tonnesen. Online: 2012/09/new-yoga-deli-berlin.html fig. 22 Tonnesen, C., 2012. New Deli Yoga, Berlin. Chris Tonnesen. Online: 2012/09/new-yoga-deli-berlin.html fig. 23 Tonnesen, C., 2013. Johns Hotdog Deli. Chris Tonnesen. Online: 2013/04/johns-hotdog-deli.html fig. 24 Tonnesen, C., 2013. Johns Hotdog Deli. Chris Tonnesen. Online: 2013/04/johns-hotdog-deli.html fig. 25 Tonnesen, C., 2013. Johns Hotdog Deli. Chris Tonnesen. Online: 2013/04/johns-hotdog-deli.html fig. 26 Sucksdorff, A., 2012. Instrumentarium.Online: fig. 27 Interior styling., 2012. Designs inspiration. Online: fig. 28 Tonnesen, C., 2013. Cooking class. Chris Tonnesen. Online: updated-max=2013-03-18T18:54:00%2B01:00&max-results=7 fig. 29 Tonnesen, C., 2013. Cooking class. Chris Tonnesen. Online: 2013/03/torvehallerne-copenhagen.html fig. 30 The art of French baking., 2012. Pinterest. Online: fig. 31 Tonnesen, C., 2012.Silke Bonde Illustration. Chris Tonnesen. Online: 2012/12/silke-bonde-illustration.html fig. 32 Dessert at Alinea. 2012. Just add some bacon. Online: fig. 33 Rawlinson, N., 2012. Grant Achatz and Daniel Humm in EMP's kitchen. Online: https:// 442084442489403.99656.201496203214896&type=1&theater fig. 34 Mueller, A., 2012. Eleven Madison Park. Online: %20madison%20park/2/ fig. 35 Mueller, A., 2012. Eleven Madison Park. Online: %20madison%20park/2/ fig.36 Hot Potato Soup at Alinea. 2008. Seduction Meal. Online: alinea-hot-potato.html.print.html fig. 37 Sketch by Martin Creed., 2012. Dezeen. Online:


fig. 38 Lecture room, Sketch., 2012. The food travel company. Online: blog/tag/martin-creed/ fig. 39 Sketch., 2010. The world of horse bone. Online: 2010_10_01_archive.html fig. 40 Martin Creed x Pierre Gagnaire for Sketch Restauran., 2013. Design boom. Online: http:// fig. 41 Creed, M., 2012. Work no. 1367. Alecclayton. Online: drawing-line-into-form.html fig. 42 Tonnesen, C., 2012. Nordic food lab. Chris Tonnesen. Online: 2012/12/christmas-at-nordic-food-lab.html fig. 43 Tonnesen, C., 2012. Guerilla Dining. Chris Tonnesen. Online: 2012/07/guerilla-dining-with-silver-spoon.html fig. 44 Maaemo., 2012. Oulaka. Online: fig. 45 Tonnesen, C., 2012. Kitchen Workshop. Chris Tonnesen. Online: 2012/06/geranium-rasmus-kofoed.html fig. 46 Tonnesen, C., 2012. Kitchen Workshop. Chris Tonnesen. Online: 2012/06/geranium-rasmus-kofoed.html fig. 47 Tonnesen, C., 2012. Kitchen Workshop. Chris Tonnesen. Online: 2012/06/geranium-rasmus-kofoed.html fig.48 World best 50 restaurant list. 2013. The world’s 50 Best. Online: 1-50-winners/ fig. 49 Tate Modern. 2012. Modern Solitaire. Online: fig. 50 Penn, I. 1977. Frozen food. Quote a gentalman. Online: fig. 51 Beautiful Psychedelic Veal., 2012. Vannessahsu. Online: 37640365-%E7%BE%A9%E5%A4%A7%E5%88%A9%E7%B1%B3%E5%85%B6%E6%9E %97%E4%B8%89%E6%98%9F%E5%90%8D%E5%BB%9Amassimo-bottura(%E9%A6%AC%E8%A5%BF %E8%8E%AB%E5%8D%9A fig. 52 Massimo Bottura,. 2013. Spoonhq. Online: fig. 53 Eel dish by Massimo Bottura, 2012. Nick ballon. Online: NOWNESS1/NunoandMassimo7.jpg fig. 54 Damien Hirst., 2012. David Bebber. Online:


10 References


1. Adria, F, 2011: Online 2. Eating, Design and Future Food, 2008: 5 3. Vogelzang, 2011: Online 4. Mintel, 2012: Online 5. Food Fashion Future, 2011: Appendix 6. Steward., 2011: Online 7. Greater Yuma, 2012: Online 8. Hartman, 2008: Online 9. Cottrell & Perrin, 2011: Online 10. Binlot, 2012: Online 11. Spence and Fitzman 2012 p.3 12. Guardian, 2012: Online 13. Paschalides, S. 2012: Online 14. Mintel, 2009: Online 15. Adria in Colon, FDL, 2012: Online 16. New York, 2011: Online 17. Graves, P, 2010: 178 18. Colon, 2012: Online 19. The New York Times, 2012: Online 20. The New York Times, 2012: Online


21. Moir, 2002: Online 22. Neal, 2013: Interview 23. Neal, 2013: Interview 24. O始 Ceallaigh, 2012: Online 25. Martin Creed, 2011: Online 26. Reeve, 2012: Online 27. Art Observed, 2012: Online 28. Sketch, 2012 29. Reeve, 2012: Online 30. Halliburton, 2011: Online 31. Gingerline, 2013: Online 32. Other-wordly, 2012: Online 33. Graves, 2010: 50 34. Barba, 2013: Online 35. Terzi, 2012: Online 36. Massimo, 2012, Online 37. Bottura, 2013: Online


11 Bibliography


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12 Appendix Logo Design Process・Questionnaire・Interview Transcript・Tutorial Record Sheet


Logo Design Process





Dedicated to Food and Art

Dedicated to Food and Art

Aleatory Dedicated to Food & Art


Questionnaire Total response: 70 1. What’s your age?




4% 30-40 40+

Less than 20 20-30

2. What’s your gender?




Male 3. How often do you eat out?



Less than Once 94

26% 3 times+

1-3 times

4. Do you prefer a casual dining or formal?






Both are fine

5. What kind of food do you like?





European Chinese

6. Have you ever been to a Michelin starred restaurant?



Yes No 95

7. Would an artistic dining environment attract you more while you eating out?





8. Would you interested in a hi-end pop-up restaurant?

86% 14% Yes



Interview Transcript

Name: Neal Dave Job: Day Time Manager at Sketch Restaurant Time: 9/4/2013 Location: London

X: Thank you for your time. For my first question, could you just talk about your background and position in the Sketch? N: Ok, so...we in Sketch at the moment, I’m the day time manager, and my background, I through University through numbers, so I match from conctil apartment originally, now I move to operations, so now I’m the day time manager, took more generally manager. X: What’s the initial idea of Sketch? N: Initial idea? X: Yep. N: Er...Ok...We primarily a restaurant, two restaurants, one is Michelin starred, the other one, the you are in now is called Gallery, gastro brasserie, and we have three bars, so bars, restaurants, hospitality and that’s what sort Sketch is. X: How would you describe Sketch to people who know nothing about it? N: Ok,’s completely unique experience, rather than a destination we like to say it’s a experience, and so...I mean our otto is ‘Eat Music, Drink Art”, so it’s sort of long of the line, so visually you can see anyway that it different anything eles you probably ever go to, and that’s how we tend to promote it rather than a experience than a restaurant, a bar only. X: More experiential than normal restaurants. N: En X: How would you describe your target consumer? N: Target consumer, I mean we have numerous different, so we have five at list like I saying, so we have Michelin starred restaurant, which be for people who really into food, and kind ecentric about food, you know want to... want to get kind into great quality produce, along its lines we have gastro brassiere is a lot more relax and it’s not fine dining, it’s a lot more relax atmosphere here, and obviously, so the bars, the the bars is for anyone we have private members club at the front, and so I mean be cater for pretty much all types of people, we not, we don’t just have one type of the customer.


X: The idea combine the classic deco like the Lecture room and here contemporary decorated Gallery, which is interesting, do you think its makes Sketch stand out? N: Yep, so I mean, what we are is French fusion restaurant, and so even up stair in the Lecture dishes are French fusion, so they are transit French dishes with a bit of twist on them, mean we’ve got French restaurant to our standrad within London, and this probably nothing, nothing our swiches to as similar standard, offers similar experience, either they goes all the way fine dining, or it’s sort of more relax dining, there is nowhere you will find which is in one building with everything, pretty much within. X: Is the collaborate with Martin Creed that makes something different to the Sketch? N: the restaurant you sit in now is actually designed by Martin Creed, this is the collaboration with him now that you are sit in. The whole point behind this room gonna be a series of artists conceived restaurant, the first which was Martin Creed, he designed the restaurant now, and now...I don’t know probably in about another 12 month or something it’s gonna be completely redesigned by another artist. X: Alright, so you are think of collaborate with different artist. N: Yep, that’s the whole point behind this room now, gonna constantly changed. X: Constantly change. N: Yep. X: What kind of things you would like to bring to customers from this area (the Gallery)? N: From this area particular, I mean this is a relax dining experience want them to the part of the idea, the our idea behind this room is every piece of cultury, chairs, tables the floor every part of the room is individual, unique, so the whole point behind this room is to make every unique within somewhere you know it’s not a restaurant that’s that has that is what really to the customer, the experience, once again, like I say, this is the experience being here, it’s unlike probably anything. X: So, do you think it is possible chefs and artists can work together to create a special dining experience? N: Yes, this is Sketch’s example of that, so you have obviously consultancy head chef... X: Yep, I mean particularly meal? Particular dining experience that chefs and artists work together to create something different rather than the normal one. N: Yep, so, when we...when we first open this restaurant we had dish on the menu called “Martin Creed Turner” something like that, know that is a dish created by consultant head chef to reflect the art through food within the room, so the artistry through food, and obviously the room is artistry of food and design, this is how they both collaborate, know this is obviously gonna be, the artist is not gonna be in the kitchen, and the chefs is gonna come out to design, so you know...that’s we are. X: So, just wondering is it possible that I can have a chat with the chef? N: No...the chefs down there, the chef’s French as well, so...and now they are serving, so there’s no, no chefs at the moment.


X: Okay, that’s alright. So is there any new kind of dining experience, Sketch might doing in the future? N: Yep, I saying the, this room will constantly change, so I mean the experience will change with that. X: And would you think a pop-up restaurant would be benefit for Sketch? N: Pop-up restaurant would be benefit....en...not particularly, I mean we have done pop-up restaurant in the past, we’ve done pop-up restaurant at free art fair, which is a really big art fair in Regent’s park, so we done a VIP restaurant, we have previously done pop-up restaurant anyway. X: So what was it like? N: Just offering the dishes from Lecture Room upstairs, offering similar dishes like that, and also offering pastry, kind of comfort menu that we have in the pailart, so offering both of them within one room in the pop-up restaurant. X: Is that successful? N: Yes, for marketing purpose is successful, a lot of people can come by as see what we are about, and then come to the original. X: Actually promote the Sketch from marketing aspects. N: Yes. X: So, would you plan to continue this idea, or not? N: We haven’t done another, we have done two years, after that we have done another pop-up. X: Any plan in the future? N: Not at the moment. I mean our next thing is concepts of artists redesigning the restaurant. X: What kind of artist? N: Any type that can work with this space, pretty much, ehr.....we have a...we have arqui so source the artist that good, come up with kind of good ideas, rather than just good ideas to... X: So, any prefer type of art performance? N: It can be anything, lighting, can be anything type of art, but it has to be work with restaurant, and restaurant has to be functional. X: Okay, could you tell me the best dining experience you ever had? And what was it like? N: Best dining experience I ever had. X: Yep.


N: be honest, I’m not....I’m not really into fine dining, so I even know, we are kind of favourite dining style is relax, you know I’m not like kind of too to...too to high class dining, but I mean any where is relax for me is fine, here would be good for me the Gallery you know, other place around, i wouldn’t name, name obviously, they are competitors, but other place around as well, as long as they are more relax dining styles, they are fine for me personally. Obviously you find other people of more, sort of Michelin starred dining experiences, but is all up to the individuals really. X: Do you think its a trend, that more people tend to choose casual dining rather than fine dining? N: No, no not really, it’s obviously depends on individual festival, and the area you are in, you are in Mayfair at the moment, so Mayfair is known tourist for hatch fun for people with money etc. etc. they like to spend money on good things, good food, good experiences, so I mean it depend on where exact you are. You know, obviously, if you out of town somewhere, you not going to....sort of ehr....spend so so much much money, you know unless world well known restaurant, needs to be really well-know, so but you find lot of the sort of most highly regarded restaurant, which is more Michelin starred, it would be within the city, the only I could probably name out of the city is the Fat Duck, Heston Blemuthal, he’s now got one in Mandarin Oriental as well. X: Okay, thank you very much, that’s would be all of my questions. N: Is it, okay, cool, cool. wicked! X: Thank you very much. N: You are welcome.


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Aleatory Dedicated to Food & Art


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