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Special Edition

FamilyMatters p8

Special report with Fiona Phillips: Fiona Phillips introduces the help available to families feeling the effects of the recession


Putting your family first Harriet Harman talks about better deal for hard-working families


A better start for your baby A cash boost for pregnant mums

p12 The


Apprenticeships can change young people’s lives, says Sir Alan Sugar


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Family Matters

Family Matters

Special Edition


3 4

Welcome from Fiona Phillips


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Putting your family first Harriet Harman talks about new childcare policies and a better deal for hard-working mums


Special report with Fiona Phillips Fiona Phillips introduces the help available to families feeling the effects of the recession


Dear reader, Welcome to the latest edition of Family Matters. These are really worrying times for families across Britain who are concerned about keeping their jobs and paying the bills.

Newsflash Catch up on all the new family policies affecting you




port with Special re lips il Fiona Ph

All this news about bank failures, global financial crisis and troubled stock markets across the world is scary stuff. I look at my kids and wonder what kind of world they are going to grow up in. But it wasn’t hard-working families that got us into this. And families shouldn’t have to pay the price – like they did in the recession in the 1990s when people were left by the Tories to sink or swim. This time we need a different way of dealing with a recession. The only thing we should bring back from the early 90s is Take That!


eships Apprentic are back

I wanted to let you know exactly what real help families can get. So I asked the Family Matters team to meet with Yvette Cooper, a Labour Minister. And there was me thinking my days of dealing with politicians had finished when I left the GMTV sofa!

My family is too important to play politics One dad speaks out about his experience of the recession

Yvette Cooper tells us what help is available for families and what the plan is to help get families through the recession. You can read the report on page 8.

Apprenticeships Find out how apprenticeships can change young people’s lives

The help available is reassuring. This time things are different. There is real help available if you are facing difficulties and don’t know where to turn. You won’t be left on your own.

12 14

A better start for your baby A cash boost for pregnant mums


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Take care

Fiona Fiona Phillips

0937_09 Promoted by Ray Collins, General Secretary, the Labour Party, on behalf of the Labour Party, both at 39 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0HA. Printed by Proco, Parkway Close, Parkway Industrial Estate, Sheffield S9 4WJ.

Special Edition


Family Matters


The new family friendly policies


These are extraordinary times. So it’s no surprise that the 2009 Budget included some extraordinary measures. Here are some key things you might be interested in: • A £145 tax cut for 22 million basic rate tax payers • Supporting the car industry by giving

people a £2,000 voucher towards a new car if they scrap their ten year old vehicle • The stamp duty holiday for houses worth/valued up to £175,000 has been extended to December 2009 • Savers will benefit from the rise of the tax free ISA limit to £10,000 • There is new help for grandparents of working age who have caring responsibilities to build up their pension.

Watching out for your neighbourhood Tell us about your experiences. Government statistics show that crime has fallen by 39 per cent since 1997 – the result of a stronger police service, neighbourhood policing teams and new powers for communities and police to tackle anti-social behaviour. But what are your experiences? What other changes would you like to see? The Family Matters team would love to hear your views email us at family_matters@new.labour.org.uk

Health update Free prescriptions for cancer patients Dealing with cancer is tough enough as it is without the worry of paying the bills. Hopefully it will be some good news to those receiving treatment for cancer that all NHS prescriptions are now free in England.

Free heart and stroke screening for the over 40s A national programme to identify vulnerability to vascular diseases should prevent up to 9,500 heart attacks and strokes every year and save 2,000 lives. Everyone aged between 40 to 74 will be offered checks.

For more info on these issues go to direct.gov.uk and search under the Health section. Special Edition

Growing our way out of the recession

• Young people who’ve been unemployed for a year or more will be offered a job or practical training to get them into work • Investment is being pumped into advanced and green manufacturing, the industries of the future – creating new jobs and revenue • Jobs are being saved by bringing forward investment for construction in schools, hospitals and transport • The government’s action to support the economy has protected 500,000 jobs. See page 8 for Fiona Phillips’s report on dealing with the downturn.

Splashout! If your kids love swimming then you’ll be pleased to hear that you might not have to splash out when taking them to the local pool. A new initiative from Labour means that over 1,000 local swimming pools are offering free swimming to under 16 year olds. You may find it a little crowded though as free swimming is also open to pensioners! Find out if your council is offering free swimming at culture.gov.uk. 5

Family Matters

Focus FM: Which policies are you particularly proud of?


Harriet: I’m proud of our record of helping mothers with high maternity pay and long maternity leave, the right to flexible working and more nurseries and after school clubs. There is still a long way to go but under the Tories these weren’t even on the political agenda.

FM: You’ve spearheaded the new Equality Bill. How will it help women? It sounds good in principle but what will be the effect on people’s everyday lives?


Harriet: The biggest change will be that women will be able to compare their pay at work with men. This will put unfair pay right out in the open. And for bad employers there will be nowhere to hide.

FM: And how do you think it will impact on home life?


Harriet: There is a growing number of women caring for older relatives and disabled family members. We want to back people up who are caring for relatives. Some employers discriminate against people. The attitude seems to be that if you have your hands full at home you can’t progress at work. We want to help carers to care for relatives and to get on in their work so we will outlaw discrimination against them in the workplace.

Putting family first Campaigning for family-friendly policies and equality has always been spearheaded by Labour’s women MPs, led by Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, Harriet Harman. Family Matters met with Harriet, whose campaign started in earnest in 1982 as a fresh-faced MP, when she took on Margaret Thatcher about the lack of after school clubs. We found that 27 years haven’t dented her determination – improving family life and equality for all remain at the top of her agenda. FM: Harriet, family policies should be at the heart of government policy. What do you think Labour is offering families at this tough time?


Harriet: People are worried not only about themselves and their children, but also about the effect of the economy on older relatives and family members. That’s why Labour has taken practical steps to back up families. That’s why we increased Child


Benefit from January and increased Child Tax Credits and pensions in April. Also, if people lose their job, they will get help to stay in their home – repossession should be the absolute last resort; we’ve agreed with mortgage companies that they defer interest payments for up to two years. And we’ve taken big steps to protect as many jobs as possible.

Family Matters

Harriet at Langley Mill Sure Start Centre

FM: But surely every party is signed up to helping families? What is Labour offering that is different from other parties?


Harriet: The Tories never helped families. It just wasn’t their priority and now the cuts that the Tories are threatening to bring in if they get into power would make things harder for families. The threat is real. They would shut one in five Sure Start Centres and they campaigned against the National Minimum Wage. They pay lip service but they only support the super rich with their inheritance tax proposals for millionaires.

Special Edition

What the Equality Bill will mean for you • Make workplaces more transparent and close the gender pay gap • Extend the use of positive action in the workplace • Protect carers from discrimination • Bring in equality reports detailing ethnic minority employment rates.

Go to equalities.gov.uk for more information


Family Matters

Meet the families

During these tough times Labour is providing real help for people if they lose their job. Redundancy If you face redundancy help is available through the Government’s Rapid Response Service which aims to get people into a new job before they become unemployed. Redundancy pay has been increased to give you a little extra help if you or a relative do lose your job. Jobcentre Plus support Labour boosted support at Jobcentre Plus so that people can access: • Help in writing a new CV and filling in job applications

Fiona Phillips

• Retraining and skills advice • Rent and mortgage advice. After six months Most people move off Jobseekers Allowance within six months, but there is more support available if this does not happen: • New training places to help people get new skills • Work-focused volunteering options to gain new experience • Advice in setting up a business including drawing up a business plan • Employers are given a “Golden Hello” worth up to £2,500 to recruit and train people.

For more info - jobcentreplus.gov.uk

Family guide for the recession


few weeks ago I met Jonathan, his wife Charlotte and their excitable three year old twins, Josh and Tom. When I asked Jonathan what he did for a job he said, with a slight grimace: “I work in car manufacturing”. Why the grimace you may ask. Like many other people in Britain, Jonathan’s job has been affected by the recession. He’s seen reduced hours and redundancies in the plant and he is anxious about the future.

Family Matters spoke to Yvette Cooper, a Labour Party Minister (and hard-working mum of three), for some advice about what families should do if they are struggling to pay their mortgage. FM: Yvette one of the things that we keep hearing people saying is that their greatest fear is that they’ll lose their home. What is Labour doing to protect families?

I’ve spoken to lots of families who have worries about the economy and the effect it may have on them – it worries me too. So I asked the Family Matters team to do some research and talk to the Labour Party to find out what help there is for families worried about their jobs and paying the bills and what the plan is to get Britain back on track.

Yvette: Right now, people need breathing space to get their finances back on track if they lose their job or have hours cut. I know that many families are worried about how to pay the mortgage. It wouldn’t be fair for families, who are facing difficulties to be left to fend for themselves.


Special Edition


Family Matters

Supporting young people into work This year’s Budget focused on giving people real help during these tough economic times. To help young people back into work Labour is guaranteeing a job or training to all 18-24 year olds who are unemployed for twelve months. Labour has invested £5 billion to help people back into work. It is important to not repeat the mistakes of the Tory recessions of the past where thousands of people were abandoned to a life on benefits with no support.

Labour’s Homeowners Mortgage Support (HMS) was bought in to help borrowers get back on track with their finances. It’s the first time anything of this kind has been offered to help homeowners in difficult times. I’m really pleased that we’ve made it happen. If anyone reading this is struggling because of a temporary loss of income then the HMS can help you. So if you have had a pay cut because of something like reduced hours at work or you’ve lost your job, you can take a holiday from your mortgage interest payments for up to two years. You can get advice in your area from the local Citizen’s Advice or call your local MP.


For more info - www.citizensadvice.org.uk


Family Matters

FM: So there is help out there to help families in the short term, Yvette – but what about the long term – what plans are in place to get us out of recession? At a time like this shouldn’t the Government tighten its belt? How does spending money help?

Yvette: Government does need to play its part, cracking down on waste and improving value for money at a time like this. But we also have to keep up vital investment to create new jobs, pay for apprenticeships for young people, support businesses and increase pensions and tax credits. Because I believe hardworking families shouldn’t bear the brunt of the recession. Labour’s support will help us come through the recession sooner and stronger. Cutting spending right now would mean more people unemployed, businesses hit for longer. That would push up government debt and cost us all more in the long run. Some people say we can’t afford to support families and businesses right now. The truth is we can’t afford not to.

Fiona’s verdict My aim in this issue of Family Matters was to find out what real help is available if families are struggling to pay the bills. I hope what I found out is helpful and reassures you that help in there, you will not be left on your own to face the recession. 10

FM: We keep hearing that this is a “global recession”. If that is the case what have you done to work with other countries? Yvette: We face a global financial crisis on a

We can’t go back to the old way of doing things. We all remember what happened in the 1990s when people were left on the scrapheap – we’re determined that must never happen with Labour.

Yvette Cooper

scale that we have never really seen before. That’s why the G20 London summit, a meeting of all the leaders of the biggest economies of the world at the beginning of April was so important. At the end of the day, to protect jobs and businesses in Britain we needed to get the world leaders working together to restore confidence, growth and jobs. The G20 agreed a $1.1 trillion programme of support to get the world’s economy moving again. It’s going to help people here in the UK. “We can’t go back to the old way of doing things. We all remember what happened in the 1990s when people were left on the scrapheap – we’re determined that must never happen with Labour.”

This time things are different. There is real help available if you are facing difficulties and don’t know where to turn. You won’t be left on your own. Like I said at the beginning I look at my kids sometimes and wonder what type of

Britain they will grow up in. What makes me confident is that there is a plan for their future too. Labour is investing now so that your children’s future is safe. And every mum knows how important that is.

Fiona Family Matters

For dads

My family iS too important to play politics with ‘It’ll change your life forever’, my boss said when I told him we were having a baby. ‘Well that’s obvious’, I thought. But only when Ross was born – 6 pounds, 11 ounces – did I realise what he meant. The happiest day of my life? Yes definitely. But what I hadn’t really expected was the responsibility that was suddenly thrust upon me as a new Dad. I remember driving my wife and Ross home from hospital. Now I’ve been driving for ten years but having a tiny little person in the back of my car made me feel like a learner driver. I was shaking. Suddenly everything you do, every time you make a decision it’s not about you anymore but about your little boy and your family. We were quite hard up, despite both of us having a job, but the midwife at the hospital gave us information so we could start getting Child Benefit and Tax Credits which have really helped. By the time Ross was four months, things were Special Edition

just starting to feel normal when disaster struck. My boss called me into his office. The business I work for, a small IT company, was struggling with cashflow and he thought there was likely to be a problem getting an overdraft given the current financial climate. But a week later he called me back in to say that he’d managed to get some money thanks to the Government’s Enterprise Finance Guarantee which helps good businesses who are just having cashflow problems. My job is safe because there was help available. But it frightens me to think where Jody, Ross and I would be if my boss was forced to close, and just because he was stuck for a couple of months.

My job is safe because there was help available I am glad that Labour stepped in to help the banks when they were failing and opened up credit to businesses. We all depend on the banks so we couldn’t let them go under. The idea of standing by and doing nothing whilst good people suffer for no fault of their own is wrong. Whatever the rights or wrongs of how the banks have behaved, our economy, and in turn my new family, is too important to play politics with. 11

Family Matters

On our radar Sainsbury’s, Cable and Wireless, Interior Designers, Manchester City Council, the Ambulance Service: just a few of the companies advertising for apprentices as part of Labour’s drive to get one in five young people into an apprenticeship by 2020. Every 16-18 year old is going to have a guaranteed place in college, training or an apprenticeship, spelling good news for teenagers unsure about what to do after they leave school. Millionaire businessman Sir


Getting paid and learning a trade! Apprenticeships are back in a big way. And they’re perfect for the ambitious ‘doers that make things happen’, says the star of The Apprentice Sir Alan Sugar

Alan Sugar is a big supporter of apprenticeships. “The fact is that some people learn better on the job or by seeing how their learning applies to the real world – that’s why I’m backing apprenticeships.

“Success is all about finding people like this – people who will help make any business grow, especially in times like these.”

the kind of people who will make things happen. These are the qualities I look for in people. “Success is all about finding people like this – people who will help make any business grow, especially in times like these.”

“People who do apprenticeships become ambitious, they’re doers,

Apprenticeships: the inside track 1. I don’t know what to do after I leave school – what options do I have? Options available for young people include A levels, diplomas and apprenticeships. Some young people might prefer to take A levels and stay mainly in a classroom. Diplomas might be for people who like classroom based learning but also want to get some experience of learning in the real world. But if your family member prefers to learn through experience and wants to make things happen then they will probably benefit most from doing an apprenticeship.

2. How do apprenticeships work? Apprentices are employees and work alongside experienced staff to gain jobspecific skills. They also get off-the-job local training at colleges and other facilities.

3. How many apprenticeships are available? Around 130,000 businesses offer apprenticeships in England alone. They range from accountancy to football, engineering to veterinary nursing, business administration to construction.

Keen? Get more info at apprenticeships.org.uk 12

Family Matters

Special Edition


Family Matters

For mums to be The Labour Party and medical experts hope that the Health in Pregnancy Grant will play a part in improving the health of families who struggle to afford a healthy balanced diet. Giving your baby a healthy start Nearly all experts agree that good nutrition in pregnancy is invaluable to the health of both mum and baby. Pregnant women on a poor diet are more likely to have low birth weight babies, which increases the risk of poor health during childhood and during their adult life.

“As a mum-to-be your diet directly impacts on the well-being of your baby” But it can be hard to get your ‘five a day’ or good quality food when you’re on a tight budget, already stretched with the extra costs of having a baby.

A better start for your baby

The Health in Pregnancy Grant is there to give a bit of extra help to all expectant mums, giving every British baby a healthy start in life.

Family Matters

You can make a claim if you are 25 weeks pregnant or more. To qualify for it you must see your GP or midwife about healthy eating and general wellbeing through your pregnancy. The grant may not apply to those subject to immigration control or who are not present or resident in the UK. How much will you get? Every mum will get £190 for each pregnancy. The grant is tax-free and is not dependent on income – it is for every mumto-be. How do I go about getting it? Your midwife or GP will provide you with the forms if you are eligible for the grant. It should be signed by the midwife or doctor and sent to the HM Revenue and Customs within 31 days from the date of signature. How will I receive my grant? It will be paid into your bank or building society account.

Want to find out more? Go to direct.gov.uk/ money4mum2be for more information on the grant and any other benefits you might be entitled to as an expectant parent.

If you are past your 25th week of pregnancy, you’re entitled to a tax-free oneoff Health in Pregnancy Grant payment of £190 to help you stay healthy and meet extra costs in the later stages of your pregnancy 14

When can you get the grant?

Special Edition

Mr Cameron, how do you justify budget cuts that could mean taking 3,500 police officers off our streets?

Crime is an area of concern for many local people

David Cameron thinks that now is the right time to cut back on public spending – even though his cuts could be so wide that they mean taking 3,500 police officers off the streets. Find out how even more Tory cuts to public services will affect you

www.cameronsconservatives.co.uk 0937_09 Promoted by Ray Collins, General Secretary, the Labour Party, on behalf of the Labour Party, both at 39 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0HA. Printed by Elanders Ltd, Merlin Way, New York Business Park, North Tyneside NE27 0QG.

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