10 November 2009
Paul begins a new campaign on the airport
Airport campaign begins ...again By Paul Clark MP
Another year goes by and another airport campaign arrives in Medway. But this time there is a difference. This time it’s very, very serious. The ‘Estuary Airport’ scheme has gone from a pie in the sky idea to a very serious and troubling threat in the space of just a few months. That’s why I’ve decided now is the time to launch a petition against Boris’s proposals.
First, it’s important to remember that this isn’t just a fanciful idea. Boris and Tory mates are deadly serious about this one, so much so that architects and engineers have been brought in to assess the scheme. This weekend I organised a streetstall in Gillingham High Street to protest against the proposals, and I’ll be running another in Rainham High Street very soon.
Over the next few weeks you should look out for a major announcement from the Labour team here in Medway. We’ve got big news about how we’re going to work together with neighbouring MPs, Councillors, and representatives from Essex and Kent to make sure this airport is stopped now. More updates at paulclarkmp.com