Promoted by and on behalf of Paul Clark MP. House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA. Designed and printed by Public Impact. The Courtyard, 87 Southampton Street, Reading RG1 2QU, using wood fibre from sustainable forests, fully recyclable and biodegradable, Elemental Chlorine Free. Paid for by the Communications Allowance, House of Commons.
Gillingham & Rainham
Your Regular Report from Paul Clark MP
On Your Side: The Road Ahead
Fully staffed offices and maintaining my weekly and roving surgeries, street stalls and introducing regular neighbourhood meetings. An improved website with local information that is always relevant to your street.
Supporting constituents who suffer from anti-social behaviour
and offering advice when it’s needed. !
Regular patrols with police and PCSOs in streets with known antisocial behaviour problems.
Supporting constituents concerned about ammonium nitrate at Chatham Docks. Lobby and campaign to get funding for a community park in Gillingham and smaller scale projects across the constituency.
I have always been a local MP. I was born and bred here and improving Gillingham and Rainham has always been at the heart of everything I’ve done.
In this latest newsletter, I’m setting out my priorities for Gillingham and Rainham, with some specific goals. I want your advice, support, and help to make these targets a success. These five areas are my commitments to you.
Supporting the creation of new drop-in services for young people in Gillingham and Rainham. Regular newsletters available to every pupil in our schools.
A better Gillingham railway station. Providing regular opportunities for bus and rail passengers to question transport bosses.
On Your Side: Fighting Your Corner As soon as Paul discovered the plans to bring 2500 tonnes of dangerous ammonium nitrate to Chatham Docks, he made sure that constituents had a chance to have their say. Paul has delivered over 1000 leaflets and surveys to people in the area. As one constituent said: “you are the first MP or Councillor who has told us anything about this. Thank you Paul.” !
Paul has been promoting the Veterans Badge scheme to those !
who served in the Armed Forces up until 1991 and a special presentation ceremony has been organised to mark Veteran’s Day at Chatham Historic Dockyard, which Paul will attend. Paul has been offering his support to workers who have contracted an asbestosrelated condition known as Pleural Plaques. Paul has been fighting to get this condition properly recognised through a compensation scheme. !
Paul Clark MP – Report to Constituents
Paul with ammonium nitrate petitions
Paul Clark MP – Report to Constituents
On Patrol With the Police Whilst crime has fallen in Medway, it is still a problem that concerns people across Gillingham and Rainham, especially anti-social behaviour. In May, Paul was out and about with PCSO Nicola Davison from the local force to see what more can be done to prevent crime like shoplifting on Gillingham High Street.
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Paul said: “Getting out with officers is vital to understanding what more we can do as politicians to help stamp out anti-social behaviour in the constituency. Working with the Police to crack down on anti-social behaviour is one of my priorities over the next two years.”
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Regular patrols with the police and PCSOs will be a focus of Paul’s work. Paul will be developing an anti-social behaviour pack for residents in known problem-areas. The pack will contain advice, information, and ways to report any problems that you notice.
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Environmental Work Paul is an active campaigner on environmental issues and has signed a number of petitions in Parliament, known as Early Day Motions, to highlight his support. Petitions signed included condemning South Africa for lifting its ban on elephant culling, banning the use of animals to test food additives, putting a stop to the export of live calves, and preventing the extinction of rare amphibians. !
Paul was also recently at the opening of new environmentally-friendly homes in Gillingham’s Gorst Street, which have been built as a result of national Government initiatives working with local housing providers. !
Paul patrols the streets with PCSO Nicola Davison
Paul Clark MP – Report to Constituents
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Paul Clark MP – Report to Constituents
Campaigning for rail users Paul with Mayor of Medway Cllr. Val Goulden op ening the Vineries Summer Fun Day
Paul at Capstone Valley – still fighting to sa ve our green paces from develop ment
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Paul pla yin match w g a charity foo tb it Twydall h Rev. Gill Tova all Holy Trin r of ity Churc h
Regula r Rainha street stall at m shop ping ce ntre
Prime M visit to inister Gord o t in Gillin he Sunlight C n Brown’s entre gham
An Improved Station Coming Soon, Helped by Paul’s Campaign Gillingham Station: As Secretary of the Parliamentary Thames Gateway Group, Paul has been lobbying for extra cash to improve Gillingham’s rail station. An extra £1.5 million has now been announced and redevelopment planning is underway. !
Supporting Our Young People In Parliament, Paul works to support the Secretary of State for Children, Schools, and Families, and is involved in discussions about national policy for young people and education. Locally, he has been active in establishing and supporting the Twydall Pub Club and the Activity Loft in the Vineries. Earlier this year, Home Office Minister Meg Hillier also visited the Activity Loft. !
Over the coming months, Paul will also be asking young people how they want local money spent on their facilities. !
In April this year, Paul gathered the rail bosses from Southeastern and Network Rail for a meeting at Parliament. The purpose was to allow those who run our rail services to get together and decide how improvements can be made to the running of the rail network over the coming years. !
Paul has managed to persuade the rail bosses to come to Gillingham and field questions from passengers later this year. Paul said: “People must have a chance to have their say. There are concerns, particularly about price increases and the changes with the new high speed route, so I am looking forward to Network Rail and Southeastern’s responses.” !
Paul Clark MP – Report to Constituents
Paul Clark MP – Report to Constituents
Staying In Touch
ways to contact
Paul Clark MP 1 PHONE 01634 574261 or 0207 219 5207 2 FAX 01634 574276 or 0207 219 0219 3 WRITE to 62a Watling Street, Gillingham, Kent, ME7 2YN or House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA 4 EMAIL 5 WEB
More ways to get in touch than a letter or a phone call As a local lad, I am on your side and I want to keep you up to date. There are a whole range of ways you can get in touch with me that cost absolutely nothing! WEBSITE: My website, contains a whole range of information about what I’m doing and how to get in touch with me. MP TV: I have my own TV channel on my website. The channel lets people see the events I go to, the meetings I attend, and allows me to more personally interact with you. I am the only Member of Parliament who currently runs such a regularly updated service.
Join Paul’s Email List To sign up to Paul’s regular email updates just visit Paul’s website at and Paul will keep you updated on all the issues in Gillingham, Rainham, and Westminster.
FACEBOOK: I have my own Facebook page and run campaigns through the site. I want to assure everyone who doesn’t have access to the internet or is still wanting to receive updates in the post that they can still get in touch with my office and ask to be added to the regular mailing lists.
GET IN TOUCH Do you agree with and support Paul’s 5 commitments? YES
Are there other issues you would like me to prioritise over the next twelve months?
Please return this survey to Paul Clark MP, Gillingham Office, FREEPOST, SEA 8593, Gillingham, Kent, ME7 2BR
Address Postcode Phone Number Email Would you like Paul to stay in touch with you regularly? YES
Promoted by and on behalf of Paul Clark MP. House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA. Designed and printed by Public Impact. The Courtyard, 87 Southampton Street, Reading RG1 2QU. Paid for by the Communications Allowance, House of Commons.