WRHS 2015-2016
Inside 2015-2016 Board Members........................................3
PSTA School Wide Grant Program...........................16
PTSA Calendar ..........................................................4
Senior Scholarships...................................................17
PTSA Goals................................................................4
Public Relations........................................................18
In the News…...........................................................19
PTSA Membership......................................................7
Open House................................................................8
WRHS Newsletter....................................................21
ACT Practice...............................................................9
Thank You Sponsors..................................................22
Year End Financials...................................................23
PTSA Philanthropy...................................................11
PTSA By-Laws..........................................................24
SAT Practice..............................................................12
Looking Ahead…......................................................29
Unity Day….............................................................13
Why We Do It…......................................................30
ESE Prom.................................................................14
Farewell Seniors.........................................................31
Thank You Teachers & Staff......................................15
2015-2016 Wiregrass Ranch High School
PTSA Board
Mari Blank
Catherine McLain
Carlos Vera
Deb Rottum & Kim Clarke
Line Lemonier
Peggy D’Alessandro
Dawn Khalil
Kristy Kotlyn
Awards & Recognitions
Megan McNeil
Darlene Basi
Public Relations
Stacey Rusch
Mary Burstiner
President Recording Secretary Treasurer 1st VP
2nd VP
Camille Lovelace & Melinda Cosenza
Lizzy Mead
Krista Davidson & Jessica McNatt
Kathleen Powers
Richard Spana
Val Lanza
Steven Blank Katie Clarke Beliz Esen Nick Lacopo
Mrs. White
Parliamentarian Corresponding Secretary Student Representatives
School Representative
Founded in 2006, Wiregrass Ranch High School had approximately 2,400 students and used a 10-period split session school day to alleviate overcrowding this year. Sophomores, juniors and seniors attended from 7:25 a.m. to 1:56 p.m., while freshmen took classes from 10:25 a.m. to 4:50 p.m.
Thank you to our PTSA Board Members who have logged over 522 in volunteer hours!
ol year.
September 2015
October 2015
17 Senior Orientation
15 Open House
2 Reflections submissions due
18 Orientation Welcome back breakfast for teachers and staff
17 Princeton ACT practice & Strategy Session
25 Home Coming (Selling spirit wear)
November 2015 1 Winter Clothing Drive
PTSA General Assembly Meeting
December 2015 21-31 Winter Break
January 2016 1-4 Winter Break
17 Reflections Celebration
15 Jean Drive Begins 30 SAT practice & Strategy Session
February 2016 2 Curriculum Night (spirit wear sales) 15 PTSA General Assembly Mtg Teacher Grants Awarded
March 2016
April 2016
15 Jean Drive Ends
8 Unity Day
21-24 Spring Break
21 PTSA General Assembly Meeting 29 ESE Prom
18 Curriculum Enhancement Night (spirit wear sales)
May 2016
June 2016
5 Teacher Appreciation Luncheon 8 Last Day of School
July 2016 Planning for 2016-2017
26 Senior Awards
PTSA Goals oo Provide Welcome Back Luncheon for teachers & staff ü oo Provide student positions on PTSA Board to allow ü student representation during meetings
oo Provide SAT/ACT Princeton Review practice test/ ü strategy sessions
oo Increase participation in Florida PTSA Reflections Program
oo Increase Wiregrass PTSA membership o üoProvide educational family/student program o üoParticipate in Pasco’s 3Ps (Pasco Pairing PTAs) oo Provide awareness/prevention program for students oo Facilitate National Safe Teen Driver Week pledge wall o üoAssist ABC families with food & gifts during holidays
o üoAward school wide resource grants üoSupport and raise awareness for S.A.D.D. Club o oo Continue to advocate for safe teen driving laws within the Florida Legislature
oo Support National Highway Safety Traffic Month (May) oo Assist school personnel during student AP registration luncheon
üoProvide Monetary Support for Academic Letters/Pins o o üoProvide Teacher/Staff Appreciation Luncheon o üoAward PTSA Senior Scholarships üoProvide assistance with school wide initiatives, in o particular provide assistance in obtaining volunteers, mentors, tutors and classroom helpers
ORIENTATION Three orientation sessions were held for students before school started in August. Seniors
August 17th, 5p - 7p
Grades 10-11 August 18th, 8a - 12p Freshmen
August 18th, 5p - 7p
First Day of School: August 24, 2015
To encourage joining the PTSA, discount coupons for yearbooks and spirit wear were given for becoming a member.
August 17-18, 2015
The PTSA was involved in all of the orientation sessions selling memberships and spirit wear.
August 18, 2015
Jersey Mike’s participated throughout Orientation and donated lunch for our entire faculty and staff!
Freshmen orientation was a popular place to be for the class of 2019.
Welcome Back Luncheon Each year at Orientation, the PTSA Hospitality & Donations Committees make sure our WRHS teachers & staff are treated to a Welcome Back Luncheon. This year was no exception! Jersey Mike’s donated subs for the Luncheon to help start off the school year!
PTSA Membership
PTSA membership is more important to the welfare of your child’s education than ever before. PTSA membership and contributions directly enrich the educational experience students will receive at Wiregrass Ranch High School. Our membership goal was to beat last year’s membership number of 530 members.
Membership incentives
WRHS PTSA Membership
$5 Per Membership
Mother Father
»» Mrs. White offered a “Jeans Day” incentive for teachers if they joined the PTSA before September 11th.
Male Female
WRHS Teacher WRHS Staff
Grandparent Student (grade Community/Business Partner
Mother Father
Mother Father
»» Orientation: $5 coupon for yearbook & $2 coupon for Spirit wear »» Open House: New members received a slice of pizza/drink for becoming a PTSA member.
Phone: Email:
Grandparent Student (grade Community/Business Partner
WRHS Teacher WRHS Staff
Female Grandparent Student (grade ) Community/Business Partner
WRHS Teacher WRHS Staff
Grandparent Student (grade Community/Business Partner
Name: Mother Father
Male Female
WRHS Teacher WRHS Staff
Male Female
I'm interested in helping/volu
nteering at events
$25 Business Partner
Business Name:
Contact Name:
Business phone:
f o r
»» Senior Scholarship eligibility.
p t s a
u s e
$5 Regular
$5 Per Membership
Become a WRHS PTSA member for only $5 by September 10th, and get approved for
Male Female
WRHS Teacher WRHS Staff
Grandparent Student (grade Community/Business Partner Grandparent Student (grade Community/Business Partner
Email: Staff Phone: 21 Male Fema le Email:
WRHS Teacher WRHS Staff
Grandparent Student (grade Community/Business Partner
nteering at events
Sept. 11th
Business Name:
Business phone:
Sept. 18th
$25 Business Donation
Enjoy your Back-to-School lunch provided by Jersey Mike’s and WRHS PTSA.
2015-2016 PTSA Membership Membership Numbers 500 410
200 100 0 Aug-15
Contact Name: Email: p t s a
Mothers *Checks must include phone, student 115 ID and address
u s e
Students 209
o n l y
: Cash
Credit Card
Check #: Initials: Cards Given
Final Category numbers
Students 209 Mothers 115 Teachers 47 Fathers 22 Staff 21 Grandparents 1 Total 415
Teachers 47 f o r
Grandparents 1
I'm interested in helping/volu
$25 Business Partner
Female Grandparent Student (grade ) Community/Business Partner
WRHS Teacher WRHS Staff
Name: Mother Father
Fathers 22
WRHS Teacher WRHS Staff
Male Female
2 “Jean-Day” Fridays
Credit Card
Cards Given
WRHS PTSA Membership
Mother Father
Initials: ID and address
Mother Father
Check #: *Checks must include phone, student
Mother Father
$25 Business
Welcome Back Teachers & Staff
o n l y
Tuesday, September 15, 2016
OPEN HOUSE The first PTSA General Assembly was held before Open House. We met outside the Gym at 5:15pm and approved the budget. Open House began at 6pm in the Gymnasium. Many stopped by the PTSA table to purchase WRHS spirit wear, PTSA memberships, Princeton Review ACT Practice Tests, pizza and beverages. Little Caesar’s Pizza donated pizza. Past WRHS PTSA Board members (Carolina and Stacie) volunteered to cover shifts so current board members could visit their student’s classrooms.
PTSA President Mari Blank welcomed the crowd at the Open House, and encouraged everyone to participate in the WRHS PTSA.
Drive 4 UR School
During Open House the PTSA teamed up with The S.A.D.D. Club for a fundraising opportunity. PARKS Ford of Tampa donated $20 for each test-drive of their cars on campus, resulting in a donation of $2,500 to the PTSA to help with the teacher grants.
Princeton Review
ACT&Practice Strategy Session The Princeton Review ACT practice test and strategy session was the PTSA’s 1st program of the year. This is a valuable event where a Princeton Review instructor reviews test content, walks through some sample questions and shows some score-raising strategies to use on test day. Getting the word out: A slider was put on the school’s homepage, and the flyer was distributed through Student Services and on the PTSA website. 71 students prepaid (68 attended) and an additional 14 walked in without pre-registering. Feedback: Instructor was on our student’s level, however, allowed students to leave early and/or skip parts which was distracting and not PTSA’s policy.
Practice Test
Date: Location: Time:
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Wiregrass Ranch High School – Cafeteria 10:30am - 5:30pm Check-in begins at 10:30am
Test event includes:
» Strategy Session – tips & strategies for acing
» Lunch (provided by WRHS PTSA) » Full length practice SAT
the ACT
** Bring your scientific or graphing calculator and sharpened #2 pencils. Once students arrive, they must stay until the test is over.**
$15 Pre-Registration – until Friday, October 16 $20 Late Registration – at the door
NO REFUNDS.—donation to PTSA Need more info? Kim Clarke (kimclarke1@verizon .net), or Deb Rottum (debrottum@yahoo.co m) Pre-Registration Only: Please make checks payable to WRHS PTSA, include student ID number. Tear off form and give form and payment in an envelope addressed to WRHS PTSA to his/her 1st period teacher OR check and registration form can be mailed to: WRHS PTSA 2909 Mansfield Blvd Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 — parent name:
practice act tes t
17, 2015 —
student name address:
student id:
phone: email:
Hungry Howie’s donated pizza for attendees
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Practice ACT Test Find out where you stand!
Want to take a practice ACT without it counting towards college admissions? Wiregrass Ranch High School PTSA is pleased to offer students a practice test and strategy session to help boost their ACT scores! Students will be mailed an in-depth score report that gives a detailed score breakdown of their individual strengths and weaknesses.
REFLECTIONS Let your Imagination Fly...
Each year, the National PTA Reflections program offers local, regional, state and national opportunities for young artists in PreK through Grade 12 to be recognized for their creativity. We are proud to present our nation’s best Reflections in the areas of dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography and the visual arts.
WRHS Reflections
As of the submission deadline, Oct 2, 2015, WRHS had a total of 49 entries; 15 photography and 34 visual art (down from 73 entries last year). A Reflections celebration was held on November 17 at our Media Center where we honored the following 6 winners who moved on to the District competition, and all went on to the State level competition. Visual Arts: Payton Forehand — 1st place Jon Acosta — 2nd place* Matthew Scott — 3rd place Photography: Mikhaela Free — 1st place Sabrina Dinan — 2nd place Louise Turner — 3rd place*
Florida State
Visual Arts: Jon Acosta — FL state award of Excellence Photography: Louise Turner — 3rd place – FL state award of Merit
Nationally, this school year, nearly 300,000 students in over 8,000 schools across the country and in U.S. schools overseas contributed their original works to be considered for PTA’s highest honor in the arts. This spring, a panel of experts reviewed more than 1,000 national round submissions.
Jon Acosta National Award of Merit “The Restrained Imagination”
PTSA Philanthropy WRHS PTSA Paired with Anclote High We adopted Anclote High School through a program initiated by Pasco County Council PTA called 3 P’s for Pasco (Pasco Pairing PTAs) where PTSAs adopt a Title 1 school or a school in need. This is our second year participating in this program. Our PTSA held a warm clothing and blanket drive. The Key Club helped by donating personal hygiene items, and toothbrushes and dental products were generously donated by Metz Orthodontics. PTSA delivered ice cream as a thank you to the members of Key Club who brought in much of the hygiene products.
Our ABC Families & the Holidays
WRHS PTSA provided 5 $25 Publix Gift Cards for Thanksgiving meals for our ABC (Assist, Believe & Care) families. The purpose of this Pasco County District program is to match community individuals and groups with needy children in order to provide basic essentials, thus enhancing the possibility for the children’s success in school. PTSA received one ABC family to provide gifts from their Christmas wish list. The other 13 families were given to other WRHS Clubs on campus who also wanted to help out.
Jean Drive January – March
Collection boxes were set up in Student Services, the Meadow Pointe I Clubhouse, and the Clubhouse in Seven Oaks for all sizes of jeans for young people in shelters. Posters were put up around campus and ConnectEd message went out to families. Key club assisted with drive.
Bulls Family in Need
A $500 gift card was given to a Wiregrass Family in dire need in February.
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. 11
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Princeton Review
SAT& Practice Strategy Session Practice SAT Test Find out where you stand!
Want to take a practice SAT without it counting towards college admissions? Wiregrass Ranch High School PTSA is pleased to offer students a practice test and strategy session to help boost their SAT scores! Students will be mailed an in-depth score report that gives a detailed score breakdown of their individua l strengths and weaknesses.
Practice Test
Date: Location: Time:
Saturday, January 30, 2016 Wiregrass Ranch High School –
11:00am - 5:30pm Check-in begins at 10:30am
Test event includes:
» Strategy Session – tips & strategie
» Lunch (provided by WRHS PTSA) » Full length practice SAT
s for acing the SAT
** Bring your scientific or graphing calculator and sharpened #2 pencils. Once students arrive, they must stay until the test is over.**
$15 Pre-Registration – until Friday, January 29 $20 Late Registration – at the door
NO REFUNDS.—donation to PTSA Need more info? Kim Clarke (kimclarke1@verizon.net), or Deb Rottum (debrottum@yaho o.com) Pre-Registration Only: Please make checks payable to WRHS PTSA, include student ID number. Tear off form and give form and payment in an envelope addressed to WRHS PTSA to his/her 1st period teacher OR check and registration form can be mailed to: WRHS PTSA 2909 Mansfield Blvd Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 — parent name:
p r ac t i c e s at t e s t
30, 2016 —
student name address:
student id:
phone: email:
2nd PTSA Program The Princeton Review came back the end of January for the SAT practice test and strategy session. This was an important session as the SAT test recently changed, and this practice exam was in the new format. To promote this event, forms were delivered to Land O Lakes High School, and Pasco High School. A slider was put on the WRHS homepage, and the flyer was distributed through Student Services and on the PTSA website. Once again, Hungry Howies donated pizza for the test takers. 59 students prepaid (58 attended).
Unity Day…
PTSA Program #3 Unity Day was one of the grants awarded as part of the PTSA’s School Wide Grant Program. Unity Day brings together a diverse group of students for a day of team-building and anti-bullying activities that promote understanding and tolerance for all students on the WRHS campus. On April 8, in the WRHS gym, 155 students attended Unity Day.
On feedback forms, several students indicated that Unity Day changed the way they look at and relate to other people, and a couple of students even said that Unity Day changed their life.
Friday, April 8, 2016
“Unity Day proved to be a day full of laughter, tears, and memories. It was all about breaking apart from the typical stereotypes and just getting to know each other. Filled with group activities and exercises meant to reach deeper into our emotions, the day made everybody realize that aside from our social groups and what we see each other as, in the end, we are all important and we are all incredible human beings. Everybody that attended the event got something from it, whether it was to not judge someone easily, or to be more sympathetic, we all had a sense of enlightenment when it came to figuring out how to treat people and ourselves.”
Friday, April 29, 2016
ESE Prom PTSA Program #4
The PTSA co-sponsored the exceptional student education (ESE) Prom with $250 donation to help with the decorations. It was a magical event for all who attended!
Thank You! Teachers & Staff The Appreciation Luncheon was held May 5, 2016. The Hospitality Committee decorated/set up at 8:30, and two shifts of PTSA volunteer servers came in to assist from 10:15am-2:30pm. A catered lunch was purchased by PTSA from Texas Road House, and PTSA Board members donated the desserts for the day.
Catherine & Mary served our teachers and staff.
Friday, May 5, 2016
Our Hospitality Committee, Jessica & Krista
Wiregrass Ranch PSTA School Wide
GRANT PROGRAM F or the 2015-2016 school year, the Wiregrass Ranch PSTA School Wide Grant Program was made available (emailed) to teachers late October, and all applications were due December 11, 2015. There were four (4) grant applications submitted and 3 were approved for funding. On February 18th, at the PTSA General Assembly meeting, the PTSA awarded this year’s grant recipients.
$1,300 – 3D Printer WRHS Art Department’s Mrs. Pamela DeVito’s grant was approved to purchase a 3D Printer and filament supplies.
he PSTA grant program is designed to be a flexible source of PTSA funding for Wiregrass Ranch teachers and staff to sponsor creative programs in which Wiregrass Ranch students may participate. In keeping with the funding goals of the PTSA, these programs may be educational, artistic or social programs to benefit either large or small groups of students. The grant application deadline was 4:30 p.m. on December 11, 2015.
Who May Apply
Teachers, staff, and administrators who are members of the Wiregrass Ranch PTSA may submit applications.
The Grant Process:
»» Teacher or staff submits the PTSA Grant Application to the PTSA by December 11. »» Award decisions are announced at the PTSA’s Winter General Meeting. »» Grant recipients have until June 1, 2016 to use the funds. Any unused grant funds are returned to the PTSA for next year’s grants. »» An evaluation of the project and a complete accounting of how funds were spent must be made in writing by June 30, 2016.
The art department will use the 3D printer to teach the basic understanding and knowledge of how the 21st century technology works within the classroom setting. Students will have the opportunity to learn how to create an object starting at the 2D format — online graphic design program Tinkercad and end up having the printer produce their individual creation in 3-D.
$500 – Unity Day Sponsor
Mrs. Stephanie Kincaid, a teacher and Unity Club Sponsor’s grant was approved for $500 to help support the second Unity Day held in April at WRHS. Unity Day brings together a diverse group of students for a day of team-building and anti-bullying activities that promote understanding and tolerance for all students on the WRHS campus.
$200 – Art Blooms Exhibit
Mrs. Paula Smith of the Art Department grant will help support Art Blooms at Wiregrass Ranch High School media center exhibit.
Scholarships E ach year the PTSA awards a number of scholarships to deserving graduating seniors. Seniors had to join PTSA by October 2, 2015, and submit a scholarship application by April 1, 2016 in order to be eligible. PTSA Scholarship Committee consisted of Rick Spana, Mary Burstiner, Krista Davidson, and Catherine McLain. The PTSA awarded eight scholarships totaling $2,800 (or $350 each) at the Awards Night May 26, 2016. Four were based on Academic excellence and four were awarded for Citizenship. All 15 applicants had impressive backgrounds making it difficult for our committee to agree. Each scholarship winner has extensive volunteer experience and has been active in PTA/PTSA actities.
Camille King. Camille is an avid soccer player headed to University of West Florida to become a sports medicine physician. She has spent a majority of her free time training, practicing, working and volunteering, all while not letting her focus on academics fall short.
Jeremy Moser. A baseball player since the age of 4, Jeremy has always been interested in criminal justice. Although unsure which department, he hopes to work in the federal government. Jeremy is headed to St. Leo University in the fall.
Christine Valenti. This future UF Gator has a passion for math and the desire to work toward a career in the medical field. Not only involved in an impressive amount of extracurricular activities, Christine found inspiration helping with her mother’s medical issues. Jaret Norman. After 7 years of orchestra, Jaret found that he not only has a passion for music, but loves to compose music for film and video games. His plan is to get his AA at PHSC and move on to U Miami to complete his dream. Lauren Spataro. Lauren’s goal is to become an orthopedic physician with a specialty in sports medicine after her years of cheerleading and enduring the injuries that came with it. UF will help her get there.
Helyn Maus. Helyn has been taking college classes since her sophomore year to better prepare for her future in geriatric nursing. She will be attending Florida Gulf Coast University to study nursing. Danielle Mapp. Danielle will be off to University of Central Florida to study Biomedical Sciences with the goal of becoming a medical professional. A vegan herself, Danielle anticipates starting a vegan/ vegitarian club at UCF to spread awareness of animal cruelty and healthy alternative foods. Thea Henry. Graduating WRHS with an AA under her belt, Thea will complete her batchelor’s degree in Clinical Psychology, while minoring in Sociology at Florida State University. Thea’s goal is to practice psychology in a VA hospital.
Public Relations
In the News… Tampa Bay Times WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 2015
Pumped up for a big year While state lawmakers and education leaders focus on broad issues such as standards, testing and how to evaluate teachers, the people who come to school every day just want an atmosphere where kids can learn. As a new school year draws near, we asked six of them to tell us about changes in the offing at their schools, about challenges ahead that give them pause, and about the things that make them so excited they can’t wait to come back. They represent the core of people who make any schoolhouse tick — students, teachers, parents, bus drivers, cafeteria staff and the principal. Here is what they had to say: and trying to answer questions about the changes. parent: With every passing year, the back-to-school season takes The primary worries centered on whether students would have on added significance for Pasco County mom Mari Blank. access to athletics, and how safe kids would be waiting for school She sees her second son, a high school junior, growing older buses mid-morning. and less dependent on his parents. “It’s the first time it’s been done at Wiregrass, but it’s been done at “He’s growing up,” Blank said. “It’s a chapter of our lives that other schools,” Blank said. “I’m sure there will be a few hiccups, but I is getting closer to ending.” think it’s just going to be a transition we’re going to have to endure.” She’ll still wake up on the first day of classes to make She expected questions to continue through her busiest time breakfast and walk Steven to his car. She’ll keep tabs on who his of year, orientation and open house. Blank had confidence that teachers are, and what classes he’s taking. the school administration would work through the kinks and have But it’s a far different experience from when she would walk the campus running smoothly, much as it has done as enrollment her boys to Sand Pine Elementary School, making sure they got surpassed 2,300 students without a changed schedule. to their classrooms without problems. If she had a single item she’d like to see changed, it might be That doesn’t mean Blank won’t be involved, not to mention testing. It can consume a school’s time and energy, Blank said, swamped, with school life. She’s the PTSA president at Wiregrass Ranch High, a school so crowded that it has moved to a 10-period taking away from needed learning. Even there, though, Blank has confidence that teachers will day for the next two years, until a new school can open. continue to do a good job preparing the teens, and the school will Sophomores, juniors and seniors will attend from 7:25 a.m. soldier on. to 1:56 p.m., while freshmen will take classes from 10:25 a.m. to “I think the testing could be overkill at times. I don’t think the 4:50 p.m. test will determine your kids’ actual ability,” she said. “But do I “The biggest concern that parents have is our staggered have a say? It’s like your taxes. You’re going to pay them.” schedule,” said Blank, who has been fielding some phone calls
2016 Principal’s Award Goes to...
Mari Blank, PTSA President! “They say it takes a village to raise a child and this person is definitely part of the village. The Principal’s Award is for the person that has volunteered their time to Wiregrass Ranch High School and is always there to help in a moment’s notice, that is if she is not at a Lightning game or travelling the world. Tonight’s Principals award goes to Mari Blank. Mari has been the president of the PTSA for the past two years and has been instrumental in running Drive One for your School and Spirit wear fundraisers for Wiregrass Ranch High School, as well as assisting with several different events around the school. Mari is often seen running around the office and volunteering around the school. She has volunteered over 300 hours this year alone. She, along with a fantastic team of involved parents, have worked tirelessly for the betterment of Wiregrass Ranch High School. So once again, please join me in congratulating Mari Blank as the winner of this year’s Principal Award.” — Robyn White, WRHS Principal
Communications www.wiregrassptsa.org The PTSA website was updated throughout the year keeping members informed about what we were doing.
twitter/wiregrass_ptsa A Twitter account was set up for the PTSA to help with communication.
PTSA Gets the Word Out Two Mailchimp email blasts went out to our PTSA database of members to help WRHS administration inform families to take action. Feb 11: Parent Survey Sent to 118 parent PTSA members Apr 20: Recycling event Sent to 264 PTSA members
hool High Sc vard s Ranch Wiregras Mansfield Boule 43 335 2909 Florida Chapel, Wesley
813) 346
: (813 -6000 FAX
Wiregrass Ranch High School 2909 Mansfield Boulevard Wesley Chapel, Florida 33543
2015 Wiregrass Ranch High School Newsle tter-Oc tober
813) 346-6000 FAX: (813)346-6091
Wiregrass Ranch High School 2909 Mansfield Bouleva rd Wesley Chapel, Florida 33543
News letter -Dece mber School High2015 /Janu ary 2016 grass Ranch From theWire Boulevard field Princ ipal.. 2909 Mans .......R 3 obyn As we enter the last month White Florida 3354 el,semester of the first and the ey Chap
New slet1 ter- Mar
813) 346-6000 FAX: (813)346-6091
Wiregrass Ranch High School 2909 Mansfield Boulevard Wesley Chapel, Florida 33543 w
Wiregrass Ranch High School 2909 Mansfield Boulevard Chapel, Florida 33543 Wesley M
ch High School 2909 Mansfield Boulevard 813) 346-6000 FAX: 6 m Wiregrass Ranch 201 byn WhiteOctober 12 through 23 this short month of Wesl (813)346-6091 pal.... and the holiday season is Wesley Fro m the Chapel,.....Ro the Princi Florida 33543 ing school. The most important From Mansfield Boulevard FSA, EOC’s almost here, please remember 2909 think Prin activity is always attending more everywhere) on campus during this month: FCAT retakes, to keep up with all the activities 15 cipFlorida hi te time to start or contact Student Services forstudents school, arriving on time (leave al..33543 and being prepared for the rtant and the fall season is here. We have a few important tests plannedWe ..... ..Ro byn Wh 813) 346-6000 FAX: (813)346-6091 during , it is now w all the impoOctober are all very proud and times are included in this newsletter rigorous schedule leading early to avoid the traffic and of allwithFAX: W 1% Wesley along 346-6000 us t 20 the top of all ourChapel, to a close other December (813)346-6091 b yner vacaW who pay for the test is October 28 ; Dates up to semester and end of ine Rupani. They scored in813) always verydrive state required testing. Please successfu slow with l with college opportunit seniors as they start making post high course exams. Our exam tions come st 24 , please revierding to the timel PSAT for all Sophomores, plus the Juniors ite Semi-Finalists; Grace Dietsch and Rea .. Ro remind schooltter-Ap schedule is posted te r- A ug of Most recently, WRHS class of 2016 have two National Merit Scholarship ies. With over 500 decisions during the ril 2016 freshman to become successful. Finally, pleaseexams. This is important for all college bound students keep in mind that first semester does not end until Newslett Newsle on theyear As summ ol, Monday, Augu website er-Septem .. ..Ranc..h class leted acco on the ber first day seniors, at college. Many more details.2015 coming weeks and all our students as they work hard January 14 this year. All we have many students regardless of grade level. For that of 2019. the class of 2016, this semester scholarship opportunit ld be comp ant year. Congratulations to Grace and Rea pa l. to scho I-pods, wallets, etc. It is unfortunate students colleges, essful Semester grades are the Ne w sl et that have already earned and months. Our class of 2016 has take semester they must maintain ci grade will be the final grade ies will be earned during students who took the PSAT their junior to return reporting grades provided expensive possessions such as cell phones, White ite and shou leted to be succ nt of rigor and relev their be been in to to the secure timeline need a byn dedication Bright always plans calculated Students webs related should they missing. Futures ome for and to up to .....Ro the Pr for requesting transcripts from to their studies during collegesdates class ranking. In addition, coming weeks ns child that WRHS has 2400 students Scholarship funds for and and on the pal.... universities. 15 timeline. Visit the senior is comp e 2016, 2017 and 2018at. Welc make final available and months. Even room, allowing these items to come Princi environme try certificatioyour class of 2016 college bound the the final weeks of school. their away. Spring Break allowed all of thclass From From though students have sure work the timeline posted on the Finally, the WRHS ABC (Assist, Student Services. Transcript requests must be submitted to leave expensive property unsecured in the lunchroom, classroom and locker S. As you studentsunderclass ts are Principa indus provide an Parents should keep should follow for the class of 2016 is only several weeks oach students, been accepted website or contact the the please take bybruary students of December 11th to be2016 nts WRH mer assignmen has arrived and graduation obyn White New sle tte r-N ove mb er 20 familiesob ry apprl.........R please makeWRHS will always t, plus numerous spring iteBelieve, Care) to date program is open to End of Course exams, Advanced Fr om weather indicatesupthat processed before high with during yn Wh schoolofforwarm graduation requireme to help needy the Thanksgiving ded stude return courses Sum back es, Itter-Fe 21st centu winterschool information through graduation. We have required begin second The start families in our community. break.will determine your advantage of all the opportunities at WRHS The holiday. Thanks to our of a credi to prevent theft. new Newsle As we t phon as early nts, activities, responsible for an ambitious schedule Welcome opportunities affor the newsletter. S hasis aalways ans,exciting and plan submitted. es Placement 2.fl.us as possible time pmour communities for all students. Wow! Pay Our school provided food andall for students, of school gifts for - 5:00 for college als.school opportunities after high parents and teachers. - 7:00..R 9 weeks teachers, and selectforthethemost WRHyear @ http://wrhs.pasco.k1 finalrigorous to solve more demanding.students, office hours in clubs, families, PTSA and our website grades, .... be Contact new classes, I-Pod smar the or visitWith any Administration traditional end of the semester testing football get recharged new experiences, the start of can most Advanced assignments to be llmen upcoming the to erful school. WRHS @ gifts games potential all cours us and quarter needy. and 813-346-6000 and to pm t l... ding numerous or five school 5:00 students, 2nd grades needy ite other tests 7:00 ssion Friday issues. want EMR wond sports rs community We night Contact for the and at and and schedule make Services inclu Mr. year. activities CNA colleges IT, ing Matthew For our 1st Student the ourprepare sponsors, we've collected webs future Profe next school great er White you all Maintain Felderman in Student and careers. exams for to Enro students, decisions possible. - 1:56 pm year.- 2:30 in Hono for a very We have - 7:25 certification or time of- 7:00 devices for the future. to events - it isntaloss of new in session combination of successful The students Pri ncyearipa exams inItMay, "tons"Course about all provided on our Classes is never graduation and class placement for the .....Ro to WRHS, pm lots of foodexams, Placementwith wecal with enrollment exceeding Class of 2017isstudents are a and of Medi too early to plantoand impact er program is an Services if you Princi quarter grades. semester. Courses itemsbyn busyleplace. are no summ us PHSC Dual Academy need assistance or pal.... scheduled upda and Test results WRHS PERT and Advanced 2400 Teacher the istes youstudent e-sembl a small expectations.first of which there have a safe take in best prepared. On some connected to preve ps verymobi would want to provide food departmen dayshours holiday WRHS to we have activities pm should district's - 4:44 pmFro m your child be prepare Also, WRHS with excellent first camp season 10:18starts @school ntscity. The Enjoy 813-346-6000 dates events. important our lapto Placemen for our future. PleaseSpringtime From andce.visit the testing from classesthetaking related before school information teachers. Students classes listed, there 2 Session to all be We areown attendan our website for information stude both or visit criteria. website for important t tests or giftvery is a time to celebrate the year's accomplishments, school open attention and concluding around midnight. 7 days the for items. our website informative are all scheduled a week. many on program, and our nts withWith t with hrs - 9:30 - 5:00 on campus SAT andbelieve Thank the addition remember that Session to cooperatio 2 PHSC, for about information of the entrances to ACT this grades as a selection continue to check our by about ourplease stude students are well prepared. to set high priorities your ourspring. thisclass of students start the n from or and/or lities information. The plus school events such as Prom require to use of their courses, planned, wonderful th
FAX: (813)346-609 813) 346-6000
813) 346-6000 FAX: (813)346-6091
spring 40 buses, 200 employees, 500 student cars and hundreds view our newsletters WRHS ally, the Culinary tests and activities are WRHS host both tests. 24/7 with school and programs. nsibi Arts on thesebe nts and welldates in general not see and March provided WIFI, Tradition 6000 to doand school parent Arts online and stay connected drivers, these wonderful activities. Upcoming As February everyone or visit respotimes child(ren) to continuer grades which are used by colleges access program will present traffic @ http://wrhs.pa toContact of visitors, at peak posted theofwebsite Placement parents our deliveries and de pare and plan to attend Culinary requires patiencehelp website FSA, End er or questions If you do come should Theatrekeepwill sco.k12.fl.us andmake access to earlyour @ http://wrhs the year arrival. motivating your ofe-sembl senior parents amany. Contact on our website for students and and details will be provided on the Dinner , school manages this difficult situation with safety as our ascelebrations WRHS Calendar up with all theonend tests .pasco.k12 Page. Seniors ion about @ 813-346-6000 or visit our 21 Advanced nology Academy, Students have are services we provi letterThe Guidance Please Production classes. Teacher closer. Finally, traffic and college on our please continue .fl.us and Twitter and there is a downloadable App not anology Prom information is in this newsletter been excuse for students tardyproce primary dures to hours -located will determine semeste Facebook, to attend. Information Futures need informat quarter, concern. of the Marvelousother school get Therefore, 7:00 - 2:30 the Fine use ofis techn to school. website requirements ite, news , offering First session graduation Tech in January should visit Scholarship http://wrhs.pa Arts starts pm also ities,@Bright Advisory Teacher hours - 7:00 - 2:30 a letter outlining all senior events. @ 7:30 am and late Council Classes Day-no school school should you 10/26 they- are meeting all of sco.k12.fl.us r examsPlanning School With theschool, do not rush, justhave every day. 200 session at 10:18 am. Should Facebook makein sure page curriculum our Information important hip opportun meet attendance, debt, no OSS and Wonderettes.meeting are posted on the website and seniors session 2nd toare Contact rs,teaching semeste should on our webs nt drive activities pm Classes you arrive 4/7/16, with administration and will receive the than Ranch the front senior 7:25 - 1:56these on2016 Thursday, colleges.hrsSeniors pluslater on WRHS 10 Teacher to Session minutes to of grades. Contact the child into ation 11/2 in session - 9:30 - 5:00 in possible @ 813-346Student technology email, Twitter and with assignments. pm students members of the Wiregrass in Services activities, scholars activities - 7:25 - 1:56 elected is available ed and walkdeyour pm 2nd Session him/her 2nd Session hrson- 9:30 the newly stude and sign Student Finally, all seniors will have a Remember, pm to in for antoexcused as they start receiving acceptance letters keep track Lock-in. succeed at school. tardy this inform vandalism, school pranks etc., will result Cards , gets- closer. . Congratulations Services 500 or unexcused tardy.group Student students Report nd lead Senior timeline classes- 5:00 as the event ared to use bus; overcrowd help the FAFSA t tool tomissing Servicesprocess 7:00 - 5:00 as a include: late; alarm 10:18 - 4:44school - 7:00 - 5:00 serves tardies ion related to graduati be completing maymore clock didn't excellen to attend prom, Grad Bash and the Senior 11/20 go off; pm the parents help students unsecured Student (senior) pranks related to trespassing, carng, amFor pm problems, s arrivi Council. This Unexcused pmwebsite - be prep ts. Text messaging provide tutorial year starts to read.tion Department.pmThe2 Session classes- 10:18 - 4:44 we aresleeping etc. the informat as we provi attendance to be eligible and pranks are unacceptable. As information 7:15 School Advisory Administra buse involved on attendance pm r or friend 2015/16 the and Reports and tardies, learning High inSchool Progress leave them our community, Openinform please andouris website will be posted on the website for parents hours office the graduation events. Registration for the 2016-2017 geable and continue to have good grades and Administration office please access all us after Houseation our Student Services The letter the ceremony. We take pride in our school With 40 15 th starting is Tuesday, for of - 5:30graduation details. composed MPH requirements to attend Knowled - 7:00 - 5:30 Finally, pm contact able- 7:00 11/23-11/27 Parentof 2016 parents, school to be on-line and bles and do not other table our schoolvisit busy. September in nce visit our website at the and activities includinghours yourself, a neighbo improve gym5@ pm 6 pm. should try to take Please see enhance to the class ring the ,camp review this ing is Open growth in Holidays-no Openand committee alwaysHouse more with good grades, attendance and behavior (no OSS) ive website and/or the Holidays. House available Pads and section in this newsletterAll steering Contact WRHS @ 813-346-6000 or Thanksgiving Myste ry Theat ForOpen Should you find suspension, and removal from all graduation rn will be on classes offered. College bound students arrest, PHSC. forparents ol. Ente the complete the seasonearned provideMPH House s using our very informat fees are paid prior to the Winter ooks are always secure valuas of WRHS and the and staff. Please in theinformation. parents at the activities and events @ the Ranch. morn an entra of our website for information opportunity the business community. in our community. and PTSA to help make privileges andteachers. to schowill to patte visitstudents, staff, the their WRHS reon –campus andmeet child's . This classroom facultyand late families deadline Enrollment classes through our 15 parents, DualMarve The Outsta informative website for all scheduled ic directory information on the front page and ld is very Many textb nts gown needy JLMS our of course y We our use esse ents many Contact look and visit being nding are forward plus Traff by WRHS the always, clubs pare in shou Please to cap th Retakes seeing @ nt campus, 813held . on soon. everyone there 346are safet succ limits the requirem Senior 6000 lous pm on which courses orservi themake visitceour road October 15 . sure that ents web-siteEver PlacementWond erett ve service @http://wrhs.pasco.k12.fl.u to preve yone’s are invited to attend speed during the year. We Calen students, we realize that the October supporti telephone and participate in SAC meetings, s. retake Administration office hours - 7:00 - 5:30 We are of the many theft. Stud several may be able to help. offered at WRHS. WRHS offers 24 Advanced poste- d7:00 pleased several SAT and ACT tests on campus e for all gh the pm. - 7:25 will be administering http://wrhs.pasco.k12.fl. email or and wethat darClasses in session - 7:25 - 1:56 pm thehours School hing, announce - 2:30 WRHS offerses most rigorous coursesFBLA Highapproac t arrive earlyys Teacher Student Services - 7:00 - 5:00 pm theforwebsite. Please Wiregrass season Classes Ranch Because throupm since we have session Check our website calendar Rachel Baber has received toin1:00 follow - 1:56 pm tial ABCtoform know Room. the holiday and SAT tests for the spring dates. Student Conference am ol experiencages sent by text, school, you mus ACT as with Services WRHS WRHS confiden WRHS ELA pm pm nd Session one will exit scheduling 7:00 FSA Administrative let 2:30 start 5:00 Outstanding and 2.0, Alwa scho 7:00 pm WRHS 7:45 5:00 Fine Finally, FCAT should the code the rd hours brief 2.fl.us 2 Administration ty juniors End Arts pass please Senior Award. Rachel demonstrates Teacher - 7:00 bound student of 3 quarter nd Department and the very one. to hours - 7:00 - exams every hrs - 9:30 - 5:00from pm 2nd Session classes- 10:18 quali who did not take or @ http://wrhs.pasco.k1 hoursCollege FBLA Competition@and 5:00 this mess DuRocher are theoffice studentsseason, forholiday ol dress - 4:44 pm - 5:30 pm or visit our website - 4:44 pm and complete a WRHS Culinary present hours - 7:00 officeArts Awards Ceremony scholarship, Exam. leadership, service, g students learning for every front entrance and be closed to traffic office ce pm WRHS 813-346-6000 times. Rachel Baber and and Tiffany the 2016 5:00 pm 2 Session classes- 10:18 3/18 and is Administration a safe and days and through level of our parent 12/8/15 Administration office a high high scho 9:30 - Break-no datesation support.- Contact pm Production Dinner Services information: Algebra 1 End-of-Course Program - 5:00 2nd Session hrs -Spring the NGSS - 7:00 Theatre nts drivin appreciate .k12.fl.us and/or needing assistan Student Services Exam, ty of will Student the Online Skillsin Event Sue Bucenell, Carol Brower, school - 5:00 pm and citizenship and Open into the pm Writing/Reading MaribeBlanc, 1:56 House you are familiar with theation. All this inform of The Marvelous - 7:00 Wonderet - 7:25 Cari Bennett, http://wrhs.pasco top ce road 19th.seniors. am-@ @ October come and Classes session8:00 orientation and hundreds of pare cting the quali one of our tes. Wonderettes ’58 e through ServicesShe WRHS) representatives whilePlease a part of this “EPIC Affair” 12th to October - 2:30 pm- Performance 3/21-3/25 able. Please come was among 10 seniors nominated stands out as Teacher Planning Day-no school from Student hours - 7:00 12/10/15 our website atmanage the District WRHS!! administered impa or visit accessibl gates on the servi will be takes you to the 1958 s sure pm uct inform Jackie Choo represents -6000 These exams Calendar for students Dear WiregrassseRanch - 1:56 pm Biology End-of10:18 by the student body School at 6pm in the Admin represent classes-(3:30 to class then received the highest - 7:25 LOOK parents. ol to will WE ol is only pm- 4:44 Springfield employee 2nd Session Events FORWARD Burstiner, the @Mitchell Tuesday of the month wheremeets Maryscho TO MEETING ALL and hrs - 9:3012/17/15 - 5:00 pm- Awards nd Session second session WRHS @ 813-346 3/28 Springian/Saluta History and/or torian every 4/4 High School) prom we meet in High Plea makey,Families: OF OUR Contact code of cond the US BULL taken FSA’s 2 representative. normally number FAMILY y have llent the ns. Classes addition, should and to the scho Wonderett arriving late pm who of faculty In pm Business/Communit Students exce 4:44 Ceremony Valedictor our nts is nce ctatio . es, votes Cards 2:30 dreams as big as their Vera We aretardy four girls with hopes Report polic (10 am- 12 pm @ River Ridge proud to make her our 10:18will be required to take these Senior of the Outstanding site and Carlos MEMBERS! to invite all S an at School 7:00 expe noon Entra stude Board of .you to this year’s Open classes-years, 3/28 – 3/31 and 5/6 the valedictorian and crinoline skirts! As we Year. Please be sure to congratulate ation our webHigh School) or in previous Conference Room. Teacher hours -Course-Exam a Remember permission forms areas. 2nd Session last year, make WRH Housevisit in the after ement and danc e policy,Ranchite Robyn White, Patricia Bacon, Alisa Wiregrass Ranch High School announces learn about their lives Supervisio for inform Progress Reports are needed grades without n of Students 2th that School volun - 9:30 5:00 pm Rachel. parking lot the morning and are treated to the girls on Tuesday, teers help bler Faculty and staff representatives are atten Wiregrass the loves, September6000 or it both excit underdates. 5/25 webs High Long and Also,we eSem students mustforbethese 2nd Session hrsexams on October 20th. Students will receive a letter on October Run at dress that these check your student’sclickFlorida dress performing such classic 2016. in in codestates these year, S @ 813- 346- 15, 2015, at 6:00 Denise (d)(2) the the Class of2.0 to attend e EARLY! ol year brings with with your child the 1003.31 on eSemble p.m. or visit Nicole Minott and Michelle Mudge. “Lollipop,” Statuer FBLA Forour FBLA salutatorian for FCAT the 2015-2016 Seniors Last Day All of school know you can events. followed 5K&1Mi and “Dream Lover,” “Stupid ‘50’s songsWINNERS: NGSS ReadiEthan did youRanch fl.us and location(s), and time(s). If you 5/30 - 5:00 pm Goodridge, as ourCimino, of school, as scho theme, priority. Arriv nization. TH Cont no longer than 30 minutes Me, act WRHwe have adopted “EPIC” The 10thParents Review also Calend Cupid,” to the class of 2016's valedictorian, ng Munden annual Long Run wrhs.pasco.k12.le Run Athletic S DISTRICT includes the test(s), testing date(s), testing of the principal “Lipstick COMPETITION Retak since ter orga Congratulations FCAT, Passes ld Teachers Youandcan this is the direction Memorial Day-no school hours - 7:00 Thrill Me, Kiss CONGRATULATION 10 e.year of the school’s existence. Our On Your Collar,” “Hold thetoRanch control number one The start of the new start of school. receive the first week tic Boos Florida page. ce? Logat on aror designee in Hous office please contact assistant and parent graduation June 4,es Me,” and other classic Seufert (12th) faculty 6/4 of Out-Of-Fie 1 Mile Run n Wiregrass WRHS and Notificatio held some parent staff you all atnsive 11/02 will beemail SeeComprehe Openforward time in conferen on5Kthe Assessme ndar Sambhu. through while on our campuses or while participating fun at a prom February of 2016. inistration have any questions regarding these exams, hoursVacation-scho administer areand school looking and /or Athle Day nt Test, retakes will Plan Team Biancahits! You’ve never had this child will Cale salutatorian, Neilish one prior to the or after Admand an Business to meeting the parents Ranch HighareSchool Thislinks 1stand ed March 30 through in at least Winter event is a great certified them before athletics under parent guardians of our WRHS you will will once be Graduation experience again be selling much establishedtab ol closed that every never forget Wonderett located are teaching out-of-field purchases 11/11 9th Grade students should notmusical April 4. These test dates Arena. for Nalin (9th) by sending l PTSA, Band at Orientation students. Upon arriving runners Mehra Sun Dome Individuals who USF looking to run who season or Cards principal, Tim Light. 10:00 am at the entered Business Communication passes for workReport es ‘58—a 12/21/15-1/4/1 a fastteacher each you make the Student Planner very successfu all home onpm course Students returnactivity. campus, please report to the gymnasium to briefly trip1st are for all students 5k and for beginners as well.an authorized school-sponsored the 9TH grade during contests down additional must-take for the 6 Intro. to take 2015-16 memory - 7:00 - 5:00 school year. everyone will follow soon. but, are required family lane! This delightful teach 11/20 in the 2012-2013 school Details communicate with Liza Hanna Parents should not rely on school supervision area and qualified to s DayAPSAT 9Th grade prior to the e join our pass off-Broadway withices to seeing is $100.00, adult the principal, Robyn White. After the meeting, you will ent Serv one act(10th) 1/5/16 state also arrive prior to 10:00am. Veteran’ available 1sthitSpreadsheet End of Semester year, or who entered ior Prom 2015 News version $50.00 andThe Studmeet theiris certificate. a student is perfect forApplications: /27 2012-2013 school year. of theJones ent topass pass is $25.00. r. Junior/Sen be released smash(10th), Finally, pleas We look forward The 11/23-11 Daanyah coverage/endorsem at both a (10th), eSemble here add to Khalil 28th, teens policy. pm testing Daniel such October Reports to 11:30 pm of and Team: All ABC for to limits visit pass Springfield students time your adults. Wednesday Design for FCAT is . the child’s classes beginning with his/her first period good for admission e towards be 1/14/16 Commi tteemitt ee English home outside Progress 1st Website an season retakesFinalist Planning Day-no school for Come join us for who are scheduled Merit High all regular will be administered on will receive testing information Saturday, May 21, 2015 Time: 7:30 pm Schools 1958 super /18 7:25 - 1:56 pm National athletic HolidayEach no school and work fl.us Ra nc hclass. eventsPSAT g holiday Date: to take coursework/inservicto 11/30-12 students once teers must a teacher were senior prom and 50’s Com requires Dietsch precise session CollegeBoard, it is offered locations, from class visit will last ten minutes with five thepassing either your 50s 4:44 , including all volun is the Harb (12th) playoff 1/15/16 ABC learn, visit Thanksgiving events. Kanaan that Rea Rupani & Grace The ABC the teacher toKingWRHS Dr. Martin Luther Call Dave to prep for the upcomin nteers excluding when that atminutes their teachers style Wilson to announce This is the official pre-test given by best or committee would like etoisthank Kapok Tree, Clearwate -1/4/16 at 813-346-6052 families. asco.k12. (11th) pleased endorsement, meal. time dates WRHS. s Classes in classes- 10:18 is connected starting between g Volu ires (ESOL) dress Goodhue WRHS or each Wear email and Stay HolidayLocation: prior Mikayla 12/21/15 at Languages All rhs.p to Wiregras (11th), impress requ Other Merit No pm to rin of Acha the school our ty Camille our WRHS students, with parents, encouraged toinget class visit. Remember ABC committe prom photos ($5 per Scholarship Performances Ethics Team: for ion dates. Program. - 2:30 school.Speakers Theanother 1/18/16 @http://w nd Winter EOCs a year and is the only way for Juniors to qualify for the Nationalfaculty, to bring a copy National Merit testing 2nd Students are o Coun ite at dawilson@pasco.k12.fl.us and PTSA for more information. for an ESOL student. thea 2015 of your Ranch High from anywhere in the world Cards areBusiness child’s schedule to try toReport lun tee good night’s on Friday, some information to Wiregrass if ty webs (12th), Sebastian of Pasc successful shareThanksgiving recognized as a Finalist provider and/or readingforteacher 1/5/16 city in thewith you Stayisconnected hours - 7:00 - 5:00 pm 2 Sess program rest and eat breakfast /No school Joey Quintophoto). 9th and 11th language who 11th andProgram primary Coun of our students & Simulation he/she willVo night show is2nd Saturday, foodgoal ol Board GameMarch and we’d like to on arts not be accompanying any capa drive. 1/25/16 Teacher CompOn completing Winter Vacation We have a limited amount of tickets forwe were ablethseason before This year in open and the aWinter March 12 th. Friday’sThey scoredschool Google Plus page and our Schoolinfo to gthe at 7pm. 1% percent days. of more than 1.5 million coming to toptesting house. the Pascoif youIt is located teacher(s) Scholarship in theon Facebook page, 5for hrs - 9:30 The Scho volunyou families have agreed to teach out-of-field while Saturday, teerin Believe, Care Twitterofpage, to school Program. vianaloursuccess (9th) basis. All 10 to serve Assist,complete se visit However, holiday with theThis The following NGSS educatio Timmy To sign areQuinto need to obtain a copyprior (12th),there a first come-first servepossible to 7pm. TicketsCastillo-Sanchez two performan Congratulations to Rea and Plea via Remind. ht 2nd Session Students return ication. reminders was onlyandour FSA with everyone's ABC standssupport. schedule, are $20 per person. cesJoseph one ntee interfere meals. S WantsWRHS EOC will be you can get short and at 3pm Fileccia grade students, so they will be sold on (English 6-12). In addition, the following available mayventure forcourse r Appl Testing the Preliminary PSAT test nationwide. oved of your child’s you website. in work/testing: and took (12th), Patricia Bacon that The (12th), ! WRH App and their Dec.Now, next grade students school year.on Volu All shows appr Hodapp students 11th volunteers Driving 2nd & 3rd – Algebra 1,toAlgebra barriers tolooking Hailey nio r Nigtations for students the cafeteria. 9th andManor, will th , for Team: You Class for today Sparta will during Tickets those us Design 81010. each at provide free. will support Andrea Parents, nts, for Graphic Se be number ter the we 2nd tested the encourage 13 be performan ply a Endorsement: address will to you er meal to for "adopt" 2 ESOL visit providing & family and Geometry Testing @wrhschool Dress the cafeteria regis and dessert, Grace for their achievement. by click ce. All performan a student ordoes reap and media message towards the and thisfor y orien FBLA grade studentship Conference: Novemb to work Code Remin der simplytetext the Dec. have agreed schedule: must mentor stude in anup,immedia 4th – Algebra Testing following great Christmas. Last oryear , teachers The if you t forget to to tutor Safe Behind the Wheel to the program family .fl.us and “lunch” center during a special us according your Guzman (12th) ces will take place in the WRHS Driving child’s (English designated success child. Classes ion Da ol will host threest 17th from 5 – 7 p.m. Leaders Erridge o.k12 will be 2), was lunch and and can be purchased Fall scheduled and weThe period a receiving reserved messages from WRHS. Let us know Tickets may beKeanu $15.00 as we with se call Patricia economic hardship are Cpl. have much Auletta look forward to this (English 1&3), Heather businesses .pasc page. Don’ District reminder cingyear through email Lee Gym. teers Parents and students, and includesthru local begin Dec. 7 – text r. Plea(ESE), and is open toinformation www (12th) @pasco.k Justice.Bacon at MHornsby Biology Testing and Make-up being is $14.00 Please listen for dates, times and locations October School Pay @3rd that are experien Or ien tat Ranch High Schowill . 16th. well. Ifityyou to share: m of the home looking for volun r office helpe Kristina on the Richey. like more information 12th Job Interview: Isabel as warm weather returns, The sale October familieson would d like to go on be held Augu nd orientation www.scho willcost to get theascommun 12.fl.us or on testing ut the year. Tickets that you review The helping olpay.com. hoping 1, ENC 1101), Darby Harvey (Acc. Litracy), th ip breakout sessions any questions. througho ely family New Port morning have and/o Dec. 8 – US History Testing cafeteria first the botto who woul Green (English please make sure n the dress code policy for the leadersh announcements. Connor Weik (10th) Wiregrass first orientation year wea are holidays The seco @ Graduatio (RLA or are inand assistance to 12 p.m. PTSA are activ the holidays 4th Business Calculations: will be sold on Oct 12, 13 and 14 in the , followed need by crisis. Tests a teacher out! Any studentMelissa please of ABC and Letters only: by during callThis 10:00 am. Juniors Matthew Felderman tank tops, halter tops, your at Batchelor (English 2), Carla McLeod (English 2) Rebecca Norman business speaker Junein 4th planner. forfound st. The these needs of 2016 only. 18th from 8 a.m. All three YOU! We campus, or be er 8th @ WRHS us at 813-346-6031 As a reminder: Hurlbert-Porter l Mrs. been assisted 2016 Graduation is orscheduled clothing with from the ABC Committee. The not nteer School this Augu the Senior Class 5-7 p.m. select 4th Personal Finance: Joshua Solt (11th) st Events:ofDecemb and Melissa Romig involved to support every have been sent to the homes of February all lunches. you filled outChoice in in helping thin straps 20 minutes USF campus have previously . Thank tor the can emai emai 1st through on the(smaller on Augu August 18th from on WRHS , l list. Volu Quarrella (AP Lit, Eng 4 & Journalism) th, an “A” November 19is Competitive Skill @ JWMHS from every student moni who has Sun Dome Arena than 3 inches) are USFbandanna on must beSchool interested been scheduled will be accepted er 10thstudents: hats, Team: Steven Saxton (10th), Joshua Williamson be held ate;the will be sold Oct. 15th and 16th, in the Please take note that if you willpermissibl rtunities are Information TestsTheatre Athletic Choice Decemb is open for grades 10 – 11 teer & Achieve) DustinTardy schedules Schoo to test. The letter includes Graduation 5th Publication Design likeApplications s, head pertaining event: 11th grade 11tic 9th and graduation l on March campus; coverings toare the test support, a new applicati Chorus Ridge WRHS ce, or wouldneeds be held on rtunity to pick-up in Policy PerformanceAll information today if you e volunteer oppoadded to her volun test is from the is and An electronic version of the An "A" cut blouses student not permitted on will have 17th a River year. time, to take, testing (ESE). (10/1/15) Band emic, athle school date, website to continue with School, is heading to the State Leadership Conference Tampa. The schoollow will also like areallnot WRHS for the 2016/17 looking for assistan 1st only students Again of all lunches. Please note: That the (10th) y: Decemb futur allowed; oppo and location. first 20erminutes de campo" Los maestros queAwards ceremon Principal to be cafeteria site Congratula sleeveless for boys; shorts andinformation, Assistant exciting acadtation Day will contact la enseñanza towould to participate, are Felderman March orientation please receive at 813-346-6031. apparel Please information:election to participate will be required JLMS band talk to your"fuera Requisitos para nts with the children about should be preparing for this event; practicing, would like is not allowed form will be available on the district web tions underIfthe o.k12.fl.us email to students. for more Freshman any additional skirts should Members the you y Enrollment importance For área, to about the Open Orlando. freshman direction un in of stude Semest services. arriving our 14 Band pasc Choice menos Boosters to lo year. Orien webpage class of Matthew School entire por on be no shorter than d de d=260 Adam 11:30am. . en to our learn er Hollenbeck school skills. Go BULLS! see 7:30am Exam knee; tops and shirts están certificados provi and WRHS Band students under the Direction of Patrick su Itcampo time. jbatchel@ are sent via Schedu is imperative /do/fbla/?page_i 4 inches above the (Hilton ion, please contact s). Out-of-county tion, and grass Ranch High to frequently aske that students are seated enseñan fuera de for the State’s Diamela Vergne again this and fine-tuning theircommunity le must "A" school ratingresearching, at 813-346-6000. must be long enough oPleaseprior toprovide informat 1 (www.pasco.k12.fl.u their classrooms events will Duncan, ies Orlando, Florida Monday, be surefurther starting February own transportation. will present a Winter Concert The thes.pasco. tomar cursosinadicionales theirk12.fl.us transporta exam dates for WRHSRanch to remain tucked inside rding ers pero necesitan skirts; pants must be ourselves WRHS BULLS year (5th year in a row). We are all proud will be frozen at Wire enseñar, opportunit March 11-14 SchoolMonday, para bell http://connectplu High PleaseDecember 7 at 7:00PM. are on sounding. nce: as booklet. están calificadostardy Students suwho follows: Wiregrass review PTSA worn a Confere pants or el are annually. receive tardy the form lockers, verify rams available campus and answFor information rega appropriat hip ! will to Cuando to Athletic Boosters new class a call into 1/11-Periods 1,4 &Cheerlead will receive certificado. complete Tuesday, 1/12-Periods 2, ely. Students that are Leaders de ing News registration, students works New s Upon dress code will be 8; st Offense-Student la cobertura/endoso prog Art FBLA State consequences-1 test. Any Wiregrass 5 & 9; Wednesday 1/13-Periods to the .17 para ampliar in violation of the of the students entered forwas pruebas Ranch YourThursday, given consequences information prior The student. Chorus under Aug warning y/o and club “LetChoice. andelparent/guardian School thephotogra Artes del aLenguaje Reminder directionphy de receives 3, 6 & 10; Wiregrass Ranch Cheerleading has been having a successful art and Code ) they take some time to look at this of Solangi based on the student 12/14-Period 7 & Make-up de enseñanza Conduct. guided tour ol for any new the theme . Dress primario Many present Santiago a year nd Offense-Student contact Orlando is proveedor notified el 18 Please ) es by their 6000 This 19. teacher; will de Oct. r Winter maestro 2 on that ion. the exam sure for Concert on Thursday, Aug. Code of scho make que detention remaining day. First semester does receives inclu ) 346 Counselors/Student a lunch requiere in the school’s will be sold in Student Services WRHS end until after winter break pm in- Gym and December 10 exhibit Services len da Night (5-7 college info, Bright maestro de lectura ESOL, rdel estado también Band Both Junior Varsity and Varsity teams qualified Parents and Students, as warm weather returns, please Natio nal competition not about the ol at (813 ed Reflections Complet of the entries at The CaFutures de un estudiante parent/guardian Yearbooks WRHS Orchestras Art on January 14th this school Sponsor is notified; s andtestsBand in ofStudent Merit season. 3 Offense-Student year in a be an art 7:00PM. Finally, under theFly”. Services. a reminder: tank questions call the high scho to show tation horu Hollenbeck and Inglés para Finali st two C year. days and of lunch many other types of information available. Thereofwill to the 2015 National Championships for the thirdyou para el endoso de receives Justin is giving you the opportunity Mr. Matthew Felderman, interno code policy found in your planner. As Baggett s, on ulationstheir tion director Ranch High School will present High School Cheerleading cursos/servicio review detention; Cheerle the direction Adam National Wiregrass Senior OrienDay Congrat 4th Offensedents, el maestro tome Student receives a morning End 5-7,the dress ading on Tuesday, a Winter Concert winter performance Imagina orientation co-presi of prose WRHS is proud n of YearwithActiv or afterhan pm) to announce be held are maestros school detention; (smaller than 3 inches) are not JLMS band under Wide World of Sports on February thin straps 15 atjudged. after they are at ESPN (ESOL). Los siguientes 7:00 PM. All so write a poem, spoken word or piece this school Miriam Raza tops, or clothing centerDecember Duncan, will present yearbook, Otros Idiomas will be held at The Center only) or in thesociety performances ities 5th Offense-Student tops, halter row. Nationals willthat Orientationth grade in Gym (8-12 mediafor year, we haveBest t op tio your talent receives of PatrickPasses Personas Adipietro and Athletic a campo WRHS Cheerleading willtobeyou. Please email Mrs.students who are National Saturday on campus; Aug. 24 que Hablan th (seniors Prom, Grad Bash, Graduation en r. The Competition suunder detention. Cara permitted two Pasco the s: All not Direction of others completan Teacher Arts are th /10 Table – teachers Merit are at the referred at 2nd mientras Treasure selling coverings Wesley , ym to be Finalists. placed Member 17 head the who su means again attending are Chapel. Varsity de is pm) unable once will to attendestado. 7de acuerdo will 11 (Visa pa Admission Ruiz is free.that demonstrates their first competition what addition, JuniorWe would like to congratula Rupani en enseñar fuera (5-7 Activities - NO OSS an administrator. permissible; hats, bandannas, August Honor Society Santiago Brittany season Students who are tardy Ranch High School ofathletics er 7 at 7:00PM. Gymprovide onTOGETHER the 2016. Saturday, by DietschInon Yearbo los Monday school receive of your work. andofGrace Studentsnotplanning te High e in will open DecembWiregrass copy apparel is not allowed for boys; Rea School on blouses house Monday, credit or debit cardboth inthe , same 6-12).to Además, withata the t Fe es family their great held at Flagler t is secretary and Fair.” at kkhalaf@pasco.k12 sleeveless information about their class, Sept . 15 year. A oks February5,10 2015 the direction forSolangi allowed; to At Regionals, school .fl.us December 4th.achieveme Finally, 9th grad 2015-16 Tampa Convention National Merit cutremember attend end of the consequences.Patricia Bacon (English and Varsity placed Brianna DuPries nt of becoming a completeslow the for their 7:00PM. Chorus The Art Showcase and Khalaf all home contests ingdates trabajo for under Sun are their ases, Center. Finalist. 10 at Sept de curso/pruebas: St ud en orientation, scheduled passes at USF erthe s Ranch season other competitions are: Chase yearthe knee; tops etc. of School than 4 inches above Yearbooks g for the “Winter y, Decemb to States. Varsity shorter is $25.00. The these ent will be showcas can use nt fees and purch be no passwill acuerdo en trabajar para obtener el The Wiregras are still should need to events School) preparin Thursda a student on sale and skirts that on adult the State Baggett $50.00 and are for students pants or activities shortseligibility First Day for $75. is busy and Testing pass is direction se Bartow Student fine arttodepartm parents Concertan Prices s; the siguientes maestros han estado de pants – 12/19/15 @ January 16, Varsity has29,advanced of Justin HS, Best of Pasco e is $100.00, Attendanc increase Winter stude pass Art Showca Holiday (No 1/5/16, meet skirts; Student $80 on -1/9/16 @ Fivay HS,during so orderevents to remain tucked insidewho all extracurricular Patricia Bacon (English 1&3), present their athletic your calendarwill 2016. Go Bulls! fair “Winter your copy nts. Students ents, be long enough markOrders as under the entire @ FlaglerDome starting Friday, season August 18th,ver) to pay for all PM. All must requireme book the 1/16/16 today! Labor Day e (6-8pm) and shirts 7:00home to all regular Please Noble Orchestr regularly Regionals must have Palm beCoast endoso de ESOL: Andrea Auletta (ESE), for admission will The bell schedule to attend placed& by is good obligations paid and HS, States Barnes t card paym Tuesday, and WRHS will be asHous are required thebe visiting December 12 at www.yearboo follows: 1/29 &school atmay more All children 8 p.m. There forkforever.com, 1/30 @ the next Period 1 6:15-6:25 Calendar Green (English 1, ENC 1101), Darby The JLMS pass .Gradu on Friday, students have no OSS for second good attendance, have all as Nationals at 813-346-6052 take credi Sun Dome rd, and Disco in hand. ol Pay. few months Open must be worn appropriately. ation er 3rd, 5 p.m. to talentsorofsee and Ms. Khalaf in room Call DaveArtsWilson atThis UCA events. HP Field Heather Erridge (English 2), Melissa important inUSF playoff nces at Wesley Chapel. House/Wide especially semester. winter performa excluding MasterCa online, with Scho readers set up to their checkbook 3-159. Parenting Classes becomes telling, 2), Carla McLeod present their World Thursday Decemb term.face for the of Sports (Disney Period 2 6:30-6:40 school After g We are getting in Action”, story and May there at The The 2015 Graduation Litracy),dayKristina Hurlbert-Porter (English April World). and Fair” held on by school to purchase one. stop Center Harvey (Acc. Picture winseason. During the months of March, or just Sept. 3 performances will be held Skills classes are asking for donations. person and planning on havin in a long line with r for everyone. and information Parenting for is scheduled performances- “Artist The support and testing Period 3 6:45-6:55 Achieve) Dustin Quarrella (AP Lit, Eng can conne classes Labor Day Stay (RLA will be will be Saturday, June(4)4thinfant carriers so the students Graduation Holiday easie Norman wear (no&school) musical and drama and more. Come and show yourwe enter 5 to testing daily. As we get closer to the test dates, you We’re (English 2) Rebecca Online Sept. 7 Admission is free. at 10:00 AM. held cted and we need four dolls the Senior have to stand n faster and to buy Bull spirit hope to USF electronic 12/3/201 2015) students new to be Sun Period Octubre will from – exhibits, (1 WRHS 4 7:00-7:10 Dome don’t (ESE art clothes Open on the USF as district Melissa Romig need newborn school website will Shop online painting, Plus,inwe Staytaking and a should plan to be in school until the last day The class through Pasco eSchool or Florida campus 4 & Journalism) andHouse project. connected an online Sept. 15 @ 6pm so parents it makes registratio e to School Pay be charged. We their simulation Tampa. make the event /bookfa dollsallas information Seniors to Wiregrass have Allirsstudents carry the Merrill and former Period 5 7:15-7:25 informed. BN.COM canTwitter RanchtoHigh Progress Reports is May 6th in well and For any additional onlin Pro Dads via our be completed pertaining prizes. If you cannot be gently used. Items from anywhere can founded by Mark All classes do your best to stayservices. items year. 11704327 using All your arts n fee will Please for was focus to gender. ol Sept. page, fine any deadline code Hopefully, parents can go 25 students. graduation for tion all The The in for the Facebook actio months the 3 School: to required 0 scho information Virtual are voucher size First.” organiza Period 6 7:30-7:40 exams page, Google orworld , please contact Assistant classroom. Any questions a trans g the n, Homecoming/Spirit Week is “Family days and and our website. Now, schoolDiamela Plushave If you 12/5/2015 using purchases will benefit The All Pro Dad Vergne at 813-346-6 page,any ourquestions Sept. 21-25 Pro Dad theme registratio . Please note that to the store durin Schoolinfo Principal, you for Barnes & Noble for your grades to count er. school. Parents should plan trips outside of required 000.off in room 3-117, Mrs. Stanforth’s be dropped cangraduation. Period 7 7:45-7:55 attend get short reminders up the lines of Dungy. The All online teacherApp to the newslett your simply text the message .fl.us. order percentage of your please speak withvia as possible. Family vacation etc. Remind. NFL coach, Tony help coach dads on how to open fun this deadline, other items add even more items Flyer is attached To sign up, @wrhscho concerns with meeting please contact Mrs. Stanforth @ dstanfor@pasco.k12 Period 8 8:05-8:15 plan appointments accordingly, as much stories and have ol chart. is to to the number 81010. to department at WRHS. relevance. Please check the of the meetings by sharing success continue You will begin as soon as possible to create a new pace be excused unless there is educational Period 9 8:20-8:30 will not al Danc e with their children Security Notice a father to publicly for the Special Olympics available. the dance. Outside communication the opportunity for Wint er Form to the newsletter regardingwebsite allows further the information as it becomes be representing WRHS at the Period 10 8:35-8:45 ontesting beforfound Security Cameras may be used to record events at WRHS. doing so. The platform offers ents, both big and small. It also One of our students’ Orrin Williams will A flyer is attached mean the Guest Form (it can 5th and 6th d that February on achievem things Needed Basketball approve an child’s little Olympics Members d with ) SAC State level for Special recognize his appreciates; the hold its guests are permitte be picked up in Student Services will be celebrating its 40th need of new members. what it is he/she organization will can in Tavares, FL. Special Olympics Pasco SAC (School Advisory Committee) is in ber the All Pro Dad child to express school website or Be advised that is the kickoff event for this year's at 6pm on Noveme to step down. If you are interested, anniversary this year. Summer games Unfortunately, a few members needed most to him or her. Wiregrass Ranch in the cafeteria with your interest. SAC Chapel High School. WRHS will at celebration on February 26th at Wesley please contact the main office at 813-346-6000 first meeting here event, participating in Soccer, have 42 student athletes attending the 16th.
WRHS Newsletter The PTSA Pres dent contr buted every month to the W regrass Ranch H gh Schoo News etter These news etters can be found on our PTSA webs te under LINKS Be ow are the PTSA sect ons of the first and ast news etter of the schoo year
August 2015
May/June 2016
We come back o he new schoo yea We hope a o ou WRHS am es had a un and es u summe We have many exc ng even s p anned o he yea The PTSA s he e o you as an advoca e and commun ca on a son
can ha d y be eve ha he schoo yea s com ng o an end We have had a ve y success u and busy yea was a yea u o g ea accomp shmen s and a yea o wo k ng w h so many g ea boa d membe s comm ee cha s eache s adm n s a o s and vo un ee s who wo k ha d so ou ch d en can have g ea expe ences Thank you o a he hou s you have ded ca ed o make ou schoo and WRHS PTSA so success u
We keep pa en s n o med abou happen ngs a WRHS so ha you can be an ac ve pa c pan n you ch d s h gh schoo expe ence Th s s accomp shed h ough e ma b as s PTSAs webs e news e e s and Gene a Assemb y mee ngs We sha e you ques ons and conce ns w h he adm n s a on and advoca e on beha o s uden s and pa en s So make su e you pa c pa e n some no a ha he PTSA has o offe OR ENTAT ON REG STRAT ON Augus 17 h and 18 h The WRHS PTSA w have d scoun coupons o Yea books and Sp Wea when you become a PTSA membe on Reg s a on Day Augus 17 h 5 7pm s Reg s a on N gh o Sen o s Augus 18 h 8am 12pm s Reg s a on o 10 h and 11 h g ades and om 5 7pm o F eshman Je sey M kes w be se ng he amaz ng Ph y S eak sandw ches and dona ng once aga n unch o ou en e acu y and s aff PTSA GENERAL MEET NG OPEN HOUSE We we come you and encou age you o pa c pa e n he WRHS PTSA h s yea P ease o n us a ou fi s PTSA Gene a Assemb y Mee ng on Sep embe 15 h a 5 15pm ou s de he Gym Th s s a so he n gh o Open House wh ch beg ns a 6 00 p m n he Gymnas um DR VE 4 UR SCHOOL Sep embe 15 h Once aga n he PTSA w be eam ng up w h The S A D D C ub o a c ea ve and exc ng und a s ng oppo un y whe e es d v ng Fo d veh c es can esu n B g Cash Rewa ds Fo Ou Schoo On Sep embe 15 h Open House om 3 9pm PARKS Fo d o Tampa w be on ou WRHS Campus w h a a ge se ec on o veh c es and hey w dona e $20 o each es d ve up o $6 000 So p ease don o ge o s op by he en by he Ca e e a and ake 10 m nu es o es d ve a Fo d SEN OR SCHOLARSH PS The PTSA w aga n be sponso ng a ew g adua ng s uden membe s w h a mone a y scho a sh p Make su e ha you sen o has o ned PTSA by Oc obe 2nd 2015 n o de o be e g b e o hese scho a sh ps Scho a sh p app ca ons w be ava ab e n S uden Se v ces a e he W n e B eak Look o u u e announcemen s n he news e e as we as on ou PTSA webs e On beha o he WRHS PTSA Execu ve Boa d and a he vo un ee s who g ve he me so ee y and en hus as ca y hank you o you suppo a any me du ng he schoo yea you have any ques ons p ease don hes a e o con ac me a p es den @ w eg assp sa o g Aga n we come back and have a g ea yea Thank you and GO BULLS Ma C B ank WRHS PTSA P es den
LAST GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEET NG OF THE YEAR The as WRHS PTSA gene a assemb y mee ng o he schoo yea ook p ace on Ap 21s New office s we e e ec ed and vo ed o have By aws fi ed as hey s and h s June upon exp a on ACADEM C P NS AND LETTERS DONAT ON The WRHS PTSA s happy o announce ha we a e ab e o ass s ou schoo by gene ous y dona ng $500 o go owa d he pu chase o h s yea academ c p ns and e e s STAFF APPREC AT ON WEEK S MAY 2 6 PTSA w be p ov d ng a de c ous unch om Texas Roadhouse o a ou eache s and s aff on May 6 h We a e so hank u o ou eache s and s aff a WRHS o a hey do o ou s uden s A hank you as we o a o ou PTSA boa d membe s o mak ng homemade desse s and se v ng unch SEN OR SCHOLARSH P UPDATE Th s yea we had 15 app can s app y o he PTSA Sen o Scho a sh ps App ca ons a e now n he ev ew p ocess and each o he se ec ed scho a sh p ec p en s w be awa ded $350 a he Sen o Awa ds Ce emony on May 26 h Wo k ng oge he we ve been ab e o accomp sh many amaz ng h ngs o ou schoo ou s uden s and ou commun y du ng he 2015 2016 schoo yea Thank you o you con bu ons o ou schoo you ded ca on o vo un ee ng and you comm men o see ng a s uden s succeed ook o wa d once aga n se v ng as you PTSA P es den nex yea Ma C B ank WRHS PTSA P es den
Thank You Sponsors Sponsorships »» »» »» »» »» »»
$2,500 Park Ford (Drive 4UR School) $1,000 Plato’s Closet $1,000 The Law Offices of Lucas Magazine $1,000 Wells Fargo $500 The Shoppes at Wiregrass $300 The Right Fit Foundation
Dr. John Dr. John Long Middle Long Middle School School
Ranch High
C ertificate of A pprec iation The Law presented to
Offices o f Lucas | Magazin e Diamond Sp for supportin g the PTSA
2015 - 201 6 School Yea r
onsorshi p
WRHS PTSA Middle Long School Dr. John Middle Dr. John Long
High Wiregrass Ranch
C ert
ificate of A ppreciation presented to
Wells Fargo for supporting
the PTSA
nsorship Diamond Spo 2015 - 2016 School Year
t WRHS PTSA Presiden Date
John Long School Middle School Dr. JohnDr. Long Middle
WRHS PTSA Sponsorship Rewards Bronze $50
Silver $100
Gold $250
Platinum $500
Diamond $1,000
ü ü
ü ü ü ü
Wiregrass Ranch High School
C ertificate
PTSA Business Membership
of A ppreciatio n presented to
Plato’s Closet
Recognition on our PTSA Website
for supporting the PTSA
ü ü
ü ü ü ü ü
ü ü ü ü ü ü
Diamond Sponsorship
Recognition on PTSA Sponsor Appreciation Board
2015 - 2016 School Year
Sponsor Appreciation Certificate
WRHS PTSA President Date
Sponsor Appreciation Plaque Recognition on PTSA Website and business logo with link to business Display business brochures at PTSA Events (supplied by business)
Business Name:
Contact Name:
Telephone: Website:
Sponsorship Level: o $50 Bronz
o $100 Silver
o $500 Platinum
o $1,000 Diamond
o $_______Other
Please make checks payable to WRHS PTSA John Long School Middle School 501(c)(3) Dr. JohnDr. Long Middle The WRHS PTSA is exempt under section & classified as a public charity under section 509(a)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Wiregrass Ranch High School
W R H S P T S A « 2909 M A N S F I E L D B LV D « W E S L E Y C H A P E L « F LO R I D A « 33543 « W W W. W I R E G R A S S P T S A . O R G
Ranch High
C ertificate of A pprec iation
Recognition in WRHS Front Office (Plaque) Personalized banner to be displayed at WRHS Gymnasium Personalized banner to be displayed at WRHS football field
YES! I want to promote my business or organization and sponsor the Wiregrass Ranch High School PTSA!
Dr. John Dr. John Long Middle Long Middle School School
presented to
Shops of Wiregra ss
Donations »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
for supportin g the PTSA
Platinum Sponsor ship
2015 - 201 6 School Yea r
Jersey Mike’s Subs Hungry Howies Pizza Little Ceasars Pizza Panera Bread Pinchers Publix Sonny’s Real Pit Barbecue
Date Middle Long School Dr. John Middle Dr. John Long
High Wiregrass Ranch
C ert
ificate of A ppreciation presented to
Subs Jersey Mike’s for supporting
the PTSA
nsorship Diamond Spo 2015 - 2016 School Year
t WRHS PTSA Presiden Date
Dr. John Dr. John Long Middle Long Middle School School
Ranch High
C ertificate of A pprec iation The presented to
Right Fit™ Foundat ion Go for supportin g the PTSA
2015 - 201 6 School Yea r
ld Sponsor
Middle Long School Dr. John Middle Dr. John Long
High Wiregrass Ranch
C ert
ificate of A ppreciation presented to
’s Little Caesar for supporting
the PTSA
rship Gold Sponso 2015 - 2016 School Year
t WRHS PTSA Presiden Date
Dr. John Dr. John Long Middle Long Middle School School
Ranch High
C ertificate of A pprec iation presented to
Hungry Howie’s for supportin g the PTSA
2015 - 201 6 School Yea r
Silver Sp onsor
Year end Financials 07/10/16
WRHS PTSA Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual July 2015 through June 2016
Jul '15 - Jun '16
$ Over Budget
% of Budget
Income Donations Membership Others Ways & Means
6,300.00 2,075.00 0.00 10,805.26
4,500.00 2,735.00 100.00 12,800.00
1,800.00 -660.00 -100.00 -1,994.74
140.0% 75.9% 0.0% 84.4%
Total Income
Expense Administrative Bank Fees Insurance Office Suplies Postage President discretionary funds Website Total Administrative Carry Over Commitees Awards & Recognitions Historian Hospitality Philantropy Programs Public Relations Reflections Volunteer Coordinator Total Commitees Dues County Council Florida PTA Total Dues Interim Funds - Summer 2015 Conferences & Conventions Registration Day Meals Spirit Wear Total Interim Funds - Summer ... Interim Funds - Summer 2016 Conferences & Conventions Registration Day Meals Spirit Wear Total Interim Funds - Summer ... Main Goals Academic Pins and Letters School Enrichment 07/10/16 Senior Scholarships Students Development Wiregrass Ranch Grant Program WRHS S.A.D.D. Club
0.00 430.00 85.57 9.80 0.00 0.00
100.00 430.00 100.00 25.00 50.00 63.00 768.00
0.00 0.00 1,459.64 1,084.82 250.00 0.00 30.00 0.00
25.00 100.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 5,000.00 0.00 250.00 0.00
70.00 1,452.50
70.00 1,915.00
0.00 313.58 3,995.64
900.00 500.00 4,000.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
700.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 0.00
0.00 500.00 WRHS PTSA 0.00 500.00 Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual 2,800.00 2,800.00 July 2015 through June 2016 0.00 1,250.00 2,007.64 3,000.00 Jul '15300.00 - Jun '16 Budget 300.00 5,107.64
Ways and Means Expenses
Net Income
0.0% 100.0% 85.6% 39.2% 0.0% 0.0%
Total Main Goals Total Expense
-100.00 0.00 -14.43 -15.20 -50.00 -63.00
-25.00 -100.00 -540.36 -415.18 -4,750.00 0.00 -220.00 0.00
0.0% 0.0% 73.0% 72.3% 5.0% 0.0% 12.0% 0.0%
-6,050.54 0.00 -462.50
31.8% 100.0% 75.8%
-462.50 -900.00 -186.42 -4.36
76.7% 0.0% 62.7% 99.9%
-1,090.78 -700.00 -1,000.00 -2,500.00 -4,200.00 -500.00 -500.00 0.00 -1,250.00 -992.36 $ Over Budget 0.00
79.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 66.9% % of Budget 100.0%
Page 1
24 Wiregrass Ranch High School PTSA By-Laws These bylaws were voted upon and passed at the general membership meeting of the Wiregrass Ranch PTSA on May 23, 2013. Signed: Melissa Sabrese (PTSA President) Signed: Krista Davidson (PTSA Secretary) ARTICLE 1: NAME Wiregrass Ranch High School 2909 Mansfield Blvd. Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 Pasco County, Region 4 The Name of the association is: Wiregrass Ranch High School Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA), Wesley Chapel, Florida. It is a local PTA/PTSA unit organized under the authority of the Florida Congress of Parents and Teachers (the “State PTA”), a branch of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers (the “National PTA”). ARTICLE II: ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION The association exists as an unincorporated association of its members. Its “articles of organization” comprise these bylaws, as from time to time amended, and its articles of association, if any. In the absence of separate articles of association, the bylaws shall be deemed to be the articles of association. In the event of any conflict between these bylaws and the articles of association, these bylaws shall govern. ARTICLE III: PURPOSES Section 1: The Objects (Purposes) of the association, in common with the Objects of the National PTA are: a. To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, community and place of worship. b. To raise the standards of home life. c. To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth. d. To bring into closer relation the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth. e. To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social and spiritual education. Section 2. The Objects of this association are promoted in cooperation with the state PTA and the National PTA, through an educational program directed toward parents, teachers and the general public; are developed through conferences, committees, projects and programs; and are governed and qualified by the basic policies set forth in Article IV.
ARTICLE IV: BASIC POLICIES The following are basic policies of this association. a. The association shall be noncommercial, nonsectarian and nonpartisan. b. The name of the organization or the names of any members in their official capacities shall not be used to endorse or promote a commercial concern or in connection with any partisan interest or for any purpose not appropriately related to promotion of the Purposes of the organization. c The association shall not, directly or indirectly, participate or intervene (in any way, including the publishing or distributing of statements) in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office; or devote more than an insubstantial part of its activities to attempting to influence legislation by propaganda or otherwise. d. The association shall work with the schools to provide quality education for all children and youth and shall seek to participate in the decision-making process establishing school policy, recognizing that the legal responsibilities to make decisions has been delegated by the people to boards of education. e. The organization shall not enter into membership with other organizations except such international or national organizations as may be approved by the National Board of Directors. The association may cooperate with other organizations and agencies concerned with child welfare, but persons representing the association in such matters shall make no commitments that bind the association. f. No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, directors, trustees, officers or other private persons except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article Ill hereof. g. Notwithstanding any other provisions of these articles, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (i) by an organization exempt from Federal Income Tax under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or (ii) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code. h. Upon the dissolution of this organization, after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the organization, the remaining assets shall be distributed to one or more nonprofit funds, foundations or organizations which have established their tax exempt status under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
ARTICLE V: MEMBERS AND DUES Section 1. Membership in the PT NPTSA shall be made available to any individual who subscribes to the Objects and basic policies of the National PTA, without regard to race, color, creed or national origin, under such rules and regulations not in conflict with the provisions of these bylaws, the bylaws of the state PTA, or the bylaws of the National PTA. Section 2. Only members of the association shall be eligible to participate in the business meetings, or to serve in any of its elective or appointive positions. Section 3. Every individual who is a member of this PT N PTSA is, by virtue of that fact, a member of the National PTA and of the state PTA by which this local PTNPTSA is chartered, and is entitled to all benefits of such membership. Section 4. The association shall conduct an annual enrollment of members, but persons may be admitted to membership at any time. Section 5. Each member of the association shall pay annual dues to the association. Such annual dues shall include at a minimum the amounts due to the state PTA and National PTA. Section 6. The state and National PTA portions of the dues paid by each member of the association shall be set aside by the association and remitted to the state PTA through such channels and at such time as the state bylaws may provide. (Each state PTA is responsible for payment to the National PTA of the national portion of dues paid by members of the association.) The remittance to the state PTA shall be accompanied by a report, in such form as may be required by the state PTA, showing the name and address of the president of the association, the amount of dues collected during the period covered by the report, and the number of members of the association. Section 7. For the purpose of annual enrollment and awards consideration, the membership year shall be April 1 through March 31. The membership card shall be valid upon payment of dues through September 30 of the membership year. ARTICLE VI: OFFICERS AND THEIR ELECTION Section 1. Each officer of this PTN PTSA shall be a member of this PTA/PTSA. Section 2. Officers and their election: a. The officers of this association shall consist of a president, Two (2) vice-presidents, recording secretary, a corresponding secretary, a treasurer b. Officers shall be elected by ballot annually in the month of April/May. However, if there is but one nominee for any office, election for that office may be by show of membership cards or voice vote. A majority vote shall elect. c. With the exception of the treasurer, officers shall assume their official duties following the end of
the school year and shall serve for a term of one year or until their successors are elected. The treasurer shall assume all duties after the books have been audited. d. A person shall not be eligible to serve more than Three consecutive terms in the same office. Section 3. Nominating Committee: a. There shall be a nominating committee composed of Three (3) members (at least three and always an uneven number) who shall be elected by the association at a regular meeting at least one month prior to the election of officers. The president shall appoint a chair pro tem who shall call the first meeting. The committee shall elect its own chair. b. The nominating committee shall nominate one person for each office to be filled and report its nominees at the election meeting at which time additional nominations may be made from the floor. In order to be nominated a person must be a member of PTA. c. Only those persons who have consented to serve if elected shall be nominated for or elected to such office. d. Members of the nominating committee may be elected to office. Section 4. Vacancies: A vacancy occurring in the office of president shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term by the vice president. A vacancy occurring in any other office shall be filled for the unexpired term by a person elected by a majority vote of the executive board on which they shall serve, notice of such election having been given. # Section 5. A member whose dues have not been paid at least thirty days prior to the annual election meeting may not vote in the annual election of officers. # Section 6. Any person holding an elected or appointed position in this association shall serve for the designated term or until a successor is elected or appointed. ARTICLE VII: DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 1. The president shall preside at all meetings of the association, the executive committee and the executive board at which the president may be present; shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed in these bylaws or assigned by the association or by the executive board; may appoint a parliamentarian and historian, with the approval of the executive board; and shall coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the association in order that the Purposes may be promoted.
26 Section 2. The vice-president(s) shall act as aide(s) to the president and shall (in their designated order) perform the duties of the president in the absence or disability of that officer to act. a.
The 1st vice-president shall serve as directed by the president The 2nd vice-president shall serve as directed by the president
Section 3. The recording secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings of the association and of the executive committee and board and shall perform such other duties as may be delegated. Section 4. The corresponding secretary shall prepare all written communications as directed by the association or by the executive board and shall perform such other duties as may be delegated. #Section 5. The treasurer shall have custody of all of the funds of the association; shall keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures; and shall make disbursements in accordance with the approved budget, as authorized by the association. Three signatures should be on file at the bank, with two signatures required on all PTA checks. The treasurer shall present a financial statement at every meeting of the association and at other times when requested by the executive board and shall make a full report at the annual meeting. The treasurer shall be responsible for the maintenance of such books of account and records as conform to the requirements of Article XIII, Section 3, of the bylaws. The treasurer’s accounts shall be examined annually by an auditor or an audit committee of not less than three members who, satisfied that the treasurer’s annual report is correct, shall sign a statement of that fact at the end of the report. The audit committee shall be appointed by the executive board. The committee’s report shall be given at the next regular meeting after the audit is completed. Section 6. All officers shall: a.
Perform the duties prescribed in these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by this association.
Deliver to their successors all official material not later than ten days following the end of the school year.
Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the executive board, Three (3) (number) days notice having been given. Section 3 The last regular meeting of the association shall be held in May (month) and shall be known as the annual meeting. Section 4. Ten (10) (number) members (minimum of 10) shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business in any meeting of this association. ARTICLE IX: EXECUTIVE BOARD Section 1. The executive board shall consist of the officers of the association, the chairs of standing committees and the principal of the school or a representative appointed by him. If constituted as a PTSA, the board shall include at least one student. The chair of the standing committees shall be selected by the officers of the association. The members of the executive board shall serve until the election and qualification of their successors. Section 2. A PTA member shall not serve as a voting member of a constituent organization’s board at the local, council, district, region, state or national level while serving as a paid employee of or under contract to that constituent organization. Section 3. The duties of the executive board shall be: a. To transact necessary business in the intervals between association meetings and such other business as may be referred to it by the association. b. To create standing committees. c.
To approve the plans of work of the standing committees.
d. To present a report at the regular meetings of the association. e.
To prepare and submit to the association for approval a budget for the fiscal year.
To approve routine bills within the limits of the budget.
Section 4. Regular meetings of the executive board shall be held monthly during the school year, the time to be fixed by the board at its first meeting of the year. A majority of the executive board members shall constitute a quorum. Special meetings of the executive board may be called by the president or by a majority of the members of the board. A treasurer’s report must be given at every board meeting.
Section 1. Regular meetings of the association shall be held (number of meetings) Three (3) (at least three) times during the school year, unless otherwise provided by the association or by the executive board. Seven (7) days notice shall be given of change of date.
#Section 5. Under extraordinary circumstances at the direction of the president special meeting may be held via conference call or video conference call, where voting will be permitted as long as minutes are taken and a quorum is established.
ARTICLE X: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Section 1. The executive committee shall consist of the elected officers. Section 2. The duties of the executive committee shall be to transact emergency business in the interval between executive board meetings. Section 3. The majority of the executive committee shall constitute a quorum. Section 4. Meetings of the executive committee shall be held as needed. ARTICLE XI: STANDING AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES Section 1. The executive board may create such standing committees, as it may deem necessary to promote the Purposes and carry on the work of the association. The term of each chair shall be one year and/or until the election and qualification of a successor. Section 2. The chair of each standing committee shall present a plan of work to the executive board for approval. No committee work shall be undertaken without the consent of the executive board. Section 3. The power to form special committees and appoint their members rests with the association and the executive board. Section 4. The president shall be a member ex-officio of all committees except the nominating committee. ARTICLE XII: COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP Section 1. a.
The association shall be represented in meetings of the Pasco County Council Parent-Teacher Association, as provided in the council’s bylaws.
b. Delegates and their alternates shall be selected and serve for a term of One Year to the Pasco County Council of PTAs. Section 2. This association shall pay annual dues to the Pasco County Council of PTAs, as provided in the council’s bylaws.
ARTICLE XIII: RELATIONSHIP WITH NATIONAL PTA AND STATE PTA Section 1. The association is a constituent organization of the National PTA. It is organized and chartered under the authority of the state PTA, which is enabled to do so under the bylaws of the National PTA. Section 2. The bylaws of this association are subject to the approval of the state PTA, and shall not conflict with the bylaws of the National PTA and the bylaws of the state PTA. Any provision of the bylaws of the association that conflicts with the bylaws of the National PTA or the bylaws of the state PTA shall be null and void. Section 3. The association shall keep such permanent books of account and records as shall be sufficient to establish the items of gross income, receipts and disbursements of the association, including, specifically, the number of its members, and dues collected from its members, and the amount of dues remitted to the state PTA. Such books of account and records shall at all reasonable times be open to inspection by an authorized representative of the state PTA, or where directed by the committee on state and national relationships, by a duly authorized representative of the National PTA. Section 4. The status of this association as a local PTA shall be subject to termination and its charter as a local PTA shall be subject to withdrawal, in the manner and under circumstances provided in the bylaws of the state PTA. Section 5. The association is obligated, upon withdrawal of its charter by the state PTA to: a. Yield up and surrender all its books and records and all of its assets and property to the state PTA or such agency as may be designated by the state PTA, or to another local PTA organized under the authority of the state PTA. b. Cease and desist from further use of any name that implies or connotes association with the National PTA or the state PTA or status as a constituent organization of the National PTA. c. Carry out promptly, under the supervision and direction of the state PTA, all proceedings necessary or desirable for the purpose of dissolving this association. Section 6. This association shall collect dues from its members and shall remit a portion thereof to the state PTA as provided in Article V.
ARTICLE XV: PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the association in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not in conflict with these bylaws and those of the state PTA and the National PTA, the Articles of Incorporation or the Nonprofit Corporation Act under which the association may be incorporated. #ARTICLE XVI: AMENDMENTS Section 1.
a. These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the association by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given at least 30 days prior to the meeting at which the amendment is voted upon and that the proposed amendment shall be subject to approval of the state PTA. b. The amendment shall become effective upon receipt of approval from the state bylaws chair. c. A committee may be appointed to submit a revised set of bylaws as a substitute for the existing bylaws only by a majority vote at a meeting of the association, or by two-thirds vote of the executive board. The requirements for adoption of a revised set of bylaws shall be the same as in the case of an amendment. d. Submission of amendments or revised bylaws for approval by the state PTA shall be in accordance with the bylaws or regulations of the state PTA.
Section 2.
a. The association shall include in its bylaws provisions corresponding to the provisions of the bylaws of the National PTA that are identified therein by a double star. The adoption by the National PTA of an amendment to any of the “double-starred” provisions of its bylaws shall serve automatically and without the requirement of further action by the association to amend correspondingly the bylaws of the association. b. The adoption of an amendment to the articles and sections of the bylaws of the Florida PTA that bear the # symbol shall automatically amend the bylaws of the association to conform to the action taken by the state convention. c. Notwithstanding the automatic character of the amending process, the association shall take action promptly to incorporate such amendments in its bylaws.
Looking ahead… It was an active year for the Wiregrass Ranch High School PTSA. The nominating committee for next year’s PTSA Board was successful in getting the following positions filled for the 2016-2017 school year!
Next Year’s 2016-2017 WRHS PTSA Board Members
Mari Blank
Carlos Vera
Recording Secretary
1st VP
2nd VP
Corresponding Secretary
Catherine McLain Kim Clarke Mary Burstiner Val Lanza
Programs Chair
Kim Clarke Melinda Cosenza
Philanthropy Chair
Peggy D’Alessandro
Awards & Recognitions Chair
Kristy Kotlyn
Fundraising Chair
Liane Sholl Camille Lovelace
Darlene Basi
Public Relations Chair
Hospitality Chair
Krista Davidson Tabitha McMillian
Web Master & Historian
Dawn Khalil
Legislative Chair
Megan McNeil
Richard Spana
Donations Chair
Volunteer Coordinator Chair
Membership Chair
Heidi Barron
Student Liaison
Steven Blank Katie Clarke Chris Clarke Nick Lacopo
Lizzy Mead Stacey Rusch Kathleen Powers
Why we do it…
Class of 2017
Farewell Seniors Class of 2016
2015-2016 PTSA Historian YEAR BOOK Wiregrass Ranch High School Pasco County, Florida