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Jan 2014 ~Volume 1 Issue #1

Evangelist Samone Yancy Founder/President Office: (314) 222-7047 Website: Quarterly Newsletter

Volume 1 Issue 1

January 2014

S a m o n e Ya n c y M i n i s t r i e s

SYM is called to Empower, Equip, and Inspire women throughout the world to walk in VICTORY and PURPOSE. Through our through our women’s organization, conferences, Live Chat conference calls, and workshops we EMPOWER women to identify who they are in Christ. Through our Monthly Bible Study, 3 day a week Prayer line, and weekly devotionals we EQUIP women with the word of God so that they may come to know TRUTH. Through the words of our testimonies, the testimonies of other victorious women, and our annual Women’s Business Expo we INSPIRE women to live on purpose. We assist women and their families with food, clothing, and toiletries. We serve and volunteer at women shelters in our community.

What’s Inside? Founder’s Corner


Featured Business & Ministry


Testimony of Triumph






Upcoming Events


Announcements & More


Testimonies of Triumph

My name is Nakesa Green and I am a Christian Woman Walking In Victory, and I’m here to share my story from defeat2VICTORY! I grew up in what most would call a dysfunctional family. I became a product of my environment at a young age (clubbing, drinking, selling drugs, teenage pregnancy, etc.) I was raised by my grandparents. Therefore, I experienced abandonment, rejection, and a lot of hurt, growing up without the love and support of my parents. At 16 my grandmother died (my only hope in life) and life became very hard for me. I spent the next nine years of my life determined to survive, despite the cards that life had dealt me. I learned things the hard way. By 22 I was a single mother of three children, hurt, broken, and had been abused in so many ways. And then that dark hour came, and I didn’t know what to do. I was faced with an attempt to commit suicide. But instead, I turned to God in prayer (given me comfort and strength.) It was in 1999(a God ordained time that I saw, after my grandmother died, but never understood) that I accepted the call from God to become a vessel He could use. I committed myself to the things of God (studying the word and regular church services.) After years of struggling to please God, there was still something missing that I needed. After two unordained marriages, being at my wits end with pain, feeling resentment from my past, and then almost

(cont. on pg 3)

Points of Interest: • Ark of Safety ordains 16 ministers of the Gospel • Learn more about our founder • Read a true example of going from defeat 2 victory • Get information on a dynamic ministry and business from our featured section. • Stay current with our news and upcoming events

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Defeat 2 Victory Newsletter

Founder’s Corner


amone Yancy is an Ordained Minister of the Gospel. She’s an Author, Spiritual Midwife, Motivational Speaker, Coach, Mentor, and a leaders leader. She is President and Founder of Samone Yancy Ministries and Christian Women Walking in Victory. SYM is called to EMPOWER, EQUIP, and INSPIRE women to walk in Victory and purpose. In 2011 Samone wrote her very 1st book- From defeat to Victory, not knowing that as she was writing she was actually giving birth to her women’s ministry- Christian Women Walking In Victory(for more info visit http:// Once the book was completed God had her to place it on the back burner and focus on her women’s ministry/organization. Samone’s obedience to God in writing the book opened up many doors in just 2 short years. In October 2012 she had her 1st annual women’s Business Expo which was a success! In February 2013 she moved forward with her resource center for women - Victory Resource Center and in May 2013 she moved forward with another God given vision- Samone Yancy Ministries Birthing Class. And now June 2013 Samone has finally released her book written almost 3 yrs ago, TO GOD BE THE GLORY! After starting off in the wrong direction, never finishing college, having kids out of wedlock, along with many other issues, there is a reason why Samone celebrates her defeat 2 Victory! And now it is her calling to help as many women as she can to go from a defeated state to Victory in Christ! “It is such a privilege and an honor to be used by God in such a big way. “I never thought in a million years that I would be considered an inspiration to women and a world changer for the Kingdom, I am very humbled.” Samone Yancy is happily married to the father of her 2 boys, they have 4 children altogether. Her family are members of Ark of Safety Christian Church located in St. Charles, MO under the leadership of Pastor Raymond and Minister Kathy Horry.

F e at u r e d B u s i n e s s Dawn’s Designs & Invitations, etc. (636) 224-8897

Dawn Richards Owner

Mission: To provide the best possible service by creating professional and high quality custom designed products at affordable pricing. It is our desire to bring our customer’s vision to life!

Some of our services include... Invitations for all occasions Custom logo design Brochures/Flyers Website design

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for more details visit our website We appreciate your business & we welcome your referrals!

F e at u r e d M i n i s t ry Women Living Whole (314) 942-1140 Mission: Moving forward day by day and step by step to help women live whole mind, body, and soul. Jeanine Williams Founder

Women Living Whole is a non-profit organization comprised of positive individuals coming together to provide resources to women. We will aide them to live whole and healthy lifestyles mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. We offer monthly meetings that promote healthy living by bringing in presenters that provide useful information on health, fitness, finances, and selflove. We offer workshops and seminars to aid women in learning how to set goals and write their vision and learning to use every life experience as a lesson so that they can reach their potential.

Jan 2014 ~Volume 1 Issue #1

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Testimonies of Triumph (cont. from pg.1) losing my life dealing with mental deception (in the name of unhealthy love and marriage), I couldn’t take another step. One day in service I went up for alter call and said “God take this pain away in my heart.” At that moment I felt a transformation take place. The spirit of God was taking out all of the things that were blocking my heart, and re-planting in me a “New Heart”. One day as I was walking by the foyer in my church, I saw a flyer that said “Christian Women Walking In Victory” the Holy Spirit said “pick that up…. I want you to become a part of this Ministry.” I read the requirements, and instantly I said NO God I’m not ready for that!!! (Accountability) Why, because I was living in my own unrighteous mess, trying to fill the empty voids in my life. Of course God’s Will prevailed and He unraveled my mess. And as he did it brought me to my knees, where I could only see HIM. Thirty days later and another opportunity, I said yes God, if it’s your Will. “CWWIV” had their 1st live in person chat and it was an experience that changed my life. I was excited, I saw real women committed to living for God, and I was ready to get involved. I went from hiding on the 5 am prayer line that they hosted, to asking a few questions on the monthly Live Chat calls, to one day having a chat with the visionary(Samone Yancy). And my life has never been the same. Connecting with this ministry, accepting the accountability, being responsible for my own walk, has really brought me from a

state of defeat2Victory. When we obey God and connect with the right people, he will reveal or confirm His purpose and will. And then He will help you to go through your process, until your mature enough (in Him) to walk it out on your own (committed, persuaded) I went from harboring unforgiveness and hurt to being healed, broken to whole, lonely and needing a man, to content and secure in Jesus, from justification to No More Excuses, not having a job, to trusting God and walking by faith with His grace. In order for these things to be possible God has to become your first priority and your everything. You have to surrender to Him, because obedience is not negotiable, but a requirement to fulfillment and pleasing God. I am now a Christain Woman Walking in Victory, Assistant to Samone and Samone Yancy Ministriies. I’m Single, Saved, and walking in Total Victory in Jesus!

News, News...The Train is Moving! Samone Yancy Ministries is challenging you in 2014 to jump on the Victory Train. This train is moving!! And it will surely take you from defeat2Victory. All aboard this train have made up their minds that they will no longer walk in defeat. But will walk in the Victory that Jesus Christ died for. How seriously do you want a real and personal relationship with God? How seriously do you want to fulfill His purpose? Well, I come to tell you that it’s possible. If you truly desire to draw closer to God you can. Becoming intimate with Him will come with some instructions,

how deep God’s love is for you. On this train you will have other women to support and encourage you to stay on the train! but know that every instruction is a test. Every test you pass will draw you closer to Him. He might tell you to leave a relationship or let go of some friendships. This is for your own good. The closer you get to Him, the more you will understand

As a group we meet once a month and have weekly conference calls. We also have a closed group on Facebook. If you want to board this train, search us on facebook under Samone Yancy Ministries From defeat2Victory Mentoring Group

Christian Women Walking In Victory Our Board Members


Samone Yancy LaKesha Butler Oneita Murphy Ann Logan Nakesa Green

Our VISION is for women to reach full spiritual and natural maturity so that they may gain victory in every area of life.

How to Join CWWIV is for women called to leadership in any capacity. We offer Leadership support and training, networking, member only meetings, and more. Click on the link below to get more information on how to join how-to-become-a-member.php

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Defeat 2 Victory Newsletter

Upcoming Events Defeat2Victory Conference Call


SYM Book Signing & Talk


SYM Writing Workshop SYM Write the Vision Workshop (presented by Women Living Whole) CWWIV Networking Fundraising Banquet (click here to register) Spiritual Biirthing Class

2/8/14 February 2014 (Date TBD) March 2014 April 2014

To find out more about these events you can visit or call 314-222-7047

Tidbits for You:

(Announcements, Prayer Requests, Future Goal s)

Future Projects: SYM’s vision is to provide housing for women in transition. We know that this vision is from God and we have already named it the VICTORY HOUSE. We are asking for your monetary support, resources, etc. in fulfilling this vision. To donate please visit

Congratulations to our Founder! She published her book June 2013 entitled From Defeat to VictoryThe Process of Purging and Purification. Available on Amazon or visit her website.

Prayer requests: We believe in the power of prayer. Send us your prayer request to for EMERGENCY prayer, call our Prayer Hotline 314-222-7047 EXT.8

D e f e at 2 Vi c t o ry Ta l k Out With The Old, & In With The New!

CHANGE is a part of the process to obtain VICTORY in your life! Rom 12:1-2

It’s time to make a decision if you truly want to experience a real CHANGE. No man can say that he/she has experienced God, without having a real change take place in their life. No one goes to an unsanitized restaurant and willingly sit down and eat. The workers will have to clean it up or you will leave. So it is with God…. He gives us countless opportunities to get ourselves together, and if we refuse to do so, He will LEAVE! No man can serve two masters, you either love one or hate the other, but you can’t continue to do both. Real change starts with a commitment in the heart that works its way from the inside out. “The Processing Chambers “ in that place God helps you to make righteous decisions while cleansing out the old man, whose nature was/ is totally against God and His way of doing things. If you plan on making it in 2014 I suggest you make a clean slate with God. You must repent, renew your commitment, and make up your mind that you’re going to live for Jesus Christ. God is moving in a different way this season, so make a commitment and stick to it in 2014. No more lip service. If you want to receive and reap a harvest, you are going to have to obey and put your faith to action. It’s time for us to get in position, and prepare to cross over and walk into the land, flowing with plenty of milk and honey. Get Ready Saints, IT’S TIME TO WALK INTO YOUR NEW SEASON!


to the Newly Ordained Ministers of the Gospel from Ark of Safety Christian Church Min. Isaac Butler Min. Larry Green Min. Barry Person Min. Cliffton Crenshaw Min. Sean Noble Min. David Howard Min. Rodney Randolph

Min. Samone Yancy Min. Donna Vickers Min. Dianne Gaines Min. Mona Lisa Hayes Min. Joy Bryant Min. Mary Hopkins Min. Deborah Hannah Min. Tywanda Fortune

Prayer line

open every Mon, Wed, & Fri & 6a.m. CST Dial in # 805-360-1000 Code 381722#

Contact Us:

P.O. Box 3813 St. Louis, MO 63136 Office: (314) 222-7047 Website:

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