McGhaw Wedding Program

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Ashley&David A Love Story October 13, 2012

Inside this issue: All About Us Bride & Groom Trivia MEET the wedding party How we met Volume 1, Issue 1



How David proposed

Ashley and David

Thank You!

To Our Dearest Friends and Family

As we begin our journey as wedded man and wife. We want to thank you deeply, for sharing our new life. Your gifts are much appreciated, but your presence means much more. Your support makes us excited for what God has in store. It’s not about the flowers, it’s not about the dress. It’s not about the gifts or about all the rest. It’s all about the people and bonds and love we share. It’s about being around those for whom we care. We thank you for being with us, as we start our life anew. We thank you for your prayers in everything we do. It is our prayer that God richly blesses each and every person that helped make this day possible!

From Your Daughter Thank you for raising me as a God fearing young lady. Thank you for keeping me sheltered. You were parents that I never wanted the teacher to call and I have always tried to make you proud. I remember the countless nights crying myself to sleep because I was not allowed to hang out with my friends. However , as I look back I hated then but appreciate it now. I love you both and thank you for all that you have done Thank You Mama

It has been 29 years since u brought me into this world and I Thank You! I have had ups and downs but never one without you and I Thank You! I am blessed to have you as my mother and I Thank You! Never tried to hurt you but what has happened brought us closer and I Thank You! You are a gift from God, and without you there is no me and I Thank You! We Love You with all our heart and appreciate everything you have done for us and just want to say We Thank You!

Love DJ

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October 13, 2012

Order of Wedding Ceremony

Ashley and David

Saturday, October 13, 2012 2:00 p.m. Ark of Safety Christian Church Saint Charles, Missouri Pastor Raymond, D Horry, Officiant

Entrance of Pastor, Groom & Best Men

Seating of Grandparents Groom’s Grandmother Mrs. Gussie Simmons Bride’s Grandmother Mrs. Myrtis Kirkman

Seating of Parents

Ms. Dorris Ann McGhaw Mr. & Mrs. Beacher Buchanan

Entrance of Bridal Party Entrance of Bride Pastor’s Charge Exchange of Vows Communion Unity Sand Ceremony Special Presentation Pronouncement October 13, 2012

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Ashley and David

The Bride

I am a sixth grade teacher in the Ferguson Florissant School District, currently working on getting my masters degree in Technology of Education as well as getting certified in Mathematics. I have two wonderful nieces that are growing up far too fast, Amiya (10) and Amani (12). I love to read a good book and a good fashion magazine. I have waited and prayed for this day to come. I remember a Tuesday night bible study when our Pastor asked for the congregation to pray and ask for one thing to happen in 2011. I debated with what I wanted to ask for, and I finally decided to pray and ask for my mate. I had several people at church tell me it was coming. I always thought to myself, how when I don’t go anywhere or talk to anyone. Well, May 4, 2011 DJ called me when I was leaving singles fellowship. The rest is history.

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October 13, 2012

Ashley and David

The Groom

I work for United Van Lines, and in addition to that I am a licensed barber and mechanic. I am the uncle of two nieces Kayla (21), Shaniya (4) and a nephew Shaun (16). I enjoy watching and playing sports i.e. football, baseball, and basketball. I am so happy and deeply in LOVE with Ashley!

Ashley and DJ both attend Ark of Safety Chrisitian Church under the leadership of Pastor Raymond D. Horry. They are both very active in the nursery ministry. In addition Ashley serves in the wedding ministry, and DJ serves in the usher and moving ministries. DJ also plays on the Ark’s basketball team.

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How We Met

Ashley and David

DJ and I met for the first time in 7th grade at Hazelwood Middle School. We have always been friends but never anything more than that. During high school we had several classes together and rode the same school bus. We both can say that there has always been a liking to one another but neither of us acted on it. We graduated from high school in 2001 and lost contact between each other for about 5 years. We reconnected briefly about three years ago but nothing transpired from the friendship. DJ decided to give me a call on May 4, 2011. We talked on the phone until about 2:00 a.m. just reflecting and reminiscing on good times. The first conversation lead to many more. The first month of our relationship DJ was on the road traveling so all of our conversation was via the telephone. Once he came home we would spend a lot of time talking and getting to know one another. DJ met my parents for the first time July 4, 2011 which was a very nervous experience because he was the first guy my parents had ever met.

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October 13, 2012

Ashley and David

The Proposal

Ashley enjoyed throwing her left hand in my face. I spent a lot of time pondering how to catch her off guard. She knew it was coming but wasn’t 100% sure. On Thursday, April 5, 2012, I decided to pop the question. We were sitting at the house getting ready to go to dinner with her cousin when I asked the question. I always grab her hand when it’s time to leave except this time I grabbed her hand and got down on one knee. I said... “I am blessed to have you in my life and it would be even more of a blessing to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you Marry Me?” Ashley with her silly self had her hand over her mouth in a state of shock. Mission accomplished! We were at my house with my Mother, Sister, Uncle JR, and my niece Shaniya. Shanyia asked was the proposal real! LOL I haven’t seen that left hand in my face lately. ;-)

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Ashley and David

Our Parent s

Dorris Ann McGhaw

DJ & Ashley, Congratulations on your marriage!!! I am so excited and happy for the both of you. Ashley, I look forward to you joining our family and being my daughter-in-law. I’m sure some of what I’m about to suggest to you both, you already do and some you have heard many times before, but I’m going to reiterate them. • • • • • • • • • • •

Put God first in all that you do Be grateful for this gift that God has given to you Love each other unconditionally Always display honesty to earn trust The four C’s: Communicate, Compromise, Commitment, Compassion Be willing to listen and not insist on being right Forgiveness (Remember no one is perfect) Respect each other Be thoughtful & considerate toward each other Have patience in learning each other’s needs, wants & pet peeves Never go to bed angry with each other

May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy. Have fun & enjoy life together!!! Love, Momma McGhaw

In Loving Memory David McGhaw, Sr.

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October 13, 2012

Our Parent s

Ashley and David

Alicia & Beacher Buchanan

My Dearest Daughter: Congratulations and best wishes on this new and exciting phase of your life. This is the last letter I will write to you as Ashley Renee Buchanan. Your father and I are so proud of you. I can honestly say that you have been the best daughter a parent could ever dream of. From the day you were born, you have never given us any trouble. My one and only complaint would be that you could have done a better job of keeping your room clean. Selfishly, we wanted to keep you home a little while longer, but that would have kept you from enjoying the gift of marriage as your father and I have for 35 years. Today, as your Dad gives you to David McGhaw, know that you have our complete blessings, fullest love, and our commitment to pray for you daily. I’ve seen how he makes you smile, happy and content. The two of you complete each other, which is a great foundation of marriage and a harmonious home. I have many admirations of you, but one of the most important and most evident is your love of Jesus Christ. You exemplify the Spirit in Galatians 5. You’ll get lots of advice along the way, but none of it will be better than this: Stay in God’s Word and do what it says. You will never go wrong following His path. Use His Word to help you with conflicts, money, your tongue, relationships, caring for others and anything else that comes up in the years ahead. Read His word alone and together. Keep God in your life and your marriage. I’m fully convinced that God has ordered the steps for you and DJ and that your new union will honor Him in all ways. I’m sorry that your grandfather and brother didn’t live to meet your DJ, but they are part of the great cloud of witnesses and I know they are proud of you, too. Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of His great joy. To the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord is Glory, majesty, dominion, and author before all time, now and forever. Amen. Go now with our blessing. Love and serve DJ.

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Ashley and David

The Wedding Party

Tyra Buchanan--Matron of Honor

Kelli Agu--Maid of Honor

I am the eldest of three children, Ashley being the baby. I have two daughters, Amani & Amiya Holmes and a smiling dog name “Max”. I’m an IT Recruiter for a nationally known employment service provider and the Founder and Executive Director of AHA! Unlimited, Inc., which is a non-profit art literacy and therapy organization. In addition, I’m a Marketing Representative for a travel agency, I enjoy spending time with my family, participating in my daughter’s activities, and working part time at the Apple Store.

Ashley was one on the first people I met when I moved to St. Louis, almost 15 years ago. Although we were just acquaintances she always greeted me with a smile! About 6 years ago we reconnected and have never looked back! Now here I am the Maid of Honor in her and David’s wedding and I am so happy to be apart of the festivities. I wish you guys nothing but happiness.

Angela Gist--Bridesmaid

Tiffany Williams--Bridesmaid

I remember countless slumber party weekends at the Buchanan household. Me, my sister, and Ashley would stay up late and girl talk for hours and hours and hours. We did that countless times during our pre-teen and teenage years. These sleep overs included many, many hair styling experiments, belly laughs, and midnight snacks. These cherished memories developed into a lifelong friendship. Ashley is like a second sister to me. We’ve watched each other grow up and mature into Christian women. I couldn’t be happier for Ashley & DJ.

Lakita May--Bridesmaid I met Ashley in junior college at Flo Valley. She is an amazing woman of God. The moment that I remember most was her in my kitchen cooking turkey burgers while we awaited the moment of truth. Eight months later Jaxon was born!

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Tiffany Williams is D.J’s one and only “Sister” as he calls her. She is a wife and mother of three. Tiffany treasures each memory growing up with D.J and feels very blessed and thankful that he was not worrisome, like some little brothers can be. The wonderful childhood they shared made their relationship what it is today and she would not change anything about it.

Shaniya Williams--Flower Girl Shaniya Williams, aka “Suga Mama” is D.J’s 4 year old niece. She enjoys telling jokes, singing and dancing all the time. She has so much love for Uncle D.J and already calls Ashley “Aunt Ashley”. Shaniya is so excited about being their flower girl on this special day!

October 13, 2012

The Wedding Part y Markesha Kirkman--Bridesmaid Ashley and I are first cousins who happened to be just as close as sisters since we were kids. We have shared so many memories and great times together. However, it’s more than the memories and all of our great times together that means more to me than anything which is the unconditional love we both have always given each other, even with us being over 1000 miles apart. Ashley has a gift that she will probably never understand that creates an energy of happiness, laughter and joy with everyone she interacts with. So proud and happy for my Ashley & Deejay, and honored to be a part of the beginning of their special journey.

Amiya Holmes--Flower Girl Amiya Yasmine Holmes is a nine year old, 4th grader at Remington Elementary. She sings in chorus at school, she’s a Jr. Brownie in Girl Scouts, plays softball, soccer and loves gymnastics. She loves animals and have a yorkie terrier name Max who obeys her. Amiya was the inspiration for the non for profit art literacy/therapy organization, AHA! Unlimited, Inc. She loves to draw and express herself through art, go to church, play sports, and swim. Her goal is to someday be on TV or go to the olympics.

Kayla Kemp--Hostess

October 13, 2012

Ashley and David

Tiffany Jones--Bridesmaid Ashley out of all our friends you have been the one who has truly prayed for your husband! Now the day has come that you will say “I do” to your “mister.” I can remember the day like it was yesterday, you and I were chatting about the wedding and how you couldn’t believe you were getting married!!! I remember the excitement in your voice and how giddy you were about the big day. You are marrying your prince charming from high school; I remember saying isn’t it funny how God brings things full circle? This was all in His plan. We both just sat there in silence for a minute and just reflected on that and you broke that silence by saying “now that’s deep!” I am truly happy for you and David and so glad that God has finally sent you your husband, or in your words your Mister!

Amani Holmes--Junior Bridesmaid Amani Holmes is 7th Grade Honor Roll student at Remington Elementary School. As a preteen she has been involved in numerous activities. Currently she is on the volleyball team, bass player in the school band, a praise dancer, and on Student Council. Her favorite subject is math. Her aspirations are to become an artist specializing in music, modeling, and acting. She loves her younger sister, Amiya and her puppy “Max”. Amani exhibits excellent leadership skills while working with younger children and amongst her peers. Her hobbies are taking care of her sister, cooking, reading, swimming, and shopping. Her favorite character is Hello Kitty.

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Ashley and David

Arthur Kincade, Jr. Best Man

The Wedding Part y

Joseph Williams Best Man

Arron Bell--Groomsman Arron and David met while working at United Van Lines in 2004. They became closer than brothers instantly and have been great friends ever since.

Shaun T. Williams-Groomsman (Bro-in-law extraordinaire)

I met DJ about 18 years ago, when I first started dating his sister, Tiffany. After marrying Tiffany I was blessed to have a brother and a best friend.

Justin Richerson--Ring Bearer Justin Alexander Richerson, (AKA ~Ashley's 1st Boyfriend) is a 5 year old who attends FAHLO Christian Academy. He has a younger brother named Jordan. His favorite TV show is Team Umizoomi and Bubble Guppies. He likes soccer and his favorite subject is Science. Justin has an outgoing, bubbly personality which is comical to many.

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John Young Groomsman

Shaun Williams, II Usher

Chris Harden--Groomsman My name Chris and I work at an independent online lighting company. I have a six year old son and I went to high school with DJ.

Frank Alexander--Groomsman When I moved to the area and enrolled in elementary school, DJ showed me all around and introduced me to everyone! From then on we became best friends and were together everyday. We played little league basketball and football together for years & shared alot of championships and lifetime moments.

Webster Jordan--Usher DJ & Ashley, Congratulations on your union! DJ, the Lord says when a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing. Ashley, you are the good thing. If you both remain as sweet and lovely as you are, your marriage will last 100 years. May God continue to bless and keep you both.

October 13, 2012

Ashley and David

Which One of Us? Bride & Groom Trivia

How well do you know the Bride & Groom? Decide if the following clues relate to Ashley (A) or David (D) or Both (B)

________1. Favorite food is pot roast ________2. Favorite color is yellow ________3. Has had to get stitches ________4. Favorite color is orange ________5. Likes to wear white T-shirts ________6. Favortie food is potatoes ________7. Likes to eat at Qdoba ________8. Can quote several movies ________9. Has jumped off a swing and broken an arm ________10. Loves kids. Answers: 1.) D 2.) A 3.) B 4.) D 5.) A 6.) A 7.) B 8.) D 9.) D 10.) B

October 13, 2012

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So in love...

Ashley and David

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October 13, 2012

Acknowledgement s

Ashley and David

Pastor Raymond D. Horry Ark of Safety Christian Church Wedding Ministry Photographer Lance Thurman Bogey Hills Country Club Programs & Invitations Dawn Richards Dawn’s Designs & Invitations, etc. Vocalist Michelle Richerson Make-up Artist Kimmi Fields Videographer Tim Moore Florist Gina Hale Pro Jocks Entertainment Sanctuary Decorations Donna Givens Preparation & Planning Lawannna Richerson

October 13, 2012

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Ashley and David

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