2 minute read
We are giving away a family fun prize to Urban Air Adventure Park Cincinnati! This prize includes four ultimate attraction passes, four pairs of Urban Air socks, one large one-topping pizza, four fountain drinks and four Urban Air shirts all to one lucky family — more than a $200 value! Kids can jump, climb, slide, zip and more to their hearts' content! With popular attractions like the SkyRider, Warrior Course and tons of trampolines, Urban Air is a great destination for burning off energy and having lots of fun. They offer group packages and birthday parties, too! Celebrate backto-school at Urban Air, located at 3321 Alamo Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Click on the "Contests" tab on cincinnatifamilymagazine. com's homepage's top menu bar to enter to win through September 30.
An excited participant at Urban Air Cincinnati.

Cover Kid, Camden, photographed by Gena Bailey Photography in cool back-to-school apparel from Castle House in Cincinnati.
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Are Your Kids Attending School In-Person, Home-schooling or Virtual Learning This Year?

“The only virtual option available to us means that my kiddo is no longer a student at his current high school, which would derail his current path as the course offerings would be different. So, we are grudgingly sending him back to in-person with mask (and vaccinated!). It's a shame, though, because he did SO WELL with virtual last year. Far better than he ever did in-person."
Mandi Chambers Way
“In-school. I'll be a lot happier about it once she can be vaccinated, though!"
Stephanie Brown Eversole
“Mask or no mask makes no difference to me. They will be going in-person. Their mental health is a bigger priority for me. The spring/summer of 2020 was miserable for them. The mask requirement was bothersome last year, but it kept them in school and happy. Keeping them home is not an option for us.”
Rhonda Brewer Luthy
“Our kiddos have always been homeschooled. Very thankful we went this route, especially with everything going on. IF they were schooled outside the home, we would make all the sacrifices to get them home.”
Jessica Staggs
“In-person in a school in which masks as are optional. (She will be wearing a mask). She would like to stay home after a year of virtual, but I had to return back in the office for work. We are now back home due to an outbreak at work and I'm sure the school will be too once they get started."
Kayla Wathel
“In-person, no masks. My kids didn’t miss a day of daycare when the pandemic first started and neither did I for work. I haven’t stopped living, nor will my kids. I had COVID, survived, took care of people with COVID and will continue to. There's way worse things in this world than a virus."