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Editor's Note

How About You Pick Up a Book?

Open All Year Some of my favorite memories with my step dad consist of trips to the library and the lake. It was always the highlight of my week — picking out fresh new reads at our local library. Then, when I was old enough to get my very own library card, I felt like I was on top of the world. I chose anything from young adult love stories to poetry. I loved reading poetry to my step dad before bed and showing off my sharp reading skills. I was proud I read books that were challenging, and I wanted him to be proud of me, too. I can still smell the scent of my newly checked-out library books — it truly is one of my favorite, and fondest, childhood memories. As I grew older, I read less and less. Not because I didn’t like to read anymore, it was because I couldn’t find the time. Between homework, extracurricular activities, cheer and sports, friends and books I was forced to read in school; there literally was no time. I sometimes hated the books I had to read in school, and sometimes they were tolerable. But they consumed all of my time. When could I ever read for fun anymore? Would I ever be able to read for fun again? Now here I am, in the same literary pickle. I realized I hadn’t picked up a good read in years until one day my oldest questioned me, “Why do I have to read Mom, I never see you read. Do you even like to read?” Wow, I was caught red-handed. I work so hard to get my kids to stay on track with reading, and I don’t even model it for them. Between life, three kids, sports, work, and more life, there literally isn’t any time. But, I do seem to find time scrolling through social media here and there - huh, maybe if I made it a priority, I can pick up that book that’s been collecting dust by my bedside. I think there is some time to read in a day, it just gets away from us like exercising or hobbies do. What happened to the reader in me? It’s there, and if I want my kids to be good readers, I need to show them firsthand what it is like to be a good reader. What can I say? It happens to the best of us. I may be speaking for many parents out there right now. So what can we do? Put it on your calendar and make family reading time a priority. Some days it may not happen, but we can try. I see happy parents picking out books at the library with their kids and that’s a good start! Now grab a book for yourself, head into a cozy chair and bring your books with you. Next, share what you read, then head off to the playground. So here I go — I’m starting a new chapter in my life. The other night, I kicked my feet up, thinking about scrolling through my phone while my husband watched a boring show. I asked him to change the channel and he said, “Not yet, I want to finish watching this. How about you pick up a book or something?” And I did — remembering what I had been missing all of this time.