MAYO 2013
by Dsignio
be at home, since 1968
Paris 1907
pg. 68
Diseño de catálogo, fotomecánica e impresión: Photo-Technology:
1907 over 100 years of CUBISM To create this collection we ve been inspired by some of the new artistic movements from the early 20th Century such as Cubism, Neoplasticism, and Suprematism. These styles caused a huge intellectual revolution that changed our perception of art, as these artistic trends were created with established values. We wanted to break away from some of the usual concepts of present-day furniture design. That s why all pieces of this collection have been conceived using sculptural elements that stand out with a sense proud presence within the environment of your choice. Their beauty is formed and crafted using blocks that are intricately cut and overlapped and fused together with unique depth of colour and clarity. Our focus on trend and craftsmanship go together and achieve new rhythms and harmonious compositions where light and shade reveal their full potential. In conclusion our collection, with its variety of elements and considered original design has achieved a complete and comprehensive range of timeless compositions and a true platform of quality to embrace. Hope you enjoy going BACK TO 1907.
1907 mas de 100 anos de CUBISMO Para crear esta coleccion, nos hemos basado en algunas de las nuevas corrientes artisticas de principio del siglo XX como el cubismo, el neoplasticismo y el suprematismo. Estos movimientos supusieron una gran revolucion intelectual que cambio la percepcion del arte. Del mismo modo que estas tendencias artisticas rompieron con todo lo establecido, nosotros queremos romper con algunos de los conceptos clasicos del mobiliario actual. Hemos concebido los muebles de esta coleccion como piezas escultoricas que pueden ser protagonistas de la estancia en la que se encuentran. Son bloques que se cortan, que se solapan, que se acompanan creando interesantes ritmos y composiciones armonicas donde las luces y las sombras revelan sus profundidades. La coleccion se completa con diversos elementos de mobiliario que hemos disenado siguiendo una estetica de lineas depuradas para lograr un conjunto completo e intemporal. Esperamos que disfruteis de la vuelta a 1907.
1907 piu di 100 anni di CUBISMO Per creare questa collezione ci siamo basati su alcune delle nuove correnti artistiche degli inizi del xx secolo come il cubismo, il neoplasticismo e il suprematismo. Questi movimenti causarono una grande rivoluzione intellettuale che cambio definitivamente la percezione dell'arte. Allo stesso modo in cui queste tendenze artistiche ruppero con lo stabilito noi vogliamo rompere con alcuni dei concetti classici dell'arredamento moderno. Abbiamo concepito i mobili di questa collezione come pezzi scultorei che possono essere protagonisti della permanenza e dell'incontro. Sono blocchi che si tagliano, che si sovrappongono, che si accompagnano, creando ritmi interessanti e composizioni armoniche dove le luci e le ombre rivelano le loro profondita. La collezione si completa con diversi elementi d'arredamento che abbiamo disegnato seguendo un'estetica di linee pulite per realizzare un connubio completo e senza tempo. Aspettiamo che approfittiate del ritorno al 1907.
1907 Mehr als 100 Jahre Kubismus Um diese Kollektion zu gestalten, haben wir uns in manchen von den Stilrichtungen anfangs des XX. Jahrhunderts wie der Kubismus, der Neoplastizismus und der Suprematismus inspiriert. Diese Bewegungen bedeuteten eine grosse Revolution, die die Wahrnehmung der Kunst veranderte. Auf die gleiche Weise wollen wir auch einige von den klassischen Konzepten des aktuellen Mobeldesign andern. Die Mobel dieser Kollektion wurden wie Skulpturen konzipiert, die die Hauptrolle im Raum ubernehmen sollen. Sie werden von Blocken gestaltet, die sich schneiden oder uberlappen lassen und dadurch interessante Rhytmen und harmonische Kompositionen bilden wo Licht und Schatten ihre Tiefen enthullen. Die Kollektion wird mit verschiedenen Mobelelementen abgeschlossen, die nach einer depurierten Asthetik entwickelt wurden, um eine komplette und zeitlose Einheit zu erreichen. Wir hoffen, dass Sie die Ruckkehr nach 1907 geniessen. // 1
over 100 years of evolution
2 // Collage collection
// 3
fusion... 1907 / 2013
4 // Collage collection
// 5
440 cm
6 // Collage collection
// 7
think, observe, construct, live...
8 // Collage collection
440 cm
// 9
440 cm
10 // Collage collection
// 11
440 cm
12 // Collage collection
// 13
440 cm
14 // Collage collection
// 15
new traditions in old Paris
16 // Collage collection
// 17
330 cm
18 // Collage collection
// 19
330 cm
a mixture of expressions from past and present cultures 20 // Collage collection
// 21
84 cm
93 cm
84 cm
264 cm
93 cm
84 cm
225 cm
93 cm
41 cm
100 cm
76 cm
22 // Collage collection
70 cm
// 23
550 cm
24 // Collage collection
// 25
390 cm
26 // Collage collection
// 27
28 // Collage collection
// 29
660 cm
30 // Collage collection
// 31
Multiculturalism and globalisation
In the visual language of Art, the idea of multiculturalism has been emphasised during the past decades, thanks largly to the use of new technological advancement, literature, material compositions and dynamic manufacturing techniques. Throughout the history of Western Art, in which certain countries have dominated the creative scene at different moments in time, the bonds and links between artworks and furniture have been strengthened and established by the aesthetic value inherent in these works. Other tools of improvement such as proactive communication, collaborative interaction, and the ease of distribution of artworks reflect this integration not only in Western Culture but also in a totally globalised World.
32 // Collage collection
// 33
550 cm
34 // Collage collection
// 35
330 cm
36 // Collage collection
// 37
90 cm
Recommended height
330 cm
195 cm
38 // Collage collection
// 39
Main creator of Cubism
40 // Collage collection
// 41
440 cm
42 // Collage collection
// 43
90 cm
Recommended height
195 cm
44 // Collage collection
// 45
210 cm
Recommended height
150 cm
46 // Collage collection
// 47
440 cm
48 // Collage collection
// 49
390 cm
50 // Collage collection
// 51
330 cm
52 // Collage collection
// 53
330 cm
54 // Collage collection
// 55
420 cm
56 // Collage collection
// 57
58 // Collage collection
// 59
60 // Collage collection
10 // 61
330 cm
330 cm
4 bajos de cajones 4 moduli bassi a cassettiera Lowboard mit 4 Schubladen
1,51 m3 / 209 kg
Composizione con base
28 cm
1 bajo de cajón, 1 de puerta y bancada 1 modulo basso a cassettiera,1 con anta e base Lowboard mit Schublade, Tür und Platte
ref. C-01V6
440 cm
1 low module of drawer, 1 with a door and base frame
1,49 m3 / 177,6 kg
330 cm
330 cm
Recommended height
228 cm
1 m3 / 122,6 kg
Recommended height
Zusammensetzung mit Platte
ref. C-01V5
10 cm
330 cm
Lowboard mit 3 Schubladen und 1 Tür
1,51 m3 / 199 kg
198 cm
Recommended height
183 cm 28 cm
Lowboard mit 3 Schubladen
1,32 m3 / 176 kg
3 moduli bassi a cassettiera ed 1 con anta
4 low modules of drawers
Composición con bancada
10 cm 28 cm
Lowboard mit 2 Schubladen und Tür
1,32 m3 / 166 kg
3 moduli bassi a cassettiera
ref. C-03V1
2 moduli bassi a cassettiera ed 1 con anta
3 bajos de cajones
3 bajos de cajones y 1 de puerta
Composition with base frame
Recommended height
Lowboard mit 3 Schubladen
1,15 m3 / 177 kg
2 bajos de cajones y 1 de puerta
3 low modules of drawers
198 cm
Lowboard mit 2 Schubladen und Tür
1,15 m3 / 167 kg
3 moduli bassi a cassettiera
ref. C-05V2
2 moduli bassi a cassettiera ed 1 con anta
3 bajos de cajones
2 low modules of drawers and 1 with a door
28 cm
2 bajos de cajones y 1 de puerta
3 low modules of drawers
ref. C-05V1
2 low modules of drawers and 1 with a door
ref. C-07V2
ref. C-07V1
Low for wall hanging / Bajos colgados a pared / Moduli bassi appesi alla parete / An die Wand hängende Lowboards
3 low modules of drawers and 1 with a door
ref. C-01V4
330 cm
228 cm
440 cm
ref. C-01V3
198 cm
Recommended height
p. 19 / 20 10cm
198 cm 28 cm
p. 52 / 53
Recommended height
183 cm
10cm 28 cm
p. 37 / 39
Recommended height
28 cm
Recommended height
Low for wall hanging Bajos colgados a pared Moduli bassi appesi alla parete An die Wand hängende Lowboards
2 low modules of drawers and base frame 2 bajos de cajones y bancada 2 moduli bassi a cassettiera e base Lowboard mit 2 Schubladen und Platte
1,49 m3 / 187,6 kg
228 cm
ref. C-03V3
Lowboard mit 2 Schubladen und Platte
1,30 m / 170,6 kg
1,30 m / 160,6 kg
Recommended height
ref. C-01V7
Lowboard mit 2 Schubladen und Tür
1,44 m3 / 183,6 kg
Composizione moduli alti Wandkombination
0,69 m / 70 kg
1 m3 / 122 kg
62 // Collage collection
0,69 m3 / 70 kg
2 moduli bassi a cassettiera ed 1 con anta Lowboard mit 2 Schubladen und Tür
3 low modules of drawers 3 bajos de cajones 3 moduli bassi a cassettiera Lowboard mit 3 Schubladen
1,30 m3 / 174 kg
3 bajos de cajones y 1 de puerta 3 moduli bassi a cassettiera ed 1 con anta Lowboard mit 3 Schubladen und Tür
1,70 m / 225,5 kg 3
p. 05 4 low modules of drawers
ref. C-01V2
Composizione moduli alti
0,38 m3 / 44 kg
3 low modules of drawers and 1 with a door
ref. C-01V1
ref. C-05V6
ref. C-07V6
Composición módulos altos
2 bajos de cajones y 1 de puerta
High modules composition Composizione moduli alti
2 low modules of drawers and 1 with a door
1,30 m3 / 164 kg
440 cm
High modules composition
ref. C-01V9
228 cm
p. 06 / 07
Recommended height
330 cm
Composición módulos altos
Low for wall hanging Bajos colgados a pared Moduli bassi appesi alla parete An die Wand hängende Lowboards
330 cm
28 cm
Recommended height
198 cm
Recommended height
183 cm 255 cm
Lowboard mit 3 Schubladen
1,44 m3 / 193,6 kg
Zusammensetzung mit Platte
3 bajos de cajones 3 moduli bassi a cassettiera
Composición módulos altos
0,69 m3 / 96 kg
2 moduli bassi a cassettiera ed 1 con anta
3 low modules of drawers
228 cm
Zusammensetzung mit Platte
Composizione con base
2 bajos de cajones y 1 de puerta
ref. C-01V10
Composizione con base
Composición con bancada
2 low modules of drawers and 1 with a door
4 bajos de cajones 4 moduli bassi a cassettiera Lowboard mit 4 Schubladen
1,70 m / 235,5 kg 3
255 cm
ref. C-01V11
ref. C-05V5
Composición con bancada
Composition with base frame
330 cm
High modules composition
ref. C-03V4
330 cm
Composition with base frame
198 cm
Recommended height
10 cm
10 cm
198 cm
Recommended height
183 cm 10 cm
10 cm
ref. C-07V5
330 cm
300 cm
Recommended height
1,46 m3 / 194,6 kg
Lowboard mit Schublade, Tür und Platte 3
Recommended height
Lowboard mit 3 Schubladen
228 cm
1,46 m3 / 184,6 kg
3 moduli bassi a cassettiera
ref. C-01V8
Lowboard mit 2 Schubladen und Tür
2 bajos de cajones y bancada 2 moduli bassi a cassettiera e base
Recommended height
1,01 m3 / 149 kg
2 moduli bassi a cassettiera ed 1 con anta
1 modulo basso a cassettiera,1 con anta e base
2 low modules of drawers and base frame
28 cm
Lowboard mit 3 Schubladen
1 bajo de cajón, 1 de puerta y bancada
1,01 m3 / 139 kg
3 moduli bassi a cassettiera
3 bajos de cajones
1 low module of drawer, 1 with a door and base frame
28 cm
Lowboard mit 2 Schubladen und Tür
2 bajos de cajones y 1 de puerta
3 low modules of drawers
ref. C-03V2
2 moduli bassi a cassettiera ed 1 con anta
3 bajos de cajones
2 low modules of drawers and 1 with a door
ref. C-05V4
2 bajos de cajones y 1 de puerta
3 low modules of drawers
ref. C-05V3
2 low modules of drawers and 1 with a door
ref. C-07V4
ref. C-07V3
Low for wall hanging / Bajos colgados a pared / Moduli bassi appesi alla parete / An die Wand hängende Lowboards
High modules composition Con módulos altos Composizione moduli alti Wandkombination
0,67 m3 / 69 kg
// 63
2,12 m3 / 263 kg
2,12 m3 / 273 kg
3 bajos de cajones y 1 de puerta 3 moduli bassi a cassettiera ed 1 con anta Lowboard mit 3 Schubladen und Tür
1,88 m3 / 249 kg
ref. C-02V9
Lowboard mit 3 Schubladen und Platte
228 cm 28 cm
10 cm
Recommended height
1,83 m3 / 253,3 kg
440 cm
4 low modules of drawers 4 bajos de cajones 4 moduli bassi a cassettiera Lowboard mit 4 Schubladen
1,88 m3 / 259 kg
1 low module of drawer, 1 with a door and base frame 1 bajo de cajón, 1 de puerta y bancada 1 modulo basso a cassettiera, 1 con anta e base Lowboard mit 1 Schublade, Tür und Platte
2 low modules of drawers and base frame 2 bajos de cajones y bancada 2 moduli bassi a cassettiera e base Lowboard mit 2 Schubladen und Platte
1,57 m3 / 211 kg
1,57 m3 / 201 kg
Lowboard mit 3 Schubladen und Platte
2,17 m3 / 276 kg
Composición con bancada Composizione con base
Composición con bancada Composizione con base Zusammensetzung mit Platte
1,37 m3 / 181,3 kg
Zusammensetzung mit Platte
64 // Collage collection
0,89 m3 / 111 kg
4 bajos de cajones y 1 de puerta 4 moduli bassi a cassettiera ed 1 con anta Lowboard mit 4 Schubladen und Tür
2,14 m3 / 291 kg
5 low modules of drawers 5 bajos de cajones 5 moduli bassi a cassettiera Lowboard mit 5 Schubladen
2,14 m3 / 301 kg
Recommended height
228 cm Recommended height
228 cm
ref. C-02V13
Composizione moduli alti
4 low modules of drawers and 1 with a door
ref. C-02V7
Composición módulos altos
550 cm
ref. C-02V6
ref. C-04V5
High modules composition
Recommended height
228 cm
330 cm base
420 cm
1,29 m3 / 136 kg
Composizione con base Zusammensetzung mit Platte
1,32 m3 / 165 kg
28 cm
10 cm
218 cm
Recommended height
Recommended height
218 cm
p. 57 / 59
High modules composition
Composición con bancada
1,30 m / 182 kg
390 cm
Composizione moduli alti
Composition with base frame
p. 26 / 27 - 50
Composición módulos altos
10 cm
10 cm
ref. C-02V12
Composition with base frame
Recommended height
228 cm 10 cm
218 cm 10 cm
10 cm
10 cm
Composition with base frame
ref. C-02V5
3 bajos de cajones y bancada 3 moduli bassi a cassettiera e base
440 cm
ref. C-04V4
Lowboard mit 2 Schubladen, Tür und Platte
2,17 m3 / 266 kg
3 low modules of drawers and base frame
Recommended height
Recommended height
218 cm 10 cm
2 bajos de cajones, 1 de puerta y bancada 2 moduli bassi a cassettiera,1 con anta e base
ref. C-08V5
2 low modules of drawers, 1 with a door and base frame
440 cm
550 cm
High modules composition Composición módulos altos Composizione moduli alti Wandkombination
0,85 m3 / 92 kg
// 65
Recommended height
228 cm 28 cm
Lowboard mit 2 Schubladen, Tür und Platte
3 bajos de cajones y bancada 3 moduli bassi a cassettiera e base
p. 42 / 43
28 cm
10 cm
2 moduli bassi a cassettiera, 1 con anta e base
3 low modules of drawers and base frame
1,41 m3 / 200 kg
550 cm
ref. C-08V4
2 bajos de cajones, 1 de puerta y bancada
1,83 m3 / 243,3 kg
p. 34 / 35
ref. C-08V6
2 low modules of drawers, 1 with a door and base frame
ref. C-02V11
Composizione con base Zusammensetzung mit Platte
ref. C-02V8
Lowboard mit 4 Schubladen
ref. C-02V10
Composición con bancada
3 low modules of drawers and 1 with a door
10 cm
228 cm
4 moduli bassi a cassettiera
1,69 m3 / 232 kg
ref. C-02V4
ref. C-02V3
2 moduli bassi a cassettiera e base Lowboard mit 2 Schubladen und Platte
4 bajos de cajones
228 cm
218 cm 10 cm
2 bajos de cajones y bancada
Composition with base frame
ref. C-04V3
Lowboard mit 1 Schublade, Tür und Platte
10 cm
218 cm
1 modulo basso a cassettiera,1 con anta e base
ref. C-08V3
1 bajo de cajón, 1 de puerta y bancada
Lowboard mit 3 Schubladen und Tür
4 low modules of drawers
440 cm 550 cm
2 low modules of drawers and base frame
3 moduli bassi a cassettiera ed 1 con anta
1,69 m3 / 222 kg
Recommended height
28 cm
440 cm
1 low module of drawer, 1 with a door and base frame
Lowboard mit 3 Schubladen und Platte
1,24 m / 272,3 kg
3 bajos de cajones y 1 de puerta
550 cm
Recommended height
1,24 m / 262,3 kg
3 moduli bassi a cassettiera e base
3 low modules of drawers and 1 with a door
ref. C-02V2
Lowboard mit 2 Schubladen, 1 Tür und Platte
3 bajos de cajones y bancada
Low for wall hanging Bajos colgados a pared Moduli bassi appesi alla parete An die Wand hängende Lowboards
28 cm
1,07 m / 207 kg
2 moduli bassi a cassettiera,1 con anta e base
3 low modules of drawers and base frame
ref. C-02V1
Zusammensetzung mit Platte
2 bajos de cajones, 1 de puerta y bancada
10 cm
Composizione con base
2 low modules of drawers, 1 with a door and base frame
440 cm
Recommended height
Composición con bancada
10 cm
28 cm
218 cm 28 cm
ref. C-04V1
ref. C-08V1
Composition with base frame
ref. C-08V2
p. 10 - 13
550 cm
ref. C-04V2
440 cm
Recommended height
p. 24 / 25
10 cm
218 cm 10 cm
10 cm
p. 48 / 49
Recommended height
Recommended height
Auxiliary furniture / Auxiliares Ausiliari / Beistellmobel
06 218 cm
Recommended height
10 cm
2,38 m / 290 kg
ref. C-160 195 cm
ref. C-102
Aparador con 5 puertas
Credenza con 5 ante
Sideboard mit 5 Türen
0,54 m3 / 54 kg
Sofá 3 plazas 264 x 84 x 93 cm Divano 3 posti 264 x 84 x 93 cm Sofa für 3 Sitzpplätze 264 x 84 x 93 cm
ref. C-161
60 cm
90 cm
Tavolo centrale Couchtisch
4 moduli bassi a cassettiera e base Lowboard mit 4 Schubladen und Platte
3-seater sofa 225 x 84 x 93 cm Sofá 3 plazas 225 x 84 x 93 cm Divano 3 posti 225 x 84 x 93 cm
Cubicaje 0,30 m3 - 41 kg
160 x 100 < (220 x 100)
0,32 m3 - 61 kg
160 x 100
0,32 m3 - 43 kg
0,34 m3 - 63 kg
180 x 100
0,34 m3 - 45 kg
200 x 100 < (260 x 100)
0,36 m3 - 65 kg
200 x 100
0,36 m3 - 54 kg
130 x 130 < (190 x 130)
0,32 m3 - 91 kg
240 x 120
0,40 m3 - 82 kg
150 x 150 < (210 x 130)
0,36 m3 - 95 kg
260 x 120
0,42 m3 - 86 kg
130 x 130
0,32 m3 - 73 kg
150 x 150
0,36 m3 - 77 kg
0,30 m / 37 kg
Jacqueline Chair / Silla Jacqueline Sedia Jacqueline / Jacqueline Stuhl
66 // Collage collection
ref. C-163
80 cm
Colores tapizado, p.61 Colours for upholstery, p.61 Colori tappezzeria, p.61 Stoff-Farben, Seite 61
53 cm
Coffee table 60 x 60 Mesa de centro 60 x 60 Tavolo centrale 60 x 60
ref. C-205
60 cm
Pouff 70 x 41 x 76 cm Pouf 70 x 41 x 76 cm Hocker 70 x 41 x 76 cm
70 cm
0,30 m3 / 8 kg
p. 46-51 Ref. C-120 0,43 m3 / 2 unit 20 kg / 2 unit
Pouff 70 x 41 x 76 cm
180 x 100 < (240 x 100)
100 cm
Couchtisch 90 x 90 3
Composizione moduli alti
Tavolo centrale 90 x 90
41 cm
cm. 140 x 100
Sessel 100 x 84 x 93 cm
1 m3 / 35 kg
Coffee table 93 x 24 x 93 cm Mesa de centro 93 x 24 x 93 cm Tavolo centrale 93 x 24 x 93 cm
24 cm
Ref. C-140
Sillón 1 plaza 100 x 84 x 93 cm Poltrona 1 posto 100 x 84 x 93 cm
Cubicaje 0,30 m3 - 59 kg
Mesa de centro 90 x 90
ref. C-204
cm. 140 x 100 < (200 x 100)
Coffee table 90 x 90
ref. C-162
Ref. C-130
Composición módulos altos
1,75 m3 / 172 kg
ref. C-203
76 cm
Recommended height
218 cm
ref. C-06V4
High modules composition
Fixed / fija / fissi / fester
1-seater sofa 100 x 84 x 93 cm
630 cm
225 cm cm
Ext. / ext. / est. / ausziehtisch
90 cm
Sofa für 3 Sitzpplätze 225 x 84 x 93 cm
2,07 m3 / 70 kg 90
84 cm
0,43 m3 / 54 kg
84 cm
p. 46-51
4 bajos de cajones y bancada
264 cm
4 low modules of drawers and base frame
Coffee table Mesa de centro
3 m3 / 386 kg
3 m3 / 376 kg
3-seater sofa 264 x 84 x 93 cm
2,43 m3 / 90 kg
ref. C-202
ref. C-06V3
Lowboard mit 3 Schubladen, Tür und Platte
ref. C-101
218 cm 28 cm
10 cm
3 moduli bassi a cassettiera, 1 con anta e base
0,63 m3 / 67 kg
Sideboard with 5 doors
3 bajos de cajones, 1 de puerta y bancada
Mobile contenitore con 6 ante Aufbewahrungsmöbel mit 6 Türen
Couchtisch 120 x 90
0,37 m3 / 45 kg
p. 24
Jacqueline Dining table / Mesa comedor Jacqueline Tavolo da pranzo Jacqueline / Jacqueline Esstisch
660 cm
3 low modules of drawers, 1 with a door and base frame
Sideboard with 6 doors Contenedor con 6 puertas
Tavolo centrale 120 x 90
Recommended height
150 cm
120 cm
84 cm
210 cm
Zusammensetzung mit Platte
Coffee table 120 x 90 Mesa de centro 120 x 90
ref. C-201
Composizione con base
90 cm
Composición con bancada
Recommended height
ref. C-06V1
Composition with base frame
p. 38-44 Recommended height
p. 46
ref. C-06V2
p. 22
660 cm
10 cm
Jacques sofas / Sofas Jacques Divani Jacques / Jacques sofas
p. 41
p. 30-31
10 cm
Jacqueline Coffee table / Mesa centro Jacqueline Tavolo centrale Jacqueline / Jacqueline Zentrum tish
Couchtisch 93 x 24 x 93 cm
0,30 m3 / 14 kg
93 cm
Couchtisch 60 x 60
0,13 m3 / 17 kg
// 67
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68 // Collage collection
Paris 1907
by Dsignio
be at home, since 1968
Paris 1907
pg. 68
Diseño de catálogo, fotomecánica e impresión: Photo-Technology:
MAYO 2013