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FEBRUARY SECTION MEETINGS *Join a DBA Section in the New Year
By David C. Greer Esq. DBA Editorial Board Bieser Greer & Landis LLP dcg@biesergreer.com 937.250.7773
"The Little Man Who Wasn’t There” was the name Herb Eikenbary, the most colorful lawyer in the history of the Dayton Bar, gave to his client Al Fouts in the famous trial of Bugs Moran that took place in Judge Martin’s courtroom in August of 1946. It is also the title of Dave Greer’s new book which chronicles the wayward life of Al Fouts as a non-leading citizen of Dayton from 1891 to 1981. If you have $20.00 and would like a copy, you can make the exchange with the receptionist at Dave’s office at 6 North Main Street, Suite 400. If you would like a signed copy, call Dave at (937) 272-4459.
In the first significant trial of Fouts’ career as a defendant, a slight case of a 1916 murder, he was defended by Jack Egan, the most notorious criminal defense lawyer in the history of the Dayton Bar. Dave’s book on Egan is also available at the same place for the same price. Excerpt from "The Little Man Who Wasn't There": In1859 Abraham Lincoln spoke from the steps of the 1850 courthouse. At that event Robert Schenck was the first individual to suggest him as a possible candidate for the presidency of the United States. In 1914 Al Fouts was launched into his first sojourn at the Ohio State Penitentiary from the 1884 courthouse. Unlike Lincoln, he did not always listen to the better angels of his nature. To his credit, he believed in the concept of "malice towards none" despite having little sympathy with "charity for all."

DBA Section Meetings: February 2021
Monday, February 1 Juvenile Law | 4pm-5pm
Wednesday, February 3 Young Lawyers Division | Noon-1pm
YLD Clinic Project and Law School Outreach Planning
Thursday, February 4 Real Property | Noon-1pm
Tuesday, February 9 Civil Trial Practice & ADR | 5pm-6pm
Wednesday, February 10 Appellate Court Practice | Noon-1pm Estate Planning Trust & Probate | 4pm-5pm | Optional 1.0 CLE Hr
Attorney Fees in Probate, Trusts, Guardianships and Powers of Attorney
Thursday, February 11 Domestic Relations | Noon-1pm
Monday, February 15 Federal Practice | Noon-1pm
The holding in Bush v. Gore, the skepticism about judicial involvement in elections that it engendered, the surge in litigation since the decision, and the possibility that litigation relating to the 2020 election may reinforce society’s belief in judicial independence
Friday, February 19 Diversity Issues | Noon-1pm
Wednesday, February 24 Criminal Law| Noon-1pm
Thursday, February 25 Paralegal | Noon-1pm Corporate Counsel | 5pm-6pm
rsvp! www.daybar.org/ events