Judicial Elections/Races 2020 Dayton Bar Association Judicial Survey
hen judges are on the ballot, be informed. We think you deserve impartial, nonpartisan information about your judicial candidates.This section has been created as a resource to help you make an informed decision when it is time to elect judges for Montgomery County Courts. The DBA does not endorse any judicial candidate; our role is to provide impartial, non-partisan information about the judicial candidates in any given election year. All results from the Judicial Candidate Survey are available online for public consumption. This year, there are three contested judicial races and four non-contested judicial races. All candidates from these races were given the opportunity to respond to this survey within a character limit.
All contested judicial race candidates responded.
3 of the 4 non-contested judicial candidates responded.
Below is the list of questions that were asked of all candidates.
Q1: Please list your name, business address, contact information Q2: Please detail your legal biography using the following format: Undergraduate Education; Legal Education; Graduate Education and Legal/Courtroom Experience Q3: Please explain why you believe you are qualified for the judicial position for which you are seeking election. Q4: What experiences in your life or personal attributes make you believe that your courtroom would be a place where everyone receives justice, regardless of race, socio-economic status, gender, etc.? Q5: What will be the most significant challenge facing courts over the next ten years and what plans do you have to address that challenge? Below are the list of candidates for the upcoming elections/races: 2020 Board of Elections Contested Judicial Races for Montgomery County Judge of the Court of Appeals 2nd District • Christopher B. Epley • Marshall G. Lachman
More info on these elections can be found on the Montgomery County Board of Elections website: www.montgomery.boe.ohio.gov
Judge of the Court of Common Pleas • K. George Kordalis • Susan D. Solle Judge of the Court of Common Pleas Probate Division • David D. Brannon • Arvin S. Miller
2020 Board of Elections Non-Contested Judicial Races for Montgomery County Judge of the Court of Common Pleas • The Honorable Dennis J. Adkins • The Honorable Steven K. Dankof - declined to respond • The Honorable Mary Katherine Huffman • The Honorable Richard S. Skelton
Dayton Bar Briefs October 2020