QEP 3rd Year Report

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Curriculum Map Direct

PO 1

Awareness of Employability Skills: QEP participants will exhibit an increased awareness of employability skills.

PO 2

Articulation of Employability Skills: QEP participants will demonstrate the ability to describe and discuss the identified employability skill related to a work environment.

PO 3 Application of Employability Skills: QEP participants will be provided opportunities to apply the identified employability skill/ knowledge.

Career Services Event Data Indirect

Career Development Platform Data Indirect

Seminar Evaluation of Career Development Workshops (Lykert Scale) Indirect

Career Events Indirect

Compare Course & Degree Plan Data for participating CTE programs Direct

Portfolio Platform Data Direct

Mock Interview Structured Review Indirect

2023-2024: 63% OF CTE

Programs have an embedded QEP assignment throughout program curriculum. (introduction, reinforcement, and application) Public Administration Industrial Technology, CITE, Human Services, and Health Science.

2023-2024: 41 CAREER DEVELOPMENT EVENTS (FALL 2023- 20, SPRING 2024- 21).

Includes a variety of job fairs, career development workshops, leadership training, and professional development opportunities.

2023-2024: 68% (1487 out of 2170). Platforms include: Handshake, Skills First and You Science.

2023-2024: 100% OF STUDENTS SAID THEY WERE MORE KNOWLEDGEABLE ABOUT THE PRESENTATION TOPICS. (77% were significantly more knowledgeable, 22% were largely more knowledgeable, and 1% were slightly more knowledgeable)

2023-2024: 13 CAREER EVENTS

Includes a variety of job fairs, career development workshops, leadership training, and professional development opportunities.

2023-2024: 63% OF CTE PROGRAMS HAVE AN EMBEDDED QEP ASSIGNMENT THROUGHOUT PROGRAM CURRICULUM. (introduction, reinforcement, and application) Public Administration Industrial Technology, CITE, Human Services, and Health Science.

2023-2024: 54% of CTE students produced a portfolio. (111 of 204 CSC completed profiles with QEP students).

2023-2024: 100% OF STUDENTS IN THESE EVENTS RECEIVED A STRUCTURED REVIEW. Includes a variety of job fairs, career development workshops, leadership training, and professional development opportunities.


100% of CTE Programs will implement a QEP assignment.

10 Career Development activities will be provided each 16-week semester for students.

40% of students will utilize at least one Career Development platform.

50% of students will identify as more knowledgeable on workshop topics.

2 Career events will be offered each 16-week semester.

85% of CTE programs will offer sections with embedded QEP content.

25% of CTE students will produce a professional portfolio.

100% of Students participating in Mock Interviews will receive a structured review.


of students indicated the importance of professional skills from the course lesson/activity, with an average score of 2.78 out of 3 on the QEP assignment.

QEP BENCHMARK Student Learning Outcomes


QEP Embedded Course Assignment Direct


Students in QEP courses will understand employability skills and their importance to industry and self.


Students in QEP courses will describe and discuss the identified employability skill related to a work environment.


Students in QEP courses will apply the identified employability skill/knowledge.

Participation Direct

Career Service Seminar Evaluation Indirect

Course Rubric Outcomes Direct

Career Coaching Sessions Direct

2023-2024: 84% of students demonstrated an understanding and articulation of the employability skill. (average rubric score of 2.78).

2023-2024: 63% of CTE programs have an embedded QEP assignment throughout program curriculum. (introduction, reinforcement, and application) Public Administration Industrial Technology, CITE, Human Services, and Health Science.

2023-2024: 100% of students said they were satisfied with the presentation (74% were extremely satisfied, 11% were largely satisfied, 14% Satisfied).

2023-2024: 84% of students indicated importance of professional skill from course lesson/activity- average rubric score of 2.78

2023-2024: 21% (457 individual coaching sessions out of 2170 CTE/QEP students).

70% of students will be able to identify the connection between marketable skills and industry standards.

CTE syllabi will demonstrate introduction of Aspire to be Hired employability skill lessons and assignments in 100% of CTE programs and embedded into program curriculum.

90% of students enrolled in a targeted course will indicate satisfaction with seminar.

80% of Students will receive 2 or better in each category.

35% of CTE students in targeted courses will receive a coaching session

Course Assignment Direct

Practice Direct

2023-2024: 63% of CTE programs have an embedded QEP assignment throughout program curriculum. (introduction, reinforcement, and application) Public Administration Industrial Technology, CITE, Human Services, and Health Science.

49% of courses assess the application of a skill (54 embedded Application assignments).

2023-2024: 35% of CTE students apply employability skills. (759- 457 Coaching, 302 students participants in events, mock interviews resume and career workshops, out of 2170 QEP students.)

100% of CTE programs will provide an Aspire to be Hired employability skill lesson/ assignment that assesses the application of skill in at least one course.

85% of CTE students in targeted programs will apply employability skills through participation in mock interviews, resume reviews or other career development activities.



During the 2023-2024 academic year, Aspire to be Hired, in collaboration with Career Services, expanded its offerings through the Pathways to Professionalism program. This initiative includes tailored workshops focused on professional skills, resume development, mock interviews, and portfolio reviews. The Career Services team is currently facilitating the Pathways to Professionalism workshop series for students in Equine Science, Horticulture, Cosmetology, and Health Science.

In the 2025-2026 academic year, Aspire to be Hired will be fully implemented into the Child Development, Equine Science, and Horticultural programs.


Our coaches utilize career assessments to help you discover your interests, skills, personality traits, and values to learn how they align with certain career options.


Meet with a career coach to create a professional, stand-out resume, practice for interviews, develop professional employability skills, and learn strategies to help you in your job search. The Career Services team leverages Career Coaching Canvas groups to improve communication and outreach to all QEP students. Students are grouped by major with their designated Career Coach, providing them with easy access to industry-specific career and skill development resources, as well as a convenient way to connect with their coach.


We host job Fairs, Employer Recruitment Tables, and Networking Events to help connect students with quality employment opportunities.


The Career Services team fosters career readiness services by providing resources to support instruction and faculty both in the classroom and online. These offerings include classroom presentations, on-demand training sessions and presentations and access to online platforms for resume building and career exploration.

Career Exploration
Resume Building
Interview Skills
Professional Skills
Job Search Strategies Job Connections
Networking Evnets

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