inside the issue
rescuing coco
Seriously Satirical: HEADWEAR POLICIES opinion 5
feature 6
a&e 9
DISPLAYing an artistic side
the bull’s eye NEWS
A peek at life in U.S. schools
Lighting up the night
the evolution of dance
This year’s Sadies, on March 11, is themed “DB Zoo Lights,” based on the popular L.A. attraction. hannah lee asst. news editor
ingrid chan staff writer
february 24, 2016 Volume XXXIV, Issue VI ONLINE at
Groups of Chinese students attend classes at DBHS while on a trip up the West Coast.
Believe it or not, Diamond Bar High School just welcomed a whole lot more Chinese students this past month. Starting Jan. 29, four groups of students from China each spent a week attending DBHS to experience the difference between the American education system and their own. The first week of this program had Chinese students coming to DBHS from two different Chinese districts. Then there was the arrival of a third group the week after that, and a fourth batch of kids stopped by just last week. The size of each group ranged from around 20 to 30 students with most of them being sophomores or juniors. “Sometimes with a big group it’s difficult because you are trying to figure out how to incorporate them into the classroom,” AP US History teacher Ty Watkins said. Instructional Dean Gabriel Aguilar is one of the central coordinators in this arrangement, having set up a system where Chinese students from different schools will visit DBHS for one week each while participating in a variety of handson classes such as Graphic Arts, Video Production, Woodshop, Photography, and even History. “Just imagine if you were going to go to another country to visit a different school during your vacation. Would you want to be in a math class or something with similar academic stress? I tried to take a look at it from the perspective of these students,” Aguilar said. During their five-day long attendance at DBHS, the international students were split into smaller groups of around five, and then proceeded to shift from class to class throughout the school day in their groups. “It’s going to a be great opportunity for them to interact with our students, and also a positive thing for American students as well. The teachers have done a great job at welcoming the students here and giving them a good impression of the educational system in the United States,” Aguilar said. The idea of having international students visit originated at Walnut High School, but this year WHS is not participating and Diamond Bar
sports 15
The All Male dance team performs to “The Evolution of Music” by Pentatonix at the Star Wars themed rally on Feb. 12.
DB and Walnut compete to collect blood donations The schools are trying to see which can collect the most blood during the month of February. ingrid chan staff writer High school blood donations have become common all throughout the United States, and now, Diamond Bar and Walnut High School have decided to step up their game with a life saving competition aptly titled “Out for Blood”. The two schools will be competing to see which one can donate the most blood with WHS’ drive on Feb. 24 and DBHS’ taking place on Feb. 25. Thomas Malo, an account man-
ager and representative for American Red Cross, is working alongside the schools to organize the event. While discussing plans for this year’s drive with DB Red Cross advisor Daniel Roubian, the two decided to reignite school spirit by proposing the idea of a contest between the two Walnut Valley schools. A competition like Out for Blood has never occurred before, and both the club members and Thomas are eager to carry it out. “Everyone’s very excited about it and it seems like an idea that could work. We hope to turn it into an annual event,” Roubian said. Red Cross club members will arrive at 5:30 AM the day of the blood drive to open the gym and plan out the day. At around 6 AM, Red Cross employees will come with nurses, examiners, and supervisors to set
In its second year back on the Diamond Bar High School schedule, the Sadie Hawkins dance will once again break traditional gender roles by relieving the pressure on boys to ask girls to dances and give females a chance to experience it for themselves. Junior USB spirit directors Ari Muramoto and Mason Soldridge selected for this year’s theme, “DB Zoo Lights,” based on the currently popular date spot, the L.A. Zoo Lights. The dance will be held on March 11.
up the necessary equipment. By 7 AM, they will be ready to take student donations. “We have a history of both campuses [DBHS and WHS] being the best in So Cal, and with this competition, knowing what our past successes has been, I feel our rivalry is one of kind. It won’t just inspire those to save lives, but it will also give the students on both campuses more of a reason to be proud of their school,” Malo said. There are a set of requirements students must meet before even being considered as a possible donor, a few of them being written parent consent, a form, and sixteen years of age. At the blood drive, students’ weight, height, and drug history will also be examined before any blood is taken.
“We thought it’d be fun to incorporate something trending right now. You can dress up as matching couple clothes, which is what usually kind of what Sadies is, or you can dress up with a cute animal theme with your date,” Muramoto said. The USB members plan on filling the gym with twinkling lights to mimic the zoo’s whimsical atmosphere as closely as possible, and hope to have many activities available throughout the night, such as carnival game booths, face paint-
BLOOD on p.2
sadies on p.3
“We’re going to try to make sure that there’s something for everybody,” ARI MURAMOTO
Sending a silent message for peace MSA members dedicate a day of silence for Syrians by taping their mouths closed. catherine zhang asst. feature editor Attempting to push past misconceptions against Muslims in light of the controversies surrounding the terrorist group ISIS, Diamond Bar High School’s Muslim Student Association held a day of silence for Syria on Feb. 12. Students who chose to participate covered their mouth with duct tape or simply stayed quiet for varying durations—all day or during certain periods. The act wasn’t
Noor Naji, president of MSA, opens the club’s “Silence For Syria” campaign follow-up with an activity urging students to sympathize with Syrian refugees.
a political statement, as the event was for humanitarian reasons. “The media really just distorts the image of Muslims, so we just hope that people can see that we’re also human. We could adjust in environments and we’re also a part of society,” said Batol Naji, MSA secretary. “We all want to help, we don’t want to look at the differences because we all have differences, but America is diverse and we want to contribute to the society.” In MSA, there are a few students with relatives currently residing in Syria, or who have even grown up in Syria themselves. The event was initially meant to give the members a voice to clarify misconceptions about Syria and Syrians.
MSA on p.3