a&e 10
Hotel Manager
sports 16
Alumni Spotlight feature 7
Did it cross the line?
editorial 5
DB baseball makes comeback against Los Altos 6-5
The Bull’s Eye WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014
Volume XXXII, Issue VIII | ONLINE at dbbullseye.com | Published Monthly
Teachers recall first activities director at DB One of the original Brahmas, Dale Favier passed away this past month. BY KATLYN LEE NEWS EDITOR
The 5.1 earthquake, which struck on March 28, caused much damage to the school campus, which was closed during the entire week of spring break. BY YUSHENG XIA ASST. EDITORIAL EDITOR
Diamond Bar High School has been shaken into some major upgrades after a magnitude 5.1 earthquake struck campus on March 28. The school was closed to all students and staff two days later and reopened after spring break. During that week, construction workers busily made repairs. “There were many contractors on site of the week of spring break. [We had] plumbers, painters, roofers, engineers, ceiling repair, and to top it off we had scheduled to have the upper and lower parking lots repaired. We had activity going on everywhere,” DBHS Operations Manager Doug Mefford said. In the aftermath of the earthquake, the total damage costs were estimated to be around $400,000. Major changes at school included a new artificial grass turf in the amphitheater, a repaved parking lot in front of the school gym, and a replaced ceiling for the school library. Ceiling damages had occurred in building 500 and the school library as the tiles fell from the top after the earthquake. Replacing the fallen tiles would have been nearly impossible, as the tiles have not been made for over 15 years. As a result, the entire library ceiling was taken down and the old tiles were used to repair roof damages in other buildings. “The LINC sustained drop ceiling damage, [and] it was determined that it would be more cost effective to replace the LINC ceil-
It was the very first day of Diamond Bar High School in 1982, and new students, mostly from Walnut High School, hustled around the brand new campus. A hot air balloon hovered nearby as reporters and bystanders swarmed around to cover and witness the momentous day. Not only was this the birth of DBHS, but it was also the first day on the job for Dale Favier, the school’s original Activities Director, the man who planned it all. And there was no other who could have been more perfect for the job. Favier, who passed away on April 8, left an unforgettable legacy at DBHS. He was 79. “Mr. Favier was one of the original Brahmas. He was passionate about Diamond Bar High School: the activities; the purple, gold, and white; the student store; USB; anything and everything that had to do with this school,” teacher Howard Alcoseer, who worked with Favier, shared. He gave 100 percent to everything that he did and would not accept anything less from you. His fingerprints can be found all over this campus: the student store, the activities office, the outrageous rallies, homecoming, prom, lunchtime activities, the AP/IB break-
Photo courtesy of DBHS Yearbook
MAKING HIS MARK - Also the first adviser of the school’s yearbook, Favier helps the new staff with layouts. fasts and lunches, and bingo. These things were admired by schools all over California who would come to observe what Mr. Favier created at DBHS.” After opening up the school with Principal Walt Holmes thirty-two years ago, Favier soon became the first to inspire change and bring improvements across campus: he founded the United Student Body, became the first yearbook advisor, and established the student store, nicknaming it “Fave’s Place.” “He had the vision for the big
See FAVIER| pg 2
AP Literature standards change Photo courtesy of DBHS
A SHAKED UP SCENE - A construction worker repairs the roof damages on campus caused by the moderately severe earthquake. ing with a modern ceiling tile. We would collect the old ceiling tiles and use them to repair [building 500],” Mefford said. In addition to the ceiling damages, there was a water leak in one of the pipes near the school’s art rooms that caused impairments in other buildings: floors were separated from the concrete foundation and walls were soaked. In order to replace the damaged structures, the flooded rooms were emptied out and relocated during the repair process. Although many adjustments were needed across campus, the school’s new math buildings and pool, fortunately, only experienced minor damages. “Picture, plaque, and moving books were the only damage to the
math buildings. Our new pool also rode the quake well with no damage,” Mefford said. Student safety also became a major area of concern following the tremor. Many classroom objects had fallen off the ceilings and walls during the earthquake, highlighting the danger of a similar shake if occurred during active school hours. In response, the school took many precautions that involve stabilizing classroom items and plans on hosting additional drills to make sure students know the correct way to respond to earthquakes. “[The school has] ensured that all book shelves are attached to the walls, and hanging items are properly mounted to the walls,” Mefford said.
AP Rhet students now can earn a “C” to qualify for the senior class. BY HANNA KANG ASST. EDITORIAL EDITOR
In another attempt to change the Advanced Placement program, one of the many prides of the school, Diamond Bar High School lowered the prerequisite students need to secure a seat in the AP Literature course. “The prerequisite to get into AP Lit was lowered to open access to AP classes,” Julian Rodriguez, the Dean of English Language Arts, stated. However, the changed prerequisites are not set in stone because the deans will evaluate how the changes impact students’ sched-
ules and the number of students taking the course. The prerequisites are open for modifications to cater to the needs of the students. The class of 2015 will be the first to witness the effects the newly changed prerequisite, and seniors of next year’s graduating class have mixed feelings. “I think that this change is really great because it gives people more of a chance to get into AP Lit even if they messed up this year and did badly in AP Rhet,” junior Andru Liu stated. Some juniors, like Sharon Sengphanith, think otherwise. “People who get C’s in AP Rhet will have a really hard time in AP Lit.” But regardless of the standard change, DBHS English teacher Joe Moran says that nothing will change in how he runs his class. “I think it’s a movement on part