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OCTOBER 8, 2014 Volume XXXIIi, Issue II ONLINE at dbbullseye.com
Dance teacher to lead USB
Janna Van Horn, the former dance coach, has recently been promoted to the Activities Director. frances wu asst. news editor
Photo courtesy of ANDY SHIN
Andy Shin grins with triumph after receiving his award at the Los Angeles County Fair on Sept. 11.
Volunteer service award for local hero Andy Shin was awarded the title of “Community Hero” after completing over 150 hours of work. frances wu asst. news editor At the Los Angeles County Fair, extraordinary things happen—children win stuffed animals at game booths, the band Earth, Wind, and Fire performs, and outstanding citizens are recognized. This year, Andy Shin, a junior at Diamond Bar High School, was awarded with the title of “Diamond Bar Youth Community Hero.” Jack Tanaka, a council member of Diamond Bar as well as one of the advisors for Leo Club, nominated Shin for the award because he served over 150 hours of volunteer service in a single school year for Leo Club. “Serving the community while having fun, it’s a part of my life already. The advisors, the Tanakas, are like my second parents. They really care about me, and all of the board members. It’s like my second family,” Shin said. Shin stated that he volunteered because it was a passion of his. For him, volunteering is a way to not only socialize with his fellow Leo Club members but also help out the Diamond Bar community. Shin was surprised when he was notified about the award because he never expected that his hobby would lead to something as great as this. The community hero award is given every year at LACF to local heroes from 17 cities in the Los
˃˃ COMMUNITY on p.2
Once the mastermind of Diamond Bar High School’s award winning dance department, Janna Van Horn said goodbye to her dancing shoes and hello to student leadership. Van Horn has recently replaced former activities director Chelsea Grunseth, who left the position to serve as the Vice Principal at Townsend Middle School. Before taking her new position, Van Horn, formerly known as Lindenberg, managed the Dance department of DBHS. When Van Horn heard about the open position, she jumped at the opportunity to apply and immediately went through a thorough interview process. “I was excited at the idea of being more involved in supporting all the amazing things that happen here at DBHS,” Van Horn said in an e-mail. Now that she has become the Activities Director, Van Horn will no longer be able to
Janna Van Horn discusses USB business with Sharon Kim, Speaker of the House, during a meeting last week. coach dance and DBHS must find a replacement instructor. “It would be unfair to both programs for me to split my time … Of course, I am still on campus to help with the transition as needed. There is no doubt in my mind that the program will continue to thrive and grow,” Van Horn said. After graduating from DBHS in 1996 and later from Long Beach
Chemistry teacher Jennifer Bravo named as the new ECEA dean. See page 3. State University, Van Horn returned to DBHS to work as a Performing Arts coach and was later hired full-time to oversee
the entire dance department. During her time here, her dance teams have earned Regional, State, and National recognition. The former dance coach also established the school’s All-Male dance crew. She has been so successful that she was named
˃˃ VAN HORN on p.3
Two students selected as delegates for annual U.S. Senate Youth Leadership program Seniors Rochelle Sun and Sabrina Liang will have the chance to go to Washington, D.C in the Spring. calvin ru staff writer For the first time in Diamond Bar history, junior and senior Grade Level Coordinators have offered upperclassmen a chance
to participate in the United States Senate Youth Program. Seniors Rochelle Sun and Sabrina Liang were chosen out of the many participants to move on toward the next phase of the competition and represent Diamond Bar against the rest of California. Junior GLC Marc Natividad was in charge of the process, offering it for those interested in leadership, government, and politics. “This particular opportunity allows students to be involved,” Natividad addressed. “The students must be well-rounded and show
leadership outside of just school clubs.” The program allows two students from each state to participate and earn a chance to win a one week trip regarding political education and experience our nation’s capital in action. The 50 finalists will get to meet senators, cabinet members, officials from various departments, representatives from NASA, and a Supreme Court justice. All of the trip’s expenses are paid by the Hearst Foundation, which has been funding this leadership education program for 53 years.
“This is a great opportunity for students,” senior GLC Sonja Burns said. “Those who are big into leadership and government can visit D.C. There’s also a $5,000 scholarship chance. Who wouldn’t want that?” In order to qualify, competitors must write a minimum of four essays chosen from 11 topics, all of which relate to politics, media, government, and the environment. The contestants will also have to
˃˃ LEADERSHIP on p.3
DBHS’ Age of Aquarius
Students and drama advisor, Beatrice Casagran (far right), dress up as hippies to help promote the upcoming school play. See preview on page 10.