hP ar 38 t
feature 7
the bull’s eye •
It’s finally back—after five long years, USB has finally won its debate against Diamond Bar High School’s administration to bring back what Brahmas have been wondering about for so long: Sadie Hawkins.
sports 13
New clubs, new causes
Four new clubs have been created so far this school year. frances wu asst. news editor
reason we can’t get any more dances is because of our dirty dancing.” While the return of Sadie’s might have been a sudden shock to most students, USB has actually been negotiating with the Administration’s Office for years. “USB has tried to get Sadie’s back for years now. We haven’t had a Sadie’s for at least the last five years. Several [generations of] USB members have been passing down the fight to get it back,” Sun said. Over the past two years, Sun has been personally working
Boasting over 80 different clubs on school campus, Diamond Bar High School is known for its diversity of activities, allowing students to get involved outside of the classroom—and this diversity is evergrowing. So far this school year, students have seen the rise of clubs like Investment Club, Support Education in Ghana Association, Music for Healing, and Pencils of Promise, all of which have recently been approved by USB. Music for Healing, a club formed by seniors Tiffany Lin and Jessica Fan, will utilize the musical talents of students to entertain senior citizens. Lin, one of the co-presidents, aims to create a “chain reaction of kindness” for students to participate in by using their talents to help the community. Lin would like for the members to see the benefits of volunteering at senior centers around the area using their musical skills. (For more on Music for Healing, see Feature story on page 7). Another newly formed club, Investment Club, was started by junior Armaan Kohli in order to educate students on the stock mar-
˃˃ SADIES on p.3
˃˃ CLUBS on p.2
Ladies, get ready for Sadies nadia lee staff writer
Juniors (left to right) Lucas Araya, Danielle Narciso, Nicole Li, Lauren Park, and Rachel Hwang show their costumes for All Hallow’s Eve.
The Sadie Hawkin’s dance will be returning to DBHS for the first time since 2009 on Nov. 25.
November 5, 2014 Volume XXXIIi, Issue III ONLINE at dbbullseye.com
a&e 10
Veteran Teachers
al lel
editorial 4
inside the issue
As some students may already know, the Sadie Hawkins Dance is similar to the other dances that DBHS holds annually like Prom and Homecoming, but with a twist. Instead of the traditional “boy asking the girl” that the students are so familiar with, it is now the girls’ turn to ask. This year, the dance will be taking place in the DBHS gym on Nov. 25 from 7 to 10:30 p.m. The theme for the dance will be based on the well-known 1978 movie, “Grease.” “We thought “Grease” would be really fun and new theme to bring in. The dance is going to be a 50’s theme and we encourage ev-
eryone to dress up like the characters from ‘Grease,’” Sun said. Food, movies, music, and other exciting activities such as a carnival games, game trucks, face painting, temporary tattoos will be provided at the event. Sadie’s was not held after March 2009 because of the school’s concern over dirty dancing. “After having so many off campus dances [Homecoming, Winter Formal and Prom], Sadie’s was just not making enough money, and Sadie’s actually ended up losing money for the school,” USB Commissioner of Spirit Rochelle Sun said via text. “But the number one
Breaking down student stereotypes at DB Forum On Oct. 24, Peer Counseling held DB Forum to raise awareness about bullying. sarah markiewicz staff writer For all the stress over busy schedules and otherwise trite occurrences, there are times when Diamond Bar students feel burdened by their experiences with social dilemmas and bullying. Peer Counseling has addressed this issue in a way that is both entertaining and emotionally provocative through the school’s seventeenth DB Forum. DB Forum is an event held by Peer Counseling twice a year, in October and February. On October 24 from the beginning of the school day to the final bell, students were not only invited to share their personal issues without fear but also to gain feedback in the form of their peers’ experiences and opinions.
Peer Counseling students and teacher Kurt Davies perform a skit by acting out common stereotypes about USB. Students were arranged into groups that they remained with for the entire day, and each group was assigned to a Peer Counseling member who led them in each activity. “Peer Counseling is a chance for
DBHS students to develop skills that help other students through confidential counseling services. It’s sort of like pre-psychology in a way, because we learn a lot of techniques that help us in the future,” Lopez said.
Students at DB Forum discussed social issues and established relationships with new people in a variety of ways. They created original skits about stereotypes that relate specifically to Diamond Bar and brainstormed ways to end these
stereotypes and create solidarity between students. At some points, they were also encouraged to share personal stories about the social issues that they had experienced or witnessed. “I didn’t expect that they [those in her group] would have those kinds of backstories, but I did expect it because there are two sides to everyone,” senior Grace Chang said in reference to the confidential information that she heard during her second DB Forum. The event had the same activities as those from previous years. This was done in order to ensure that this year’s attendees would have the same experience as students who went to previous DB forums. Lopez explained that bringing students in higher level classes into the mix has been a challenge. “We would like to have a good diversity because we believe DB Forum is beneficial to everyone,” Lopez said. Lopez hoped to see the number
˃˃ DB FORUM on p.3