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The Bull’s Eye WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2014
Volume XXXII, Issue V | ONLINE at dbbullseye.com | Published Monthly
Senior holds benefit concert for charity For his 18th birthday, Jesse Chow held a concert at DBHS for charity: water. BY VRINDA CHAUHAN STAFF WRITER
While many teenagers busily await their birthday to be showered with gifts and attention, Diamond Bar High School senior Jesse Chow has been doing quite the opposite. To celebrate his 18th birthday, Chow and his team of five put together a charity concert held last Friday at the DBHS Theater donating all of the profits to the nonprofit charity: water. “I wanted to raise money to donate, so for my birthday, I asked my friends to donate money to charity instead of buying me gifts,” Chow commented. Chow has been donating money to the group charity: water since his 14th birthday, and has raised a total of $4,000 since. In previous years, Chow used various small scale tactics to raise money for the charity, such as making birthday invites advertising the cause, or shooting videos asking his friends to donate money. For his 18th birthday, however, Chow wanted to “share his passion and give back to the community,” so a benefit concert seemed ideal.
CHARITY DANCE - Prime D, an independent dance group, performed at Chow’s charity concert to a 80’s and hip hop piece. This dance group was one of the many guest performers at the concert. Chow had originally planned to do the event last year, but did not have the resources and the team to help him with it, so this year, he began work on the project in October. He first began by forming a team, consisting of DBHS students Bryanna Lim, James Cruz, April
Hong, Phillip Lee, and Dana Lee to help him plan the event. He then went through a tedious and prolonging process of filling out various legal documents and going through paperwork to obtain permission to the hold the concert at the school. In order to hold the
event on campus, Chow needed a provision to support and work the event. After approaching a few organizations, Chow was able to convince Peer Counseling to help organize and run the event. The next step was to gather sponsors and funds to cover the
budget required before the concert. Chow gathered many sponsors through website Indiegogo, which allows people internationally to raise money for businesses, music, art, or in Chow’s case, special events. Many of the sponsors, including Creatividy, HUTCH, and Bait, which are all clothing brands, donated some of their products to raffle off at the concert. With the help of Peer Counseling, the concert raised a grand total of $5,700, much more than the $2,000 goal Chow was aiming for. Some of the performers in the concert included You Tube celebrities Sorah Yang, Olivia Thai, Adanna Duru, and Prime D. The show also featured various DBHS students, such as Jacqueline Aluning, Yasi Hekmat, Tiffany Ding, and many All-male members. Charity: water is a non-profit organization that donates 100 percent of its money to provide water for Third World countries. Chow chose this charity because “it was based on the idea that all of the money raised would be donated to charity.” Charity: water actually send proof, such as GPS coordinates and pictures to verify that all of the money donated is being used for the cause. “I’m really proud of Jesse for putting this whole event together. It turned out to be such a great success. Happy belated birthday, Jesse!” Aaron Lim, an attendee and friend of Chow’s, said.
New period bell alarming to some
DBHS student recounts experience in foster care
Students have mixed responses to the new bells, which were implemented last week.
Despite her circumstances, senior Janelle Sampana keeps her head up at school.
The sound of the bell marking the end of class is one of the happiest sounds a student hears during the day. However, many Diamond Bar High School students were startled to hear a new digital bell when it rang on Jan. 22. The previous bell sounds had been used ever since DBHS opened in 1982. However, the old bell was not very accurate or flexible due to the fact that it was mechanical. When the new $4.5 million math building was constructed, mechanical bells were not installed because administrators planned to set up a new digital bell system for the entire school. Over winter break, this new system was set up and tested. According to Web Administrator and Technology Coordinator Randy Thomas, the difference between a mechanical bell and a digital bell is that “[former] bells are physical bells that are installed behind the clocks in most classrooms and
on the exterior of buildings; [and] the [latter] are electronically generated tones played on the public address speakers.” The digital bell is thus much more accurate and, since it is synchronized through the Internet, will always ring at the correct times. Another major advantage that comes with the new bell is that it can play a wide variety of sounds. On Jan. 6, Principal Catherine Real sent the teachers three different sounds to select from, and the winning bell was a single tone that plays at 350 MHz. Another one of the choices was a chime similar to the type of bell heard on some college campuses. This new digital bell system will enable the school to change the tones to fit certain special occasions. Since the new bell started, however, not everyone on campus is very happy about the change. Even though the staff was given a chance to vote on the new bell, many teachers find the bell extremely bothersome and would much rather prefer one of the other choices. Many students also find the bell to be alarming and too similar to the lockdown bell. “I just don’t like the new bell because I can barely hear it for passing period, and the tone is too low
See BELLS | pg 3
As friends squeal and prattle away about last night’s episode of “Vampire Diaries,” flaunt a new manicure, or grumble about the struggle of balancing multiple AP classes and extracurricular activities, former USB Finance Director, Diamond Bar High School senior Janelle Sampana listens and laughs along with the frivolous conversations. Underneath her gleaming face, however, deeper thoughts stream through her head. Thoughts that only remain thoughts; not spoken out. Deep issues do not belong in school—at least not personal ones. Lips shut tight, mask glued on. Right now, she remains silent. --------------Last June, after coming home late to find a family dispute, Janelle fled from her home and called Child Protection Services, a number she had kept with her at all times since a similar incident that
FRESH START - After a year in foster care, Sampana moved back home. had occurred many months prior. She was soon connected to an emergency social worker who took her to a Command Post, where different social workers meet to find places for runaway kids while the minors of various ages sit around watching movies from a small television. Around 10 p.m., Janelle joined five other girls and three boys in a room, her social worker leaving her half-reassured with the promise to return later with good news. She never did. Janelle woke up next morning around strangers, confused and abandoned. Soon, a different social worker took Janelle to David
and Margaret Youth and Family Services, a group home for foster children. She was assigned to live in the “temporary” home, a onestory cottage with five bedrooms and one kitchen, with nine other girls around her age. “One of the workers there told me to be careful around the girls in the group home; the girls either did drugs, they had their own child, or they were prostitutes. [A staff member] also told me to pretend to be stupid because if the other girls found out that I took AP classes, then they would bully me,” she described. --------------Contrary to most students’ assumption that all DBHS students live comfortable lives, circumstances like Janelle’s are not rare, DBHS psychologist Stacey Woodward shared. According to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, there was an estimated 399,546 children in foster care system in 2012. Whether it is physical or verbal abuse, financial struggles, homelessness, mental disorders, or depression, students struggling outside of school gates happen much more frequently than we believe. --------------As soon as Janelle arrived, the
See FOSTER CARE | pg 3