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JANUARY 28, 2015 Volume XXXIIi, Issue V ONLINE at
A playdate with the Brahmas Advanced Drama put on five different plays for elementary students. nadia lee staff writer
Advanced Drama puts on a series of plays for children from elementary schools around the district over a week’s time.
‘Yes:’ An early acceptance Three seniors were admitted into top schools through early decision. frances wu asst. news editor For most high school students, getting into your dream school is just, well, a dream. However, that dream has become an incredible reality for three students at Diamond Bar High School. Kyu-Seo Ahn and Ruben Reyes Jr. were both accepted to Stanford University, and Angela Huang was accepted to the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School
of Business. Huang was accepted through early decision, while Ahn and Reyes applied through restrictive early action. “[When I found out,] I was still on campus, so first I called my parents and told them. After that, I walked around to thank all my teachers and GLC who had written letters of recommendation for me,” Reyes said. Huang also found out about her acceptance while she was at school, and even burst into a freshman class screaming. However, Ahn had a slightly more muted reaction. “I was incredibly happy and relieved that I got in but one of my best friends who applied to Stanford also got rejected at the same
time. My excitement was a bit muted, to say the least,” Ahn said. Both Stanford and UPenn are world-renowned schools with extremely low acceptance rates. According to the Stanford Daily, of the 42,167 students who applied, only 2,138 students were admitted to the Class of 2018, a mere 5.07 percent. This marks the lowest admission rate in Stanford history and makes the school’s undergraduate program the most selective in the United States. In addition, UPenn, one of eight elite Ivy League schools, had a record-breaking 35,868 applicants this year with only 9.9 percent of
˃˃ COLLEGES on p.3
Donating blood to save lives Students will have the opportunity to donate blood next month. calvin ru staff writer People often associate superheroes with saving lives. However, in real life, anyone donating just one pint of blood can save up to three people. On Feb. 11, Diamond Bar High School’s American Red Cross Club will be organizing a blood drive in the gym to help save the lives of many people. Although seemingly simple, blood drives can help millions of people around the world. On the day of the event, all donors will be excused from certain class periods and go to the gym. Then, the volunteers will sign in with a club officer and proceed to a Red Cross nurse, who draws out the participants’ blood. A parent consent form is required for all students 16 years
or under to participate in the drive due to school policy. Students can contact any Red Cross member and obtain an informational form that lists requirements for participation. These requirements include having a picture ID, being in good health, and making sure one hasn’t recently taken antibiotics prior. The donors will be asked to pass many tests which include having their height and weight measured and receiving a physical in order to find out whether the iron levels in the blood are balanced before they are actually allowed to donate. “It is important donors eat and drink water before they donate,” Kelvin Pang, American Red Cross club president, said. “When you donate blood, you’re losing a decent amount of liquid. You want to stay hydrated and not malnourished.” After the blood is drawn from all participants in the drive, the blood bags are sent to a Red Cross blood component laboratory. There, the blood is spun in centrifuges to separate the main components: red
blood cells, plasm, and platelets. After being separated, each component is sent through a series of tests to determine if there are any infectious diseases within each unit. If so, the unit is discarded and the donor is notified. The units suitable for transfusion are labeled and stored in IV bags and kept at their separate temperatures determined by the contents until they are needed by a patient. While donating blood is definitely helpful to the recipients, studies have shown that blood donations are also beneficial to the donors. Blood donations improve blood flow, resulting in lowered risk of heart attacks, strokes, and various cancers. According to World Health Organization, people who donate blood also tend to live longer lives have improved health. “It is a great opportunity for students to save lives,” Jacqueline Zhang Red Cross club publicist stated via Facebook. “It’s also a fun event for volunteers who work [at] the blood drive and for officers to get to know their members more.”
While the director cues for the lights, the actors ready themselves on the stage as the curtain rises to present Diamond Bar High School’s annual Children’s Theater. From Jan. 13 to 15, children from elementary schools visited DBHS to attend this event presented by Advanced Drama students. Ever since October, Advanced Drama, advised by drama teacher Beatriz Casagran, has been working to make sure everything from costumes to scripts were prepared for this event Unlike previous years, where the play only had one storyline, Advanced Drama decided to separate the event into five short plays which were written and directed by the actors themselves. Throughout the event, the actors made sure that the audience was involved and encouraged viewers to answer questions to receive
prizes. Every play had a message which taught the children important lessons. “It’s a really good experience for children to be a part of because they’re able to learn lessons of life,” said senior Cindy Park. The first play, “Superdoodle,” is about two lonely children who each draw a superhero that comes to life. The four of them must come together to defeat a bully and his drawn-to-life super villain. In the end, the bully joins forces with them to turn his former villainous creation back into a drawing. The following play, “Tina,” revolves around a girl who loves to dance, but is accidently injured from practicing the super scary splits for a recital. Luckily, with the help of her friends, Tina was able to perform a routine that touches the audiences’ hearts. The next play was called “Carl,” which introduced a villain tired of his digital world. Carl decides to enter the human world instead, but fails after trying to adapt by acting like a good citizen. Advanced Drama then presented “Chuckie’s Girl,” which is about a
˃˃ THEATER on p.2
New law restricts school discipline Students can no longer be severely punished because of ‘willful defiance.’ vrinda chauhan asst. a&e editor Talking back to the teacher or refusing to work in class won’t get you in as much trouble anymore in California. Last September, Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill which
was implemented on Jan. 1, limiting the use of suspensions for K-3 students and expulsions for all students and bestowing leniency in terms of punishment among all high school students of California. Brown signed bill AB 420 into law, making California the first kindergarten and third grade over actions that “[disrupt] school activities or otherwise willfully [defy] the valid authority of school staff.” Ex-
˃˃ NEW LAW on p.2
Printing the future
Robotics Business captain Amy Zhu and public relations lead Samuel Chiang helped to apply for a grant, winning the team an Ekocycle Cube 3D printer.