a&e 11
opinion 4
the bull’s eye NEWS
sports 16
feature 8
Low sales cancel Sadie Hawkins Students receive refunds after sales fail to cover costs of the annual gym dance. HANNAH LEE NEWS EDITOR
2016 scores prompt change
School plans to better prepare juniors for earlier SBAC. BRIAN CHANG NEWS EDITOR
As the end of the year looms and students begin preparing for Advanced Placement exams and finals, Diamond Bar High School administrators have been promoting a dif-
ferent test. Due to students having performed worse than expected on the SBAC last year, school officials have put new measures in place to improve student performance. Administered by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, the computer-based assessment is composed of a math and an English section and is aligned with Common Core standards. The test also helps collect data in thirteen states across the U.S. on the effectiveness of teaching
and the ability of students, and curricula at schools have changed in accordance with test results, such as the increased prevalence of nonfiction taught at DBHS. In past years, the test has been administered after spring break; this year it will be administered March 27-28 and April 3-4, before students go on break. “We’ve [made the change] in order to create a gap for students who
Though revived as an annual event just three years ago, the Sadie Hawkins dance has seemingly already lost its novelty at Diamond Bar High School. After months of preparation and weeks of askings, this year’s Sadies has been cancelled. To have gone through with the dance, 200 to 300 tickets needed to be sold to cover event expenses but only about 40 were sold to the dance scheduled for March 17, according to Activities Director Janna Van Horn. The first year of its return, 500 to 600 tickets were sold, but sales began to decline with each following year, bringing in 200 sales last year and 40 this year, according to Van Horn. “One of the major factors that contributed to the conflict was
Students AIME for the top
Team Sprocket rockets to success DBHS FRC Robotics team makes team history at the San Diego regional competition. STUART KUSDONO ASST. OPINION EDITOR In one of its most successful tournaments in recent history, Diamond Bar High School’s 3473: Team Sprocket placed ninth out of 66 competing teams at the FIRST Robotics Regionals competition at San Diego, which took place early March. In addition, Team Sprocket ranked second for Calculated Cumulative Win Margin, fifth for Offensive Power Rating and ninth for Defensive Power Rating—all record ranks in the team’s history. “Being on the drive team as drive coach, the guy making the tactical
decisions, I was able to have a front row seat of my team's accomplishments, feeling all of the hype and emotion as I directed the other drive team members,” senior team captain Casey Chen said via Facebook. Each team had to build a robot that could perform multiple tasks on a field, including putting gears on a peg and climbing a rope. The event was held March 9-11 and was split into a qualification round and elimination round. The qualification round consisted of 88 randomly assigned matches to determine the rankings of each team, the top eight of which moved on to the elimination round. Each of the top eight selected two other teams to join them to form an alliance. Team Sprocket ended up losing in the quarterfinals to the overall winners of the tournament. “Though we had been eliminated
Photo courtesy of ANDREW GAO
From left to right, junior Nathan Tsai and seniors Casey Chen and Brian Song work on their robot at their San Diego Regional Competition.
probably the SAT on Saturday [March 18], and that’s a big impact for the juniors…also maybe students not knowing what a Sadies is, and USB could have promoted and advertised and promoted it more,” Van Horn said. The vendors for the planned dance were able to provide USB with full refunds, leaving no net loss from the abrupt cancellation. Students were also refunded for tickets they had already bought. “I understand that students don’t necessarily see the benefit of spending money to go to dance in the gym, but at the end of the day it does cost extra money to have a DJ and extra lighting and those are all expenses,” Van Horn said. As of now, there are no plans for rescheduling the dance, and whether Diamond Bar High School will continue holding Sadies is still in discussion by USB. Full refunds were given to students in the USB room. “We want to provide activities that our students are excited about and that will create fun experiences, and it’s reflecting on what students want,” Van Horn said.
From left to right, junior Dora Varner and senior Martin Wang participate in the French language performance on campus for Open House on March 16.
Accomplishments of students on display
Students, teachers put on show for parents in classrooms and outside during Open House. PAULINE VILLEGAS A&E EDITOR Last week, the Brahmas opened up their home to the families of past, current and future students to show off their hard work and accomplishments from the school year. The night was filled with performances by foreign language classes, open rehearsals, competitions in STEM classes and concluded with a outdoor production protesting opponents of District of Choice. Diamond Bar High School’s Open House began with a presentation by Principal Reuben Jones in the gym, honoring the Magnificent
Thirteen Brahmas scored high enough on the AMC to move on to the national math exam. CINDY LIU STAFF WRITER
Seven, the parent organizations that advocate for DBHS students and raise money for the school. The Council of African American Parents was honored in particular for celebrating their 25th anniversary at DBHS. Ingrid Johnson, one of the original founders of the CAAP, was gifted with a plaque by Jones to thank her. The night’s entertainment was courtesy of the various performances across campus. In the lower quad, drumline performed with stage design straight from competition season. Dance and drama both joined in on the action by holding open rehearsals for their upcoming events. Dance was practicing for their National Competition and drama was preparing for the opening night of its spring musical “In The Heights,” written by Lin-Manuel Miranda.
Among a quarter million math students across the nation who took the American Mathematics Competition exam, thirteen Diamond Bar High School students scored among the top 10,000 students to move on to the American Invitational Mathematics Exam. This second of a series of exams will ultimately determine six members to represent the U.S. in the International Mathematics Olympiad. Seniors Benjamin Chen, Peyrin Kao, Sabrina Tseng, William He and Weiwen Hong; juniors Qinhong Chen, Rajvir Dua, Felix Su, Eric Peng, Matthew Ho and Darin Chang; and sophomores Daniel Huang and Timothy Yeh qualified for the AIME. High school students compete in either the AMC 10, which is for sophomores and below, or the AMC 12, which is for seniors and below. The AMC is the first test students take to potentially qualify