October 2015

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the bull’s eye NEWS


october 14, 2015 Volume XXXIV, Issue iI ONLINE at dbbullseye.com



District to vote on ballot measure Board members will be discussing a $203 million bond that will go toward renovation if approved.

Photo courtesy of REBECCA KIMN

Band members perform in a Los Angeles County Fair high school marching band competition on Sept. 25, where they eventually placed third out of 39 bands and received a prize of $2,500 to go toward new instruments and equipment.

Band places first in parade The DBHS Thundering Herd claims top titles at recent competitions. hannah lee asst. news editor Diamond Bar High School’s Thundering Herd marched their way to success after placing as one of the top three bands that competed on Sept. 25 at the Los Angeles County Fair, and then claimed the overall first place title at the

Duarte Route 66 Parade just a day later. The four-week competition at the fair required two to three performances a day, measuring each band’s music, marching, and showmanship, and auxiliary’s performance on showmanship. The Thundering Herd placed third overall, and was awarded a prize of $2,500. “I think we preformed very well [at the fair] and have made great progress since band camp, however, there is always room for improvement. We have been practicing harder than ever to continue

our progress and hope to have another undefeated season this year,” band president Veda Patel said via Facebook. Determined to emerge victorious, the team had been preparing for several competitions beginning as early as two weeks before the start of school. In comparison to the previous years, the routine proved to be significantly more difficult, and both the band and color guard rigorously practiced individually as well as collectively to ensure their best

BAND on p.2

engineering, and mathematics.” If 55 percent of voters from within the district boundaries are in favor of the bond on the day of the voting, which will take place November 3, then the district promises to use the tax money to sarah markiewicz upkeep the WVUSD campuses in asst. opinion editor areas such as technology, security systems, earthquake security, and the lighting and air conditioning Parents and others who live in systems of classrooms among oththe Walnut Valley Unified School er updates. District will be voting on a $208 “I know that a lot of things would million bond on the November happen even in December, in the ballot; money that will be used for acquisition of technology,” Paul improvements on the Diamond Bar said. “I believe we would be one of High School campus as well as for the first groups to see construction, those at other schools in the disbut it does take a little bit of time.” trict. Those who According to uphold the “We have world-class DBHS Interim bond say that teachers and we want Principal Denis it will not only Paul, about $40 in improve the to have a world-class million of the campus overall, facility for them...” bond money but also influDENIS R. PAUL would go to the ence the schools high school. to spend more “It doesn’t raise existing taxes time and resources in promoting and it allows for our renewal of the STEM fields through better lab technology,” Paul said. equipment and more training for In July, the district’s Board of teachers. Trustees decided to place the bond, “We have world-class teachers also known as Measure O, on the and we want to have world-class faNovember ballot, and stated that cility for them, and make sure that its purpose to “ensure that stuthey have that ongoing,” Paul said. dents are skilled in the use of modSome of the main tools that teachern technologies and have a solid VOTING on p.3 background in science, technology,

Opening up on his cancer battle DB teacher Calero is back at school after a seven month struggle. brian chang asst. news editor Diamond Bar High School teacher Christian Calero went from facing death to instructing students on the finer points of public speaking—all in the span of seven months. Despite having gone through a rigorous treatment process to kill the cancer cells residing in his neck, the cancer survivor is back to his teaching ways, spending his days in class pushing his students toward success. Calero first noticed a large lump on his neck in June 2014, but neglected to say anything about it to his wife until October, at which point he went to visit a doctor. He was then referred to multiple physicians until he had a biopsy performed in early January 2015, in which doctors took a tissue sample from his neck. A few days later, the bad news was delivered to his family.

He went through a rigorous treatment process as part of a clinical trial, which is a study done to help determine the validity of new treatments. It consisted of one dose of superchemotherapy, double the dosage of a regular treatment, and five days of radiation per week. Due to side effects of the treatment, Calero was intermittently hospitalized and had trouble eating; he eventually lost 40 pounds and needed a stomach tube and IV drips to stay alive. He also lost the ability to speak for five weeks during his treatment and was confined to a wheelchair. “The treatment is a thousand times worse than the cancer… [But] I didn’t think I could look at my daughters or my wife and not complete the entire program, because there is no promise you will be cancer-free when you’re done,” he reflected. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cancer claims almost eight million lives annually worldwide. The disease has a death rate of 32%, according to the U.S. Department of

CALERO on p.3

Sophomore Thomas Lee (left) takes out his frustration in a lunchtime activity held by Peer Counseling.


Peer Counseling beats stress The group hosted a three-day lunchtime event for students to release tension. ryan chae asst. sports editor

Despite the sun blazing down heavily, students and teachers could be seen on the upper quads

holding intense hula hoop contests and emphatically beating punching bags during the Unravel Revolution, held by Peer Counseling from Sept. 29 to Oct. 1. The group hosted lunchtime activities to raise awareness about stress-related mental illnesses. The event was filled with activities to educate students on stress reduction techniques and also allowed both students and counselors to address other critical issues on campus. Peer Counseling advisor Sandy Davis and several Peer

Counseling students ran the activities, ranging from building stress balls to throwing bean bags at books, during lunch in an effort to lessen the stress levels of students. “Overall, our point that [peer counseling] is trying to get across is that everyone at school have issues every day, or things that they’ve dealt with, and we’re just trying to show that everyone should be kind to each other because we don’t know what they’re going through,”

STRESS on p.2

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