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1.2 Project Goals

This plan and its goals stem from MCTDA leadership that understands the value of strategic planning and a unified vision. Each year the MCTDA releases its limited capital funding into the community, every dollar and project must contribute to a larger vision. The MCTDA and its partners recognize that the county must expand its tourism assets, particularly as they relate to outdoor recreation and downtown revitalization, to sustain and grow the tourism industry in McDowell County. From the onset, the MCTDA established six (6) primary goals including:

1) Identify and Evaluate Assets 2) Engage Partners 3) Analyze and Fill Gaps 4) Value Unity 5) Offer Visual Recommendations 6) Provide Strategies ASSETS.

Destination McDowell identifies the County’s existing tourism assets and evaluates their current condition and ability to provide a quality visitor experience.


Destination McDowell engages government and community leaders to help identify public capital infrastructure needs and projects that will further enhance the visitor experience. The plan is anchored by a spirit of cooperation among leaders, business owners, and citizens from all parts of the County.


Destination McDowell analyzes asset gaps and proposes new and compelling tourism infrastructure projects to fill these gaps and help further the County’s visitor brand position.


Destination McDowell values projects that result in diverse public benefits and ultimately help improve the overall quality of life in the County by encouraging healthy and active lifestyles. The projects in the plan support a variety of community goals including: inspiring entrepreneurism; recruiting industry; investing in small businesses; attracting and retaining skilled workers and young adults; and improving and protecting environmental quality.


Destination McDowell offers recommendations through compelling illustrations, renderings, site plans, schematics, and other informative graphics. This results in a final plan that is visual and more effectively demonstrates recommendations, generates more community interest, and inspires a unified and coherent vision for future projects.


Destination McDowell provides the MCTDA and its partners with clear-cut strategies and priorities for implementing the 15-year master plan. Strategic focus is required to effectively advance tourism efforts, and having a clear vision in hand, the MCTDA will position itself and its partners to leverage its dollars and secure federal, state, and private grant dollars.

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